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100% Chronicles of Hyperion Black / Chapter 1: CH 1: Lonely Death of Mine
Chronicles of Hyperion Black Chronicles of Hyperion Black original

Chronicles of Hyperion Black

Autor: GreatBrownwolf

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: CH 1: Lonely Death of Mine

It was a nice, sunny day, the clouds were moving quietly as the gentle breeze, and the birds were playing around and chirping happily until a loud screeching that can be related to a goblin, I hope it is true. 

"YOU DISGUST ME!!" An ugly-faced bully that needs no description named Brandon Ardall screams in my face harshly as his ugly jock minions kick and punch me, "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!!" He screams again. Yay, more punches to my face and kicking my stomach.


 How did this happen? Do you wonder? 


Well, let me tell you why. All I did was accidentally bump into him as he came out of a classroom doorway, he just flipped out on me for no reason. I have no, no, absolute idea why he doing this to me, all I remember is that it started in the sixth-grade year of middle school, there was Brandon Ardall all alone in the recess where everyone was playing in their groups.

He was a shy boy but sweet, with short brown hair that was so soft, and normally wore a striped shirt and short pants with old sneakers. I came up to him, to play with cards and he agreed to play.

Then the rest is history, we were best friends.

He was the first friend, ever since in my entire life from a toxic family. But one day, he just distanced himself from me and stopped being my friend all so quickly. Due to my shock, I watched him become my worst bully ever. So, here I am, landed on my ass and here I lay, being beaten by his all mighty majesty and his dumb slaves.

I try to cover my face, but it's futile. I knew that they were stronger than me, always have been, and always will be nothing useful to me. Because I'm a simple eighteen-year-old girl with a scrawny body, no friends, siblings who hated me for no reason, and parents who resent me, neglected and abused me.

Hi, everyone who bothers to read this. My name is Roin Banner, I'm just an eighteen-year-old high schooler who is struggling to survive. I'm the eldest of my toxic siblings, which became unbearable as I grew older. I've been trying to live well but it's hard since the world is out to get me or something.

Sadly this is my life, I wasn't doing anything wrong but landed myself at the wrong time but it seems Lady Luck is too busy to make time for me, to get beaten up by Brandon Ardall, The bitch of all bitches, the asshole king to pile of shits, the person I wish to kill. I hope he gets bad karma and can land himself in prison for life.

I was in a bad spot for a minute.

The bells ring loudly and the beating finally stops. Brandon stands over me and spits in my bloodied face, "You touch me again freak, and I'll have you beaten." He sneered as he walked off laughing along with his friends. God, I wish I could just kill him now.

As I stand up slowly like an old grandma, each movement causes painful cries from my lips. I look around me and all I see is pity and disgust from everyone's stares. I hated being seen as pitiful and useless, so I said loudly in a very irritating way, "Nothing to see here! Move on now."

Everyone that was watching me, jumped a little and skirted away quickly from me now. Finally, alone in the bare hallway, I sighed as I bent down slowly in pain and picked up my old bag before limping my way to the death's door aka the nurse's office.

I knock on the door softly and it opens to the only person in this school that gives a shit about me.

"Oh my god, Rion! What the hell happened to you? Don't tell me, Shithead Ardall again?!" Nurse Jessie bombs me with questions as she gently guides me to one of the beds, the famous bed that has my name engraved in black cursive lettering. I have been coming to the nurse's office all the time so Nurse Jessie got tired of it, so she actually put my name sign on one of the beds, just for me.


 I'm practically famous now, take that Deadpool! 


Anywho, about Nurse Jessie, how to say it? 

She's probably old enough to be my mother, with pretty blond hair, green sharp eyes that can end you with a look, and of course, sadly this beauty is married. But she sure is badass for a simple nurse, sure don't let the boring professional woman clothes fool you.

She is no damsel in distress.

She can punch you with her fist which her husband proudly taught her, I have seen it happen when a dumb slimy student was doing drugs in school, which made him so loopy and was not being nice. He was touching Nurse Jessie in a rude way that a woman wouldn't like and being the badass she is, she literally swung her fist at his face.

Knocking him out in one strike in his bed, she turned around to me, posed for me, and said, "Don't do drugs, darling." In a very sweet way that can sound very dangerous.

That is Nurse Jessie. Looks like a beautiful bunny but can change into a dangerous honey badger in seconds. Beware of her.

Beware of her, I say.

"Oh Yeah, it's Ardall again. You know, how it is, wrong place, wrong time. The usual." I chuckled dryly, only to stop short from painful ribs jabbing me. Groaning, softly as I limped slowly, my body felt like dead. I'm surprised that I'm not dead yet. It is pretty sad, to be used to it.


 Pain, my old friend.


"I know I shouldn't speak ill of any students but I really do fucking hate him." Nurse Jessie growls, she lays me gently down on the bed and walks off to the medic cabinet, starting to bring out the gauze and rubbing alcohol which I think was, ready to clean me. "I'm okay Jessie. Not like it hasn't happened before. It always does. And it not like anyone cares." I say solemnly. Knowing me, this is my life now.

I wake up, cook breakfast for the coldhearted family, then go to school, get beaten up by Brandon Ardall, go to the nurse's office to get fixed up, and leave the school because the school never cared, I always help old people walk the crossing road sometimes, visit the orphanage to teach the children new things, then buy new food for the toxic family, get beat up by my siblings then cook food for the family, now beating up by parents and now go to bed then repeat all over again.

That is life.

How am I not even insane yet like Joker, I wonder. I even surprised myself that I can even endure it so well while I'm so scrawny that makes the starving children look like they are stronger than me.

As I zone out, Nurse Jessie comes back with latex gloves on and a tray of gauze, now I recognize rubbing alcohol clearly, scissors, and dissolvable threads. She sits on a stool next to the bed and pulls the tray towards her. "I know, but still. How is he getting away with this, there are a lot of witnesses around, he should be expelled and taken to jail, if he is that cruel?" She ranted out angrily like a grown adult in a child tantrum as she continued, "I know for a fact that his parents are so kind and gentle to all, Brandon is nothing like them. Even his older brothers, James and Sam are not like him, they are great boys. How is Brandon like that?!" She wondered herself, trying to figure out how a sweet family ever raised a demonic evil satanic child called Brandon Ardall.

Anyway, she helps me sit up a little so I can take off my shirt, the new and old scars. That can make a war soldier look like a vain person. We have been through this routine so many times that is starting to get old. Man, I should give her some chocolates because we spend so much time together. Or flowers? Maybe?

"I'm fine and the reason that Brandon's family is different from him is that I heard that he's been adopted by the Ardalls. And that he somehow blackmailed the principal, a few of the teachers, and some of the students. So that's why he didn't get expelled or taken to jail." I logically answered, shrugging my bruised shoulders in a no-nonsense way.

I found out by hacking into the school and the police records, by the way, their security sucks so bad that a president should not allow their children to be in.

"Oh." Nurse Jessie softly gasped at the revelation but just professionally kept on cleaning the blood off me. 

"But God, I wish he would just drop down to die but I know that I'm not that lucky," I giggle in funny thought, "or maybe it'll be funny if your bear husband and his friends can maul him down?"

This gets Nurse Jessie to laugh as she slowly helps me to lay back down, patting my head like it would calm the rabid dog. "Poor David and the boys, they don't deserve to taste the ugly meat," Nurse Jessie jokingly said, with disgust shown on her face by the thought of her bear husband eating the demon Brandon Ardall.

Then she was slowing down to clean the blood off my skin, surrounding the wounds that had broken the skin. Wow, I do have a lot of blood spilled on me. "sure, my darling husband may be a grizzly bear but sadly he and his friends are humans and big softy teddy bears which the small children love." She laughs, at the thought of her softy teddy bear of her husband mauling up the demonic child.

Nurse Jessie's David is a furry giant and tall fit man with a beard that everyone thought might be related to a grizzly bear and his friends are making lumberjacks look like a joke.

But the sad part, they are all sweet puppies. I remember one time that David and his couple of scary-looking friends came barging into the nurse's office like manics in excitement, he quickly showed his phone to his wife, Nurse Jessie who sighed mourning like she had been in the funeral and given up on him.

I took a peek at what was on the phone, it was a video of cute puppies playing with toys…puppies! A giant bear-like man and his scary-looking friends were watching a freaking video of puppies playing…

Poor Nurse Jessie had the idea of marrying a serial killer, a bad boy who screams danger but ended up marrying a teddy bear.

"I hope David can finally convince you to adopt a puppy, he deserves it," I say. At least that puppy can have much love from people who really love them. Nurse Jessie stops preparing her tray and looks at me, noticing my wording by the minute.

"So do you, Rion." She sighed, knowing that I wanted someone to love me at least or care about me.

"Jessie. We've talked about this. No one would love me, they would reject me first before I say a word. I have no friends, no family to support me, I'm stupid too smart to outrank the genius category, and I'm weak, nerdy, and scrawny with bare breasts left on me!

Even the whole school hates me not to mention, my extra bits. What part of me would any girl want?" I sigh back, the doubt, and self-hatred creeping on me. 

Indeed, I'm really a genius, like a Tony Stark nerd but I'm more like Princess Shuri level but higher than that. That I should be in an advanced college that is rich in technology instead of being in a lame-ass high school with nothing. I did that purposely, I knew the toxic family would try to steal my ideas or earn credit for themselves.

So I didn't go there, but the itch to create something was so bad that one time I had purposely built in a secret behind the orphanage's land to hide from the world preying on me.

I have created a lot of projects but my favorite one is a few small state-of-art, metallic robot realistic bunnies with liquid solar panels on them to preserve the electricity for the orphanage to lessen the electricity bills and they can charge themselves, hence to solar panels.

I did that when I learned that their money budget was dangerously low so I had to invent one to make their lives easier. Seeing the children smile brightly when they finally get the full meal food, brightens my day. Oh, even Nurse Jessie has one too, because I trust her, I only trust the people to whom I give my inventions and would not use them for selfish reasons.

Nurse Jessie snaps my monologue daydream out of it, "Your heart, Rion. A big heart that bleeds gold so strong that no one else can compare. You are also a hero to old elders for crossing the roads safely and helping the orphanage make the children's lives brighter, take the solar bunnies for example," She looked at me with her eyebrow rising knowing that I'd always like to help people for good purpose and smiled softly.

"Also, you're beautiful when you're not covered in bruises." She assures me what a comforting mother would be like if I had one.

"Yeah...My looks," I growl, hatefully, "Another reason why I'm a freak."

When I describe my looks, my hair is jet-blackish with mixed dark brown streaks in messy hair with a half-down half-up in bun hairstyle, my eyes are really bright colored mismatched icy greenish-blue, my skin is lightish normal skin color but with a bit of tan and not to mention scars too. Oh, of course, I almost forgot my little friend down there…

For me, it looks normal because I was born that way but to other people, it is not normal to look like that. Another reason that my toxic family hated me.

"Hey girly," Nurse Jessie takes my hand gently, "you! Are not a freak. You are beautiful and someone will love you. This year will be different, I promise." 

"Well, it started out great so far." I sarcastically whisper, like gloomy emo.

 Welp, now that I really wished that I had more time with her, and should pay attention to that line because it did change my life.

"This is only day one. Just be patient," She gives my hand a light squeeze and smiles at me, "I promise it'll be better." I sigh and nod. No point in arguing with the she-devil, so she grabbed a cleaning cloth and poured the rubbing alcohol into it.

"Now..." She grins, evilly like Satan she is, "Let's start on your beautiful face."

Oh shit, that she-devil.

After she-Satan was done with her torturous treatment on me with pink gauze shaped a heart sticker on my back which she devilishly thought that she could secretly hide from me, but I knew she did that all the time so I just let her do it. She let me go after a hug, "Remember what I said, Rion!" She yells out as I walk out of the room before I smile mischievously in thought that would piss her off, "No probs, Dr.Frankenstein!" I yell back.

"Why you little sh—" Nurse Jessie yelled cut off as I shut the door on her and quickly walked away like an innocent bystander. I knew that she hated me calling her that so of course I do, every chance I get.

Because so fun to mess with her. Thankfully, the halls are empty and I take the long way to my locker to the where is the closest way out of the school entrance, without bumping into anyone.

I slowly start walking towards my locker so I can get my things to take home. Once there, I can see multiple spray paint written in big thick multi-colored letters across it reads, 


And there are more words written on but they have overlapped others that make it hard to read more now. I look around in the bare hallway, for the culprit but to no avail. There is no evidence if there's anybody came to visit my locker to deface it. I sigh to nothingness.

Giving up as usual.

After getting my stuff out, heading out to the entrance of the school and I could already tell the staff didn't care if I left, the one in for resider desk, a middle-aged man with greasy hair, was reading some sports magazines. The other one next to him, a blond bimbo woman in diva clothing was angrily texting as if her lover had cheated on her or something.

So, they just ignored me like I don't exist. Typical useless staff. As I was finally outside, I breathed in the fresh air to be finally relaxed as I walked aimlessly on the sidewalk. My body still hurts, it does but at least I'm safe. Listening to the birds chirp softly, the wind gust quietly, and the dogs bark in the distance. So blissful, like a beautiful song of nature sings.

While walking, I tried my best to ignore the cold. It started snowing just a week ago, not that I was complaining but still found the low temperature to be a bit irritating if I'm injured.

I stopped for a moment to look at my left and my right, making sure that no car would pop up out of nowhere while I crossed the street.

A long, desperate sigh of relief and of groan came out of my mouth, my body felt sore but my head felt heavy and groggy. Seriously though, I need to be careful next time. I swear, one of these days it's gonna screw me over, like now for instance. Still, being a few minutes late doesn't mean it's the end of the world.

Man, why did Brandon have to take the beating so hard?

While walking, I tried my best to ignore sores but at least the cold is helping numb down. It started snowing just a week ago, not that I was complaining, I really love snow. I stopped for a moment to look at my left and my right again, making sure that no car would pop up out of nowhere while I crossed the street, nor any elderly around to help cross the road. I assume that the elderly wouldn't like to be outside in winter because of the old joints that they have.

I blame all media types that relate to reincarnated or isekai stuff. Since they are awesome entertainment they kept me aware of the vehicles and accidental deaths involved in that. 

I noticed it was still light outside but a light shone on my bruised face with soft warmth, the snow sparkled softly. I slowly walked faster, ignoring the protest from my head, and stretched the sore muscles. God knows how long I've been walking, leaving my footprints in the snow behind me.

Steadying myself not to hurt any worse, I made my way to the orphanage, which was far from the town. Long know fact, the orphanage that I'm heading to, was named after Charles Hammrold, who founded the building after the WW II era and it is one of the fewest Orphanages to exist because of the strict rules that he has created.

The Charles Orphanage kinda reminds me of the Silverlands orphanage building, the inside was all beautiful with light wood panels, and feels cozy that the children were happy. Also, this is one of the very good orphanages thanks to the founder, Charles Hammrold, and not like the bad ones that are willing to let the sketchy foster families adapt into hell. 

Ignoring that the world really sucks and Lady Luck would not favor the lazy ones, I lagged myself to move faster and tried to ignore my injuries further. I don't know how long I've been walking on the road because there are no longer street sidewalks there anymore but dirt roads now.

I smiled soberly until I saw a playground for the children in view, happily playing in the snow. There were three pairs of them, just chatting without a care in the world. My eyes jumped back to the children, unable to stop the smile forming on my face. I remember way back when I was their age, winter was always the best time of the year, for obvious reasons.

Hours and hours of just wandering in the snow, building a fort, having snowball fights and so much more like the children on the swinging the swings, little boys have a rivalry with monkey bars, and wooden horses for the small kids to ride on.

Is it weird that I want to just throw myself into the snow? Just once? Eh, why the heck not, can't remember the last time I did anything when it was snowing. Stupid toxic family and Brandon Ardall!

And I see the elderly nun with a kind expression, brown hair but I can tell she has some grey showing her hair hidden with the weird nun hat thing, also she has a cane to walk herself around from an old injury.

I see that she was watching the children playing, with a soft expression in her grey eyes."Oh my!" The nun exclaimed when she saw me. She lightly waved as she walked towards me. I smiled softly as controlled myself to not drop down to the ground, then other kids saw me too and sprinted to hug me.

Ever since I visited the orphanage at a young age, I ran away all the time to get away from bad stuff or people. That's where I found my safe place, in exchange, I taught them things that I learned in school or from the books to help them learn how to make a volcano erupt or how to tell the different types of trees or something like that.

Even I play with it too.

 I miss them although...


I let the kids hug me as I hugged them back gently, not minding the pain in my body screaming. "Hey, you little rascals," I said, making the children scream excitement and happiness, They didn't care to ask about my bruises or my past because they know it is a sore subject, so all they care about is that I'm here and alive. 

The tallest boy out of the children who hugged me the most was Jamie. There's Carol who is like a bundle of a wild puppy and doesn't care that she is small. The scrawny quiet boy, Ethan watched me as the children hugged me with excitement glint in his eyes. So are Gabby, Dani, and Samual, the three mini brunette musketeers who always get in trouble which makes me laugh.

Then I pat the smallest girl in front of me, Ally.

She was one of the younger children in the orphanage, she seemed really smart. I mean, really smart like she learns fast like writing letters or speaking the language then moves on.

I knew right away that she a born genius like me, so I pleaded to the Nun to keep her genius's mind a well-kept secret because the nun and I knew that the people could be shameless and willing to use her for money themselves.

Like my toxic family for example.

"Hey, little ones." I gently said to the children. 

The same smallest genius Ally, really was cute with her missing tooth but she has a fun personality. She looked at me like a puppy waiting for her turn, I sighed as I knew what gonna happen next.

"Yes, Ally?" I asked her while the Nun just looked at me in silence smiling, in amusement. I really love these children…maybe it is that I learned to love children because I took care of my younger siblings whom I raised in the past before they became hateful like my toxic parents.

"Well, can we play soccer?" Ally responded cutely as she looked excited at me. All the children too hoped that I would say yes to Ally's request.

I smiled reassuringly and replied. "All right, let's go play soccer."

I held her hand as we walked small shed that stored sports toys and stuff with the other kids in tow. I looked down at Ally who was holding onto my hand, she seemed to be special for some reason and it made me want to take care of her. It is like I love her so much more than my own siblings whom I raised before the toxic parents ruined them.

I shook my head to ward off the negative thoughts, making sure that I wore my gloves too whenever I was holding Ally's hand or other children's to keep their hands warm.

As we found the soccer ball, the children suggested which kind of game to play. Some wanted to play the "Ouch" game, and the girls wanted to play the "Simon Says" but the boys hated that game so they wanted to play the game "Pass the ball".

The children were arguing with each other like they were in some sort of business meeting. Which made me laugh. This made the children look at me with puzzled faces and I suggested that we play a game that two separate teams with opposite goalkeepers to guard the invisible goalie. 

The children agreed to my suggestion. Fifteen points for me and forty-five points for the children…Hey! At least, I'm catching up.

So as for fifteen kids including me on Ally's team, 

There is Ethan as the goalkeeper, 

Ally, Carol, Ethan, Samual, Iris, Frank, Hammond, Jake, Grace, Ryan, Jessica, Kylie, Cassie, and me as runners slash ball kickers.

Other fifteen kids including Jamie on Jamie's team, there is Jamie as the goalkeeper,

Gabby, Dani, David, Payton, Raymond, May, Hannah, Clarke, Lance, Yari, Oswald, Griffin, Annie, and Bryan as runners slash ball kickers.

The little contest began with Ally sprinting to the ball like a hungry lion, not caring if the snow was in her way, kicking the soccer ball and passing the ball to other kids or me for a bit while.

The total sum for Ally's team scored 8 while the other team scored 8, even the game but one more score will tell which team wins and gets the bragging rights. I stood there waiting for the moment the ball went high up in the air. As it does with all my might, I jump up catching the soccer ball, hitting my chest then as the ball drops down, I start bouncing the ball with my knees.

The opposing team tries to get the ball from me but I can see Ally's confidence glint at me, being the best person I am. I gracefully kicked the ball towards Ally, and she caught the ball and passed the ball to Carol, she wildly kicked the ball hard that went past the poor goalkeeper, Jamie in seconds.

Ally's team won! They cheered so loud and danced around in victory that Jamie's team bellowed loudly with no's. 

I stared at the children silently, watching them laughing and squabbling at each other like bickering siblings. All was well. It made me question it quite a lot when I first came to the orphanage but now that I had become older and wiser, it seemed all the more real, it is because I genuinely love these children more than I love my toxic family.

I didn't want it to end and I wished it would last forever quite a lot but now I feel silly.

But really what I wished so much, was to go anywhere I wanted, do anything, and be anyone without the toxic family preying on me or having someone use me for selfish reasons. 

So I can be free like Ally…

"Okay children, it is getting quite late now! It's time to get inside now!" The nun smirked mischievously at me which I knew and shook my head in a joking way that I knew what she was up to. Which it did, the children would be upset, they whined loudly as puppies and literally latched into me like a couple of leeches that can't be removed. 

I whined the evil Nun chuckled at the sight of me getting buried by snow children.

"Okay little rascals, she's right!" I said to the children, waddling towards the building like a penguin carrying a heavy suitcase with it. The children whined loudly but I knew they were having fun as I dragged them closer to the building, hearing them try not to let their giggles out so loudly. 

As the children finally gave up, letting their Gubbies hands off of me, I sighed in relief that my body was screaming in pain had lessened down. I looked up at the sky since it was getting dark soon. Time to go home and good for the toxic family soon that was the plan...

Then I spotted the Nun trying to herd the children to the lobby which gives them more space than being at the main entrance. I yelled out to her, "Nun Gryss! I got to go now! See you tomorrow!" The Nun looked up from the children who were making chaos. "Oh, dear! But—" Nun Gryss yelled cut off as I closed the door on my out and quickly jogged like a slow runner. Getting late would bring me down, as I slowed myself down to catch my breath in the snowed-out quiet street.

The snow is indeed pretty.

Normally I wouldn't really care since I was busy surviving and playing with the children in the orphanage. But having a peaceful and quiet walk on the road with nothing to bother you is quite blissful. I looked down to see my feet were dragging. Why can't I walk properly in the snow anymore?

"Rion!! Rion! Rion!" Multiple screeching voices called out to me.


 I should've listened…


Was it my imagination? Is someone calling my name?! I continued to ignore it as I casually walked on the road, it's not like there are people anywhere on the road. Snow is falling all around me and despite everything, my eyes widen at the sight. It crunches under my feet as I stagger onward through the harsh cold forest. I wrap my arms further around myself, trying to hear something.

"Rion! STOP! YOU BUTTHEAD!" A loud screeching voice out appeared again. Did it sound like a child, or was it something else? Not really thinking, I just ignored it again. I shouldn't ignore it because I was roughly tacked down into the snow.

"Ow," I say aloud, confirming this to be the right word. A nice, very big tackle, with lots of snow surrounding it to soften the blow. I groaned loudly as I picked my head up to see a cheeky Ally, looking down at me while she used me as a sitting bench for her to sit on. With Carol, Jamie, Ethan, the three musketeers, and others were tailing behind her. Seeing Ally again, her teeth chattering so severely that I noticed that she wasn't wearing her jacket.

I realized too late, thinking fast, and took off my jacket that it had been a stupid decision, I gathered Ally into my arms that it had been a stupid decision, but at least Ally would not be cold at all. I hadn't been thinking straight when it came to children, common sense that I don't sometimes have.

Ally breathed heavily as she snuggled into my jacket, "Hey, Rion." Only realized that fact when I had gone a few hundred feet away from the orphanage and Ally just ruby tackled me over into the snow as the other children followed behind her. I pitched forward, messing with Ally's head.

"Hey! You little rascals." I simply said, with a usual teasing smile on my face. Looking victorious that I had managed to mess up her hair without any of the children joining in. Ally smirked and the children giggled.

"Oh, wipe that grin off your face. Don't you know it isn't nice to tackle a lady?" I remarked, Ally just stared at me with a deadpan look on her face like I'm not that special.

"I don't see any lady anywhere." Ally innocently said as she looked around for one. My eyebrow twitched when she flat-out said it, in right front of me and the entire children who giggled.

I must've made the grouchy grinch face because Ally was trying not to burst out giggling at me. I sighed, pulling off the snow that marked my hole and Ally said as she stared at it, "Oh there is the Grinch hole.."

I glared at her.

Ally and I stared at each other without even closing our eyes while the other children and Ms.Gryss just watched who would win. I think I'm a bit close to losing but Ally twitched and snapped her eyes closed. I smirked in victory and jokingly said, "Oh Ally, you're too young to be beating me."

Ally growled like an angry puppy as the other children silently giggled. I chuckled so did Ms.Gryss too.

"So, anyway, why the reason to rugby tackle me for?" I asked Ally, looking at her embarrassed face at the mention of that. The children were so impressed by her that she could take me down.

Then Ms.Gryss said with authority, "Children enough, and Ally, don't you have something for Roin?"

The children quietened down and Ally walked up to me closer as I crouched down to her height, she seemed nervous for some reason. 

She pulled out a poorly wrapped paper present to me, which might be Ally's work. So, I slowly hand out my hand to pick up the present as I stare at it in confusion. 

Ally and the children have no patience at all because they are young and cold, "Come on, Rion open! Open it!" They chant over and over until I give in to open the mystery present.

I quickly opened it like an excited kid on Christmas day, revealing a new book. Not just any book, a Harry Potter book based on year one but to be exact, it's the same book that I read them a story all the time because I can see the fading doodles on them created by the children. 

Harry Potter was our favorite story.

Looking at the Harry Potter book with such fondness. "Thank you, Ally, I appreciate it," I said smiling, Ally looked at me and gave me the brightest smile, "Just thought that you would love it!" 

Ms.Gryss commented, "Ally had always wanted to give you someone important that you and all the children share." she looked at Ally who looked flustered with a proud look.

I chuckled.

"Well, thank you again," I said. 

Ms.Gryss herded the children back to the Orphanage while Ally went behind them, trying to catch up with them as I walked the opposite way.

I sigh, back to the toxic family.

Then I heard a quiet noise slowly getting louder, I looked around to my left, and I saw the truck rolling straight at us but more exactly targeting Ally, who was a bit behind. And the truck driver clearly drunk and was busy drinking more from a big bottle of alcohol. 

The children and Ms.Gryss definitely heard the noise approaching and noticed the truck quickly, looking back at Ally and I. 

The panic slowly peaks in their expressions. 

I don't like the look...

The look of fear and helplessness.

Letting the Harry Potter book drop to the ground and with all my strength, I dashed forward. The snow on the ground, which was at least a few inches deep, suppressed my feet from gaining a fast start. The children who were completely frozen in fear of the danger that Ally was in, all turned to focus on me after my sudden cry.

The Nun and a few older children shouted Ally's name at the top of their lungs, high enough to break glass even. I broke into a run as fast as possible, the rest of the older children following suit, but the chances of them making it in time were very slim.

While there was some difficulty running in the snow and the state of my injuries, I got to Ally faster than I would have thought. Just as I expected, Ally was frozen with fear and probably didn't even hear her name being called out countless times. I grabbed her by her jacket, pulled her off her feet, and then threw her several feet away.

Since the snow was thick enough and Ally landed on her side, I doubt she would have any injuries.

I didn't even get to finish the sentence in my head when I saw that the drunk driver's truck was approaching at a speed, my mind could barely comprehend. I couldn't help it, I just had to close my eyes and hope this ends quickly.

The truck hit me, I was sure of that. But then…why didn't I feel any pain?

All I could feel was numb...

But suddenly I feel the warm sensation on my forehead dripping down to my left cheek, one word left in my thought...




I wake up to see snow falling on my face, feeling growing weak and I hear a panicked shuffle close by.

I see Ally in my sight, above me like a mother bird. I noticed the genius child was grief-shaken with tears bawling, why would she be...

Oh, wait?

Can't move and blood leaking out of me...

I just realized that I'm so weak quickly and fading.

I'm dying.

For good...

I looked at Ally as the children quickly caught up, crowing around me like a soccer team in tears while Mrs.Gryss was freaking out, I can hear her shouting and trying to call 911 quickly as possible. It's no use, the ambulance would not make it. 

I smiled weakly, seeing Ally crying under the snowfall. I didn't like the sight of her, so I weakly pulled up my hand that had my blood on and tried to wipe the tears off her left side cheek.

Ally grabbed my hand like it was precious to her, it probably was because she was to me.

I weakly said, "Ally..."

Ally looked at me with grief, as she said "Roin, please don't!"

I chuckled in sorrow, knowing that I won't see Ally ever again. Or Nurse Jessie, Bear David, and the people at the Orphanage too. I know that I didn't live a pretty nice life but what I know is that I have made friends with wonderful good people in my life.

I looked at the black sky with snow falling down on me, knowing that I didn't have much time left...

I looked at crying Ally again, still holding onto my hand. I smiled fondly and said, "Ally...There is so much that...I wanted to tell you..." Trying to hold on to life as much as possible.

Ally crept forward closer to me, so she could hear me clearly as I struggled to breathe more. 

"Ally...I love you..." I gasped, my lungs were closing on me as my vision slowly darker and darker.

"I Love you, Roin!" Ally screamed. 

I struggled to hang on to life, hearing children sobbing heavily and Ms.Gryss crying softly but managed to say it that I hadn't told her years ago, " daughter.."

I can see that shocked Ally, seeing her expression and she cried hard. 

Then I looked up to the blackened sky that harmony of the fallen snow, and I slowly lost my vision. I can hear Ally's shrill screams of grief as everything went dark and my last memory was Ally.


 Yeah, Ally is my heart. I will miss her so much, like a mother wolf to a pup...

GreatBrownwolf GreatBrownwolf

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