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100% [BL] Blessing / Chapter 3: Chapter Three

Capítulo 3: Chapter Three

"Kita? Kaito? You live here?" Shinichiro asked in surprise but then he heard Akemi sniffling, making his whole body freeze up, remembering how protective and how they are willing to kill anyone who make fun of the Akemi, let alone make him cry.

As expected, when he looked at the door he was greeted by glares that can kill. He felt regret at denying that Akemi and him are friends.

"Oh sh*t....I'm f*cking dead"

An hour later

Inside the tree house, four people can be seen sitting in the living room, the tension can be cut by a knife however one person, named Akemi, remained oblivious about it. He remained sitting on one of the couches while eating the chocolate given by his older brothers, to stop him from crying further.

Speaking of older brothers, they are currently sitting on both of Akemi's side, while glaring at the bruised boy, named Shinichiro, on the opposite couch in front of them. They're mad at him for making their precious Akemi cry, so even if he is older than them and helped them gain a job, they wouldnt let go of him easily.

While this is happening, Shinichiro only sat there sweating because of the intense stare the twins is giving him. He didn't know that Akemi is their beloved brother. Now that he looked at Akemi more closely, he can see numerous similarities except for the eyes. He wanted to smack himself for not noticing the similarities.

The twins noticed the focused stare the older boy is giving to their younger brother and this made Kita, who's a bit more volatile, angry immediately.

"OI!! Why are you looking at Akemi like that? Look else where or die!!" Kita said as he stood up and grabbed Shinichiro's shirt, tugging him forwards while Shinichiro only raised his hands up in surrender.

"Sorry Kita, Kaito!! I was just thinking about why I didn't notice the similarities between Akemi and both you!! I swear I wasn't thinking anything wrong!!" Shinichiro told the truth as he was looking at Kita.

"Also, aside from your constant staring, why were you with our precious Akemi?" Kaito said as he pulled Kita back onto his seat, but his glare didn't falter. Shinichiro then remembered what he saw back at the warehouse.

"OH. I was just walking back home when I heard multiple thuds from the abandoned warehouse near your working place, and when I went there a body flew out and Akemi came out of the warehous. The body that flew out was unrecognizable. Soon he was dragged back in by Akemi and later Akemi came out covered in splotches of blood with a clean bag on his hand" Shinichiro hurriedly told the twins his encounter with their precious brother in one breath.

The twins halted before staring back at Shinichiro, disbelief in their eyes. This made Shinichiro sweat drop. He knew that if he didn't see Akemi coming out of the warehouse unscathed but covered in blood, he wouldn't believe it too.

"Kaito-nii, Kita-nii, he's telling the truth. I beat up those bad guys because they hurt Kaito-nii and they also stole Kaito-nii's money so I knocked dthem unconscious. Sorry if I went out without telling you" Akemi said as he looked at them with teary eyes, expecting them to be disappointed and angry for going out and hurting someone.

"Really?! I'm so proud of you, Akemi!! Tell me how did you go out and find them??" Kita exclaimed, obviously proud. While Kaito stood there smirking, also proud that his younger brother knocked some people unconscious.

"H-huh?! I thought both of you would be mad since I went out and beat someone up..."Akemi said confused as heck. This also made Shinichiro baffled at the proud faces of the twins in front of him.

"Yeah we're a bit mad since you went out without telling us, making us worry to death. However now that we know that you can handle your chakra, we can train you or enroll you to a dojo or something like tha-" Kita told Akemi excitedly but he was cut off when Kaito smacked the back of his head.

" HEY!! Why did you need to smack my head like that?! What if I got brain damage from how hard you hit me?!" Kita yelled at Kaito, who glared at him.

" Well because an idiot just blurted out something that wasn't supposed to be heard by anyone other than us!!"Kaito said as he smacked Kita's head again. While they started arguing, Akemi giggled at them before looking at the dumbfounded and left out Shinichiro.

Akemi ran to Shinichiro's side and climbed the tall couch, since even at this age he is short. This made Shinichiro notice him and helped him up quickly before letting go just in case the twins see that he touched their precious brother.

"Sorry about my brothers. They always fight like that but I know they love each other. Here lemme heal you!!" Akemi said before holding Shinichiro's face with both of his hands, startling Shinichiro, who wanted to distance himself but worried that it might make the child cry more so settled with sitting down obediently.

After a few seconds, Akemi's hands glow in blue hue, once again startling Shinichiro. However he felt that the aching parts of his face and body, disappeared and he even felt refreshed. His eyes were wide in shock, even after Akemi let go and went somewhere. He only snapped out of it when a hand grasped his shoulder and turned him around. His raven eyes met two pair of similar dark purple eyes.

The twins had stopped fighting after Kaito noticed Akemi gone from his former seat. And when they turned to Shinichiro, they saw him in a shocked state and Akemi had just finished healing him. After they knew that Akemi went somewhere else, Kita grabbed Shinichiro's shoulder while Kaito grabbed the other.

"What was Akemi doing with you and why are you oggling at him?" Kita said with a smile but his eyes told a different story. Shinichiro shivered from their gazes before telling the truth.

"I was surprised okay?! A kid 6 years younger than me, who is almost the same age as my siblings, has something like magic. And beside Akemi looks adorable okay?!" Shinichiro explained as he waited for their punch again but all he receive was nothing.

"Well we'll let you go for now. But the next time we see you oggling at him, make sure to sleep with your eyes open or you might wake up without them" Kaito threatened Shinichiro who gulped seeing how serious he is.

"Well we can agree that Akemi is adorable-OW!!" Kita exclaimed as his head was hit by Kaito who glared at him before muttering 'simp'. This made Kita shot up and point at Kaito, who looked back at him.

"Simp?! Aren't you one too?! Don't just single me out!!" Kita yelled at Kaito who immediately turned around and went toward where Akemi went. Kita sighed as he rubbed the back of his head, relieving a bit of pain, before sitting down beside Shinichiro.

"uh...are you both always like that? The Akemi simp part?" Shinichiro asked so he can break the awkward silence that settled between the two. This made Kita stopped rubbing his head and looked at Shinichiro.

"Yeah. What's the reason not to? Akemi is a literal angel, excluding when he gets furious. He cheers you up better with just a peck on the cheek or even just a hug. He also always take extra time to make sure that we are happy and comfortable and he isn't the type to buy a lot of things even if he wanted to. He always said that it's better to use the money for food or on us. Anyways...he is the perfect sibling we could ever ask for" Kita said in full passion. He's very thankful for having a sibling like Akemi.

"I can already see some of what you said. However my siblings is always a headache!! But I still love them. Oh by the old is Akemi? I can invite him to play with my siblings" Shinichiro offered so the conversation can keep going and if Kita started to get into it, he can ask what has been bugging him.

"Oh you have siblings?! Yeah....maybe....since Akemi hadn't been making friends since he got here. He always stayed at home because we told him to so he can be safe but I know he feel bored and lonely" Kita said before sighing. As Shinichiro was about to answer, Akemi came in with Kaito following behind, looking amused.

"Here's the drinks and snacks!!" Akemi said as he struggle to balance the tray a bit, to avoid spilling the drink. This made all of the older male's heart melt. As Akemi put it on the table, Kita patted and thanked Akemi while Shinichiro did that same.

The night was spend in laughter and fluffy moments between the Uchiha siblings and the oldest sano.

August 1 1998

Starting that night, the oldest sano, Shinichiro, often came to accompany Akemi or take him out to enjoy Japan. Every moment with him made him like him more and the same can be said to Akemi. They often stroll around parks or amusement parks.

Thankfully Shinichiro got money from helping out from his older friend's store. However he was surprised to know that Akemi never tasted anything they have tried, before except for ramen and dango. He was worried so he asked him and Akemi replied.

"Mama and Papa never let us have sweets or anything except for the diet set by them. They said that it will lead to desgh. However Kaito-nii and Kita-nii always sneak a few dangos and ramen for me to eat so I know my parents are lying to me"

This made Shinichiro's heart break so he promised that he'll let him taste everything they can buy for now. And the way Akemi grinned made Shinichiro smile and laugh.

Shinichiro totally didn't forget to introduce him to his siblings. Yeah totally. Instead he remembered to introduce him to his friends!! Wakasa, Takeomi and Benkei. Which was happening today.

"Hey Akemi, do you mind meeting with my friends? It's okay if your not comfortable" Shinichiro said as he looked up slightly because Akemi is sitting on his shoulders. Thankfully Akemi is light or else, Shinichiro knew his body would have collapsed.

"Hm?? Shin-kun's friends? Sure!! If they are your friends then they must be cool and kind too!!" Akemi said with a grin, making Shinichiro smile along with him. He then went to his bicycle and put him in front of him before giving him his helmet for safety precautions.

"What about you? You can't say that you'll be fine since the last time you bump your head, you bled already" Akemi stated as he stared at Shinichiro straight to his eyes, making him shiver remembering his brother's eyes.

"T-that's just one time, Akemi. I promise I'll be careful this time!!" Shinichiro reassured him but Akemi only believed him a bit, so he put on the helmet and held on the front before Shinichiro went off.

As they got to the park, Akemi saw three kids older than him. The three kids perked up as Akemi and Shinichiro approach. Finally, Shinichiro stopped the bike and put Akemi down first.

"Okay you guys make sure he doesn't get lost or I'm gonna kill all of you before I get killed by his brothers" Shinichiro tried to threaten them but they weren't intimidated, so he repeated again and they nodded as they stared at the tiny child who was gawking at them.

Shinichiro left to go and park his bike. While he is gone, Akemi felt a it nervous since all of the guys in front of him is tall and big.

"So....whats your name, kiddo?" Wakasa asked while Takeomi and Benkei just stayed behind him, expecting the kid to be afraid of them since most kids is. Akemi didn't reply as he kept staring at the three of them.

"'re all handsome.."Akemi muttered as his eyes began to shine, almost making the three go blind. Takeomi and Benkei, along with Wakasa was very surprised since they were expecting him to be afraid at three of them.

"Thanks for the compliment but what's your name?" Wakasa asked again, since he was the first to recover. This made Akemi snap out of his trance and blushed so hard from blurting out something like that with no shame.

"...I-I'm Uchiha Akemi!! Uhm.... I'm thir-four!! Yeah 4 years old" Akemi trembled at the thought of nearly saying his real age. He remembered the night he got lectured that day for going out without permission and revealing his Chakra.

"hm? Okay Uchiha-chan. My name is Imaushi Wakasa, the one on my left is Akashi Takeomi and the one on my right is Benkei, his real name is Arashi Keizo" Wakasa said to the child who seems like he was about to pass out from blushing too much.

[A/N: But who can blame Akemi? Wakasa... The Wakasa is crouching in front of him, his face near Akemi. If it were me, I might have passed out already]

"Are you okay, Uchiha-cha-" Wakasa was cut off by Shinichiro, who was running back to them while yelling. Wakasa sighed as stood up, while Akemi looked at the trio last time before going to Shinichiro who just arrived.

"Shin-kun!! Carry me please???" Akemi asked Shinichiro who blushed from Akemi's puppy eyes. He immediately obeyed him and carried Akemi on his shoulder. He was once again thankful that Akemi is very light.

"So who is this kid, Shinichiro?" Takeomi asked as looked at Shinichiro before looking at kid who, unexpectedly was staring at him too but Akemi looked away, blushing, when he noticed that Takeomi is looking at him.

"Do you remember Kita and Kaito, the twins who was looking for a job? Well Akemi is their beloved brother" Shinichiro said with a shrug while Wakasa and Benkei's eyes widen and Takeomi's mouth parted in shock.

"Really? That f*cking adorable kid is their brother? I don't see any resemblance by personality..." Takeomi said as he stared at Akemi more closely.

" what do you think about Shinichiro and us so far?" Benkei asked Akemi who was startled that he was included in the conversation suddenly. He looked at the trio and then looked down on Shinichiro who was slightly looking at him too. The attention made Akemi blush.

" I think you're all cool and kind....Uhm..but I think Shin-kun is cooler since I know him better...I also wanna marry him when I grow up!!" Akemi said before blushing at the last part. The last part startled all of them, mostly Shinichiro, who blushed from the compliment and the sudden confession.

"WAHH!!! FORGET WHAT I SAID!!" Akemi screamed as he hid his red face with his tiny hands but his red ears were still exposed. The trio chuckled at his cute appearance while Shinichiro was still processing what Akemi said.

"Akemi you broke Shinichiro. Go on, wake him up" Wakasa told Akemi since he wanted to tease Shinichiro. He expected him to slap Shinichiro's face when he saw Akemi, climbed on top of Shinichiro's head and then he pecked Shinichiro's nose.

This made the males shocked, while Shinichiro fainted. Akemi almost fell when Wakasa caught him while Benkei put Shinichiro on his back. Akemi was worried about what happened to Shinichiro.

"Is Shin-kun alright?! If I knew this would happen then I wouldn't have kissed him" Akemi said as his ruby eyes started to get teary. This sight made the trio panic since the one who knows the child had fainted and now the child is crying, they don't know what to do.

"Uh hey do you want a lollipop? I got some here, you can choose any flavor you want" Wakasa told the child, who nodded. Wakasa grabbed the lollipops in his pockets, which was 7 in total. This made Takeomi look at Wakasa like he had grown two heads.

"Why do you even need that much?" Takeomi asked while looking at Wakasa. This made Wakasa look back at him an reply with a shrug since he himself didn't know why he needed that much. Akemi looked at the lollipops in Wakasa's hands before picking the milk lollipop.

"Thank you for the lollipop, Waka-kun. It's yummy" Akemi said before putting the unwrapped lollipop in his mouth. Wakasa nodded and put the lollipops back in his pocket.

"So...what are we gonna do?" Benkei asked as he carried Shinichiro on his back. Takeomi and Wakasa stayed silent to think before Akemi spoke up. This made the trio look at him.

"Shouldn't we take care of Shin-kun first? Since he is unconscious so we should take care of him then..." Akemi suggested with a guilty look on his chubby face. The trio agreed and began walking towards the Sano household.

While they are walking, Wakasa looked down and saw Akemi still having a guilty look on his face and this made Wakasa sigh before pinching his cheek. This made Akemi snap out of his thoughts before whining in slight pain.

"Now now. I should be the one feeling guilty since I was the one who told you to snap him out. So don't look like you're at fault" Wakasa said before he stopped pinching Akemi's cheeks. Akemi nodded before leaning his head on Wakasa's chest since he was being carried in his arm.

Wakasa's hand, that held Akemi's cheeks, twitched before his fingers rubbed together, reminiscing the softness of Akemi's cheeks. This left Wakasa with a tiny blush on his cheeks.

After an hour of silent walk, they finally arrived at a Minka (Traditional Japanese House). Which Akemi guessed that this is the Sano Household. He took in the architecture as he hadn't seen any Japanese houses like this.

The group went in and they were greeted by an elderly, who was named Mansaku Sano, Akemi realized that this was Shinichiro's grandfather so he wiggled out of Wakasa's arms and landed on his feet, leaving Wakasa displeased at the lack of warmth and softness in his arms.

"G-good Morning, Sano-san!! I-I'm Akemi Uchiha, one of Shinichiro's friends!! It's nice to meet you!" Akemi said before bowing, and since he was nervous meeting an elderly, he unknowingly raised his voice startling all the males.

This made Mansaku laugh which once again startled the group of friends except for Akemi who was confused. Wakasa, Takeomi and Benkei had always seen Mansaku with a stern face and they didn't think he could laugh like that.

"You're the kid Shinichiro kept talking about. I thought he was just exaggerating since all the kids I saw so far are always a headache but you don't seem like it! It's nice meeting you too, you can just call me Grandpa" Grandpa Sano said with a grin which Akemi returned with a brighter one.

"Okay Grandpa!! I'm sorry if I shouted... It's my first time meeting an elderly so I got nervous thinking that I might disrespect you unknowingly" Akemi said with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. This made Grandpa Sano, grin before patting Akemi's hair.

"Don't worry. I heard from Shinichiro that you've grown up within the walls of your home. So what are you all doing here?" Grandpa Sano asked the males and Takeomi answered.

"Shinichiro fainted from running earlier, so we brought him home and we were also planning to hangout in his room" Takeomi lied and Grandpa Sano believed it so he allowed them and went back to his dojo, where his other grandchildren are.

The group went upstairs and walked to the left and soon Shinichiro's bedroom appeared. Takeomi opened it, followed by Wakasa who was once again holding Akemi and lastly Benkei and an unconscious Shinichiro on his back.

Benkei laid Shinichiro down on his bed before sitting down near the TV to watch. Meanwhile, Takeomi is currently reading through a magazine while Wakasa is playing with Akemi's hair who was confused.

"Waka-kun, do you like my hair? I like yours too! They're very pretty and fluffy!!" Akemi said giggling before standing and pets Wakasa's hair, who was sitting comfortably and after a few more minutes, his eyes began drooping more.

"Akemi if you keep doing that I'll fall asleep..." Wakasa trailed off as his eyes finally closed and with Akemi's strength that could compare to a teen, he repositioned Wakasa so his head is laying on his thighs. After that, he kept running his small hand in Wakasa's hair.

After a few minutes, Takeomi and Benkei started to get bored so they decided to reschedule their hangout and leave so Shinichiro can get a rest. However Wakasa was in a deep sleep.

Takeomi kicked him but he didn't budge, he yelled so he cane wake up but he just stirred before falling back asleep. Takeomi was not having it and decided to kick him hard.

However before he could act on it, he saw Akemi stopped petting Wakasa's hair and after a while Wakasa kept stirring and soon his eyes opened. He yawned before snuggling closer to Akemi's stomach.

"Continue please..." Wakasa groaned however he was cut off when he was pulled by both Benkei and Takeomi, by the sudden action, he finally woke up completely. He tsked before standing up on his own. He then grabbed a paper nearby and wrote something on it before giving it to Akemi.

"Here's our numbers. You can call us if you wanna hangout with us, I included Shinichiro's number too" Wakasa told Akemi, who grabbed the paper. Waka then turned away and walked out immediately, followed by Takeomi and Benkei, leaving a confused Akemi.

Unbeknownst to Akemi, Wakasa was blushing so hard, that he wanted to go home immediately and hide from his friends.


Wakasa's POV

'I can't believe I was asking for more. This isn't me!! That's so f*cking embarrassing!! And why would I give a kid our number!! I'm not acting like myself!!' I scolded myself internally, while covering my blushing face. I don't know why was I clingy with that kid.

'But he's so warm and cuddly like a stuff toy....F*ck!! Stop it!!' I slapped my face, trying to divert my attention from that embarrassing moment. However I think I hit myself too hard. Thankfully I'm now on my way home.

"F*ck that f*cking hurts so bad...whats wrong with me... "

[3818 words]

To be continued...

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