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35% Instant Death [DxD] / Chapter 42: Chapter 42

Capítulo 42: Chapter 42

I wrote a bullshit chapter, bear with me.


After giving all of them the accesories, Xander then turned his attention towards Reya, he already has an idea to what power he would make her learn next. To use this ability, Xander needed to enhance Reya's mind first, because if she used it when her mind is still weak it would explode... literally.

So Xander just did that, he used his teaching skills to make her understand more about Human Magic, as it needed calculations to do. The others just watched as Reya's eyes turned blank, analyzing the informations that Xander kept pouring on her brain. Even though Reya already has a huge mental capacity because of Clairvoyance, Xander still trained her mind because what she could do if she gained this skill is rather overpowered.

Reya's mind got used immediately to the large amount informations that Xander is pouring, that was the result of his 'Teaching' skill. Though it would become useless as Xander would pour more informations if he saw Reya getting used to it.

They kept doing that for hours until Reya's proccessing ability became broken, she can already read millions of words in 1 second, making her the only person that has the brain that can process the whole world if given time. Xander started to get ready to give her one of the skill which can help her.

Xander used the ability and started to observe it, after using it once he already gained the information he needed to make Reya obtain this skill. He went out of his physical state and took Reya's consciouness.

He teleported them to the 'Information Dimension'. Since Reya is still new to proccessing informations, Xander only brought her to the lowest level. "Where is thi-" Before Reya could ask, she was bombarded with information that she couldn't handle, her conciousness started to break so Xander immediately returned her to the original dimension.

Upon returning to her physical body, Reya's phores immediately started to bleed. They were surprised by what just happened as they went to Reya's side. "What happened, Xander?" Sona asked as she started healing Reya, though it has no effect. "Iya.. I guess I overstimated what I taught her? She didn't last 30 seconds there" Xander said while scratching the back of his head.

Xander then healed Reya's conciousness as she started waking up. She saw that she was back at the Underworld and immediately bowed her head to Xander. "I apologize... I couldn't reach your expectations" Xander shook his head as he patted Reya's head. "No... It was not a problem, you just wasn't used to that dimension so you couldn't protect your mind"

Xander saw that Reya was ready again, so he escaped his physical body again, instead of bringing Reya immediately. Xander went to the lowest level of the Information Dimension first, he controlled the information that would be released and finally teleported Reya in here.

Xander watched as Reya started processing the information, he activated the 'Teaching' skill to make her adapt quickly. While Xander was slowly releasing the Information Dimension from his control, making the information that's Reya is receiving complete.

Meanwhile in the Draconic Deus, Underworld Dimension. Everyone saw that Reya's eyes turned into series of numbers, everyone was confused as they just saw Xander and Reya standing at each other and then Reya suddenly gained a unique eyes. A few seconds later, the two started to move. "Congratulations, Reya. you gained the Elemental Eyes, you can now go to the Information Dimension. You finished the first step of the training" Xander said as Reya smiled in her accomplishment. "Congratulations, Reya" everyone congratulated her as Reya just smiled while saying thank you.

Xander procceeded with the second ability to make Reya a perfect killing machine. "Reya, you now have access to the Information Dimension while just being here right?" Xander asked just to confirm it. "Yes, I gained the ability to look for Informations while just standing here" Reya explained to Xander which made him nodded in satisfaction. Xander raised an small stone and held it infront of Reya's face.

"Now, use your ability and look at the informations about this stone" Reya just did what Xander asked as she saw the 'small' amount of informations that the rock possess. "This might be hard, but I want you to try messing with the informations and separate them, or even destroy it whatever you want" Xander instructed Reya as she followed his instructions.

Reya started focusing on the informations as she started trying to move the informations. Its hard, that was Reya's thoughts as merely moving one information was like carrying hundred of tons metal. This is where Xander's ability shoned off, everytime Reya get stuck in moving a information, Xander's 'Teaching' skill would immediately guide her and make her adapt to how heavy moving information.

They were doing it for a long time because time was slower for them who has perception 1000 times faster than normal people, but for the people outside they were just staring at the rock for 2 minutes before it turned into dust.

Reya was sweating a lot, as she smiled happily. "Congratulations, you finished it. You just need to get used to it and break more informations" Xander said as he commended Reya's efforts in destroying the stone. "What is the name of this ability, Xander-sama?" Reya asked as knew that this ability could change the whole world if she just practiced it.

This ability might be weak right now, but that's just because Reya is still new to this ability, but in the long term it could be a game changer. "You can call this...Decomposition" Xander said with a smile not caring about how he just shamelessly plagiarised this ability.

Reya was finish, she only needed to practice more, she was already familiar with the informations inside of a stone, she only needed to up the challenge before she could turn a person into a dust itself. "Then, who is next?" Xander asked as Momo raised her stick.

They didn't really understand how good Reya's ability was but they were already excited to what skill they would obtained from Xander's training. "Another bishop, huh?" Xander started thinking about the ability that he would like to bestow to Reya. Xander smiled as he remembered the user of that ability, "Momo.. are you interested in the path of... Explosion?"

['Explosion' skill acquired!]

Momo was the defense of the group so she has no real offensive abilities, that's why, Xander wanted to teach her a magic from explosion maniac. "Explosion... Yes! I would love to!" Momo said enthusiastically making Xander pause for a moment. Shit, did I open a pandora box? Xander thought as he stared at Momo's expression.

Xander shook his head and started giving her lesson about Explosion which Momo absorb immediately. "Know that if you pursue the path of Explosion Magic, you must use it once a day!" Xander said some silly rules that he didn't know that Momo would seriously obey. Everyone in the Underworld would know about the series of explosions that would happen in their realm everyday.

Xander illustrated the scene, he made them back out as he started to prepare. "My name is Xander, the blow tha- ah shit, cringe" Xander twitched as he immediately released the spell. He didn't know that just like the original user, he needed to chant to use the skill. Because he cut the chant, the spell's power was cut in half.


Though the land was still devastated by that magic. "How is it? Isn't it strong?" Xander asked receiving a passionate gaze from Momo. "Can I learn that?!" She asked eagerly making Xander thought carefully if he should be really teaching this skill to her.

Xander shook his head as he started teaching Momo about Explosion. This magic was much easier to learn than what Reya learned, because it only needed mana, and imagination. Unlike Reya who has to enhance her mental capacity, Momo only has to dedicate herself to studying explosion.

Xander made Momo try to imitate what he just did, for the first try Momo almost created the explosion but it vanish at last second. After the first try, Momo got it in the second one, but her explosion was much smaller than Xander, if Xander's explosion was like a nuclear bomb then Momo's one is like an grenade.

Momo wasn't disappointed by her explosion as she swear to herself that she would master this magic until she can make the whole world explode. Because of her eagerness, she tried to use the magic without focus resulting it exploding in her face. Though it didn't do any damage, because their skin are so thick that even grenade wouldn't be able to scratch their skin.

They kept practicing for hours until Momo was finally used to using the Explosion Magic. Xander was happy with her, she can now fight without just being in the background shielding her teammates.

Xander the proceeded to ask who is the third one which Tsubaki raised her hand. "Its Tsubaki's time huh? How do you want to become stronger? Offensive or Defensive?" Xander asked as he was interested in what Tsubaki would choose. "Xander-sama, did you know that the strongest defense is offense?" Tsubaki said with a smile making Xander nod with a satisfied grin on his face. "So offense it is" Tsubaki was already excited to what ability she would gain today.

"Okay, the ability I will give you is rather troublesome, so I would need you to ask Momo to seal your ability after you learn it." Xander said to Tsubaki who just nodded her head. "First do you know about corrosion?" Xander asked as Tsubaki replied. "Yes? Corrosion is a natural process that converts a refined metal into a more chemically stable oxide" Tsubaki even though confuse still explained what corrosion is. Xander nodded his head as he asked another question. "The how about dissolve?" Tsubaki answered Xander's question.

['Raff-Rafflesia' skill acquired!]

"Your ability revolved in that specific words I just said, to be more simple, it is to corrode or dissolve things just by touching it" Xander said as he started to explain the ability of a certain pink haired 'Minus'. Xander then gave an example as he touched the land the it suddenly started rotting.

Tsubaki was amazed by this ability as she started to imagine herself rotting everything in the battlefield. This ability is from Medaka Box, the story where there are bullshit characters that even Top 10 strongest being wouldn't be able to fight. Specially this ability because when it evolved, Kumagawa Misogi has to 'erase' the ability just to make the girl control it.

Xander used his 'Teaching' skill and started guiding Tsubaki how to do it. Tsubaki in her first try was able to corrode and dissolve a stone but just after an hour that is. She was already sweating when she rotted that first rock. She then proceeded to bigger things, until she was used to it.

Xander expected this result because this ability is rather simple, Tsubaki only needed to use demonic magic and imagine dissolving an enemy with a touch. Demonic magic is really broken, Xander thought as he saw how easy it was for Tsubaki to use her ability now. He started teaching her to control the area of effects or the intensity of the ability.

"You need to train this ability more, until you can control how the decomposition go. Whether going all at once or bit by bit, small scale or large scale, diffuse first or penetrate first" Xander said. Tsubaki nodded her head as she digested the informations that Xander gave her.

Xander taught Tsubasa next, the thing he did with her is simple, he taught her a lot of martial arts. Because of Xander's 'Teaching' skill, Tsubasa learned the martial arts as if it was just reading a word. He made her learn at least 20 martial arts in just hours before he forced her to meditate until she finally achieved the martial art. It is the martial art 'Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist' the martial arts that Garou used against Saitama when they were fighting at the outer space.

Xander stopped them because it was already evening, they went back to the mansion. "Ask your parents if they want to join us for dinner" Xander said at Sona who just nodded her head and called her parents. Sona really wanted to pour her frustrations towards the food because she didn't her chance to train today. As if Xander can read her thoughts, he patted her head and console her. "Don't worry, there is still tomorrow, we still have a lot of time" Xander said as he took a peck on her forehead. Sona was embarrassed that she was seen through by Xander as she ran to her room to change clothes.

Xander just cooked using the whale because the members still hasn't tried it, meaning that they still didn't experienced the power up by food. He cooked for 40 minutes before going to the dining table where he saw everyone was already there, even Serafall was there waving her hands to him. "Xander~! Did you miss me~?" Serafall said with her usual tone. "Nope" Xander said while smiling at her. "Muuu, that's mean!" Serafall pouted while Xander just laughed at her.

"Where did you hear that I was cooking today, Serafall?" Xander asked interested how this girl know about it. "Of course I know! I sensed So-tan's feelings so I immediately came!" Serafall said some creepy things with a big smile on her face. "Sera, compose yourself" Lady Sitri reprimanded Serafall because they were at the dining table.

Serafall turned silent at her mother's words as she just waited for Xander's food. Xander laid the dishes in the table as everyone became excited, "Is the meat used in this dish, the same as last time? Lord Sitri asked as he felt it was the same, Xander just nodded his head and gestured for them to start eating.

Just like last time, the members of Sona's peerage gain strength that is unreasonable for their age. Their powers soared but no one knew about it, thanks to the bracelet that Xander handed to them earlier. They kept eating until everyone was finally full, Xander was satisfied watching them savoring his food. After eating everyone thanked Xander as they went to their own perspective rooms. Xander also went to his room as he was tired after doing that all day, he reminisced about the day before smiling as he finally fell asleep.

The next day, they returned to the area where they trained yesterday. Momo immediately started training her explosion as loud booming keep ringing on their ears, Xander placed an barrier that would prevent the sound and the shockwave from reaching their place. "Next is-" before Xander could complete his sentence, Tomoe immediately went infront of him and raised her stick. "You huh? You've been waiting for this right?" Xander said while Tomoe just nodded her head eagerly. Sona just waited for them as it would be her turn next, she just trained her control of water to past time when Xander is still teaching Tomoe.

"What do you want? Sure kill technique or just some strong technique?" Xander asked as Tomoe replied the answer he was hoping for. "Can I choose both?" Tomoe's words made Xander grin as he nodded his head. "Now let's start with the Sure Kill Technique. You should be familiar with Japanese swordsman as user of katana yourself, the technique I am about to teach you is made by one of them" Xander started explaining the ability that he would teach Tomoe as the girl became even more enthusiastic hearing that a japanese samurai made the technique. Tomoe listened carefully afraid that she would miss something important just because she didn't listen.

"This technique is said to be unavoidable, if the user used this the only result would be death. It is even mentioned that the only weakness to this ability is to not make the user use it" Xander said making Tomoe stunned by such ability. If there is something like that, then no one would be able to beat him. "Give some guess who is this swordsman is" Xander said making Tomoe thought carefully as she started mentioning famous Japanese Swordsman. "Okita Souji? Minamoto no Yorimoto? Date Masamune? Sanada Yukimura? Miyamoto Musashi?" Xander shook his head at every name making Tomoe confuse as every person she mentioned were famous.

"No, no no, its not among them. Being one of the famous swordsmen from Japan and known as the History's Greatest Loser. This particular version of him has never won a fight in the history of Japan, but this is due to the fact that once he has developed an exact strategy on how to beat someone he never chooses to challenge them again" Xander said making Tomoe even more amazed, she immediately knew who Xander was talking to. "Does he really has an technique that could kill a person once he used it, Xander-sama?" Tomoe asked as all she knew that the guy never won a fight in his life, that was written in history. "Yes, even Miyamoto Musashi admitted that the gut might be the strongest swordsman in the world for his technique" Xander said making Tomoe amazed as the strongest swordsman in Japan admitted it. "Its Sasaki Kojiro right?" Tomoe said as Xander merely nodded his head.

(A/N: I am using Records of Ragnarok's backstory for Sasaki Kojiro here)

"Right! It is indeed the Loser himself! No one really knew his feats, only those masters he fought against" Xander said as he took the Divine Blade in his Storage. Xander warped both of them to a higher plane, he surrounded Tomoe a conceptual barrier to avoid destroying her existence the moment she stepped in the plane. Tomoe could feel her existence being in constant danger just by standing there, she started shaking as she can feel the gaze of a being that has millions of eyes on her. Its like a being she can't see is everywhere in this plane. "Hey, don't scare her" Xander said while the eyes immediately shut itself.

In this plane where Laws of Physics don't exist, Tomoe couldn't even understand where's the right or where's the left, she didn't know if they were upside down or just standing straight, Tomoe could only just watch which is even hard as Xander talk to the being she couldn't comprehend. "You've been observing me right? I hate your gaze so I came here" Xander said simply as the he raised his blade.

" ̸̢͉̟̺͑̊͋▀̴̰̮̈̑̀͒̈̄̄̊͝ ̵͙͙͓̜̻̼̪̺̩̮͔̅̎̃̑̈̄̎͒͐͜͝▁̸̡̢̧̡̛̛͓̯̫͈͕͓͇̱̖͐̔͑̔̇̚̕ ̵̭͚̩͙͖̣͙͍̺̬̖̱̈́̓̆̀̓̕ͅ▂̷̬̖͙̫̱͚̺̇̉̀̍̀̀̆͠͝͝ ̵͉͕̑͛̈́̀́͑̀̑̂̕▃̸̬̥̹͆͒̋̉ ̴̧̩̝͔̫̮̳̩̙͌̊͐̂̔̉́▄̷̹̜͇̤̥̜̬̀̈̓̓̌̑̅̉▅̶̣̺͚̗͙̼̹̀̅ ̶̢̢͍̪̝̝͙̻̰͚̋▆̶̸̡̛̛͎̺͙̖͍̳͇̟̙̉̎͒̈́͆͑̀́̒̋͛͗▇̴̶̨̢̱̭̝͇̪͈̘͎̥̟̻̻̟̀͊̃͐̅̔͒͒̅̈́͒̑͜█̴̰̠̝̟͙̼̬̖̩̯̙̖͆̽͐̈́̿̕ ̵͓̠̖̺͉̖̣͚̥͔̓̀͊͛͑͌▉̵̷̧̨̰̩̘͕̩͕͇̝̭͔̫̬̫̝̬͇͎̝͑̿̃͛͛́̒̈̈́̎̐̒̈́̇̿̈̋̽͋͝ͅ▊̸̷̢̛̯̲͔̲̀̒̆̓͗̊̋̃̎̃̋̕͠▋̷̨̫̱̙̹͕̤̻̼͘ͅͅ ̵̡̧͖̣̘̙̱̑▍̴̜͂́́̇̓̿̈̍̄̅̉ ̷͍̝̞͇͕̦̃͊͆ͅͅ▎̵̨̯̜̥̰̥̑̾̍͊̆̓͒ ̶̡̢͚͎͎̱̹̻̀̕ͅ▏̵̮͔̗͚̬̱͍̥̳̣͈͛͛̍̌́̽̋͋͋̒̅͝"

̵̨̞͇̮̻͚̺̗͚̙̫̤̾̊͊̑̆́̆̈́̃̚͠ͅ ̶̪̪͍͉́͒̅̑̌̈́͗̈́͝▐̴̙̻̳̘͖͕̪̦͉̽̌͋̊̂

Tomoe immediately covered her ears to stop the screech from entering her mind, though it didn't work as she was immediately driven insane. Xander saw that as he 'healed' Tomoe and made the barrier stronger. Tomoe panted as she was shaking and sweating too much that it looked like she was having a shower. "It seems she can't handle being here. I'll end this so watch" Xander said gaining the attention of Tomoe who just stared seriously, she wanted to watch this one scene even if she might be attack by that monster right now. Xander took the stance of Sasaki Kojiro, he took a large breathe before turning the Divine blade on, "[Perish]" Xander said as the blade started taking his mana by a large amount. It started shining until Xander felt that it was enough.

Xander raised his Swordsmanship skill to level 8 making it something that is never seen in the world. In this level cutting the Solar System with his finger is not a dream anymore. Concepts could be cut if he used a proper sword. He took a large breathe before muttering. "Hiken, Tsubame Gaeshi" Xander calmly said, as the blade moved from Xander's hands. Instead of just 3 three blades appearing, millions of them appeared each from different timelines.

*Crack!* *cRack* *CrACk* *CraK* "crAcK* *CRack* *cRAck* *Crack!* *cRack* *CrACk* *CraK* "crAcK* *CRack* *cRAck* *Crack!* *cRack* *CrACk* *CraK* "crAcK* *CRack* *cRAck*

Tomoe suddenly saw something that she could comprehend in this world, Cracks. A lot of cracks surrounding the place. Reality shattered from Xander's slash as the being started collapsing. Laws and Concepts somehow gained conciousness as they started running, wanting to escape this madman who destroyed the 'Watcher' of this reality.

Unfortunately, they couldn't run far enough to escape Xander's simple slash as they felt their existence vanishing infront of their eyes. They started rampaging as a last means to escape death but ultimately failed as they perceive the madman talking.

"I decide what 'Death' is, even though I've come across tons of people who claim that they'll absolutely never die, or that they're already dead, or that the concept of death doesn't apply to them, they all end up dead in the end" that was the last thing they heard before the Laws and Concepts were erased in existence.


Author here~ There won't be any change happening in the real world because the things that Xander killed were something that is unknown to humans. Unknown doesn't mean that its not discovered yet, its just it doesn't exist. At least in 'Mortals' perspective that is (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.).

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