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17.64% Danmachi/Sin Of Pride / Chapter 3: Honored Familia

Capítulo 3: Honored Familia

Noctis Caelum was the name of one of his favorite game characters in his past world, and considering the setting of this world, it didn't sound too out of place so he decided to go with it anyway. Since he liked it, it was only natural that he would use it.

"Then Mr. Caelum, what do you say?" the redhead asked as she gazed at the young man sitting with his arm crossed before her.

"I do not have any particular Familia in mind, so I wish a rundown of the different Familias that are currently 'openly' recruiting." He emphasized the word.

"It's true that formally speaking all Familias are always open for new members, some are more difficult to join than others, familia like the Loki Familia or the Freiya familia, in this case, are the golden standard. For the former, you will have to either catch the eyes of one of the high-ranked members or present yourself when they post a notice of recruitment, and for the latter, you will have to be personally recruited by their Goddess to even hope to obtain some support from them, otherwise, you may as well choose another familia." She explained.

"Pass." He immediately shot down the Idea to join either of them to the surprise of the red-haired advisor but she didn't think much of it and moved on.

"Next there is the Hephaestus Familia, the Ganesha Familia, the Ishtar Familia, the Hermes Familia, the Ikelos familia, the Soma Familia. Apollo Familia. The Miach Familia"

"Those are Familia that rarely deny new blood and could be viable options depending on what you are precisely looking for."

To her says, Noctis held his chin as he thought a bit about something he had been wondering since he came to this world, and decided to finaly ask.

"What about the small Familias? And Is there any new familia around?"

Rose wasn't surprised, some new adventurers were like that, opting for small or new familia which they could join without any issue or risk of being rejected. Perhaps it's also because they are ambitious wanting to become captain of said familia and lead it to glory... or something like that.

"There are many small familia around that are heavily and urgently in need of new members like the Leto Familia, Dian Cecht Familia, Dellingr Familia, Ogma Familia. As for the new Familia around, there is one that recently came from the Far East a month ago, the Takemikazuchi Familia"

As she finished speaking, Noctis's eyes lit up for a moment before coming back to normal. With that sole last information, he was able to approximately deduce the current timeline.

2 years, there were two years before canon, before Bell arrive to Orario. Which was not so bad for him. In fact, it was probably a good thing.

But now the question remained, which Familia should he choose?

He was not going to join the Loki and Freya familia because he simply didn't want to, he knew next to nothing about the Freya familia except that their Goddess was obsessed with Bell and they had the strongest adventurer.

While he knew more about the Loki familia, Noctis knew he wouldn't like being in that one since he would come to throw hands with the other Guy Bete at one point or another simply because their personality wouldn't mesh, there is also the fact that their Familia was a bit too limiting for his taste.

And the Familias not focused on exploration are also a no for him. Since he was practically going to make the dungeon his playing field.

The ones that are toxic or evil are also a no-no along with those he never heard about.

Meaning, He was either going to Join the Hermes Familia or the Takemikazuchi Familia.

Considering he didn't like annoying people, no way he was going to join the Hermes Familia where live one of the most annoying being in this world.

Plus the Takemikazuchi Familia was not so bad considering their God was literally a God of War. He should be able to Teach him one thing or two.

'I suppose it's their luck to be my choice.' He thought not even realizing how arrogant his thoughts were.

"The Takemikazuchi Familia it will be then."

"Very well, I will write a recommendation letter. Though I doubt it will be necessary." With that she took her leave, taking the files with her.


After talking about one or two more details like Rose becoming his advisor and where to find his future Familia residence, Noctis now found himself before the door of the said residence with his recommendation letter in hand.

Knock. Knock.

He waited for a moment before hearing the voice of a man saying he was coming.

"Hello?" Takemikazuchi was a little bit surprised seeing someone at his door this morning, he was even more surprised seeing the appearance of said person. But he was quick to come back to his sense so as to not come off rude.

"How may I help you, young man?" He asked politely, his voice rather welcoming.

"Greetings, I wish to join your Familia." Noctis didn't beat around the bush and as always frankly stated his business and extended his hand holding the recommendation later.

"Hm? eh..?" Suffice to say how once again he was caught off guard, to be honest, he wasn't expecting anyone to join his familia anytime soon considering how they were relatively new to Orario and all members were level 1."

"Excuse me, I was just a little surprised, please come in." He invited the young man inside.

With a nod, Noctis followed him Inside, he also didn't forget to look around, trying to familiarise himself with the place. It looked a lot like a traditional Japanese house to be honest.

It was a bit more spacious than one would first assume, and there also was a lot of room, definitely enough to house more than five people, which was good for him.

"Have a seat." Though the God said, there was no seat whatsoever, instead, it was a Tatami.

Not being one to complain about such things, he simply sat down and waited for the God who went somewhere else just to come back with some tea to serve the two of them.

"Thank you." He didn't forget his manner as he received the cup of tea which was larger than he was what he was used to.

Taking a sip from his cup. The God of War was now ready to start getting acquainted with the young man.

"Now, young man...?" He didn't look at the letter so he didn't know his name.

"Noctis Caelum." He voiced it for the second time today.

"Then Noctice, If I understood correctly you want to join my Familia, is that right?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"Considering the recommendation later, I assume you already know what my Familia is like?"


"Then why would you choose my Familia instead of any other?" He had to make sure the young man's intentions were not evil.

"To put it simply, it was more convenient." He didn't hide nor lie, he knew Gods had the ability to tell if mortals were lying or not.

"More convenient?" the God was intrigued.

"Your Familia simply met most of my criteria and above all else." He pointed toward the God of War. "You."

"Me...huh." The God of War kind of understood what he meant by that, thus he nodded his head.

"I see, then no need to drag it further, welcome to my, no, our Familia." Takemikazuchi said as he ripped apart the recommendation without even looking into it. He didn't need it, he will get to know Noctis himself so there was no need to look at it.

Though he didn't see it, his action made the young man smile for a short instant, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

"But you will have to wait to meet the four other members since they are already out adventuring." He informed.

"That's fine, but will it be possible to receive your blessing right now?" He asked, his pride concealing itself somehow.

"There is no need to hurry, let's finish our tea first." the God smiled before initiating another conversation.


Sometime later Noctis was in seiza with his back facing Takemikazuchi, his upper body was bare of any clothing as it was necessary for him to receive the blessing of the God.

What surprised the God of War however and also unbeknown to him Noctis himself, was how fit no more like ripped, the young man was. It was a little hard to discern when he was wearing something but right now... it was left for all to see.

'When the system said that it was a body I would find adequate, it was not joking.' Noctis thought as he looked at his Garou-like muscle.

'No, it's more like Killua's musculature.' He thought.

The God of War was contemplating how rare this was because yes, it was rare this day to find people who were willing to train their physical body to this degree as most found it useless.

Understandable considering how easier it was to get strong with the blessing of falna, instead of wasting their time training like that, it was just easier to kill five to six kobolds to become just as strong if not stronger.

'At least this is proof of his spirit and willpower.' The God of War though, after talking to Noctis for a moment, he started to get an idea as to what kind of person he was.

Not wanting to make him wait anymore, Takemi used a thin needle to pierce a finger, making a drop of his blood fall on the back of the young man. The emblem of a sword stuck in the ground appeared on Noctis's back and the God's eyes opened wide in Shock.

But deciding to not comment on it yet, he took a piece of paper and drew a sign on it with his finger.

"Done." He stated as he gave it to Noctis. "I am really surprised, you seem to already have two skills to your name." That was an extremely rare occurrence.

"What's more is that one of the should normally be classified as magic instead of skills..?" Even he was not sure as to why.

Inventory, in all terms or purpose, should be considered as spatial magic, it was essentially a subdimension only accessible by his owner.

"It's probably considered a skill because there is no cost while using it." Noctis revealed his thought as he looked at his status sheet. He also got some notifications from the system, but knowing what it was about already he choose to put it aside for now.

"No cost... How absurd." The God couldn't help but voice out his thought, something like that shouldn't exist, even more as a skill, this was no trifling matter, if words were to go out... it could be dangerous.

"That's just how it is, nothing can be done about it." the God could feel the pride in his voice but he understood that it was only natural... even more considering his other skill, which was just a little less if not just as fearsome as the first one. It was a skill that would assure his growth as long as... anyway.

'Anyway, it seems like our Familia gained big this time.' He thought as nodded to himself.

While he was in his thoughts, Noctis was taking a look at his status sheet.


Noctis Caelum


•Strength: I-0

•Endurance: I-0

•Dexterity: I-0

•Agility: I-0

•Magic: I-0




_Sin Of Pride


"I guess it was true that everybody started at O" Noctis voiced his thought.

"Yes indeed, no matter your previous training or activity, the starting point seems to be the same for everyone." The God answered.

But Noctis didn't miss the "seems" He knew why the God used that term. It was simply because, although everyone indeed started at I-0, your physical abilities and skills don't disappear after obtaining the blessing of falna, instead they were merely hidden.

It's like how Amazons were naturally stronger than others and Demi-humans had better senses, those were advantages that although not shown on your status were very much carried over and would be accented as you get stronger and level up.

"Then I should get working." He suddenly got up with the idea to get into the dungeon.

"Wait a minute..." He was not going to try and stop Noctis, he knew it would ultimately be useless from the little he saw of his personality, so instead, he was going to make sure, he at least had everything he needed in order to not be at a disadvantage.

"Hm? Something else?" Noctis asked.

"What kind of weapon do you favor? We may not have much, but if you need a weapon, we have a couple of them in stock."

"A weapon huh...." He was going to fight with his fist since he could tell that just by getting falna he became much stronger than previously but a weapon is not so bad as well.

"A Sword, a short sword to be precise would be ideal." After some thought, he answered.

"Perfect, We very so happen to have one in stock." It was supposed to be used as a replacement in case Mikoto lost or broke hers, but it couldn't be helped, someone need it more than her right now.

"Follow me." He took Notis to what he would assume to be an armory and took out a short sword that was still in its sheath and then gave it to him.

"It's now yours, use it to keep yourself safe and others if possible."

"Understood." He received the sword as he nodded.


Noctis was on his way to the dungeon, he walked leisurely he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

To be honest, he wasn't really forced to go into the dungeon today, it would have been safer to just wait and go tomorrow with the other member of the Familia. But he wanted to go, he wanted his first time in the dungeon to be today and he wanted to go by himself.

It was not a logical decision at all, but he didn't care, logic was not always a necessity when making some choice. Even though he knew it was stupid, he was still going to do it.

Why? Because he decided it. As simple as that.

'But I should check the system notifications.' With that, he opened the notification tab and was assaulted by a couple of messages.

[Congratulation! You have received the blessing of a God.]

[The System has been successfully linked to the Falna system.]

[You have successfully become a level 1. You have won the right to obtain a Golden Card. Would you like to proceed?] [Yes/No]

Since he already knew what was a golden card and what was going to happen, he simply clicked on yes.

Directly after Five random golden cards appeared floating before him, following the rhythm of his walk.

[Please select a Golden Card]

Yes, it was Gacha, those were randomly selected from the system database out of multiple others. He would have to select one of them at his turn, and what he would gain from it would become his prize.

This is the first time he will do it but it won't be the last since something similar will happen every time he levels up as well.

Since as said before, it was pretty much Gacha, he had no way of cheating therefore there was no use thinking too much about it. So he randomly touched one, making all of them disappear.

[Congratulation, you have chosen: Six Eyes.]

[Due to it being from a world with a different power system, it will be subsequently modified and adapted to this one.]

[Due to its Nature, the Six eyes can neither be recognized as a Skill nor as magic, instead it will be considered as an innate trait or mutation that has been awakened due to the blessing of falna.]

[Would you like to substitute your eyes with the six eyes?] [Yes/No]

[Note: The process will be instantaneous and painless.]

Seeing that he hit the jackpot on his first try, Noctis's eyes widened as his mouth curled into a grin. Knowing already what it is and what it can do, he instantly clicked on yes and closed his eyes.

He felt a bit of discomfort even if painless but that also quickly went away.

As opened his eyes that are not much different than his previous blue eyes, just that this time there was this mystic charm and beauty to them. But that was just on the outside.

For Noctis, the current world he saw, couldn't be more different than what he saw before.


End of the chapter, comment and leave a review if you can.

And since it would uselessly drag the length of the chapter if introduced within, let me put it here.

_Six eyes: The Six Eyes provides the user with vast perception and immense brain processing power, allowing them to precisely manipulate the user's mind and magic down to an atomic level.

The Six Eyes process the user's Magical energy incredibly efficiently. So much so that the amount of magical energy lost when the user activates a magical ability is infinitesimally close to zero. Due to this, a proper Six Eyes user will never run out of magical energy.

The mental prowess of the Six Eyes can turn one moment in reality into well over a minute's worth of time within the user's brain. This works well in tandem with the user's enhanced sight, allowing them to analyze and calculate the positions of everything within view instantly. A being who possesses the Six Eyes can see things from several kilometers away, and is easily able to distinctly tell apart different figures within their vast range. . This allows the user to instantly read an incoming projectile danger using its mass, speed, and shape among other factors.

The Six Eyes allows the user to see Magical energy in extreme detail. As such the user of the Six Eyes is able to see the flow of magical energy, which in turn allows them to read another person's magic as well. Additionally, the Six Eyes can differentiate between different types of magical energy and help the user identify a person based on it.

However, the Six Eyes will tire out its user a bit more easily unless the eyes are covered. The Six-Eyes allow the user's eyes to function like a high-resolution camera even blindfolded. So in the long term, the user has to cover their eyes with a blindfold, dark sunglasses, or bandage wraps among other things to reduce its drawbacks.

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