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33.33% Omniversal Trade Center / Chapter 5: Eye of Cthulhu

Capítulo 5: Eye of Cthulhu

As soon as I walked through the door, I could feel the difference in my surroundings, without even looking. The world of Terraria was enriched with Mana.

Compared to this new environment of mine, the shop felt lacking. If I try meditation here, I would get better results, as {Meditation} depends on absorbing the mana in the environment and making it my own.

And not only the mana, even the air felt better. It was fresh and pleasant as a result of the hundreds of trees all around me. There was a big forest on both right and left side of myself, while the area around me was pretty plain, probably as a result of Asuna's work.

A few meters ahead of me I could see a Wooden Cuboid shaped house. "Did you make that?" I asked Asuna.

"Yes. That's the house I made on my second day here. I just wanted to have a safe place to rest, and be safe from the never ending number of monster that kept coming after me." Asuna confirmed. "I also di-died for the first time here to a slime. I underestimated it as it was such a basic monster in Sword Art Online, but it resulted in me being crushed to death by it." She said with a slight shiver. In response I patted her back slightly to reassure her.

What she said doesn't come as a surprise to me. Most people that have played video games would underestimate Slimes as they are just weak beginner monsters. But slimes that are just a weak monster in normal mode of Terraria, is way stronger in Mastermode.

The slime in Mastermode deal 10 times the damage compared to the normal version. They could probably crush a normal human to death with a few attacks. Maybe even in one attack if they land on top of the humans head with their jump attack. The neck would get crushed before the human could resist in any way. Pretty dangerous for a Monster that looks like the Slime kids play with.

Moving on, I entered the House Asuna made and looked around a bit. It was 15 by 15 blocks on both sides with a 5 block high ceiling. In Terraria it wouldn't be that huge, but now that it's 3 dimensional, it feels pretty big. 1 block is 1 meter square in size, so 15 meters on both sides as well as 5 meter tall ceiling is a pretty spacey room.

The room also had a few basic items like the Crafting table, Furnace, Chair, a loom, a Bed, and 2 chests. A few torches were also placed to light up the room properly.

"How did you make these items Asuna? I know that your special power gives you the ability to craft various items, but how do you know how to make them? Do you get instinctive knowledge about them or does a crafting menu pop up for you when you are near the Crafting table?" I asked.

"I need to get the crafting manual for every item first. When I killed a slime for the first time, a piece of paper with something written on it suddenly dropped on the ground. As soon as I picked it up, it started glowing and then suddenly turned to ashes. After that I instinctively knew how to make a Crafting bench." Asuna replied, suprising me with her answer.

"So did you make the Crafting table with your own hands?" I asked.

"No, I could create it instantly after I gathered the needed materials." She answered.

"And how about the other items? Did you need a manual for every one of them?" I questioned once again.

"Yes. I couldn't make any of them without getting the manual, even when I had all the items." Asuna sighed.

"That's pretty bad. In the real Terraria game, we didn't have manual and could just craft them directly. But what about the Bed? You looked like you didn't have any sleep for a year when you entered the shop." I asked curiously. She already has a house as well as bed, so she should have been able to sleep peacefully.

"I got the crafting manual for the bed just a few hours before I entered your shop. I was entering the house after killing a few slimes, intending to finally sleep, when I accidentally entered your shop. And then I fell asleep. I guess I was way more tired than I thought." Asuna answered with a bitter smile.

"Don't worry girl, you won't have to feel so tired ever again. I will help you live a happy life." Hearing me, Asuna gave me a small happy smile.

"Anyways, you said you wanted to Kill the Eyeball Boss right? And that it has killed you before? How did it spawn? It generally requires atleast 10 defence, 200 HP for the character to have and there should atleast be 4 NPCs in your house." I asked seriously. She shouldn't have met Eye of Cthulhu as she doesn't seem to have met the requirements.

"It just came out of nowhere when I was killing the smaller Eyeball monsters one night. As for the requirements you talked about, I guess I met the defence one, one time. I was wearing a Silver Helmet, a tin Breastplate and gold shoes the third time it spawned. But I don't have those items now as I lost them when I died while falling down a long way in a cave. I also don't know of any way to increase my HP. As for NPC, I haven't met anyone other than monsters here. So I don't think I meet the requirements you mentioned." She answered.

"I see." So the Boss can spawn without needing to match the requirements. Talk about a shit world. "Anyways, do you have something called 'Suspicious Looking Eye' or 'Lens'? They are required to summon the Boss."

Asuna nodded in confirmation. "I have one Suspicious Looking Eye, as well as 7 Lens. Do you want them?"

"Its good that you have the Suspicious looking eye..If you didn't, we would have to search for it in all the chests spread throughout the world. Or maybe grind for it's recipie."

"What about Wooden platform? Can you make that yet?" I asked. "I don't have a Crafting manual of that." Asuna replied much to my disappointment.

But I guess it won't be that important to make a Boss arena, since this world isn't 2d and we actually have a lot of space to move around in.

"Now, I will go back to meditating. You should also rest so that you are in your best shape when we fight the giant Eyeball." I sat down on the floor and went back to meditating once again.

Asuna also nodded at me and decided to sleep for some time on her bed.



I stopped meditating after it was finally nighttime. And after a few hours of Meditation, I felt even stronger. I was already E+ rank. A very fast development, but it's just the lower ranks. The higher I go, the slower I grow.

And there's already a proof of that. The speed of Meditation is decreasing. When I first started meditating here, it was going way faster than back in the shop. But as the hours kept going, the speed of meditation kept decreasing, until now it's at the sane speed as back at the shop. {Meditation} was already becoming obsolete.

It's not a big surprise since I bought the cheapest Cultivation Manual available. It's so basic, it's just called {Meditation}. But still I didn't expect it to become useless after only 10 hours of use. Now I have to buy a Higher Grade Manual to grow stronger.

But I will do that after I go back to the shop. It's now time to fight the Eyeball Bastard.

I stood up and looked around to find Asuna still sleeping. Guess those few hours of sleep at the shop wasn't enough. When I saw her sleeping form, I could only smile at her. She looked so peaceful while sleeping. Completely different from what she looked like the first time I saw her. She was even drooling a little, which increased her cuteness.

"Hey Asuna, wake up. It's time for the boss fight." I started to shake her lightly to wake her up. After a few seconds she was finally awake, as she sat up and looked around with a fave that showed total confusion.

"Where am I? And who are you?" Asuna asked groggily making me laugh out loud.

"Did you already forget me? It's me Karna. And get up, it's time to fight the Boss." I said while laughing loudly, which seemed to make her finally snap out of her dizzy state.

"Ah, sorry Karna. I am always a little confused when I wake up from a good sleep." Asuna said embarrassed, as she got up quickly.

"No problem Asuna. I am the same. By the way, you were drooling just now. You might want to wash your face first." Hearing me Asuna started blushing as she quickly cleaned up her face with some water.

"Forget you ever saw that!" Asuna said forcefully making me laugh again.

"Now before the fight, let's discuss the strategy. The attack pattern of the boss is pretty simple. With your enhanced speed you should be able to dodge easily. The boss has 3 phase. First is the normal eyeball where he slowly dashes towards you and Summons a few smaller Eyeball minions. Second phase is activated when it has 60 percentage health left. The eye rips open and becomes a mouth filled with long sharp Needle like teeth that can kill you. It dashes at you at a faster speed and Dashes multiple times at once. It also summons more minions. The final phase is when it has around 15 percentage health left. It becomes desperate as it becomes even faster dashing at you relentlessly until death. In it's first two phases, attack it when it comes near you and quickly dodge to the side. With your enhanced speed, it will be easy. I will keep launching fireballs at it from the side. I will also cast a Mana Shield on you so that you are a little more safe. When it's in the final stage, just focus on dodging as you can. I will keep attacking it with spells until it's dead. During the final phase, dodging should be your main goal, as it becomes way faster and stronger." I told Asuna exactly what she should do. Asuna nodded at my plan in affirmation.

"Then let's start the battle." Saying that we went outside and Asuna Used the Suspicious Looking Eye as I had instructed her.

As the Item in Asuna's hand disappeared with a shine, a Huge roar reverberated through the Air. The Clouds above us parted to show us the Beautiful Moonlight, and along with it a not so beautiful Monstrous Eyeball,

Staring straight at us.

The Eyeball was surrounded by smaller Eyeballs that were called Demon Eye. It slowly started floating down towards us. When it reached a few meters of distance, it just stared at us, while it's minions flew towards us with the intent to kill.

I also didn't waste time as I quickly cast Mana Shield on both of us and then started launching fireballs at the enemies. Asuna also jumped at all the Eyeballs without mercy, taking down everything with one precise thrust.

After seeing it's minions die, the Eyeball finally launched at it's nearest target, Asuna. But it didn't hit it's target as Asuna side-stepped it while slashing at the Eyeball with the sharp tip of her Rapier.

The Eyeball screamed in pain as a deep wound appeared on it's side, bleeding litres of blood. It dashed towards Asuna once again, only to get side-stepped by Asuna and slashed at once again. I also launched fireballs at it, making it scream even louder in pain.

For a minute, this continued as the Eyeball could do nothing but scream, trying to get to Asuna and summon more minions. Then it finally stopped as it's Pupil started to Rip open, slowing showing the deadly needle like teeth it had beneath it's soft eyeball exterior.

But I didn't give it time to finish transforming in peace, as I launched Multiple fireballs at it, Burning it's health down with every moment. When it finally fully transformed from an Eyeball to an ugly mouth, It let out a vicious roar as it suddenly turned towards me and dashed with increased speed.

Seems Ugly mouth here is enraged that I didn't give it time to transform peacefully. As if it had any right to slowly transform into a new form while in the middle of battle. I ain't no Battle maniac, who would allow it's enemy to grow stronger mid battle to get a better fight.

As it dashed towards me, I launched a few Fireballs directly inside it's open maw, and side-stepped when it was near. It might have thought me to be an easier target because I was just attacking it from a distance, but it was mistaken. I am actually faster than Asuna, as on top of the Enhanced Speed we both have, I also got a little faster because of Meditation.

The only reason I was attacking from distance was to keep track of all the enemies, as it would be fatal if we both only paid attention to the Eyeball and get attacked by a zombie or the Smaller Eyeballs from the back. I could have fought in close distance like Asuna if I wanted to, but that would just be a hindrance to us, if we slam into each other accidentally while trying to dodge it's attack. We don't have good enough teamwork right now, so it's just better for me to be in a distance.

When Asuna saw the the Eyeball Mouth Boss dash at me, she also dashed after it, and thrusting her whole Rapier inside the Monster with a loud shout, "Focus on me you Ugly piece of Trash."

And with that attack of Asuna, the Eyeball was once again focused on attacking her. The same thing as before once again, as Asuna kept side-stepping it with ease, while slashing it's body apart, while I kept burning it and it's minions from a distance.

After 2 minutes of this, the final phase was starting. It's speed suddenly spiked up as it nearly landed an attack on Asuna. While Asuna dodged the first one, the second one landed, destroying the Shield with its attack.

I quickly cast another Mana shield on her while shouting towards her, "Asuna, it's the final phase. Just focus on Dodging from now on." Asuna nodded at me and did as instructed while I kept attacking it, while also recasting the Mana shiel whenever needed.

And after 30 seconds, the Eye Of Cthulhu finally died with a pathetic scream.

"It's finally over!" I exclaimed, while wiping of the sweat from forehead. "We defeated the First boss of the Game."

"Yeah. It was satisfying to watch it die with that pathetic scream." Asuna said with a smile, that looked a little bit scary.

We then both looked towards the fallen enemy, who started to disappear into shiny fragments of light. When it was finally gone, there were no traces of its existence left, even the blood that fel out of it vanished. Only the scars of battle on the earth remained as a proof to it's existence. And also 2 bags with an Eye of Cthulhu drawn ocer them. The Loot Bags of Eye of Cthulhu.

We each picked up one and opened them at the same time. Asuna got 60 Demonite ore, A Shield of Cthulhu, 3 seed of corruption, 25 Unholy arrows. While I got 57 Crimtane Ore, Another Shield of Cthulhu, 2 seeds of Crimson, Binoculars, and 8 gold coins.

Looks like this world has both Crimson and Corruption in it.

"Asuna, what do you want to do now? Do you want to spend the night here? Or maybe I could make a new room for you in my shop. You can spend the night there peacefully, while coming back here to slaughter the monsters to your hearts content." I asked Asuna.

"I don't want to be a burden on you anymore. You have already helped me so much..." Said Asuna while looking down. Looks like she wants to take up the offer, but also worried about burdening me.

"Nah, you won't be a burden on me. It's pretty cheap to buy a simple room. And you can just help out around the shop whatever if you feel like it." I said smiling which seemed to make her happy.

"Then I will happily accept your offer." Asuna said cheerfully.


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