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22.22% Omniversal Trade Center / Chapter 3: A Dragon has appeared

Capítulo 3: A Dragon has appeared

After the door closed, I released a sigh of relief. That was nerve wrecking. I thought I would mess up because of my lack of interaction with people. A shut in like me doesn't have the ability to make good conversations.

But I think I did wonderfully. Even though I didn't earn anything, I secured a regular customer. He will definitely come back for the cure of his sister. And it won't be long. I sold him the CDs of the anime episodes up to his current point, and one extra CD of the next episode, the hotel incident. The one where the JFL takes the whole hotel hostage, and Euphemia is a part of the hostages.

After that incident is over, dude will definitely come running back demanding for the cure. After the cure, I will entice him with better items to secure his victory against Britannia.

And man, I am gonna scam the hell out of him. The Cure for both eyes and legs combined costs only 80 OT. Atleast the F Grade ones. And I am pretty sure she won't need a higher ranked one.

If her crippling injury was new, even a healing potion could have cured her, and healing potions are cheaper. But healing potions have a limit of 1 week. After that it requires a Cripple Cure potion, which can cure any crippled status.

Even though it's more expensive that healing potions, it's still way too cheap, compared to the Knightmare Frames I am gonna ask for in exchange, which costs thousands of OT.

But even though I will scam him, it's not like I hate him. Infact I like him a lot. I even want him to have a happy end this time. Living happily with his sister till they die of old age. Maybe they both might even get married to someone. Lelouch has tons of options, and Nunnaly could probably marry Suzaku? I think they were engaged or something. Don't really remember. Hopefully she will find someone better. Suzaku was way too annoying.

But even if I want him to get an happy end, I still have a buisness to run. He can easily get a few Knightmares, it wouldn't that even be much of a problem.

But he definitely can't get the cure for his sister's disability that easily, or not at all. I don't remember how advanced their medical technology is. It should be pretty advanced, but who knows. Maybe they all focused only on weapons and hence their medicinal tech isn't that advanced. I don't exactly remember. It's been a long time since I watched Code Geass. Maybe I should also watch the CDs.

But that's for later. Right now I have work to do. I can't let my next customer see an empty shop. One time was embarrassing enough.

Thinking that I quickly bought a few selves, and started to arrange them around the shop.

Then I bought a few F Grade Healing potion and put it in the selves. Then I bought a cure poison and cure disease potion, and also put them in display. It should be enough for now. I can't spend all of my money right now or I won't have enough to buy something when needed.

It looked pretty barren with only a few selves, mostly empty with only a few glass bottles filled with red liquid and 2 other bottles, one filled with purple liquid while the other with green one. But beggars can't be choosers. When I get some more money, I will buy some more things to make my shop look a little bit better.

After I was done, I sat back down on my chair, only to look towards the front as the sound of the door opening greeted my ears once again. I looked towards the door, only to recognise the customer once again. But with recognition, there was confusion as well as the one that was in front of me was very different from the one I had saw in my past life.

This time it was a beautiful girl with orange-brownish chestnut hair and hazel eyes. She looked pretty young, probably a late teen. Her choice of clothes was pretty unique, as she was wearing clothes made out of leaves.

But the most weird thing about her wasn't her clothes, it was the fact that she had dried blood all over her body. Her hair was a total mess, like she had been in a fight recently, which probably was true seeing all that blood on her body.

And finally her face looked like the face of someone who has not heard about the concept of sleeping. On top of that, she had an extremely depressed expression on her face. It was the face of someone done with their life.

Seeing her condition made me pretty uncomfortable. I knew the various fictional worlds out there, that aren't just fiction anymore, were filled with violence. But seeing a person covered with blood for the first time was still unnerving.

Though I have to get used to it quickly, as a weakling that gets uncomfortable just at the sight of blood won't last long in most worlds out there. And my dream is to have a great adventure travelling through the Multiverse.

So suppressing my feeling, I tried to welcome her to the store. Before I could greet her, she fell forwards on the floor. I quickly ran towards her to check if she was okay.

Checking on her made me sigh in relief. She wasn't injured, but just exhausted. Even though she looked like she had a bath in a pool of blood, she didn't have a single injury on her body.

Picking up the girl, I took her to my room and laid her down on the bed. I will let her rest for now and wake her up a few hours later. She really needs sleep right now.

But before that, I quickly used {Clean}, a weak spell that allows me to clean the shop and everything inside. With this, all the dried blood on her body along with dirt got removed in an instant. I couldn't let a beautiful girl like her sleep covered in blood and dirt.

After that, I went back to my counter and kept searching through the OTC market to find useful things.



"Hmm, what should I buy? Should I buy Super Strength? Being able to destroy mountains with a punch is pretty amazing. Enduring bombardment of attacks without even a single flinch seems badass. Or maybe Magical abilities? Flying through the sky raining down lightning and exploding balls of fire, or using death magic to kill them with just a touch. Everything is amazing, but they all the freaking expensive." I said with a sigh. There are cheaper options, but they are also weaker, and won't be good for dealing with anything but weak side characters.

"Maybe I can buy and become a new race? I have seen dozens of races in Anime and movies that are superior to humans. Elves, Giants, Vampires, Werewolves, various kinds of races with their own speciality. Dragons, the strongest known race in most fantasy worlds as well as old mythologies. Kryptonians are pretty op, being able to grow so strong with just sunlight. Or maybe a Saiyan, being able to grow stronger by screaming, training and battle. There are an unending amount of overpowered things that I could buy, but the main problem is that I don't have money. Being poor feels bad." I could only complain about my poor status. If only someone super rich came in and bought millions of worth of stuff.

While I was busy complaining to myself, I heard the front door opening once again. I looked up and saw my new customer.

It was a cute young girl with long black hair down to her hips and black eyes. Her ears were different from a normal human's as they had pointed tips, although her long black hair made this feature difficult to notice. Her dark eyes have reptilian slitted pupils. She was around 137 cm in height.

I couldn't identify her at first, but when I noticed what she was wearing, I immediately remembered who she was. She was wearing black Gothic Lolita dress which exposed her breasts, albeit with black cross-shaped tape covering her nipples.

One of the weirdest Dress I have seen people wear. Was it supposed to be sexy? Even if a Sexy model with 10/10 figure was wearing this, I wouldn't be aroused, not to mention a loli baba. Like wtf, tapes in cross shape on top of the nipples? What kind of weird fashion is that? Whichever weirdo designed it should just quit his job.

"Welcome to my Shop, Dragon God of Infinity, Ophis. Would you like to buy something?" I asked with a smile.

She looked around with wonder, and then asked in an empty emotionless voice, "Shop? Do you sell Silence?"

"Yes, you can get anything in this shop. From the deadliest weapons, to the tastiest food, and even silence." I tried to entice her with the food part.

I read in my past life that Ophis' behaviour is like a kid in this loli form of her. She likes Cookies and other sweets. Though she actually isn't a kid, but a millennium old genderless Dragon. She used to have the form of an Old man in the past, and now she is a young girl. Her form apparently effects her behaviour.

"Then give me silence!" She asked, extending her hand towards me and asking for it in a cute manner. She didn't react at all to the food part, so maybe she didn't actually like sweets like I heard. Or maybe she just hasn't been introduced to them yet.

Now, how will I give her Silence? There are a few options.

1. Noise Cancelling Headphones. Magical Ones that actually cancel all noise.

2. A spell that creates absolute silence in the surrounding.

3. Create a Room for her that doesn't allow any noise inside.

4. Turn her deaf. Not that I would ever choose to do that.

The Noise Cancelling Headphones might just get accidentally broken by her. She is so powerful, any material that could withstand an accidental slap of her would be hella expensive.

A spell might be a good Option. While I never saw her cast any spells, she's one of the strongest beings in her World. She should be able to use it easily, since it would directly implant the knowledge in her brain.

Only problem is that she might use too much mana and now suddenly there's not a single sound in the whole world. She might even do it willingly instead of an accident.

A room of silence just for her, inside this shop. I could give her sweets as an enticement for her to choose my shop over the Dimensional Gap. I will get a Dragon loli as a bodyguard. Even though I don't need one inside the shop, I could convince her to come with me when I go to other worlds. And since she is so adorable, she can become the Mascot of my shop.

But all of these options require Money to buy, and I don't have that kind of money right now. The spell, which is the cheapest, also costs a few thousand OT. So I need her to pay first. But how will she pay? She doesn't look like someone who carries money with her.

"Miss Ophis, How will you pay? To sell you Silence, I first need to buy it from my supplier, and I don't have any money. Do you have money with you?" I asked her politely.

Hearing my question, she tilted her head in an adorable manner, " Money? I don't have any. You will not give me silence? " She questioned.

Fuck! How do I solve this problem. Maybe she has something like Dragon Scales with her? They should be pretty expensive, Since they are used to make Armour in so many Games. Especially the scales of A Dragon God.

But do Dragons even shed Scale? If not, I don't have the courage to ask her to rip off of a scale from her body. That sounds way too painful.

Maybe she could give a few drops of her blood. Dragon blood is a pretty expensive resource in many fantasy world's.

"Ophis, by chance do you have anything like your Scales? The scales Dragons have are pretty expensive. You can pay with that. Or maybe a few drops of your blood. Dragon blood os also expensive." I asked her.

Hearing my question, she nodded slowly, which was super cute. Then she raised her right hand, as it got surrounded by swirling purple light before it vanished and 5 large scales appeared in her hand, stacked on top of each other. These Scales were huge, even bigger than her body. Her Dragon form should be pretty big. I wonder what it looks like.

She then dropped those scales on the floor, which made a big clanking sound, signifying their weight. I probably can't even pick them up.

"These Scales came off my body while I was fighting Baka Red." She said with a small voice. She sounded a little annoyed, which was a surprise since she didn't show a single emotion till now.

Baka Red, Or Great Red, The Dragon God Of Dreams. He is also a Stupidly Overpowered Dragon like Ophis. He likes to have fun doing stunts and laughing loudly, which really annoys Ophis.

Ophis tried to get rid of Baka Red from her home, but since they are Similar in strength, she wasn't successful. So she's looking for silence as well as recruiting a team to defeat Baka Red.

"Now can I get silence?" She asked once again. Hr question made me move quickly to take the scales.

"Yes, you will get your silence. Just wait a minute." Saying that I quickly transferred all the scales inside the OTC inventory, that is used to store Items that I bought or am trying to sell. Other things can't be stored there.

I then checked the price of the scales and also got a heart attack. 150 OT for each scale. Freaking 150k for a single one, and I have 5. 750k OT in an instant. This is a jackpot. I am rich.

Though, I am not actually that rich. I can't get the OP items like Saiyan race with just this much, as they cost millions. But I can atleast get started.

But I suppressed my excitement for now, as I have a customer to serve. "Miss Ophis, Which one would you like to buy? An item called Headphones that you wear around your ears. It can stop all sounds from disturbing you. A spell that creates pure silence in a limited area around you. Or maybe a room that doesn't allow a single sound inside?"

Ophis once again tilted her head at the question. She put one finger on her chin and started to think about her choices, which looked extremely adorable to me.

"Headphones." She said after a minute of thinking.

Hearing that I was a little disappointed. I wanted her to choose the room so that my shop could have a cute little Mascot.

But I bought her Headphones anyway. It cost 50k to buy headphones made out of such strong materials, but it was worth it. I still made a 14 times profit.

Hopefully they can endure her strength, or I might have to buy even more expensive ones, and I have no idea if she has any more scales.

My first Scam is successful! Though I felt kinda bad scamming such an adorable little thing, but she shouldn't have any use for her scales anyway. And probably no one in her World has the courage to request or steal these from her. So they would go to waste anyway.

Ahh, look at me, trying to convince myself that I am not a scummy person for scamming an innocent little girl. I truly have fallen low.

Feeling a little guilty, I decided to give Ophis a Gift. Scrolling through the unending list of OTC, I found what I was looking for and quickly bought it for Ophis.

"Miss Ophis, here take these Cookies. They are one of the tastiest cookies in existence. You will definitely like them. And if you want more in the future you can come back anytime with the help of this key." I handed over a big bag of Cookies and A key to Ophis.

Ophis took the things with a nod and started walking towards the doir, when I suddenly remembered an important thing. I quickly bought something from the shop and stopped Ophis before handing her another item.

"Here Miss Ophis, take these clothes. These would look better on you than your current ones. And Whoever suggested you your current clothes, slap them with your full power once you go back. Okay?" I requested. Whichever pervert thought to suggest her those clothes deserves a full powered slap from Ophis.

"Okay." Ophis nodded at me and then slowly walked through the door.

After she left, I suddenly started jumping with excitement. My first buisness transaction and it's a huge jackpot.

And now I can buy a few Powers for myself. I excitedly opened the Store and bought {Mana Manipulation} as my first skill.

And instantly I could feel it's effect. I felt a small pool of unknown energy situated deep within my heart. I tried to manipulate it and it instantly followed my command as it started to move throughout my whole body.

After that I tried to cast the most basic magic spell ever, {Mana Bolt}. I commanded the mana within me to gather on top of my hand in the shape of a small ball.

I failed at first but after a few tries, I could form it effortlessly. Then I tried to launch it at a wall at fast speed.

At first it just started floating towards the wall at slow speed before disappearing. But after 5 minutes of constant attempt, it finally succeeded. A small ball of mana launched at the wall at a very fast speed.

The wall was completely fine, as it was supposedly strong enough to withstand a Galaxy destroying blast.

But even though there wasn't any sign of damage on the wall, I was still very excited. My first attack Spell. I am moving forward in life. Even though it was my dream to have Super powers in my last life, I could have never imagined that dream becoming true.

But this few minutes of practicing such a simple spell left me completely exhausted. I had too little mana. I needed to increase my mana capacity.

So I once again Searched for a skill. And I found just the skill I needed. {Meditation} It increases my energy reserves as well as strengthens my body when meditating. Basically a skill from Cultivation Worlds.

After buying the skill, I quickly sat down on the floor, and started meditating.



After meditating for an unknown amount of time, my meditation was disturbed when I heard the sound of a door opening. But this time it was not the front door but the door to my bedroom.

Looks like my Guest is finally awake.

"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

AN : If you find any spelling or grammatical mistake, I would like to say that English is my third language, and I type on a phone. So it's not my fault. Blame Joe.

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