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100% Is It Wrong To Find His Own Sun / Chapter 6: Chapter - 6 Time And Challenge

Capítulo 6: Chapter - 6 Time And Challenge

Chapter 6:

With the golden soul that had once been in his hand shattered, it turned into wisps of gold that flowed like running water toward his very soul. This process didn't take long, only several seconds passing by. Afterward, a tsunami of foreign memories, experiences, and beliefs rushed into his mind. They belonged to a man named Solaria of Astora.

Henry felt Solaria's unwavering devotion to the Lord of Sunlight as he trained to become a warrior of sunlight, seeking his own "sun" in a world that was slowly burning out. Despite the world's decay, Solaria's determination never wavered. He even turned himself undead to embark on a journey across the birthplace of the Lord of Sunlight.

As Solaria wandered through the land of Lordran, he sought to find his own sun. His journey took him from the grand city of the gods, Anor Londo, to the treacherous and poisoned swamp of Blighttown. He ventured further into the Tomb of the Giants, where the god of death, Grave Lord Nito, resided. He also braved the chaotic and demon-infested lands, which had now turned into a magma-ridden place. All of this was in his relentless pursuit of finding his own sun.

The memories of Solaire's life and adventures flooded Henry's mind. He experienced the exhilaration of traveling, the challenges of battles across Lordran, and the countless miracles he learned along the way. It served as a powerful reminder of Solaire's unwavering devotion to the Lord of Sunlight.

However, his journey came to a tragic end. Solaire, in a state of deep depression, became parasitized by a Sunlight Maggot. This creature was known to emit a blinding light when worn on the head. As Solaire descended into madness, he claimed that the maggot was the sun he had been searching for.

And thus, the story of the Warrior of Sunlight came to an end. With the memories of Solaire coming to an end, he woke up from this state. As Henry regained consciousness, he found himself on his knees, holding his head, his eyes glazed over from the overwhelming flood of a lifetime's worth of memories that had been thrust into his mind. It was a massive sensory overload for his mind.

Henry was confused. Was he Henry or Solaire? However, this state of confusion didn't last long as he quickly snapped out of it. With His strong willpower, because the time he spent training in Haki made it that way. and he knew he would always be Henry. As time passed, Henry worked diligently to sort the memories of Solaire into separate files in his mind, making sure they didn't conflict with his own memories and thoughts.

It was quite challenging for Henry, as this was his first time experiencing the capabilities of his newfound mind, which had become more powerful than ever before. He embarked on an experiment, attempting to create his own mental library akin to that of Sherlock Holmes, but the task proved to be exceedingly difficult.

Henry grappled with the complexities of organizing and cataloging his thoughts and memories. It required immense mental effort and concentration. The process was riddled with obstacles and setbacks, as he struggled to find the optimal system for storing and accessing information within his mind.

Yet, despite the hardships, Henry persisted. He recognized the immense potential that lay within his expanded mental capacity. He was determined to develop his own version of the mind palace, where he could effortlessly retrieve and analyze information, just as Sherlock Holmes had done.

Henry didn't notice how deeply he was engrossed in the task of sorting through a lifetime's worth of memories belonging to Solaire. Solaire's memories encompassed various aspects of his existence, from his training with the blade to the meticulously crafted weapon he made and painted himself, showcasing his unwavering devotion to the Lord of Sunlight.

These memories intertwined with Henry's recollections of wielding the Sunlight Straight Sword, a weapon imbued with the power of Gandalf that could extract the memories of every previous owner of the weapon that he holds. As time passed, Henry meticulously organized and integrated these new memories, carefully separating them into distinct files within his mind.

After a considerable amount of time, Henry finally opened his eyes once again. Unlike before, he wasn't dazed; instead, he felt a sense of clarity and calmness enveloping him. As he rose from his kneeling position, he realized that his mind was surprisingly refreshed and lucid, even after the overwhelming influx of new memories.

Not only had Henry successfully sorted out Solaire's memories, but he had also managed to separate and organize his own personal recollections. Each memory found its rightful place within the intricate web of files in his mind, preserving their individuality and preventing any potential confusion or overlap.

This was undoubtedly good for him. He was afraid that his previous knowledge would fade with time. He had been too focused on his combat potential rather than his mind, as he hadn't noticed that his mind had already reached this level of thought. It was a good reminder for him to focus on his overall well-being rather than fixating on a single aspect.

And now he probably knew how his mind had reached this state. His mind was already quite mature due to his previous life. After training in Hamon with his now young body and having his Hamon simulate every part of his body be it externally or internally, it may have caused his brain to undergo mutation. And after absorbing the soul of the Sun Knight, he was able to reach the state he is in now.

But one thing he noticed was his soul. He could actually feel it, albeit faintly, not like he merely held the soul of the Sun Knight. He could sense that his soul was much stronger than before, and his Haki had also become more powerful in all aspects, whether it was his observation Haki or his armament Haki.

This was good. His observation Haki could only reach about 750 meters before, but now it extended to twice that distance. Similarly, his armament Haki had also doubled in duration and strength, enhancing the coating of his arm.

Henry looked towards his arm as he coated it with armament Haki, watching as his fist slowly turned a dark red metallic hue. But it wasn't just his arm that was coated; it spread to almost his entire body, reaching halfway up his back and chest. And when he tried imbuing his weapon with Haki, it would now last much longer than before.

After some time, Henry uncoated his body from the Haki, eager to try something he had learned from Solaire's memories. It was called "Miracle" - the power of miracles granted to casters through reading tales that bring about revelations. Miracles were the power of the gods, tracing their origin back to the dawn of the Age of Fire when Gwyn, Lord of Sunlight, led his knights and the other lords in a war against the Dragons.

This was what Henry had gained after absorbing Solaire's memories. Solaire had mastered two spells that Henry now possessed: "Lightning Spear" and "Great Heal." These were the two main miracles he had frequently used throughout his journey in Lordran.

Now, Henry's delight was palpable, his eyes filled with eagerness as he contemplated the prospect of utilizing miracles. However, a sudden realization struck him like a bolt of lightning—he needed a catalyst to wield these extraordinary powers. He recalled how Solaire had used a talisman to invoke miracles, causing a slight dimming of his excitement. Yet, a spark of hope ignited within him as he considered an alternative solution. Could he utilize the Sunlight Straight Sword as the catalyst to channel and invoke the miracles?

The best way to know is by doing it. Henry reached into the inventory space of the system and retrieved the Sunlight Straight Sword. As he tightly gripped the hilt and unsheathed the blade, a surge of anticipation coursed through him. He kneeled on the ground, slowly reciting the ancient tale as he attempted to use the sword as the catalyst to invoke it.

It didn't take long for a radiant, golden circle to materialize, adorned with intricate runes that glowed with otherworldly energy. The circle expanded, enveloping Henry within its embrace. In a burst of golden brilliance, Henry's figure was engulfed by it, slowly dispersing and disappearing. Henry slowly stood up from his kneeling position, with a broad grin on his face. He had done it, and it had worked.

When the golden circle engulfed him with its light, Henry felt rejuvenated and healed, sensing a significant improvement compared to before. But he still wanted to try the last Miracle, the "Lightning Spear," which was known to be effective against magic, fire, and, most of all, dragons. Henry sheathed the blade once more and stood, reciting the ancient tale as he put all his faith in Solaire.

Raising his right hand in the air, a golden lightning spear slowly appeared in Henry's grasp. With one swift movement, he threw the spear toward a stone wall in the basement. The spear traveled at lightning-fast speed and upon impact, it caused a tremendous explosion, demolishing the wall and scorching the surrounding walls with its fiery blast.

With a smile that reached his ears, he laughed, "Hahahahahaha..." He was undoubtedly happy, resembling a child who had just received a piece of candy from their mother. The joy of mastering a new form of magic overwhelmed him. Although he had previously used magic with the Wand of Sparking, being able to wield it with his own hands was a completely different and exhilarating experience for him.

But the joy didn't last indefinitely, as Henry continued to fire the lightning spear multiple times toward the now broken stone wall. Eventually, he managed to calm himself down and sat on one of the chairs he had crafted using the crafting table.

Seated in the chair, Henry rested his fist under his chin and directed his gaze towards the massive door he had constructed as the catalyst for the battle arena keys. As he had been firing the lightning spear at the wall, the thought crossed his mind that perhaps it was time to go and participate in the battle arena. However, that thought quickly vanished as a new realization dawned on him.

In that moment, Henry became lost in the overwhelming sensation of joy and adrenaline coursing through his veins. He couldn't help but revel in the fact that he had finally learned to wield a form of magic. However, he managed to stop himself from following his immediate thoughts, realizing that it could lead to his doom.

Henry acknowledged that he might have been overly cautious, but he didn't want a repeat of his past mistakes. When he first arrived in this world, he had nearly lost his life due to his anger and recklessness. It was only thanks to the healing potion from the system that he was saved from potential infections or illnesses in a completely unfamiliar world.

Reflecting on those memories made him feel foolish, but he knew he had grown since then. Henry had learned to be more stoic, keeping his emotions in check and approaching situations with a calmer demeanor. However, he acknowledged that his emotions were still somewhat unstable, especially when he wasn't consciously monitoring them.

Now, in the present, he needed to focus on how to approach the battle arena with the three challenges he had set up. He had decided to start with the Goblin army, knowing it would be the easiest among the three. Drawing from his experience playing the game, Henry could somewhat predict what would happen in the arena and plan accordingly. However, he also recognized that there would be differences between the game and reality, so he used his experience as a foundation for planning and adapting to the actual challenges that lay ahead.

Now he needed to prepare for the expedition to the battle arena. He knew it would be a month-long period during which he had to survive an unending onslaught. Although there was a way to forfeit, he was determined not to use it.

However, today was not the day for the expedition. Henry stood up from the wooden chair and pulled out his pocket watch, checking the time. It was already nearing midnight. He had mistaken it for morning, but now he realized he should rest first and prepare for the trip the next day. He needed time to adapt after absorbing the soul and to rest before embarking on the long period when he would be away and inside the dungeon.

Soon after he looked at his watch, he first fixed the stone wall of the basement that he had destroyed while using the lightning spear. It didn't take him too long, as he simply replaced the damaged section with new stone blocks. He appreciated the convenience of Minecraft logic, which made building and repairing things in the real world much easier and more streamlined.

After climbing up the stairs, he washed himself and changed his clothes. Finally, he returned to his bedroom and went to sleep.

With the slow rising of the sun, Henry was already up and about. As he didn't truly need a long time to sleep after learning Hamon, he probably only needed a couple of hours of sleep, or even none if he chose to do so. However, he knew that rest was essential for the health of his body and mind, so he made an effort to sleep, even if only for a short period of time.

Henry was now in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for himself and Tweety. He moved about in the kitchen, cooking the sea beast meat that he had obtained from the system. It took him quite some time as he needed to cook large quantities to satisfy his growing daily appetite after he integrated 'Big mom physique.'

After placing the dish on a plate and setting it on the dining table, he also prepared a smaller portion for Tweety, placing it beside him.

"Tweety, food's ready!" Henry called out, and it didn't take long before he could hear Tweety's cheerful chirping and the sound of his wings flapping as he approached.

"Tweet... Tweet," Tweety flew into the dining room and landed on Henry's shoulder, expressing his excitement for mealtime.

They both sat in their seats and began to eat their food. While Henry was eating, he couldn't help but desire some variety in his diet. He had been sticking to a full meat base diet, and Tweety seemed to benefit from it too, as he appeared larger than before.

It didn't take long for them to finish their breakfasts. Henry looked at Tweety.

"Tweety," he called.

"Tweet?" Tweety tilted his head in response, looking at Henry with a questioning gaze.

"We're going on a long expedition today. Are you ready?" Henry asked Tweety. He knew it was unnecessary to ask, as he knew Tweety would not disagree. But Tweety was his only companion. Even though he had finally met someone in this world, albeit a god, they hadn't formed the same bond he had with Tweety.

As Henry expected, Tweety didn't hesitate at all. He bobbed his head in agreement. "Tweet… tweet!"

Henry couldn't help but smile. It was nice to have someone beside him. He extended his finger for Tweety to perch on, and Tweety obliged. Henry looked into Tweety's clear grey eyes and spoke.

"Then let us prepare. At three, we will set off for the expedition."

"Tweet!! Tweet!!" Tweety, perched on Henry's finger, saluted him with a flap of his wing.

Henry couldn't help but chuckle. "Hahaha, then let us prepare."

Henry and Tweety meticulously gathered the supplies needed for their long expedition. Henry made sure to prepare all the necessary items, including his armor, winter coat, weapons, and other essential gear. He also took the time to pack rations that would sustain them for a month and a half. With the uncertainty of the dungeon ahead, Henry wanted to ensure they were fully prepared for any unforeseen challenges.

As the preparations were completed, Henry double-checked his equipment and supplies, making sure nothing was left behind. Tweety chirped and flapped his wings in anticipation, showing his readiness for the journey ahead.

Soon, the time had come. Henry and Tweety stood in the basement, fully prepared for their expedition. Henry was clad in his armor, wearing his winter coat to protect against the cold. His weapons, including the Sunlight Straight Sword, Burial Blade, and Simon's Bowblade, were securely fastened to his waist and the endless quiver that was fastened on the back of his waist. Henry held his Cobalt Naginata in his hand, ready for any challenges that lay ahead. Tweety perched on Henry's shoulder, ready to accompany him on this journey.

As Henry looked at the massive door, the catalyst for the battle arena keys, he took a deep breath to steady himself. He wasn't sure what challenges awaited him in the arena, but he was determined to face them head-on.

"Tweety, stay close to me," Henry said, glancing at his loyal companion. "Let's do this together."

"Tweet… Tweet…"

With that, Henry used the key on the door. The door changed as he placed the key, transforming from a stone door to a pure wooden door. Henry took a deep breath as he opened the massive door, revealing a swirling portal that led to the battle arena. Without hesitation, he and Tweety stepped through, ready to face whatever trials and battles awaited them in this new and dangerous world.

As he passed through, the world around him blurred and shifted. He felt a surge of anticipation mixed with a tinge of apprehension. He knew he was about to face trials, battles, and perhaps even dangers, unlike anything he had encountered before.

When Henry opened his eyes once more, he found himself in a different place—a vast green grassland stretching as far as the eye could see, with scattered trees dotting the landscape.

Utilizing his Observation Haki to its maximum extent, Henry surveyed his surroundings, but there was no sign of any living beings. He turned his attention to Tweety, who was thankfully still perched on his shoulders.

Henry addressed Tweety, "Tweety, could you fly around and scout the area for us?"

With a nod and a chirp of affirmation, Tweety took off swiftly, exploring the surroundings from above.

As Tweety flew away, Henry's attention was drawn to a blue interface that suddenly appeared in front of him. The interface displayed the following message:

{You have entered the battle arena. You have only 1 hour to prepare before the challenge begins. Once the timer hits zero, there will be no turning back. You must survive the 'never-ending' onslaught of goblins for a month. Once you enter the arena, time outside of it will stop.


Timer: 00:58:00}

Henry read the message on the interface with a calm expression on his face. He understood the importance of time but saw no reason to panic or worry. He had already prepared himself for this moment before stepping into the battle arena.

Now, he needed to assess the situation around him. As far as his eyes could see, there were no mountains, only vast plains of grassland. This posed a significant disadvantage for him, as there was no natural cover or hiding spots available. Henry would need to build a first as he already brings a lot of material for this.

It didn't take long for Henry to construct a small base using three layers of stone, fortified for the upcoming challenge. He also dug a trench surrounding his base, providing an additional layer of defense. While Henry was building his base, Tweety returned from scouting the area, confirming that there was nothing but vast grassland in the surroundings.

After finishing the construction of his base and Tweety returning from scouting, Henry glanced at the timer still ticking on the system interface.

{Timer: 00:20:00}

He had only twenty minutes left to finalize his preparations before the upcoming fight. Henry used this time to double-check his essential items for the battle. He inspected his weapons, ensuring they were in optimal condition. He examined his armor, making certain it provided maximum protection. He checked the potions he had stored in one of the empty pouches that he emptied out as strapped to his waist. Lastly, he reviewed the accessories he had acquired from the system.

The first accessory he inspected was the 'Band of Regeneration', which slightly increased his regeneration abilities. Next, he examined the 'Coin Ring', which caused enemies to drop coins upon defeat. The ring had the additional ability to store the coins in selected storage space. Lastly, he looked at the 'Valentine Ring', a powerful accessory that provided the user with a 50% health regeneration boost and increased jump height.

Having already put on the accessories beforehand, Henry ensured that they were properly positioned on his finger and wrist. As he finished inspecting all of his items, he noticed that the timer was nearing its end.

{Time: 00:10:00}

Henry stood before his makeshift base, with Tweety resting on his shoulders. He waited patiently as the seconds ticked away, counting down to the impending battle.

{Time: 00:01:00}

{Time: 00:00:30}

{Time: 00:00:03}

{Time: 00:00:02}

{Time: 00:00:01}

{Time: 00:00:00}

{The Goblin Army is approaching}

As the timer reached zero, a foreboding message appeared in a dark crimson hue. Henry read the message aloud, and shortly after, he heard the distant cries and marching of thousands of goblins. The sound surrounded him from all directions, growing louder with each passing moment.

As Henry gazed at the horizon, his heightened eyesight allowed him to clearly see an army of goblins rushing toward him. Their figures grew closer and closer, and he could sense their presence within his Haki range. Another message appeared on the system interface.

{The Goblin Army has arrived}

Henry tightened his grip on his naginata, while Tweety took to the air, prepared to drop grenades onto the approaching army. Henry realized that he had willingly signed up for this "war," knowing that nothing would change until one month had passed.

The goblin army drew nearer, and Henry recognized both familiar and unfamiliar goblin units from the game. Leading the charge was the goblin peon, a common foot soldier. Behind them marched the goblin warriors, the backbone of the goblin infantry. These heavily-armored soldiers could withstand tremendous damage as they advanced relentlessly on the battlefield.

Among the goblins were the goblin thieves, quick-strike units that posed a threat with their agility. The goblin archers served as crucial support for the army. However, the most dangerous among the goblin forces were the goblin sorcerers. Henry remembered their ability to manipulate shadow energy through hexes. If luck was against him, he might even encounter the goblin summoners, which could be said an evolved form of the sorcerers with even more powerful hexes at their disposal.

When he analyzed the goblin army, he had yet to see any goblin summoners. Before they even reached him, he dashed forward toward the goblin army, gripping his naginata firmly in his hands. He sent out multiple flying slashes toward the army, with each slash dismembering several goblins and causing the earth to upheave.

The goblin army didn't even have a chance to attack Henry. They couldn't even get near him before they were beheaded by his blade. Even the nimble goblin thief couldn't get close to him. Only the goblin sorcerer, who could teleport, managed to approach before being quickly beheaded by Henry. Henry wasn't the only one fighting.

With Tweety in the sky, dropping grenades toward the goblins that hadn't reached Henry yet, the fight continued. The sun slowly descended and the moon began to rise. The battle between the goblin army and Henry did not stop.

In this battle, he didn't try to finish it quickly as he did with the bear and troll. This fight was a marathon. Even if he finished quickly, they would come again and again, as it was truly a never-ending army.

The land, once full of green grassland, was now a valley soaked in blood and littered with goblin body parts. And this was only the beginning; not even half a day had passed. Henry continued slashing and killing all of the goblins, looking at the corpses of those he had just slain.

And he had to do this for a month. He just hoped the system would give him time to rest, but if it didn't, he would be in big trouble. Soon time ticked by quickly Henry did this for a day on end with no rest for 24 hours of the day and the day after and after. As he slaughtered the goblin as he now didn't even count how many he killed.

He didn't care anymore, but he still kept track of time. It had already been a week since he entered the dungeon and started killing this never-ending army of goblins. The blood and gore had numbed him, hour after hour, as he slaughtered the green-skinned, long-eared bastards.

Henry stood still, holding his naginata, which was now glistening with the dark crimson red of goblin blood. But it wasn't just his naginata that ended up drenched in their blood; his winter coat was also stained, with blood still dripping down. Fortunately, the winter coat was hydrophobic and didn't soak through like a sponge.

He continued swinging his naginata at the goblins, killing them again and again, while maintaining his steady breathing. Sometimes, golden sparks could be seen as he used Hamon to help him stay rejuvenated. Even though he didn't have enough to eat or rest in this hellhole, he was constantly awake from the first day he arrived here.

Being awake for this long has taken its toll on him mentally, but he couldn't stop. If he does, he will be killed because he knows he isn't invincible or immortal. Even with all the items, skills, and talents he has learned, if he rests now, he will die. Even if there are only goblins, He knows his own mortality well. Since he has already died once, he doesn't want to die again.

So, Henry kept swinging his naginata, but he was not alone in this. Tweety didn't want to waste the rest of the garden, so now he pecked out the goblin's eye, clawed at them, and used his wings to slash at them.

Soon, time passed quickly as it was now 'week two' of his expedition in the battle arena. Henry and Tweety were still fighting goblins nonstop without rest. Now, Henry was tired, to say the least. He hadn't had any rest or a proper meal for the past 14 days in this hellhole. Tweety was undoubtedly in a better situation than him. Even if he didn't eat or rest, he could go on for months or even years.

He did try to have a proper rest in the base that he built, but in the end, it was useless because of the goblin sorceress and summoner. They made it hard for him with their attacks that could phase through blocks and teleport to any place they wanted. It was frustrating and rage-inducing.

Now, he just does the bare minimum to survive—drinking and eating. But sadly, rest is something he doesn't have time for in this hellhole. Henry still stands in front of the base that he built. He stabs his naginata into the ground and now dual-wields his single-handed sword, the Sunlight Straight sword, and Simon's Bow Blade in each of his hands.

'Week three' come by quickly, now Henry is truly exhausted and tired be it mentally or psychically, now he is slowly losing his mind to this endless killing, as he just swings his weapon be it his sword, naginata, or even his fist and legs to kill the goblins. And now after three hell weeks in this place, the surrounding that was once lush green grass turned into a hell-like landscape.

Where hills of dismembered goblin body parts littered the area, there was once a river of blood flowing across the landscape, but now it had turned into a sea filled with the blood of the goblins. Henry didn't remember how many goblins he and Tweety had killed to create the gruesome scene that surrounded him now.

But it must have been in the millions or even more to create such a sight. He didn't care either way; he just truly wanted to rest. It had now been 21 days in this damned place, and he had only 9 days left until he could leave. He just needed to be patient.

Being here for such a long time made him ponder why he was trying so hard. What was it all for? This question lingered in his mind for the past week as he fought off the goblins and struggled to find even a wink of sleep. He didn't even know why he fought so fiercely. As he could give up now.

For strength, power, fear out of the gods, or even survival? He doesn't know, but it doesn't mean he will give up. If he did, he would not forgive himself, as he needs to finish this and reach the end... He is a scholar of myth; this is his goal now. But even then, he doesn't have a big goal. When Henry ponders once more as he keeps killing the goblins that always come towards him, using the Navy Six style, he suddenly gets a realization.

Maybe he is better off finding his own sun. Even though he doesn't believe in the Lord of Sunlight like the Sun Knights do, he can't help but remember the unmovable will of Solaire to find and reach his own sun, even though he failed.

And now his soul combines with Solaire's memory that will not be forgotten. And now he knows what goal he should reach: to find his own sun. Like Solaire, he should strive to find his very own sun.

Henry swings his fist toward the goblin with renewed vigor. Even in this endless hell, he has found a new purpose, even though he doesn't know when or where he will find this illusory sun of his. And now, it is only the beginning of his journey. He only needs to move forward and find it.

Soon, another week passed, and Henry has already been in the battle arena for four weeks. He is unimaginably exhausted, and his hands shake every time he holds his blade. Now, he only uses his fists to attack the goblins. With every passing second, he feels his consciousness urging him to rest, to take a break.

The reason he can continue is solely because of his will, the will to not die, to move forward, to find his own sun. His journey will not stop here. The most frustrating thing about his situation is that after the fourth week, the number of goblins attacking him doubled, and every day it keeps increasing.

After that, he only focuses on killing the goblins that come near him. But in the past week, he felt something different when using his Observation Haki. He reduced the radius of his Haki to about 5 meters surrounding him.

He can now feel every attack the goblins throw at him, even with his eyes closed and minimal movement to dodge them. Although he has trained his Observation Haki to sense presences and have a light sense of incoming attacks, now he is in a life-and-death battle, and his will and Haki have been tempered to the extreme.

Even in this chaotic battle even when his mental state is near its breaking point his mind was clear, He can feel the subtle shifts in the goblins' movements, their intentions telegraphed through the air. Every swing of their weapons, every leap, and every strike carries with it a distinct signature in his perception.

Now he can sense the 'breath' of intention from the goblins when they attack him. Even though he is exhausted and tired, he has reached his breaking point. At the same time, this is an opportunity for him to grow much stronger and better.

Now Henry needs to endure 2 more days before this hell could finally come to an end. Two more days... As Henry swings his fist and dodges the goblin attacks, whether they are frontal sneak attacks or even teleporting right in front of him. Now his armor is completely soaked with their blood, the only thing that isn't is his winter cape, which is only covered in blood.

Finally, two days have passed in the blink of an eye. Henry still stands in the same spot, attacking the army of goblins that now exceeds his comprehension since the last day. Henry looks at the cloak that is slowly ticking, with only 5 more seconds left.

{Time: 00.00.05}

{Time: 00:00:04}

{Time: 00:00:03}

{Time: 00:00:02}

{Time: 00:00:01}

When Henry doesn't pay more attention to the time, it leaves only one minute left. He punches the goblins that surround him with renewed energy as it slowly comes to an end...

{Time: 00:00:00}

{The goblin army has been defeated}

When Henry sees the message, he lets out a sigh of relief and exhaustion. He saw with his very eyes that the goblins that once surrounded him turned into puffs of smoke and disappeared in the blink of an eye. But he still couldn't let his guard down. In the past months, he has been in nonstop combat for his life.

While in this vigilant state, Tweety, whom he almost forgot in the never-ending goblin army, flew and landed on his shoulder once more. He couldn't help but be surprised and relieved that Tweety was still okay. When Henry is about to ask Tweety something, he sees the interface showing the defeat of the goblin army with a new message.

{The user has unlocked the secret stage, prepare for battle}

Henry sees this message, and in a matter of moments, day turns quickly tonight, where only the moon lights up the world. Shortly after that message appeared, another message appeared in large letters.

{You feel an evil presence watching you...}

Now Henry could feel an ominous presence watching him. He could feel every hair on his body standing up, continuously haunted by this presence, and his instincts were screaming at him to run away. While in this state, another message appeared.

{The Eye of Cthulhu has arrived}

Henry sees that same ominous text again. He could feel the sudden presence that has spawned in the sky. When he looks up to see it, he sees a spherical shape primarily composed of a large bloodshot eyeball, which takes up most of its body. The eye has a bright red iris with a glowing yellow pupil, giving it an eerie and malevolent appearance. Surrounding the eye are several writhing, vein-like tentacles that protrude outward in different directions. These tentacles are jagged and menacing.

With its massive body looming over the battlefield, casting a shadow and instilling a sense of dread as it approaches, its entire body emits a pulsating glow, giving off an otherworldly and ethereal aura. After that comes a deafening scream that shakes the air itself, making it distorted with its simple scream.

He can feel his instincts screaming at him to run. Now he has just finished fighting the goblin army for a month without rest, and he needs to fight this monster when he is exhausted, whether it's his body or mind. Now he's nearing his breaking point. He can't even breathe correctly.

His only way to win this and defeat the eye is with a single shot. He couldn't last any longer if it was a war of attrition. He needs just one shot to end it.

But he needs time, just a single minute, no, half a minute to prepare. As he looks at Tweety, who is now flying in a circle, trying to protect him, he can't help but smile a little at its determination. He speaks,

"Tweety, can you try to distract it for me, just for half a minute? Can you do it?"

"Twee... Tweet." Tweety nods its head as it flies toward the eye and distracts it.

After Tweety flies away, Henry moves quickly, pulling out the weapon he obtained from his first gacha, Gough's Great Bow. It's a weapon designed to be used by a giant, with its sole purpose being to slay immortal dragons. As its size was still massive even if it already fitted the user's height.

Henry pulls out an arrow from his endless quiver, for Gough's Great Bow doesn't use the same type of arrows as normal bows. It requires a spear-like arrow that is as long as the bow itself. As he prepares the arrow, he doesn't pull it out just yet. He imbues the arrow with his Haki, to the very limited that he could. He steadies his breathing, infuses his Hamon towards the arrow, and lastly, he softly speaks an ancient tale as he imbues the arrow with a miracle, putting all of his faith into it.

Henry is so focused that he doesn't notice the eye is no longer chasing Tweety. The eye is now locked on him. It charges towards him at a fast pace, moving so quickly that it's barely visible to the naked eye. Tweety tries to gain his attention once more, but it's futile. As the eye felt the danger that Henry poses to his life.

As the eye approaches him, slowly nearing, it finally reaches the 5-meter mark just as Henry finishes his chant for the miracle. The arrow transforms completely, now sporting a dark red metallic hue with golden sparks that shine like the sun. It crackles with golden lightning, seemingly capable of piercing anything with its mighty power.

He releases the arrow from the bow, and upon release, it emits a deafening sonic boom. The arrow travels in an instant and hits the eye of Cthulhu directly in its pupil, piercing through with ease. Not a single drop of blood is left behind as the arrow burns its way through, courtesy of the golden sparks and lightning.

As the arrow pierces through the eye of Cthulhu, a blinding burst of golden light engulfs the area. The eye lets out a deafening shriek, writhing in pain and fury. The impact of the arrow sends shockwaves throughout the monstrous creature and through the area surrounding it, causing it to tremble and the world as well.

Henry watches with bated breath as the eye of Cthulhu begins to disintegrate. It disintegrates from the point of impact, spreading outward like ripples in water. The eye's malevolent presence dissipates, leaving behind a sense of relief and victory.

With the defeat of the Eye of Cthulhu, the battlefield grows calm. Henry's exhaustion catches up to him, and he falls to his knees, his grip on the Gough's great bow faltering as it falls from his hands while gasping for breath.

He can't even keep his mind straight now, as his world slowly fades to black. His ears are ringing, and all of his senses are turning off. The last thing that Henry saw and heard before his world turned to black was the worried sound of Tweety and the end of the battle arena from the system.

As Tweety flew towards Henry, worry evident in his eyes, he watched Henry fall to his knees, seemingly losing all of his strength. Tweety landed near him and chirped with concern in his tone. However, Tweety didn't notice the once battlefield where they both fought, as now they found themselves back in the familiar place of the log cabin basement.


As Henry slowly woke from his deep slumber, he felt a sense of disorientation and fatigue. It took a moment for him to recall the events that had transpired before he fell unconscious. He instinctively reached for his pocket watch and makeshift calendar, realizing that he had been asleep for a staggering seven days. The weariness in his body was a testament to the intensity of his recent battles.

As Henry became fully aware, he realized he was sitting on the cold stone floor. In his half-awake, half-asleep state, he hadn't noticed the little finch sleeping nearby, which was now disturbed by his awakening. With a sudden jerk, the bird flew quickly and slammed its body towards Henry's face with a menacing force, causing him to fall towards the stone floor.

As he was ready to retaliate, Henry finally recognized the bird. "Tweety?" he exclaimed with a mixture of surprise and relief.

"Tweeeee.... Tweee..." Tweety replied with sad chirps, as if he had genuinely thought something had happened to Henry. The bird continued to nudge his whole body against Henry's face.

Henry understood Tweety's concern and gently placed his hands on the bird's body, softly rubbing it to calm him down.

"It's okay, Tweety. I'm alright," Henry reassured the loyal companion. "I must have been out for quite some time, huh?"

Tweety let out a soft coo, as if understanding Henry's words. With Tweety flew and now rested on Henry shoulder once more. As Henry slowly got up from the floor, he looked around the familiar basement that he had spent countless hours in. But before he did anything else, he assessed his energy and mental state, finding them now in optimal condition, along with his body, ensuring no future problems. He reached into his satchel, which was tied to his waist, and stored most of his potions.

From the satchel, he pulled out a bottle of Generation Potion II that he had obtained in one of his gacha. Uncorking it swiftly, he chugged the potion down, quickly emptying the contents. Almost instantly, he felt the aches from sleeping on the hard floor for seven days straight begin to dissipate.

The Generation Potion II worked its magic, rejuvenating his tired muscles and revitalizing his mind. However, there was one thing that it didn't address:


His hunger gnawed at him. Henry put his hand on his stomach, which had been protesting loudly for not having anything to eat for the last week. Before he could eat, he knew he needed to clean himself first. He looked down at his armor, which was still stained with dried-up blood from the goblins he had killed. The once gray surface now bore a dark red hue.

After spending nearly two hours cleaning himself up and putting away his armor, Henry donned a simple shirt and sat at the dining table with stacks of cooked meat towering on his plate, which he had prepared.

Not long after, Henry finished his meal, feeling his stomach finally full. Tweety had also finished eating his share, as he now had a round stomach. When Henry saw it he couldn't help but smile on his face, but shortly after.

Henry was now preoccupied with something else as he looked at the system interface and the reward that he had gotten after beating the battle arena, something he had been avoiding since he woke up from his week-long sleep.

{User finished the battle arena surviving the 30-day period and defeating the hidden boss 'The Eye of Cthulhu'. The rewards that the user has gained are:

Harpoon 1000

Spiky ball 9999

Shadow flame hex doll 50

Shadow flame knife 100

Shadow flame bow 200

Lesser healing potion 20

Eye of Cthulhu trophy

Eye of Cthulhu relic

Suspicious Grinning Eye

Treasure bag (Eye of Cthulhu)

Coins that have been gained:

1270 platinum coins

98 gold coins

76 silver coins

69 copper coins}

Henry, when he looked at the rewards that he had gotten, was quite satisfied. The increase of his strength after he successfully cleared the battle arena, along with the items he received, he was quite satisfied with it.

But he couldn't help remembering the days when he was in the battle arena; it really did train his will to its breaking point. He had nearly gone mad with bloodlust, and his anger had almost taken control of him in that endless battle. It was one of the most tiring and exhausting things he had ever done in this world.

It was an eye-opener for him, to say the least. He needed to do this two more times with new types of enemies he had never faced before, but he still knew of them. However, this was the future Henry's problem, not present Henry's worry.

For now, he needed to look into the rewards he had obtained in that hellhole. First, the harpoons – he didn't know what he would use them for, but he had a thousand of them. Next were the spiky balls – he had gotten 9999 of them. Maybe they could be used for traps in the future, or perhaps he could craft a giant-sized spiky ball using the crafting table? Plausible.

Moving on to the shadow flame hex doll, he had received 50 of them. It was one of the better weapons that he would use in his arsenal in the future, as per the description he received in the system.

[The Shadowflame Hex Doll is a Hardmode magic weapon that fires curving purple tentacle projectiles at a decent range, inflicting the Shadowflame debuff that slowly drains the life of the inflicted. The weapon has the characteristic trait of being indestructible.]

When he read it, it was still the same as in the game, and the other two shadow flame weapons probably had similar descriptions to the hex doll. The shadow flame knife had the same properties as the magical knife he had obtained before but with the added buff of having the shadow flame debuff and a bouncing effect when thrown.

The shadow flame bow, too, turned every arrow used with it into shadow flame arrows. Moving on, he had the Eye of Cthulhu trophy, the Eye of Cthulhu relic, and the Suspicious Grinning Eye. The first two were mostly for decoration, while the latter was a pet summon, similar to Tweety, but just a baby version of the boss he had killed.

As Henry thought about it, he turned around and looked at Tweety, who also looked back at him with a confused expression on his face. Henry quickly turned back to look at the reward list once more, with a smile, knowing that Tweety would always be the best summon a man could ever need.

And now, the main item he saved for last was the Treasure bag (Eye of Cthulhu). He already knew what was inside it from his experience playing the game. He clicked on the icon of the bag, and it burst out with different types of items stored in his system inventory.

From the main item from the Eye of Cthulhu, the 'Shield of Cthulhu', he looked at the description that the system gave him:

[The Shield of Cthulhu is an Expert Mode shield accessory obtained from the Treasure Bag dropped by the Eye of Cthulhu. Equipping it allows the player to perform a dash attack and grants momentary invincibility. The shield has the characteristic trait of being indestructible.]

It was good, but it would probably be left in his armory or inventory, as he would rarely use it even with the added effect of invincibility. He had shaving and moonwalking abilities that could do a better job.

Next was the Eye of Cthulhu mask, but he didn't need it. The most exciting items he got from the treasure bag were the demonite ore and crimtane ore, which would help with his start on his blacksmithing project. He had obtained about 180 units of each type of ore, a considerable amount that would allow him to make a significant batch of bars.

And now came the last of the rewards he had gotten, the coins he was also familiar with. He had received a ton of them, enough to be considered rich by Terraria standards, but when meeting the goblin tinkerer, his saving would be left only dust by that damn goblin.

However, he didn't know the value of these coins in this world. He was aware of the currency after Odin taught him about 'Valis', the world's currency. He knew that the monster stones he had collected would be worth something. But he didn't need the money of this world; what he needed was strength and power.

Wealth was irrelevant for now when he lived on the edge of the world. What use was it here? Henry clenched his hand into a fist. He was still weak against beings from the world of One Piece, many of whom could easily destroy mountains and islands with pure strength, power, and technique. The peak of that world could probably destroy continents or even the world.

He wanted to reach that level of strength so he could have peace of mind to explore beyond this icy tundra. He didn't know firsthand the strength of the mortals in this world, even though Odin had told him they were LVL 8 and 9 respectively; it was only hearsay, as he hadn't witnessed their feats.

He was wary and scared of the outside world beyond this icy tundra. There were adventurers whose capabilities he didn't know, and various gods who sought only entertainment in this world. He didn't want to be entangled in their plots or schemes. Before he ventured beyond this icy tundra, he needed the power of at least a navy admiral or even the strength of the Four Emperors of the seas.

As he snapped out of his thoughts, Henry got up from his seat. Now he needed a breather. He walked towards the cabin door, and before he left, he grabbed the winter coat, which was now clean, and put it on.

When he opened the door, it was nearing dusk, with the sun slowly setting. He looked at the setting sun beyond the horizon and couldn't help but appreciate its beauty. He raised his hand in a V shape as he spoke.

"Praise the sun!" [T]/

He could understand now the true meaning of the word. When you go to the deepest darkness, you can truly appreciate the beauty of the light. It was mesmerizing, to say the least, after he had gone through that trial.

Henry lowered his arms and looked at his hand where there was now a transparent rune: Gandálfr. Its ability had really helped him, but the side effect was clear too. With the multiple weapons he used, one of the most problematic aspects was the origin of the weapons: Simon's bow blade and the burial blade.

He gained memories of their world, glimpses of it, and the users who had once wielded the weapons. The conclusion he reached after knowing their world was that it was dangerous beyond belief, even more, dangerous than the world he currently resided in.

Henry stopped his thoughts, realizing he had gotten sidetracked once more. He needed to focus on what he needed; their world was not his problem. He should think about the situation he was already in. The system he had gained and the items it provided sometimes distracted him due to his curiosity, and this was just one such case.

Henry couldn't help but sigh, as he did once more. He should just rest, but before he went back inside, he wanted to see how much stronger he had become after the battle in the arena. As he walked out of the clearing where his house was built, he used Shave and moved far away from his home towards the mountain's cliff.

As he arrived, he saw that his punch imprint was still there, but he didn't care much now; he just wanted to see what new strength he had gained. He pulled his feet back into a fighting stance, and with a quick movement, he clenched his fist and used his right hand to punch. The first disappeared, leaving only a sonic boom in its wake as it arced toward the cliff face and made an impact.

The force of Henry's punch struck the cliff face with a resounding impact. The force of his punch reverberated through the air, causing a shockwave to ripple across the surroundings and air itself, causing the surrounding snow to scatter and the ground to be dispersed hundreds of meters away by the shockwave of the punch.

Henry's eyes were fixed on the impact point as dust and debris filled the air for a moment. When it was all settled, Henry saw the whole cliff face was gone and only left were rubbles in its former place. Henry was happy it was a significant change it was only using his body.

After gaining a sense of accomplishment, Henry left the area; it was already night, and he needed rest. Using Shave once more, he ran back home. Upon his return, he entered the cabin and greeted Tweety, who was drowsy and waiting for him. Tweety bobbed his head up and down. Henry was truly touched by this gesture, so he smiled and gently picked up Tweety from the dining table.

Walking towards his bedroom, with Tweety in hand and having already hung his winter coat back on the rack, he placed Tweety on the small bed near his bedside table. Then he lay down on his bed.

"Goodnight, Tweety…" Henry spoke slowly, a hint of tiredness in his tone. Tweety quickly responded with a tired chirp.


As both of them slowly closed their eyes, they drifted into the realm of dreams. While the duo slept, in the far northern distance, nearing the edge of the world deep underground, within a cave filled with gold and riches amassed over thousands of years, lay the massive body of a dragon. It was the size of an island, its scales darker than the night. As its body twitched and moved, the day it would awaken seemed ever so close.


Author notes:

Sorry for the late chapter, I was just procrastinating this last month to write this. But I tried to make this chapter longer about 9k words. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors, and if you spot any bad grammar, please help by commenting on them. lastly thank you for reading.

And any idea of what items and skills to put in the lottery system? Please leave a comment.

Psy_duck Psy_duck

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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