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16.66% Is It Wrong To Find His Own Sun / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Is It Wrong To Find His Own Sun Is It Wrong To Find His Own Sun original

Is It Wrong To Find His Own Sun

Autor: Psy_duck

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1: A New Beginning

Fantasy and myth always make one mind wonder if the tale of old was real or not, or if a person's imaginative splurge creates this fantasy and myth. That was spread by word of mouth and brought fame to these stories. Or were they true but only forgotten if so, were the gods real, the epics and legends true?

And lastly magic in itself is a whole new concept but the two have similar singular concepts that they are fantasy, not something that could be grasped by humankind, with some stories magic is not something that foreign similar to any branch of knowledge that could be studied, a study that can let human grasp and understand the universe, similar to science and any known knowledge that we have studied.

These concepts could use to understand the current situation that has happened to him.

What is the current situation that he is in you ask? well, right now looking at the white snow that covered everything from the forests, land, and mountain. As he could see the many snowflakes that keeps falling beyond the window that is covered with a thin layer of ice.

The current predicament that he has now is like a fantasy novel or some DND campaign, but he could later think of the Couse and effect of the situation. And think about what should he do now, one thing he knows is that all that happens to him is real, not fake because he could feel the numbing feeling of the cold on his skin even if he is in the cabin.

Second, he gains the memory of this previous owner but not all of them he knows that he is now 15 years old and his name, and his parents died not long ago they were killed in one of their hunts the animal is unknown to him, but he speculates what animal killed them might be a bear. They left him the house that is placed in quite a far and remote area as they lived off by making charcoal for the town and left him with quite a small fortune that they saved up that could last him for a sometimes.

This was already good to have some memories of the previous body but not all of them which makes it a problem. Now he needs to know what this log cabin has and stores so he could assess the situation and think of a plan or a goal to move forward from here.

He turnaround from the window and look around the room that he is in to see a fireplace that is still burning but is slowly losing its fuel in front of it is a sofa that could fit two people and a wooden chair beside the sofa, there is one round table near the small kitchen in the corner that leads to a hallway to three doors that was light up by magical blue stone on the wall, and Circling the table were three chairs.

He walked towards the kitchen because he could see a small door that leads towards the outside, when he opened it, he could see a lot of meat maybe a couple of kg of them in the fridge. After he closed the fridge door and walked towards the hallway and to the three doors. He opens them one by one the first door is a single-bed bedroom, and the door next to it is the bathroom and toilet. The last door is the master bedroom which seems to be untouched for quite some time with a thick layer of dust covering all the items in the room.

After he walked into the hallway did, he notice at the end of it there was a quite big pile of firewood and on the floor, he found a trap door that lead underground basement of the house. Every step that he took would make a creaking sound and in the background the sound of the crackling burning fire.

Before he goes open the trap door he grabs one of the lights on the wall when he opened it he found a ladder that is attached to the wall, he slowly climbed down not long after he arrived at the basement when he looked around the basement it was warm, not cold that he imagines and very light up.

The wall was mostly made of cobblestone the same goes for the floor but more smooth stone, the basement was quite spacious with a lot of room but the most noteworthy this here is the big metal box that is slightly elevated and with the sign of blacken stone floor he could guess what is used for. the thing that caught his attention was the corner of the room.

There is a workbench and hangs on the walls was many assortments of tools from axes, hammer, saws, and many more. Beside it was a bucket full of arrows and a longbow hanging on the wall. And lastly, a weapon rack that hangs multiple types of swords from the short sword, long sword, two-handed great sword, sabers, cutlass, and rapier.

And besides the sword rack, there is another weapon rack that holds many kinds of spears from javelin, Halbert, pike, glaive, lance, and many more.

He has many experiences with swords and weapons from his study in HEMA he could tell at a glance the swords on the rack is well-kept and had never been used before because there was no wear or tear from daily use, they look more for display rather than using as its purpose, 'his' father was probably the one that collects the weapons and built this collection, but it seems to be a similar state of the master bedroom that is been untouched for quite some time.

It is quite impressive with many kinds of weapons that 'his' father collected until his death, and the quality of these weapons far exceeded his expectations for what seems like a world in the age of medieval times. But he should expect that much now with the light source that is a glowing stone in his hand.

Several minutes pass, as he inspects the weapons, and tools that are stored in the basement. After he did that, he climbed back up the ladder, as he put back the lamp on the wall, and walked towards the living room. As he notices the fire that is slowly dissipating, he grabbed the firewood that is staked beside the fireplace.

And throw it towards the fire as it lights up more brightly than before. After he slowly sat down in a lone chair that is near the fireplace. You could see his eyes were dazed like lost in his thought. shortly after he let out a soft sigh that shortly became a white mist.

He had already died and now he is here in an unknown house, place, and world. he is confused he doesn't know if is this a dream or reality, he cannot forget the pain the anger that he felt because of him as he shot me point blank with only greed in his eyes for some paper with words on it. when he remembers he couldn't help but be angry.

But now he needs to calm down and take a deep breath, he couldn't deny the reality of the situation that happen to him now he need to accept yes just accept it now he couldn't change the past. This is now his new reality and new life he just needs to accept it.

With this new thought emerging as he tries to accept his new reality, his pupil dilates his breathing became more rush with his chest rises up and down faster with every passing breath that he took cold sweat slowly forms with every passing second that slowly soaking his clothes.

After several seconds past what seemed like hours, he closed his eyes and slowly stood up from the chair. When the young man stood up there was something wrong with the aura surrounding him like there was something awakening. he grabbed the chair he holds is so tightly that made his hands turn white.



As the chair goes flying as it hits the wooden wall of the cabin it made an audible bang as it collides.

"FUCK!?!?" he yells with anger, panic, and fear.

The once calm and collected young man before gone as the anxiety-filled him turn him into him but a madman.

"How can a sane person accept this I should be dead that cold steal muzzle that points my head I could still feel it…"

With each word he spoke slight tremble as he thought of how he died, that cold feeling will be hard to forget, and that piercing pain with his vision slowly turn to black. The helplessness turns to frustration than anger as he recalls the reason for his death, because of a stupid fucking paper and greed.

His fist clenches with all his might as it shakes because of the strong force that he clenches his fist.

*BANG! *

The sound of flesh hitting the wooden wall of the cabin reverted inside the house, but only the sound of fire crackling in the fireplace. he didn't stop with one punch with every second passed only the sound of fist punching the wooden wall of the cabin could be heard inside the house.

*BANG! *

*BANG! *

*BANG! *

*BANG! *



Shortly after the young man stood in the living room with blood-covered hands his hand full of cuts and wounds as his chest goes up and down at fast intervals. He took big breaths as he calmed his fast-beating heart with every deep breath he took his mind became clearer. Not like before his mind went blank only but rage left.

After calming himself he walked towards the sink in the kitchen because his hands that are now bloody and bruised when he washes his hand the felt the pain as the adrenalin was slowly leaving his body, minutes passed by as he wrapped his hands and wash his face to wake himself up out his quagmire. But every time he opened his hand he could always feel the stinging pain and he could hardly move his finger.

He must have broken or fractured some bones in his hands with his rage before. He usually was calm before he died, he didn't have this kind of rage but disappointment even with every misfortune that came to me in life he was usually calm but why now what happen that make him this way?

"Sigh…" the tired sigh from the young man could be heard, the calm young man from before was gone the rage-filled young man was gone too but a tired, weathered, and confused man sat on the chair in front of the fireplace.

"I want to smoke… but first what is this?".

He was looking at the floating words in Infront of him that he has been ignoring the past hours or so after he came to this unknown world. The words read.

[Lottery System]

{You can gain items and skills from different worlds}

{Point 0 <Free 2, 10 Draws> Guaranteed 5* for the first 10 Draws.

Coin 0 < Free 2, 10 Draws> Every day will have a Free Draws}

{Point summon Rarity from 3* to 5* if you are lucky, might be an unexpected surprise.

1 Draw 10 Draws

Coin summon Rarity from 1* to 3*

1 Draw 10 Draws }

The young man goes tense when he read the floating words in front of him because he remembered the gacha addiction that he has when playing online games or any luck-based game that he played.

But that quickly turn to normal to his melancholy, and tired self as he looked blankly at the words. He couldn't help but sigh.

"Sigh…... "

He needs to know more information that came from this system and anything that he can use for his advantage for the future of his life now from here and onwards is unknown he doesn't know where what will happen to him in the future.

One Hour passed by as he tinkered with the system, he found out it doesn't have any intelligence and that any sentient only can use the Gacha, he found out he could use it without talking or clicking on the texts directly he could use his mind to manipulate it and see it without visual sight.

And lastly for the final test of this system to Draws first the coin summon.

{ box of cigarettes 1*

32 Empty bottles MC 1*

Diamon Sword MC 2*

Cobalt Naginata TR 3*

Beginners Guide to Swordsmanship OP 2*

Wooden Sword MC 1*

Blacksmithing For Idiots 2*

64 Lesser Healing Potion TR 1*

Fishing rod MC 1*

Grand piano 1* }

{All the item has been stored in the inventory.}

That is a decent haul from his pull, and he gets his cigarettes too, and he doesn't have to worry about where to put the item from the Gacha as it already has a build system for it. and most of the item from the Gacha is familiar to him like the diamond sword and lesser healing potion, they came from Minecraft and Terraria respectively.

But think of this later he needs his smoke, he found the inventory of the system and thought of the item that he wants, and it appeared in his hands that item is the box of cigarettes that he needs now but he forgot that he needs fire, sadly his worry was short-lived as he found that there is matchbox that came with it.

With the tense atmosphere from before gone, the young man sat in his chair with a burning cigarette on his lips as clouds of smoke filled the air around him. You see the young man visibly more relaxed than before with every inhale of smoke that he took.

Shortly after beside the chair where he sat there was a small pile of ash that is stacking up with every new cigarette that he smokes, but as he finishes his 5 cigarettes and with a final big huff of smoke, he finally stopped. And focus more on the item that he has gotten from the pull.

First, the cigarettes after smoking 5 of them he knows it is not the regular commercial cigarettes that he usually buys in stores but has a strong calming effect far easier to smoke than the normal one. Next, the empty bottle is just an empty bottle that can be used to make the potion.

The next one is the diamond sword that came from the world as the empty bottle Minecraft same as the wooden sword and fishing rod, next the two books that he got beginner swordsmanship from one piece and Blacksmithing for Idiots, when he took out of the inventory, it's just normal book that is a little bit old and worn.

But the content of the book is a very comprehensive guide to learning the way of the sword, Same goes for the blacksmithing book. But the swordsmanship book has more to it as it has 3 chances to face many swordsmen from OP.

The grand piano what should I say it's a grand piano, but the most interesting thing that he got is the 3* item from Terraria the cobalt naginata the didn't take it out but read the description on it.

[A weapon that is forged using cobalt bars and having the trait of indestructible an early hard mode weapon, it lies as one of the lowest tier hard mode ore spears. The cobalt naginata with a length of over 3 meters and weighs about 5 Kg.]

A great weapon that far exceeds the craftsmanship of a master blacksmith and this is only a 3* he doesn't know what will be a 4* or 5* item and skill will look like or imagine. He knows the weapon of terraria has no durability and is nearly night instructible in most cases, but it's still truly amazed him that a once fictional weapon turned to reality and he has it by his fingertips.

But amazement is only that, now he hurts himself because of the unnatural rage that he has and this still irks him he was usually a calm man even with faced death he wasn't angry but why now, he could think of this later the pain in his hands getting to him.

And the last item from terraria the lesser healing potion the most common potion in that world, he pulled out one of the potions in the system inventory and held the bottle in his hand even do it hurt he could only endure the pain for the time being.

When he looks at the triangular flask bottle that contains red almost Vieques liquid in his hands, but before he drinks or consumed the potion he looked and reads the description that the system wrote on the item.

[The lesser healing potion is crafted by gel and mushrooms that could be easily found around the world of terraria and sometime could be found in chests scattered around the world. It has a healing effect that cures lesser injury by drinking or pouring on the wound and using too much of it can lead to Potion Sickness.]

After he read, he didn't think twice as he open the bandage that wrap around his hands and got up from his chair, and goes towards the bathroom and do it there, after he arrives he quickly pours the bottle onto his hands after he pour it half-half into each hand.

It didn't take too long to see the effect of the potion working, with his torn skin and flesh that could almost see bone quickly fixing itself and with every second passed by his hands feel better and better. He surprises by the healing effect of the lesser healing potion he doesn't know what kind of effect will the higher-tier potion will have.

When he looked at his hands that is healing quickly and the pain from before slowly fading away as he stare with wide eyes at his hands which is now more or less healed. He took a deep breath as he now notices there is a mirror in front of him.

After he looked at himself in the reflection of the mirror more clearly, he is quite tall nearly 1,8 meters tall for 'his' age he has light grey eyes and brown hair that reach his neck, and a body that is not bulky and not to thin, he could see some muscle outline but not like a body builders' physique. His skin is pale with this cold environment he quite understands.

Now he is not mentally sane nor stable to do quite much and he is already mentally and physically tired of everything that happen to him dying coming here losing himself to emotion and this weird system maybe he sleeps after this he will wake up at his home in Naples Italy. Yes, when I wake up this will be all but a bad dream yes, a bad dream.

He washes his face with cold water in the bathroom sink and walked towards the single bedroom his body seems to instinctively know where to go after he reaches the bedroom he walked in as he lay down in a bed that could only fit one person. Not long after he closed his eyes he quickly goes towards the lands of the dream and Hopley wakes up on a warm weather morning in Naples.

Soon with hours passing by soon the cold night turned to bright sun shining as it slowly rose with the tree blocking some of the light of the morning sun as it made it much more beautiful to see. In this desolate forest, there is a log cabin with white smoke coming from its chimney.

In one of the rooms a young man laying on his bed looking at the unfamiliar wooden ceiling and with the very cold air of the morning, he now knows yesterday was not a dream. He didn't lie in the bed for too long as he gets up and washed, and changed his clothing, as he makes way towards the living room.

When he arrived in the living room he could feel he is quite hungry maybe he should cook something, so he search the entire small kitchen to find there were only some species in the cupboards. So, his plans of making food need to wait. As he still remembers there was still some meat in the fridge so he took it out and put it in a basin of water to unfroze it.

He looked back at the living room and look at the fireplace that is now embers, ash, and charcoal he put some firewood in the fireplace and he lights up the fire once more with the embers of the old flame.

After he has done all of that he sat down once more on the single-sit chair that he had thrown yesterday. As he looked at the floating panel.

[Lottery System]

{You can gain items and skills from different worlds}

{Point 0 <Free 2, 10 Draws> Guaranteed 5* for the first 10 Draws.

Coin 0 < Free 1, 10 Draws and free 1, 1 Draw> Every day will have a Free Draws}

{Point summon Rarity from 3* to 5* if you are lucky, might be an unexpected surprise.

1 Draw 10 Draws

Coin summon Rarity from 1* to 3*

1 Draw 10 Draws }

He looked as it now refreshes add 1 more draw after a day passed, it seems there is a fixed time that will be refreshed when the time of refresh he could guess probably around midnight but he could be wrong, and he doesn't know could it be stacked after 10 days will it turn to free 10 pull, or will it only be 1 even he didn't draw it. Better not draw it today and for tomorrow if his theory is correct.

But now he knows he truly can't go back he already died at the age of 28 and now he gain a new leash of life he should enjoy it to the fullest maybe he could make some of his old dreams come true, but that is only still a dream now maybe in the future that will change.

The more interesting thing to him now is the Gacha he wants to know what kind of item and skill will he get with it, and he just wants to try his luck. Soo, he pushes the button as the myriad of colors keeps spinning on the wheel.

{Roll… Roll …. Roll…}

{Stone Sword MC 1*

Wand of sparking TR 2*

100 gold coin 1*

A crate full of spices 1*

Iron pickaxe MC 1*

Netherite Axe MC 3*

Knitted glove 1*

Music box 1*

Broken brick 1*

1 kg of cooked steak 1*}

He was not as lucky as yesterday, but he will accept anything that can be used for him. When he sees what he has gotten know he shouldn't worry about his breakfast now, but he will eat it later as he wants to see what else he has gotten.

The first item is just a one-handed double edge sword that is made from stone, the second is the most intriguing as it is a wand and the description that says.

[the wand of sparking is an early game magic weapon that could be easily found in many chests that are scattered in terraria. The wand consumed mana when used and it shoots a small spark that could inflict fire damage to the enemy that touch it.]

After he finishes reading, he summons the wand towards his hand and what appeared was a small stick with a leaf still attached to it. he looked at the wand try to find anything that could make it different like runes or similar nature to it, but he didn't find anything like that or any kind of trigger he didn't find anything like that.

It is surreal that the most wanted thing that he could wonder about before now is right before his hand he knows that the system itself is a miracle and beyond absurd that the magical wand that could shoot sparks is more like a stick than anything else. Like all persons dream to wield mystical power that goes beyond the common reason and logic of the world.

And he has it at his fingertips but sadly he doesn't know how to use it, the concept of magic or mana is foreign to him but in the world of terraria a new player can instantly use the magic weapon when they hold it maybe this logic of the game still valid.

He holds the end of the wand and pointed it towards the fireplace with a flick of his wrist he could feel something in him poring towards the wand and shortly after a small spark flew out in a short time hitting the firewood in the fireplace as it burns more fiercely that before.

As he froze in place with his mouth agape of shock and his eyes wide open with surprise you see a trace of joy very evident even with his shocked state of him now. now he is quite happy and powerless with the wand draining something from him when it invoked the spark but not enough to incapacitate him and the wand drain was the mana that he has.

But that joy and happiness are short-lived as he calmed himself with what happened yesterday, he needs to he doesn't want to be in that state again makes him feel hopeless and not himself like string to a puppet that he cannot control, that it was he needs to keep a neutral stated every emotion that goes beyond the normal threshold can become a liability for himself.

He doesn't know what will trigger that state again better be cautious rather than unprepared. He once again tries the wand to know if the first one was a fluke or if the wand itself still retains the logic or rules that it came from.

With a flick of his wrist as he points it towards the same place he could still the familiar drain from before as the wand fired a small sprack towards the fireplace. It was not a fluke as he put the wand back in the system inventory and looked at the others item that he had gotten 100 gold coins maybe will be useful for buying things in the city. Still, he doesn't have his hopes up because he doesn't know what kind of currency they used and what value could have.

If it is in the future and can be used now better keep it and store it for safekeeping when he knows more about the world that he lived in now. A crate full of spices could be useful as there are not many spices in the house and in this crate there were more spices that he would need.

Iron Pick and the Netherite axe came from the same world as Minecraft, as he already test if the wand of sparking would retain the same rule and logic of the world they came from this item probably will be the same.

The knitted glove he quickly pulled out and wear the glove as the morning in this cursed place where he lived is cold extremely cold, and after wearing the glove his finger feels a little better. The Music box noting remarkable but have a melody called 'The King'.

And lastly a Broken brick I don't know what I will use this for but maybe throwing at people I don't know.

After he looked at all the items that he has gotten he sat in front of the fireplace as he warm himself with fire on this cold morning, after 30 to 40 minutes passed by he walked towards and sat once more at the dining table near the kitchen as he pulls out the steak that he has gotten from the gacha and places it on the table.

When the steak appeared on the table it was steaming hot it like just came out of the grill the steak was covered with some kind of sauce on the side of the steak there is a big piece of French fries and a small portion of various vegetables.

He couldn't help taking a big gulp as the aroma of the steak is intoxicating but first, but he need to grab a knife and fork first because the item didn't come with it only the plate the steak is placed, so got up and grabbed a pair of knife and fork from the cupboard and a glass of water.

After he has gotten the item that he need he quickly cut the steak and ate a piece he couldn't stop after he devoured the steak at a fast pace with every bite he ate it with gusto, and several minutes passed by after he finish eating the steak. He couldn't help but smile joyfully as the dish was one of the most delicious foods that he has ever eaten and now he is full after that hearty meal.

After resting for a minute dining room chair, he washes the dishes first and walked back towards the chair near the fireplace as he just stares at the fiery flame, he didn't move didn't talk but just stares at the burning flame a dazed look in his eyes. This happens till midday when the sun is already high up in the sky lighting up the world.

when he was in a daze, he didn't only do nothing he was thinking as this is one of his habits when he is thinking deeply to have no distracting thoughts, what was he thinking should he try to draw a point summon came to a conclusion of no better wait and used the item that he already has tried to use he could do.

After contemplating for a couple of hours Now, he just wants to move his body a bit and try this body capability of what it can do with what can be improved as of now it's him and he needs to cherish it, and he is failing already.

he got up and makes his way towards the trap door that goes to the basement, In the basement, there is a lot more room to move and a lot of weapons that he could use. It didn't take too long as he already arrives in the basement.

He does a simple light warm-up to make his body move better and not risk any injuries, shortly after he began a simple body training, and after an hour he found out the body is quite good but not the best.

He needs to put on the list to work for the future on his agenda as the body is the foundation for everything and with my knowledge of the world that he lived now is full of unknowns and mysteries that he doesn't know, and even with some memory of this world from this boy's body it's still not enough with only the information of the area around this house or where he lived.

And the situation of his family and his death with his basic information like his name and age that he has gotten, with this little information what can he do with it? at least he knows there is a settlement or a town near the area that he lived in.

Quickly 2 hours passed by, and the young man now drenched in sweat as he is laying down on the floor of the basement he took a deep breath of exhaustion from simple training him now become so hard that he could barely do half of the workout, after this, he needs to take a shower and try the last 10 draws that in that higher tiers pulls.

He doesn't know what he will get on this point pull but the normal coin pulls already amazing items that he has gotten, and he is curious what kind of things will a 4* and 5* will be. But he needs to wash first as he needs a lot of luck and hopes that he could get something great that will help him in this unknown world that he lived in.

The young man after he regain his strength climbed the ladder once more and directly walked towards the bathroom and wash. but before he goes to the bedroom, when he just finished and walked out and gets a change of cloth, he stops and slowly looked at himself in the mirror which is a different apparency than he used to see differently before.

He has been self-denial from the beginning that he ends up in this place with the body of a boy that ends himself because of losing his parents and now I'm occupying his body and he still can't s quite accept it because it feels so foreign, it's different from suddenly appearing in another place.

But he knows that he already died and this is his new body that he gain or a new leash of life that he should appreciate when he thinks this he couldn't help but remember before he got here cold steal muzzled on his head…

He grabbed the table counter with force as his body began to shake and the anger slowly boiled in him and slowly clouded his mind as his breathing become more rapid and heavy, in the mirror you could see his grey eyes slowly turning a dark red hue the young man didn't notice, as he tries to take a deep breath a calm his mind it took him multiple tries shortly after dark red hue slowly turns back to his normal grey eyes, his breathing becomes more relaxed and body less tense.

After he regains his sanity, he notices now that he is drenched in a cold sweat he didn't bother and just looks at his reflection in the mirror of himself now not the one that he used to see before, as he needs to accept it as he came to this strange world and strange self, as he is now Henry Valentine. Remember your old life is now in the past he needs to move on but just don't forget.

Just don't forget, he walked out of the bathroom and get a pair of clothes from his bedroom, and sat once more on the chair. open the interface of the system.

[Lottery System]

{You can gain items and skills from different worlds}

{Point 0 <Free 2, 10 Draws> Guaranteed 5* for the first 10 Draws.

Coin 1 <, 0 Draw> Every day will have Free Draws. }

{Point summon Rarity from 3* to 5* if you are lucky, might be an unexpected surprise.

1 Draw 10 Draws

Coin summon Rarity from 1* to 3*

1 Draw 10 Draws }

Now he needs something good that could help him in the long run in this Draws but sadly he could only put his hope in his luck now as this gacha will determine his future path it could change but this Draw will be my foundation in this world he doesn't know what dangers lurk in this world.

With the information that he already knows there is Magic in this world lived in an era of cold weapons still prevalent, and the light in this house used a blue magical stone that could emit light, and that is a clear sign that maybe there will be a monster or something similar roaming this world, this is only speculation on his part but with full marks of all fantasy setting tropes it's probably correct.

May the luck gods bless him in this hell venture come on luck don't let me down now.

{Roll…. Roll…. Roll….}

{Hamon talent of Jonathan Joestar JJ 4*

Gough's great bow DS 4*

Hunters Pistol BB 3*

Simons Bow Blade BB 3*

12 greater healing potion TR 3*

Crafting Table MC 5*

Havel's Glareshield DS 4*

Six styles training OP 3*

Endless Quiver TR 4*

Faraam armor set max DS 3* }

The Hamon talent of Jonathan Joestar, he was quite surprised that he got this and a big blast to the past when he read it as he remembers reading it in his early years before it adapted to be an anime. But the point is he still remembers that Jonathan Hamon's talent is a one-in-a-million in the world of JOJO with this talent he could easily grasp Hamon and use it quite easily within weeks of learning it.

But for a better understanding of this, he should read the description of it.

[Hamon Talent of Jonathan Joestar, or The Ripple or commonly used Hamon is an energy used in the ancient form of martial arts, Sendō. Through self-controlled respiration, a trained person can produce energy manifesting as ripples throughout their body that are identical to the energy of the Sun, in polar opposition to the energy exerted by Vampires, Zombies, and the Pillar Men. And Jonathan Joestar's talent is far exceeding all their peers in pure talent in the use of Hamon, Jonathan is described by Will Anthónio Zeppeli as "a one-in-a-million talent".

When using this you will gain the potential and talent of Jonathan Joestar and gain a basic introduction to use Hamon when use. ]

As I thought, this already exceeds his expectation and was the first time that he had gotten something like this. He is quite excited, but he will not use it now he will use it after he finishes his last 10 Draws and looked at the other thing that he has gotten.

The next thing that he has gotten was Gough's great bow this weapon star rating is the same rating as JOJO Hamon's talent but why is that because of the world that they came from? He is still not sure how the system rates the item and skill that can be drawn but from the coin pulls he could probably guess. But that he could research more in the future.

[Greatbow used by the famed giant, Hawkeye Gough, of Lord Gwyn's Four Knights, for dragon slaying. This bow is larger than even those used by the famed Dragonslayers. Only their leader, Gough, had the strength to handle it. the length of 3 meters and used arrows that are similar to a spear or lance as its ammo.]

Now he understood why he it was rate as it was a bow that slays dragons and the person who used it was similar to heroes of the legend of old. Interesting it is but if he wants to use the bow he probably couldn't because the man that used it was giant not in poetic words but literally giant. Well, it will pile up dust in the system inventory for a long time until he could use it.

[Pistol made at the workshop, for hunters stalking beasts. Hunter firearms are specially crafted to employ Quicksilver Bullets fused with the wielder's own blood, boosting damage against beasts. The pistol is similarly built as a flintlock gun and the barrel of it is carved with a beautiful design, the pistol is a common item for hunters.]

[Choice weapon of Simon, one of the first Healing Church hunters. Simon despised firearms, and so the Church workshop had this specially fashioned to his liking. The large curved blade serves as a bow when transformed. The bow blade Is a trick weapon that can easily transform from a large curve blade to a bow quickly.]

These items or weapons came from the same world a flintlock gun and a bow blade or more accurately a trick weapon, two of these weapon use are for the same purpose to hunt beasts more efficiently but what kind of beasts that they hunt to need these weapons? And not to mention this job already has multiple generations…

He stops in his thoughts as getting off track, these weapons probably he can use but he doesn't know about the bow blade he needs to study from the description its transforming weapon that could change from a curved blade to a bow, and he needs to study first before using it in actual use.

The hunter pistol has nothing much to say it's pistol even though it's flintlock it shouldn't be too much of a hassle to use it.

[Greater healing potion is an item that can only be gotten from hard mode and can only be made with the use of pixie powder, crystal shard, and a bottle of water. The greater healing potion can heal all major wounds be they internal or external can be easily healed by drinking it or pouring it into the wound if used too much of it will lead to motion sickness.]

He is surprised that he has gotten this what is the chance of gaining a higher tier potion like this, he already thought of how he could use it as of now he only has 12 that he got he only uses this sparingly if really in deep trouble or something major happens to him.

But he really reassuring to have this for his mental and body health to have an item that could save him from death, he just hopes he doesn't have to use it in the future.

[Endless quiver, by its name, it's a quiver that holds an endless amount of arrows that could be fired for any kind of bow that the wielder uses the Endless quiver will shape the arrow to the corresponding bow type that the holders use.]

He could only look blankly at the screen in front of him, well he will become a ranger at this rate with the perfect kit to boot, but he digresses maybe just coincidence only the future will tell if it is his calling.

The next item that he got is the navy six styles a beginner guide to how to learn the basic of the martial of the Navy. But he doesn't know enough so he looked at the description that the system gave it.

[Rokushiki, also known as Six Powers, is a super-human martial art that selects people in the One-Piece world can utilize after going through a specific, rigorous training regime. Six Power consists of six basic techniques and a secret seventh technique that only a true master of Rokushiki can achieve. According to the master of the martial arts those who mastered the Rokushiki will have the strength of a hundred men.]

He could already tell Hamon that the six styles would work very well together with the healing effect of Hamon and with the intense training to train six styles could make it easier And gain more benefits from the training of six styles.

[Greatshield of the legendary Havel the Rock. Cut straight from a great slab of stone. This great shield is imbued with the magic of Havel, proves a strong defense, and is incredibly heavy. A true divine heirloom on par with the Dragon tooth. The great shield was used to protect the wielder against the mighty everlasting dragon's fire and attack that could down even the gods. The greats shield weighs nearly 50kg and height about 2 meters.]

[Worn by the Forossa Lion Knights. The mighty Lion Knights, worshippers of the war god Faraam, wore heavy armor and were feared for their nimble two-handed swordplay. But their legacy was cut short with the fall of Forossa. The armor will readjust to the body size of the wearer when worn.]

The Havel's great shield is the same grade as Gough's great bow with a legendary tale attached to its name. Next, the Faraam armor will be great for him and a great set for the cold environment near here. Now the last item that he has gotten the top grade of item that he could get from this system is 5*.

[Crafting table, a common item in the world of Minecraft, this crafting table is instructible that cannot be broken or destroyed and can craft any item that you could imagine if you have enough material and items to craft it. the user can break it and carry it around.]

This a simpler description for a 5* but even with that this item is already far beyond the normal scope of the item that he has gotten he could already think of a lot of ways to use it, so this is why this is a 5* you could essentiality build something and upgrade something with no effort if you have this crafting table and material that you can use.

After he looked at all the things that he had gotten he couldn't t help but be excited like a little kid in his heart this is everybody's dream that could wield supernatural power or have supernatural strength beyond the common man.

But this excitement quickly died down as he thought of what he would pay for this new life of his and this system that gave all the items that he had gotten that could be called a miracle, he is a man that adhered to equivalent exchange. And he is afraid of what price would he have to pay for all of this. he just hopes that the price wouldn't be too high or maybe he already pays the price for all of this he just didn't notice.

These thoughts could only be put in the back of his mind as they only will distract his thoughts when now his goal is simply to survive first accustom himself to this new life of his and gain strength to protect himself from any danger that might lurk in this world.

Know though should he integrate the Hamon talent now or after the last 10 draws? He doesn't know what effect will be if he integrates now talent in itself is a vague concept but the system itself has not done harm to him, he just needs to have faith.

[Do you wish to integrate Hamon talent of JOJO?]


[Integrating has commenced.]




[integrating has been done.]

Only several seconds passes with the integration of the Hamon talent but he didn't feel anything the only indication that he integrate the talent is in a flux of knowledge of the most basic use of Hamon. it was a weird feeling to have a memory that he didn't have before and suddenly have another just shoved into his head.

He didn't need much time as he prosses all of the new memory that he has gotten, and he couldn't help himself to try the breathing method he took a deep breath and follow the instruction after a few moments there were small yellow sparks dancing on his body. Shortly after he cough with saliva out of his mouth as he couldn't breathe with that simple try, he felt like he just run a marathon.

As gasps for air and steadied his breathing. When he tries the breathing method, he could feel something hot inside him warming up his body and he felt more strength from that experience, after he messes up his breathing he felt a massive backlash as felt he was punched in his lungs by a pro heavyweight boxer.

This didn't stop him from thinking to do next and planning his training to get the most benefit out of it all he didn't think of drawing the last 10-point draw that he has but saved it for later he has already had enough to digest and to learn from the thing that he has gotten now.

He already could see he has spent a lot of time just sitting here pondering and planning now he just needs to execute it, so he got up from his chair and walked towards the basement now he have food and water still in the house and he could survive for a month not leaving this house.

Why doesn't he want to leave this house because of the absence of knowledge that lay beyond the door of his house he doesn't know, as the unowned is the most scariest and dangerous thing for him. Now he just needs to train with all of the items that he has gotten now for this month after will he ventures beyond his house.






-2 Months later-

In the basement of the wooden cabin, there was a young man whose body that seems to be surrounded by golden sparks with every breath that he took the golden sparks begin more lively and making the room much hotter than before. He didn't stop just breathing he grab a barbel bar that at the end of it holds one block of 1 cubic meter of stone on both of its sides.

After he grabbed it, he put it on his back as he does squat for one hour straight without stopping even his breathing didn't fluctuate much after he was done with the training he didn't stop as he used the barbel and put it on his chest as he does overhead past. The same thing happen but his breathing became more ragged and the golden sparks are not lively as before.

But the young man seems not to finish with his training as he grabbed a stick that holds two blocks of stone the same as the barbel that he hold before but built more similar to a sword he grabbed it with both of his hands on the handle as he swung this makeshift sword over and over again as he shifted from a different form.

Soo 2 hours passed by as the young man finely finish his training as lay in his own pool of sweat on the floor with the makeshift swords lay before him as now the young man doesn't have the golden spark that surrounds him in the beginning and his breathing more ragged an uneven.

But after 10 minutes passed his breathing came back to normal and his breathing rhythm came back to normal to when he first started his training.

"Damn… "

The young man spoke out loud to himself, acknowledging the intensity of his training. He knew that he had pushed himself beyond his limits, but he also knew that he had to keep pushing himself further if he wanted to achieve his goals.

And now he needs to venture beyond the comfort of his own home. After 2 months now he truly accepts what happened to him, in this 2 month alone he was amazed by the progress that he gain with training was beyond what he could ever imagine he could lift 6 tons easily now before thinking of even lifting this kind of weight is a dream.

Now he could do it quite easily, as now he has already reached a state of superhuman. but he did prolong his stay in this cabin and train as a month seems too short of a time for him to adapt and gains strength. The lottery system made him possible to train for another month without going outside to find it himself.

and in these 2 months, his theory was correct. With the Coin draw he could leave it alone and let it stack and making it a 10 draw but to make it to be a 10 draw he needs 30 not 10 and saving all of the coins took him a month and the item that he has gain was basic but useful for him.

The young man that was lying on the floor sat up and as he stretches after his intense workout he climbed the ladder out and after he took a shower to clean himself several minutes passed as he finish but before he leaves the bathroom he looks at himself in the mirror as he saw the changes that have happened to him from his workout.

The young man in the mirror was not the same as before as he gain a significant increase of muscle mass on the frame of his body and was much bulkier than before, And the young man's height has grown not a lot but he notably gained at least 3 centimeters. His physique is now more like a bodybuilder not yet reached his ideal yet and his growth is still long.

Because his body is still young and has a lot more potential in the future for his training. But enough of this, he walked toward his room and put on his clothes as today is the final time to venture beyond his cabin. He has been dreading this day.

But this must be done for his future, as he doesn't want to be stuck in a place of ignorance and unknown for all of his life he just needs to take a little risk. As he too is a scholar of history, what kind of world does he live in now?

As the young man walked toward the living room where the fire now is still ablaze even though he work out for hours on end in the basement the flame is still burning bright, its because it was one of the items that he gain from the system [Campfire From Terraria] that will burn forever and the added bonus of a regeneration effect if you are near the [Campfire].

Henry peered his sights towards the window to see the expanse of white beyond it as everything was layered with the layered of snow and frost. Henry took his sights back as he opens the system inventory space.

He needs to prepare for his venture outside his house, so he took out the Faraam armor set that he gains he already tried it before in his two months of training to get accustomed to it. he already has some experience wearing this kind of armored and wearing it was not a hassle.

After several minutes passed Henry finally finish wearing his armor as it fit him perfectly, but he didn't put on his helmet yet he put it on the table first, as Henry took out the weapon that he will use from the system inventory space, from the first 3* item that he has gotten are the cobalt naginata and the Simon bow blade that he has gotten on his point pull.

Henry put the bow blade on his waist where his belt hangs a bag and satchel that holds his potion and many other items that he needs, as the bow blade in its sword form and uses the naginata as a walking stick when he carries it, and he pulled out of the system space the [Winter Cape] that he has gotten from the first month. The cape came from the same world as his naginata and has the same properties or traits of indestructible.

It could help him for defense and for warming him up in this cold environment, and the last item that he pulled out is the endless quiver as he straps it on his back waist for easier access.

After Henry finishes double-checking all the items that he will bring he grabbed the helmet that he put on the table and put it on as today he will go on an adventure and his destination is his family's grave on top of the mountain peaks where they were buried. As he needs to put one more graver there.

As Henry open the door of his cabin as he steps out of his wooden cabin floor to the soft cold white snow that blanket the land below him, each time he breathe he could see turn to white mist, as today he finally took the step to go beyond his cabin house.




Henry holds his cobalt naginata in his right hand as he holds like a walking stick. with every step he took, there would be a sound of metal hitting each other because of his armor. Henry seems not to be bothered by the cold winds and snow in this icy tundra, and his step was not hindered by the snow-covered ground as he walked effortlessly.

As Henry's foot didn't sink into the snow, now Henry has been gone for quite some time when he has gone out of his cabin it was still midday now its nearing twilight, he has been keeping vigilant in his entire venture to this grave as he doesn't know what lurks in this cold icy tundra.

Even when he started his venture he kept his Hamon active to keep him warm and trained the fine control of Hamon, and the many utilization of it in this trip. like now as he sent ripples in the snow to make him not sink as made his movement nearly inaudible.

Time passed by like the wind as now the sun is no longer lighting up the world, as now the gray moon has taken the sun's place. Back to Henry as he made a camp for himself as he knows better to just stop and rest, as he knows the night is one of the most active times for predator and with his lack of knowledge of what animals that roams this forest.

He is better off just making camp and waiting till sunrise, even though he could go on without rest for a couple of days with his Hamon, he is weary of the unknown, like the simple question of what kind of animals lurk in this forest? Is it an animal or is it a monster? This is what he is afraid of as he has gained a new life he should apricate it and cherish it.

And even though he has gained strength beyond the scope of the man of his past life, as he knows one must not grow arrogant with the power that he gain, he could be proud of the progress that he has gained to reach the strength that he achieved.

When he was lost in his thoughts Henry didn't notice many tiny shadows hiding in the darkness of the forest as their pair of red eyes looked towards the knight near the blazing flame of the campfire. Only silence reverberates across the forest. But this silence was broken by multiple arrows heading towards the 'unprepared' knight.

*SWISH* As the arrows traveled across the air at fast speed and nearly reaching towards the knight.

The knight reacted quickly as he used his cape to block the arrows that heading towards him when the arrows hit the cape the energy was dispersed and they fall to the ground right after. The knight quickly rises from his sitting position and looked around the dark forest with glowing red eyes staring dotted around in the darkness that surrounds him as he holds his naginata tightly in his hands.

Not long after the culprit has come out, they walked out of the darkness of the forest towards the burning campfire one by one the tiny little humanoid green skin creatures came out as they wore worn-out leather armor some wore mismatched rusted iron armor, they hold daggers, wooden club, and bows and arrows. they were even unbothered by the icy frost and snow.

As they barred their sharp teeth like a wild beasts towards him their big red eyes burning to eat him and kill him. The face of the knight under his helmet couldn't help but grow tense with every passing second the number of green skins keep increasing. As their number grows the air grows tenser.

Finely This stalemate was broken the goblin rush towards him rusted dagger and club-ready and the in the back as they pulled on their arrows and shoots towards him. The knight was not complacent as he got on his stance, when the goblins come near the radius of 3 meters near him, they were slashed with his naginata.

Their corpse was cut in half, and the once pure white snow now was tainted with their blood as they dyed it crimson red. The knight was not panicked by the sight of red he was quite calm as this was not the first time that he need to put down a wild beast.

The battle continued as the knight easily killed them by the dozen sometimes there would be golden sparks surrounding him as he slash and stab with his naginata towards the goblins, as the knight didn't change his spot as he still standing tall as they cannot move past the 3 meters radius, as the knight was only on the defense when the battle started.

But now the knight finely moved as he dashed towards the goblin's hordes in a blink of an eye he was already in Infront of the goblins as he swung and slash his naginata, as with each swing he killed dozens in seconds, as their blood slowly stains his armor red. But this didn't stop the knight as he swung and killed.

20 minutes passed by as the knight killed all the goblins their corpse piled up like trash. The knight stood there in the land full of corpses of goblins as he breathe as golden sparks surrounded him once more with much more intensity as they burn all of the blood that stuck towards his armor.

As Henry finally breathed a sigh of relived from that hard-fought battle, with this encounter now he could say he was in a fantasy world where monsters roam this land. As he just fought a horde of goblins-like creatures, but he notice something od as he killed the goblins sometimes they would just evaporate and turn into fly ash.

And sometimes they don't as they left their bloodied corpse behind, but why is that? So Henry took and inspect one of the corpses of the goblins that littler on the ground and he pulled out a small dagger that he took from the basement and disembowel the goblin. Henry quickly found out why some of them turn to fly ash.


The goblins corpse that he was handling turned to fly ash as he holds a dark purple shard-like stone and in the center of the stone shard there was like a mass of energy swirled inside the stone. So, Henry continued extracting the monster shard that the goblins have in their chest.

This took him quite some time with the number of goblins that he killed, so time passed as the moon was now at its peak, Henry finely finishes extracting all of the monster shards but he didn't just gain the monster shard, he also gain their fangs a multitude of them. He put all of the items that he gain into the empty satchel that he brought for this venture. For the many materials that he could find on the road.

He doesn't know what use these items could be used for now. But the most jarring question that he has now is why is there so many goblins. And why did they come near to where humans lived? the first question he could guest whether they were migrating or running, when he fought with them they were hungry starve were desperate.

The goblins they act similar to wolfs as they were cunning and had wisdom to them even though it was not much and with their number nearing the thousand range they could probably ravage a town in minutes if they were no strong force that protected the town.

But the biggest question what did they run from to migrate to this extent, he couldn't stay calm as he holds the handle of his naginata more tightly than before at thought of something that could scare this many creatures to migrate this far.

To near human territory, one or two stragglers would not raise any eyes but this was nearly an army of them. He could only move forward if one wishes to gain more knowledge one must tread across the sea of knowledge and gain the risk of falling into the sea and drowning. And he has walked too far to turn around he needs to see the end of his adventure.

He has put this task in the back of his mind for far too long, and the goblins horde came from the same direction where his destination is up north. But first, he needs to get out of there, as the stench of blood will attract more monsters or predators to this place, as he better moved and find a new spot to rest.

So, he ran and get away from the place where he camped, shortly after Henry ran there was a massive shadow that nearing 5 to even 6 meters tall he sniffed around the area where Henry uses to be, and not long after looking at the area where he ran.





Author notes:

A little warning as the story will progress at a slow pace and will not have a consistent update but I will try to have a chapter once a month if possible, and forgive me if there is any grammatical error or if it is hard to read.

You could give me an idea of what item to put in the lottery system maybe I will put it in.

and thank you for even reading my story.

Psy_duck Psy_duck

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