Mao Yiming found himself in utter disbelief, and his faculties momentarily abandoned him!
As expected, adhering to the conventional stereotype of a female driver, the accelerator functioned more like a brake!
"Brakes, brakes, brakes!" Mao Yiming anxiously shouted. Alas, his plea was brushed aside as his daughter-in-law seemed to have pressed the gas pedal to its fullest extent, leaving him no choice but to raise his voice again, exclaiming, "Release, release your foot!"
Finally, upon hearing the urgent plea to lift her foot, his wife snapped back to reality, swiftly retracting her right foot, perspiration trickling down her forehead and body.
Thankfully, their car boasted a manual transmission. Mao Yiming had been wise enough to opt for a manual transmission when purchasing the vehicle, considering his wife's recent acquisition of a driver's license. Oh, the wisdom in that decision!