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56.81% Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry) / Chapter 25: Night Guard

Capítulo 25: Night Guard

"This is getting boring..."

It was the middle of the night and all the other group chat members had fallen asleep, at first Aizawa had his guard up but now he was comfortably hugging Raku like a pillow while Raku hugged him back as he had his face buried in Aizawa's chest while he had a perverted look on his face

Victor of course took the chance and took a photo of them with the camera while Rem on the other hand was lying face down on her sleeping bag making happy noises obviously enjoying her dream

"Well since I still have 6 more hours to sunrise I should practice using that talisman that granny gave me"

Victor took out the talisman he had obtained from the old kitsune and apparently he could use his apparent spirtual energy inside ehim to cast 'Spells', Victor began gathering Demonic Energy in it but it quickly began to burn but surprisingly fixed itself

"I wonder..."

Victor once again ran his energy through the talisman but this time instead of using demonic energy he used the same energy that powered that powered the Wire ability that Originated from GhostWire, He didn't know how to explain it but after gaining abilities his body not only contained demonic energy but small reserves of chakra, and Spiritual Energy.

Sure he may have obtained these skills from the system but unlike normal skills from the rewards anything bought gave him memories of where the skill originated from, so he had not only the ability to use said abilities but as well as how to gather chakra and SE but only a limited amount

"Crap do I have Chakra points now?, but wouldn't make sense.." Victor knew that his body was from the DMC universe so it didn't have chakra so he wondered if he only obtained the chakra due to learning the shadow clone jutsu, but despite that all his skills uses his demonic energy which was already more powerful than chakra and SE

But still just because it was powerful doesn't mean it was easy to control.

"Now this is strange..."

The talisman began glowing bright orange and Victor gently squeezed it before it turned into what look like to be a long sword made of his minuscule Spiritual Energy, of course it slowly crumbled away leaving nothing but the mark of the talisman on the palm Victor used to squeeze it with

[Spirtual Manipulation Obtained]

With the Mark of the Talisman engraved in the users palm they can Manipulated both their inner spirtual energy and surrounding Spiritual Energy.

As long as the concept of spirits or souls exist in the world the users present in they will be able to harness the energy.

"Wait so am I sort of exorcist now???" The more Victor thought about it the more confused he got but he ignored and just went with the flow and caught an arrow that was sent at him.

"Ah, an ambush"

Suddenly around five men charged at a Victor with jagged Katana's at him. Victor didn't bother dodging or even catching their weapons since as soon as they made contact with him they all snapped, and in the next second all of their heads were impaled by miniature light blue 'Burning' swords.

"That's the 8th group that tried to ambush us in the pass 3 hours..." Victor was getting annoyed of killing and burning the bodies but he was already used to it and for him it was nothing but practice with mirage

"I can hold a sharp shape but not an actual blade.." Everytime Victor would use mirage he would feel his 'Inferno' his very soul be in pain, he didn't know how his 'Father' did it but it sure wasn't a pleasent feeling.

But the concept of the 'Inferno' of his soul got Victor more curious as he had never been to engrossed with the lore of Vergil's mirage ability so right now the only thing he could do was practice

"Rem you should really sleep"

"It's hard to sleep when all your senses are ten times stronger than a normal person..."

"I can relate to that..."

Despite Victor and Rem being two different types of 'Demons' they both shared the basic similarities, they both have enhance senses, strength, speed, regeneration, and a form of energy that resides inside them with both of them having a stronger form.

"Hey Victor..."


"How do you accept yourself being what you are..."

Ever since Rem had met Victor she knew he wasn't pure human and after finding out he was an actual Demon she was puzzled on how he accepted himself.

"Why the sudden question?" Victor knew about Rem's inferiority complex due to her sister being better at her in almost everything but he had never knew that she hated being a Demon well specifically an Oni

"In all honesty I didn't accept myself being a Demon, I just found out like around a year ago..." This wasn't a lie as Victor just got Reincarnated a year ago to the DxD Universe and in the first week of it he hated both killing and being what he is.

"But at some point I realize that accepting who I am is better than doubting and fearing myself"

Victor's words lingered in Rem's mind, ever since their village was attacked by the cultist and defeated said cultist everyone feared them. Due to the fact they were the first village to ever hold back an attack from the Witch Cultist with the help of Roswaal of course

But instead of being praised they were feared as monsters who could defeat other monsters and Oni's became actual Demon's in the eyes of the people, and in Rem's opinion it was stupid. They survived a massacre why were they feared? All they did was protect themselves but why we're they treated as monster's?

Rem knew that because people feared the strong and different before the attack they were the most Human's out of any Demi-Human now they were the most hated and feared out of them all.

"You should get some sleep I can literally stay up for a week or more if I wanted too"

Instead of Sleeping Rem sat next to Victor as she looked at the sky seeing the bright stars of the night sky, Victor just sighed at her stubbornness and just kept practicing with Mirage obviously causing him pain which Rem took notice of

"Uhm, Victor can I ask.."

"Yes it hurts but I'm not stopping"

This of course caused Rem to be worried as despite only knowing each other for around a week and a half she had grown attached to every member of the group chat since unlike anyone who knew about her being an Oni they didn't fear her, and they didn't compare her to her sister(Girl you should try being Asian)

She didn't see any wounds on Victor so she assumed that what he was doing was causing him pain internally

"Victor if you tell me what your trying to do I could help"

Victor suddenly stopped using Mirage and immediately turned to Rem, he of course at first didn't think she could help with anything but after remembering her world's magic relies more on control before physical/elemental damage so he immediately Victor grabbed rem by the shoulder and looked at her dead in the eye

"Well Rem I guess your not sleeping tonight"


[Devils May Die]

If you've been reading this scuffed fanfic closely I've stated they are variants of the original example is Rem's village never got destroyed and Ram never lost her horn, Raku never made a promise with any Girl but still met with them on that day and Aizawa.... Well that's a secret for now

[Devils May Die]

"You can do it Victor!"

"How long have they been at it Raku..."

"Ever since we've been on the road...."

Victor was heavily panting he was trying to morph Mirage into an actual blade while they were traveling, Rem was of course cheering him on since it was the first he was actually able to make the full sword before it disappeared. Both Aizawa and Raku woke up to the sound of not only Victor screaming in pain but Rem cheering him on.

"S-Shut it Black Head!"

"B-Black H-Head!?"

Victor was at first confident in Rem's knowledge about control since he never cared for training his control with Demonic Energy but now he had a different ability that actually uses his souls 'Inferno' he couldn't just go ham and spam his souls very energy as he would eventually ran out and die.

But now that both of them had been training the whole night Victor was regretting getting Rem to train him as her method was quite....

*Bzzzzzt!!! *


"Damn it Rem!"

"Your the one who told me to do that!" Rem was of course talking about the Shinobi Gauntlet strapped to her wrist, since Victor grabbed it from Raku and told Rem to taze him everytime he failed at forming a bigger mirage. But now Victor was regretting his decision

"So How was your sleep Aizawa-san"

"It's good to finally be able to sleep for once.."


"Ehhh it must be hard being a hero"

"Not that hard if you've been doing it for a decade..."


"Damn Aizawa-san your old..."

"Shut it you brat"


"Shouldn't you have a wife and a kid on the way right about now?.."


"Ehhhh it must be lonely being a sage like you Aizawa-san"



(A few minutes later)

"Get your fish here! Fresh out of the sea!"

The Group Chat after another hour of traveling had finally made it to a village that was quite big if you take in the fact we they were in the 1470s despite it being just about sunset everything still seemed lively

(Think of the village Tanjiro fought the Swamp Demon At)

"I guess we should stock up in supplies here" Aizawa mainly looked at the market that had different varieties from fish to fruits to even some utensils

"Yeah, Rem go with Aizawa me and Raku are gonna go and gather some information"

"Eh?, Why me-"

Raku couldn't say anything further as he was pulled by Victor while Rem and Aizawa began buyigg supplies with the money they got from Victor,

Meanwhile Victor and Raku headed further into the village approaching which seemed to be the slums and well....

"Hey Lady you got any leads on some missing people!?" Victor's appearance and demeanor caused the lady he was asking to run away in fear while all the citizens around them began moving away

Raku could only sigh at his current partners antics before he felt someone's gaze on them before he turned to the source and saw nothing


"Yeah I felt it."

Gone was Victor's outgoing personality and was replaced with a serious expression, he felt something under approaching the fast and immediately leaped away along with Raku who barely sensed it.

"Damn it!"

Two razor sharp flaws popped out fo the ground before a full figure emerged form the ground, it's skin was a muddy green and all it's teeth were all fangs it's claws extended a whole feet.

"Yosha! Two marechis!, you may be samurais or Demon Slayers(No not the kimetsu no yaiba one's the demon slayers like Hyakkimaru and Biwamaru) but you ain't coming out of here alive!" The Demon once dashed at Raku realizing he was the weakest out of the two but Raku was quick enough to decapitate it's head.

But sadly due to the fact he was using a normal wakazahshi It didn't kill the demon who intentionally got his head cut off to kick Raku directly in the stomach causing a few fractures in the ribs, It immediately pounced towards Victor who didn't even budge as its claws made contact with him.

Infact it's claws snapped as soon as it made contact with Victor

"I'm guessing you got turned into a Demon?"

In a second all of the demons limbs were all sliced off and Victor grabbed it's Head from the ground before taking a look at it

"I'll make this quick, unlike other weapons my sword can kill you and if you think I'm bluffing wanna find out?"


"Good then your gonna answer all my questi-"

But before Victor could finish his sentence the Demon exploded leaving him and Raku covered in Blood and organs.

'Well shit.'

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