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50% Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry) / Chapter 22: Various Situations

Capítulo 22: Various Situations

-U.A Highschool Teachers Lounge-


Aizawa had just been teleported where he exactly left and was greeted with a shout from his old loud friend Hizashi

"What's your problem..."

"You look so refresh! Just a second ago your bags were deep as hell! But now you look like you got a good night's rest!"

"You think too much.." Aizawa looked outside the window to see the abandoned shop that was linked with Victor's church and wondered if he could get him to open one inside it.

"No that's not it! You even have a cup of coffee in your hand that wasn't there before!"

"Hizashi I think you should see the old lady since your not right in the head!"

"Shota! That's not the point!"

Aizawa walked away from his old friend and began thinking

'Everyone in the group is the complete opposite of each other...'

Aizawa had already gotten ahold of everyone's personality and deduced the group chat had made a pair of the complete opposite, Victor and Rem are both 'Demons' Victor had a laid back personality and lived in a modern year and seemed to have accepted his self while Rem when he asked about her being an Oni she always had self hate in her eyes like she didn't accept even herself. She lived in a medevil like world and she didn't have that much confidence

'The kid on the other hand he's the complete opposite of me, he's naive and childish and just started highschool but as soon as he got what he said was his ancestors ability he immediately returned to help and risked his life" Aizawa began thinking of Raku he reminded him of his old friend but Aizawa began thinking of himself, he was old and took everything seriously he never dated and never went to college since the hero course wasn't focused on college but instead training heroes.

"Shota! Shota!"

"Hizashi I told you for the last time-"

"Hosu is under attack!"





-Roswaal Manor Kitchen-

"Rem what are these contraptions?" Ram questioned her sister's antics since she just went to get some supplies and returned to see Rem opening what looked to be crates made out of paper that contained weird objects

"These are tools for cooking a friend of mine gifted to me Nee-sama" Rem continued unpacking the hand cranked items that peaked her sister's curiosity specifically the hand cranked blender

"Rem whoever this friend of yours is he must be quite a genius to invent these and very generous to gift them to you" She watched Rem open the lid above the blender and squeezed in a few leons(Lemons lol-) and began pouring a liquid from a bottle with a name Yakult along with a few cups of water and a few ice pieces she made on the spot and began cranking the handle

And soon enough she began pouring the strange mixure in a cup

"Try it Nee-sama!" Rem handed her the cup anticipating for her to drink it Ram was hesitant but not wanting to disappoint or offend her sister she drank it


Was Ram's reaction she expected the drink to be sour but instead it was sweet tangy, Rem seeing her expression was overjoyed since it was the first time she tried recipe that was written on the box of one of the Strange Yakult bottles she got from the Mall Victor showed her

Rem began thinking about the small house Victor's church was linked to and decided that she would clean it since it was the least she could do after he bought her all these items

While Rem was deciding on what to do someone in the manor was holding a black book with his hands trembling, this was Roswaal L Mathers the multi-gender body snatcher who takes the bodies of his descendants and right now he was madly panicking and the reason?

"I-It's blank..."

Just a few seconds ago his 'Gospel' informed him about Future events but now everything had become blank, Roswaal may not know the reason but it was due to Victor specifically his current title


[The user is now immune to any Fate altering and shackling abilities you decide your own future!, not some strings chains or books!]


This made him immune from anything that tried to mess with his Fate, so he truly had free will meaning he can't be affected by someone with something like death note or someone that could read his Status/future. And as long as Rem interacted with him nothing in her world could predict the future as long as he was part of it.

This was Roswaals only source of any knowledge of the future was now useless it was nothing but an old book now.





-Bonyari High School-

"Raku! How did you look so cool all of the sudden!?" Shu was looking at Rkau gobsmacked he just turned his head away from Raku for just a few seconds and now he looked like someone from a fantasy manga

'Damn it how do I explain this!?' Everyone was looking at him amazingly he went from average to now tall and attractive and chitoge who saw his new appearance blushed for a second before she began cupping her face and rapidly shaking her head

'H-How the hell did the beansprout get like that!' Chitoge hadn't actually gotten a good look at Raku since she mostly ignored him even when it was revealed they we're now engaged but now she saw him due to the commotion Shu was making she was stunned

Meanwhile Raku was just cursing himself for not cutting his grown hair and wearing the exorcist coat despite knowing the timer was counting down to their teleportation

"S-Shu you must be seeing things I've always looked like this-"


It was safe to say Shu was furious and jealous of Raku since right now if they compared looks with each other Shu didn't stand a chance unlike before where they were both equally Mid

"L-Look Shu just be quiet-"

"Until you tell me how you did it hell no!, was it some sort of black magic tell me!"

'Damn it!'

While Raku was trying to convince everyone he wasn't using magic Aizawa on the other hand was on his way to lecture 3 specific students but before that he was now testing out his new ability

-Abandoned Factory-

This Factory served as Aizawa's 'Lair' he had boars that he would put files and information ls he obtained along with a few filing cabinets but right now he was facing a training dummy

'Firebending could theoretically control temperature and freeze them but apparently Raku told me that wasn't how it worked and after searching for more information online Firebenders utilize their inner body temperature'

Aizawa was disappointed about the fact that he couldn't control the actual temperature and cause the same effect explained by Rem about her worlds concept of fire magic, unlike traditional firemagic they actually could control the temperature itself she even told him about a spirit that was the Great Spirit Of Fire despite it's name used Ice


Aizawa threw a punch similar to the basic punch used by the Northern Shaolin the type of martial arts Firebenders used/based on, he didn't actually know the martial art but until he knew how to perfectly control fire he couldn't just immediately use it with his usual fighting style

"It's strange using an ability that I wasn't born with..." Aizawa had always relied on his physical strength and speed since his quirk may be useful for emitter types but he couldn't deactive the quirks of Mutation type quirks, but now he had access to the group chat shop and Gacha he wondered if he could get something to upgrade his quirk to effect mutations but that was for his future self to figure out

He may not openly admit it but having an ability like firebending made him feel giddy and childlike since he now had a means of fighting back against those physically stronger than him, sure he couldn't openly use firebending in public but he could utilize it's perks such as the ability to not be bothered by cold weather and even survive in freezing temperatures as long as he breathes and maintain some point of heat inside him

It would be helpful as an underground hero the cold nights always got to him especially when it rained, but right now he had to focus on the task at hand which was going to Hosu and giving his students a 'Lesson'

"Thank God I got some sleep before I returned..."

Now Aizawa may terrible but he was glad Victor was put for a day as he was able to sleep for a whole 14 hours but as he was finally getting used to having bad a good night's rest Victor was browsing the shop

-Kuoh Academy Student Council Room-

'I could become a blacksmith in Rem's world and be a ship owner of both Raku and

Aizawa's world due to the fact they were in the mondern era Victor was scrolling through everything until he finally found something that caught his interest

' A Ministop pack? Sure this could blend well in both Raku and Rems world' Victor bought 2 but before he could continue scrolling through the catalogue something casted a barrier around the whole school

"Let's get to work!"

"Victor-kun wai-" Rias tried to call out to Victor but he ignored her and leaped out the window which was thankfully open to see not only multiple Fallens and Rogue Exorcist but two Cerberus guarding a fat old in the clothes of a priest

"Jesus Christ could you not look more like a pedophile?" Victor was of course referring to Valper Galilei who was now looking at him with disgust

"How dare a filthy demon mention the name of the lord-" But before he could finish his sentence a bullet between his legs was fired from Ebony

"Yeah Yeah I get it your a priest I'm a demon you hate me since I'm sinful, can we just fight already so I can go back to buying stuff while you touch some church boys?" Without saying anything further Victor charged at Valper who of course didn't see him due to his speed but the fallen around them along with the two Cerberus were able to barely see him and launched their attacks

Victor weaved through a rain of light spears easily and soon enough he was right infront of the two Cerberus's and before they could even react Victor impaled then with his arms effectively killing them

Valper who saw this was terrified and tried running away but before he could light spears impaled both of his legs he turned to see hwo attacked him and saw that it was Victor

Since he not only weaved and dodge through the light spears but he also caught every last on of them with his projection, he smirked before giving a single motion and his projection began throwing them to the Fallens who didn't have enough time to react as they were effectively killed by their own light spears.


Victor looked at the source of the explosion and saw that it was around where the ORC Building was

"I guess Kokabiel is attacking them huh?" Victor didn't bother finishing off Valper as he saw Kiba just a few feet approaching he walked towards him and placed his hand on his shoulder

"Go nuts buddy"

And with that all of the anger Kiba no Isaiah hid for so many years came back, Victor walked pass him towards the direction of Kokabiel and saw the old fallen with his 5 pieced Excalibur due to the fact Freed never obtained them since he died so Kokabiel used it instead which made Victor think if he combined all of them would it even be as close as the FATE version? Obviously no but it would be a good item to have

"Hey old man! Why don't you just go back to your retirement home?"

"Tsk a demon brat? I thought every last of your kind was killed I guess not, it doesn't matter anyway I'm unstoppable with this!" He was of course referring to the incomplete Excalibur and in all honesty Victor didn't even feel threatened by it as he knew that his body has now surpassed a High-Class and it was slowly becoming around the strength of DMC5 Nero who was able to fight of Vergil who despite being injured was still very strong considering that even when Vergils body was falling apart in the start of Visions of V he easily killed a dozen demons with little to no effort

"I'm not that religious but weren't you like some Angel of the stars or some crap? How the hell did you become a fallen?" Victor knew about Kokabiel as he did read a few of the books in the church as even if they were extremely bias they still proved to be good sources of information

"Why would I tell you about myself when your about to die!" Kokabiel disappeared in a flash an appeared infront of Victor intending to kill him with a single slash and those were on the ground heavily injured expected the worse but Victor just looked at him and blocked the attack with his Devil Bringer


"Quite possible" Victor kicked Kokabiel away launching him back but he was able to stabilize himself avoiding himself from being launched further

"What's with all this noise?" Ophis came out of the Devil Bringer obviously disturbed since a few moments ago she was sleeping soundly before she hard a loud noise from Inside

"Yo Ophis sorry about that just finishing up with this fallen"

'O-Ophis!?' All of the Devils Simultaneously thought obviously they know about Ophis the Ouroboros Dragon but they doubt if that little girl was actually Ophis but considering that Victor seemed to be serious they wondered what Ophis was doing with Victor of all people

"I can handle this if you'd like..." Ophis wasn't offering her help to Victor out of her own kind notion but instead offered it because she just wanted to kill whoever disturbed her sleep since she was dreaming of dreaming about dreaming while dreaming in the Devil Bringer.

"Nah I can take care of him" Ophis just nodded before she sat on Victor's shoulder

"Hey can you get off-"

"You damn brat!" Kokabiel this time projected multiple light spears around him and charged Victor while they were launched at him but before he could get any closer Ophis reached out her hand and suddenly Kokabiel along with his light spears were frozen

"I said I'd handle it"

"Then just go up to him and kill him already." Ophis was very impatient but Victor couldn't do anything about her as he wasn't that strong yet and even she weakened she was still a power house that was as stronger than both Albion and Ddraig in their prime


Victor approached Kokabiel who gritting was his teeth trying his best to move but it was futile

"Look buddy I would honestly like to fight you but I don't wanna annoy Ophis so I'll just ask you a question and you answer alright?" Kokabiel of course couldn't respond as he couldn't open his mouth but Victor ignored that fact

"Is God really dead?" Victor asked Kokabiel who only looked at him in Confusion which answered Victor's question, this DxD's God didn't die and it was probably the reason on why an Angel would visit his church despite their supposed limited amount God was still alive and making Angel's

"Welp I'll just take this sword and finish you off alright?" This time Kokabiel had fear in his eyes but sadly he couldn't move he tried everything from trying to use the light spears to attack Victor to trying to use the Excalibur to help him in some way, but Victor grabbed the Fused Excalibur and was about to decapite him before someone sent a wave of Devil Energy at him

He turned to direction of the attack and saw Vali with a long black trench coat approaching him while slightly looking at Ophis who looked at him with annoyance

"Mind if I take him?" Vali was now infront of Victor who was of course taller than him but he didn't feel intimidated

"Got some payment?" Victor of course knew about Azazel Imprisoning Kokabiel in the underworld buy he was obviously taking advantage of the situation and trying to milk as much as he can

"You can keep the Excalibur that's your payment.."

"Was already planning on keeping it got something else?"

"You drive a hard bargain.." Vali Casted a magic circle and medium size bag appeared and he threw it at Victor who caught it and observed it's content

"Diamonds and Gems good enough" Victor walked away from Vali leaving Kokabiel in his hands and was approaching Ophis who looked less annoyed and once again sat on his shoulder

"Aren't you going inside?"



Congratulations the user has finished his current final mission in the DxD world!


Broken Yamato(Sealed)

[Hidden Mission's Completed!]

Obtain the Fused Excalibur

Obtain an Extra fragment inside the Fused Excalibur!

Bonus Rewards:

Shinobi Gauntlet Blue Prints

Shinobi Gauntlet x1

"Well that's interesting.."

"What is?"

"I got a reward from the system" Ophis knew about the System but she couldn't see it, Victor told her about it to back his claim about him completing his contract with Ophis

"So are we going to that other world?"


"I see"

And with that Victor along with Ophis on his shoulder began heading for the church while the Broken Yamato was now sealed inside his Devil Bringer and in time would repair itself but that's a story for another time

As they headed for the church Victor just giggled at the Anticlimactic 'Fight' he had with Kokabiel



Part 1 of the DxD arc is now finished we are heading for the Multiverse Arc! It will contain around 20+ chapters then part 2 of DxD would begin

But here's some more information about the Howl's Door Award

Its connected to the church doors and once Victor pulls a level and changes locations the Door will morph to to fit the size of the Actual destined place

But I'll see you all in a few days and here's a hint on the first world they will all visit!

Daigo Muromachi Period 1470's Japan

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