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22.58% Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX / Chapter 14: Vampire Camula Filler Redo? - 13

Capítulo 14: Vampire Camula Filler Redo? - 13

A/N: I hope you can tolerate this chapter. I wanted to put a good end to this vampire. Because I like her background and her assets.

This chapter is still a complete mess in my opinion. With all sorts of direction left and right. It's because I want to move past this vampire tale.

The short version of what happen is: In the end, she lives and works among humans in some unknown random human city.

Crowler's L

Zane's W

You can skip this chapter if you want now.

Trying to create a scene and setting that doesn't exist was only hard for this chapter for me.


A few days after Nightshroud's biggest L.

Her commanding presence was immediately apparent as the woman awoke from her slumber and rose from her coffin on a moving boat towards Duel Academy Island. She held her head high, her lips a striking shade of red, exuding authority. She summoned a group of familiars in the form of bats with a wave of her hand and gave them a mission: scout for information on key holders and report back to her with their findings. Her posture suggested that she was someone important.

Unknowingly to her, some people (Jaden) were able to dream of her arrival. A lot of rumors took place in Duel Academy about a vampire making an appearance in duel academy island. Giving the rest of the key-holders a lot of time to prepare for.

She's Camula, the last of the vampires, with dreams and aspirations of resurrecting her long-lost race.


(Gojo's POV)

A few days ago.

"Holy shit, a vampire; I don't think we need to kill this one, babe. They never even existed back in my world... I think." I asked my wife, Dark Magician Girl.

"This is a fucking shadow rider. Someone who can use magic and ultimately put the key-holders to life and death situations," Dark Magician Girl retorted.

"So? Shouldn't we just stop her from doing so?"

"Are you defending this bloodsucker? I mean, why? It's a vampire!" Dark Magician Girl is upset about this.

"In my world, I have only learned about them through myths, legends, stories, cartoons, or novels. She's probably the last of her kind—I want to fact check some stuff. So, I need this vampire alive," I excitedly explained my reasons.

"Why are you excited about her?" Dark Magician Girl pouted.

"Hear me out, she can be our punching bag—sparring partner! You know how crazy it is to find someone who can take my punch at 1% without dying? Or anyone who can withstand your magic attack, that isn't me? She probably has regeneration!"

"That was not in my mind when I asked why're you excited. You're going to punch a woman!? Oh, wait. You would." she asked in disbelief, recalling that I almost smacked a little girl.

"If she is as evil as the last one, doesn't that give us a valid reason where we could imprison her in a place where sunlight doesn't reach, torture her out of the information on what we want when we want and then we kill her." I reasoned.

"This sounds evil! This is not something a hero would do!" she fired back.

"You'd be surprised by my world's heroes—Hey, I didn't completely kill the first shadow rider. We almost did something fucked up." I said, completely changing the topic for her sake.

"Oh my, Egyptians Gods," Dark Magician Girl said, covering her face with both hands groaning.

"Right, we almost killed Alexis' brother," she sighed.

"Okay, maybe you are right. We should find where this vampire is, before she starts a stupid shadow game." Dark Magician Girl conceded.

"Sweet, you think she can convert others into vampires?" I asked in curiosity.

"Are you trying to change race?" Dark Magician Girl coldly asked with a narrowed eye.

"I was going to ask if you want to." I suggested a crazy idea.

"No thanks! I'm all about that spirit life, so I get to be inside you," Dark Magician Girl shot back, playfully, and with a little huff.

"Cool, should we start somewhere?"

"Jaden said she was from a boat the last time he woke up. So… A boat with a lot of shadows in it or coverage?"

"A storage boat."

"Yeah, maybe that."

"Perhaps we should look for Jaden himself. Shouldn't he have recovered already? I blocked that Red-Eyes attack for him." I mused.

"Don't bother. He is spontaneously waking up. Well, now he has that complete medallion he should be able to withstand the shadow games to a certain extent." Dark Magician Girl commented.

"That? The crusty dusty yellow—"

"Quit callin' it that. It has some ancient form or protection for shadow games, and it may even negate the penalty for losing." She explained this as she dematerialized and transformed into a sphere of light that entered my body.

"Got it. So, it's good for useless people."


I ignored the chancellor's repeating call about another group meeting. I did later have to fill in the details for the rest of the group regarding how I became involved in the shadow game, dueled with Jaden, and how we defeated a shadow rider. That was tedious.

I know Jaden could have won by himself. But from fragments of my memory, it was this shadow game that was strong enough to hurt him. Now that he has the crusty dusty yellow medallion, he can survive the shadow games on his own.

As I casually strolled across the campus, I couldn't help but notice Mindy and Jasmine, deep in gossip mode, talking about vampires. 'Not walking towards that direction.' I thought.

Shifting my gaze towards a different direction and glancing up at the sky, there were a bunch of bats swooping and circling through the air, following some specific duelists.

[Oh, she's doing what we were planning on doing.] Dark Magician Girl voiced, clearly surprised.

[And she's got familiars too. This vampire's got some brains, at least.] I suggested.

[By the way, we should try scaring this vampire,] I added.

[Why?] Dark Magician Girl inquired.

[Why not? Ever heard of humans scaring a vampire?] I shot back playfully.

[Vampire hunters?] She replied, tilting her head with her answer.

As I was about to explore outside the island, I found an unknown island that wasn't there before, near our academy island by the lake, shrouded in fog.

[That has to be where the vampire lives.] I deadpanned it telepathically.

[Right, my love, but this place looks so rundown.] Dark Magician Girl pondered.

[Well, if she's the last survivor, I bet she held some kind of nobility that had her living a life of luxury. Probably never lifted a finger for chores,] I theorized.

[I can totally picture that.] Dark Magician Girl chuckled.

We teleported there and started exploring the desolate, run-down castle on the island while keeping our presence well-hidden. I had the Ring of Invisibility on from my Gate of Infinity.


In our exploration, we finally stumbled upon a private room. Inside, we found a vampire woman with long, luscious green hair, pointy ears, and an elegant red gown that included a touch of crimson lipstick. She appeared utterly absorbed, fixated on her own reflection in a mirror, lost in a self-monologue.

'A vampire with green hair and green eyes? That's… not normal. I was expecting someone with yellow hair and red eyes,' I mused quietly.

[So, what's your plan?] Dark Magician Girl telepathically voiced her as we both watched her dazed in boredom. Like an npc.

[I was thinking about messing with her mind. Like speaking out loud without revealing myself, staying invisible, and making her believe she's hearing voices in her own head while she's lost in herself-monologue. Hopefully, it'll make her question her own sanity,] I replied.

[That's downright disturbing. Why do you even have thoughts about doing things like that?] Dark Magician Girl wondered.

[That was the plan, it was something that popped into my head. Of course, I am not doing something crazy like that. Besides, look at her, all alone. Questioning what's ever gone wrong in her life. Lmao.] I mused.

[She somewhat resembles someone who has nothing to lose because they've already lost everything.] I noticed the vampire's face was hollow, but there was still that hint of life.


[Well, there's a method of dealing with people like that. A show of overwhelming power.] Not bothering to answer her question.

"Hey vampire. Is this supposed to be Transylvania? It needs renovation. This place ain't gonna hold up for the next few months." I quipped, breaking the silence.

"Who is there?!" The vampire shockingly got up and checked her surroundings warily. 'Someone came here without me knowing. Impossible.'

As I stealthily approached the lone vampire, a ring of golden lights surrounded her, and chains emerged, coiling around her and effectively immobilizing her.

'Chains of the heavens. With these, she can't escape.' I secretly smirk.

"W—what?!" The vampire struggled futilely to break free, unable to transform into mist or move her restraints.

"What is this?! Release me this instant?!" She demanded, her head swiveling in fear as she scanned her surroundings.

"Usually, this is the point where someone reveals themselves and then introduces themselves. Talking about their grand plan or schemes, and then proceeds to do something like knocking you out. But I'm not really into that routine." I retorted while staying invisible.

[Husband... There are people like that?] Dark Magician Girl interjected telepathically, clearly taken aback.


"Anyway, I'm here to ask you some questions. You'll respond with a simple 'yes' or 'no.' Got it?"

Before she could utter anything outside of "yes" or "no," her voice was abruptly silenced by a graze on her right cheek. She started hiccupping, her senses thrown into chaos as she knew she was just attacked but couldn't see the perpetrator.

In an instant, another ring of light emerged, and an absurdly shocking projectile shot out grazing her again on her beautiful face and causing blood to trickle.

More golden lights began to manifest, revealing an arsenal of weapons of all kinds, poised and ready to be fired.

"Do you understand." This time, I intentionally spoke in English with a peculiar accent.

"Yes sir," the vampire replied meekly, her voice trembling with fear.

"Should we also bring out the gods, for lie detection?" I spoke.

That was when the vampire began to feel a heavy, suffocating pressure bearing down on her. It was overwhelming, as if her very existence was being denied, making it difficult for her to breathe.

This time a new voice chimed in, feminine and light and the vampire heard it. Then that pressure immediately lifted as if it was never there.

"Why would you want to do that?" Dark Magician Girl asked.

"Well, these are the genuine ones after the three sacred beasts. Since Kaiba's going to be summoning Obelisk again, that means Obelisk is going to be used in this realm twice. The other two are obviously feeling left out. What better time than now?" I explained the reason.

'What the hell are they talking about? What Gods? Aren't these vampire hunters? No. No way. They can summon a god?' The vampire shuddered in fright.

"I don't want you to. I have to be all formal when the Egyptian gods are out," She declined the idea outright.

"Do you have any lie detection?" I asked my wife.

"I won't lie, I swear in the name of my clan!" the vampire immediately yelled, her voice trembling.

"Huh? Who said you could speak?" I retorted sharply, and in response, another burst of golden light appeared. This time, one of the weapons pierced through the vampire's right shoulder, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from her.

"Stop it." The Dark Magician Girl said worryingly.

"K. Pretty sure vampires are capable of lying though." I responded, trying to observe if she had any healing factors or regeneration. 'Slow, extremely slow.'

"I don't think they are,"

"Alright, if you say so" I decided.

"That damn thing around your neck says a lot about who you're. It's also ugly." I pointed out.

'Why does this have to happen to me? I hate this.' The vampire thought, her distress palpable. Her life was now most likely in the hands of humans who had murdered her race.

"You can speak now." I added firmly, establishing the rules of our interaction.

"First. Did your race have some vampires with blonde hair and red eyes? White hair and red eyes?" I wanted to learn everything I could about vampires in this place. But this question comes first.

"There were… They are the highest rank and nobility in the vampire clan. They've all been killed by humans," the vampire responded, her voice laced with bitterness and sorrow as she recalled her brethren, friends, lords, and comrades.

"I see. Never thought I would be encountering a vampire with green hair and green eyes before, I guess you are probably the lower rank or a less prestigious branch in the vampire hierarchy," I nodded my head as if understanding.

The vampire's fury flared instantly at my words, but she found herself powerless to act, gritting her teeth in frustration as tears came out. She was the heir of the Dracula!

"Okay, now, gonna ask the less important questions," I said casually, leaving Dark Magician Girl slightly taken aback.

"Vampire. When you open a shadow game. What magic do you use?" I pressed, the chains of the heavens slowly constricting around her.

"Just kill me already," she angrily yelled, defiantly refusing to answer.

"Oh? Okay, goodbye." I readily replied.

"Huh?" The vampire was not expecting I would quickly comply as a sudden burst of golden light materialized and unleashed a rapid barrage of weapons. She widened her eyes in fright, feeling as though she had lost everything, including her purpose. But miraculously, all the fired projectiles missed her.

'This vampire is going to have some serious PTSD after this! Look at that face! This is definitely a photo worth taking. A human scaring a vampire, priceless.' I laughed uncontrollably as I took a photo of her.

[That's not funny.] Dark Magician Girl shuddered.

The vampire was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. The shock and disbelief at the sudden change were a result of how slowly she had been watching her death develop. She couldn't help but take a series of deep breaths, almost hyperventilating, as she realized she was still alive. A flood of emotions and relief washed over her.

That's when she started sobbing loudly, a mix of relief and fear overtaking her.

Dark Magician Girl couldn't take it anymore and smacked me. "This is fucked up, Gojo. Even if she is a Shadow Rider. Couldn't you have dealt with her in a duel?"

"And participate in an absurd shadow game? Hell no." I responded dismissively.

"Also, that necklace is probably cursed. Well, just in case," I added, noticing some alarming fluctuations within the vampire's body.

"Jutsushiki Hanten・Aka (Cursed Technique Reversal: Red)." I incanted.

I pointed at her necklace, and a minuscule red energy beam appeared on the tip of my finger. It shot past the vampire's neck, aiming for the edge of the necklace and shattering it to pieces.

As all of a sudden, the vampire stopped crying and the necklace that she was wearing broke. But what alarmed her even more was the destroyed room behind her, which unveiled the outside world. She'd almost been killed again, and yet she still couldn't see the intruder.

Terrified, the vampire was absolutely terrified of witnessing the devastation firsthand and the aftermath.

She appeared lost, gradually surrendering to her fate, with fear vanishing from her eyes, leaving her feeling immobilized and helpless. At this point, she couldn't help but believe she was losing her sanity. What could she possibly do? Escape was not an option.

"You can do that?" Dark Magician Girl asked in shock. She had mostly seen me manipulate space and use lapse blue, so this new red technique was clearly a surprise to her.

"Wait, till you see I do the full color spectrum. (I don't have any besides purple left)" I said.

"Well, we have a lot of things to talk about, and you're going to answer them," I said, finally revealing myself, and there was no word to describe how terrified the vampire was when I was invisible.


Her name is Coconut now, a much better name than Camulus. She was the sole heir of Dracula. Our plan now was for her to keep doing what she was doing, dueling the key-holders, but without the shadow game. I want her to win as many duel as she can, defeating the remaining key-holders.

After looking through Coconut's deck, I tore up a strange card that had something to do with soul manipulation. After touring the entire island with her as our tour guide, I have come to realize she lives like shit. I even cared to provide her with a new house from my armory for her to live in. Although it was smaller than a castle, it was more comfortable. She was completely taken aback by my abilities and what I was capable of.

Coconut gave me all the information I needed after I destroyed her castle, home, legacy, a portion of the island, and her pride for fun. I've learned about most vampire skills, blood intake, transformation, what happens when you cannibalize vampires, magic (useless), history, politics, bonding, and other random things. She had a legitimate reason to go against humanity; she wants revenge, but she is going about it gently (dueling humans one at a time, stealing their souls, and putting them in a doll). So much so that even Dark Magician Girl felt sorry for her flawed revenge plan.

Humans had wiped out her race a few centuries ago, driven by the fear of mythological beings that spread easily during medieval times, with vampires being one of the primary targets. She went asleep in order to escape from the onslaught of humans. When she awoke, she was the only remaining vampire alive in existence and had readily agreed to assist a former academy chancellor who had woken her up. Resurrecting the three sacred beasts in exchange for assistance in resurrecting her race.

Following that, we had a lot of Q & A with some back-and-forth discussion. After convincing Coconut that the humans she used to despise had died out in time. Nowadays, it seemed like being a vampire was a trending topic in some of this world's entertainment. She was initially skeptical, but I helped change her perspective by introducing her to some manga to read, including titles like Jojo, as well as other entertaining works created by humans that featured vampires.

According to Dark Magician Girl, Coconut could have lost her soul to the sacred beasts if she had used this cursed millennium item and the card I ripped. Still, she wanted to resurrect her race, no matter what we said or did. But she can't even turn people into vampires. She believed that her race could only be revived with the help of the sacred beasts by offering human souls as tribute, so the plan was to claim human souls from the shadow games. After hearing that, we verbally abused Coconut until she became hopelessly depressed and gave up on trying to resurrect her race.

As night fell, Dark Magician Girl and I decided to teleport ourselves off the island. But just before we left, I wonder if Coconut could handle 1% of my punch output. So, I punched her in the stomach without even asking. Fortunately, or unfortunately, she had truly experienced what it was like to be dangerously close to death this time, tears streaming down her face as she was overcome by pain and fear once more. Any remaining positive impressions she had about me evaporated in an instant. She didn't want to see me at all.

So, after administering a health potion and my heartfelt apology, we quickly left. (from my gate of infinity)


Late at night.

Currently I found myself on my knees, groveling before my wife in our room.

"I still can't believe you did that at the end, and what were you thinking during all of today's events?" Dark Magician Girl said, her tone dripping with anger and disbelief.

"Well, on the bright side, throughout today's event she's now earned the title 'strong' from me, something no one else has managed." I responded, desperately trying to find something positive to hold onto.

"I don't think anyone cares about that." She retorted dryly.

"Okay, fair point." I conceded, "I'll set something up for Coconut in the human world. Is that okay now? You know how fucked up, that sounds right? A vampire walking freely under the sun?"

She remained silent; her thoughts shrouded.

"It's fair compensation." She finally replied.

"I dunno about that." I said, my doubts lingering.

"I had turned a blind eye to all of your actions today, you know? Why are you still doing these terrible things?" She declared.

"Forget it. You're sleeping on the couch tonight. Not until after we're finished doing that." She finally added as she began to undress.

"Ah." I responded, defeated.


"Mental Exhaustion", or relatively known as mental fatigue is still a thing for Gojo. He doesn't have infinite mental strength. Or the capacity to stay up for an indefinite long period of time.

Male orgasm, yall understand it. When you are done beating your meat or done having sex. You generally feel tired and want to sleep. After all, a man's body chemistry changes after orgasm. So, with that being said, in theory, Dark Magician Girl might stop fucking him in his sleep, if he just turns off his RCT. Too bad for Gojo she developed magic in cases like this.


Aside from Gojo's sleepless night. The duels that occurred the following nights closely mirrored the events in the anime. This time, Crowler suffered a loss but managed to keep his soul intact, simply walking away in frustration. Throughout her duels, the vampire remained on edge, but she was also visibly eager to return home and bask in the comforts provided.

Unlike in the anime, Zane defeated the vampire. However, his victory did not experience the expected feelings of relief or joy. Instead, he was deeply disturbed by the vampire's genuine fear. All she had ever wanted were duels with the keyholders. After her defeat, she said her final farewell to the academy island. To Zane, she appeared to be running away from something.


A week after Camulus's L

Coconut (Camulus) had undergone significant changes a week after her defeat. She had grown more attentive, learning more about current humans, and was willing to listen. She couldn't refuse our orders, knowing they were for her own good and to help her adjust to this new world.

"Alright, listen up," I began. "This ring lets you walk under the sun. Don't ask how I got it; never ever take it off. And here is your phone, there are apps that will help you understand human culture, entertainment, common sense, and some stuff to look out for. Don't exactly trust everything on the internet. Charge it with electricity from time to time, with that plug in."

I continued, "Now, here is this other ring that has magic that contains carrying about two weeks' worth of human blood (my blood), it can also absorb other blood as blood storage. You should consider working at a blood bank or in some medical field that involves blood. Oh, you do know how to use a phone now, right, Coconut?" I said, as I gave her a lecture on the essentials of her new life.

"It's Camulus and yes." Coconut corrected me as she bowed.

"Yea, I know what I said. Anyways you're strong Camulus. Not as a duelist but as a survivor. Well, you almost did beat Zane in a duel. So, hold your head high. Stop looking down and in fear, damn it," I said to the trembling vampire.

I took back the temporary house I had given her, storing it back into my Gate of Infinity.

The Dark Magician Girl materialized and gave Coconut a heartfelt hug. "Good luck. I hope you find peace in this world and one day forgive the humans, especially my husband."

Coconut, her eyes brimming with tears, replied softly, "Yes…"

The two of us watched as she transformed into a swirling gust of wind.

"Now get outta here!" Dark Magician Girl and I chimed in unison as we witnessed her change into mist, drifting towards the realm of human civilization.

Did I mention we knew where she was at all times if she went rogue and started hunting humans, but that was mostly a bluff? She, on the other hand, completely believes me.


Full disclosure, Camulus has absolutely no romantic interest in Gojo.

This chapter is a mess.

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