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3.17% Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX / Chapter 2: The Start Of The Lazy One - 1

Capítulo 2: The Start Of The Lazy One - 1


Absolute rework 😀

Overhauled everything. 8/29/2023

This is an alternative timeline where R.O.B. sends Gojo into the world of Yu-Gi-Oh GX! (from Help Me Step Gojo, I'm Stuck)

Honestly I have no idea how to set up his character well as it is someone entirely different from the original. So it's going to be built along the way with no proper construction.

Attempts will be made to keep the plot on track with the anime's episode in order.


" " = Conversation

'Inner monologue or thoughts'


A/N: is me :)


(Gojo POV)

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," I groaned as I woke up, my eyes itching and burning. My body felt heavy and drowsy, carrying the uncomfortable weight of lethargy. And to make matters worse, I had absolutely no idea where I was.

My eyes grew wider and wider as I looked around the room. This place practically beamed with wealth. It was a luxurious and comfortable room, centered on a massive bed that looked like it could easily accommodate several people. There was even enough room for an entire family if necessary.

"Where the fuck am I?" I mumbled to myself, rubbing my eyes before the realization hit me: I was in a completely new body.

'I remember being in that weird white void room with that old man,' I quickly thought. Given his personality, he wouldn't change the room or scenery without a good reason.

'Does this mean I'm in a new world already?' I pondered, rapidly playing out various scenarios in my mind about what might have happened.

I swung my legs out of the bed and tried to adjust to this unfamiliar body and vision. It was really strange to inhabit a new form—new height, new weight, basically new everything. Even my vision seemed to have expanded, allowing me to see things more clearly than I ever could before.

"This is…definitely going to take some time getting used to," I muttered under my breath.

As if that wasn't enough, there were also unfamiliar memories inside me that I needed to sift through.

"Hehhhhh? Gojo Satoru. Can I borrow that name?" I smirked, realizing that my new body belonged to the strongest sorcerer in his world.

In an instant, the sensation of lethargy was replaced by an overwhelming feeling of excitement and an indescribable rush of new energy.

"Woah! This is it! YES! I feel great! I feel good! YES! YES! YES! I CAN DO ITTTT!" I exclaimed, caught up in the surge of enthusiasm.

"What are you doing?" A new voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

Startled, I turned around to face the source of the voice and couldn't help but frown. "Oh, you're still here?" I retorted, a hint of annoyance in my tone.

"I'm having some trouble adjusting to this new body, but that's to be expected. Anyway, does this mean you have already granted my wish?" I inquired, my curiosity getting the best of me. I began to shadow box, attempting to sense the newfound power that surged within me.

"What? Oh, that. Yeah, but no. I didn't grant all of them. I've already explained to you countless times that I can't fulfill every single one," the old man sighed, a sense of weariness evident in his voice.

"I heard you, and you heard me," I replied, my shadow boxing movements continuing. "So, what do I have?" I asked, my curiosity growing stronger by the second.

"Gojo Satoru's body and memories," the old man calmly listed, "Your own personal Gate of Babylon, and then I think it was; immortality, and eternal youth. Honestly, I don't even think you need anything more than that." He outlined the gifts that had been bestowed upon me in a composed manner.

I halted my shadow boxing and shifted my attention to R.O.B. "What? That's all?" I questioned, my initial confusion quickly turning into shock.

"What the hell? Why? That's so little." I exclaimed, utterly shocked and baffled.

The old man sighed and continued, his tone calm yet apologetic, as he cleared his throat before speaking again with a touch of sternness, "As of now, I cannot grant you more than what has already been mentioned. There are certain circumstances that limit even my abilities."

"Circumstances, my ass. Go on," I retorted, rolling my eyes at his explanation.

"Leaving you as you are right now might lead to you destroying this world as we speak," R.O.B. nodded, explaining his assumption and reasoning.

"Hah?! Why on earth would I do that?" I retorted in confusion.

R.O.B. pulled out a deck of cards – a very familiar deck – and a wave of nostalgia washed over me as I laid eyes on it. I'm trying to recall what kind of cards they were, but then it struck me: they were Yu-Gi-Oh! playing cards.

The old man pushed the deck of cards towards me on the table.

As I reached out and took hold of the deck of cards, a surge of excitement coursed through me. To be honest, it had been far too long since I'd last held onto physical Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards.

"So, are we going to duel to pass the time or what, old man?" I asked, a smile forming at the corners of my mouth. However, the old man remained silent and simply stared at me.

"Ayo? Why are you?" I turned my head to look behind me and surveyed the surroundings once more. Then, it struck me – I had overlooked it earlier, dismissing it as a mere toy, but there it was: the distinct shape of a duel disk. A rather unattractive Yu-Gi-Oh GX Academy duel disk.

"No... You wouldn't..." I mumbled, turning to face him once again, a realization slowly dawning on me.

The old man simply nodded his head and said nothing.

"THIS FUCKING OLD MAN!" I roared in frustration. I smacked the deck cards on the table in front of me and to my surprise, I noticed they were all blank.

Honestly, thinking about it more carefully, there is almost nothing I could do to the old man in front of me. My frustration dissipated immediately as if it had never been there. He was simply too powerful, omnipotent, and beyond my reach. I could only voice my complaints and thoughts, knowing deep down that it wouldn't possibly change my situation. On top of all that he probably has a reason too.

I picked up the deck cards and sifted through the deck, looking at all the blank cards. 'Why are they all blank?' I wondered to myself.

"Are you done?" The old man asked calmly, observing me closely.

"Yeah... Are we in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!?" I asked weakly, a sense of disbelief in my voice.

"To be more precise, it's the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX," R.O.B. responded.

"Yeah, I can see that. So why am I in this world? Shouldn't I be able to go to a world of my choosing or at random?" I questioned, my frustration and disbelief evident in my voice as I struggled to come to terms with the situation.

"Yeah, under normal circumstances, that's how it would work. But just a while ago I ran into a bit of a problem. I don't really possess the manpower or the specific talents needed to tend to some of these unwanted worlds. These worlds have been totally neglected and are hanging on by a thread, and they desperately need assistance. With new universes constantly made to fulfill some mortal desire, some of these worlds are left neglected and without such intervention, these realms face the risk of extinction." R.O.B. explained.

"Couldn't you just kill some Yu-Gi-Oh! nerds back in my world, especially those world champions and bring them here?" I squinted in confusion.

"Hell, aren't they all better than me at card games," I added, a touch of malice in my tone.

"Interesting choice of words. Unfortunately, you're the only one capable of saving this world. If you really think about it, most newcomers usually wish to be in a world like HighSchool DxD, Mushoku Tensei, or something along those lines," R.O.B. said, his tone suddenly becoming grave.

"No, no, no, no, no. Don't give me that bullshit. How did this world come into creation in the first place? And this deck is fucking blank. Also what makes you think I can save this world where I also have no information on? I have only watched season 1 dude. SEASON 1 and I don't even remember that shit!" My frustration was clear in my tone as I complained loudly.

"Everything happens for a reason. A universe must also encompass all the positives and negatives of all types of worlds. It has now reached a tipping point, and some are on the verge of extinction just because reincarnates want to reincarnate into some popular fantasy world. And that deck, Gojo, is the most powerful deck in the history of Yu-Gi-Oh! A deck that allows you to choose the cards you want. Just think of each card as the heart of the cards." R.O.B. solemnly said.

I scoffed, unable to believe what I was hearing, but in essence, I had gotten the answer I wanted. "So it's a cheating creator deck. No thanks, I'd rather have a starting hand of Exodia every time."

"You know I can't do that." R.O.B. sighed as what he was hearing.

I clicked my tongue in frustration at the idea. It did make sense though; if I always started with Exodia in my hand, everyone else would accuse me of cheating.

Well, now that I understand the situation I'm in, I still don't like the idea of being stuck here on this island with a bunch of nobodies. If this is the GX that I know, then I am most likely in an Obelisk dormitory right now. I should get out of this island and seek out Kaiba or Yugi, or even attempt to find Ishizu Ishtar. I will probably have a better time 'saving the world' alongside them. Actually wait, isn't it more fun to try destroying this shitty world. What can a bunch of card game users do to me?

"You know what, old man, can I just take on the role of a villain and destroy the world? I kind of want to do that more than saving it," I said openly, voicing an outrageous thought.

"Why are you even asking when you know the answer?" R.O.B. sighed, his voice carrying a sense of weariness.

"Can I—"

"No, also just stay on the island. At least for the most part of your time. Since the majority of the events take place on the island, it's only reasonable that you must remain here when those events occur," R.O.B. interrupted, explaining the situation.

"All these restrictions, one after another, it's as if you're trying to constrain me. It really makes me want to destroy the world even more," I commented, my frustration becoming evident.

"You can if you want, but only after you save this world," R.O.B. chimed in, offering a surprising new angle.

"Heh?! I didn't think you would even say that. You know what, that does sound kind of fun. Though, I've got to admit, it's quite a workload—first, befriending the protagonist, then saving the world, and finally positioning myself as a secret boss once we've taken down the final boss," I chuckled as the idea unfolded.

"NOOOOOOO! I won't let you do that!" A sudden voice rang out, breaking the moment. From behind, a light-skinned girl with an angelic, girly voice wrapped her arms around me, attempting to squeeze me to death.

Eh?! How? How did she manage to slip past my senses? I can see everything around me and I'm sensitive to changes. No one should be able to hide from me and my spatial senses except for R.O.B.

"Oh, that piece of shit was hiding her." I grumbled, realizing that R.O.B. had intentionally kept her presence hidden from my perception.

The unexpected encounter caught me off guard. As I was still getting used to this new body and hadn't yet fully adapted to my abilities.

"Now who the hell is this molester?" I frowned, turning around to confront the person who was hugging me from behind. Strangely, I couldn't quite feel her, except for this oddly warmth seeping through. Even with my six eyes, I'm still unable to see her unless I physically turn around and use my own eyes to look at her. The moment I turned and laid eyes on her, my jaw dropped.

The light-skinned girl who had suddenly appeared behind me let out a sigh as she released her tight hug, albeit reluctantly. "Geez, you're quite the handful, aren't you?" she exclaimed with a playful pout, her voice carrying a blend of determination and cheerfulness. Her large green eyes sparkled as she gave me a friendly yet mischievous smile.

With a determined look she introduced herself, "I'm Dark Magician Girl, protector of this realm and its people. I sensed a disturbance and thought I'd find out what was happening. It seems my instincts were right."

"No, you are here because I asked you to become his Ba (Soul partner or companion/partner)." R.O.B. shook his head, revealing the truth behind her sudden appearance.

"MmmHmmmm. Hmmm?" The Dark Magician Girl locked her gaze onto me, a blend of curiosity and interest twinkling in her eyes. It was as if she held a genuine fascination for me— I think she may have known I am a foreigner from another world. She also started touching me weirdly too. Her fingers lightly poked at my cheeks, her hand grazed over my chest, and her touch moved to my arms as if she was trying to understand the nature of my existence. Yet, the sensation I got from her was like a faint warmth, almost like a phantom, considering she's nothing more than a spirit.

I turned to face R.O.B., my expression clearly expressing my disbelief and confusion. 'What the fuck is happening?' I silently questioned.

"Did you not remember that duel spirits exist in this world? Luckily, right now, she's off-duty, and I know you used to be quite a fan of hers back then when you're a kid,"R.O.B. answered.

"Don't look into my memories without permission old man." I muttered, clicking my tongue and attempting to evade her gaze.

"I need to know everything so I can arrange everything," R.O.B continued.

"Ohhh? You used to have a tiny crush on me? Well, that's so cute (O Kawaii Koto)," Dark Magician Girl chimed, her tone playful and teasing, a faint blush tinting her cheeks.

"I like what I see, and I will believe in you. I'll do it." Dark Magician Girl happily informed me and R.O.B.

Stepping in closer, she planted a gentle peck right on my cheek.

Then, in an instant, Dark Magician Girl underwent a swift transformation, morphing into a sphere of soft pink lights that seamlessly entered my being. It wasn't a physical joining, but more of a mystical and spiritual connection, something beyond ordinary understanding. I had a gut feeling that Dark Magician Girl was performing the ritual that would bind our souls together. Wait, does that mean we are stuck together for eternity? Unless the highest caliber of ancient magic or a millennium item with power comparable to the millennium puzzle were involved.

[Wooah! You're incredible, Gojo! I've never felt such a strong soul since the pharaoh or Dartz.] She exclaimed, [I feel like I can manifest myself in physical form!]

"What the hell…was that? Was the process supposed to be that fast? Wait, are you communicating with me through telepathy?" I asked the Dark Magician within me.

"Most likely. The feelings you're experiencing, Dark Magician Girl, could be the source of Gojo's immortality and eternal youth. Essentially, he has an infinite supply of life energy and positive energy filling his soul. The original body and its spec naturally excel at utilizing energy efficiently. Furthermore, his body has already come to understand its soul," R.O.B. told them both.

[I see that's why his soul is so strong.] Dark Magician Girl replied, as if grasping the concept.

"What?" I said in confusion.

"Give manifesting a try, Dark Magician Girl. It shouldn't take anything." R.O.B. suggested.

In mere moments a sphere of light manifested in front of us in the center of the room and then it grew lighter and lighter out came the Dark Magician Girl in the real form.

"Ta-dah, The Dark Magician Girl in the flesh!" Dark Magician Girl exclaimed as she twirled around and struck a pose. After that, she immediately pounced on me, hugging me tightly from the front, surprising both R.O.B. and I.

"Um, could I ask you to not wreck havoc in this world or or even think about it? I get that you might have been brought here without much say in the matter, and I might not be completely in the loop about what's going on, but pretty please. I may not have much to offer, but I'm willing to give you everything," she pleaded earnestly.

"You know destroying the world was a joke, right?" I made an awkward laugh but she was looking at me seriously.

Dark Magician Girl was even aware of some of Gojo's abilities after going inside him and hearing R.O.B. tell her about some of the things he possessed (Gate Of Babylon and Curse techniques). If he wanted to, he could completely destroy the world and kill everyone in a week.

"I'm still asking, um, just in case. A world-ending scenario is never a good thing, you know? So please promise me you won't do such a thing." She cast me a hopeful look, her eyes shimmering with sincerity.

There was a moment of silence after hearing that. Instead of answering her, I turned to R.O.B. with a question of my own.

"Can I go to a different world after my task here is complete?" I asked, my gaze fixed on R.O.B.

I then added, "With her."

Dark Magician Girl's eyes widened at my statement. 'He wants me by his side. To go to a new world together?' she thought excitedly.

"Well, I could arrange that. I was hoping you would stay here in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Universe and help the other timelines.," R.O.B. replied.

"Hell, no. Just send someone else. That's a generation gap. Also stop clinging onto me." I responded, my tone tinged with irritation. I tried to pull away from the clingy Dark Magician Girl, but she wouldn't let me.

As she turned to gaze at me, a gentle smile graced her lips. 'So, he does care about me, how endearing,' she thought privately.

"Hmm. Understood, if that is all I'm going to leave now." R.O.B. smiled gently at me.

"Hold the fuck up. Who said you could leave? I've got some questions about this blank deck," I retorted at him.

After an intense 40-minute discussion back-and-forth, which involved a barrage of questions and a series of reassurances, R.O.B. finally took off.

During our discussion, several crucial points became crystal clear. I can only summon the Egyptian God cards, and even that requires explicit permission from the Gods themselves. I can have the five Exodia cards as my opening starting hand once-in-a-lifetime (One time use). Moreover, I'm strictly forbidden from using any cards related to XYZ, Synchros, Tuners, Pendulum, Links, and any cards even mentioned in the text of spells, traps, and monster effects. Moreover, I possess the ability to forcefully enter any ongoing shadow duels, albeit with a penalty, only by activating a technique.

Like I fucking said. Restrictions on top of restrictions.

Ritual and fusion monsters are fair game though. I think the most important part from all the talk was that I have the liberty to skip classes for the entire curriculum. And to top it off, I've got the vouch pass from Yugi, Kaiba, Ishuzu, and Pegasus (for background check). If anyone starts questioning how I even got my hands on these extraordinary cards. Well that is on paper for now.

"Hey! How do you know all this stuff! This is crazy! Hey!" Dark Magician Girl looked at me, her expression a mix of confusion and concern, as she shook me slightly.

Oh, and one more thing: I'm allowed to kill.


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