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60% Young Justice: Vampire / Chapter 12: Finally over

Capítulo 12: Finally over

(A/N: Hey everyone!

I know you've been eagerly waiting for the next chapter, and while we didn't quite reach the 100 Power Stone goal, I'm excited to share it with you anyway!

you guys stopped exactly at 100 powerstones, only that you actually had 92 out of 100, you had 18, by the time the last chapter 11 was released it, that 18 finally made about that 90 powerstones for chapter 11 to be released, meaning you are still short 8 powerstones for this chapter.

Yes, you read that right! Even though we fell a little short, I couldn't wait to unleash this chapter on you. It's been a whirlwind of a journey to get here. First, I lost the entire first draft, forcing a rewrite. Then, real life decided to throw in some curveballs. But through it all, your support kept me motivated to finish.

So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the next part of the story! I poured my heart and soul into it, and I can't wait for you to experience it.)


Aquaman, a living embodiment of the ocean's fury, surged forward. His fist, propelled by the power of the sea itself, slammed into Asher's jaw with the force of a rogue wave. The vampire, caught off guard, was sent flying backwards, crashing through the air like a ragdoll.

Green Lantern, ever quick to act, conjured a construct of a colossal emerald boot. It materialized with a crackle of energy, aimed at Asher's prone form. With a resounding thud, the boot connected, sending the vampire hurtling further across the room. He slammed into the opposite wall, his feral cry echoing through the chamber.

Wonder Woman, ever the symbol of justice and order, wasted no time. Her golden lasso, imbued with the power of truth, whipped through the air, wrapping around Asher's struggling form. He thrashed and snarled, his fangs glinting in the dim light, but the lasso held firm, binding him in its unyielding embrace.

Martian Manhunter, the silent observer, materialized beside the restrained Asher. His telepathic tendrils reached out, probing the vampire's mind, searching for the source of this sudden and violent rampage. Asher's thoughts, a chaotic torrent of bloodlust and frustration, assaulted the Martian's senses. He saw flashes of Powergirl's golden form, tasted the intoxicating tang of her blood, and felt the growing rage fueling his uncontrollable hunger.

While the heroes subdued Asher, the rest of the League remained on edge, scanning the room for any further threats. "Where's Batman?" Green Lantern boomed, conjuring a shimmering emerald cage around Martian Manhunter and Asher, their proximity too risky. Wonder Woman, sensing the urgency, released her lasso from the now-contained vampire.

"Haven't seen him since he left to fetch Robin," Wonder Woman replied, worry creasing her brow. "Did anyone try contacting him?"

Aquaman shook his head, then froze. "Guys, the kid's gone!"

Panic flared as they turned to the empty spot where Asher had been held. Equally alarming, Martian Manhunter was gone too. A frantic scan revealed nothing until Superman, catching a gurgling sound, looked up.

There, suspended upside-down on the ceiling, was Asher, his face contorted in a feral grin. His mouth was clamped onto Martian Manhunter's neck, draining the Martian's life force.

Horror gripped Superman. J'onn! He rocketed upwards, shattering the containment cage with a deafening crack that echoed through the room. The ceiling spiderwebbed, raining down dust and debris. J'onn remained limp, lost in Asher's grasp.

Without hesitation, Superman swooped down, catching the unconscious Martian before he hit the ground. He landed with a heavy thud, cradling J'onn's weakened form.

"Martian Manhunter!" Superman's roar echoed through the chamber, laced with raw fear and fury. His eyes blazed like twin suns as they locked onto Asher, who stood defiant on the debris-strewn platform, his face contorted in a feral snarl. The tide had turned, but the battle was far from over.

Two beams of searing crimson light erupted from Superman's eyes, piercing the smoke-filled air. Asher screamed, a sound of pure agony that ripped through the chamber. The heat vision slammed into him with the force of a meteor, sending him flying back into the metal wall with a bone-jarring thud. The impact cratered the wall, the surrounding metal glowing an angry orange as heat radiated outwards in waves, scorching the air and sending wisps of smoke curling upwards.

Back in the Batcave, the League watching the footage erupted in a cacophony of shouts and protests. "Dude, he's just a kid!" Shazam roared, his voice laced with outrage and disbelief. "You could have killed him!" The tension in the air was palpable, even Batman's stoic facade showing a flicker of concern. But before the debate could escalate, his eyes narrowed back to the screen, his gaze unwavering.

On the island, the metal cooled rapidly, leaving an eerie silence in its wake. Asher lay slumped at the center of the crater, his ragged breaths echoing through the chamber. A gaping wound, charred black at the edges, marred his stomach. Crimson blood welled from the wound, staining the metal floor a dark, ominous red. He coughed violently, each sputter flecked with crimson, the taste of iron heavy on his tongue. He watched in horror as the droplets defied gravity, swirling and solidifying mid-air, transforming into razor-sharp shards of crystal that glinted with a malevolent light, reflecting the crimson glow emanating from his body.

With a guttural roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the chamber, the shards launched themselves towards Superman and J'onn, a deadly hail of blood-forged projectiles. Green Lantern reacted instantly, his emerald energy crackling like a living storm. A shimmering dome of emerald light materialized around him and Superman, deflecting the shards harmlessly. They clattered against the dome with a hail of metallic pings, before dissolving back into harmless blood droplets that rained down to the ground.

Wonder Woman, fueled by a mixture of rage and worry, charged towards Asher. Her movements were a blur of gold and crimson, her expression a mask of fierce determination. But the creature reacted with an agility that belied his injuries. He launched himself from the crater with the grace of a predator, landing on her back with a thud that sent a shockwave through her body. Before she could react, his fangs sank into her neck, his pale form trembling with the effort. The taste of her blood, warm and sweet, sent a surge of power through him, momentarily eclipsing the pain, but there was something more, something he had to get no matter the cause.

The rest of the team, witnessing this horrifying scene unfold, sprung into action, their faces etched with grim determination. Superman, fueled by adrenaline and fear, flew towards Wonder Woman, his fist aimed at Asher with the force of a speeding locomotive. But the creature wouldn't budge, clinging to the Amazonian like a leech, his grip surprisingly strong despite his weakened state.

Green Lantern, his emerald energy crackling with renewed intensity, created a slate construct, its edges sharpened to a razor's edge. He aimed it at Asher, attempting to pry him loose, but the creature held on with a feral tenacity. As Wonder Woman began to weaken, drained of her strength by Asher's feeding, a soft, ominous glow emanated from his body. It pulsed with a strange rhythm, growing brighter with each passing second. The heroes exchanged panicked glances. This wasn't just a bloodthirsty monster anymore. This was something new, something terrifying, and the battle might have taken a turn for the worse.

The blinding glow intensified, forcing even those in the Batcave to shield their eyes. The footage flickered, then went dark momentarily before returning. The harsh light had subsided, revealing Asher lying peacefully beside Wonder Woman. Gone were the burns and ragged breaths; he was completely healed, fast asleep. Only the faintest rise and fall of his chest indicated he was alive.

The team rushed to Wonder Woman's side. Batman arrived first, his expression grim. He swiftly secured Asher with specialized cuffs, rumored to hold even Superman. "Where were you?" he demanded to a figure who wasn't visible in the footage.

Before the scene could continue, the feed abruptly cut out. "That's how we got to this situation," Batman said, addressing the League. "Asher Eclipse is undeniably dangerous, but we know little about him or his abilities beyond that unsettling blood manipulation." He pulled up the clip of Asher transforming blood into crystalline shards.

"It's best to keep him close for observation," Wonder Woman interjected, her voice raspy but firm. "Thanks to Martian Manhunter, we understand the cause of his berserker state, but I'm curious... why did my blood trigger such a reaction?"

John Constantine, lounging in a nearby chair, chuckled. "Aye, better safe than sorry, princess. Having him on our side is preferable to facing him again."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the League. Superman, however, furrowed his brow. "How do we ensure this doesn't happen again?" he questioned, his voice laced with concern.

Batman met his gaze, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "I'll leave that to you, Superman." His words sent a wave of confusion washing over the Man of Steel. 


A week later

A week had passed since the battle on the island. Mount Justice, once a wreck, hummed with the sounds of reconstruction. The Young Justice team, still recovering from their encounter with Asher Eclipse, sat assembled, an uneasy silence hanging between them.

Suddenly, the doors whooshed open, revealing a stoic Batman. "You will have a new team member," he declared, his voice leaving no room for argument.

Robin, ever the quick thinker, shot out, "Who is it?"

Batman's gaze flickered towards the empty doorway, then back to the team. "Someone you've already met."

A hush fell over the room. Anticipation, apprehension, and a flicker of fear warred within them. Then, Asher Eclipse stepped out from the shadows.

The air crackled with electricity. Superboy, still bearing the scars of Asher's attack, leaped to his feet, fists clenched. "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!" he roared, his voice echoing through the chamber.

The other young heroes mirrored his sentiment, expressions hardening with distrust. Aqualad, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward, his voice calm but firm. "With all due respect, Batman, this is unacceptable. He attacked us, nearly killed some of us, myself included. We cannot trust him to have our backs."

Asher, his eyes glinting with a dangerous light, cut him off. "Let's get one thing straight," he snarled, his voice calm and elegant but dripping with venom. "One, I don't like any of you. You attacked me first, without reason, and now you whine about it? Two, You're lucky I held back. If I wanted you dead..." He vanished in a blur of motion, reappearing inches from Aqualad, his palm pressed over the young hero's heart.

Aqualad's eyes widened in terror as Asher's lips curled into a cruel smile. "You'd already be gone."

He vanished again, materializing beside Batman, his posture radiating defiance. "He is a new addition to the team," Batman stated, his words laced with iron. With that, he turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving the Young Justice team reeling, their fears confirmed, and a new, volatile dynamic thrust upon them.

With nothing left to say, Asher slipped away from the tense stares of his new teammates, leaving them to simmer in their unease. He headed towards the one unexplored corner of Mount Justice: his own room. A quick scan of the biometric lock confirmed his identity, and the door slid open with a silent hum.

"Does anyone else find it weird his room has more security than ours?" Kid Flash whispered, his voice laced with suspicion. The other young heroes exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring his unease.

"Ugh, I can't believe they're letting him join the team!" Superboy roared, his fist slamming into the table. "He almost killed us!"

"Easy, Superboy," Robin interjected, his voice calm despite the tremor in his hand. "I managed to gather some intel on him. Check this out." He pulled up a holographic display, his fingers dancing across the interface.

"Dude, wait a minute... he's younger than you?!" Kid Flash exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Seriously, what's with this team recruiting toddlers?" Zatanna grumbled, crossing her arms.

Superboy puffed out his chest. "Hey, I'm three months old now!"

M'gann, sent a playful telepathic nudge, causing Superboy to blush and stammer. "Fine, fine, two and a half months."

The tension in the room crackled as they delved deeper into Asher's file, each revelation fueling their apprehension.

"what's a Vampire?" M'gann asked


Asher pushed open the door, anticipation giving way to surprise. Instead of the expected gloom, his room was bathed in a cool, ethereal glow. In the center stood a massive coffin, large enough to house three people comfortably. Its lid remained slightly ajar, revealing plush crimson velvet lining the interior. A pang of amusement shot through him – despite his aversion to sunlight, this was more dramatic than practical.

A sleek, stainless-steel fridge hummed in the corner, its scent betraying the high-quality blood stored within. On the opposite side, a simple, modern sofa offered a stark contrast to the opulence of the coffin. This was a room of contradictions, mirroring the conflicting emotions swirling within him.

He settled onto the velvet, a smooth tablet and a sleek watch resting beside him. He picked them up, his fingers brushing against the cool metal. Something rolled out from beneath the cushions, catching his eye. A ring, crafted from silver and adorned with a mesmerizing dark purple gem, beckoned him closer.

Setting the tablet down, he first strapped on the watch. It felt more than just an accessory; its cool surface pressed against his skin, a constant reminder of his fragility. Its functions, however, were anything but ordinary. It monitored his blood levels, injected emergency rations when needed, projected a holographic interface, and even functioned as a phone. It was a lifeline, a testament to the delicate balance he now walked.

Turning to the tablet, a miniature holographic Asher blinked to life, its chibi form buzzing with eagerness. This AI, specially programmed by Batman, was his guide, his tutor, his window to a world he barely understood. Hacking, coding, history, everything he craved to learn was at his fingertips.

"Atlest, what is this ring?" he murmured, the watch's built-in cameras scanning its intricate details. "[Hi Asher, I have a message regarding the ring from Zatara.]" replied Atlest.

 A moment later, a holographic message flickered to life.

"Hi Asher," Zatara's voice crackled through the room, the familiar warmth of magic lacing his words. "This ring is a failsafe. If your life is threatened, the gem will shatter, summoning me to intervene."

The message ended, leaving Asher with a mix of relief and unease. It wasn't the sun-negating artifact he'd hoped for, but Zatara's words sparked a new thought. Batman had mentioned gaining aspects of those he fed from...did that mean he could walk in the sun unscathed? The temptation was strong, but the potential consequences were too high. He wouldn't gamble with his newfound freedom.

A sigh escaped his lips, a hint of frustration mingling with the ever-present hunger gnawing at him. This new life, with its rules and limitations, was far from perfect. But for now, it was his. He would adapt, he would learn, and he would find his place within this strange new team. And perhaps, somewhere along the way, he would unlock the secrets hidden within himself.

(A/N: 100 powerstones for next chapter -->)

Master_Atlest Master_Atlest

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