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64.28% Chilling in the multiverse / Chapter 26: Conquering the world starts with a single victory

Capítulo 26: Conquering the world starts with a single victory

In the office of General Wilson

'If i made a very big contribution i will become one of the biggest voices, after all the north is losing badly. Lets start with a debut of Ainz... he needs some fun, also Tanya needs to tag along, because why not, she is the protagonist' I tought while planning and remembering the status of Tanya


[Name: Tanya Degurechaff]

[Race: Human]

[Tittle: Protagonist of a Seinen World]

[Karma&Alignment: Soldier of the Empire | Chaotic Neutral ]


[Body: Human lvl.9]

[Mind: Transcended lvl.9]

[Status: Alive | Cursed by the World's God | Blessed by the World's God ]

[Powers: Blessing of a minor god lvl 10 (Max)]


'Well well well, many changes here... She is both cursed and blessed by the god here, thats a new one, lets see the effect of this type of protagonist'


[Tittle: Protagonist of a Seinen World: You are, unfortunately, the protagonist of a seinen world. As this is a more realistic world, you need to survive, as dying is easier. The user gains from 1 to 100% in all stats depending on how much life he is missing, capping at 100% all stats on 25% health. The user gains {Sixth sense}, which enables the prediction of dangerous situations in advance, can evolve into {Future Sight} depending on the circumstances. ]


'Well, its good... although not as good as the shonen one... until you gain {Future Sight}, thats OP as fuck. As for the bless and curse... Its a blessing she has that much magic firepower... while its a curse to be supervised and, in a sense, controled by a god'

I sigh while watching her stats, knowing that all of this was caused by only a minor god, if Ainz was a bit stronger then he could fight him

*knock knock*

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door

"Come in" i said to the person on the other side

The door opens and the secretary enters the office

"Hello sir, do you need something?"

"Yes, call each colonel to my office, im going to discuss some important intel with them"

"Right away sir" She exits to comply my order

While waiting, i review my strategy over and over again, making sure that everything is in order

Some time pass and 5 colonels are standing in front of me, waiting for orders

'Its good that the military discipline is strict in the Empire' I thought while gazing at them

"I called you five to discuss the attack plan, im going to change the ways we fight, as from now on, our objective its not to maintain the front but to conquer their territories" I said

The five are shocked after hearing such a bold statement, but they quickly calm, as they job is to follow orders

"In a week, the schelued operation is going to change, first we are going to..."

A tactical talk later

"Thats all, explain the changes to the soldiers under your command"

"Yes sir" The five colonels exits the office. After leaving, they gaze at each other with a weird face

"Do you think the general can really do it?" Random Colonel 1 asks

"By his previous exploits and how detailled was his strategy... i think he atleast has confidence in doing so" Random Colonel 3 answers

"Indeed" Random Colonel 2 complements

On the office, some distance away... blocked by a door...

I was listening to the colonels... Not like i wanted, but my hearing was too good...

'Atleast they think higly of me, even if its all because i made a prestigious identity' i thought

After that i made several calls to many key positions on the northen army

To secure the provisions, weapons, routes of escape, intel, etc

Also, i made a special call...

Time pass

The first day after coming here the new training regime was already in plance, making many soldiers unhappy about it... But what could they do? Its a direct order from a general

Of course, Tanya is also included in the training.... And she is doing quite good, atleast she is not the last one, but her almost ten years old body cant bear too much... that sounds wrong... never mind

The second and third day was the same, it wasnt until the fourth day that the soldiers started to get a little used to it

6 days since my arrival

'Only 1 days for the first operation and the opening of a new conquest of the empire' I thought while gazing at the clouds, making a very cliche scene of a general having many thoughts while looking at the sky

"Stop that, i know you are doing it on purpose" Ainz, who has returned said to me

"Doing what? im just thinking about the meaning of life and why we exist..." I answer, still gazing at the clouds

"I suspect you are just thinking about what you're going to eat tomorrow"

"Its a very difficult question, my friend" i answers

After doing.... nothing for a while, Tanya enters my office

"Hey Ainz, i knew you would be here. I also came to talk with Rob"

"whats happening, little Tanya?" I ask with a smile not smile

A vein pop on her forehead... She hates when people calls her like that... or anything considered cute or girly

"You!..." *inhales* *Exhales* She calms down

"I was told by my superior, you are going to use us as baits?" She asks, not angry or scared, just curious

"Yes, and also Ainz is going with you, as you will not be totally a bait, you will also attack with the help of Ainz"

"How powerful is he? i mean, its not like i dont believe in you but... its my life what we are talking about"

"In his undead form? Just a bit weaker than the god you hate. In his warrior form, which he is gonna use? Enough to easly destroy an entire enemy base"

"I am?" "He is?" Both, Ainz and Tanya asks at the same time, obviously asking about the god part

"Yeah, remember the realm part on your status? you are a God lvl 1, while he is a god lvl 3, just to levels above you and on the edge of becoming a Major god. For your information, God 1 to 3 in my system is a Minor god, from 4 to 6 its a Major god, and lastly, from 7 to 9 is a Superior god. All of them are unded the God realm in my system, as to me, they are all the same"

"Mmm... Undestandable, so, as a god i can also isekai people? Thats.... weird"

"Wait, Ainz is also a god?!" Tanya asks shocked, as the great friend she made is one of the things she hates the most

"Technically you can isekai people, but you dont have the skills to do so... The normal gods use a diferent type of power, as you use mostly magic from your world, so if you want to become stronger you need to create your own way" I answers Ainz while ignoring the shocked Tanya

"Create my path? I never thought of doing that... sounds fun, like trying to get a legendary drop, i just need to do it until i find the most powerful one" Ainz murmurs while going into a... gamer way to gain power?

"Hello, are you done?" Tanya asks, a little annoyed for being ignored like that

"Ah yes, about your questions... Yes, he is a god, not like the one who brought you here, but more like a normal person who is very powerful. And yes, he is only a bit weaker than the one you hate, if taken by surprise, a complete buffed Ainz can beat him"

"In fact, you can also reach their levels, you just need to train... which you cant do right now as your entire power is bound to him..." I said while remembering something, as just now i thought of that problem, Tanya gets her power from praying, so in a sense she is bounded to his power... she doesnt have power on her own. The only thing she has is a great amount of mana, which equals a Transcended lvl 1

'Maybe after killing that god and lifting her curse she can start from that realm and going up fast' I tought

"Simply put, going with Ainz on the mission means you're in the safest part of this world. Thats all, you can go and prepare, tomorrow you have work to do"

After Tanya leaves, Ainz goes into sleep mode, which is just him standing there while thinking.... he must be thinking about how to create something that belongs to him


One day later

The operation 'Too op please neft' starts... thats my name for the operation, nobody except Tanya and Ainz understod my reference. Its good, so i dont have to hear complains about the name from the soldiers

Tanya goes with her team of 8 people, 9 with Ainz who is following them from the ground... running very fast... while they are flying...

Her team was mad that a little girl was leading them... until she pummeled them. Even with a body of a 9 years old girl she has great strenght for a human


The Empire is a great country who is also very powerful, for that reason it has many enemies surrounding him, sometimes making alliances to stall the Empire expansion

The Legadonia Entente Alliance is located on the north of the Empire.

It has less than half of the Empire territory in terms of size, but it only has to defend one front, so the war is on its favour. Right now

Now the team is going north, where a base, named by the Empire as 'The Entrance' is. That base is a focal point on their territory, as its the only way to access their territory by ground.

The operation this time has one objective, to capture that base. How can a team of 8 people and a 'Golem' capture an entire base? They are going to get captured by the enemy, getting directly into the enemy base without fighting.

There are warships standing nearby, ready to sail to 'The Entrance' when they receive the order.

The objective of Tanya's team is to disable the naval defenses on the base, enabling the warships to near the coast... well, its mostly Ainz objective

Even a entire elite team of 10 people couldnt do this, as there are many variants and enemies inside... but that changes when Ainz is here, as he can is immune to enemy weapons and can even destroy their cannons with a swing of his sword.... which he wouldnt do as they are OUR future cannons. He just need to kill the key people manning them

As for Tanya and her team? They will kill every radio soldier and high officer in sight, making chaos inside the base. They only have to worry about staying alive in the chaos


The team is nearing the base, now they have to regroup with Ainz and go stay together, so they are captured as a team

After reaching a considerable distance, the group starts to act like a normal scout team. They take portable radios, binoculars, camouflage, etc, mainly equipment to stay in place while investigating the enemy base

Before this, Rob leaked the news of this scout team via 'Encripted message' to a specific officer in the empire. That line of comunication is one of the few 'Spy lines' the Empire has to confuse the enemy with false intel. They are uncovered spies who do not know they are exposed. As a General, Rob has the authority to use such spies.

The enemy didnt recieved much intel, only that a retired general came back is now in charge of the north. Said general sent a scout team to recognize the area.

The enemy knows where said squad is thanks to the intel. Now, why would the enemy would care and take a risk to capture a normal scout team instead of just killing them of sending fake intel? Because the team leader is Tanya, a 9 years old girl who graduated earlier from the academy and is said to be very powerful and a promising soldier. Its that all? No, she is also said to be the granddaughter of a man with a very important position in the Empire. Thats confirmed by their spies on the Empire.

Thats the special call made by Rob, to change her identity in order for this plan to work

And indeed, the enemy base sent a few squads to capture her

After an hour of running and fighting, the team of Tanya lost 3 soldiers and has many wounded. She is captured and brought to the base along with her team and Ainz, who, after forcefully asking, was said to be a Golem controled by Tanya. This made the enemy more sure of their info, as the golem was very hard to fight and is most likely a bodyguard

After reaching the base, Tanya is brought to a VIP cell while their team are throw into a normal prison

Ainz was transported to the research center, as they still think of him as a golem and want to research him


Ainz was in the research center, Tanya and her team in cells...

'its time to start' tought Ainz

He suddendly moves, scaring the scientists and researchers around, there are a total of 6 people in the room with Ainz

He swing his swords and quickly kills them, as they are just normal humans, then he goes to the door and made a run for it to Tanya's cell, as he casted a tracking spell on her before going into the {perfect warrior} form

He runs very fast, to the point that many soldiers were shocked by such a fast thing

In just a minute, Ainz reachs her cell.... which is really nice, its like a normal room but with iron bars on the windows

He bends the iron bars, making place for her to leave, then he make a sign for Tanya to follow him, going towards the normal cells, where her team is locked

After freeing them, only 1 minute and 37 seconds have passed, the enemy is still not aware of anything

Ainz nods at Tanya and dash off to kill the sea cannon's crew

Tanya signals her team and the five of them goes to the command center, killing every radio soldier or high rank officer on the way. How to recognize them? Well... Have a fancy military hat? kill Him! Have a backpack with an antena? Kill him!

2 minutes and 43 seconds have passed, the enemy finally finds that something is wrong, many calls are made, they have thirty seconds to answers or the soldier is considered MIA

3 minutes have passed, the team is in front of the command center. 2 heavy soldiers guards the entrance

"Let me do it" Tanya said and then start walking to the soldiers

"Excuse me..." She asks with the cutest voice she could do

The two soldiers gaze at her, lowering their vigilance a little after seeing a little girl, but still vigilant

"This is a restricted area, leave" A soldier said with a cold voice

"Sorry, but a man was escorting me to someplace called a VIP cell... but he was called in the middle, leaving me alone... can you help me" She asks making a pitifull face, like she is going to cry while approaching them

The soldiers become serious after hearing the VIP cell, as only the influential prisoners are put there

"Listen here little kid, we are going to call someone to escort you, stay in place for now" A soldier makes a nod to his companion, who is about to enter the building to report this.

Just when the soldier on the right turns around... Tanya pulls out a knife and with one leap plunges it into the throat of the person in front of him, making him gag with blood. The soldier who was about to report hear a weird noise, so he quickly turns around and sees girl charging at him

He makes a quick response, making the knife stab into his shoulder instead of his throat. He was just about to fire at her, when a stabbing pain on the throat interrupts him. He just wants to kill her before dying... but Tanya crouchs and goes behind him in a fast motion, leaving the poor soldier with nothing but pain... eventually dying

3 minutes and 30 seconds have passed, the command center finally is aware that enemies are inside the base. The alarm sounds

Tanya calls her team and goes into the command center... Firing noises could be heard inside, as Tanya team is killing their way inside

They finally reachs the central point, where the higher officer stands

Only Tanya on 2 of her teammates are alive at this point, the two others are heavily wounded, full of bandages as they dont have time for more.

Tanya also is wounded, but as she is small and more agile than normal humans, she could survive better

After killing the officer in change of the base, the team relax a little, as they part is completed, now they just have to survive, so they barricaded themselves in this room.

5 minutes have passed and Tanya & her team were under constant assault, lucky for them, there are not much soldiers, as the command center was taken by them

By now, they can survive for atleast 30 minutes the enemies doesnt have much reinforcements

20 minutes later.... its bad, one of the wounded soldiers died, only leaving Tanya and another soldier alive, the enemy got here faster than expected

It was at this moment that ship horns could be heard though the whole base, making many soldiers stop in place

They gaze at the coast, only to see enemy warships in the distance... They are shocked, as the naval defences are not shooting

5 minutes later, the ships arrive at port, from them many armed soldiers points at the soldiers below. The ship cannons are also pointing at the soldiers in the base

"You are surrounded and pointed by the latest Empire warship, surrender yourself if you dont want to die a gruesome death by cannon shells" A voice echoes in the base, as the empire commander for this operation is using the latest megaphone

The first soldiers to surrender are the one at the port... no shit, they are being pointed by more than a hundred soldiers above the ship, and also those huge cannons... they arent stupid enough to put up a fight

Some soldiers do not intend to surrender, they even lost contact with the HQ some time ago, so they form teams and prepare for a unwinnable fight

After securing the prissoners, the soldiers on the ships dissembark, making squads of 10 to kill any resisting soldier


Time pass...

At first, the resistant soldiers were firm on their wills... it was until a cannon was shoot from the ship... blowing up an entire armored location with more than sixty soldiers inside. It was at this point they started to falter, as they dont want to die in such a meaningless way

More soldiers surrender... until finally the base was captured. The prisoners were brought to the cells and the Empire soldiers are securing the whole place. The Staff personal was brought over by order of the general, as he was sure to win. They were very nervous as normally they dont get near the frontlines. Now that the base is captured the can finally dissembark safetly

The staff personal starts to operate the new base, moving stationary weapons, recounting the resources in the base, etc.

By now the command center in being used by the commander of this operation, who is seriously watching the little girl wounded along with his teammate

"Tanya Degurechaff, congratulations on your success, I have no doubt that your contributions will be rewarded" The commander said with a military salute, not bothering about her age, as she has done what many couldnt.

"Thank you sir, now with all respect... i would like to rest a little in the infirmary" She said, very tired after this whole event

"Of course. Soldier, escort liutenant Tanya to the infirmary, also bring her team along too"

"How many of your team survived? i was told you team has 8 people"

"Just me and him, sir" Tanya answers while pointing at the very wounded soldier beside her

"Its a pity" Said the commander without an hint of pity on his face, as he is used to many deaths in war

Tanya is being escored along with his only survivor on the team

"So, whats your name, soldier? I guess you are going to get assigned into my team again after this" Tanya asks

"My name is Ramirez, sir" Ramirez... answers

"Thats a good name" Tanya says while entering the infirmary...

In the office of general Wilson

I finally got the intel that we captured the base... although i already knew it, i was watching the entire time

Now that i captured a path for the enemy territory, i think i will have more authority... Lets continue with the conquest plan

Granax Granax


I forgot about word count and before knowing it the chapter got 3500 words... ops?

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