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59.52% Chilling in the multiverse / Chapter 24: The powerful... Subaru? and farewells

Capítulo 24: The powerful... Subaru? and farewells

Subaru walked into the hotel, making the group let out relieved sighs as he is safe. They were worried when Ainz came back and said to them he was going to do something for 3 hours

For the most experiences warriors, like Reinhard, Wilhelm, Crusch and Al... they feel something different from Subaru, as if a kind of pressure is emanated from him

Subaru, pretty happy to see them after such a long time, made a very passionate spech about how friends are needed... blablabla

I was still invisible beside him... i couldnt take it anymore

*cough cough* I dispel my invisibility and tried to catch the attention of the group... who now are aware that someone extra is inside the room

"Subaru, i know you are happy an all... but can you leave that for later? I mean, the whole city is pretty much in caos right now because a crazy Sin Archbishop of wrath wants revenge for her previous lose" I show the a scene where the whole town is acting like fanatics, shouting to the sky and sometimes, killing each others

"Thats true, we need to kill her fast! Like right now!" Subaru, with bloodthrist that somehow scared some of the presents, ran away from the room... leaving a shocked group

"What... happened to him? Its like he is another person... That amount of killing intent is weird even for the most veteran warriors... And he always made plans before attacking" Wilhelm, the most old and experienced in the group said

While the party was confused... the most confused here was Emilia, who almost cant recognise Subaru after that drastic change, but to her, if this makes him better, it doesnt matter


'Hey, i just sent to you the location of Sirius. If you die just 1 time with her.... im going to be very dissapointed in your 27 years of training' I sent Subaru a {Message}

"I dont know how to answer back but im sure you are listening... Dont worry, i will do it. right now i can finally do something for myself" Subaru keeps running

After some time, he reachs the familiar tower where Sirius was at the very Beginning

Subaru uses his unseed hands to push him up to the top, where Sirius was making a spech... until she smells something familiar

*Sniff sniff*

"Petelgeuse, my love is that you? i knew it, i would never mistake you for someone else!" She is in extasy as she jumps on the arms of Subaru, who can act all calm thanks to many years of training and, right now a bright idea is in his head

Right now, as he has mastered th Authority of Sloth, she can feels it and believes only Petelgeuse could do that

"I know, i has to posses this boy's body for some time, now i have my power back, we can be together" Subaru said with the most loving voice he could make... as he has never done this before

"aaaah~ finally... lets go away, just you and me... let me kill those pests in this city and we can go" Sirius made an excited voice and turns around to kill the many peasants on the city

"why bother about them?" Subaru made hi unseen hands take her and made a jump from the tower

Now he and Sirius are seem like flying

"Lets just go and not waste any time with those filthy things" Subaru said while trying to maintain his face the more neutral as posible

"Okay" She says while being relieved as he really is the one she loves... this power... only him could do it

Subaru takes her to a distant forest, far away from the city where his Authority could not reach any people... As for the people in the city? They are allready good, as she is very far from them

Subaru and Sirius lands on a plain in the forest

"Now we can talk about our marriage" Subaru says still maintaining his smile

"YES! Finally, we can be together forever! We can have many child... even makes the join the cult... we can also-" Before she continues to indulge in her fantasies...

*splat* *crack* *crunch*

Many unseen hands breaks, crush, twist... every part of her body, starting from her head so she can die in an instant. He learned from his training the you need to use your 100% even for a seemingly distracted enemy

He continues until her body is just a lump of meat... and even then he is not assured

"Rob, i know you are watching. Is she dead? I saw many weird immortal people in your training room"

I appears beside him and watch the... lump of meat who once was Sirius

"Yep, she is deader that death, in fact i think you made a overkill... just after crushing her head she was dead" I then flick a spark to the meat in the ground, who instantly burns... a few seconds later, no evidence is found

"Lets go back... by the way, for people who can see you hands you seems pretty silly while flying, you know?" I said before vanishing


"You hit a sore spot for me there... i know... but if people cant see them then i look badass..." with a depressed face he flies to the town


20 minutes back

The gang was still shocked by how Subaru ran away... Before they could catch him, news about more and more people dying all over the town reachs them. With no chances to look for Subaru, the whole gang starts helping around the town

10 minutes back

While trying to pacify the people, they found, unexpectedly, that the people came back to their senses. With no idea of how is this happening, the group decided to meet again and confirm if its only in a part of the city of everywhere....

And the result was shocking, the entire city has recovered without them helping

5 minutes back

They were still speculating about what happened, some said it was an intern fight between the cults

Others.... Emilia said it was Subaru's doing... which the group didnt discarted, as he has done many unbelievable things

While they were discussing, Reinhard felt something flying to them, putting him on guard

"Something is coming, flying and fast" He said

As the group was on guard, a flying Subaru enters from the window, happy to meet them... but found them eyeing him oddly

"Hey, why the strange faces?" Subaru asks while sounding completly normal

"Subaru... Where did you learn to fly?" Emilia asks in an innocent voice

"Ah, it was part of Rob training! I can let you fly with me if you want!" Subaru answers, happy that he can do something for her

"So, what were you talking?"

Still dubious, someone told him the news

"Ah, its because i killed Sirius a few minutes ago, so its all fine and dandy!" Subaru answers like its a fact

The whole room is silent...

"You... killed her? Alone?" Crusch asks, very dubious

"Yeah, you are... how to say it nicely... pretty weak" Julius said trying to not sound hurtful

*gah* Subaru felt as if invisible arrows penetrated his chest

"Is that the impresion everyone has for me?" He asks, trying to find someone who denieds it... only to find that nobody meets his gaze

*sigh* "I get it, im weak... but not anymore! As Rob, our friend over there trained me!" Subaru points at Rob, who at some point appeared in a corner of the room

I wave my hands as to say 'hi' to everyone

"Even if thats the case... it has only been a little time, you were weak back then when we fought Capella" Said julluis

"Em... abou that... can i say it Rob?"

"I dont see the problem" I answers, its not like i care they knowing how i trained him

"Well... he transported me to a weird arena... and there, the time goes different... i know its hard to understand, but it took me 27 years of training there to have this much of power" Subaru said, not specifying the amount of power he has

"So... its like a time isolated room? I have heard of those, they are almost imposible to made, only the greatest time spirist can make them..." Reinhard said, while gazing at Rob

"Dont look at me like that, he wanted power and i gave him that... is just that the process was very gruesome, asks him if you want more info" I said while washing my hands on the matter

The party started to extract more info from Subaru... only to be apalled by the fact he died... thousand and thousand of times...

This doesnt count as him revealing his Return from the death power, as he doesnt have the intent to reveal it, but another source of ressurect

After hearing that he fought and diend for 27 years... Emilia was in tears, hugging Subaru, trying to confort him.

Even Reinhard admires his will, as a normal person would have gone insane

*clap clap* I clap my hands to take the attention of the group to me

"As much as i like to see this wholesome reunion, the city is not completly safe, there is still one more Arbhishop in this town. I will make it easier for you to find him, as he is hiding after finding that everyone except for him died" I said and points at Subaru. A yellow arrow pointing north is above his head

"That thing will guide you to him... Only if its in the city, if he, for some reason desides to leave, te arrow will dissapear, as i dont want to make it that easy for you to kill him." I said and the puff, vanish in a smoke of cloud... which was a little effect i made for fun

"By the way, Ainz, cheerish this moment as we are about to depart" My voice echoes before fading

Ainz sighs while a little sad, as he know this was going to happen sometime

The group was curious but not worried, as they thougt Ainz was from another country, mayber ruled by undeads in a corner of this world


'Lets go back when the whole thing is settled, right now i want to see certain character in this world. Althought not the most powerful, its the most interesting' I thought while teleporting above a house in the middle of nowhere...

Inside the house was a little girl with platinum color hair and completly white clothes

I descend to the ground, approach the door and knock on it

*Knock knock*

A few seconds later, the one i sought appears in front o me

"Hello, who must you be?" She asks

I gaze at her and


[Name: Pandora]

[Race: Divine]

[Tittle: Witch of Vainglory]

[Karma&Alignment: Changed many fates | Chaotic Neutral ]

[Realm: Demigod lvl.5]

[Status: Alive]

[Powers: Authority of Vainglory lvl.10 (MAX)]


While gazing at her, i turn on my {God Eyes}

She is shining white while many chains surrounds her. Some are conected to people far, far away, while others are simply flying around her

Reality is distorting where she stand, like she can dissapear at any time from the place she is standing on

"Its rude to gaze at someone too much, you know?" Pandora says with furrowed brows, as his gaze for some reazon makes her feels like her entire self was being seen

"Ah sorry, i was fascinated by what i saw" i answers in all seriousness

"Its also rude to flirt with someone you just meet" Pandora says without changing her expression

"Haha, sorry, but its fascinating for me, as its the first time i can see someone who can affect the very reality" i answers with a smile

Pandora has a slight change in her expresion... then returns to normal, as she never has felt in danger. She can just change reality so this man in front of her never got here

She uses her Authority, making as Rob never got here in the first time

I gaze at her, knowing what she is doing. I simply make a slight smile and let her be

Reality around me start to tremble, like the world is trying to change my fate and place

It persist for a few eseconds until a glass breaking noise echoes around. Im still in front of a now shocked Pandora, who, for the first time in ages is surprised, as her powers doesnt seems to work

"I forgot to tell, you can only change reality of this universe, so your power is useless in me. And even if you could change my reality, i can simply negate your change... Sorry for shocking you, by the way"

Now Pandora is gazing at you with very curious eyes, as what you said was very strange to her, because she only knows this world

"You... dont belong to this reality" Its the first thing she said after the shock

"Yup, im from another universe and reality, i came to see you, as its hard to find a Reality and Fate manipulator, even in the infinite numbers of universes" I said while gazing at her with interest, because when she was trying to change my reality, the chains around her tried to chain me to another point in time

"So... are you a traveler of sorts? Some type of... god... or something powerful traveling the universes?" Pandora asks, again with her impasive face

"Exactly, and after confirming this, my verdict is that you posses influence limited to this world and its people. If, for example, a normal person came from another world, you couldnt change his reality at all... Well, you could still control his memories, but thats all"

She raise a brow in intereset

"Really? And how many people would come to this world apart from you?"

"Well, i came with an undead friend to this world" I answers, not revealing that Subaru its not from this world, as that would paint a target on him

She sighs in relief, becuase if many people where from other worlds, then she would feel restrained

"We also will leave very, so there will be no more people you wont be able to affect for... your grand plan? master plan? ultimate goal? i dont know"

Thats also good for her, and, knowing she can affect this person in front of him, she just invite him in for some tea time

You accept because... you had nothing better to do!


TIme pass and you had a pretty good time talking with Pandora, she has lived many many years, so she knows about many secret things

Its also the first time for her to open to someone that easly... It must be that he will be away soon, and also because, as he is not from this world the info he got is just like a interesting tale at most

I also gave her some info about other worlds... just for fun so she doesnt get bored. Like a world where ninjas are supreme, a world where humans fly on void, fighting demons, prying for their long dead emperor... etc.

A sudden pop up appears in front of me, showing that the time is near

I get up from the chair

"Its time for me to go, we must go to the next world soon"

"Its been a pleasure, Rob. I hope, sometime in the future we can talk again" She nods at me with a very, very slight smile

"Before going, let me give you a gift... something so you dont get bored" I have a very... bad? idea... it could be good for her

I clap my hands and a full 8k 152" Plasma TV appears floating in the air

"This is a device to see images from another world, but its just one though. For you, as you has many years to live, i selected a very special show

Pandora, awestucked by this giant... thing, is listening to Rob

On the TV appears... One Piece, Extended version. Chapter 1/304956

"You can watch the adventures of a group from another world, its just that the series its a bit large..."

"How much is the duration of one of those 'Chapters'?" She asks

"About thirty minutes or so" I gaze at her to see her reaction

"So... you mean i have 9.148.680 hours of fun?!" She looks like a happy child right now... And her calculations were fast

"Yes, i hope you like it... By the way, that giant thing is called TV, you can store it inside yourself by thinking about it. Its also unbreakable" I answers... while marveling at her, after all she has more than a thousand years of one piece... i hope she doesnt get mad at me on the middle

Pandora tries and the Giant TV shrinks and transform in a mark on her hand

Then she summons it again... and there it is! Now she looks happier, as she can move places

"Thanks, i hope your future travels are fruitfuls" She says with a great smile

"Likewise, i hope your adventure watching one piece ... doesnt end up hating me." I said the last part very low, to the point she cant heard it

"couldnt hear you, what did you say?"

"I hope your adventure watching one piece is a funny one, thats what i said" I lied as naturally as i breathed

"Now, goodbye" I then vanish

Pandora, alone in the room, starts playing the episode 1

|Wealth, fame, power... Gold roger...|

Now starts the beggining of a Hikikomori Pandora, watching one piece all day and night, not bothering with anything else. Right now she only has One Piece.... Happy ending for her? Atleast she is very happy


I appear in the middle of Priestella, exactly where Subaru and the gang was fighting gluttony

I gaze around and see the tired group... except for Ainz who, for how i can see, was a spectator the whole fight

"So, you killed the enemy and burned his body OR he ran away like always, which one" I asks Subaru, who finally react to my presence"

"He ran away, its seems that another him... or her right now was able to take control, the used everything to escape" Subaru, angry at how even with his powerful form, could kill the bastart who made Rem like that

"Well... thats bad, i came here to say goodbye to you all"

""Goodbye?"" Most of the gang react

"Yes, Me and Ainz would need to go to a very far place"

"I knew this would happen, but it still pains me" Ainz said while sighing

"But, like, cant you stand longer?" Subaru asks, trying to make a puppy face... which its not very pleasant

"Nope, we will go in about 1 hour or so" I said and made a sign for Ainz

He understood and started to teleport around the place, bidding farewell to his friends of this world, after all he spent 1 year with them. He also leaves them some of his cheap items, things from when he was a lvl 20, he has hundreds of those things

Time pass, and 1 hour pass

"Its time" I said without looking back, as i know the skeleton is behind me

"Im ready" He said, not showing any sadness

I open a black portal. Diferent from Ainz's gate, this portal is smaller and compact, if you see inside you only see darkness. This portal is unique, as it reachs the very void between multiverses

While we were about to step in, a Subaru cames running


We both stop

"I will see you again, right? Ainz, Rob?" Subaru asks, with an almost pleading gaze, as Ainz was his good friends for a year, he also helped him very much. As for Rob? It was thanks to his training that he could be this powerful, he will never forget this favor

"Maybe, who knows. In the future maybe we will come back to see if you has finally reached your objective" Rob said, while AInz is silent, as he is bad with goodbyes

"I hope so, i will always remember you two!" Subaru said while the two of them finally enters the portal

3 seconds later, the portal vanish, leaving a lone Subaru with a sad face...

*Slap* He slap his own face to wake himself up

"I will do it, with this new power i will complete everything, i will not dissapoint you two, Ainz, Rob" Subaru, with a new determination, turns around, leaving for a better future


While in a random house, screams like 'Go luffy!' could be heard... Its too late for her

Granax Granax

Hello guys :3

Finally ending this arc, next would be...!

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