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57.14% Chilling in the multiverse / Chapter 23: Final quests and helping Subaru

Capítulo 23: Final quests and helping Subaru

Subaru and Ainz approachs to the wedding place... Rob was following behind, hyped for a good fight

Some time pass and the party reachs the place...its a very big church with many gold patterns... its seems that much of the city income was to make this place more golden

"Hey Ainz, before you fight him, let me give you a tip. His power is related to time" I said and then vanish like a shadow... not really, im still there, just that nobody can see me

"Lets go Ainz, i always wanted to ruin a wedding!" Subaru says and put his hands on the great door of the church


Regulus and Emilia were in front of a priest, reaching the final part

"Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace" The priest says while gazing around, there were many, many women waiting and watching the new one joining them

Suddendly the door burst open

"I object!" Subaru's voice echoes throughout the church

Regulus sighs, knowing this would happen

Subaru walks in with a awkward Ainz following him as its the first time he crashed a wedding

"Dont take a step closer or little Emilia here dies" Regulus says while pointing at Emilia, showing that he is not joking

Subaru stops in place, making a very angry face

"Now, how about-" Before Regulus can finish, Emilia dissapears from her place

She is being held by Ainz, who used teleport twice to catch and return

Then Ainz points at Subaru and casts

"{Ultimate Disturb}"

A circular shield surrounds Subaru, making him so resistant to magic that he is almost immune if not attacked by a semi god... at the cost of not being able to use magic, which is noting to worry as Subaru has 0 talent as mage

"Lets finish this quickly" Said Ainz while walking towards Regulus

"Last time my spells couldnt hurt you, so lets try something more deadly..."

"{Black hole}" Ainz points a finger and a little black hole appears on near Regulus, even though Ainz aimed at him

The black hole distorts space and time, making Regulus retreat in panic, as its the first time someone has used a spell that can disturb time

"Hmm... So its seems i cant target you directly but you fear the colapsing of time and space..." As Ainz was confirming his doubts, Regulus sent him some invisible wind blades and rocks.

As they approach Ainz, an invisible shield stops them

"You know, the moment i knew your magic was time based, i casted a space element shield on myself... its seems Space can counter Time and the other way around"

"Lets test more space spells" Ainz says and cast another spell

"{Reality Slash}" A white blade fly towards Regulus, impacting some sort of invisible barrier around him

Cracks starts to appear around Regulus, as if the very time itself is cracking

The reality slash vanish, as its power was consumed... not without leaving many cracks on Regulus shield

While all of this is happening, a panicking Regulus throws everything he can think to Ainz... but its like there is an invisible shield absorbing his attacks

"Its like you have some sort of time and space shield arround you... no wonder you were so arrogant, as most people in this world couldnt break it" Ainz says while analizing his powers and casts

"{Dimensional Lock} First lets remove your fleeing chances" Ainz lock the space around Regulus, making him unable to teleport

"Lets overcharge your barrier, {Temporal stasis} {Slow} {Haste} {Delay teleportation} {Infinity Wall} {Distort Time} {Shockwave}" Ainz casts many space and time related spells. Be it buff or debuffs, it doesnt matter as they doesnt reach Regulus but his time shield, making time and space crack around him

"Now, lets do the finishing touch"

"{Time stop}" Ainz casts and the whole world goes black and white. Only Ainz and Regulus can move in this world

Ainz, being the caster, can move without worries, but Regulus can only move because his temportal shield makes him a time anomaly... and his shield right now is constantly trying to reject the time stop of Ainz, being under such a great pressure that cracks are starting to form

Regulus is constantly trying to repair his shield, making his heart overwork more than anything before. It was at this moment that Ainz casts another spell

"{Boost magic} {Penetrate up} {Triple Maximise Magic} {Reality Slash}" Ainz made a tripple buff and then casts another Reality Slash.

Three wider white blades than before fly towards Regulus, as this is the effect of Triple Maximise Magic, making three casts in one

Normally, as the time is stopped, no spell could move, for example if Ainz casted a fireball then it would stop in midair until time resumes... But being an space type magic, Reality slash can move without problem through time

Regulus shield finally cracks open, leaving a very shocked Regulus exposed... then his body is torn apart while distorting space

Three blades cutting from different angles, his body, now frozen in time has many lines on it

"{Life Essence}" Ainz looks at Regulus' body frozen in time, seeing no sign of life in him, adding the fact that he is now completely frozen and not resisting, Ainz concludes that he is dead.

The world time resumes...

Subaru was still watching the fight when for some reason Regulus body was cut in many pieces, now falling to the ground

"Wha-" Subaru is shocked, as for him, it was literally an instant when he was fighting... and now he is deader than dead

The many women around are shocked silly, because for them, Regulus was the most powerful person in the world, being invincible as he killed his enemies in one hit

A black mist enters Ainz body, making him level up in the process... Right now he is level 103 in the system of his world

"It was the first time i fought someone who can control time... If not for my space spells, then he would have been an invincible enemy" Ainz murmurs while taking notes of this fight, knowing that the more powerful world he travels, the more Time and Space spells he will need, as they are mainstream for strong people

*Clap clap clap*

Everybody turns to see who was claping at this time... it was no other than Rob, who saw the battle from start to finish, even in the timestoped zone

"That was a good fight... Now its time for Subaru to do... his thing? i dont know, what would you have done after beating Regulus?" I asks Subaru

"ah yeah" Subaru comes to its senses and dash like the wind to Emilia. He asks the tipical questions to a victim taken hostage, 'are you ok?', 'did he do something bad to you?', etc.

Ainz is still thinking on how to improve his spell list

"I think that Sirius crazy girl is the last one... Hey Subaru, want to kill he by yourself?" I said and the asks him

"By myself? i wish i could.., *sigh* all Sin Archbishops are monsters, im only a normal human, its imposible for me to beat them in a duel" Subaru says while sighing at his own weakness

"And if you were to master the whole Authority of Sloth, like the one before you?"

"Then... i would have a chance, but im only able to make 1 hand at most... even after more than a year. Its going to take decades to master the full authority" Subaru got excited first... only to deflate after knowing the time it will take

"What if i give you 30 years of training in 3 hours of reality? Are you able to endure 30 years of solitude and deaths to gain power?"

"Of cour-" Subaru was about to answer yes by reflex... then thinks deeply about it...

"Will i die?" He asks

"Yes, many times"

"You mean-"

"Yes, i know your power... and you will revive in the space created for your training. Yes or no, after entering i wont let you leave for 30 years... Remember that only 3 hours would pass in reality" I answers and ask for his choice

"I...i will, my weakness was always my doom, i want to fix that" Subaru, with a determined face, makes his choise

"Be right back Ainz, can you tell the others Subaru will come back in 3 hours? thanks!" I clap my hands and dissapear along with Subaru


In a black space, created 5 minutes ago

Subaru appears in front of Rob. Now he looks around so see.... nothing, its like he is standing in the void

"... now what?"

"Now, im going to change this world a little and you are going to fight many enemies of different worlds. Your only weapon will be the Hidden hand. Also you will revive after dying without penalties, but time will roll back to the start of the fight,"

A giant Arena is made of indestructible grey rocks, Pillas emerges and seats are created... all of them are empty of course

Subaru watchs dumbfounded the grand scene, then, like he never was there, Rob dissapears

[First fight. Random weak Villain from BNHA Universe. Start? Yes/No]

A blue sceen appears in front of Subaru

"what is this? Random villain? BNHA? Whats all of this?" Subaru, confused asks... to no one... BUT a voice echoes in the arena

"They are copies of people from other universes, you will go from a almost normal powerful person, to something stronger... and stronger... until you can control your hidden hand to perfection without dying"

"Okay... lets start this!" Subaru starts to get hyped, as he cant die in this world... not that he could in the real world. He press 'Yes' in the system screen and a person appears in front of him, charging at him from get go

"not even talking?!" Subaru barely dodges him, then, trying to make a clean hit, he summons his hidden hand toward him

The other person easly blocks it... like it wasnt invisible at all...

"Ah... i forgot to tell you, you hidden hand is not invisible here, so you have to master the use of it in a real fight... Think of it as more pressure. Wouldnt it be easy if you can just hit them with invisible attacks?" Rob voice echoes in the arena, making Subaru despair a little

The villain strikes at subaru's chest after blocking his hidden hand, making him frown in pain. The villain doesnt care about his pain and continues to attack...

'uff, this is a one side pummel right now' I thought while watching the villain hitting Subaru on the floor like punching bag... or kicking bag

less than a minute later, Subaru dies... and then respawn in place, with the same screen in front of him

[First fight. Random weak Villain from BNHA Universe. Start? Yes/No]

Right now he is having cold sweat... remembering his ealier "Fight"

"I can do this" Subaru cheer himself and press 'Yes'


Time pass, and after 5 deaths, Subaru finally kills the Random weak villain

The guy didnt has any power beside his super human strenght, but for a normal human like subaru it was already very difficult

A very wunded Subaru is barely standing when a green light surrounds him... His wounds starts to heal... in 30 seconds, Subaru is full health again, ready for another fight

"Do you remember i said 30 years? is my estimation of how long it will take you to master Sloth. If you finish earlier you can go leave" Rob voice echoes

Another screen appears in front of Subaru

[Second Fight. Random Qi condensation cultivator level 3. Start? Yes/No]

A slender man appears in front of Subaru

"Cultivator? Like on those novels?" Subaru asks curious

"How dare you speak to me mortal, you are courting death!" The cultivator said and charges

"Another thing, the more you advance, the more intelligent they are, until they act like a normal person" Rob voice echoes

The fight continues... and Subaru died

and died

and died


5 years later

"Finally... that one was hard..." A panting Subaru said while gazing at the corpse in front of him. It has a ninja uniform and a bandana

Subaru recovers and a screne appears

[Fight number thirty-three. Dragon child. Start? Yes/No]

Subaru accepts and a car size dragon appears, starting the fight with a fire breath

Subaru, now more experienced than before, makes a shield with his unseen hands. yes hands, as he can now control 10 hands in total

The fire reachs his shield made of hands, doing 0 damage

He make one of the hands approach in a tricky angle, stopping the fire breath

Subaru was about to use more hands to attack, when the dragon summoned a earth spike from below... impaling Subaru and killing him..


"Really? He has earth magic?" Subaru complains a little and then press Yes again


15 Years later

An adult Subaru can be seen, for convenience i made his clothes auto adjustable. He is now fighting a Fundation Establishment cultivator

He has died more than a hundred times trying to kill him, only to die by his insanely fast attacks... and he can also fly! thats cheating!

On his try number 134, Subaru finally landed a critical hit on the cultivator's head, ending his life

*pant pant*

"I fucking hate cultivators, why they have to be so arrogant?! Everyone of them talks to me like im a piece of shit!" Subaru shouts while his wounds heal

[Fight number Sixty-seven. All might from BNHA. Start? Yes/No]

"Lets go" Subaru press Yes while more than fifty hands appears behind him, prepared for a difficult fight


10 Years later

"Rob... how many years has it been?" Subaru says after winning a very blody fight

"Its been 25 years"

"Good... just 5 more...." Subaru says while looking at his back. There are 95 unseen hands

[Fight number one hundred. Golden Core cultivator level 1. Start? Yes/No - DANGER, THE USER IS NOT EXPECTED TO WIN | BE PREPARED TO DIE MANY TIMES]

"Its... is this okay rob? i mean... the last cultivator, as they are called, was a Foundation Esblishment... and that was hard as fuck... this is a whole new level, right?"

"Dont worry, this is the last fight, its made to squeeze your last drop of will to master the final 5 hands. You dont need to win, just try to make 5 more hands and you are free" I answers him with a bit of pity, as its 99% certain that he wont win. The golden core is a complete new level of power in those worlds

"Okay" Subaru says while making the most determinated face he has ever done... and he presses the button 'Yes'

A mighty aura appears in front of him

Subaru is prepared for a difficult fight, but he wont die before trying his best, even if Rob and the system said that this is imposible

He makes 50 hands adopt a shield form while making the other 45 hands attack

The cultivator doesnt even move when he waves his hand and half of the 45 unseen hands of Subaru dissapears, making him change his expresion

"Hey... this is a joke right? Thats not fair at all!" Subaru screams while commanding all hands to attack...






Its now the try number 1001... Subaru has 99 hands but he cant reach the final one... like something stops him from completing his Authority

He tried

and tried

and tried

It was in the try number 1754. Subaru finally, after hours fighting, saw an opening, left by the cultivator's arrogance

Subaru made a fast and silent strike... his unseen hand strikes the enemy chest, making him cough blood... and also make a very angry face

"You mortal! How dare you harm me! I will make your soul suffer endless torment for hundreds of years!"

"HAHAHA, such a powerful being was harmed by me, a mere mortal. Hahahah!" Subaru is finally happy after wounding the, for Subaru, godlike cultivator

The cultivator make a golden sword and throw it at Subaru... who tried to defend, but his unseen hands are broken, layer by layer until the sword pierces through him

Subaru feels that death is approaching... but he is happy, finally hurting someone like that... He died with a smile on his face, feeling liberated

When he respawns, Subaru doesnt move an inch... he seems focus in something...

As time pass, more and more hands appears behind him








A hundred Unseen hands. He finally has total Authority over Sloth. The feeling of perfection spreads and he can feel his hands are twice as powerful, even if he only summons one

"You have done it in... 27 years, 3 years less than expected... now, do you want to have the same look and body as before entering? Or do you want to exit with your actual body?" I asks him with a smile

"Give me my past look again... if i appear like this i dont think anyone would be able to recognize me" Sabaru, with a smile answers

"Also, as a gift i made your power unique to you. Now even the Witch of Sloth cant the it away"

Subaru relaxex as he thought many times about it. What if this power i tried to hard to gain dissapears one day? Now, he can be assured

"And, to end this, i will unseal your feelings from 27 years ago"

"What do you mean by-"

Subaru starts to feel a rush of emotions... rage... love... hapiness

After 27 years of isolated struggles, Subaru has forgotten how he feels about his friends... or even Emilia. He remembers them, of course, but the feelings fade after a while without seeing each other

Now, its all back, its like how he felt 27 years ago

"Thank you... I don't know what I would have done without this... the outside world and my friends would have been strangers... Thanks for everything" Subaru smiles and puff, he dissapears, going back to the real world...


27 years... 2.7 hours in reality

Subaru has gone for 2.7 hours, and now came back as a new man

The two of you appears outside the Church, this was the last place before going to train

"Ah right, remember that people in this world cant see your hands so... Its like you are playing in easy mode right now. But remember, although not able to see them, some excelent warriors can feel the danger" I caution him before vanishing, leaving a happy Subaru alone

"Ah right... they cant, i just need to change my style of fighting a little and it will be okay" Subaru says out for himself and runs towars the hotel where the party stays

Granax Granax

Hello agaaaain!

Much of this chapter was to power up Subaru as i never liked his weakness. Finally he can be really useful! And also remember he has the Return from the death! Oh shit, one hundred unseen hands and return from the death... i think he is OP right now.

Could he beat Reinhard? .............. Nah

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