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100% Cutting Through Black Clover / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: The Magic Knights Exam

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2: The Magic Knights Exam

"Owuahhhhh!" With a big yawn, the black-haired boy stretched his limbs, his body shaking a little in the process, "TuhpTuhp" He smacked his lips together while wiping his half awake eyes with his arm.

He cluelessly looked around his room, as if he was in an unfamiliar surrounding even though he had been staying there for the past few days which led up to this day: The Magic Knights Exam.

"MMM...!" The boy groaned as he dragged himself out of bed begrudgingly. He was never a morning person, and never will be. He entered the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face, "Ah!" He yelped at the coldness, his body fully waking up at this moment.

"Ugh... why's the exam gotta be so early..." He groaned in complaint as he grabbed his toothbrush, which was his and not the room's, and began brushing his teeth while looking at his messy reflection.

His long black hair was already naturally messy and wavy... so imagine what his morning hair was like, it was almost as if he was a Saiyan - not that the boy or anyone in the world knew what that meant.

After spitting out the toothpaste in his mouth and gargling some water, he left the bathroom after taking a shit and got changed into his black robe - also a gift from his parents just like the katana on his hip.

While putting on his robe, he grabbed a book from the desk of the room and put it in his robe which had a perfect-fit pocket for it: His grimoire.

A grimoire is a book that allows people with magic to cast specific spells that are far in advance of their own natural magical abilities. It is one of the primary sources of power for the Magic Knights and other mages.

The black haired boy's grimoire was black, with blocks of pink on the corners of the book. In the centre of the black grimoire was a three-leafed clover which represented Faith, Love and Hope.

With everything ready, the boy headed downstairs to the lobby where he informed the hotel's receptionist he'll return after the exam to pack his belongings before leaving the place. The receptionist was perfectly fine with it and wished him luck in the exam.




The Magic Knights. In the Clover Kingdom, there were 9 squads specialised in combat that worked directly in command of a person of high stature known as 'The Wizard King': The Crimson Lions, The Aqua Deers, The Black Bulls, The Golden Dawn, The Silver Eagles, The Blue Rose, The Green Mantis, The Coral Peacock, and finally, The Purple Orcas.

In the Magic Knights Exam's Venue, many of the examinees grumbled in complaint of the flock of anti-birds surrounding and pecking them. The reason why they were angered was because it was a clear sign that their magic power was weak dependent on the amount of birds pecking them - the more birds pecking, the weaker the magic power.

"Wow, look at them over there..." An examinee woah'd, envious at the sight that he and others were witnessing.

"Ooo, they're cute" A few girls gossiped with blushes on their faces, "Tall, dark, and handsome. Both of them are the perfect type" They screeched unanimously.

What people were spectating was two black haired boys standing quite close to each other, with no anti-birds surrounding or pecking them which showcased their strong magic power.

One of the boys was our black-haired, robed protagonist. On the other hand, his 'prodigy' buddy was a boy of average height (172cm, which is like 5ft6/7) with messy black hair, gold eyes and a lean build. [Image]

They glanced at each other with a blank stare, before both stepping forward and facing each other. The golden eyed boy had to look up a little at the robed boy (5'11, which is like 180cm).



They looked at each other in silence, tensions seeming to rise as the spectators watched on in silence at the interaction of the two black-haired boys.

"I'm-..." The golden eyed boy was the first to open his mouth, when suddenly a short, grey-haired boy popped out of nowhere and shouted

"YUNO!" The golden eyed boy, Yuno, and the robed boy turned their heads to see a grey-haired pointing at Yuno, "I'll show you the res- OW!-results of my six months trai-OW! You idiot birds!- Of my six months training!" He declared. [Image]

Yuno and the robed boy glanced at each other in concern as they watched around 30 birds pecking the boy.

Suddenly, as if the robed boy had appeared out of nowhere, the gray-haired boy finally seemed to notice him, "Huh?" He opened his mouth in shock as he craned his neck up slowly, "HUHH?! How tall are you!?" He shouted enviously, falling to his knees as he punched the floor with tears dripping down his face.

"Quite tall, hahaha!" The boy laughed, "So, what are you're guys' names?" Knowing what Yuno may be thinking, he quickly turned his head and said, "Just act like I don't know your name"

"Right..." He replied quietly, ignoring his friend's jealous outburst of the height difference of him and the robed boy, "I'm Yuno, from Hage Village..." He answered simplistically.

"Short and simple, I like it" The robed boy smiled, before looking down at the tearful boy.

"Short and simple... just like me..." He cried, before wiping his tears away and standing up straight, "Alright, joke's over" He grinned, holding his hand out in front of him, "I'm Asta, from Hage as well, me and Yuno are basically brothers, it's nice to meet ya!" 

The robed boy, in response, grabbed Asta's hand and shook it firmly, "The name's Ryuji, it's nice to meet you guys"

"Nghhh...!" Ryuji and Yuno watched Asta's face strain and turn as red as a tomato in anger at the never-ending pecking of his face, "WHAT'S UP WITH THESE STUPID FRICKIN' BIRDS?! AGHHH!" He screamed and shouted as he ran around comically, attempting to outrun the anti-birds.

"Hahaha!" Asta had turned into a laughing show as the examinees, Yuno and Ryuji included, watched Asta run around.

"Uh oh..." Ryuji heard Yuno sigh, and he knew why as he saw Asta about to bump into a tall, muscular man with medium-length black hair combed backwards.

Ryuji and Yuno watched quietly from a distance at Asta's head being grabbed by the man's burly hands as he attempted to wiggle out of it. Fortunately, two people wearing a black robe with a bull imprinted on it just like the muscular man appeared to be trying to help Asta from the man. [Images]

"Thanks for waiting... examinees!" A low, soft voice covered the venue, causing the anti-birds to fly away at the signal.

"WOAHHH!" The examinees gasped, "IT'S THE MAGIC KNIGHT CAPTAINS!" Meanwhile, Asta finally got released as the man and the two helpers walked away to join the captains above.

"I'm going to be in charge of the exams this time..." The same voice which thanked the examinees for waiting spoke up again as a masked man stepped forward, holding his grimoire in hand as its pages flipped open, "[Magic Tree, Descend!]" 

This was Captain William Vengeance, the Captain of the Golden Dawn Squad, and the Captain closest to becoming The Wizard King. [Image]

Covering the blue sky, tree roots made out of William's mana formed as branches sprouted from the roots and grew towards the examinees down below in the venue.

Holding their arms out, Ryuji and the other examinees took hold of a magic broom that William had made from his own spell which shocked them all.

'This is a Captain...!' Ryuji thought with a smile on his face, his body shaking in excitement.

"We shall now begin..." William spoke, closing his grimoire with a smile on his face, "The Magic Knights Exam!" He announced as he stayed standing up, whilst the other Captains sat in their seats beside him

"We're going to have you go through a multitude of tests. The nine Captains will be judging your progress. We shall then decide the candidates we want in our squads. Those who are not chosen by any of the Captains are judged the talent and skill to join the Magic Knights" He stated, "And so... the first test is to fly using those broomsticks"

William raised his hand as a large, built man with blond, braided hair and narrow eyes with no eyebrows stepped forward and demonstrated flying on the broomstick for the examinees. [Image]

"Any mage who can control their their magic powers can do it instinctively" William explained, "It's the most basic method of moving about for a mage. So if you can't fly on a stick, there's no future for you here!" He said bluntly, worrying the unconfident examinees.

Some of the examinees struggled flying on their broomstick, and eventually gave up entirely. Others had some trouble starting, but eventually got the hang of flying and could do it with relative ease if they concentrated hard enough.

Yuno and Ryuji, unsurprisingly, got the hang of it instantly as Yuno flew on his broomstick while standing on it. Meanwhile, Ryuji laid with his back on the broomstick as he admired the clouds in the sky.

"Looks like we have some good candidates this year with a lot of potential" William and the other Captains noted whilst looking at Yuno and Ryuji mainly.

"Hopefully it doesn't get to their heads though" Fuegoleon Vermillion, the Captain of the Crimson Lions [Image]

"Peasants will always let any little thing in their heads, it's just how their brains work" Nozel Silva, the Captain of the Silver Eagles replied with a scoff of disapproval [Image]

"And what does that mean exactly, shit hair?" Jack The Ripper, the Captain of the Green Mantis asked in an angered tone [Image]

"Men... always starting an argument over any little thing" Charlotte Roselei, the Captain of the Blue Rose said to no one in particular [Image]

"I'd argue that women do that more, though?" Yami Sukehiro, the Captain of the Black Bulls shrugged with a puff of his cigarette, tilting his body close to the woman's seat which caused her to jolt. 

'Yami's so close!' She flushed, deciding to stay silent from now on.

"*Snoreee...*" Dorothy Unsworth, Captain of the Coral Peacocks, snored in her sleep as a bubble came out from her nose [Image]

"Why are you always sleeping!?" Yami shouted in complaint.

"Hahaha! This is fun!" Rill Boismortier, the Captain of the Aqua Deer, laughed giddily [Image]

"Hm? What's going on there..." Fuegoleon spoke up, causing the Captains to turn their heads to Asta who was struggling to raise his broomstick up from the floor even a little bit, "Even with very little magic power, one should at least be able to float a little" He commented in confusion.

After another minute, William announced the end of the first test, "That's the end of the first test! For the second test, we have target practicing!" 

Floating magical targets appeared from the venue and began to float in front of the Captains area. William had his squad mate demonstrate once more what the examinees had to do, so he shot his magic at the targets and hit the bullseye on all of them cleanly.

"Try to get as many bullseyes as possible" William instructed as he sat back down in his seat, joining the Captains in the spectating of the examinees, "Anyone got your guys' interest yet?" He asked.

"It's only the second test, so no one in particular" Fuegoleon replied, earning a nod from every other Captain, "Though, it's quite obvious the best two are those two" He nodded in the direction of Yuno and Ryuji, who was hitting the bullseye of every target they aimed at... well, to be exact, Ryuji was cutting the targets rather than actually hitting it.

"Wind Magic and... Woah!" Rill wondered innocently, before turning his head to Jack, "His magic is similar to yours, don't you think?! Is he your secret child or something?!" 

"No, you idiot!" Jack initially had his chest puffed out proudly, before threatening to slash Rill due to the 'secret child' comment, "I get what you mean, though. It's like mine, but also different - Don't really know how to explain it though" He shrugged.

"Not surprised, since you're an idiot" Yami said as he picked his ear with his pinky.

"Huh!? You tryna go?! Right here, right now!" Jack stood up from his seat and opened his grimoire.

"Bet. Bring it" Yami stood up as well and opened his own grimoire.

The Captains hurriedly calmed them down and eventually got the two to sit down before carrying on their talk.

"Since we're on this topic" Fuegoleon decided to speak up as he looked at Ryuji slashing through the targets with ease as he held his katana in his hand, "That sword is just like yours, Yami, what was it called again..." He closed his eyes as he tried to remember what the sword was called.

"A 'katana'..." Yami crossed his arms as he silently watched Ryuji with wandering eyes, '...'

The Captains were quite stunned at his actions, as they began to talk quietly, saying things like "I've never seen Yami so interested in an examinee as much as this one", "He's so focused", etc.

After a few more minutes, the second test ended. William announced the next few tests which consisted of a magic power test (Tested the power of spells), some seed growing test, and a magic creation test which tested the imagination and control of the examinees' magic power.

"Next... is the final test" William announced with a smile, "In this test, you will engage in actual combat. You will pair up with someone and fight him or her. You may use your grimoire. I'm sure you've mastered one or two attack spells, right?

The main job of the Magic Knights is battle, so feel free to show us what you're made of" William sat back down as he informed the examinees to pair up.

Ryuji looked around and saw the examinees staying away from him out of fear. They knew that if they were to fight him they'd just embarrass themselves and would definitely fail the exam.

Thinking that he wouldn't pair up with anyone, Ryuji was surprised to feel a hand on his shoulder. He turned around with a smile on his face, which hurriedly dropped as he saw the unwanted, familiar face of Kurt.

"Well well well... if it isn't momma's boy" Kurt stirred with a pat of Ryuji's shoulder as he smirked, "Come on, me and you, whaddya say? Though, you can't really say 'no'"

"Fine by me" Ryuji replied with a blank expression, much to Kurt's annoying as he wanted a bigger reaction out of him.

"Tch! I'll see you during our fight" Kurt spat as he stomped away angrily.

With everyone paired up, William stood back up and said, "The match is over when a competitor gives up or can't fight anymore. We have a mage who can use healing magic in tow, so fight freely. Now, would the first competitors come forward?"

At William's words, Asta and a guy called Sekke were the first to step forward. [Image]

"Yo, Yuno" Ryuji stood beside Yuno as they watched Asta and Sekke face off with each other, "What's Asta's magic, exactly?" He asked, unsure as Asta appeared to have no magic during the exam, but that was impossi-

"Actually, Asta has-" Yuno began to reply to Ryuji's question, when suddenly Asta appeared in front of Sekke in an instant with a big black sword and slashed through his bronze shield which defeated him instantly

"-No magic"

Ryuji's mouth dropped in shock. Not only had he never heard of someone with no magic whatsoever, but he'd never expect someone with no magic to pull off what Asta had just done against his opponent.

"-I'm here... to work my butt off and become the Wizard King!" Asta declared with a serious expression as he looked down at Sekke's unconscious figure.

"Even without magic though, he's still my rival" Yuno added with a small smile, surprising Ryuji as he hadn't seen a single smile since their first conversation today.

'Wow... to have a friendship and rivalry like theirs' Ryuji looked between the two, feeling envious of them and their relationship, 'I wonder what that's like'




"Next contestants, please step forward" William called out.

Finally, it was Ryuji's turn as he stepped forward to see Kurt standing opposite him with a smug expression.

"You may begin" 

Instantly, Ryuji unsheathed his katana and opened up his grimoire. With Kurt opening his own grimoire simultaneously.

They stood at a standpoint for a few seconds, but Kurt grew impatient as he shouted, "What's wrong, momma's boy?! Can't function properly without your mommy's breast milk, ay?" He joked, shooting out a bolt of lightning towards Ryuji's face.

With a simple slash, Ryuji cut through the bolt of lightning with ease. He looked in front of him to see that Kurt had used a spell to appear in front of him quickly. With only a few centimetres distance, Kurt called out, "[Lightning Magic: Thunder Punch]!"

He reeled his lightning-covered fist back and went for a punch towards Ryuji's blank face, "HA!" He cried, a big smile on his face as he thought this had already made it his victory.

"Gahk!" Suddenly, Kurt gagged as he forced his throw-up back down his throat, "Ahh..." He winced quietly as he looked up at Ryuji, who looked like a demon from his viewpoint, "Y-You...!" His face twisted and turned in anger, but it stopped once Ryuji's first collided with his face, sending him flying a few metres back.

"FUCK!" With a shout, Kurt lifted himself up off the floor to see Ryuji produce a single slash which hit nothing but air before re-sheathing his sword in its scabbard, "Ha! What are you aiming at you imbec-"

What he thought was a 'stupid slash' was actually one of Ryuji's spells as he muttered, "[Cutting Magic: Judgement Dismantle] (A/N: Judgement Cut from DMC5)]" 

Kurt witnessed a dark purple orb form around him. He wanted to escape, but as soon as he saw it, within that split second the dark orb around him produced a dozen curved slashes cutting all over his body.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed in agony and blood spurted from all over his body, before his screams stop as he fell unconscious and landed in his own pool of blood.

The scene was traumatising to some of the examinees as they threw up, covering the venue in barf which caused the cleaners to sigh in annoyance.

"Wow..." Jack's mouth gaped open, stunned, "Similar but different than mine indeed..." He jokes lightheartedly.

"That's a strong magic, REALLY strong" Fuegoleon complimented with a frown, "It's a shame he used it on a fellow Clover citizen... though, it'll come in useful for any enemy kingdoms or missions" He added

"Indeed, he'd make a nice magic knight... and I'd say it's best we get him on our side rather than against us, hahaha...!" Rill chuckled nervously, not wanting to be on the other side of those cuts.




"And that marks the end of the examination" William announced, "Now... each examinee will come forward when their number is called out. The squad captains will raise their hand if they wish to have you join their team. It is up to the examinee to accept the offer or not. And if more than one captain raises their hand, it is up to the examinee to choose.

However, as mentioned before, if there are no takers... the examinee will not be able to join the magic knights. Examinee number one, please step forward" And so, it was time for Yuno, Asta, and Ryuji to find out whether or not they'll become Magic Knights.

"Number 32... The Purple Orcas. Number 78... The Crimson Lions. Numer 129... No offers.

Number 164" Yuno stepped forward confidently. 

The examinees watched as all 9 Captains raised their hands, shocking everybody in the venue.

"Please allow me to join the Golden Dawns" Yuno said, earning a smile from William who nodded in response which allowed Yuno to step back with the other examinees.

"Number 165" Asta then stepped forward, a little more nervous after watching Yuno's result.

After a few seconds passed, no Captains raised their hand which shattered Asta's world. He wanted to raise his voice and beg for another chance, when a familiar voice spoke up from the Captain's venue

"I'm not surprised" Captain Yami stood up, taking a puff of his cigarette, "No matter how good your combat skills are... if it's based on suspicious powers, no one will want to take part on it" He stated, jumping down from the Captain's venue and walking towards Asta, ignoring the calls from his squad mates

"In the end... what matters for a Magic Knight, is his or her Magic power" Yami said, releasing a large amount of his magic power which had everyone shook, whether it was Asta, other examinees, or even Yuno and Ryuji who weren't at the level of a Captain yet.

Yami did this in order to test Asta's resolve as a Magic Knight. After confirming what he wanted, he invite- actually, forced, would be a better word. He FORCED Asta into his Black Bulls squad.

And so, the remaining numbers kept being called out until eventually,

"Number 169" Ryuji stepped forward in anticipation, expecting most of the Captains to raise their hands.

A few seconds passed, when 1... 2... 4... 6... All 9. All 9 Captains raised their hand for Ryuji, causing his heart to beat in excitement and happiness at his achievement

'I did it... mom, dad!' He felt like crying, but held back the tears in order to save himself from the embarrassment that would come from it.

"Um..." On the spot, Ryuji realised that he hadn't actually taken the time to think about what squad he'd want to join

"The squad I think I want to join is..."


A/N: Vote for who you want Ryuji to join in this paragraph comment. You can only vote for: Golden Dawn, Black Bulls, and Crimson Lions. In terms of possible OCs, I'll probably just use characters from other animes such as Juvia from FT

Any other squad they're either: Not interesting (Like Green Mantis), I don't want MC to join them because they're weird/dickheads (Silver Eagles specifically), or because there's just not a lot of info on them (Like Purple Orcas, Coral Peacocks, etc)



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