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83.33% RWBY: The Rose Dragon / Chapter 17: The Wonderful Wizard Oz

Capítulo 17: The Wonderful Wizard Oz

Daemon stood in the elevator with Qrow that led up to Oz's office in the highest tower of Beacon. The silence on the journey upwards spoke of a deep running tension. Finally, a silent ding indicated that the elevator had reached its destination.

Qrow gave Daemon's shoulder a slight squeeze as he gave him a small nod and the door opened to reveal Ozpins room.

It was a large circular room with a clock that also served as a mirror at the back that you could see the whole beacon's grounds through right down to the city of Vale if you enhanced your eyesight with aura. The office was encircled by pillars all the way around and everything was in a greenish-grey tone. The desk and furnishings of the office were much the same colour except made out of metal and designed based around the clockwork motif that the office seems based off.

Behind the clockwork like desk sat the wizard himself, the reincarnated first king of Vale, the headmaster of Vale, Ozpin.

Ozpin looked to be in his early twenties as most with silver hair and brown eyes. He had a pale white complexion and seemed to be around 6'6. He was wearing his classic outfit that he always wore in the anime, a black and dark green suit with a cloth necktie with a cross shaped broach.

He sat behind the desk and glanced at Qrow before then staring at me intently with half-lidded eyes until Qrow stepped in front of me and finally spoke.

"Hey, Oz. So, this is the kid that me, Summer and Tai what to recommend for a sponsorship-based trainee license." Oz stared me directly in the eyes before then looking at Qrow and asking in a rather blunt manner.

"Why?" When Qrow didn't elaborate Oz then continued to elaborate his own question. "Why try and get him a sponsorship license, I know that you are weary of me when to comes to certain people yet you bring him here so young. Why?"

After Qrow took a deep breath, he gave his response. "Because Oz if you allow it, he will be able to contribute a piece of information to the bestiary records that is at least an A-rank value contribution with potential to rise to S-rank if further study proves anything beyond what he already knows. That's why."

Ozpin's hummed and Qrow lent across the desk. "Tai and Summer's official recommendation for the license."

Ozpin barely even glanced at them before he then spoke again "Qrow may I speak to the young man in private please." Qrow immediately tensed before Oz continued "You see if I am to approve this license then I must test his mental aptitude as he is rather young and it would be a better test of his abilities without you present as a safety net."

As Oz finished speaking, I could tell that Qrow was furious so I just reached out and grabbed his shoulder before speaking calmly "Go Qrow. We will call when we are done here."

Qrow looked at me and clearly saw something as he slouched and muttered "Okay kid, just don't get hurt or Summer will be pissed, okay." before ruffling my hair and turning into a crow and flying out of the window.

(Oz pov)

The moment the boy had entered the room with Qrow I had felt something was off and took me a few minutes to put my finger on it. Before I realised what was off.


This should be impossible as only the maidens, myself and Salem had magic so how did this boy possess magic. Not only did he possess magic but it was almost as strong as my own magic and I knew if it was natural, it would only grow with time.

Then I realised that he also had silver eyes and had clearly had his aura unlocked. Being a huntsman for so long and having practically founded the usage of aura throughout my many lives I knew more than a few tricks. One of which was the ability to sense aura. This boy contained more than a whole team of s-rank huntsman. Only himself and one other man Jovian Arc, the hero of the great continental war who slayed a sss-rank grim that considered beyond even the regular titans, had every had close to this much aura and it was possible the boy surpassed even then.

As such I needed to assess whether the boy would be a threat or an asset. He could potentially be the one to help destroy Salem but only if I could make him side with me.

After Qrow had left I looked at the boy and began to flare my aura and asked aloud "Who are you boy and how do you possess magic."

The pressure that my aura was exerting on the boy would have any other huntsman S-rank or otherwise on the floor gasping for breath. So, you can only imagine my surprise when the boy laughed before giving a mocking a bow.

"My name is Daemon Ebon-Nix, descendent of the first King and Queen of Vale, Ozma and Salem, Silver-eyed warrior and magician. But you already those last two didn't? .... Ozma."

(Normal Pov)

The tension in the room only increased as Ozpin led his aura flare wildly, something that was no doubt felt by even the first-year students of Beacon, as the green energy spread over the room and became fully visible. It seemed like everything in the office had begun to slow down and move slowly.

Suddenly an explosion of aura erupted from Daemon. A wave of silver energy clashed against the green as the room heated up and the walls and floor began to crack and the air began to crackle.

Ozpin then bellowed "How do you know that?"

Daemon just gave him a deadpan look "Come on think. My surname is Ebon-Nix, the Ebon's who have kept historical records since your first life and time the Gods themselves departed from the world. And the Nix bloodline descended from your eldest son, Eclipse "

Ozpin then blinked before retracting his aura and staring at the boy in shock. Daemon then retracted his own aura before nodding at the chair in front of Ozpin's desk. "May I take a seat?"

Finally, Oz nodded his agreement before speaking aloud after Daemon had sat down "Are you related to Roman Ebon."

Daemon gave a small sad smile as he nodded and whispered "Yes, he was my grandfather."

Ozpin clearly understood and noticed both the tone and tense before giving a small nod as he continued "Roman was a good friend of mine and possibly one of the greatest friends I ever had. I was also named your mother godfather in my previous life you know. You have my deepest sympathies.

I also never realised that your father was one of my descendants and it brings me no end of joy to hear my family line still exists. I never realised my son had any children only my daughters. "

Daemon gave a small smile. "Well I didn't realise that you were my mother's godfather and yes my father bore the original bloodline you carried and all of my family have had the ability to use magic but only I have apparently ever had enough for more then a simple candlelight or simple glamour."

Ozpin steepled his fingers together before then holding hand out towards Daemon which Daemon then slowly grasped. Daemon could feel Oz's aura poke at his before then becoming lighter in colour. It was no longer his aura but his magic.

In a solemn voice Ozpin, then intoned "I Ozpin, the reincarnated First King of Vale Ozma do hereby swear upon my soul and my magic to never act against or harm my descendent Daemon Ebon-Nix. Nor shall I manipulate or forcefully attempt to put him harm's way. I shall also do all in my power to protect him. So shall it be."

The air felt heavy as a green flash appeared between them and a small tattoo formed upon Ozpin's wrist in the shape of a rope. Daemon then looked at Ozpin in surprise as Oz looked at him gently and spoke softly.

"When I probed you with my aura, I confirmed everything that you had told me and confirmed that you were indeed my final descendent, the last true member of my family to survive. I also felt how weary and nervous you were of me, so I wanted to reassure you.

Initially I did want to use you as a weapon against Salem but knowing that you are family, I can't do that to you. However, I do hope that if it is ever needed you will be willing to help me."

Daemon listened carefully before using his own aura and attempted replicate Oz's scanning method and could feel Oz's emptions, surprise, pride, warmth, joy and a deep loneliness and tiredness. The loneliness of being alone with no true companion or person to call his own in any way, only temporary allies and the tiredness that stemmed from his countless reincarnations. Finally, and the most interesting the joy at seeing a member of his family and the desire to be close to them.

The intensity of the emotions surprised him as this meeting went nothing like how he expected it to. Oz had vowed never to harm him and he knew it was true as the codex described magically binding vows.

Ozpin the spoke again "I know this may not be what you expected but all I have ever wanted was peace and to be with my family. While my family may have been torn apart by the brother gods and the conflict after their departure. " And in a smaller voice "As well as my own foolish errors. All I want is to spend time with my family. And you are last remaining member of my family."

Daemon then looked at Oz before then getting up and walking round the desk before wrapping him a hug. "Well now you have me, Grandfather." Ozpin began to tear-up and hugged the boy back before separating from the hug and speaking.

"Well how about I quickly make your license and register it." As he said this Daemon had sat back in his chair as Oz had linked his scroll to his table and project a hologram that showed a basic license template with the word's trainee on the right top-corner. All of the information was filled out in a minute as Oz typed rapidly with his sponsors also listed.

Sponsor's: Qrow Branwen (S-rank, STRQ), Summer Rose (S-rank, STRQ), Tai Xiao-Long (S-rank, STRQ), Ozpin (SS-rank, headmaster, special graduate, MGIK)

Daemon read it before then looking at Oz who smiled "What, I figure if I am your grandfather, I should sponsor you. Also, my first name is actually Magus on my student forms as I needed a first name and only had a surname. Hence the M while G was Glynda."

Daemon listened to this with a smile before just saying "Thank you Gramps."

Ozpin just smiled at the young man before asking him to hand over his scroll. When Daemon did Oz simply entered his own personal scroll number and downloaded Daemon's new license to his scroll before handing it back to him.

Oz then explained "I have given you my personal scroll contact so that hopefully you could stay in touch. Maybe we could meet and I could teach you a few things about magic if your interested" The hope in his voice was clear.

"I also loaded your license to the scroll so that you can now access it at any time. It will also auto sync with the online servers when your records get updated."

Daemon nodded his understanding and then said "thank you." Oz smiled at him and asked "So what was the massive contribution Qrow and the others wanted to recommend you for?"

Daemon hummed and then began his explanation his explanation.

"Well, I assume that you are familiar with the tinctorius grimm that is local only to Patch." Oz not want to interrupt just nodded.

"Well around two and half months ago I faced one due to an accident that happened and I ended up getting caught off guard by it and its tongue caught me. What is important however is that my arm that caught the tongue was coated in aura to defend it."

Here Daemon displayed his arm that he had coated in aura to prove he did indeed have the ability to do it.

"However, the tongue or the poison, I am admittedly unsure which went straight through it and poisoned me putting me in a coma for around two and a half months. Yet the bestiary makes no mention of the ability of the tongue or the poison to go through aura despite the danger it poses to huntsman."

Oz looked at him in surprise before asking for him to be given a moment as he opened up the bestiary page for tinctorius and read through it.

"It seems you are indeed correct that is not recorded in the bestiary and I have no reason to doubt your words. As such I will record this as a provisional A-rank with the grantee that upon confirmation it will become a permanent A-rank and if it is the poison and not the tongue that bypasses aura then I will add an additional S-rank as the research implications are immense. Does that sound fair?"

(Daemon POV)

I listened to this in shock and realised how big this old really be. Then a question arose in my mind.

"If I were to capture and bring one to you for research could that count as a mission?"

Ozpin raised an eyebrow as he looked at me with an amusement. "Most certainly by special request of my myself it would grant you an additional B-rank which would pay around 7500 lien as I know how hard it is track and potential danger in catching it."

I was shocked that pay was A-rank pay at least. I also knew that I should be able to catch one with ease as I had practices making paralysis tags and prisoner containment seals which I knew would work on grimm.

"How long do have to complete the mission?" Oz smiled "Let's say a month at least."

"Thanks, I will take it then. Also, should we call Qrow back now."

Ozpin smiled and hit a button on his scroll and only about ten seconds later Qrow arrived outside the window in his crow form.

"Gramps, does he do that with magic?"

Ozpin then laughed "Yes, an old druidic magic I learnt where I can discover their animal form or forms. I am panther and a hawk myself. I could teach you the ritual at some point if you like?"

Ozpin finished speaking and opened the window as I replied "Yes please I would love learn that."

Qrow then landed in the centre of the room and transformed back into a human form as he asked cautiously "So how did the meeting go?"

Both Oz and Daemon caught the weary looked Qrow gave them so Daem0n decided to reassure him. "Don't worry Qrow everything is fine and Oz took a magical oath not to harm or manipulate me anyway."

This caused Qrow to choke before shouting. "Wait, what. You know about magic? And what the hell do you mean he took a magical oath?"

Daemon then explained the he was decided from Oz's original life and it technically his great something grandson and Oz is now his grandfather. He also explained about the Ebon family and how he knew everything.

By time he was finished Qrow looked exhausted and had gotten out his flask and tipped his head back gulping it down before just sighing and saying "Oh well, so long as everything worked out, I don't really care anymore. Just one question. Am I good to tell Summer and Tai about all this?"

Oz and I looked at each other before knowing and I answered. "Of course, you can. Summer already knows some but you are free to fill her in on the rest."

Qrow just nodded and asked "So we ready to go we have been here a few hours."

Daemon looked at him in surprise and Oz just looked sheepish and mumbled something. I stared at him and he then gave a sigh and explained.

"When I was a warrior wizard, I focused heavily on time magic and used time dilation and physical enhancement to fight. It apparently influenced my semblance as that is also time dilation. When I flare my aura to much it affects those around and their perception of time. Sorry."

I jutted laughed it off "No problem gramps. I will see you again when I have caught a tinctorius."

Oz just smiled and waved us off as we headed to the elevator.

Once we were inside Qrow turned to me with a serious looked amd asked "Well are you going to explain to me what happened? And don't leave anything out kid."

I gave a drawn-out sigh as I prepared to recite what had happened in the meeting.

(Ozpin POV)

I watched as my descendent left the room with Qrow and hummed to myself. I was admittedly overjoyed to find out someone of my blood still lived but even then, anyone who knew me also knew that my behaviour would not be so drastically different as a result.

No, I admittedly had an ulterior motive in my treatment of him. While I hadn't lied in that I wouldn't use him as a tool due to be a relative and my joy at having family again was faked it was also due to something I had been told long ago. Just after the brother gods had departed.


I stood in the centre of my ruined castle where I had once ruled over my country from. On the ground I front of me lay the four relics given to me b by the gods. A crown, a sword, a staff and a lamp. Choice, destruction, creation and knowledge. Yet the forms they had given seemed to mock me and my choices. A crown for the fallen king with no kingdom to now rule over. A sword that could destroy anything for the fallen warrior who was responsible for the destruction of everything. A staff that could create anything if you could describe for the wizard who had nothing, yet it could not create life or resurrect the dead, the one thing I desired most. And a lamp that could give all knowledge in creation for the man who had made foolish decisions due to not be able to see his own flaws. Yes, I felt mocked by these 'final gifts' to humanity.

Hoping for some guidance i rested the crown upon my head and was assaulted by visions of the future but random and blurred but one showed a man or a teenager fighting against hordes or grimm. Despite being a silhouette, I recognised him in the next vision as he fought my wife but I saw no conclusion. The vision gave me hope so I decided to use the lamp.

I rubbed it and time stopped around me as a blue skinned woman appeared from the lamp wearing only chains and jewellery. She spoke bluntly "Ask your question wizard? Remember you only have three?"

I asked my first question "How do I destroy Salem?". The spirit looked amused as she answered "You can't." I felt despair settle in my heart. So, I asked my next question "What about the person in my vision who is he and can he defeat Salem?"

The Jinn looked at me and spoke slowly "You have seen the future but I cannot give you any knowledge of the future but in exchange I will tell you what to ask for your next question and will answer it even if does give some knowledge of the future. But yes, he can, I can at least answer that"

I looked at her but nodded saddened that I had wasted a question but glad she would aid me in such a way. "Wizard your question should be this. How will I recognise the person I saw and what should I do to influence him to so that he can beat Salem? While it pertains to the future it is about what cations you should take and how to recognise them."

Ozpin thought about it and asked "Very well. How will I recognise the person I saw and what should I do to influence and aid him so that he can beat Salem?"

The jinn similes at him. "He shall claim to be you descendent and carry your blood. And wizard do not attempt to influence or manipulate him as it will only be a detriment to your goal. Just offer your aid and support nothing else."

I nodded in and furiously committed what I had been told to memory. I realised in this moment that my descendent would be the key yet one that I could do nothing but watch. It pained me, but also gave me hope. Now I just had to rely on faith and belief.

The Jinn then spoke to me again "I should not have given you future knowledge so you shall only remember it when the time comes for you to need it so that does not influence you to greatly. As I shouldn't have told you and strained my bindings doing so you will be unable to question me again for another two hundred years instead of one hundred. Good luck wizard for humanity and its fate lay upon your shoulders."

The jinn then sunk back into the lamp and time restarted. I could only remember the answer to the first question and that was all. I could also remember that someone else could defeat Salem by not who.

(Flashback end)

When Daemon had claimed to be my descendent the knowledge had returned to me and as such, I took the actions I must and I was glad. Daemon seemed like a good lad and I would enjoy having family again. I would also enjoy potentially teaching magic again.

Admittedly I was surprised as I knew that other families were descended from myself through my daughters. The Arcs were Summer's descendants. The Nikos family descended from Autumn and had her red hair. The Branwens' were descended from daughter Spring and finally the Schnees' who descended from my daughter Winter. Yet while I knew about these family, I never knew my son had children. After I returned to life the first time, I could not find him and thought he had died yet clearly, he hadn't no he had gone and started his own family.

I was glad for this as only his line could I truly claim as family. I committed far too many wrongs on my daughters and their descendants for me to deserving to claim them as my own.

I poured myself a mug of coffee as I turned and looked out of clock shaped window feeling the lightest, I had felt in centuries. I finally had hope again

(So, guys another chapter. I do apologise if it is a bit rushed and unpolished but as I was writing the idea came to and I haven't really seen it in any fics I have read and didn't really want Oz to be a meddlesome greater good knockoff. I tried to add a bit of lore to help it work a bit better and I quite like it and feel that it works.

The next chapter is going to be a time skip and a summary of what happened in the time skip. At least that is the plan but it may change.

Anyway, hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Also please leave comments and reviews because they are a great motivation for me to actually write and engage more with my story. Thanks, and see you next chapter.)

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