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79.16% RWBY: The Rose Dragon / Chapter 16: Off to meet the wizard. Oh the...

Capítulo 16: Off to meet the wizard. Oh the...

Daemon woke up to the smell of cooking bacon wafting towards him. He could feel two weights resting on either of his arms, pinning them down. As he attempted to move he felt the weights either side of him stir before he remembered that he had fallen asleep downstairs. He quickly realised that these two weights were in fact Ruby and Yang.

He tilted his to look and them and couldn't stop the smile that emerged at the sight. Both girls had each wrapped themselves around one of his arms and were cuddled closely into his sides. He almost didn't want to wake them up. Sadly, however, he knew that he places to be.

With this in mind he gently shook his arms as much as he could and softly whispered to them. "Yang, Ruby. It's time to wake up now." Both of the girls began to stir at his movements and words. Yang opened her eyes and stared at him. Her lilac eyes hazy and half-asleep she looked at him for a few seconds before blinking and stretching like a languid cat before cuddling back into his side. This caused to him give a huff of amusement.

Ruby on the other hand had woken up and stretched before sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She didn't appear to be paying my attention as when she stood up she gave a small sniff before heading to the kitchen, completely oblivious to the fact that Daemon and Yang who had been asleep on the sofa with her.

He suppressed a small chuckle at this adorable scene and instead focused on waking Yang up, giving her another small shake. "Yang, wake up. Its time to get up." Yang however seemingly disagreed cuddling into his side and mumbling "Don't wanna". This continued for almost five minutes before he gave up and an evil smirk appeared on his face.

He sat up with Yang still cuddling his arm and them with his now free arm he lift her legs carrying her bridal style as she slowly woke up and saw what was happening and began to pound on his chest in embarrassment and annoyance.

Daemon just laughed causing Yang to pout up and him and shout "Put me down you dummy." He merely laughed and decided to mess with her by hugging her closer to his chest and saying aloud as he walked into the kitchen "Awww Yang your so cute."

Laughter could be heard as everyone in the kitchen began to laugh as Yang turned red in embarrassment and began to attack Daemon as he just laughed, his aura flaring white a few times as she hit his chest repeatedly. Summer had her scroll out recording the scene with a huge grin on her face as she watched them making cooing noises at them.

Daemon just chuckled and didn't let it bother him as he knew if he did then Summer, Tai and Qrow would like tease him mercilessly over it. Yang on the other hand was turning a shade of red that he was quite sure was unhealthy for a human to turn and flailed around in his arm.

"Put me down you fucking arsehole!". Suddenly the kitchen feel quite as Summer stared at her daughter in shock and Ruby appeared out of thin air with a swear jar outstretched and I quickly placed her on her feet and stepped back before staring at Ruby, trying to work out where she and the swear jar came from. 'Wait, no seriously! What the fuck. Can Ruby teleport or something? Does she have a pocket space? She can't have her semblance yet she doesn't have aura. What the actual fuck'

Then Summer shouted "Yang how dare you use such language! Where did you learn it? You will be doing all of the chores today then go to room and stay there."

Yang then pointed at Qrow who had just entered the kitchen looking hung over "He taught me it Mummy." Yang gave Summer puppy eyes as she then hung her head and stared at her feet. Summer whipped around to face Qrow with her silver glowing and giving him a withering glare.

Qrow looked around us oblivious to what was going on. "What have I taught the squirt?" Summer growled "Thanks to you my daughter thinks it is okay swear. As such she wont be the only one being punished." She gave him a rather pointed look which caused him slam his head on the table and moan due to his headache.

"Shit. I mean fuck. Kid are such fucking snitches." I think Qrow didn't mean to say that aloud but as I blinked a silver flash appeared and Summer had slammed a chefs knife into the table mere millimetres away from his face where it stayed stuck in the wood quivering.

Clearing getting the hint that he was potentially get hurt he quickly changed into a crow and flew out of the window and disappeared. She then saw us all staring at her and cleared her throat before speaking softly.

"Don't follow your uncle's example, he is a bad role model. Yang maybe I was a bit harsh on you but you will be doing all the washing, drying and hovering today as a punishment but that is it."

Summer then proceeded to plate up breakfast as Tai entered the room and took a look at Summer before sitting down next to Daemon and whispering in his.

"Has something happened to piss of off Summer? She seems a little tense."

Daemon just gave a small nod of his head as he whispered a reply to Tai's question. "Yang swore before blaming her language on Qrow teaching her. Qrow then started swearing as well and Summer got angry."

Tai listened to this and then gave a nod of his head before Summer then started to bring plates heaped with pancakes and a few slices of bacon to the table. Muttering under her breath about plucking and cooking a lousy black bird.

Everyone said thank you to Summer as she set a plate in front of each of them.

The whole of breakfast was spent in an awkward silence as they ate. Summers bad mood clear as she still kept muttering about Qrow under her breath. As they were finally finishing breakfast Tai spoke up breaking the awkward silence caused by the earlier incident.

'So, you are going to see Oz today, right? You all ready?"

I thought about for a minute before giving a nod to Tai and saying yes. Internally however I was debating various things.

Would Oz try and control and see me as a threat. Would he attempt to remove me. What was he really like would my strength or magic influence his approach.

Could I be worrying for no reason. Could he really just be a hood man who played his cards a little too close to his chest. Well no matter he would find out today.

Summer seeme to notice how tense he was and nodded to Tai who turned to Yang and Ruby and ushered them out of the room.

"Come on girls, your mother needs to talk to Daemon alone before he goes to meet Oz."

Both girls left the room reluctantly clearing wanting to hear what would be said but nonetheless obeying their father and leaving the room.

Summer sat down across from Daemon at the table and stared him in the eyes before asking "What's wrong kiddo?"

Daemon lowered his head slightly; unsurely as differing thoughts waged a silent war in his mind. Could he trust Summer or was she too loyal to Oz. Ultimately, he decided to risk it and tell her.

"I am worried about Oz and what sort of person he will turn out to be. Will he see me as a threat or as another piece in his war against his ex-wife. That is just accounting for my semblance and silver eyes let alone with my magic to boot."

Summer paused as she thought over what he said before slowly rising from her seat and walking around the table before wrapping him a hug.

"Daemon, you are a member of my family now. While I don't believe Oz would harm you if he tries, I will fight him myself. So don't worry i am sure it will be fine even if I do understand your worry."

I gently nodded my head but ultimately stayed in the hug taking comfort from it. Even with Summer's reassurance the idea of meeting Oz was still nerve-wracking.

Summer spoke again her voice soft. "Do you want me to come with you?"

Daemon just shook his head and spoke his voice only slightly wavering. "No this is something I need to do myself and even if not today I will have to do eventually."

"Well go and get ready and prepare yourself because you will have to leave in about an hour. You will be traveling with Qrow." Summer told him this with a smile.

Daemon nodded and set off to go and prepare himself for the meeting both psychically and mentally.

(Summer Pov)

I watched as Daemon left the room his shoulders tense and could feel the smile slip off my face as I watched him. I couldn't help but feel worried for him.

I thought back to his concerns about Oz and I couldn't help agree with him on some points. Oz was very much a chess master and I did admittedly fear that he would see Daemon as another piece.

I knew about of Oz's secrets and motives and I knew and realised even the man himself hadn't that somewhere along the line of his many reincarnations that he had started to stop connecting with people the same way. People became disposable a his seemingly endless war against his former wife dragged on with no clear end in sight.

Over the many lives he had lived he always managed to get into positions of power and authority quickly through the placement of his allies in previous life's. He always chose his allies and placed them in positions of power where they could have a greater effect than any other.

This generation saw Leo, Ironwood and many different councillors of Vale and Mistral. While Oz himself was the Head of the premier school for huntsman in all of Remnant. Giving his access to over 60٪ of the A and S-rank huntsman through his role.

Summer knew all of this and agreed that Oz was indeed a chess master. Yet she also knew that ultimately everything he did, he did with the purpose of protecting Remnant against the grimm.

A flutter of wings dragged her from her inner musing as Qrow transformed landing right beside her and placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Don't worry Sums I will look after him and make sure that Oz doesn't over step any boundaries that he shouldn't."

I have him a watery smile as I nodded at him and asked "Why?". I knew deep down out of all of Team STRQ that Qrow was the most loyal to Oz.

He clearly understood my question. Because he nodded and answered. "Sums the one thing me and my sister always agreed upon was family before all else. The only difference is he choose to take the tribe as her family. And Daemon became family the second he saved you and only further cemented it by saving the girls and how he acts around everyone.

So don't worry if Oz over steps I will be there to look after the brat."

I couldn't help but smile at Qrow and wrapped him a hug whispering a soft "thank you" in his ear before pulling back.

"Do you want a tea while you wait Qrow?"

He just smiled and me ruffled my hair "sure Sums, sure."

Admittedly I let out a small growl that probably sounded more cute than it did threatening even if I would never admit it aloud.

(Daemon Pov)

I had already dressed and was wearing a white hoodie with a thin ebony mess inside the jacket with weight seals that could lessen or increase gravity as well as durability seals. The hoodie its self I had also woven seals into with gold spirals like certificates tattoos on the sleeves that could clean the hoodie, make it more durable, siphon small amounts of kinetic energy as well as thermal regulation seals in order to not get too cold or over heat. Black combats as well as steel toe-cap boots that both also had the same seals. As well as an experimental seal that enhanced an items flexibility on the boot so that he still had a full range of motion with his feet.

I had put a lot of work into my seal work since being reborn but I was still only at the point that I could copy seals. Most of what I used were actually from Minato's study journal where he recorded all his studies. These seals in particular were actually the standard churning and jonin vest seal created and implemented by Jiraya in the ninja war. I simply copied them while the extra flexibility one was designed by Minato as an addition to the existing set.

I had prepared as much as possible and also had a ton of different weapons and tags on me just in case things go bad. While Summer had somewhat reassured me, I couldn't say I was fully convinced that Oz was not a threat to me.

I could only hope that Oz was the good guy that he was supposed to be and not actually just a chess master. Maybe reading too many fanfics in his past life had fucked with his head. In the end all he could however was hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

(30 minutes later.)

Me and Qrow had just left the house and had been chatting on our way to the nearest bullhead pickup area.

On the way we had bounced between various topics before finally arriving on one that we stuck to for a bit. Training, what I wanted to learn and what we are going to teach Ruby and Yang.

Qrow had listened to all my plans and agreed with many of them but said in terms of mecha-shift that I would need to come with my own ideas he could only teach me how to adjust a plan until it works and how to make it.

Apparently, his own weapon harbinger was actually a concept weapon that Summer had originally come up with but couldn't work out the mecha-shift mechanisms for. He may have built it but wouldn't have even thought of it without Summer.

After about an hour of walking they finally arrived at the bullhead dock and got on the waiting bullhead to go to Beacon.


It was about two hours later that the bullhead finally arrived at Beacon. And the view was...


As they approached over the large crystal-like waters the structure became visible.

Made out of large stone a mixture of light grey and white. A large group if maybe four smaller platforms and large docking bay. These then led to a large path then lead up to a large courtyard and front of incredible towers. But also split off into multiple other paths that then spanned the large grounds.

In the courtyard at the front if the structure stood a statue that depicted a cloaked male and female huntsman standing over a dead beowolf.

Finally, the towers themselves while numerous only one truly stood out to him. The central town, the beacon of Vale or perhaps his favourite name for it the, the Emerald Tower.

It was a magnificent structure made out of white stone and illuminated in an emerald light. It also contained and displayed intricate clockwork like designs, gears and mechanisms. Maybe a reference to his weapon or even just happenstance.

Idly I couldn't help but wonder if he designed it like a clock as a way to help him keep track of the passing time due to the many lives he had lived and many years he had seen.

He had long since left the bullhead and was now standing in front of the entrance and was only pulled from his inner musings by Qrow who had placed a hand on his shoulder and had given a light squeeze.

'You ready Kiddo?"

I merely turned to look at Qrow and merely gave a slight incline of my head before taking a deep breath and replying to him.

'Shall we go meet the wizard then?"

After a slight pause as I walked forward, I added. "Old man."

The thud behind me as Qrow dropped to his knees at the name was like music to my ears.

(Hi everyone so sorry for the delay. I ended up doing another course as well as entering work. I have only recently managed to get back to the point where I am comfortable with my times again. So sorry about. Admittedly I won't be updating as often but I will try for at least weekly.

If my writing feels off I can only apologise I am out of practice and admittedly wasn't really feeling this chapter or even the next one which I have started to draft.

Finally I also feel the need to mention I am ADHD. I say this so that anyone reading will understand that if my writing suddenly changes direction, becomes slightly erratic or confusing it is likely due to me just giving into my impulses while writing. So sorry. Also if I disappear for long periods that is normal for me even on things like socials.

Please don't worry however I still don't intend to drop this story I just have less time and sadly will probably not write as much due to this.

Nonetheless I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I will hopefully have another out soon.)

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