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100% I Cast Fist / Chapter 11: Fist 11

Capítulo 11: Fist 11

I Cast Fist

Chapter 11

By: BigToFu

Shadow Clone

Shang Tsung #1

I'm a ghost, I'm a ghost, I'm a ghost, I'm a ghost, I'm a….. Ghost!

With a chuckle, I floated through the apartment building's wall and into the living room. The place had an Afro-futuristic type of vibe with different colorful clothes all over. On one of the walls were various blades of all types with a certain one in its center.

It was easy to spot the Ikakalaka blade in the center, the same as the one he used in the Black Panther movie. Ignoring that along with everything else since it would soon be mine, I floated around the apartment until I found who I was looking for. With a pistol in hand and eyes hard, Eric Killmonger sat up and looked around. His chest was bare and those scars were on full display for anyone to see. Hmm, it would seem that he was somewhat spiritually talented, but that wouldn't matter.

Not with what I had planned for him.

"I know you're there," Eric called out as he slowly got up and started to move around the place like a predator on the prowl. "Might as well save us both the hassle."

Okay, the man had balls, I could respect that.

With a wave of the hand, I appeared hovering in the air, he immediately spun, gun up, but finger still off the trigger. At least he had good reflexes and control. Killmongers head didn't even move as he looked me over and I could see the confusion in his eyes. It was clear he wasn't expecting someone like me.

Ignoring all that, I pointed at him, green ethereal flame surrounding my body, "Your soul is mine!"

Killmonger growled at me while raising his gun, "You can't have it."


He was allowed to get two shots off, none of the sound leaving the area past the wards in place. Killmongers eyes went wide as the bullets disappeared into the ethereal flames.

In response, I gave a derisive snort. "As if you can fight the inevitable." Then I brought both hands together wreathed in flames and shoved them right into Killmongers chest. He never screamed, but the struggle was fierce as he tried all manner of things to escape my clutches. I refused his escape as I lifted him over my head and viscously ripped his soul from its mortal confines. With a flick of the wrist I placed his soul into a jar, which I enchanted to be unbreakable, then threw it into the portal that was opening.

Turning back towards the body of Eric Stevens, I gave it a proper once over, then decided against getting rid of the scars.

Chicks dig scars….

Now, it was time for a new skin and maybe Wakanda these nuts.

Sebastian Wild


Standing in the hallways of my tower, I ignored the stars as I stood outside of the medical bay and freaked the fuck out over the Cosmic Ghost Rider situation that I would have to deal with. Frank Castle was bad, but Frank Fucking Castle with Ghost Rider powers was an entirely next level of fucking insanity that I did not fucking sign up for. And to make matters even more, worse, that damn shadow clone of mine had volunteered me to create bodies for Frank's family, urgh! I just wanted to pull my fucking hair out.

My internal freakout was interrupted though due to the sounds of footsteps walking on the stairs.

"I know you're here, Dracula. You big fucking nerd, I want my goddam money."

I blinked, then looked around, for where in the hell was that voice coming from.

"Aye, minion, where is that cheapskate boss of yours? He owes me fifty bucks."

I blinked again, because of all people, how in the fuck and why in the fuck was Moon Knight doing here.

"Huh, not going to answer me huh," Moon Knight replied as he stood on a set of stairs that were completely upside down compared to my own. "Okay, how about this, random bullshit go." Then he tossed all kinds of moon-shaped shurikens at me.

With a light jump, I went from parallel to the stairs I was on to horizontal to the world as I jumped to another set of stairs along with the gravity shift as I worked to dodge around Moon Knight's thrown weapons. Then I had to jump once more because whatever moon magic bullshit he was using, turned mid-air toward my location and came at me with some heat.


On reflex, I swept my arm across my chest as I threw out a magically empowered crescent slash of power. My quick use of magic clashed with the thrown projectiles, but it was clear that Moon-Knight was only using that as a distraction as he came flying out of the smoke. Yeah, I wasn't about to get in close CQC with someone known to be one of the master martial artists of Marvel.

As Moon Knight landed before me, the ground opened up beneath him. His legs snapped out seconds after the portal was formed and I watched as Moon Knight caught himself on the edge of the portal.

"Ohh, my tenders," Moon Knight squealed as he went down, both hands grabbing his junk.

The joke's on him because I had no time for this shit right now, so stepping forward. I lashed out in a punch and he showed exactly why he was so fucking dangerous. His hands snapped up and snaked out catching onto the sleeves of my robes even as he twisted on the very edge of the fucking portal. Moon Knight brought me up and over his shoulder, as he slammed me down with a judo throw, an elbow slamming into my ribs and my chest lit up in fire.

That was all it took for the illusion to pop like a soap bubble surprising the hell outta the Moon Knight. The portal rapidly expanded while Moon Knight was trying to regain balance but it was far too late as he dropped into the hole. With a sigh and a shake of the head, I dismissed the invisibility spell that I had thrown up when the explosion of smoke happened because of comic book logic.

Taking a breath to let the adrenaline bleed off, I made sure to gather myself before another portal opened with a snap of my fingers. With an appearance of being both unruffled and unphased, I walked through to the medical wing and said nothing as Bruce was trying to keep Tony from pushing a metal rod through the bars. On the bars containing the prisoner read don't feed the Uber crazy super Egyptian man powered by a God of moons, with a classic moon of course. Kunshu was a bastard of the highest order and I really didn't want to get into anything with the damn God but it was clear he wasn't going to give me a choice

Since he was one of the biggest G's around, it's clear he saw what I wanted to do with Bruce and sent his problem child to me for help.

Pulling up a chair, I sat in it with a sigh next to Natasha and Clint.

Clint gave my shoulder a nudge and I looked at him composed but with tired eyes, "So who's the new guy?"

I sighed, "Moon Knight, emissary to one of the Big Egyptian Gods. Pain in the ass, master martial artist, and an absolute crazy man with multiple personality disorders."

"Okay, but why is he here?" Clint pressed and I noticed Steve was also paying attention from where he was next to Bucky.

While I pinched my brow with one hand, I waved the other toward Tony and Bruce. "Because the god in charge of that nut job wouldn't mind his own business and figured out my plans for Bruce after I found I could share some magic devices with you guys.

"Magic for us?" Natasha turned to ask and I could see Tony pouting from where he was at with the zap rod in his hand.

"Yeah, I used Tony to test it out and everything worked, but that's beside the point," I replied with a roll of my eyes.

"Okay, what is the point then Sebastian?" Natasha asked with that not-so-sweet smile on her face.

Standing from my chair, I walked before Moon Knight and looked him over. "The point being that I'll need defenses to keep Gods from peaking in and thinking they can pull us into their games."

"Can we rewind a bit about the part of you having plans for me?" Bruce asked with a raised brow, green veins showing from underneath his shirt collar.

With a roll of my eyes, I waved him off, "Keep it in your pants Bruce, I've only been looking into things that help you communicate with the Hulk without creating outside troubles."

"Ohh, and did you succeed?" Bruce pressed and I could see the clear hunger and desperation in his face.

My shoulders went up and down in a shrug, "Not sure, but we do have a perfect test subject to try it on."

"No," Bruce instantly spoke up as he stepped in front of Moon Knight.

I couldn't help but to snort at him, "As if you have a say in the matter, Big G-Khonshu sent his man here for a little fixing. It's gonna happen because no way in hell do I want the moon god of all deities upset with me." With that said, I ignored Bruce as I turned toward Moon Knight. "Hey, Marc, I.."

The suit changed. "I'm Jake."

"Listen Jake."

The suit changed again. "Oops, Steven now, sorry."

"Okay, Steven…"

The damn suit changed again. "Ohh and now it's Marc, what's up."

With a sigh, I pinched my brow as Natasha, Clint, and Tony chuckled at my misfortune. "I need consent, damnit."

"Yeah, you need that but I need to know what's in it for old Jakie."

My gaze turned flat, "So I guess you all enjoy sharing the same body, with no freedoms?"

"Hurry up and get me outta here before the mad bastards go otherwise." Came Steven's sudden tone and timber.

"Oye, don't you tell him what he can and can't do with my twenty-five percent of this body." Spoke Jake with an Irish tilt to his voice. It was one thing to hear the multiple voices, it was another to see the suit he wore shift along with the voices as they changed around.

Waving Bruce away so he could stand to the side, I raised my hands and got ready to cast myself a spell from my super serious spell series.

"Wait, Wait, Dracula owes me fifty goddamn dollars," Moon Knight spoke with a glare. "I want my money before you do that little magic trick of yours."

"Language," Steve reflexively said, caught himself then sighed. "Just, be civil alright."

Tony snorted from the side, but Clint beat him to the punch.

"Dracula isn't an Avenger man, he isn't even real." Clint spoke with a chuckle that died out when he saw the look on my face. "He isn't real right, right, right, right, answer me, Sebastian. Dracula isn't real right?"

There was no hiding the minor wince at his desperate question, "Yeah, about that… lets just say a lot of fantasy, mythology, fiction, and a few other things might be more than stories. And let's just say that the old blood drinker is one of them."

Clint took a step, his eyes like lasers. "Is that why you created holy arrows?"

"Yup," I replied while popping the P, "Your Avengers card also carries basic protections from the supernatural, so no problems I think."

Clint chuckled but it was clearly humorless, "No problem you say, well, I would like more of those protections."

Again, my shoulders went up and down in a shrug, "All the gear and tech for it is in the main armory and you can use the holo-room to test them.

While Clint and I were having a conversation, Moon Knight decided he wanted to be a part of it also.

"So what you're telling me is that Dracula isn't even an Avenger?" Moon Knight questions.

Tony chuckled at this and shook his head at Moon Knight who was wearing the Marc version of the suit. "No, Dracula isn't an Avenger."

"Damn," Moon Knight snarled, "That lying fuck."

"Hey, I said, language! Don't make me come over there with a bar of soap," Steve called out and he was even doing the parental disappointing finger wag.

Moon Knight's suit changed again before he spoke up, "Yeah, and I would like to see you try."

My eyes widened as Steve honest to Stan Lee stood up from his seat beside Bucky with a very determined look on his face. I wasn't about that life, I took two steps back from Moon Knight and it was clear Tony also saw the writing on the wall because he did the very same thing. Moon Knight was a lucky bastard because I didn't have bars of soap in the bathroom.

This fact I didn't remember until after five minutes of Steve poking around the place, it was all types of liquid soap. What did happen though was that Steve came back and asked me to turn the old spice body wash into a bar. Once I did that, he placed it on Bucky's nightstand and gave Moon Knight the look.

Before anything else could happen, I stepped forward and brought my hands together in one massive clap of force as I called out my spell.

Super Serius Spell - Prism of the Mind -

-Allows a person to converse with all facets of their mentality, be it one or six personalities. Personalities are allowed corporeal projections around the spell target. Caution because agreement allows personalities to swap around.

-Minimal interaction with the world.

-Can be upgraded to be given solid forms.

Everyone watched stunned as multiple people stepped out of Marc's body to hover inside the cell with him.

"Well, I guess I really am Marc now ain't I."

With a glare at him, I turned around and threw my hands up in the air. Fuck dealing with Moon Knight, Bucky, and Frank Castle the Punisher turned Ghost Rider tonight, "Okay, I'm officially done, I'm going out for a drink."

It would seem that was all it took to summon Tony towards my side as he threw a hand over my shoulder and smirked at me, "This wouldn't happen to be that super secret magic club, would it? The one with the devil."

I sighed at him, "Not sure if I want to bring you to that type of place Tony."

"Come on, you promised," He shot back. "Unless the magic man doesn't keep his word."

Stopping at that, I glared at him, "Fine, but you better be on your best behavior, I don't want to go fighting some unholy terror tonight."

"Yes," Tony answered with a fist pump.

"Hold on now, what about us," Came Clint's voice from over at the side.

When I looked over, Steve looked lost while Bruce was waving his hand in front of himself.

"Sorry, but I don't do well in crowds," Bruce spoke up.

My hands were thrown up into the air, "Fine, but you guys are gonna need magical charms of neutrality at least."

"Thank you, but I will have to decline," Steve spoke up and I noticed him turning to look towards Bucky's medical bed.

Sigh, "That's fine Steve, just call out if you need anything and the Avengers Card for emergencies."

"Hey, magic man, didn't you say something about partying with the devil?" Tony asked again with a smile plastered on his face.

I paused, "Tony this is like souls and eternal damnation with fire and brimstone type stuff. Places like what I joked about have heavy hitters from angels to demons and wanna-be devils. Hell, the place is all about neutrality sure but deals can still be made. You will need to be careful to not sell your soul tonight, I don't want to have to come to rescue you because if I do. I'll make sure to hit you with a gender-bent spell. Who knows, Pepper might like clam chowder instead of hotdogs."

While Tony was sputtering, I ported to my master bedroom and headed for the showers.

1 Hour Later

While we stood in front of the club, I held my arms out wide, took a breath, dug deep, and then called out. "LUCI BABY!"

That caught the attention of the Devil as he zeroed in on our position as I called out with sheer bombastic exuberance because I was about to party hardy. There was no fear, there was no worry, just the enjoyment of the moment and it was clear that the Devil could tell because why couldn't he? Lucifer Morningstar was very much omnipresent and omnipotent and I had no other alternative bullshit planned.

That caught his attention as the Devil turned around with a martini in hand, a graceful smile on his face. "And look what the dimensional cat has dragged in, looking mighty good for a weeb who took truck-kun across the cheek." Luci returned with a small chuckle as he walked over with his right-hand woman Maze.

Hellspawn or not, Mazikeen was looking all kinds of fine. Shifting over I pulled Tony forward and from getting smitten by one of the angels. Should have hit him with a sticking charm to keep his hands to himself, "Let me introduce you to my universe's Tony Stark, Clint Barton, and Natasha Romanoff."

Lucifer looked Tony up and down and the smile he gave was downright predatory or seductive, not sure really, "My, my, a second Stark has graced my presence in less than a generation." With a smile, he threw an arm around Tony's shoulder while he waved the other hand. "You know I have your father down in his own little slice of hell, very classy location mind you, would you like to visit.?"

Tony gulped, took a step back, and then placed Natasha and Clint between him and Lucifer.

Rolling my eyes at the teasing and going to Tony's rescue, I called out to the party-man, "Hey Lucii, you have a way to contact your father, I have a few questions for him."

"Ohh, sorry, but dear ole dad is still rather mad that I decided to take a vacation without his permission."

I snorted with a chuckle before making my way over to the bar. Before I left, I sent Maze a wink on the sly while directing Natasha and Clint away from Tony.

"Well, if you want to talk with dear old Dad, you might want to see Grandfather and see if he is willing to press the issue," Lucifer replied into my ear like a soft caress of tones.

Turning around with a blink, my hand snapped out as I caught the floating napkin that was hovering there for me. On it was a time, date, planet, and location for where Stan Lee would be showing up. Stan Lee the visionary of everything and all is here 'Oh By Stan Lee, I gotta go meet him'

"Hey, what's that?" Natasha asked as she reached for the napkin.

My eyes were wide, I turned to her with maybe too much of a manic gleam in my eyes, "WHAT this! It's the location of THE CREATOR!"

Clint's hand shot up in surrender, "Okay, calm down and explain."

Raising a hand for the Centaur barkeep, I ordered us a drink as I explained why this was such an important thing for me. While I was giving them the low down on why I was so excited, a small chill ran down my spine drawing my attention. When I turned around and looked up towards the second floor, I saw the table with the three most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life.

Reaching into my coat pocket, I pulled out three gold dragons, dropped them on the table, and clapped the duo on the back, "Don't agree to anything, don't sign anything, and for the love of all, don't let Tony sell his soul to anyone."

They turned to look at me strangely, but I was already walking away with a wave of the hand. Instead of staying, Natasha and Clint both took their drinks and followed after me, with a roll of my eyes, I waited for them by the stairs leading upwards. Little dance pads floated by, the same thing for fairy lights, magical mist, and even the odd table or two, but I had no patience for them due to the sirens' call.

Up and up I climbed until I was on the proper level, a smile on my face. While I led from the front, we came across Korn and Slaanesh and that asshole Nurgle sitting at a table in the wall enjoying some sort of demonic booze.

Urgh, let's not get tangled up with the skull moron and the dumb pain slut.

Ignoring the trio and keeping Clint from doing anything stupid, I pushed past the chaos minions' extra strength charms to protect the mind. With a few more twists and turns while also making sure I didn't lose my two tag-alongs, we finally arrived at their table.

Walking up to the table, I had a smile on my face and not even a hint of fear within my heart, "Oh guys before we get a table let me introduce you, DeeDee this cute little munchkin, Lady Death the beauty right here with the black cloak also some lame mad titian named Thanos is simping over her mighty hard, and never last nor least, The Warrior Madam Death." As I made my introductions they each offered a hand which I took with grace as I kissed the back of their knuckles. Then as I finished, I placed each soul as my first-time meeting gift. Xavier's Soul went to Marvel's Lady Death, Killmongers Soul went to DeeDee also known as Death the Unless from DC and Namor went to Lady Death from the Savage Nemorian Times.

After that, I then did a quick turn to introduce those that I had brought with me. It didn't help that DeeDee squealed, got up, and gave Natasha a glomp-type full-body hug. After both Natasha's and Clint's faces turned pale, I felt it was time to get them out of there. So with a wave goodbye, I spirited us away.

We found a nice little alcove with a free table and I left my team with various protections and methods to keep themselves safe. I had even sprung for a dark elf to guard the rope. Paid the man good coins too since it was highly enchanted with a magical battery-type charm. It wouldn't wear off and would be reusable, but I had the charm protected by my own spell encryption matrix. While the terrible duo was taken care of, I left to get some more drinks from the floating bar that was floating nearby.

While I floated in the air next to the bar, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to find DeeDee smiling at me. The music on the dance floor changed and I instantly knew the song. Everyone who's anyone has seen pulp fiction and the infamous dance scene.

So when the song you never can tell started playing with an offered hand from DeeDee, I wasn't going to be that guy and turn her down. Near the end of the song and as the dance wound down, Lucifer took to the piano with his rendition of 'Memory'. Long slim pale fingers traced over my shoulders and spun me. I twisted on the spot, one arm going around a waist, the other raising and being caught in a firm yet loose and delicate grip. Lady Death of Marvel was here and the WALTZ… was on.

Then the music kicked up to a quick dance-type number and DeeDee was in my hands as we boogied across the dance floor. I could honestly admit that I lost track of time which was one of the reasons why I was worried about coming to this place. The music shifted to something with a tribal rhythm that beat like a heart and the worries of the dimensional divide outside the omniverse were thrown to the side as the Savage Death stalked me from across the dance floor, her body glistening under the light. Her body brought out the primal nature in me as I took in her immortal Amazonian form.

In the end, I found myself sitting at the lady's table enjoying a glass of very fine wine. While I was talking with DeeDee, Lady Death of Marvel pushed in from the other side as a leg worked its way up my leg. I looked down to find stocking-clad toes rubbing my jewels and I looked up to see the grinning face of DeeDee. I honestly didn't know how to feel but my body was surely reacting to how scaroused I was getting. If I died tonight, then I would have died for a worthy cause. As those thoughts ran through my mind, I noticed the shared smiles on the ladies as they shared a look.


Then between one eyeblink and the next, they had relocated us from the club to a gothic bedroom. With a smile, I release a chuckle while a hand raised to undo a button on my shirt. I wanted to say, help, that I needed an adult, but that was clearly quitters talk.

And, I ain't no quitter.

As DeeDee wormed her tongue into my mouth and we fought for dominance, I raised a brow at the hand that came from behind to slip into my pants. My own Lady Death pressed her bare chest against me, nipples hard, as excitement flowed through her. A stray thought about recording this and sending it to the Mad Titian did flit through my mind. I thought better of it though since he wasn't with Death so I wouldn't be cocking him or performing NTR on my realities super simp.

The hand that went into my pants and started to fondle my balls was a clear statement that I had better things to turn my attention towards.

Side Nope: This took far longer than it should be. It's complete now, no longer sick, and graduations have passed but guess who decided to visit, Ma'am Natature and her best from Allergies. I'm just finished with this freaking season.

Going to include images down here since I didn't have any good slots to insert them up top.

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