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57.69% JJK: Unrivaled Under The Heavens / Chapter 14: Awakening

Capítulo 14: Awakening

-Location: Naoto's Innate Domain-

-POV: Narrator-

After his crushing defeat at the hands of his mother. The young Zen'in had been transported into his own innate domain.

Naoto looked around the raging storm and felt like all of his training was for nothing. His anger got the best of him, he forgot that kenjaku was a sick and twisted person.

This night had been one of the worst nights of his life. The realization that his mother was Kenjaku had made him unable to think clearly.

When he fought her he couldn't fight how he wanted to fight, plus the pain and anger he had when he seen Chisato die was fresh in his mind.

Naoto just sat down and thought about what he will for from now on. Asami was heart broken, and he heard her cursing her mother.

He could've stopped her but deep down he knew she needed this. Hopefully she turns out like Yuta.

That was his thoughts when he heard her cursing her mother. She could help him get revenge, and also get her own revenge.

Hopefully she doesn't blame him out of rage, he can't bear to see her like that. He will shoulder this burden and carry on the weight of his actions.

He failed to save her today, that will never happen again, not to someone he cares about.

"I think it's time to take this world seriously. This world is dangerous and I was here trying to enjoy my second life." Said Naoto as he had a look of disappointment.

"From here on out, I will live my life the way I want to live, and whoever tries to stop me I'll just kill them." Said Naoto with conviction.

This situation opened his eyes. His go with the flow attitude wasn't getting him anywhere.

"Maybe this is the reason why I couldn't complete my domain. I was really holding myself back huh." Said Naoto as he berated himself.

This was one of Naoto's flaws, he just let things play out how they were supposed to, he never took the initiative to do things for himself.

The only decision he made that benefited himself was leaving the Zen'in clan.

Naoto they made his choice and his resolve strengthened. He would never let anything restrain him anymore. If he wanted to eat, he would, if he wanted pleasure he would fine it, if he want to love, he would do it.

This is true enlightenment.

Living for no one but yourself and doing whatever you want to satisfy yourself.

This was the ideology Naoto will live by for now on.

"So you've finally come my son." Said a familiar voice.

The scenery had changed to an opening field with flowers spanning for miles(km). He seen the woman who had done this to him.

But she didn't have the stitches on her forehead, so he concluded that she was his real mother.

"How is this possible? Aren't you dead?" Asked Naoto while trembling.

"Yes, that sorcerer killed me and took over my body. Some of my consciousness is still there but I couldn't do anything. So seeing you almost die was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced." Said Naoto's mother.

Naoto looked at his mother and seen the pained look on her face. He had so many questions but they would have to wait.

"So how did I get here? I know after I was hit by that attack, I was knocked unconscious. So I don't understand what's happening." Said Naoto as he looked at him mother for answers.

"You are going through a metamorphosis, you're evolving into a superior version of yourself. Meaning you're becoming an enlightened one." Said his mother.

"Wait that Gojo and Sukuna?" Asked Naoto.

"Yes, like them. You're becoming something more and better. You broke the shackles that were binding you while you were in your innate domain." Said his mother.

Naoto started to remember the what he was rambling about earlier. He cast away all the things the held him back and decided to live for himself and the people he cares about. And if anyone gets in his way he'll kill them.

"It's time to go my son. I wish I could spend more time with you my beautiful boy, but I can't." Said his mother as she hugged him.

"Grow stronger and protect what you love, don't let hinder you. You are ann unrivaled existence, make sure to let people know you're the strongest." Said his mother and she disappeared.

Naoto's resolve was strengthened further, his mother was right. He is the strongest and he'll be unrivaled.

-Back To the present-

In the forest where Naoto had been defeated, you could see a huge crater where Naoto's body used to be.

Naoto's body was nowhere to be found, but if you look in the air, you could see a person floating freely and unrestrained.

This was Naoto. He was looking at the moon in the sky with a slight smile. He felt good for some reason, he felt like he could so anything.

The core of cursed energy.

He understood it.

Reverse curse technique!

He understood it.

His cursed technique.

He awakened its latent potential.

He felt like cursed energy had bent to his will and welcomed him into the world of the strongest.

-POV: Satoru Gojo-

Dammit, someone had attacked Naoto and his family. I left some low rank jujutsu sorcerers to monitor his family, but they've all been killed.

Was it Suguru?

No he wouldn't do something like that. Maybe would, he's changed a lot over the years.

I need to get there now, maybe Naoto fought off whoever attacked his family.

Hopefully nothing too bad happened.

-POV: Narrator-

Gojo had arrived on the scene and seen the dead sorcerers that guarded Naoto's home. He walked into the manor and made his way towards the main building where he felt an immense amount of cursed energy.

"Someone is cursed, looks like a vengeful spirit." Said Gojo as he stepped into the house.

He made his way towards the living room and seen Asami looking at her mother's dead body with hollow eyes.

Gojo walked up to her and crouched down. He examined Chisato's body and seen the cause of death.

'Her brain was crushed with extreme force, she died instantly.' Thought Gojo.

"Asami-Chan? Where's naoto?" Asked Gojo but didn't get a response.

"Asami-Chan? Where is Naoto?" Asked Gojo more firmly which caused Asami to flinch.

"He went after the woman who did this. She looked just like him. Their faces looked some much like each others." Said Asami as she stared to cry.

'Something isn't right here, a woman that looked like Naoto did this. Could it be his mother?' Thought Gojo as he stood up slowly and took out his phone.

"Ijichi, bring some advisors to this location. We have someone who is cursed." Said Gojo as he hung up the phone.

He lifted up his bandages and looked around to find Naoto's cursed energy signature.

"There he is." Said Gojo as he clasped his hand together and disappeared.

He appeared where Naoto is and looked up and seen him floating and smiling like a mad man.

"Hehe, this seems familiar." Said Gojo with a smile.

"Ah Satoru, you're late. The strongest sorcerer is late hahaha." Said Naoto as he descended to the ground.

Gojo frowned at the informal way Naoto spoke. He really didn't care how people addressed him but he wanted his students to address him as a teacher.

"You seem high Naoto, you've achieved it didn't you?" Asked Gojo.

"Yeah, now I'm stronger than ever. Is this the power you feel? This is the weight you feel when you're the strongest." Said Naoto's as he started to laugh.

"ITS EXHILARATING, HAHAHAHAHAHA. This power is the power to destroy everything." Said Naoto with an insane expression.

"Satoru, is this what's it's to be the strongest? To feel like anything you touch will turn to dust at any moment." Said Naoto.

"Yes, this is the price to pay. You will be lonely Naoto, people will never understand you, you will forever be alone in this world." Said Gojo.

"You're wrong Satoru, I still have you. Me and you can change this world. We can make it better for sorcerers and non sorcerers alike." Said Naoto.

Gojo's eyes widened under his bandages and he smiled slightly. The first thought to come to mind was Suguru.

'It seems I can't escape these kind of people, right Suguru?' Thought Gojo.

"Fine, but you better keep up. Because I will be making this world better for young sorcerers to live out their youth. You're included in that Naoto, remember that." Said Gojo and he grabbed Naoto and teleported back to Asami.

When they arrived, they could see Ijichi and some other advisors. They made sure to collect Chisato's body and give her a proper burial.

Asami just sat on the couch and stared at the floor. Naoto could sense she had cursed energy, it wasn't a lot but she still had it.

What caught him off guard was the fact that's she was cursed by a powerful vengeful spirit.

'It seems Chisato has became a vengeful spirit. Asami was cursing her unknowingly.' Thought Naoto.

He walked up to Asami and crouched down. Their eyes locked with each other and they just stared at one another.

"What are you?" Asked Asami.

"A jujutsu sorcerer." Said Naoto.

"So you have powers and couldn't save my mother? After everything she's done for you, you just let her die?" Said Asami as she rises from her seat and looked at Naoto with anger.

"I wanted to save her, but if I made any sudden movements she would've died." Said Naoto.

"What is your power?" Asami.

"I'm a lightning human, a can control and become lightning." Said Naoto as she demonstrated his powers.

"So you're fast enough to save her. Do you know how fast lightning is? You had the speed to stop her from killing my mother." Yelled Asami as she hit Naoto in his chest.

He let her vent out her anger and waited until she stopped. He walked up to her and hugged her and said.

"We could get revenge, after I confronted her I was so angry that I wasn't thinking straight. So I couldn't perform at my best, and she got away." Said Naoto.

"I will bring you to a place that will teach you how to wield jujutsu. You may not have a technique but there are powerful sorcerers without one." Said Naoto while thinking of Kusakabe.

He may be the perfect teacher for her. He may have to pull some strings to get Mei Mei to teach Asami, but he'll do anything as long as she can be powerful.

Asami looked at Naoto and calmed down. It wasn't smart to get angry at Naoto as he's also suffering. She then remembered something that the woman said.

"What's the deal about her being your mother? You told us your mother was dead." Said Asami.

"She was dead, that's what my father told me. But I guess she faked her death, or that an imposter. Besides, I only have one mother and that's Chisato." Said Naoto.

Naoto said this with guilt because he never had the chance to call her mother. He knew she wanted him to call her that, but he didn't want to feel like he was taking away Asami's mother. So he refrained from calling her as such.

Asami looked at Naoto and nodded. As much as she hates to admit it, she knew that her mother cared for Naoto a lot, and seen him as a son.

She knew he's hurting just as much as she is right now. So she gave him the benefit of the doubt.

"Okay kiddos, it's time to go to jujutsu tech. We have to make a report to those old bastards." Said Gojo.

Naoto and Asami nodded and started to walk towards the car that Ijichi was standing at. He looked at them and gave them his condolences.

Naoto let Asami go in first and then Gojo. He got in last and sat next to Asami.

On their way there he let Gojo explain all the basics jujutsu regulations and fun facts. He didn't feel like telling her all that boring stuff.

Now was the time to take things seriously and start changing this world for the better. No more going with the flow and letting things play out.

This time, he'll be ready for anything Kenjaku had in store for him.

And the next time they meet, Kenjaku will die.

-POV: Narrator(With Kenjaku)-

Seeing his greatest creation today left him disappointed. But he know he'll become everything he's meant to be.

"It's time to discard this body, I will miss her technique though. She was a tough opponent." Said Kenjaku as Uraume took out his brain.

Uraume then froze Naoto's mother and stored her with the other bodies that Kenjaku collected over the years.

(A/n: I'm gonna refer to Uraume as She/her because I thinks she's a woman. But if she's a man then she's a damn good trap.)

She then put the brain in a new body that they recently got. This will be a temporary body, as he's waiting for the right time to get Suguru Geto's body.

Uraume then stitched together the head and used RCT to connect the brain stem together. After a few minutes, Kenjaku started to wake up.

"Hmm, this body is good. His technique is lacking but I could make it work." Said Kenjaku with a different voice.

The body he took over was a curse user with the ability to manipulate inertia. The ability to make the immobile, immovable, to make a the mobile, unstoppable.

This was the ability of the curse user. It wasn't powerful but it was something he could work with.

He could make reduce an object's inertia by making a object easier to accelerate, de-accelerate or change direction.

"This body will be fine for now, Suguru still has some time before he's next." Said Kenjaku with a sinister smile.

"Let's go Uraume, there are some curses I want to collect, they'll be perfect for curse spirits manipulation." Said Kenjaku as he put on his clothes.

-To Be Continued-


Late chapter but I've been working for 6 days straight so I barely had time to write this. Todays by first day off in a while.

Now for the chapter and why I went with something like this.

In Jjk, you could have a really powerful technique and still be weak, for example, Megumi. He's strong but Gojo has told him before that he doesn't have the mindset to be a sorcerer like him or Yuji.

That's why everytime he gets into a tough fight, his first thought is to die while taking his target with him. And he clearly has the potential as stated by Gojo and Sukuna.

So in this chapter I wanted Naoto to see that his mindset was holding him back from achieving his desired goal.

His go with the flow personally is now gone. So he'll be a more stronger and selfish person. He'll still be kind and show love.

But when it comes to jujutsu and his everyday life, he'll only live for himself and the people who he deems worthy of his love.

And there are only a few he cares about. He couldn't care less about anyone who he deems weak or a waste of potential.

So when he gets to jujutsu tech, you will see he a Megumi start off not liking each other. But as time passes they come to respect each other, same with Yuta.

Y'all see the new leaks for Jjk?

Kenjaku's New Look—>

Thanks for reading.

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