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46.66% Reincarnated into a world of Pacific Rim & Godzilla as a kaiju / Chapter 7: First Human Interaction & A Short Nap

Capítulo 7: First Human Interaction & A Short Nap

One day, I woke up. But I felt off, something was restricting my movements...

We had started sleeping separately again after a few million years. It was just easier to have someone closer to whatever was going on when whoever was awake was on the other side of the planet. Don't get confused by the fact it was hard to wake up during a long sleep. It was just easier than spending an several hours to get to a fight. Of course that was before I helped Godzilla evolve into Space Godzilla. That cost me 10 million points as a one time ability, but I consider it worth it since Godzilla could now fly and go to space, not to mention get around alot faster than he could before.

When it was time for my sleep, I decided to crash into what would end up being Egypt. I just didn't expect the humans here would build the pyramids right onto of my new cave. But they had found me in the three mile deep cave. I guess they thought this was the underworld and I, it's guardian. Turns out I'm Anubis to them, and the cave had been collapsed. With the pyramids built on top as an added measure. I had to use my Lycan for to dig straight up since that was easier. But their screams when I broke through the 4th pyramid they had built was pretty funny once I realized everything. They thought it was the end of the world. Or the pharaoh,whos tomb I destroyed, had done terrible things in life and wasnt worty og the afterlife. Which only confused them more when I just walked off to the north for another cave. Hey, I'd only slept for 15 thousand years at this point and I was used to triple that, at the minimum.

After a few days of stumbling walking, I found another cave system next to the Mediterranean and instantly fell back asleep.

Unfortunately, I didn't pay attention to my location and if I had, I probably would have remembered certain religious histories from my past life.


I awoke again 2 thousand years later, ONCE AGAIN feeling restricted. Only this time with chains. Chains that were made of gold and covered in runes. I couldn't even open my mouth due to the heave duty muzzle that had been put onto me.

Looking around I noticed some guards in Golden armor at the far end of my cave, trembling in fear having noticed I was awake. 1 took off, presumably to spread the news to whoever. The rest tried to look intimidating with their spears aimed my way. Having noticed the shaking of the spears I decided I would play it out and see what was going to happen. It didn't take long for someone to show up. But he reminded me of somebody.

Walking into the cave, this man showed no fear, having full trust in the chains, presumably, holding me captive. Unfortunately for him, I heard the cracks from the chains forming from just a simple stretch from me. "Hello there, have a good nap?" he said with a smile on his face

"Until I woke up" I stated in the monster language

"We learned the language of the monsters of the world centuries ago, I can understand you" he said

"Then why do you dare to try and contain me?" I asked calmly

"Because, 1,500 years ago we were going through a massive ice age. I had found you in my youth and, upon remembering you, I brought my people here, to this cave system as you were a natural heat source. You allowed us to survive...and evolve. We stopped aging, the old grew young again, and we started gaining powers. We discovered runes and crafting techniques that have never been seen before. You turned us into God's, to walk on this earth uncontested.....except for you and your kind." he finished his long drawn out speech on a low note

"Then you assume you belong at the top, and you presumed to try to lock me away like some animal?!" I said, my voice gradually getting louder

"We could not Rick you leaving. We would have frozen to death if you had left during the time of the long night." he said

"And who are you to chain me?" I asked, ready to tear him apart. At this point I noticed he was roughly 10 feet tall, humans don't get that tall. It was hard to tell because I was now over 600 feet tall and over 1,200 feet long not including my tail Godzilla was the same height as me, I realized we were already taller than I was expecting.

"I am Odin, son of Bor, Son of Buri. The king of Asguard. And as the highest God on this planet, all beasts are under my rule" Odin said, looking down his nose at me, if it where possible

Having had enough I stood up and stretched, snapping all the chains around my legs and tail. Then I released a long, loud yawn, smapping my muzzle "I bow to NOONE!" I stated loudly but calmly and started walking towards the exit of the cave system.

"YOU CAN NOT LEAVE!" Odin ordered as he took his spear, which started glowing with what looked like blue lightning

"You can not stop me. A false God such as you has NO authority over my existence." I said calmly


Out of the cave in front of me jumped who I only assumed was Thor with the hammer he was wielding "AAAHHHHHHHH" Thor threw his hammer at my face after imbuing his hammer with his power over lightning


I caught the over rated hunk of metal with my teeth. Then, to the surprise of everyone preset, myself included, the hammer started to grow to my size. I released the hammer as it started to float behind my back like a good guard dog

"That's not possible" Thor said in desperation, still trying to recall the hammer

"You have no idea what's possible, little false god" I stated as I continued my walk towards the exit

"NO!" Odin screamed again as he powered up his attack to the max and released it towards my front legs

"SIZZLE...THUD" the attack did no damage to me, and the spear flew out of Odins grasp, throwing him to the ground as it joined the hammer above my back at a much larger size, in fact, it felt like it was returning I was a little pissed

"You used my power on everything you made...and expected to be able to control me with it?...HAHAHAHAHA!" I couldn't help but release a deep, Earth shaking cackle "You made intelligent weapons with my power and asked them to attack me. That like asking you to kill yourself, no wonder they both decided to abandon you and start following me." I stated bluntly

Both Odin and Thor looked ashamed and regretful, though I knew they only regretted losing their weapons "If anyone tries to stop me again, I WILL raze Asguard and every being in it!" I gave them no room for argument as I finally walked out of the cave to see Battra flying towards me. I smiled and took off to meet her

Little did I know that this was how the legends of both Ragnarok and the God of the underworld/death came to be...hopefully the people in the future don't just take me as a bad guy when they first see me

This is where the story of Anubis begins

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