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100% Rearing Monsters in Tensura / Chapter 29: (29) I see.

Capítulo 29: (29) I see.

Deep within the vast expanse of space-time, where the fabric of reality intertwined with ethereal colors, two orbs of radiant light floated in silent communion, their glow illuminating the cosmic void around them as they wandered aimlessly in the vast expanse of fluctuating colors.

"Your foresight has proven accurate," murmured the pitch-black orb, its luminous presence pulsating with a sense of apprehension. "He has indeed crafted a formidable army, yet what we have witnessed is but a mere fraction of his power."

The pure-white orb, a beacon of serenity amidst the swirling chaos, remained tranquil and composed, emitting a soft glow that contrasted starkly with the darkness around it.

"Is he aware of our existence?" The pitch-black orb asked, its curiosity echoing through the timeless expanse.

The pure-white orb, with the wisdom of ages resonating in its voice, responded in measured voice without a care in the world, "Yes, to some extent. He senses an observer, but the true nature of our presence eludes him."

The pitch-black orb absorbed this revelation in silence, its luminescence flickering with a mixture of understanding and confusion.

"He acknowledges the watchful gaze upon him, yet the identity of the watcher remains veiled," The white orb said after observing the black one, its radiance casting an aura of enigma.

"This poses a serious challenge. He remains entrenched within the safety of his domain. It seems like he is aware of our limitations in unraveling the mysteries and secrets of his own world." The black orb said.

The white orb, with a hint of mystery shrouding its words, remarked, "Nevertheless, we must compel him to emerge from his seclusion. He won't keep us at bay for much longer."

A tinge of skepticism laced the black orb's voice as it questioned loudly, "How are you so sure that we can prompt his emergence when those opposing him are so fucking feeble?!"

"Indeed, the Zodiacs, as he designates them, possess more than enough potency and prowess to sweep and traverse through Master's creation." The white orb commented.

"Even though they are also part of Master's creation, their divergence from Master's intent weakens the very fabric of existence and the binding of the rules are weakening every moment," the white orb continued solemnly, its luminosity casting a solemn hue over the cosmic expanse.

"It is already not great news that there are already 2 beings inside the Empyrium that's not under constraint anymore and we can't even rule out the possibility of more." The black orb added slowly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation, "The presence of unbound entities within the Empyrium adds another layer of complexity to our predicament."

The white orb, with a calm assurance, concluded, "No need to be worried. This is all part of the grand design. We shall act at the appointed time, aligning our movements with the unfolding cosmic dance."

As the white orb gradually receded in the cosmic tapestry, a sense of purpose and determination lingered in the air, underscoring the significance of their impending actions in the grand scheme of celestial affairs.




In the Desolate Barren Lands.

The very air crackled with tension and the echoes of battles past lingered like ghosts, a group of formidable beings gathered, their presence a testament to the stakes at hand.

"They already breached through our defenses, just how much longer does this lizard intends to stall?" Aquarius' voice, carried a note of frustration, asked after her gaze fixated on the fading essence of another fallen True Dragon King.

"Well, Viper indeed held them down longer that he initially estimated, his resistance bought us time, but at a cost." Scorpio remarked, his voice a low hiss. "That poison... it seems like there was a trace of Lord Aldrich's blood and essence." Scorpio muttered, ignoring Aquarius in the process as his attention focused elsewhere as he processed the implications.

Sagittarius, standing a little apart from the others, nodded solemnly. "They are not the first subordinates of the Supreme Lord for nothing," he commented, his voice carrying a tinge of bitterness as it was laced with a note of grudging respect. His eyes, sharp and unyielding, scanned the horizon. "The 'Bane of the Underworld' rivals even the prowess of a Zodiac. Its effects are profound, beyond mere mortal resistances."

"Those fuckers are already feeling it. Lord Aldrich's legacy seeps through every drop. It's a poison not of this realm, a reminder of his power." Gemini's casual tone belied the gravity of his words.

"Two True Dragon Kings for twenty minutes of time is already beyond our expectations," Taurus added, his usually bullish demeanor subdued by the gravity of the situation. He glanced at the others, seeing his own worry reflected in their eyes. They all nodded in agreement, staring towards the direction of the Triskaideka and the Dragon Corps.

On the other side, the situation was dire as the battlefield reverberated with tension as the stakes became clear to both sides.

"Viper's mist is dispelled. We'll proceed as planned." Chiasa instructed as her unwavering gaze pierced through the encroaching black dots on the horizon.

"All Commanders, including Ehecatl, will face a single opponent. The Lieutenants will lead the Legions to hold back the others for as long as they can." She continued to bark out orders, her voice steady and authoritative, leaving no room for hesitation.

"Takako, Guy or Feldway?" She turned her head towards the Oni Commander with a light tone but dead serious eyes.

"I'll take the winged one." He responded without hesitation, his resolve evident in his eyes.

Chiasa, acknowledging his choice, shrugged nonchalantly and smiled at the Lightning Tiger across from them. "Meng, you have to restrain one of the True Dragons then."

"Do I even have a choice?" Meng's grumble spoke volumes of their dire situation, yet acceptance colored his actions and demeanor.

As the tension mounted and battle lines were drawn, a palpable aura of resignation hung over the combatants. They knew that the odds were stacked against them, yet they faced their fate with a quiet courage.

After this war, the Triskaideka and the Dragon Corps might vanish forever. The legion that Balanar left behind was finally given the moment to prove their valor.

Unbeknownst to them, their collective determination birthed a dense aura of killing intent that even affected their adversaries. Guy and his companions, seasoned warriors though they were, couldn't help but feel the weight of the opponents' resolve. The tension manifesting in the air around them.

"Where in hell did these bastards come from?" Guy muttered. His unease masked by his steady advance.

The true strength of the Empyrium remained elusive, the extent of its capabilities remained shrouded in mists of mysteries.

The clash of power was inevitable.

"I guess we'll have to deal with these annoying pests first!" Feldway, undeterred by the dense aura, shouted as he made his move.

"Die, Elven Insect!" He teleported in front of Chiasa with his talon-like fingers aiming to seize her core in one strike.


However, his strike was met with unexpected resistance even after he surpassed the speed of light as Takako intervened, his blade wreathed in white flames.

"Winged fool. Didn't you heed your master's teaching of not harming women?" Takako's cold voice reverberated through the chaos, his stance unwavering while taunting Feldway.

Feldway, his annoyance palpable, acknowledged Takako's strength. "A Divine Oni with an Ultimate Skill. Impressive, but insufficient."

Variety of flames danced around Takako's blade, a manifestation of his 'Ultimate Skill, Devouring Sun Lord, Amaterasu'. Takako launched himself at Feldway without hesitation.

Takako is going all out from the get-go!


Fury of Blades.

Flurry of sword slashes were thrown everywhere, hitting both his allies and enemies. Takako's opener was so heavy that even his fellow Commanders wore solemn expression. This attack is uncontrollable as Takako was mustering up enough momentum and energy for his succeeding attacks.



Feldway parried the sword slashes easily with his bare hands, deflecting them towards the Triskaideka and Dragon Corps without retreating a single step.


The ensuing clash of powers was cataclysmic, each blow resonating with the weight of their convictions. Takako's 'Ultimate Skill' clashed with Feldway's might, the battlefield trembling with their might.

The sword slashes stopped suddenly as a resounding explosion occurred and a mushroom cloud of dust rose high up in the sky as the clash reached its peak.

"That is enough, I can't bear to witness my kin kill himself." A patriarchal voice of reason amidst the chaos, addressing Takako

As the cloud of dust settled down, shadows of 4 imposing figures were pinning down Takako.

Benimaru sat on top of Takako, his 'Crimson Lotus' infused with black flames poised at Takako's neck. Shion and Souei held down Takako's limbs while Hakuro inspected his 'Primordial Inferno' with a discerning eye.

The arrival of Benimaru, Shion, Souei, and Hakuro marked a turning point. Their combined strength subdued Takako, their purpose clear as they implored him to cease his futile struggle.

"Your name is Takako, right? Please put down the blade and return home to us," a pink-haired Oni maiden gently implored as she approached.

"Princess, stay back! This Oni is extremely powerful." Hakuro averted his gaze away from the katana and kindly reminded the Shrine Maiden of Tempest.

The emotional depth of the moment was palpable as alliances shifted and convictions were tested. The stakes had never been higher, and the choices made in that barren landscape would reverberate across worlds.

Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha!

In the midst of chaos and confrontation, an unexpected laughter rang out, disrupting the tense atmosphere that had settled over the battlefield. Takako's laughter, filled with a strange mix of defiance and resignation, echoed through the air, momentarily freezing the actions of both allies and foes alike.

Instead of fear and desperation, Takako laughed at the Onis surrounding him. He did not respond to Shuna nor did he react at the aggressive approach of the others.

As Takako lay pinned beneath the Onis' might, his laughter acted as a strange catalyst, prompting an uneasy ceasefire among the combatants. Eyes shifted, tension diffused momentarily, and a strange curiosity took hold as they watched the unfolding spectacle of the Oni reunion.

They watched the Oni reunion with deep interest.

"He's buying time! We need to move now!" Feldway suddenly shouted as he moved towards Ivarage.

But amidst this temporary pause, Feldway's urgency cut through the surreal moment. His sharp command shattered the fragile peace, reigniting the urgency of their mission. However, Takako's response, dripping with disdain, drew attention back to him.

"Home, you say?" After several minutes of stare down, Takako noticed that Feldway was getting impatient and was about to rush towards Ivarage when he suddenly answered and gathered the attention towards him.

"Feldway, you winged bastard! No wonder your master abandoned you lot and abandoned your kind!" Takako's words, though laced with mockery, carried a weight of truth that left everyone pondering.

"No. We were not abandoned, Master was extremely disappointed in his creation and as his servant, it is my duty to correct it." Feldway's cold retort revealed a twisted sense of duty, sparking a mix of disbelief and understanding among those present. His resolve to correct what he deemed as flaws in their creation painted a picture of loyalty, albeit one tinged with fanaticism.

"I don't have time to mind your idiocy, let us rush to Ivarage right this instant!" He shouted haughtily as he was getting visibly annoyed at the situation that's transpiring.


He quickly released his 'Haki' that enveloped everyone present!

"Ants like you should've never attempted to stand in my way!" He then said aggressively as he stared down at the members of the Triskaideka and the Dragon Corps!

Everything stopped.

The whispers of the wind vanished. The wailing of insects disappeared. The breathing of mortals faded.

From the high heavens to the deepest earth, everything stopped and remained stand still.

"Let's move! We are running out of time!" Feldway said hurriedly, seemingly feeling anxious.

Everyone from their entourage that could move immediately rushed towards the incarnating Ivarage and left those that can't move to fend for themselves.

"Fools." As they were nearing the place of the Zodiacs and Ivarage, they suddenly heard a voice that seemed like a divine punishment.

A hooded bastard floated way above them and they need to look up to even see a glimpse of his foot.

Velgrynd and Hinata narrowed their eyes at the strange bastard.

"This aura seems a little familiar." Velgrynd commented as she tried recalling where she sensed this aura.

Even Luminous Valentine felt a little familiar with this aura, although she can't move in the suspended world, her senses and thoughts were running at full speed.

"That's the human who invaded my territory!!" Both Velgrynd and Luminous came at the same conclusion at the same time.

"You, I'm assuming that you're the one who killed that pig Vega? I sensed your aura alongside him before it disappeared." Hinata said, unaware of the thoughts of Velgrynd and Luminous.

"Hee Hee Hee. Beautiful ladies really do carry frightening instincts." The hooded person laughed sillily and said casually.

"Who are you? What's your connection with them?" Feldway questioned arrogantly, however, he was guarded towards the unknown person.

"Me?" Kael pointed to himself and tilted his head to the side.

"Hmmm... Now that you've mentioned it, I'm also curious about our relationship." Kael answered while making dumb facial expressions.

Leon was getting seriously annoyed at the antics of Kael, but there was nothing he could do as even though Kael seemed carefree, he was not giving away any openings.

Even Guy and the True Dragons were threading cautiously in front of the True Hero.

"Come on! Don't be like that, I'm just doing my job here." Kael said defeatedly as he threw his hands in the air.

"Get out of the way and I'll spare you!" Feldway threatened coldly but he did not make a move.

Kael looked at him solemnly, but he suddenly grinned like an idiot after several seconds, causing them to frown further.

"You are a disappointment." Out of nowhere, the air around Kael turned deadly and he declared coldly!

"All of you are!!" He then shouted as he released his very own 'Hero's Haki'.

"I came here to test my strength, but this is all that the world could offer?! How pathetic!" He shouted aggressively but he chose his words carefully, unaware that the background of the Empyrium has already been exposed.

"Who did you call a disappointment?! I am master's greatest creation, the very first being born in this world! You are nowhere near my foot!" Feldway lashed out as he donned his God-grade equipment.


An unnamed God-grade armor that's exuding ominous energy enveloped him while 'Ark', a God-grade sword personally created by Veldanava, was held tightly in his right hand.

"You are. Your Master is also a disappointment since he created you." As Feldway was transforming, Kael coldly walked towards him while playing with his God-grade pair of dagger.

"What kind of death do you want?" Kael asked sinisterly as he eyed Feldway.




As Kael was taking his time to play with Feldway, Guy and the others cleverly flew towards Ivarage after making a scapegoat out of Feldway.


An audible sigh escaped from Kael's mouth as he already expected this.


He snapped his fingers loudly then the stillness of the world evaporated. Everything moved and the sounds returned.




A cacophony of beast roars echoed in the Barren Lands as the 'Suspended World' was lifted by Kael.

"You aren't capable of disturbing them." Kael said slowly as he resumed his walk towards Feldway.

Feldway was visibly shaken, as the 'Suspended World' cannot be undone by someone who is on par or below the caster. Since Kael could cancel out the 'Suspended World' that Feldway casted, it can only mean that Kael is someone that they can't defeat!

"Why are you doing this?" Feldway asked emotionlessly

"Hmm... Nothing, I'm just bored." Interestingly, Kael answered casually, refusing to leak any kind of information.

Feldway snorted and retreated in proportion to the steps that Kael is taking.

"You are indeed a coward." Kael said mockingly.

Feldway kept his silence as Kael was indeed correct.

"I already noticed it earlier, but you sure have a thick face embedded on you. Not only are you pressuring others to rush towards the Lizard, but you also never took the lead to charge towards him."

"Why could it be? Are you preserving your strength? Is it cautiousness? Or...."

"Are you perhaps afraid of the Zodiacs?" Kael grinned menacingly as he questioned Feldway.

Feldway narrowed his eyes but still kept quiet.

"It doesn't matter, none of them will ever reach the Zodiacs or if they are lucky, they might have the chance to be erased by one of them." Kael said as he suddenly vanished and blended in the shadows.

"Don't worry, this is as far as my interference will get. Do your worst, Phantom." His voice echoed in the surroundings as his presence faded like it was never there to begin with.


Feldway did not stand on ceremony and quickly dashed towards Ivarage. He was not confident in dealing with Kael, but dealing with the Zodiacs should still be bearable.


However, before he got near the Zodiacs, a blade grazed his cheek and a small amount of blood gushed out.

"You!!" Feldway's composure already crumbled after the repeated humiliation he experienced.

"Take another step and you're dead!" Takako coldly threatened, even though the difference in strength was worlds apart. Takako was unyielding, after all, he was not powerless in front of Feldway.

"Fucking ant! Know your place!" Feldway shouted as he tried casting the 'Suspended World' again.


However, he heard a finger snap, and his 'Suspended World' was cancelled.


"Don't even think about stopping time again." Takako whispered as his blade missed the mark.

"Tsk! Fine, I'll kill you." Feldway said slowly but the air around him was already distorted.

Dancing Blade of the Hibernating Fog.

Takako did not put on airs anymore and released one of his powerful attacks. This attack was so powerful that it sent one of the Primordial Demon into reincarnation without knowing what transpired.

"Child's play. Don't tell me that you intend to hold me back with just this?" Feldway said as he casually blew away the mist of Takako.


However, the mist did not budge or was it blown away causing Feldway to snort in annoyance.

"These tricks are useless." Feldway threw away his annoyance and calmness and indifference returned to his face.

After sensing the location of Guy and the others, a rare smile was etched unto his face.

"Your action were futile as they did not bore any fruit. They have already reached Ivarage." Feldway said emotionlessly.

"Sigh! Zodiacs, this is as far as we can hold them. I am ashamed of our incompetence." Takako also received the transmission at the same time, however, he was extremely calm.

Feldway felt that something was wrong, and he narrowed his eyes. 

As both of them stood motionlessly, both of them suddenly felt powerful auras near the Zodiacs.

"It seems like Chiasa and the others are still holding them back." Takako commented as he smiled towards Feldway.


Feldway clicked his tongue in annoyance as he can't accept that a mere Divine Oni was blocking his path successfully. These beings that could be crushed with a wave of his hand kept biting him nonstop, he doesn't want to use unnecessary strength to deal with these pests as the Zodiacs and Ivarage were a far greater threat.

Guy and the others have similar ideas and the Triskaideka and the Dragon Corps utilized this fact and was successful in holding back the enemies' entourage.

If the Zodiacs were not present and were not releasing their deadly auras, Guy and the others would have long reached Ivarage, the Triskaideka and the Dragon Corps would also have long been annihilated.

Holding back someone who's not willing to waste even an ounce of strength in fighting is child's play for the current forces of the Empyrium.

Thus, Takako continuously harassed Feldway and did not give him any kind of breather.

He threw out everything he had, draining his energy reserves and even tapping on his very life force to accomplish his mission!

Every Commanders have done the same, giving away their very life to ensure the success of the mission.

Chiasa, Axelle, Florence, Odette, Amar, Tamadur, Iweala, Kamaria, Sonia, Milano, Meng and Ehecatl.

These Commanders were hanging on just a thread of their life, but they refuse to yield and even bow down, albeit battered and on the brink of death, continued their fierce resistance, showcasing their ultimate skills in a desperate bid to fulfill their mission.

'Ultimate Skills' and 'Ultimate Gifts' of these Commanders were on full display, showcasing their terrifying mastery over their respective domains.

Their Lieutenants did not retreat and also squeezed their 'Unique Skills' dry to hold back the enemies.


"Leo, you have to make a choice already, those guys will die if you delay any further." Taurus said towards Dwarven Zodiac.

Leo frowned deeply as she fell into a deep dilemma.

She has to make a choice, to abandon the others or not.

"Wake the fuck up, Leo! This isn't like you!" Aquarius, the Elven Zodiac, shouted towards Leo in an annoyed voice.

"You really have the guts to be in a trance in the middle of a crucial mission. To think that you even bear the highest authority." Scorpio said disdainfully towards Leo.

Leo wanted to retort back but her reasoning kept her compose, now's not the time to be rattled and be disturbed.


Leo inhaled then exhaled audibly.

"Virgo, I don't want them to reach this place." Leo said emotionlessly, the trademark of the Leader of the Zodiac.

Virgo looked at Leo for a moment then nodded her head silently.


She immediately left the formation and rushed towards the Triskaideka and the Dragon Corps.

"I still remember the days when she used to talk too much." Taurus blurted out of nowhere.

All the Zodiacs looked towards him with confusion and disgust.

"Ahem! I didn't mean it that way." Taurus defended himself and evaded the deadly gazes of his fellow Zodiacs.

Virgo dashed towards them as she expertly hid her aura and presence.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Resounding explosions occurred below her as she watched silently.

Several moments later, there were already 8 imposing shadows standing quietly behind her.

Virgo has silently casted Empress' Call!

The Ant King

The Beetle King

The Bug King

The Fly King

The Butterfly King

The Cricket King

The Dragonfly King

And the strongest of them all, the Spider Duke.

They stood in silence behind Virgo as they awaited orders, after several minutes of silently watching below, Virgo turned towards them, and she gestured a hug.

The Kings and the Duke were dumbfounded at the sight of their mother, but they still went to hug her, nonetheless.

Virgo nodded her head vigorously and smiled towards her children, she then pointed down below and said nothing.

The Spider Duke was the first to come forward and knelt as he said respectfully, "Thy majesty, one wishes to endeavor thou heads to thee the ones I'm cleaning up."

Virgo looked deeply at his eloquent son and smiled as she nodded her head.

Spider Duke slowly rose up and turned towards the other Insect King.

"Move, you dumbasses! Don't make Her Majesty wait!" The Spider Duke shouted towards his siblings and flew downwards with the speed of light.

Virgo looked at the departing backs of her children and sighed heavily and for the first time since her induction to the Legendary seat of Virgo in the Zodiacs, she spoke to cast her 'Ultimate Skill'!

"Growth of the Glamorous World."


Intense energies escaped Virgo's eight spider legs as it threatened to rip her apart, these energies then morphed into figures that looked exactly the same as her 8 children!

Gasp! Gasp! Gasp!

Virgo greedily gasped for breath as she bore the side effects of casting her 'World System Skill', however, her exhaustion does not stem from using too much energy but from the pain and guilt of a mother sending her children to their deaths.

Virgo watched as the crystallized form of her energies rushed and entered the bodies of the 8 Kings, although Spider Duke never inherited the name of a 'King', he was still considered one as he is the strongest general under the Empress, Virgo.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Just as the Dragon Corps and Triskaideka were duking it out with their enemies, 8 terrifying fluctuations of energy erupted that earthquake shook the Central World!

Their auras were much more powerful than that of Chiasa and a little bit weaker than a Zodiac.

With their arrival, the tides of battle tilted towards the Empyrium as the 8 of them specifically fought against the most terrifying people of the enemy side, with them containing Guy Crimson, Milim Nava, Feldway, Chloe Aubert, Veldora, Velgrynd, Velzard and the Heroes called upon Masayuki, the Triskaideka and Dragon Corps were able to take a little breather.

"Chiasa, who are those monsters?" Takako asked the Elven Commander while fighting off Benimaru, displaying his absolute strength as he looked down on the Flame Lord.

"I have no idea as well, but I guess that they are on our side." Chiasa said calmly after fending off Hinata.

Shing! Shing! Shing!

Benimaru and Takako engaged in a brutal swordfight, displaying their extreme mastery of the way of the sword.

"You must be Diablo." As Diablo, the Black Primordial, was watching intently the fight of Benimaru, a voice that sounded like lightning echoed from behind him.

'What?! I never felt any presence!' Diablo's instincts kicked in as he clawed quickly towards his back.

"Why are you attacking aimlessly?" A voice that reverberated like the sound of lightning whispered in the ear of Diablo.

As Diablo turned his head, he saw a majestic white tiger filled with dazzling blue lightning marks all over its body.

A magical beast of the Lightning Tiger Variant!

Meng walked regally towards the stunned Diablo as lightning was seeking out of his every pores.

"Kufufufufu! To think that a mere beast wishes to challenge me. How laughable... Truly laughable." Diablo laughed maniacally as he looked down on Meng.

As Meng went to intercept Diablo, while Takako held down Benimaru and Chiasa was pushing back Hinata.

Zegion was left unchecked.

Even the 4 Heavenly Kings of Milim were running amok.

The difference in numbers is already manifesting itself.

The battlefield was now gripped with chaos, energy flares, and an undeniable tension as both sides readied themselves for the inevitable climax. The fate of the Triskaideka, the Dragon Corps, and the world hung in the balance.

DarkPrison DarkPrison

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