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21.21% The Best Gift Ever / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Capítulo 7: Chapter 7


At this moment I'm happy as I haven't been for a long time, well, not only at this moment, but I had also woken up in a very good mood, and for me everything is wonderful, and I couldn't say a specific reason.

The moment I left the orchard, leaving both Carlota and Kevin impressed, I went to the house to get something to drink, and before I could enter it, Ana caught up with me and ended up entering the house before me.

"Hi Ana, I thought you'd be with Gabriela outside." I heard my mother say, "Mommy is coming." Ana said pointing at me and everyone turns to the door and stares at me in a weird way I must say, what I don't understand what's happening now for them to look at me like that. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, frowning. "For nothing. Why do you come inside?"

"I'm thirsty." I said, "At least today you're not so grumpy." murmured my sister, probably hoping I wouldn't hear it, but unfortunately for her, I had. "Yeah. I'm not grumpy, but do not test me"

"Don't start arguing in the morning, please I'm asking you." Asked grandma "I'm not going to argue, I'm just saying." commented my sister with a big smile on her face "Look what time it is, and your daughters don't wake up Sonia." protested grandma "I'll go now to wake them up, it's time for them to get up."

"You don't need to go aunt, I can go." I said with a big smile on my face "Okay, make sure they get up and don't stay in bed, they always do the same thing when we come on vacation." she replied, and I nodded "Don't worry they won't go to bed again." I assured "Can I go with you mommy?" asked Ana and I nodded "Of course I do, we're going to have a good time."

"Don't put up a prank Gabriela," my grandmother said, pointing at me "I'm not going to do anything grandma, don't worry, I'll just wake them up." I assured "I hope so." she murmured "Don't worry, see you." I said, "Weren't you thirsty?" asked my mother "I'll get something in the house, don't worry about that. Come on, princess."

Ana got up from the chair she had sat in a couple of minutes ago, took my hand, and we headed outside the house. "Mommy, didn't Kev have to come with us?" asked the girl curiously "Yes, I'm sure he's in the garden talking to the guys." I said, "And what are we going to do to wake up them up?"

"Well, I don't know for sure yet, I'll come up with something. Kev, are you coming or what? Ana and I want to wake up the guys downstairs, so hurry up." I said louder so he could hear me in "Yeah, yeah" Ana supported and luckily for everyone we didn't have to wait too long for Kev to appear. We walked to the other house and once there, entered the house and I went to the kitchen to get everything I needed which is nothing more than a bottle of water from the fridge and water to drink myself, while I passed Ana a juice.

"Why do you need the water mommy?" asked Ana "You'll see, it will be an effective way to wake Nerea." I said with a big smile on my face "U zult het niet, zal u? (You won't, will you?)" Kev asked, and my smile widened if possible "Wacht maar af. (Wait and see)"

My cousin burst out laughing and we headed upstairs, first of all, we went to Roberta's room to wake her up, and I told them my plan, at first Kevin didn't agree, but I convinced him in the end, so Ana enters the room screaming that Kevin was burning down the kitchen, to which Roberta quickly got up and was going downstairs when she saw both me and Kevin laughing.

"Can you tell me what makes you laugh?" Asked my cousin a little bit angry "Your face was so funny, if you saw it right now, you would laugh." I laughed "So it was all a prank?" Roberta asked and I nodded "Of course, I can't believe you thought I set the kitchen on fire."

"You're stupid" my cousin commented, "We're not, but we're here to tell you it's time to get up, it's one o'clock and you're still in bed." I pointed out "I'm sleepy, it's that a problem?" she asked "If you didn't bring a man to your bed, this wouldn't be happening" Roberta rolled her eyes and I laughed again "Nee, qe hebben niemand me naar huis genomen, mar we hebben niet allemaal zoveel gelik als jij dat er iemand is die je seks geeft wanneer je mar wilt, veste neef. (No, we didn't bring anyone into the house, not all of us are as lucky as you are to have someone to give you sex whenever you want, dear cousin.)" Roberta tried to defend herself "Dat is waar, mea culpa. (That's true, mea culpa) "Okay, I'm going now, but I'll end up killing you for this, Gabriela."

"You won't do it and we all know that. Besides, if you tried, you would never get there and you know it." I assured, knowing at this moment my pregnancy is protecting me from many things. "Je bent een "eikel , Gabriela (You are a cunt, Gabriela)" Roberta protested "Ik weet het, sea het is de duidelijke waarheid . (I know, but it's the truth.)"

With that, Roberta entered her room and we headed to Nerea's room where I poured some of the water, I taken out of the refrigerator a couple of minutes ago and ended up having to run out of the room. While we were running through the house, I heard how Kev and Ana were laughing at the situation, and I started to go down the stairs to leave, when on the last step I put my foot wrong and ended up falling to the ground.

"Dat is wat je krigt als je koud water over jezelf giet om me wakker te maken. (That's what you get for pouring cold water on me to wake me up.)" Nerea commented with a smile on her face. "What was that noise?" Kevin, Roberta and Ana were coming down the stairs laughing when they saw me on the floor, and in my opinion, Roberta exaggerated a little.

"Shit Gabriela, moet je nu echt dom zijn? Zeg me dat je je maag geen pijn gedaan. (Shit Gabriela, do you really have to be being stupid at this moment? Tell me you haven't hurt your abdomen.)" asked my cousin to which I denied "Er is grandkids my met mij , ik ben in order . Je zus heft gelijk en ik verdien het nadat ik haaar wakker heb gemaakt. (There's nothing wrong with me, I'm fine. Your sister is right and I deserve it after how I woke her up.)"

"At least you agree with me on that." Nerea murmured "Hij heeft geen gelijk, dus zwijg en ga meteen aankleden. (She's not right, so shut up and get dressed already.)" Roberta said angrily, but I don't think with her sister " Gezichtsstemming die je's ochtends hebt , zuster . (What a mood you have in the morning, sister.)" With that, Nerea went upstairs and both Kev and Ana went to the kitchen. "Come on, get up before something else happens to you." Roberta asked "I'm fine Roberta, nothing's wrong with me."

And at that moment when I'm going to get up, I placed my hand on the ground, and it hurts enough for me to stop using force on it. "What's wrong with you Gabriela? Did you get dizzy or something?" My cousin asked in a worried tone. "No, it just hurts my hand, nothing is wrong." I supported myself with my other hand and stood up. I guess I had hurt myself the moment I fell. I headed to the kitchen where both Kev and Ana were while behind me, Roberta was sulking.

"Sit on the chair, I'll look at your hand." While she's sulking around the kitchen looking for something, Ana sat next to me with a big smile and Kev laughing at me and Roberta. "Voor een keer inje leven gedraag je je al seen klein meisje Gabriela. (For once in your life you're behaving like a little girl, Gabriela.)"

"Yes, she's doing it and at the worst time. Is it not clear to you what the doctor told you the time you were admitted or what?" Roberta asked frustrated. "I remind you I was more drugged than anything else, I practically didn't understand anything, Roberta." As soon as she found what she was looking for, my cousin approached me and started looking at my hand. I must admit it hurt, especially when I moved it in circles.

"Ter informatie, en zoals je weet, is het riskant dus doe mij een plazier om niet onzin te doen zoals je net deed. Ik zweer je datk de voorkeur geef aan de verantwoordelijke Gabriela en dat ze no bord breekt. (Well, for your information, and as you know, it's risky, so do me a favour and not do stupid things like the one you just did. I swear I prefer the responsible Gabriela who doesn't break a plate.)" said my cousin and I rolled my eyes "Wat es ridiculous? (What is risky?)" Kevin asked with a frown. "Nothing and do me the favour of not worry so much Roberta, I already get Alex's worried enough."

"It seems like you don't understand what they told you, anything you could do, and you lose it Gabriela. Is that what you want?" She asked and I denied "Of course not." I assured, "Well then, stop doing stupid things and start taking care of yourself as you should, come on, you're not up for games anymore." Roberta insisted, "You really are worse than mom, not even if you were my mother." I murmured, "Well, you can be sure if Aunt Lara and Grandma find out, they will scold you, let alone how Alex finds out."

"Hey, hey, hey. Can't I have fun?" I asked, a little upset with the situation, because I don't think it's that big of a deal. "Of course you can do it, but with sense, not crazy." Roberta responded a little bit calm "Okay, okay, forgive me." I apologized even though I'm upset. "You have a sprain; you can be happy with your work for the day."

"I don't know what's wrong with you all today, Gabriela can do whatever she wants, and it's good she enjoys life, she's at an age to do so. She more than anyone has the right to do it, she grew up faster than any of us, she's Ana's mother, at some point she can behave like a girl too." Kev pointed out, "That's why I say it because she's going to be a mother." Roberta commented, which makes me turn in her direction with a threatening look, because the last thing I need is for Kev to find out that way "She already is." answered Kevin "And it will be. At least tell me you didn't make an effort all this time."

"I didn't do anything, I spend my time at Alex's house and he won't let me do anything." I said down "Ik begrijp grandson dat jij on alex moeite moeten doen . Wat hebben ze je verteld op de dag dat je werd opgenomen, zodat je nu allebei gek bent, zodat je geen moeite doet? (I don't understand why you and Alex insist on her not doing anything. What did they tell her when she was admitted that now you're both going crazy so she doesn't make efforts?)"

"That's because your dear cousin is…" At that moment I got up and covered Roberta's mouth because I didn't want her to say anything. I know she's angry and all, but that's no reason to tell him I'm pregnant, not right now. "Denk er niet eens aan om je mond open te doen, Roberta. (Don't even think about opening your mouth Roberta)"

"Is what? What's happening with everyone today?" Kevin asked in an annoyed tone, probably because he had no idea what we were talking about. "She just woke up in a bad mood, so don't pay attention to her, you know how she is." I said, "But what was she going to say?"

I looked at Roberta with a threatening look that only she could see, and I noticed a slight nod, so I uncovered her mouth and sat down again. "I meant she's half crazy." She finally said, "I wouldn't describe her as half crazy, rather I would say she's hopelessly old, but if you think she is half crazy, that's up to you." Kevin responded, shrugging his shoulders, "Gabriela, now be still with your hand because I'm going to bandage it."

Nerea came down to breakfast while Roberta was bandaging my hand, and the first one had a cup of milk and some cereal, and as soon as she sat down next to me, I noticed a horrendous smell that made me run to the sink to vomit everything I ate this morning. Everyone came up except Nerea and started asking me what's wrong with me, which they were exaggerating, because I felt fine, just that smell had made me vomit, that's all.

"I'm fine, don't worry." I said, "You were fine a moment ago, now you throw up, that's not fine." Kevin pointed out in a worried tone. "I am, I just got a very bad smell that made me vomit, that's all." When Nerea approached us, that smell returned, and I realized it's the milk she's drinking, which had that unpleasant smell. "Don't even think about approaching me with that in your hand, Nerea." I asked and she frowned "But what's wrong with you now?" She asked confused, "Don't you realize the milk stinks? It must be bad."

"Impossible, we bought it yesterday." She pointed out and I denied, "Well, it smells bad, am I really the only one who smells it?" I asked looking at the rest. "Nerea, get away from her." Roberta asked kindly. "Now I won't be able to get close to her after what she did to me this morning." She protested, "You can do it if you don't have the milk with you. I want to have that as far away from me as possible."

"I don't understand what's happening, but we have to go upstairs so they don't come looking for us downstairs, especially if you don't want Alex to worry something happened, which he will when he sees your hand." Roberta said with a small smile on her face. "Well, I'm leaving right now, I don't want to keep smelling that"

Ana and I leave through the door to go to the other house again and it doesn't take long for Roberta to catch up with us. "Are you really going to tell me you didn't smell that?" I asked, surprised they hadn't smelled it. "It just smelled like milk, like always, only you smelled that." My cousin responded and I denied, rolling my eyes. "Oh okay, now I'm crazy."

"No, you're not, it's because of the pregnancy, now you have all your senses at one hundred percent, that's why it happened." She answered, "I always have them at one hundred percent, apart from the sight, but the rest are at one hundred percent." I assured, "What I mean is right now your body is changing, not everything is going to be the same as always."

"Great, so now the kid is going to change everything." I said a little annoyed, but not exactly with the child. "Whether you like it or not, that's what's going to happen, you're going to have to put up with it now." responded "This is looking better and better." I muttered "Ha, en je stemming lijkt snel te verandeern . op dit moment lijkt je boos te zijn . (Yes, and it seems like your mood changes quickly. You seem to be angry right now.)"

"I'm not." I assured even though I am "I only say what I see." She started laughing and I couldn't help but laugh too. It may be my mood has been changing rapidly lately, but I couldn't do anything about it, plus when I was with Alex it didn't usually change drastically, which is a large part of the day, if not the entire day, so it wasn't something I must have been so worried about.

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