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57% Multiversal Library / Chapter 107: DXD 25

Capítulo 107: DXD 25

I took a moment to catch my breath, my heart still pounding with the remnants of adrenaline. The battle had been swift, lasting only a few intense minutes. While I wouldn't categorize it as a particularly challenging encounter, I couldn't deny the nagging realization that going up against a Tier 5 opponent with superior divine domains would pose a formidable challenge.

The relentless spawning of monsters, a tactic employed by the creature, had proven to be its downfall. The moment it summoned the army, it depleted a significant amount of its divine power. In the context of our one-on-one confrontation, it proved to be an inefficient strategy, both in terms of cost and overall power. While its domain of monsters on a grand scale was undeniably potent, potentially allowing it to conquer weaker dimensions, it fell short in the face of a direct, personal confrontation.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the other domains it possessed hadn't been as developed as the initial one. Had it fully harnessed the power of consuming and mutation, the battle of attrition may have tilted in its favor, surpassing my own capabilities. But fortune favored me in this instance, allowing me to outlast and overcome the creature's attempts to adapt to my attacks.

Upon reflection, had I recognized those divine domains from the very beginning, I doubt I would have initiated the attack. The risks were too high, and there were too many unknown factors.

Fortunately, the outcome of the battle only left Olivia shaken but unharmed, and my armor in ruins. To be honest, Olivia needed a wake-up call, as it seemed our encounter with Izanami wasn't sufficient for her to grasp the reality of the situation. Additionally, the armor I had been relying on desperately needed an upgrade, as it proved utterly ineffective against the formidable adversaries we now faced.

A sense of excitement surged within me as I beheld the remnants of the colossal snake. With a grin stretching across my face, I knew that once again I had acquired valuable materials for my crafting endeavors. Swiftly, I teleported myself next to the remains and proceeded to will up an analysis spell. The spell scanned through the remains, extracting all biological information and depositing it directly into my mind.

Once the analysis was complete, I activated [Disassemble]. Infusing an immense amount of mana into the skill, a burst of energy emanated from me. Before my eyes, the body of the beast began to unravel. Its skin detached itself from the body, the flesh separated from the bones, and each intact organ stood before me, neatly arranged in piles.

Recognizing the potential value of the skin, venom glands, bones, fangs, and the solitary remaining eye of the beast, I carefully stored them into my inventory. These materials brimmed with divine energies, and I harbored the hope that these residual powers would prove instrumental in my future crafting endeavors.

After securing the materials in a safe place, I made a mental note to conduct further research on harnessing and utilizing the divine energies infused within them. Hopefully, I could bring out both the mutation and the consuming aspect of it. It was an exciting prospect, knowing that these extraordinary components could potentially enhance the properties of my future creations.

A moment of contemplation enveloped me as I entertained the idea. "Hmm... Perhaps I should delve into leatherworking or even tailoring. I could fashion mage robes using the skin," I mused aloud. Suddenly, a thought struck me, causing me to pause. "Considering the logic of classes, there must be something akin to a Soul Weaver or Mana Weaver. I'm willing to wager that it requires a prerequisite like a Tailor class or a related skill."

With newfound determination, I made a mental note to explore the possibilities of expanding my skill set, envisioning the potential paths that lay before me in the realm of crafting and magic.

The constant barrage of blinking system notifications continued competing for my attention, but their urgency had to be momentarily set aside. Olivia, sensing the subsiding of my emotions, persistently tried to reach out through [Link]. However, instead of responding, I released all my active skills and channeled the remnants of my divine energies to rupture the dimensional barrier encompassing this reality and walked through the newly formed gateway.

As the portal sealed shut behind me, a colossal wave of unwavering belief generated from fear crashed over me, coursing through my veins and transmuting into a torrent of divine energies that slowly replenished my near-depleted reserves.

But that wasn't the only thing that struck me at that moment. I was met with a sight of a tearful, disheveled Olivia, her love for me radiating from every fiber of her being. With unyielding affection, she flung herself into my arms, peppering me with kisses while meticulously assessing my well-being. Her endearing expression of worry, coupled with the strength of her embrace, painted a vivid portrait of genuine concern and devotion for my safety.

"It's all right, as you can see, I'm completely unscathed," I declared confidently, patting her back, trying to reassure her. However, despite the tender affections, I couldn't ignore the fact that Olivia had witnessed me being torn apart. In her eyes, I must have been on the brink of death, with my very essence dangling precariously by a thread. Luckily, she remained blissfully unaware of the full truth behind the events involving [Soul Cohesion].

"What in the name of Hestia happened back there?!" she exclaimed, after calming down, but her grip on me refused to loosen, her embrace an unyielding testament to her concern.

"Nothing much, I'll share the memory later on, but long story short, the beast inside of the planet came back for revenge," I nonchalantly replied, shrugging my shoulders as if the encounter had been a mere inconvenience. "We engaged in a little dance of fists, or rather, swords and tails."

"You reckless fool! Why did you push me through the portal? I could have helped you!" Her accusatory tone echoed through the air, but I met her gaze with a stoic expression and chose to lay bare the truth.

"Really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, "While your [True Cut] could have been useful, along with your boosting abilities, you wouldn't have stood a chance. Your life would have been snuffed out within seconds of the battle's start."

She released me, her hurt expression and crossed arms betraying her wounded pride. "Now you're just exaggerating!" she protested.

"Not in the slightest," I retorted, shaking my head. "I was locked in combat with a gargantuan serpent, a creature the size of a planet. It barraged me relentlessly with a stronger version of this," I explained, raising my finger skyward and unleashing a controlled surge of [Kinetic Burst]. At that moment, a realization struck me—perhaps demonstrating the skill on a planet with an atmosphere might have not been the wisest choice.

The earth beneath us quaked as the sheer force of kinetic energy erupted from my finger, reshaping the terrain and causing the glassy surface to crumble. The atmosphere was abruptly cleared in a fifty-kilometer radius as the miniature bolt made out of kinetic energy propelled itself into space, cleaving through the moon with unstoppable force.

"Ah... I might have inadvertently damaged the ozone layer as well," I murmured, watching the colossal storm clouds gather, fueled by the residual heat from my previous obliteration of New York. Before long, a tornado the size of the old city descended upon us.

"What in the actual hell, Andy!" Olivia's voice was filled with shock and disbelief, her hair disheveled from the sudden, hurricane-strength wind, eyes widening as she witnessed the moon disintegrating before her very eyes.

"Yes, yes, I know... I'll fix it. Just give me a moment," I replied, my tone laced with a mixture of annoyance and remorse, at my own stupidity.

I extended my arm, directing my focus toward the disintegrating celestial body, as cracks of raw energy reverberated through the air, resonating with the power of mana at my command. With a vibrant teal flash of light, the moon became cloaked in an ethereal glow, and a subtle twist of my palm in a counterclockwise motion compelled time itself to bend to my will. The fragments of rock, reminiscent of entire cities, began to hover weightlessly, floating back into their rightful positions like interlocking pieces of a grand puzzle. Before the eyes of the world, the moon underwent a miraculous mending, made whole once more, while my divine reserves soared to unprecedented heights.

In a spectacular display, another surge of mana surged forth from within me, colliding with the tempestuous storm that encircled us. In an instant, the once-raging clouds yielded to the commanding force, succumbing to its influence as they dissipated and calmed, revealing a serene and clear sky in a matter of mere seconds.

You might be wondering how I managed to manipulate mana on such an immense scale and over such a vast distances. The truth is, I wasn't. Instead, I employed the technique of bending space around the celestial object, effectively shrinking the perceived distance between it and me. This compression allowed me to confine the entire region of the whole moon within my limited range of complete mana dominance. It was a technique similar to the one I used during my previous fight, one that had substantially mitigated my range limitations and granted me newfound freedom in wielding my powers.

"See? Good as new," I declared triumphantly, offering Olivia a proud grin. However, my enthusiasm quickly waned as I was met with her deadpan expression, leaving me to awkwardly shift my gaze elsewhere. "So, as I was saying," I continued, mustering a forced smile, "Given your current abilities, the situation would have been too overwhelming for you. You'll need to reach at least tier 4 and unlock a divine domain. Speaking of divine domains..." I squinted my eyes playfully at her before breaking into a delighted smile. "It seems you've almost collected enough power for your very own domain."

To be honest, it came as no surprise. Olivia, like a goddess of war, had fearlessly battled the invading monsters with blades and her bare hands right before the eyes of the public with cameras rolling. In this digital age, keeping such a feat a secret was nearly impossible. Even my own divine energies were overflowing, however, mine were fueled not by adoration or gratitude, but by the raw emotions of fear and terror. It wasn't that I couldn't have prevented such a spectacle, but in an unexpected turn of events, this situation presented an opportunity to harness additional divine energies without incurring any significant cost.

The distinctive sound of blades slicing through the air abruptly captured our attention, drawing our gaze to the horizon. Without relying solely on our heightened perception, we could discern the approach of numerous helicopters converging upon our location.

"It would be wise for us to depart," I suggested, recognizing the need for a retreat.

"Okay, but once we're back home, I expect an explanation of what happened on the other side," Olivia asserted with determination.

"Of course," I replied with a nonchalant shrug, utilizing my abilities to instantaneously transport us to the opposite side of the planet. The radiant midday sun bathed our living room in its warm glow as we settled onto the couch, ready to delve into the full account of my fight.

As I recounted the gripping details of the battle, I held nothing back, sharing my memories with Olivia, and allowing her to experience the fight in its entirety. The weight of the truth settled upon her, silencing any protests she had previously voiced. At that moment, she comprehended the gravity of the situation and recognized that her involvement would have been nothing more than a burden—a mere distraction that could have jeopardized us both. The realization washed over her, dissipating any lingering doubts or objections she may have harbored.

In that vulnerable moment, determination blazed within her eyes as she looked up at me, casting aside any remnants of pride. Her voice quivered with raw emotion as she finally revealed her true desire for assistance. "All I want is to be more than just a vessel for your desires, Andy," she confessed, her voice filled with earnest longing. "I yearn to stand proudly by your side, to contribute to your ambitions and aspirations. But I feel trapped, unable to progress on my own. So, I beg you, will you help me?"

A surge of admiration and affection welled up within me, witnessing her sincere plea for growth and self-realization. With a tender smile, I gently embraced her, conveying my unwavering support. "Of course, my love. I will stand by your side and guide you every step of the way," I assured her, my voice filled with devotion and determination.

In the ensuing days, our lives took on a welcomed sense of calm. However, our presence on the global stage became the subject of intense speculation and curiosity. News of our deeds spread far and wide, fueling rampant speculation about our true identities. As a result, our divine energies surged exponentially, propelled by the awe and intrigue surrounding us.

Some individuals viewed us with fear, perceiving us as super soldiers engineered for warfare. Others regarded us as messengers of the divine, seeing our actions as profound interventions guided by a higher power. This sentiment was further amplified by the fact that no new portals appeared following our intervention, leading many to interpret it as a sign of divine intervention or providence.

However, through the information channels of my ever-loyal underlings and Yasaka, I discovered that the supernatural part of the world was far from happy with our actions. In particular, there were certain gods whose domains had been directly affected by our actions. As it turns out there were a significant number of deities associated with the moon, and my actions with [Kinetic Blast] had stirred the ire of several among them.

Despite their outrage, however, none dared to take direct action against us - at least not yet. As I delved deeper into the memories of my loyal followers, I came to understand why. The gods knew that engaging in a battle would result in more harm than good, as their immense power could easily annihilate a planet of this size. Therefore, they refrained from encroaching on each other's domains, no matter how dissatisfied they might be with their current territories and followers.

Instead, they employed their followers as instruments of their will, manipulating events from behind the veil of secrecy to spark conflicts and claim new territories. While their thirst for power and influence was insatiable, the fear of mutual destruction proved too great to risk a direct confrontation.

Indeed, while we enjoyed a temporary respite from the gods' wrath by remaining on the planet, it became increasingly clear that we were not exempt from the intriguing and eventful challenges that lay ahead. The supernatural realm, though momentarily restrained by the fear of mutual destruction, would not remain dormant forever. As our actions continued to reverberate across the world, it was only a matter of time before the gods acted, and both Olivia and I needed to be ready for it.

During the tranquil days that followed, I took the opportunity to sift through the countless notifications that constantly reminded me of the battles I had fought. Among them were the kill notifications, informing me about the measly 2.7 million experiences I gained from the fight. The most significant portion of this came from the god I had slain, which resulted in a monumental leap in my class levels. In fact, one of my classes had even reached its maximum level, marking a remarkable milestone in my growth. Furthermore, the accumulation of experiences led to an increase in my global level by a single level, and at this point, it was a testament to the challenges I had overcome and the power I had gained.

As my Programmer class reached its maximum level, a whole new realm of possibilities opened before me. Six new classes emerged, each holding its own allure and potential. Among them were two magical classes: Cryptomancer and Cybermancer. These classes delved into the realms of magic, technology, cryptography, and cyber security, exploring the intricate interplay between these fields.

Additionally, there were three more mundane yet intriguing classes: Hacker, Codebreaker, and Data Architect. The latter two particularly caught my attention, as they presented promising prospects in the field of data manipulation and organization.

Lastly, there was Algorithmic Assassin, a combat-oriented class that harnessed the power of algorithms and computational techniques to execute deadly missions. Although not my initial inclination, the sheer novelty and unique skill set of this class sparked a certain fascination within me.

However, as I pondered these options, I found myself drawn back to an earlier unlocked class called Physicist. This class, rooted in the principles of physics and the understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe, resonated deeply with me.

Physicist 0/50

+4 INT, +1 WIS per level

Gain the skill [Creative Insight], allowing you to come up with unique and innovative solutions to problems.

Gain the skill [Analytical Mind], allowing you to quickly analyze and comprehend complex information and data.

Gain the skill [Scientific Method], allowing you to approach problems and challenges in a logical and systematic way.

Gain the skill [Einstein's Genius], granting you a passive increase in intelligence and insight that allows you to see things that others cannot.

The moment I embraced the power of the Physicist class, my mind detonated with an electrifying surge of energy. Neural pathways sparked with an intensity beyond comprehension, propelling my cognitive functions into a blistering frenzy.

In an instant, my mental faculties became a celestial tempest, a maelstrom of intellectual prowess that eclipsed all reason. My thinking surged at the speed of starlight, racing through the vast cosmos of knowledge with an unquenchable thirst for understanding. Concepts once enigmatic were now laid bare before me, their secrets unraveled by the searing brilliance of my enhanced cognition.

With each synapse firing like a supernova, I absorbed the profound intricacies of the universe. My awareness expanded to encompass the grand tapestry of existence, where the fundamental forces of reality danced to the symphony of creation. I could perceive the ebb and flow of energy, the curvature of spacetime, and the harmonious interplay of matter and antimatter.

[Creative Insight LVL: N/A]

- Amplifies the user's natural creativity and imagination, enabling them to generate unique and innovative solutions to problems.

- Enhances the user's ability to think outside the box and make unconventional connections between seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts.

- Stimulates divergent thinking, allowing the user to explore multiple perspectives and possibilities to find creative solutions

[Analytical Mind LVL: N/A]

- Heightens the user's cognitive abilities to quickly analyze and comprehend complex information and data.

- Boosts the user's critical thinking skills, enabling them to evaluate and assess information objectively and make logical deductions.

- Enhances the user's problem-solving skills by facilitating systematic and structured approaches to analyzing and solving problems.

[Scientific Method LVL: N/A]

- Instills in the user a logical and systematic approach to solving problems and challenges.

- Promotes hypothesis formulation, experimentation, and observation to gather and analyze data effectively.

- Encourages the application of evidence-based reasoning to draw conclusions and make informed decisions.

[Einstein's Genius LVL: 1/100]

- Provides a passive increase in perception and intelligence by 1/LVL, granting the user a broader perspective and deeper understanding of various subjects.

- Facilitates the ability to make connections between seemingly disparate ideas or concepts, leading to profound insights and discoveries.

- Enhances the user's intuition and allows you to perceive patterns and relationships that others might overlook.

The relentless evolution of my mind-forged a stark divide between my previous self and the formidable entity I had become. It was a transformation fraught with peril, for with each stride towards intellectual ascendance, the fires of my emotions were smothered, drowned in the relentless tide of logic and reason.

Like a voracious predator, my logical mind feasted upon the remnants of sentiment, devouring them with an insatiable hunger. The once vibrant hues of my emotions faded to monochrome, eclipsed by the cold, calculating brilliance of my expanded cognition. As the shackles of sentimentality fell away, I stood at the precipice of an unfeeling abyss, where reason reigned supreme.

However, amidst the overwhelming power and the loss of emotions, there remained a solitary fragment within me. A skill, radiant with a profound light, enveloped me in a warm embrace of love and affection. It was the last bastion of emotions that remained, a sanctuary preserved through [Soul Cohesion].

"So that's why..." I mumbled, as I finally realized the true purpose of that skill.

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