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78.26% One Piece - Thorny Path To Freedom / Chapter 90: Underworld

Capítulo 90: Underworld

Fred collected the heads of the pirates who had already accepted his death and the captain who didn't seem to be in her right mind and ignored the ships that were approaching them to investigate the situation and probably thank them for they help

Instead, Fred dived with his weird dolphin and sharks towards his main submarine

The Underworld!

After receiving the call Stephen opened the hatch of the secondary submarines through which Delfi stuck its head out to leave Fred inside. Immediately after Fred reverted the transformation and now inside his mobile home and with his secondary submarine in one of this pockets again, Fred began the post-naval battle tasks that only he could perform.

"First of all, arrange the Mecha-Sharks" Fred said to himself, to Stephen, to Perona... who was returning with her own body... and especially to the Mecha-Sharks as he headed towards their compartment. "Wait for me, I'm going"

Just as they had been trained, after a battle the Mecha-Sharks lined up in front of the hatch connected to the torpedo compartment, waiting for Fred to give them permission to enter.

"Mecha-Shark 1, inside" Fred said, taking roll call as if he were an elementary school teacher. "Wait your turn Mecha-Shark 2."

After receiving confirmation through the den den mushi incorporated into the earring of his ear, the aforementioned giant shark stuck its head out of the trapdoor and immediately Fred returned it to its original state, a lifeless metallic projectile just as heavy but much smaller.

That extrambotic-shaped projectile was then picked up and stored in its launch tube by Stephen's semi-automatic machine and the same process was repeated with all of his clones to get them ready for the next fight.

"And now give the spark of life" said Fred, putting his hand on the non-cutting parts of the inert mediums "Until the next fight guys"

To finish this process, once they were all stored, Fred personally imbued each and every projectile used with his ability to keep them ready until they needed to become the mighty Mecha-Sharks and thus avoid the process of giving them life in the middle of the next battle

Fred would only need to throw them into the sea and activate his Life Life No Mi to turn those projectiles already imbued with his aura into sharks.

"First task on the list done… on to the next…" Fred said through the mini den den mushi while changing rooms "Stephen, open the ammo funnel."

Not all of the ammunition Stephen used in this battle was explosive. Some of them, especially the one used to attack at close range, were heavy, piercing and cutting ammunition made of the same valuable, resistant and hard metal with which the armor of its creator was made and whose objective was to penetrate and devastate the interior of the enemy ships

Normally using that type of metal to create single-use ammunition would be a huge economic waste, even for a bounty hunter and wealthy businessman like Fred, but these rules changed when the Life Life No Mi came into play, for more than one reason

"Well, let's see how many ammunition we can recover" Said Fred as he felt and activated his power in each of the ammunition scattered around the area "Perfect…

The cores haven't been broken

We'll be able to spend less time manufacturing new ones"

Each and every one of those expensive munitions had inside a reinforced capsule that contained the bluish blood of Paul, a five-meter, fifty-kilogram moderately intelligent octopus with the exact mass of the UnderWorld's reusable cannon munition.

Like the Mecha-Sharks, the Mecha-Octopus were trained to unleash chaos after awakening inside or near an enemy ship and return to the Underworld once their task was finished, although on this occasion they hadn't attacked out of respect for Stephen.

There were several reasons why Fred chose a giant octopus as a hybrid bullet.

The first and most fundamental is that Fred didn't have better options at that time, although he didn't regret that limitation at all, since the results were better than expected even though it was difficult to train an octopus.

Its gelatinous yet powerful body, even more powerful now after being reinforced with high-quality metal with sharp parts, became a deadly and practically invulnerable weapon whether it was used to kill pirates or even sink ships.

Being so malleable and able to move even out of water, they're able to escape from practically anywhere. Even if the projectile they became had been buried in much rubble, they could find a way out, making it easier to recover valuable ammunition.

That ability to enter through narrow spaces also influenced the choice. Instead of a large hatch, they only needed a moderately sized funnel through which to enter the Underworld and easily reach the ammunition storage, repair, production, distribution and preparation room.

However, there was one more reason, perhaps the most important...

"The day I manage to make Paul regenerate all the parts of his body and not just his tentacles will be almost perfect" Fred said as he sat in his chair inside the ammunition room next to an assembly line. "Although it will be difficult to move the [Wolvering] project forward for now…

Until then..."

If a living being in hybrid form created by Fred was damaged, the object used as a medium received equivalent damage once the transformation was reversed, but the reverse also happened. If a medium impregnated with Fred's aura of life was damaged the living being that would be created would also be born damaged in an equivalent way. In the same way if the medium was repaired or the living being regenerated that damage will be reversed after transform or reverse the transformation

The ammunition used as a medium was incredibly resistant, so the deformations it suffered when impacting a ship weren't excessively serious and common. They had done many tests and there had been rare occasions in which part of its structure completely detached... and these advantages were capitalized with the octopus transformation

"8 have somewhat amputated tentacles, 13 have suffered minor cuts and the remaining 53 are in perfect condition" Said Fred, taking roll call once again while coordinating his creations to perform different tasks depending on their physical condition. "Not bad despite impacting against partly metal ships"

Their gelatinous body without a single bone was practically immune to the previous deformations that would have killed any vertebrate after birth. These deformations were reversed within a few seconds of their birth, thus being totally repaired instantly once Fred returned the ammunition to its original shape.

In the event of losing part of the ammunition structure upon impact, if that part was destined to become a tentacle it could regenerate within a day, even if it had been completely lost. Normal non-amputation wounds away from the tentacles healed quickly, also repairing the ammunition in the process...

And as for unforeseen fatal injuries due to a miscalculated and unfortunate impact...

Bad luck!

If they wanted to recover that ammunition they had to resort to more manual methods, although it used to be cheaper to make a new one from scratch.

"First I taught them how to fight, then how to return to the submarine, then how to take their medicine and finally how to behave and proceed detransformation area…" Fred said, exercising statically while applying the power of life through his hair on all the intact ammunition that passed near him thanks to the mounting tape. "On day I'll train you to predict sports results and finally…

Superstars in H films..."

The octopuses that had been injured began to be fed large amounts of [Wound Welder] and [Super Vigorating Shake] until their wounds healed to return the ammunition in perfect condition quickly. Those that were already in perfect condition were detransformed and added in an assembly line where Fred imbued them one by one, but efficiently with the spark of life to be ready for the next battle.

"All ammunition in order...

Now it's time for the following post-battle tasks..." Fred said after applying his power to all the ammunition, also those that had already recovered thanks to his concoctions. "A pain in the ass, but it's worth"

However, replenishing reusable ammunition wasn't the last of the tasks that only Fred could perform. The next stop was in the engine and generator room.

The UnderWorld had several sources of energy, one of them being the classic electric generator that generated its electricity through the mechanical force exerted by Fred, Stephen and now to a lesser extent Perona every time they pedalled in their respective exercise bikes and used other energy-efficient training tools 

A practically infinite source of energy thanks to the enormous strength and tireless dedication of the two teenagers and Fred's ability to generate food with the seawater that the submarine absorbed through specialized channels, with which they always have energy to continue pedalling and storing the energy in batteries

However, no matter how easy it was to obtain this clean energy and even in absurd quantities despite its origin. It wasn't practical, logical or desirable for a 350 meters long submarine that weighed 100,000 tons to move thanks to combined effort of two crazy people on bicycles

For this reason, the Underworld also had more conventional propulsion technology.

"Fred, you've spent 23 full charges with your evasion setup, replenish them all" Stephen said through the mini den den mushi while checking the status of Underwold in the command room "And along the way replenish the main deposit

It's at 90%, but it's better to take advantage of the trip"

"Yes, yes... I know... I know..." Fred answered, somewhat annoyed by having to go through so many different rooms in such a short time "I think that at this rate the post-battle replacement work will take me more time than the battle itself."

When they began to design the Underwold project, they envisioned the submarine having a hydrogen engine that would recharge the electric batteries and perform emergency propulsion with the same energy source

The idea was simple as well as ecological and self-sustainable.

In the same way they obtained oxygen to be able to breathe inside the submarine through the process of electrolysis of seawater separating H2O into Hydrogen and Oxygen, the resulting Hydrogen would be used to supply energy to the Underworld.

Nevertheless, no matter how nice this idea sounded, it wasn't without drawbacks. Practically the same drawbacks that unfortunately made the powerful and technically abundant fuel capable of putting space rockets on planet Earth inviable to be used massively in all means of transport

To generate hydrogen through hydrolysis, a lot of previous electrical energy was needed to separate the water molecules, much more electrical energy than the resulting gas was capable of returning after being used. And that happened even in the world of One Piece, where the laws of energy conservation were more lax!

It didn't matter that this process had certain synergies by simultaneously obtaining oxygen to breathe, the amount of hydrogen needed to power the ship far exceeded the crew's need for oxygen.

In addition to that, another enormous energy waste was added, which was to compress that hydrogen, which unfortunately is a gas with a fairly low energy density per unit of volume. 

If this hydrogen isn't compressed, the energy would be insufficient to propel the submarine despite the electrical waste. Furthermore, the cylinders would take up more space than the submarine itself, which in itself would take up a lot of space, even if they were concentrated it's ultimate capability 

No matter how much enthusiasm, effort and money that Stephen and Fred put into increasing the efficiency of the hydrogen extraction process, gas compression or increasing energy output with chemical or mechanical innovations, it was still a very ruinous fuel despite its great power… at least with clean electrolysis process

For this reason the directors of [FreedSteel] tried to find substitute fuels that were more efficient to produce, extract, store and use for their dream vessel... 

They tried their luck with oils of vegetable origin that could be grown inside the submarine, but at a certain point they gave up due to the logistical impossibility of growing and processing so many vegetables inside the submarine.

The main objective of the hydrogen engine wasn't to charge the batteries to move the submarine's propellers, but to have an emergency propulsion method like the Thousand Sunny, but with a fuel that could be obtained at all times and with greater power than the cola

It was a nuisance that generating hydrogen through hydrolysis required more energy than it was capable of generating, but they needed the explosive power of that always available for emergencies. It didn't matter if they had to pedal much more than necessary to fully operate the entire submarine, it was just another motivation to train.

Or that was until Fred gained ate the Life Life No Mi!

"It's a shame that the Hydrogen idea didn't work perfectly." Fred sighed as he entered the machinery room, where he also had a stationary bicycle strategically positioned next his workplace to use his time and effort efficiently. "Now I'll have to take care of this too."

"Don't complain, it was your idea" Stephen responded through the mini den den mushi "I had everything prepared for the hydrogen engine before you made me change everything"

Thanks to his practical power Fred was able to transform water into fuel in a much more economical way than with hydrolysis!

He just needed to get under the large tank that Stephen redesigned and use his powers to transform the seawater stored there into oil. But not just any oil, but the extremely flammable oil that Fred used to set an entire forest on fire in just a few seconds.

An oil obtained from a rare sunflower from the Grand Line called Buning Moonflower, a ridiculous antithesis of the sunflower that's difficult to grow because it's incapable of living under the sun. Its seeds are so flammable that they catch fire in a few seconds when exposed to the light but powerful rays of the sun.

Fred managed to acquire one of these specimens at a high price in the hope of being able to genetically modify to increase it's to be more productive and easier to grow to obtain a plant fuel capable of replacing hydrogen as a method of locomotion.

Fred had made quite a bit of progress over the years, increasing the oil productivity considerably and had plenty of room for improvement, although unfortunately his cultivation was still not overly profitable, much less inside a submarine.

However, that stopped being a problem once Fred was able to produce it in industrial quantities with the only cost of expending some of his scarce time and almost unlimited stamina, which he was grateful to expend since it was a form of training.

"Animal trainer and coordinator, ammunition recoverer and repairer... and also fuel creator and replenisher" Fred said to himself arrogantly while creating tons of fuel per second without realizing that the den den mushi was still open "Is there something that I don't do well?"

"Be humble!

KIAAHH!" Stephen, Perona and Hawky exclaimed at the same time.

"Please, no one can beat me on that" Fred responded with a thick British accent.

With this oil the Underworld crew managed to meet all their energy goals thanks to abundant, accessible, clean, sustainable and economically efficient oil. And undoubtedly covered their initial objective, feeding the powerful thrusters created by Stephen with Fred's idea… that he stole from Franky.

These thrusters were placed on the port, starboard, keel and sides and burned hundreds of liters in a second to propel the heavy Underworld in any possible direction, allowing it to dodge all types of attacks and even flee through the air like the Thousand Sunny if fleeing underwater were a problem

In fact, this functionality was infinitely enhanced with the change of ecological fuel, since Fred couldn't only create tons of oil from seawater in less than a second, he could also compress transforming it in little a tooth or even in a smaller organic material. A tooth that they could store very easily and destransform in fuel directly again when desired to feed the thrusters, giving the Underwold an almost unlimited Coup de Burst capacity from all directions.

"Main tank full and I have replenished the 999.999 additional charges, my work here is finished" Fred said as he stood up from his electric generation exercise bike "Maybe 999.999 is too many, but it's better to be proactive."

On top of that, they had an oil engine that was capable of powering the Underworld batteries completely efficiently. It was a great help, but it wasn't necessary to always have it running. Like any engine, especially a large one like this, it generated a lot of noise and that could expose their location and be detected by the enemy or alert sea monsters that it was better to avoid. 

Therefore, although the engine was capable of generating all the electricity necessary to sustain the functions of the Underwold in the middle of an underwater underwater trip, it was better to recharge the batteries with that method on the surface and leave the submerged electricity generation to the bike guys

Be that as it may, thanks to these unique characteristics, the Underworld had the ability to navigate infinitely at 300 meters below sea level without needing to surface, especially since Fred could also provide all the necessary food.

"See you in the dining room, so much work has made me hungry."

Fred left the engine room and entered the living area of his underwater mobile home, which they strove to make welcoming despite the space limitations of a submarine despite their gigantic proportions 

Although they were few now they had future prospects, not counting the space necessary to operate the powerful submarine and other utilitarian elements, the Underwold had a total of 12 rooms, 3 bathrooms, a dining room, a kitchen, a workshop, a laboratory, a medical office with an operating room, a training room, a greenhouse and... a ghost room through which could only be accessed by breaking the wall, opening it with some strange ability like Fred's, or passing through it like Perona.

Stephen's favorite room on the entire ship, but the one Fred didn't pay a visit to now. There was no need to do it now, his priority was to replenish energy after a pretty hard day.

"Hello guys, what do you want to eat?

I invite you!" Fred said, bursting euphorically into the dining room as if he were a superstar in the prime of his career. "Hehehe...

Did you know that most deaths at sea are due to lack of supplies?

Well, you're fortunate enough to sail alongside a man who breaks all laws of logistics.



"You've been saying the same thing for days..." Stephen said, seconding Hawky even though he didn't exactly understand the hawk speech. "But yeah...

It's scary how much potential some Akuma No Mi have if used intelligently...

How envious I am of you and Perona…"

"Hahaha, you'll get your chance in due time" Fred replied as he sat on his other stationary bike next to Stephen around the table "But aside from that...

How does Perona develop on her own in her work?"

A somewhat difficult to answer question, precisely for Stephen in his new role as older brother "Let's say... she does what she can..."

But this question answered itself almost instantly with much more accuracy.

"EEEEEHHHHHH!!! BOTH OF YOU!!!" Perona shouted, bursting into the dining room with more than evident anger while she brandished a butcher knife and a frying pan "INSTEAD OF TALKING ABOUT ME COME TO HELP ME IN THE KITCHEN!!!


From the moment they began their journey through the seas of the West Blue aboard the great battle submarine Underwold, the three had to make an obvious division of tasks. And today, continuing with the plan established months ago, at the moment that Perona's astral body returned to her true body, she had been in the kitchen making everyone's food, although 99% of that food was destined to be devoured by Fred and Stephen.

"We're studying and working on advanced subjects while we train and provide electricity to the submarine after a hard day of work, so we need to eat a lot...

Meanwhile, you haven't done anything all day, not even cleaning your own room" red said without any compassion while performing dozens of simultaneous tasks with his Multitasking no Juts and controllable hair "Contribute a little at home without complaining so much"

"I HAVE DONE NOTHING BECAUSE YOU HAVE LET ME DO ALMOST NOTHING DURING THE BATTLE!" Perona protested with some justification, although not all of her intervention was very justified. "And why do I always have to cook and clean?

Is it because I'm a woman?

You're sexists!"

"No and you're still not a woman, just a little girl who only makes excuses.

It's because apart from studying basic subjects, training moderately without generating barely any electricity and occasionally acting as a periscope, you're not capable of doing anything else" Fred responded without even flinching at that serious accusation with which many women in his past lives tried to excuse anything they didn't like "Also, it's not true that only you cook and clean.

I made dinner yesterday... and the day before yesterday... and the day before yesterday... and Stephen has made breakfast every day while you sleep...


"Grmmmmmm!!!" Perona interrupted with a growl before they destroyed her childish argument even more, but not to recognize her mistake, but to look for new excuses with which not to cook for a regiment despite only being three. "Be that as it may, this is child labour! 

You're exploiting a minor in the most important stage of his life!"


We're both minors and we don't stop working, studying and training" Stephen said that even he had a hard time defending Perona in this situation. "At your age I worked much harder than you."

"Stop making excuses and focus on cooking the steaks" Fred said, more reinforced than before now that even Stephen was on his side. "Or else I'll increase your study/training session by two more hours!"

Perona had been left alone in her initiative to stop cooking for inhuman devourers and there was no one else there who could mediate on her behalf, except...

"Fred's picking on me again, Stephen won't defend me!" Yelled Perona, who ran towards Hawky for help. "They're making me cook one hundred kilograms of meat!!"

A help that Perona didn't exactly ask of Hawky, since he was also waiting for that meat since minutes ago 

"Again?" Roxanne asked, accompanied by Marlon, who looked into Hawky's eyes/window to interact with the children. "Don't worry, now I'm going to help."

After building up for years, Stephen and Fred decided it was time to start their business venture in earnest, something they couldn't achieve with Narhad as their headquarters. Their home island was very small, short on resources, with no people to employ, no other companies to collaborate with, no clients with whom interacted directly on a regular basis and so remote from the rest of the West Blue that the costs of transportation ate up a large part of the profits

If they wanted to grow exponentially in the medium term, they should install their headquarters in a populated country in the West Blue and in the long term in some strategic location within the Grand Line, but both options raised the same question.

What would happen to Marlon and Roxanne?

Since Fred began his adventure, the island of Narhad was attacked on some occasions by pirates, bounty hunters, assassins and other ruffians for various obvious reasons already explained in previous chapters.

There was no guarantee that these attacks would stop and with Fred and Stephen away, the chances of the attackers succeeding in their attempt increased. Even with the defensive system set up around the island and knowing that Marlon was still a killing machine by West Blue standards, Fred and Stephen couldn't or wouldn't remain calm 

Not only because of the danger that both could run due to the attacks of their enemies, they also didn't want to leave them completely alone on the island without friends, doctors, without practically unlimited resources, without entertainment or possibilities to develop their life projects among many other things.

For these and more reasons Fred and Stephen wanted both of them to accompany them on their adventure!

However, Marlon and especially Roxanne refused, they didn't want to interfere in what should be their son's great adventure outside the home with his best friend!

However, after some debate they agreed on a compromise. Marlon and Roxanne would accompany them on the submarine, but only to Ballywood, where Fred planned to establish his headquarters on the West Blue. From there, as collaborators and active workers of [FreedSteel], they would assist them when they were away or when they asked them to as they had done until now, however they wouldn't interfere in their adventures.

For this reason, during their trip aboard the Underwold, Roxanne and Marlon had been practically at all times inside Hawky to let the children organize among themselves as if they weren't there, although on many occasions it was difficult for them not to help them.

"Mom, you promised.

No interference!

She has to contribute to the company in the way she can at all times, just like everyone else" Stephen protested with logic and righteousness, although he found it difficult to suppress his contradictory emotions "Don't succumb to your maternal instincts in the same way that I don't succumb to my brotherly instincts... most of the time..."

"I know, but... it's still a lot of work for her alone... and she's only recently learned to cook..." Roxanne responded, who like her son was trying to fight her inner self for a greater cause, although with less success than him "When will you find a cook to take care of these highly specialized tasks?"

"I hope soon...

The Underwold doesn't require a lot of staff to operate, but we're still very limited at the moment

We practically have to multiply to carry out all the tasks and my plan to train chimpanzees to do those tasks turned out to be a disaster…

FOR NOW!" Fred responded, somewhat depressed by how his time to train, study and complete projects had been cut. "But I guess, finding a competent yet strong cook, with a unique yet pleasant personality and possibly with a past tragic and a crazy dream that fulfilling is a great priority"

"And when and where will you find it?" Perona asked, the most interested of all in finally finding a cook "On the next island?"

"I don't know for sure, girl who only likes to make pretty desserts for herself and her mom and not steaks for her friends" Answered Fred in a non-resentful way "But I would love to meet him on the second island we visit before arriving in Ballywood"

"Yes, we would all love it... we would all...

But what exactly are we going to do on the next island?" Perona asked once again, delaying her return to the kitchen as long as she could. "Will we be there soon?"

"Yes, we'll arrive soon.

In a few minutes your little surface ghosts should be able to see it.

But don't get too excited, it's a fairly simple desert island that only stands out for one reason" Fred said without much enthusiasm in the first part of his sentence... to drool with fury when remembering the reason why he was going to that place "There I left buried a shipment of jewels valued at several hundred million that [I recovered] a few months ago from several pirates.

I know that now I make money with little effort, but I don't plan to leave those millions abandoned there, considering the effort I had to make to obtain them, transport them and bury them without my convenient Life Life No Mi."

When thinking about money, as was practically customary, Fred... or at least his mind... was transported to another world in which Fred would anticipate for minutes almost with lust how he would receive that money. He drooled thinking how he would save it and how he would invest it in a project that could later generate more money and so on several times... sometimes in an endless cycle...

Obviously this left him quite unwilling to respond to Perona's questions, and since he couldn't turn to the source, she accepted alternatives.

"Why did Fred bury that treasure?

Does he play at being a pirate?" Perona asked, whispering in Stephen's ear after telling him to lower his head to her level. "Does he want to be one after hunting so many?"

"No, it's not that, although it's for somewhat similar reasons" Stephen responded, also whispering in Perona's ear "To avoid paying taxes on the [rescued] assets when he goes to collect the rewards for the pirates, Fred leaves the valuables somewhere before going to sell them.

And in the case that these are unique items such as valuable jewelry with influential former owners, it is... advisable... let some time pass before selling it

You have to wait until the police or the Navy have filed the case and therefore don't actively look for these objects at the possible point of sale."

"Advisable?" Perona asked in a mocking and exponentially softer manner to avoid being heard by Fred. "Does that mean it's not mandatory or very necessary?"

"Not for the recoverers, but you know how Fred is" Fred responded even more mockingly and softer than Perona "Sometimes he does somewhat unnecessary things if they're cool"

"I can hear you…" Fred said, somewhat offended… and paying for that offense instantly, "But I don't hear the steaks cooking on the grill, miss."

It seemed that Perona was destined to finish cooking all the meat piled up next to the grill.

"I see your island Fred!" Perona exclaimed, pretending that she hadn't heard Fred's last comment. "Did you bury your treasure under the mountain or on top?"

However, that question and perhaps fate wanted to free her from her mission once again.


What mountain are you talking about?" Asked Fred, who lost his composure upon hearing that nonsense, so much so that he even said something that he thought but shouldn't have said "That island is flat like you right now."

A phrase that he shouldn't say if he didn't want to...


Receiving a hammer blow to the head from Stephen, the overprotective little brother


A metal tackle from Hawky, the overprotective bird commanded by an overprotective father and mother


And a blow of a frying pan from the aggrieved and self-conscious elementary school girl for no reason.

Even so, those hard blows to the head didn't make him forget his now main concern.

"Are you sure there's a mountain?" Stephen asked as he strangled Stephen and Hawky at the same time. "Really sure?"

"It's far away, but it seems to be a mountain," Perona responded as she looked in amazement at the deformed frying pan in her hands. "And it's not the wrong island, it's the one you have marked on the map and there's no other one around"

If what Perona was saying was true, something strange was happening.

Something strange was happening on the only island in the area where he had buried so much tax-free money.

And he didn't like that at all.

"Stephen, let's go to the control room.

We'll eat later, the important thing is to deploy the periscope" Fred shouted as he ran like lightning towards the command room.

But he was running with Stephen by the neck!

"Let me walk at least!!" Shouted Stephen, who couldn't get away of Fred thanks to the great power-up he obtained thanks to his monetary anxiety.

And not only Stephen, but also Captain Mcnugget, who could only insult him!


Only one living being around was saved from being shaken by the president

'Anyway, it looks like I'm free to cook' Perona thought, smiling as she followed them 'I have to think of some way to slip away later...'


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon

Meralman Meralman

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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