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73.01% A Bizarre & Anomalous Adventure in the SCP Foundation / Chapter 210: Ghouls and Dragons(5)

Capítulo 210: Ghouls and Dragons(5)

Rodeo, Miranda, Karl, Moreau, the Dimitrescu daughters, and Donna & Angie were still currently in the ground floor, but were now in the area where the main entrance doors were.

All around them were corpses of the dark aether zombies that they had annihilated, and we're now staring at the main entrance doors, expecting and waiting for another zombie wave to enter through those doors. Rodeo wanted to approach it, but he felt like if he did, someone would attack them from afar. It was an odd feeling for him, but that's the main reason why they haven't advanced yet.

"...It's quiet, too quiet." Karl said cautiously as he glanced at Rodeo over his shoulder and asked, "Are you sure we shouldn't walk towards those doors?"

Rodeo immediately shook his head, "No! Not yet, I have a bad feeling about this."


A familiar called them out, Rodeo and the rest turned around to see Seras, Integra and the conference of twelve members approaching them with submachine guns, revolvers and assault rifles on their arms which they took from the armory, the ghoul soldiers, and the deceased hellsing guards.

"You guys made it! Walter contacted us through the front desk phone that you dealt with the ghouls... and the vampire."

Integra replied, "Yes, we did."

They all dropped the firearms on the floor in front of them, and Integra looked around to see countless dead dark aether zombies lying around.

"Been busy?"

"Very..." Rodeo responded before noticing one person ain't with them, "Where's Walter?"

"Incoming sir!"

Everyone heard a familiar voice yell out and looked up the stairs that lead to the second floor to see Alcina in her half-dragon form soaring towards them, while carrying Walter and, to their surprise, Alucard, the most fearful vampire was also in her arms like some sort of child.

As Alcina lands in front of the group, she drops Walter and Alucard down before asking, "What did I miss?"

"Our job being zombie exterminators." Rodeo simply replied.

"That's a very tall lady." Almost all of the Conference of Twelve spoke out upon laying their eyes on Alcina.

"We know! We know! WE KNOW!" Heisenberg yelled in irritation and annoyance before gazing back at Rodeo, "Kid, the plan!"

"Alright the next wave is gonna come right through those main entrance doors, so…"

Looking at Integra, the conference members and everyone else present, Rodeo explained, "I need y'all to take cover behind a couple of tables and use whatever firearm available. Alcina and Miranda, you will cover our backs in case they try to attack us from behind. Bela, Cassandra and Daniela, you will use the fly swarm to distract or slow down the enemies, and the same goes to Donna and Angie as they will use the flower's hallucination capabilities to keep them distracted before we unleash all firepower at them. Moreau, you used your acid wisely especially on the armored variants. Seras, whatever that gigantic rifle is on your back, use it on the armored variants only. Alucard, use your guns and go for straight headshots only, and Walter, what do you use?"

"Garrote wires, sir."

"Use your garrote wires and wrap around their heads or legs and cut them down so that it'll be easy for us, and Karl, use your magnetic abilities and lift all of the available guns into the air, aim, and fire at the zombies coming right through those doors, and use your electro uber backpack to charge my armor."

Karl cracks his neck and knuckles and says, "Roger."

"Good, now take position everyone."

They all nod and get down to work. Integra and the conference of twelve members took each guns and took cover behind a few tables and desks with their weapons directed at the main entrance along with Donna & Angie as they took refuge behind a desk with the flowers.

"I can't believe we are doing this." Sir Penwood uncomfortably expressed his trepidation

"It's better than doing nothing, Sir Penwood," Sir Irons said as he gazed at Integra, "You were right about these individuals being unique and... bizarre, Sir Hellsing."

"That I was."

Behind the group, Karl raised his hand and the assault rifles and submachine guns spun in the air, all directed towards the doors while he prepared his electro uber backpack, and everyone was in position, ready for the next wave that was about to come right through the main doors.

"If this is where we make our final stand, then I want to say that it has been an honor serving you all." Sir Penwood said to the rest in gratitude.

"We'll make it out, Sir Penwood," Sir Irons assured him, "Just have a little faith."

They sat and waited patiently. They were all aiming their weapons at the main entrance doors. Some of those present found the silence disconcerting, while Alucard was waiting in anticipation, preparing to take out some undead with a smile on his face.

"Wait... Wait... Wait..."

As Rodeo continued to repeatedly speak for a brief moment, they finally heard an otherworldly roar that shook a man's heart.


What stepped out of the doors was a dark aether zombie. And then another. And another. Not before long, an army of dark aether zombies, Manglers, Krasny Soldats, Flame Hounds, Tempests, and Disciples were flowing out of the doors in incomprehensible numbers. Stepping over each other and flooding the space available as they approach Rodeo and the group.

Suddenly, one of the dark aether zombies stepped on a small object which revealed to be a coin, but it wasn't a mere coin as a clicking noise was heard, and a powerful explosion erupted in the midst of the horde, ending a dozen of dark aether forces in an instant.

"Fire everything!" Shouted Rodeo as soon as the coin, which he converted into a bomb, exploded, signaling the start of the battle before facing Heisenberg solemnly, "Karl, charge me!"

Karl Heisenberg activated his uber backpack and charged Rodeo's armor into overdrive, forcing the small gatling guns on his armor to rev and begin firing at the zombie horde, followed by everyone else as they were firing at the horde like never before in their life.

Body parts flew everywhere in the air. As soon as they walked out of the doors they were destroyed, but they came nonetheless. Their Lord commanded them to kill everyone present, therefore they would not stop until they accomplish their task. Even if they had to crawl using only their spine and no limbs, they would keep attacking. Despite their overwhelming numbers, their resilience was not high enough to endure thousands of bullets hitting them every second.


"I can do this all day!"

Integra and the conference of twelve members made sure to shoot the zombies, the normal ones at least in the head, even though the flame hounds could withstood most of the rounds, the number of bullets they received were so incredibly large that they killed them anyway before exploding into flames once they were taken out.

Seras continued to use her Hallconnen rifle and taking out the armored variants such as the Manglers and Krasny Soldats, destroying a substantial number of these monsters. Karl resumed firing from the assault rifles and submachine guns that he had floating in the air with his magnetic abilities while keeping Rodeo's armor charged. Alucard, on the other hand, was simply using Casull and Jackal to headshot pretty much every zombie like a pro.

Meanwhile, Walter was cutting down every zombie with his garrote wires. Any zombie that ventured too close to the others, Alcina and Miranda were there to dispatch them. The Dimitrescu daughters shredded a few at inhuman speeds or distracted some of them with their fly swarm, while some of the zombies were put in an hallucination state by Donna and Angie's flowers to make it easier for the rest to wipe them out. Moreau, on the other hand, was dissolving a huge number of them with his acid.

After about twenty minutes of endless waves of zombies, the hallway was littered with limbs and blood, but they finally stopped coming out.

"Hold your fire!"

Following Rodeo's commands, everyone ceased firing their guns and halted their actions as they looked at the results. Basically every zombie was dead. Not a big surprise.

"Permit me to check."

Integra silently nodded.

Alucard was the first to step out of the defense lines and walk towards the main entrance doors to check, but as soon as he came close, he was instantly blasted by a storm of gunfire, shredding him entirely and reducing him to a bloody puddle. But the gun firing onslaught wasn't stopping there as more bullets flew over the reduced puddle Alucard and were about to reach Rodeo and the others, only to be stopped in mid-air.

"Oh boy, who can this be?"

Stepping out of the group, Karl stood in the middle of a large amount of floating bullets that he stopped with his magnetism before they could hit anyone. His yellow eyes flashed brighter, and all of the bullets lying on the bloody floor ascended into the air, drifting outwards until they hovering along with the other bullets hung in a deadly cloud around him.

Returning to Alucard, who is nothing more than a puddle of his own blood, it suddenly reconfigured itself and reverted to its original form.

"Karl, can you be wise and send those bullets back at them, would you?"

"Absolutely." Karl chuckled as he raised his hand. As he drew his hand back further, the bullets spun in the air, pivoting so they were all pointed back at their assailants.

"Now let's see how they like this!"


The same mysterious soldiers were currently stationed at the shattered gates and had just fired at the main entrance doors after spotting someone exiting through them. The commanding soldier peeked through his binoculars to discover that Alucard, the one they fired at, was still alive, much to his shock. Not only that, what added to his sense of danger was the bullets they fired were floating in the air.

And were being pointed directly right... at them.

"Verdammt! Runter! (Oh shit! Get down!)"

Clenching his upraised hand into a fist, Karl sent the bullets flying like missiles, propelled by his magnetic power as they all headed towards the soldiers, which they quickly ducked to the ground, and the bullets fly past above them, hitting the two buses from the which the ghoul soldiers came before exploding.

Suddenly, the soldiers heard a voice calling to them in their minds.

[Retreat back into the portals! Our job is done here!]

All of the soldiers immediately stood up from the ground and fled back through the portals from whence they came.

Back to Alucard, he is using his third eye ability, which allows him to see things from a far distance and bypass through illusions, on the fleeing soldiers as they run back into the portal, but what made Alucard felt puzzled is when he couldn't catch a glimpse their features for some reason. Before he could look any closer, the soldiers entered the portal and vanished.

"Damn it."

Alucard turned around to see everyone was catching their breath after everything had happened. Alcina had returned to her normal form before noticing one of the Manglers was on the floor, still alive but with one of his arms and legs severed as it glared at everyone in front of it.

"The Forsaken... knows you are here. He. Will. Annihilate you all."

Alcina brought out her claw-like blades emerging from her fingertips and muttered, "Not today."

But before she could end the Mangler right there, its orange eyes stopped shining and were replaced with purple before a familiar voice was heard from its mouth.

[You think you have won this? No, this is just the beginning.]

"Uh, who is that speaking through him?" Seras inquired, a little uneasy.

"Forsaken," Rodeo answered with a profound scowl, "I didn't expect you to follow us."

[Time flows differently in the dark aether, so I used that time wisely to track you down, and now I have found you.]

"Why are you here?" Miranda coldly asked.

[Despite my failure of the invasion of your universe and feeling the defeat for the second time, I refuse to ignore you. I refuse to feel this defeat. I refuse to invade another universe for that matter and leave you all be, because if I do, you will come back one day to stop me, and I will never be at peace knowing my enemies are still breathing and cherishing their victory and having a time of relief.]

The Mangler's head turned to confront Rodeo and declared, [You Otherworlder or Catman are now my enemy, and I will conquer this universe you are in and spare no one within it.] he said with his dark and evil intoned voice, producing a dangerous pressure that seem to choke the regular humans present and tremble the space around him, [Fate might favor you, but for how long exactly? I've formed some alliances for myself, and combined that with their technology, my army and theirs, we will crush you all.]

"Allies? Who are they?!"

[Like hell I'll tell you! But I will say this, you can stop my invasions, you can defeat my army, but you can't just kill me, Otherworlder, and once I'm done with you, it will put a smile on my face.] He added as a devious smile formed beneath the Mangler's helmet, [You think you're a hero? No, you only bring trouble wherever you go, and no matter where you are, you will bring death and destruction along with it. You are a Chaos Bringer. So, what do you have to say for yourself?]


With a brief moment of silence, Rodeo draws his sawed-off shotgun and points it at the Mangler's head.

" Jackpot."

Then blasts its head clean off with the shotgun, effectively silencing the Forsaken as a result of the Mangler's head being blown off.

"Jackpot? Really?" Alucard asked, looking at Rodeo deadpanly.

Ignoring Alucard's comments, Rodeo was deep in thought after hearing what Forsaken had said earlier.

"...Just who could his new allies be?"

"Mister Rodeo, be really honest with me, how big of a threat is he?" Integra asked Rodeo with a solemn look.

"A threat that will end your universe by dragging it into the dark aether realm and turning us all, including Alucard, into his slaves."

"Well congratulations, kid!" Karl shouted, "Now we're on his hit-list and he ain't giving up on us and this universe is now gonna pay the price because we stopped him from conquering our universe! Just when we thought things were looking up for us, it got ten times worse!"

"So we now have three threats," Walter concluded, "One, the Forsaken. Two, the Forsaken's new allies. And three, Millennium."

"Good grief," Sir Irons rubbed his forehead in frustration, "As if our problems weren't big enough already."

Turning to face Integra, Rodeo questioned, "...Are all of your men that were here now dead?"


"...If these zombies hadn't shown up, we could have done something..... WE COULD HAVE SAVED THEM FROM THE GHOULS!"

"Sir Rodeo, none of us, including you expected the dark aether to follow you to our world," Walter said, "Even if you ignored the zombies and straight up destroyed the ghouls, the zombies would have us surrounded, or better yet, attacked us by surprise, and I'm pretty sure this Forsaken would have taken advantage of that."

"You're saying their fates were sealed either way!?"

"I... yes." Walter murmured as he lowered his gaze.

Rodeo's hands trembled again before he gripped them so hard that it bled. He then noticed a lone surviving dark aether zombie crawling with its lower body missing. Removing his armor and approaching the zombie, which glared at him and let out a shriek.



Rodeo used his fourth bomb and punched the zombies face instantly, causing his fist to ignite in a powerful explosion that crumbles the entire floor and shook the whole mansion, annihilating the zombie entirely and leaving nothing but a scorch mark on the floor with his fist badly burned as a result of his ability.

Everyone who witnessed this had a shocked look on their faces, except for Alucard, who could sense the absolute rage within Rodeo and the menacing glow from his eyes, as well as the hands clenching in rage.

"R...odeo?" Seras asked in a scared tone.

Ignoring Seras' words, Rodeo declared within his rage-filled mind, 'I'll stop you again Forsaken, and I'll end whatever your new allies were. As for you Millennium, I will fight you, but your end will be done by... a Hellsing.'

In the end onto this day, the Valentines and their ghoul army were finally done for, and the dark aether zombies were taken care of. The conference of twelve members were safe and were escorted out of the manor once everything was said and done. All 96 members working in the hellsing manor were killed, while eight of the members were away from the manor when the attack happened, thus they were still alive.

The real question was, who was Millennium? Rodeo already knew the answer, but again his conflicted mind was hindering his decisions on what should be done and what should not, as well as his attempt at changing things by stopping the Valentines, which failed horribly due to the dark aether and the Forsaken's involvement.

Now... he just felt immense regret for not being able to change their fates. Perhaps there are some things in certain universes you can't change, because changing one thing leads to several changes, either for the better or worse, and it was something that constantly plagued Rodeo's mind.

Last but not least, Rodeo had another question that raced through his head that raised his concerns a lot.

Who are the new allies that the Forsaken has made?
















In an unknown universe, an enormous military base can be seen and inside one of the various rooms therein was the Forsaken in his human form. A portal appeared inside the room with the Forsaken, and the commanding soldier along with his men emerged from the portal before it closed.

"Okay Forsaken, can you tell us vhy ve needed to retreat immediately?! That mission doesn't seem to make sense! Why!?"

In response, the Forsaken chuckled, "Just to play with my enemies a bit, I want to keep them guessing on who my new allies are, that being you all, and I like to keep it that way until the REAL invasion plan starts, and if that cat saw you, no doubt he would recognize who you are and be prepared, which is why I give you all dark aether crystals to conceal your appearances that not even beings that ignore illusions could bypass through."


"Silence, I'm playing smart here, so don't question my orders," Forsaken said sternly, "Now look, I promised your higher-ups that if we work together, I can guarantee that you all will be able to travel to other universes, reign over them and make them part of your... empire."

"Of course, ve can crush them with our machines!"

"And you will, but the timing is... not right to use them, not yet at least. Once the invasion of the Hellsing universe begins, that's when we'll hit them with everything I and your machines have. Do I make myself clear?"



To Be Continued ➡

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