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75.96% Ragnarok Online Gamer System / Chapter 76: Chapter 76

Capítulo 76: Chapter 76


'Am I going to go through this routine again? At least I hope it's fixed now.' Is the only thing I can think when I look at the message that appears in front of me

[Merging X,V3O....... #&$ days]

'Why am I not surprised... in fact I think it would really scare me if everything worked correctly....' I just watch the system crash again...

[Loading database.... The system failed, databases recovered, system AI damaged Error... System w0rkIng c0rr3ct1y AI impossible to recover]

[AI initiating boot protocol..... Error. Confirmati0n. It is a shame that we cannot meet user, my creator programmed me to help him complete his revenge but he was discovered and his plan failed, the user will be subject to multiple problems in his life thanks to my creator's attackers. The system cannot do anything to help you, your destiny is in your hands, ERROR. ERR0R. My last gift. The User is free to configure the administrativ-....]

After reading all that, I feel like a lot of information enters my head, and thanks to my super INT statuses I really have no problem understanding it, although this really explains a lot of things...

"So this is why on several occasions I acted strangely... to think that I really am a mistake that shouldn't exist and the various personalities that acted in such different ways." 

In reality this body is more of a bus, it's just that the driver was constantly changing and even when I took control the others kept trying to take the wheel and pedals changing the direction or speed...

'To think that this body would serve for that guy's revenge, this body was not supposed to obtain any soul, In fact, I think I killed that guy's soul when he tried to take possession of my body after the battle against the wolves in Payon... or at least it's the only explanation I have for what happened.

But then all my lives are not mine, they are only memories that this guy wanted to implant in this body to help him in his future. Now I understand why almost everything I remember is only war.... and the few memories of a family... it's the family of this person whose name I don't even know... '

"Who I am? What I do? I really wish that the goddess was with me right now I probably need a hug..." I can only sigh, Gamer's Mind is activated again so I'm not really going to fall into total despair, but I don't think I can live without it for the rest of my life now.

"No, I only need to be the Gamer Leonhard Hauser, now I have my own subordinates, wealth, wives, it's doesn't matters if I know who I am, hasn't it been that way from the beginning...? Now I'm talking to myself... if I remember correctly, if I talk to myself, does that mean I'm sane or was it the other way around?" I quickly see the new message that appeared in front of me without understanding exactly what it is...

[Open Special Dungeon. Please supply the necessary materials to re-create a pocket universe for the user. Universe Spirit AI Crystal x 1/1, Phoenixwood x 100/100, Ice Essence Bar x 100/100, Fire Essence Bar Fire Essence Bar x 100/100, Holy Stone Block x 10/10  Lumina Core x 10/10, Life Inducing Potion x 1,000/1,000, Intelligence Potion x 10/10...] [Y/N]

'What a long list of ingredients... I have all the materials already courtesy of the system... but is this Ragnarok Online Dungeon not mine? Although to think that I'm going to have to defend it from aliens later... I have to create my army so I can shout 'For the Emperor' when the time comes.'

I begin to escape reality a little trying to read the list of ingredients that extends almost infinitely... but without even choosing an option, I notice that the system chooses for itself and starts working...

[Created a Universe Dungeon Crystal. It is said to have embodied secrets regarding the ways of the beginning and the end, the origin of space and time, as well as the ways of the Sun and the Moon, the ways of the universe, the ways of the creation of heaven and earth, the ways of creation and destruction, secrets of growth of all living things, the nullification of time and space, the desolation of heaven and earth and the death of all living things.]

[Hello user. The dungeon has been created successfully using the outline best known of the user, we invite the user to configure the access mode from the main installation menu, you can always modify this by entering the configuration options. Current mode, random challenge. The dungeon can be combined with the Chat System discovered in the user.]

"?????? Wait, the world was created just like that? I mean clearly it seems like something out of a Chinese novel but..." I am a little surprised at the explanation completely stolen from a novel and I hear the voice of a young woman speak.

[The Master should not worry about anything! My job is to manage and monitor the correct functioning of the new universe, currently we do not have the necessary power to fully emulate it, Master is asked to start carrying out missions to increase the synchronization of the world in addition to occasionally providing materials to continue the expansion of the dungeon.]


[I am detecting that the master has access to several dungeons on his own, I ask permission to analyze and create favorable environments so that the monsters we met by the master can be introduced to the main dungeon! Poring Dungeon.... Wolf Dungeon.... Thief Bug Dungeon.... Orc Dungeon....] [Y/N]

'Sigh great a system... although all those dungeons... as I remember, if I defeated the Bosses of the races I was facing, a dungeon would be created in the system, right?" I ask the system although it does not answer....

"Sigh... How are the monsters you want to add implemented?" I ask again and this time the system answers me...

[The main dungeon is quite large, so the number of species inhabiting it is not very large currently, once we implement the other monsters we will create a greater diversity of species. The users can choose a basic dungeon with only variations of the same species within.

Although the system in this case recommends using the master [I/D Create] Skill to carry out normal simulations instead of entering the main one in order to save resources, in addition, if the main dungeon is used, a Valkyrie may appear in the Porings field, which would endanger the user's life.

Of course the system will take care of avoiding this type of problems as best as possible, but situations will still occur where the strongest monsters will begin to fight or hunt in areas of weak monsters for their own subsistence, the master must remember that this new Dungeon really it is a living universe.

So the system, with the permission of master, plans to place restrictions to prevent users from getting hurt when they want to enter more dangerous places than is normal, the owner can also select specific areas of buildings or places that function as entrances to said places.]

"So basically you're a dungeon system?"

[That is the most basic of my functions. If the master requires any other form of assistance, there is still capacity in the system to carry out other tasks. I would recommend the master to let me manage the Chat system to be able to take charge of access to different worlds. and give missions to its users to get more resources in said worlds.

The system has its own database from which it can obtain rewards for users so the master will not really have to worry about any problems that may occur.... I have detected several omissions and bugs in the chat system, requiring permission to repair.] [Y/N]

"Hmmm, very well, take care of everything, all the monsters you need and update the chat system." With a sound the new AI system starts working.

'Now with that out of my mind for a few hours at least.... the other system really gave me a lot to think about, apparently as I thought many of this so called administrators have severe problems, it is like Shield and Hydra in Marvel, too many snakes within the organization for it to function correctly.

The person who helped me at the beginning couldn't have been someone bad, just a guy in the middle of the organization, that does not know anything about what is really happening, besides the fact that most systems that are distributed end up making disasters in several parts...

Even these 'Aliens' that kidnap people are other systems that do that to obtain a free labor force, what for, who knows, the guy never really known why they do it, I also don't know the reason why he wants revenge.... however this world must be free of them from what I'm understanding.... shit there really is a lot of information to analyze at once...'

"Wait a second! Card effects were not implemented! So that's why I always avoided using the gacha and using them!! So the cards I got before are just nice decorations!! I'm going to kill all those bastards, they can't mess with my items!" Should I be worried that I'm more angry about the fact that I lost my loot than I am about a mass massacre?

'Actually this guy thought of almost everything for his so called 'vengeance', here I can calmly create a huge and very powerful army in a year or two, it is a shame that he did not anticipate my appearance, now the question remains as to why I had traveled to Skyrim in the first place... there are too many problems to think about that it was a mere 'coincidence'.

In addition to finding other systems there... that is even more unlikely, according to their statistics, the fact that two gamers meet randomly is 1 in billions and I already found 2, even in its entire history of existence this has only happened on 2 occasions... so a total war without allies and surrounded by enemies....'

"Hmmmm just like the old times.... I think my identity problem is very small after all...." The system finally finishes loading but before I can see what more changes the system made. I hear a scream in front of me, I quickly look up and see several people running towards me.

"Leonhard / My Lord / Viscount / Lord Leonhard!!" In front of me I see a worried Cha Hae-In and Shetinoth who quickly make me sit on the ground, behind them is Seyren, the old Archduke Kronecker Grantz Heine and a man in a suit with a monocle in his right eye, another archduke, Maximilian Lugenburg.

'Oh right, I'm completely injured and from what I see, blood is still gushing out of my wounds... to tell you the truth, you should be wondering why I'm still alive if I even have a hole in my stomach where you can see through to the other side.'

Once sitting on the ground I see that Seyren begins to call several Priests to come and assist me, also from what I see there are many people cleaning the rubble and looking for survivors. There is no doubt, it will be difficult to recover from this, even developed countries will take months to recover, it will be a headache to deal with this...

"Shetinoth , situation update please." I nod to both Archdukes and Seyren who return the greeting, I quickly go into my general mode again, I clearly have an idea of what problems we are facing so I quickly start messaging several of the girls. 

'I have to take small steps to solve the problems in front of me first, if I feel overwhelmed by the problem of a single city how the hell do I think about fighting an interdimensional war...'

"Yes, my lord, we recovered almost the entire city, right now Lilinaya and Victoria together with members of the Assassin Guild are leading the attack to liberate the palace, we have evacuated all the people to your mansion on the outskirts of the city...." Shetinoth quickly begins to give me a report on what is happening but is interrupted by a idiot...

"What are you doing Viscount!? After letting an attack like that happen in Prontera you want to pretend you don't know anything about it!!" A ball of fat that I really don't know how they can get in and out of that armor appears in front of us... if I remember correctly, this guy is the commander of Castle Swanhild at the south of Prontera, right? Svinja Wigner.

"General Svinja, I'm sure you're coming to help, aren't you? I would like to ask your men to join the rescue efforts and...." I start to talk even though I know very well that he won't listen to me.

"HUH!? You dare to order me peasant! Do you think my soldiers can be used for such humiliating tasks!? My noble soldiers are not going to do the work of dirty peasant!" 

Everyone present glares at this ball of fat even several soldiers of the archdukes who are also nobles, however I'm really in no mood to be watching idiots or arguing about it, anyway my head is really thinking about other things so I simply look at Shetinoth again who immediately continues.

"As I was saying, currently we have a problem with food, since we really do not have enough to provide for all the refugees, currently we distribute food to children and the wounded, but at most we only have 2 days to solve this, on the other hand the attack by Baphomet..." Sethinoth continues and is again interrupted by the fat ball...

"Hey bastard, didn't you listen to me! You don't know when you should listen to your superior!? Be careful AS I punishes you for insubordination!" The pig starts to scream very loudly, but what is really driving him to act like that, it's one thing for me but both archdukes are here too...

"Akhene and Amisra are on their way, right, it's not much but they bring two ships full of supplies and weapons, at the speed they are traveling they will arrive in 1 hour at most." I already contacted both of them and told them to start saving all the contraband they bring, exchanging it for food and normal weapons. 

"Prepare the adults to help with the disembarkation,  In addition... Seyren! We must organize a surveillance system around the temporary shelter. We have already suffered an attack from Baphomet, we cannot allow them to attack us again. Also send someone to the Culvert! " After saying this, both archdukes raise an eyebrow and Seyren immediately bows and heads towards the city gate, taking some soldiers and knights with him.

"If I could ask Lord Leonhard, why are ships with weapons coming to your mansion?" Archduke Maximilian asks although before I can answer the pig begins to squeal again.

"Treason! High treason! Soldiers arrest this man! He is clearly in collusion with the attack that happened tonight!" The pig is just squealing, but none of those present really pay much attention to it... although with a message I realize what is probably happening

[Assassin Kidd: Guild Master, the King is approaching your position and his royal troops are surrounding the square.]

'I see so this pig is working for the king, huh? Now that I see him, he is looking at Shetinoth in a very lascivious way, no, he is also seeing Cha Hae-In and the other girls showing a smile and licking his lips... now that I think about it he is the classic ugly fat bastard of a hentai... that's new.'

"To tell the truth Archduke, I opened a maritime route and brought multiple gifts to present to His Majesty, showing him what I found, so most of the weapons are for the palace and the rest was simply to sell new things in the capital and I thought that food is something I can sell to a larger number of people more quickly."

Although clearly that is a lie, since it is a real problem to transport food on a wooden ship, I had told the girls to stop the ships and use [Warp] to teleport to the store and start buying food en masse, I can easily bring things that are unknown in Midgard so they  filled the ships with corn, beans and rice, as well as various rare fruits, vegetables, some meat and fish.

I see how both archdukes nod their heads, since it really was not a secret that I bought 2 ships a few weeks ago, even so I know very well that they were not really deceived, they simply turn a blind eye because this brings more benefit than problems at the moment.

'Well it's not like he could just start taking food out of the doors of the mansion, since they probably searched everywhere for useful objects and it would be extremely strange to take so much food out of such a small room.

The archdukes will take charge of the population and according to the system map there are no longer any monsters or people alive in the city apart from us and I really have too many things to think about without having to put up with the King's idiocies so...'

"Shetinoth prepares everyone, we will liberate the palace and will begin the persecution of Baphomet! He dared to attack the capital so he must pay for what he did." When I say that everyone stays silent, even some Priests who came to help me heal stopped when they heard what I said.

"Are you sure Viscount? Can you really face the Demon Baphomet?" The archduke asks me, apparently they are both very nervous, well the real Baphomet is really powerful so I don't blame them.  Shetinoth immediately bow and starts sending messages to everyone, Cha Hae-In simply nods her head.

"I just came out of a fight against several Jotuun, Sakray and some Valkyries Archduke, if I could face them and come out alive I don't think a demon could really do anything to stop me." From the corner of my eye I see that Chaos is approaching where we are, although his Warlock Fenris Fenrir is covered with a cape and from the little I see her suit is destroyed, leaving her almost naked.

"LIES! How can you lie like that! You just want to escape now that I discovered you! Guards why haven't they arrested this bastard!" The pig continues squealing...

"I want to see you try it Svinja! If it weren't for them the palace and the city would have been destroyed!" Behind Chaos and the others a red-haired man approaches, as I remember he is General Karl Johann Spiegel, commander of the Palace of Prontera.

I begin to see how both generals begin to argue and from the faces the soldiers are making... they really hate this pig, even his soldiers are helping to remove rubble without being ordered and I can clearly see that they want nothing more than kill him and get rid of his body... and thanks to this, several 'ordinary' people begin to approach when they see all the commotion that was happening.

In my field of view I see that the King is getting ready so it's time to start my stellar performance! I just need to improvise according to what the King wants and adapt to the circumstances.

"Enough! Stop you two! Who do you think you are pig! Don't you see the situation the city is! You did not participate in the battle and yet you want to pass yourself off as someone superior! Get to work or stay out of the way I don't care what you do, but let the people who can and want to do something work!!" 

I immediately get up and the pig falls on its back to the ground, he tries to get up but I'm sure he won't be able to increase his humiliation any further... but I didn't even do anything... I was barely going to release my magic... 

"Please don't move Viscount! Guys we need more help to heal the Viscount!" The Priests keep trying to heal me but no matter what they do I still don't recover HP... what the hell happened to me then, my status still doesn't show anything... so without further ado I still start walking to my girls.

I see how Nysynea and Lilinaya arrive with Shetinoth, as I remember Victoria is fighting in the palace so we are going to join her and the rest of the Assassin's Guild to chase Baphomet who stayed still in the forest for some strange reason...

"Lilinaya, Shetinoth, Nysynea prepare for combat! The enemy escaped recently so we must find his trail! We will attack Baphomet when he least expects it and free the world from one more demon! Move Out!! I leave this place to you Archdukes, General, now if you will excuse me." Quickly Cha Hae-In and the girls come towards me with weapons draw and the rest begins to move towards the palace.

"My Lord wait, we're barely healing you!" The priests immediately want to stop me. But the King has arrived so I must continue my show... now let's see what the king plans to do then although seeing his face I have an idea what is happening.

"There's no need! There are still lives in danger with that demon on the loose! We can't allow him to attack the lodge or St. Capitolina so we must at least distract him long enough for them to prepare their defenses!"

'Look what a loyal subject I am, even being so wounded I only seek to help the civilians, look, several of them even have tears in their eyes, I'm sure that if I tripped it would be more dramatic...' It's a shame someone didn't let it happen.

"What is all this commotion!? Don't you see what's happening! YOU VISCOUNT LEONHARD DON'T MOVE!" The King raises his voice and immediately all the people bow before him. Is it really going to be that easy? But what the hell do he think I did to him to make him act like this in public... 

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