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63.87% Marvel: The Foundation / Chapter 168: Tony vs Ghost -164

Capítulo 168: Tony vs Ghost -164


[Stark's Residence – Malibu]


Under the cover of darkness, Ghost made their way to Stark's home in Malibu. Using their unparalleled stealth abilities, they bypassed the state-of-the-art security systems Tony Stark had in place. The night air was cool, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore added a serene backdrop to their silent approach.


Ghost slipped through a narrow vent, emerging inside Stark's workshop. The room was filled with various prototypes and half-finished projects, evidence of Stark's relentless innovation. Ghost's eyes narrowed, taking in the sight of the Iron Man suits lined up in their charging stations.


Activating their cloaking device, Ghost moved through the workshop with practiced ease. They knew Stark's routine and habits, thanks to extensive surveillance and intelligence gathering. It was only a matter of time before Stark himself appeared. Though until then, he would go get a little something.




"Sir, there is an unauthorized presence in the wine cellar," JARVIS reported calmly. "The cameras show a black spot, likely caused by some unknown technology. I'm unable to identify the intruder."


Stark's eyes narrowed, his mind racing. "A black spot, huh? Sounds like someone's playing with some serious tech. Get my suit ready."


Ghost wasn't in a hurry; they knew that they had been noticed, and they allowed such a thing. So now they were just giving Stark the time he would need to get in his suit, and well, he did have quite a collection down here.


It was nothing compared to their own or that of O5-1, but it was still a very impressive collection, especially considering how young the Stark family was in the big picture. Still Stark clearly did have good taste, something worth respecting.


As for Tony, he couldn't help but curse and complain that someone had once again broken into his home, he really thought he would be free of such things after his latest upgrades, which manages to capture even the director of SHIELD.


Though clearly he wasn't entirely safe within his own home, he really needed to up the level of security once more. After all, if he would indeed be having kids, something he just couldn't even begin to imagine, he at least wanted them to be safe.


"Well, if our uninvited guest was more interested in my liquor than me or my suits, then maybe they aren't entirely unfriendly?" He couldn't help but say as he had Jarvis suit him up, he might not need it, but it would give him the upper hand.


As Tony deluded himself that his suit would make him safe, Ghost found a good bottle of champagne and went to get two glasses. After all, once they were victorious over Stark, they would deserve a good drink, and well, Stark would need a glass after his defeat.


As Ghost was sitting down in Stark's living room waiting for their host, they couldn't help but feel that the place seemed far more thoughtfully decorated than would be expected from Stark. Clearly, he must have gotten someone else to help him.


As Stark approached, now fully suited up, he saw Ghost sitting casually in the living room, holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses.


"Hello, Stark," Ghost said, their voice cold and mocking. "I thought you might appreciate a visitor. Here, let me pour you a drink." Ghost uncorked the bottle with practiced ease, the champagne foaming slightly as they poured it into two flutes.


"Who the hell are you?" Stark demanded, his suit's systems coming online, ready for combat.


"In victory, you deserve it. In defeat, you need it," Ghost quoted, raising their glass. "I'm here to send a message. And for that, I needed you in that suit of yours."


Tony couldn't help but be curious about who this person was since there weren't eye holes in his mask; even the suit sensors just picked up a black spot. Clearly, the tech used to hide them from detection was top of the line.


However, since it was apparently just someone here with a message, they might not be dangerous, so, Tony opened his mask to get a proper look at his guest, only to be even more surprised when he found he couldn't focus on them. his eyes just refused to see them clearly.


He couldn't help but take half a step back. What kind of technology could do this? Not just tricking cameras and sensors, but even the human eye? The level of technology behind something like that was no less than his suit or the rector powering it.


Despite the unease creeping into his mind, Tony attempted to keep his cool. "Alright, you've got my attention. What's the message?"


Ghost smirked, enjoying Stark's discomfort. "The message is simple: You and your suits are not untouchable. If you ever let anyone else fly around in a suit like yours, I will come back and finish what I started today."


With that, Ghost stood up, their movements fluid and confident. They took a step closer, their presence unnerving Tony even more. "Ready when you are," Ghost taunted.


Tony's faceplate snapped shut, and his voice echoed from the suit. "Let's see what you've got."


Ghost just smirked, and then for the first time in a while, they went all out. No need to hold back when it came to their speed and strength; Stark and his suit should be fine, if a little dented.


Stark didn't even have time to hear the advanced AI overwrite dodging system before it had taken over and sent him shooting through the ceiling of his living room. "Overwrite"


"Jarvis" he couldn't help but shout.


"Sir, he moved with supersonic speed; he is clearly highly enhanced; caution is advised!"


Tony didn't need to be told that; anyone able to move at such speeds and be able to stop again so fast was not a normal human. Clearly, this person was even more enhanced than Captain America was, according to the records of his speed and strength.


It didn't help that they were inside, limiting Tony's advantage of being able to fly. He did now understand why he was allowed time to get in his suit, this person was a monster, not someone any normal person could hope to fight again.


Tony, however, wasn't just any normal person; he was Ironman! And he wasn't afraid of some laboratory freak. He would show that his tech was better than whatever had been done to this person.


Tony immediately engaged his suit's repulsors, aiming a powerful blast at Ghost. The energy beam seared through the air, but Ghost sidestepped with supernatural agility, closing the distance between them in the blink of an eye. Ghost delivered a swift, brutal punch to Tony's midsection, sending him crashing through a glass wall and into the hallway.


Tony's suit absorbed most of the impact, but he felt the force of the blow. He quickly regained his footing and fired a barrage of micro-missiles from his shoulders. Ghost flipped gracefully over the missiles, landing behind Tony and striking the back of his suit with a forceful kick that dented the armor.


"Jarvis, analyze their movements. I need a counter-strategy," Tony ordered, his voice steady despite the chaos.


"Working on it, sir," JARVIS replied, the AI's tone calm and efficient.


Ghost continued their relentless assault, their speed making them almost a blur. They struck Tony with a series of rapid punches and kicks, each blow aimed at the suit's joints and weak points. Tony fought back, using his repulsors and integrated weapons to keep Ghost at bay, but it was clear he was being overwhelmed.


With a sudden burst of energy, Tony launched himself into the air, using his thrusters to gain some distance. He hovered near the ceiling, aiming his gauntlet repulsors downward. "Let's see how you handle this," he muttered, unleashing a concentrated blast of energy.


The repulsor beams converged on Ghost, but they leaped out of the way at the last moment, the beams scorching the floor where they had stood. Ghost somersaulted through the air, landing on a nearby wall and pushing off it to launch themselves at Tony with incredible speed.


Tony barely had time to react before Ghost was upon him again. They grabbed his suit's arm and twisted, wrenching it with such force that the metal screamed and buckled. Tony fired a point-blank repulsor blast, but Ghost deflected it with a swift move of their hand, redirecting the energy harmlessly into the ceiling.


"Sir, their physical enhancements and combat skills are off the charts. Conventional tactics may not be effective," JARVIS warned.


"Tell me something I don't know," Tony grumbled, trying to shake Ghost off.


Ghost delivered a crushing blow to Tony's chest, causing the suit's HUD to flicker. "This is just a taste of what will happen if you don't comply," Ghost hissed, their voice dripping with menace. "If you ever let anyone else fly around in a suit like yours, I will come back and finish what I started today."


With a final, devastating punch, Ghost sent Tony crashing into a nearby workbench, leaving him dazed and battered. Satisfied with the destruction, yet he wasn't done yet. Ghost moved over to Tony, and then did something truly shocking.


Using their enhanced strength, Ghost ripped the suit apart piece by piece, the sound of tearing metal echoing through the workshop. Stark watched helplessly, his heart sinking as his precious creation were reduced to scrap. His body soon fully exposed as the suit was stripped from him.


"You see, Stark," Ghost said, their voice echoing in the now-silent room. "You are far from invincible. Remember that."

Ghost then went back into the living room by jumping through the holes their fight had made in the floor. They returned a moment later with two glasses of champagne. "Don't waste it." They said emptying their own glass before leaving one for Stark.

Without another word, Ghost activated their cloaking device and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Stark to grapple with the harsh reality of his defeat.


As Ghost exited Stark's home and melted back into the night, they felt a surge of satisfaction. The message had been delivered loud and clear. Now, it was time to prepare for the real mission: Wakanda.


Returning to SITE-009, Ghost began making the necessary preparations for their infiltration of Wakanda. They knew this mission would be the ultimate test of their skills, but the potential rewards were too great to ignore.


As they reviewed the intel and formulated their plan, Ghost couldn't help but think about the future. With Wakanda's secrets in their grasp, they would have the leverage needed to change the course of the Foundation's operations—and perhaps, the fate of the world itself.




As Ghost vanished into the night, Tony lay on the floor, breathing heavily, his suit a shattered wreck around him. Pain coursed through his body, but it was the humiliation that stung the most. He had been outmatched in his own home, his technology rendered useless.


"JARVIS, status report," Tony groaned, struggling to sit up.


"Sir, the intruder has left the premises. Your suit is completely destroyed, sir, but at least the rector isn't damaged. Still, I advise that you seek a medical checkup."


Tony shook his head, forcing himself to his feet. "No time for that. I need to know everything about that intruder. Run a full diagnostic on the footage and cross-reference any tech signatures we can find."



"As you wish, sir. Beginning analysis now."

Stark staggered to his workbench, his mind racing. Whoever this Ghost was, they were unlike any opponent he had faced before. Their speed, strength, and technology were beyond anything he had anticipated.


"Get me the suits online, JARVIS. We need to start repairs immediately. And upgrade security protocols. I don't want any more surprise visitors." He said as he finished drinking the glass left for him. He wasn't afraid of poison; if this person wanted to harm them, they would have done so already.


"Understood, sir. Initiating repair protocols and security upgrades."


Tony stared at the remains of his suits, determination hardening his features. He wouldn't let this defeat define him. He would improve, adapt, and overcome. Ghost had delivered a message, but Tony Stark wasn't about to back down.


He picked up a shattered piece of his armor, the cold metal biting into his hand. "You wanted to send a message, Ghost? Well, message received. But you better be ready for the response."


With a renewed sense of purpose, Tony set to work, his mind already devising new strategies and enhancements. Ghost had given him a challenge, and Stark never backed down from a challenge.




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