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48.43% Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family) / Chapter 139: Chapter 139: Prom (1)

Capítulo 139: Chapter 139: Prom (1)

[Edward POV]

"Don't drink and drive…what else…oh, use protection-" Before my aunt could finish her words, my dad interrupted, "Beware of spiked drinks. And…don't drink…at all… you don't even have a license yet, so don't drive…"

He gave my aunt a sideway glare before grabbing my shoulders, "Be responsible. Okay?"

"Yeah dad. I'm more responsible than you. Stop worrying. It's school prom, not a rave." I muttered in annoyance as it was almost time to pick up my date.

My dad smiled as he saw my worrying face and said, "Alright, I won't hold you back any longer."

"But first!" My aunt suddenly took out a DSLR camera and snapped a picture of me holding the flowers. I posed for the camera without any embarrassment, making my group of friends boo me.

"Wish me luck guys. And make sure to not be around when I get home later on." I joked as I got out of the house. Enid showed her tongue at me in annoyance before saying, "NO! We will still be here! You can't throw us away!"

"Also, you guys need to have a picture of you…all together.." My aunt said before gesturing for my friends to stand next to me. Alex pulled me back into the house before we took multiple group pictures together. Then, Alex and Finneas started to bicker as the latter was still wearing the suit I gave him.

"Wanna bet how long it will take for them to date each other?" Jacob suddenly whispered at me.

"Well, knowing Alex, he could be simping for her for an entire year, and she would still be oblivious. So it's indeterminate." I muttered seriously. "I guess…one and a half years?"

"I'll take that bet too. I will make them date each other before summer ends." Jenna muttered with a sense of purpose.

"Hey no! That's cheating." Jacob said before Elsa took Jenna's side, and they all got into an intense argument with each other.

I laughed before waving at them as I walked to Abby's house. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down before knocking gently on her door.

*knock knock knock*

Then, I waited for a few seconds before Desiree opened up the door. With a smile on her face, she said, "Abby will take just a few more minutes."

"Oh. It's okay, I'll wait."

"Here." Desiree suddenly gave me a box with corsage in it.

"This is…?"

"A flower to give to Abby. You know how to put it on right?"

"I think I do." I said while nodding. "So, are there any interesting things going on in your life now?"

"You…Don't have to make small talk." Desiree said with a laugh before both of our attention was pulled by the girl coming down the stairs.

Her dress was beautiful. The top half was modest but still a bit transparent, revealing some cleavage. She was wearing black high heels, and a teardrop necklace on her neck. She stepped down slowly as she smiled at me with her glossy pink lips.

"Damn…You're beautiful" I muttered subconsciously, which made Abby blush.

"Hey!" She suddenly turned into the golden retriever again, breaking the elegant girl charisma that she showed earlier on. I laughed a bit before I handed the flower to her. "This is for you."

"Sunflower?" She was confused as she took it.

"That was the only flower left in the store." Desiree suddenly said, surprising me. "How do you know?!" I asked her with widened eyes. She was a bit startled, but she said nothing to explain it.

"Thanks Ed. I love it." Abby smiled widely before she gave me a single rose. "This…is to put on your jacket right?"

"I think so?"

Both of us turned to Desiree who then sighed and said, "Yes. Put it on him."

"Where?" Abby was confused and she patted my chest a few times, trying to find the slot for the flower. When she was finally done, it was my turn to give her the corsage.

As I was stumbling in my effort to stick the flower on Abby's chest, Desiree coughed twice as she whispered, "*cough*On her hand. *Cough*"

"Ahh." I finally realized it and put the rose on her hand like a bracelet.

"Kinda feel like you did that on purpose to cop a feel." Abby joked as she touched her chest.

"I plead the fifth." I answered while avoiding Abby's face, which made her annoyed.

"Get closer together. I want to take a picture." Desiree said before taking out a digital camera.

"MOM! That's not necessary-" Abby tried to pull me by the wrist to get away, but I stopped her and said, "Prom photos are necessary."

"Huh?! This is embarrassing!" She retorted.

"You'll need it! 20 years from now, when you're with your children, and they find a box of items from your highschool year, that is when you're going to sit on the edge of the bed, reminiscing. This is why the picture is necessary. Otherwise, how would your children believe you were taken to prom by a superstar?"


Abby was confused, and Desiree laughed as she thought about it. After taking a few pictures, Abby finally had enough and grabbed my hand as she pulled me out of the house.

"Bye mom! Don't wait up!" Abby shouted as we ran towards the limousine. The driver– a Korean man in his 50s, was standing by the car with the door opened as we rushed inside.

"Go James." I muttered at the driver.

"On it Mr Newgate." He nodded slightly before he closed the door.

"James?" Abby asked while tilting her head in confusion, wondering why I was so familiar with the man.

"Don't be racist Abby. A Korean man CAN have a western name. His full name is James Kim though…."

"I WAS NOT BEING RACIST!" She said before she pulled my cheeks in anger.

The driver was provided by my company although the limousine was rented. They couldn't have a stranger driving me around while I was doing a potentially scandalous thing could they?

The interior of the car was filled with red leather, and there was a mini fridge near the side door. Abby took out a bottle of champagne out of excitement and showed it to me.

"SEE! They are giving us the FULL service!"

"Nah, this is just the privilege of riding with me." I said as I confiscated the bottle before she could shake it any further. "Besides, you don't drink. So don't ruin it."

"I c-can drink if I want to!" She pouted before crossing her arms together. I laughed a bit before saying, "Do you know the difference between a wasp and a bee."

"Of course I do. I'm not stupid." Abby said begrudgingly.

"Well…I'mma tell you anyway. A wasp is…dangerous, but Ab-bee is cute."

Her eyes lit up and she sniggered on her seat while still pretending to be mad. Then, she realized that we were taking the wrong direction to the school and was alarmed instantly.

"Ed! I think he's kidnapping us!" She muttered.

I scrunched my face as I asked, "How the hell did you come to that conclusion? I'm picking up Dylan and his date."

"Huh? We are not going to be alone in the limo?" She said with a hint of disappointment in her tone.

"We will be alone on our way back home. Dylan, with his genius intellect, decided to park his car inside the school a day before to make sure he would get a good parking spot. But then, he realized he had no way of getting his date to the venue so asked me for help, and I couldn't just say no…"

She looked at me in disbelief before we suddenly heard a thud. The limo braked suddenly, causing Abby to fall into my body as the backlash hit us.

"What was that?!" I asked with a raised voice.

"Someone ran in front of the limo. I could barely stop in time." James explained before he got out of the car to check on the kid.

I stood up and got half of my body out of the sunroof to check on the situation, before I saw a familiar face sitting on the curb. Abby stood beside me too and she let out a gasp as she saw what I saw.

"Dylan!" I shouted.

Waving from the curb in a weak manner, Dylan kept his smile as he said, "Don't worry, I wasn't hit badly."

"Why are you getting hit at all? What happened?" I asked.

A fed-up tall girl in a sexy red dress answered the question for him, "He was so excited after seeing the limo that he ran towards traffic!"

"HUHHH!? What are you Dylan?! An overly excited puppy?!" I shouted in disbelief as I understood the situation. "Also, Nice to meet you again Anais." I greeted the girl while the driver helped escort Dylan to the door.

"Nice to see you too Edward! You have become even more handsome since I last saw you!" Anais said as she followed the driver from behind. I laughed a bit before saying, "You've become hotter too-"

Before I could finish my words, Abby elbowed me in the waist in jealousy. Both of us got back to our seats as Dylan and Anais entered the car.

"Are you sure you don't need to go to the doctor?" I asked in concern as I saw the limping Dylan.

"Don't worry about it. This wasn't the first time something like this happened. Besides, I promised Anais I would take her to the dance." Dylan said as he glanced at his date. Anais's lip curled up a bit before she hid it with her purse and said, "Don't be dumb. I don't want to dance with a cripple, so you better get that checked out first."

I wanted to add, 'He isn't 'being' dumb. He IS dumb.' to the conversation, but I held my tongue as I saw Dylan was suffering enough. "James, do you have any painkillers?" I asked.

"There's a box underneath the seat in the front." James replied. I nodded and scooted to the front seat before taking out a med-aid box.

"Ooooh." Dylan exclaimed in excitement as I brought it to him. "Lets see, Plan B pills, condoms, viagra, morphine, Marijuana, White powder-Wait a minute! This isn't the First Aid box."

"Ahh… Wrong box! Try the other one!" James replied in a casual manner. All of us were frozen for a while before I closed the box slowly and went to exchange it. I gave Dylan some painkillers, and we never spoke about the first box again.

"So, how did you two end up going to prom together?" Anais asked. Abby blushed a bit, and I replied, "No. I will tell you when you tell me your own story. How in the hell did you decide to go with Dylan?"

Anais was a bit flustered before she replied, "You know…He's the only one tall enough."

"Huh?" Abby was confused.

"He's…the only one tall enough…that I don't feel like a giant woman when we walk together." Anais explained shyly while fidgeting, which was an unexpectedly cute gap for the slut that flashed her tits at me at our first time meeting.

"Anyway, that's the reason for me…So, what's yours?"

"Oh, we're neighbors." I replied casually with a sly smirk, which made Anais exclaim in realization and Abby pout in annoyance.

"We're here!" James said as it took only a short drive from Anais's house to the school.

I held Abby's hand as I escorted her out of the car, gentleman style, and Anais helped the loopy Dylan as he took quite a few meds without me realizing it.

"Smile for the camera!" The school photographer said after we registered our name on the sign-in book. All 4 of us posed together before we entered the venue through a silvery-white balloon arch.

The venue was filled with streamers and teenagers dancing. The DJ played the song, [Low by Florida]

"This…is magnificent." I muttered while enjoying the music.

"The gym?" Abby asked with an excited expression as she watched the crowd dancing madly to the song.

"No. The balloon arch." I explained. Suddenly, a bald man with a petite figure appeared beside me. He was wearing a beige shirt and brown tie, and was pushing his glasses up. He agreed with me and said, "I know right."


"Ed, that's the principal." Abby whispered as I had no idea who the man was.

"Oh. Hi." I said and shook his hand as he offered it first. I was wondering why the principal wasn't Brown as it was shown in the series, but a dude that looked a bit like Moby, but I couldn't even continue thinking as a group of girls suddenly let out a blood curdling scream as they saw me.

"OH MY GOD IT'S EDWARRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!" A blonde teen with spectacles and a yellow dress almost fell to her knees. They started to encircle me and the principal while pushing Abby away. I held her quickly to prevent her from falling, and the tiny principal stood in front of us like a knight, barricading the girls from getting closer.

"A.. Al-Alright girls. Listen up. No one! And I mean NO ONE! Should come close to Mr Newgate today, without his consent alright! See here!!" The crowd stopped as the principal shouted.

He suddenly swayed his arm to form a circle as he continued, "I'm creating a forcefield around him. Alright. So everytime you guys even think about getting close to him, the forcefield will bring you back to reality. Let him enjoy his first prom okay! Everyone, move away- I said MOVE AWAY!"

He chased the girls away while giving me a thumbs up and winking, which made me mutter, "He's like a white…tiny…little knight. Even though I don't know his name, he is still helping me. I WON'T forget you!!!"

"Stop being dramatic!" Abby said before she checked me all over to make sure that no one had assaulted me.

"Ed. We're going to sit for a while before dancing." Anais said while helping Dylan stand straight. He had been swaying like a gas station balloon for a while because of the painkillers.

"Oh. And, we planned on leaving early, but I don't think Dylan is in any condition to drive." Anais added.

"Yeah. I can see that." I muttered as Dylan suddenly fell in my direction, and he grabbed my face as he said groggily, "Hey…Ed…Where's the limo-Ughhh…"

"Why did you plan to leave early?" Abby asked.

"Well…you know…" Anais said while glancing at Dylan's crotch area. Abby was confused for a second before she realized what Anais was talking about.

"Wait. You guys are dating?" Abby asked in shock.

"Nope. But, he brought me to prom. So I need to return the favor." She said with a wink. "Also, you guys are welcome to join if you want. I don't mind-"

"STOP!" Abby shouted quickly before Anais could finish her words. I was frozen on the spot as Anais walked away with Dylan while laughing. Abby grabbed my arms and pulled me to the dance floor before saying, "You need to wipe that drool on your face."

"Ahh…Sorry. The thought of you, and her…sandwiched together…"

"Finish those words and you won't be able to get me, or her." She said as she glared at me. I laughed and grabbed her right hand while my left hand was wrapped around her waist. I pulled her close suddenly, our face inches away from one another.

"So, tell me little lady, is this your first time on the dance floor?" I asked with a smoldering look. She blushed a bit before answering, "Yes. So you have a lot of responsibility tonight. Make sure I don't look weird."


[General POV]

At the snack's table, a ginger kid with a white tux reached into his inner pocket and looked around to make sure that there wasn't anyone watching him. Then, he took out a flask and poured the liquor inside the punch bowl before getting a drink for him and his date.

As he walked away, another asian kid with a blue tux stood in front of the punch bowl and did the same thing. Ed and Abby were dancing on the dance floor while being watched by a trio of girls.

"Ugh, can't believe he's cheating on her on the SAME day he sang a song for her." A brunette girl with a flat chest scoffed as she held a red plastic cup.

"Men are all the same! Not to mention that girl is such a huge SLUT." Another girl said.

The blonde who screamed before suddenly said, "Wait. He might not know she's a hoe. Think about it! She usually wears revealing clothes, but now that he brought her here, she's covering it all up? I think there's something more here. He might have been tricked by her!"

"Yeah. You might be right."

"That slut. We need to separate them."

"For Taylor."

"For Taylor."

In a few seats next to them, Anais was helping Dylan get his sanity back, or as close as he could get to it by continuously whispering to him what he was going to miss out on if he kept being loopy. Suddenly Derek– Dylan's previous band mate walked to them and asked her what happened to him.

"Ahh… You bringer of misfortune." Derek muttered before his date called him back to the dance floor. Before he left, he said to Anais, "Don't worry. This has happened before. Just let him sleep for 10 minutes. Then he'll be back to normal."

"Happened before? Wait. Does this kind of thing usually happen to him?" Anais asked.

Being a perfect wingman, Derek replied, "Yeah. He's a poor guy. But honestly, if he didn't care for others so much, he would get less…injured. Helping a grandmother cross the road, helping a cat stuck in a tree…He's a nice guy. Just… a little bit naive."

"Oh. I see." Anais exclaimed, her gaze turned softer as she looked at Dylan.

On the dance floor, Edward and Abby were happily dancing, unaware of the girl who was purposely walking towards them. She was holding a red cup that was filled to the brim with toilet water and grinned menacingly as she gazed at Abby.

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