Hela made the same journey and returned home in more hurried steps.
But seeing a cheerful Hermes and a smiling Ina made her slow her steps, softly approached them.
Hermes was amused and pretended that nothing was happening.
Ina didn't have her third eye turned on and all she could do was keep an eye on her conversation with her friend.
But feeling the arms so familiar to her made her immediately overflow with joy.
"Miss... I wonder if she is married, I believe I fell in love at first sight."
Ina smiled at her wife's childlike manner and turned to kiss her on the cheek. "My wife will not like to know that I am being embraced by others..."
Hela smiled and Hermes could just feel her lonely heart.
The lovers were so passionate even after a thousand years of marriage.
So did he.
Hela didn't really care about Hermes and all her attention was on Ina.
Her wife was even more beautiful with her face slightly red from the cold.
Feeling Hela's breath against her face, Ina could only smile and join in the little banter. "I'm better than your wife..."
The two had fun and happily pretended that unusual situation.
Ina would maintain her role as a loyal and devoted wife. "No one is better than her..."
Hela used her good mood for more mischievous and daring attitudes.
Ina smiled as she finally felt a soft touch on her lips and a soft kiss began.
It didn't take long, but it was enough for the young couple to be satisfied for a while. "I missed you dear..."
The two whispered while remaining close thanks to the strong embrace between them.
The heat was shared and Ina, if she was cold before, now had the relief of finally being warmed by her wife.
The two pulled away briefly, but kept their bodies together and hands clasped together. "So am I… Have you made any breakthroughs?"
Hela nodded in satisfaction.
She had made more headway than expected and now with a little more research and using a few contacts she could get closer to her goal.
"Yes, it looks like Lauren is just a few steps away from finding out what I need."
Ina smiled contentedly. "That is good..."
Finally the two realized that not only were they in the middle of the street and many people were staring at them, but there was also Hermes who was staring at them in anticipation of finally being noticed and taken seriously.
Hela changed her smiling face to a more serious one and looked at Hermes feigning some kind of anger. "Hermes, I hope you didn't disturb my wife..."
Ina turned her face away, trying hard not to laugh.
Her wife loved to bully Hermes. "I would not do that! Well, I should go now... Don't forget the dog Ina."
Hermes felt funny, but this was too sweet for him and his lonely heart seemed to bleed.
No, no, single people should have self-respect.
Hermes would return to his house or maybe he would go to Narcissus.
The poor boy would listen dutifully.
Of course, it wasn't like he had much of a choice either.
Ina nodded and soon saw Hermes enter a building again and most likely would just use it as a cover to snap his fingers and disappear.
"I will not forget."
It didn't seem right to dare in front of humans and make them question what they saw.
Hela who knew what they were talking about could only feel curious. "Puppy?'
Ina nodded and slowly the two continued to talk in slow steps towards their house. "Hermes thinks it's good that I have a guide dog... It would be a good way to disguise my ability to use the third eye."
Hela finally seemed to understand and seemed to agree.
It was not difficult to notice that people used methods to adapt to possible deficiencies.
Ina was blind, but it's not like she needed help.
She had no eyes, but her existence outweighed the need for eyes for her to locate herself in the world.
Only a few steps were needed and she could easily understand what was going on around her.
Hela enveloped Ina in a hug and it didn't take long for her to remember something important. "Well, a dog is something easy… Does it have to be from this world?"
Ina smiled.
A dog was a dog, did it matter which world it came from?
"No, why?"
"I have a dog and he is very smart, he will be able to take good care of you."
Ina smiled, that sounded perfect.
The two talked softly for a few minutes until they finally arrived home.
Hela opened the door and carefully helped Ina out of her coat and shoes.
When the two were comfortably seated on the couch in the living room, Ina felt curious about the dog.
She wanted to be able to see him.
"Can we see the dog now?"
Hela looked into her expectant eyes and smiled.
She kissed the top of her head and nodded.
"Now? All right..."
Hela got up from the sofa and Ina watched her through her third eye.
She said a little prayer and a greenish light appeared in the middle of the room.
It didn't take long for a huge animal to appear.
Ina could see the huge dog with four eyes and wild look on the other side of that small doorway and for a few seconds she questioned whether it really was a good idea to have that dog in the house... He was huge.
Maybe there was something close to 10 meters?!
Would they have room for him?!
Hela stretched out her arm and he disappeared into the portal, she snapped her fingers and happily talked to the dog.
Making the huge animal run towards the portal following the call of its owner.
When he was close enough Ina closed her eyes, she had a feeling the animal would slam into them.
She kept her eyes closed for a few moments and nothing happened.
Hela who saw her wife in a defensive position could only feel funny. "Open your eyes, little Garm is here."
Ina followed Hela's request and slowly opened her eyes.
What she saw was not a huge animal but a normal dog sitting obediently in front of her.
He had sweet and bright eyes, black fur on most of his body, except on his chest which was reddish.
The dog was beautiful and well behaved.
"Garm, this is my wife and her new owner… We are family, take good care of her."
Hela spoke to the dog who looked intently at her and waited for her to speak.
And when he saw Hela's smile he could only feel relieved and reassured to follow his instincts.
The tail wagged happily and he timidly approached Ina to sniff her and ask for affection.
He might be a godly dog, but he was still a little dog who wanted to play and get cuddled in his belly.
Ina felt the softness of the fur, felt funny.
"He seemed to be bigger..."
Ina stroked the dog's head and smiled at the dog's unusual reactions.
Well, it was unusual because she had no idea what dogs did.
"What you saw is his form when he is ready to attack… Garm, were you hunting when I called you?"
Hela looked at Garm and he was silent, but then he answered happily. "Holf!"
Garm was a beautiful and intelligent Flat-coated Retriever who helped Hela take care of Nifheim.
He had two forms and the best known was the scariest.
Where it had four eyes, immense size and chest as red as if it were bathed in blood.
But he could also be a beautiful and fluffy dog.
Hela returned to sit beside Ina on the couch and smilingly stroked the dog's head. "Yeah, he was hunting chickens."
"Garm, you'll mostly be accompanying Ina around, when she leaves always be on the lookout... But you can't change shape, understood?"
The dog looked puzzled and a little confused.
He rested his face against Ina's leg and seemed to consider what Hela was saying.
Ina found all that very cute and funny and decided to also say a few words to the new family member. "We are in the world of humans, if you change shape you will scare them and that will make she sad..."
Garm stared at Ina for a few moments and then quickly threw himself onto Hela and onto the sofa.
The last thing Garm would do was make his owner unhappy.
Under no circumstances should Hela suffer.
The dog happily licked Hela's face and even swiped at her with its tail, she was so excited.
Completely helpless Hela just accepted the affection and stroked Garm's head, she had been away from her little companion for a long time, she would treat him well.
Hela couldn't ignore Garm's bold reaction and somehow admire it.
He really was bursting with courage after meeting Ina.
"You are so brave Garm… Be good and obey, understood?"
Hela pushed Garm out of her arms and without much effort was quickly exchanged for Ina.
He had adored the new owner.
"Great, play with Ina, I'll cook dinner."
Hela turned away from her wife and dog and watched the cute interaction between the two from a distance.
It seemed impossible not to smile at that kind of scene.
The family was bigger and that called for delicious food.
Happiness should be celebrated and shared.
Pesky13 thanks for warning about the repeated chapters <3