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71.42% In Marvel With The Omnitrix / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Time Skip\Fantastic Encounter

Capítulo 5: Chapter 5: Time Skip\Fantastic Encounter


Getting enough information for now, he transformed into brainstorm for a second time so he can sort himself out, by stealing a couple of money online from very rich people then covering it up his tracks, like they haven't lost a single dime.

"Ok, With this amount of money, with brainstorm intellect, I can make a business selling phones or cars, but it'll take time to do it, and I don't know how much I've got." saying in a serious tone.

He started to think about what's going to do.

"I've made a decision, what I'm about to do



Time Skip

It's been over a full year since "Ben Tennyson" has been transported to the marvel Multiverse and with him having the Omnitrix.

And as time passed he started to do a lot of things, like buying a two story-house with the money he stole from people who'll never notice, and he could've rented an apartment but he wanted to stay away from people in general.

And he also made his own company that makes him a ton of money without him stealing from anyone, and without him being there in person.

As he doesn't trust people or he doesn't want to get backstabbed yet again, so he made the decision of not employing any organic people, but obviously a company can't run without any employees,

So he decided to make robots disguised as people to make the company look like any other normal place, and all of them having an Identity and history made for them, to not make any suspension, or get on anyone's radar

Doing all of that in this specific order:

• Get the necessary materials for his creations, by buying huge quantities of it, but still have enough money to buy a house and start a company.

• Making his own futuristic lap: so he can experiment and create his own kind of technology.

• Make an ID Mask: that resembled a shocked face and it was coloured brown, and it can change one's appearance into a completely different person, plus using Brainstorm to know how to make them, he decided to improve them as they can get disrupted by flashes of lightning or break, and he also used Jurryrigg jurryrigg to make them in seconds and also for cheap.

• Make robots: who look like a faceless humanoid human with no distinctive characteristic to any of them with a green, black and white color scheme, each on of them will have the same height and body weight, and they'll be disguised with the help of an ID Mask, to make them look regular people (male or female), to make them look different from one another, also making for each one of them an Identity, history and ID.

And each and every robot has different kinds of abilities but all having the same strength, speed and durability.

Like one having the ability to shoot fire out of hands, another can fire ice, shoot laser beams out of their fingers, and so on, and as every robot look identical to each other they can confuse the person who infiltrated the company, making them seen like a stranded robot,

And with their speed they can run in approximately 50-65 mph, as with durability thanks to a couple condensed metal alloys, they can survive a couple of blows from his strong type aliens.

Even though they don't have a face doesn't mean they can not see, as they have multiple or different ways to see, like having the ability to see normally, but also having infrared and thermal visions.

But none of them have the ability to fly, as it's not necessary. Their only mission is to protect and to sell cars.

Plus having self-sufficient and renewable energy, so they can operate for years, maybe decades at a time, knowing something will probably happen that'll leave one-way or another, and are also waterproof.

And so he then named them, P\Techadons.

• Make a fake identity: by using the ID mask to hide his real Identity.

• Make an ID for his disguised self: as a black haired, blue eyed handsome man while using the ID Mask as a non existent person, he named "Bruce Wayne".

• Create a company: he called 'Wayne enterprise' which is in the city of New-York, and the first thing the company sold is cars, and those cars will be better than all the other ones, like lower fuel consumption, higher horse-power and being more comfortable to drive, plus being less expressive than the rest of the competition and he'll improve them when another company comes close to his own cars.

Giving the consumers the feeling of luxury, for a cheap price for a car, and making it also fast enough to make people who really enjoy driving a very fast vehicle to buy it.

Plus with brainstorm intellect and jurryrigg being fast to make them, they were cheap to make, roughly around a thousand or so, and he's selling them for 30,000$ thousand dollars with taxes per car.

• And when customers go Inside the shop, the first thing they'll see are cars, so he had to make them Stunning and appealing for the customer, and if they're not sure, the employees (who are secretly Techadons wearing an ID mask) will go to them and offer them a "once of a lifetime deal" for the cars.

And as things started to change for the better for him, there were other things that happened that was not all being as positive for the rest of the world, like:

• A civilian spotted two green creatures who were taller than 8ft tall, and who were fighting against each other, somewhere in a desert area.

• Tony stark has been kidnapped by an unknown terrorist group.

• Civilians saw a blonde man wearing a red cape while flying with a hammer in his hand.

And many more events that also happened after he came to this universe, but he didn't let that stop him from continuing his own plans.

The First Month:

Not doing anything really crazy, but start his company, making robots and the ID mask, create the Identity of Bruce Wayne.

Working on machines and gadgets, his very first armor suit, which is made if he got knocked out and turned back to normal he'll have the suit to hide his real Identity, the suit looking like something that is made from the future with a black and green color scheme, while having a built-in utility belt having different gadgets for different scenarios, the capabilities of the suit it's bulletproof, waterproof, stab proof.

And also going to an empty and deserted place so he can transform into his other aliens he has yet to transform.

You know the normal stuff.

The Second month:

Ben Tennyson sitting at his desk finishing the last page of his paperwork for the company, as he's not currently disguised as Bruce, wearing brown cargo pants and a black hoodie plus wearing a ring on his index finger, as this ring contains the entire suit inside of it, like the Black Panther in a few years from now.

And as he commanded the suit to turn on mentally, as tiny machines started to leave the ring and coat his body as it's completely nanotech, the suit looking like something came from the future covering all of his body not revealing a piece of his skin, the colors being green and black, plus having a utility belt for different circumstances built inside of it with different gadgets he made, so basically he can mentally telling the suit to give him this precise gadget for the situation he's in and the suit response in less of a millisecond.

As I mentioned before. The suit completely bulletproof, making the user stronger and faster than his usual self but not by a lot, just so he can keep up with Captain America or Black widow, not wanting to be overly dependent on his machines, plus having a (HUD) telling him different kind of things around him or if he has damage on his body and also giving him different kind of Visions, an example being the infrared vision, and it has sensors all over his body so it can tell him if there's an attack coming from behind him.

Then he sat up from his chair just as he just finished making his own company, making it later than anticipated, with all the paperwork that came along with it.

Then he transformed into Ghostfreak, grabbing a metallic cylinder shaped object and a metallic disk shaped object as well, both of them glowing with a blue dim light out of the top of it.

Becoming intangible and invisible with the objects, he flew out of the building, heading out of New-York, towards the nearest desert he could find.

Then after finding one, he went in the middle of the desert, he first threw the disk shaped object on the ground, but nothing did happened, the only thing that changed is the blue light became green, then he pressed the Omnitrix turning back to human while he's wearing his suit, afterwards he thrown the cylinder shaped object onto the ground,

After touching the ground/Sand, the blue dim light became brighter and the blue light became a bright green.

Then It went under the ground/sand, after it went underground he sat down on the sand for about five minutes, after waiting for that amount of time he finally said something, "X, Open my very own first but still unnamed underground headquarters.", he said in a monotone voice, then suddenly a male voice came out of nowhere... or more specifically inside of his suit, who has replied to him, "Immediately sir, just a moment, just syncing my systems to your new headquarters.", replying to him with a voice similar to his own voice but not but a lot, while also having a more robotic sound to it.

This is X an AI, which stands for Roman numeral for ten, X is used to control the robots who operate the company without him there.

And his processing is fast enough to control all of the robots plus the company and still be inside the bunker to oversee the power and security simultaneously.

Plus his system and program language is superior to anything on this planet even Wakanda being light-years ahead of anything, and it's also inside of his suit so instead of him personally hacking or manually doing something, he can make he's AI to do it instead,

Basically the AI (X) controls the robots who protect the company from enemy's from the outside with more precise moves and predict the enemy's moves using their previous actions to know what they're gonna do next, and at the same time protect the company internally from any hackers.

Plus he monitors the company 24/7 everyday of the month from anyone trying to sneak in and wanting to steal something, and if he does see anyone he'll employ the robots disguised as security guards to incapacitate them, then call the police to get them arrested.

Moving on from that, The first thing he threw was a machine he created with Brainstorm designed to make only himself in a 10 mile radius in all directions invisible to any and all satellites or drones, but for anyone else it won't do anything to them at all.

And the other thing he also threw to the ground/Sand is a machine he also created with Brainstorm and a bit of Swampfire that makes a full on underground headquarters, taking most of his time to make.

After X synced his systems to the headquarters, and a door came up from the sand, opening the door showed stairs leading down. following the path downwards for a minute, which lead to a dead end, then a camera came from the wall In Front of him like it's scanning him so it identify that's the real him and not some imposter, "Welcome 'Omni' to your new headquarters, how can I assist you.", "

And now he made another nickname to use when he's using the suit, as he wants to keep both of identities a secret.

Then suddenly the floor underneath him started to go down like an elevator but faster than a normal elevator like you're free falling towards the Earth's core but at the same time it feels very safe while doing it, he then sat down knowing it will take a few minutes to reach his destination.

After a couple of minutes, he finally reached the first floor, as it cannot be described as a Level. the first thing you'll see is a town that can house a few hundred people but replace the tiny houses with luxurious mansions, all of them that can definitely fit more than twenty people each easily, and each having multiple floors, beautiful scenery and pools and other stuff, and by using holographic technology he created a sky with a day and night cycle, plus the level having beautiful green trees that was created by using Swampfire's seeds that generates.

But this is only the beginning l, this headquarters having Five Levels. each different from another, the five Levels are:

The First Level: The first thing you see when you come to this floor is a luxurious place of your dreams that only the richest people in the world could possibly have enough money to live there, so this level is when the only you want is to relax and absolutely nothing, having a the relaxing area, having multiple kitchens, dining Halls, bedrooms, living room, an inside Pool, Video game room, etc, it's the floor to enjoy, relax and maybe watch tv if you want to.

The Second Level: When you come up in this level, what you'll see first is multiple doors, all having different names of spots, like America football, football, basketball, etc, This is the sports area, meaning this is not the place to relax, but if you want to play competitively against robots who'll play like a player if your choice in different difficulties or if you want to play for fun play in the lowest setting, and by using holographic technology you can also slide down mountain with a hundred percent realism, meaning if you go to a snowy area you'll get cold, so be prepared when you choose, [he made this level because he's a sports fan.]

The Third Level: This level is by far the Smelliest one of them, as this is the area where he'll grow plants and animals.

Meaning this is where the will come, again by using Swampfire's powers and seeds it'll be easy, but the animals on the other hand won't be as easy, as he currently doesn't have any right now. he'll have to make a teleportation device that will bring the animals here, and the robots will take care of the rest

The Fourth Level: When you come to this level you'll see nothing but a completely white room, as it'll interactive artificial environments so you can any location you can think of while fighting against any enemy you know to develop fighting styles and what not, and as it'll be a the training room where practice against robots disguised as villains of course there'll be different type of difficulties like level one, two, three... all the way to a hundred.

But that's only the first floor of that level, the next floor is the medical room with the most advanced technology you can find to help patients who are in need of treatment.

For physical damages that will take months or even years to heal will take a few days at most possibly even less than that.

The Fifth Level: And as This level being the most important one, as this is where all the scientist and geniuses could only dream off, being also clean without any dust or any spots while also it can clean itself from any mess he made or something and also having a lab where he'll experiment and think up ideas of how to make futuristic and alien devices and machines for a multitude of purposes, such as making spaceships, gadgets and improve on his older ones and what not.

And also being is that his headquarters is thousands of miles deep underground, having a very durable material to his main place of operations, the best security than everything he has right now, the entire place having multiple turrets and missiles that comes up from the walls and the ground, and also currently housing the most powerful robots he has recently made.

Plus all of the Levels are entirely made of reinforced metal that can survive nukes and multiple hits from his Vilgax transformation, plus it's not susceptible to magnetism.

And also having a force field that adds more defense, but not being the main reason of why he made it, while yes it can add more protection but it can block off intangible people, such as the being called Vision a future Avenger who would maybe come here sneakily.

And all of this and more is being controlled by X

The Third month:

Tony Stark fell victim of being kidnapped, more customers went to his own place, thinking that the terrorist to make Tony stark to hack his own devices or things they bought from Stark industries,

But Ben knows that's not the reason they kidnapped him but not really caring at all to say anything, only saying they're idiot and heartless, not caring about other people only for themselves.

Then when Ben is in a training area he designed Inside his headquarters so he can train with his alien, and see the upper limits of his aliens, like with upchuck, to see how much he can eat.

Swampfire so he can see how hot can his fire get? and regeneration limit, and while he's fighting a couple of P/Techadons, there's a holographic screen showing the news, saying Tony Stark has been found as a little after 3 months the military has finally found Tony,

Who has been found in a desert of Afghanistan, also without any permanent damage, but then Ben stopped paying attention, not interested what happens next, so he shut it off, continuing his fighting.

While the company is operating without him being there personally, as there's a robot disguised as his fake identity, if anyone wants to see him unexpectedly or something,

You could never know what would happen in the future, wanting to be safe and still being cautious.

Nothing interesting happened after that.

The Fourth Month:

His company has steadily started to grow and expand, in short his revenue is up as well as the stocks, so much actually that the other companies wanted to buy his naturally he refused so the other got upset and angry.

So they planned to hire some people to hack his company and get all of the blueprints, and he did nothing about that as his systems are too advanced as to get hacked by some backstabbing idiots, so naturally not working out for them they decided to go a more hands on approach; they hired a couple of trained people to infiltrate my company in the night but already anticipated that when he first transformed to Brainstorm using his intellect to make his company, there were robots (disguised as guards) awaiting them. knowing their every move plus being stronger, faster and more durable, they were incapacitated in seconds, then calling the police to get them and not wanting this to happen again he gave all of the evidence which was messages and not so much 'private calls' he has on the other companies with the hired infiltrators.

Knowing that if he revealed to the public that his company was the one that stopped the companies will draw some uneasiness from the people, so he made up some story about a man who came up to him and told there will be an attack on his company later that night also giving them evidence to help that this won't again but not anticipating the police asking what's his name so he gave them the first that came to his mind 'Omni'.

Brainstorm being so smart that he can anticipate what's gonna happen as if it already happened with preciseness, but that's only the tip of the iceberg of his intellect, wanting to use his intellect further he wanted to know what else is different in this universe there are other variables that wasn't known yet in the MCU, for example S.H.I.E.L.D don't know the existence of the Skrulls and the Kree, as it seems S.H.I.E.L.D is just as advanced as their other counterpart his guess is that they were to busy dealing with Hydra to check out If there are any aliens on earth.

Wanting to know about S.H.I.E.L.D he ordered X to go and hack them once again, but this time to know their history.

Studying them It seems that the idea of S.H.I.E.L.D came out of Howard Stark, devoted to protect humanity and it was made public in 1965 by it's first director Rick Stoner but was later killed, then later Nick Fury became director of S.H.I.E.L.D,

Then Nick Fury hired a scientist called Franklin Hall to make him a super soldier, and as always something went wrong but he didn't die, becoming something else that can control gravity, then he got imprisoned in S.H.I.E.L.D later.

Then Fury tried to use technological route instead of the biological, Having the most advanced technology through Stark International until its CEO, Tony Stark pulled off his company from weapons manufacturing business a month ago, so they decided to reverse-engineer their technology and equipment from Stark, as it will take months or even years to do so.

Plus it seems There's an offshoot of SHIELD and they called it S.W.O.R.D short for Sentient World Observation and Response Department their mission is to protect earth from alien invaders so naturally, at that point, Nick Fury had some involvement in its operations.

However, since the two organizations have broken apart, the character now has less to do with SWORD-related business

Wanting to know what's already on earth, he created a device to know if there's any unknown life forms other than human living on earth without notice, using it he discovered that there are Skrulls but there's also Kree, a singular one to be precise, disguised as a male human calling himself, Philip Lawson.

But that's not the only thing he found, there are multiple unknown life forms living on earth, in the oceans, mountains, cities, heck even one is in a swamp.

He first checked the ones in the city as they were neither Kree or Skrulls, but something human yet at the same time different in a way.

Not understanding why but wanting to know quickly, he transformed into Jurryrigg to create multiple robots but not any normal robots, these robots are as big as a fly and its only mission is to collect their blood for further testing.

So it'll take a while for them to collect all of their DNA.

But the one thing that confused him most, is that Captain Marvel doesn't exist yet, so he tried to find Carol Danvers herself, it turns out that she exists, but isn't yet known as a hero yet, just a soldier.

He concluded with Brainstorm smarts, that later in her life she'll somehow get her powers, with the involvement of the Kree spy no doubt.

But he doesn't care about that, he knows that later on, the avengers will discover him by some luck or what not, he cares about the unknown underwater life that the MCU never revealed.

His curiosity being at an all time high and with him transforming into Brainstorm many times made him interested in science and technology also a bit smarter as well, but not so much that he'll go out of his way just to see them.

Thinking that even Wakanda didn't even know them, their technology must be very advanced to do that.

meaning he must be the only one in the world to know their existence, potentially others may know them.

Later on in the same month, as he's in his lab wearing casual clothes, as he's updating the robots systems to run and expand his company without him and X at all, even if he and X are gone for years at a time, just for emergencies.


He then heard the sound, confusing him, then shortly after he started to hear someone groan in pain, but what confused him is how is someone thousands of miles underground in the middle of nowhere so less.

"Hey X, did you hear a sound outside of my headquarters by any chance?" asking his personal AI.

"Yes sir, it seems that the sound was caused by someone falling into the ground in high speeds, and it also seems that there are some people with him as well, three males one female, and all of them are unconscious but their hearts are still beating but they're critically injured and they will die in about hour, shall I activate the security measures?".

At first he wanted to say yes, then he caught himself, thinking that can he deal with himself if he killed them or not, because he never killed someone and doesn't know if he could anyway, "(If I kill them now there won't be any loose-end, but I'll be a murderer, but I can't let in my base they'll backstab me later on, what if I put them in a hospital?)".

"No X, don't activate the security, how about we put them in the nearest hospital?" wanting to know if there's an alternative. Instead of leaving for dead.

"We can sir, but In the time we get them there they'll die shortly after." said to his Creator, so with no other options he decided to treat them in his place.

Sighing as he'll expose his base of operations so quickly.

"X, bring those people and me into the medical room for immediate treatment and identify them after." ordering him with defeat in his voice, as he was saddened that he'll expose his base of operations in just a few months to a bunch of nobodies, that might be some supervillains who were recently defeated.

Then a piece of metal came up underneath him and the ceiling above him opened like it's made from liquid.

Moving him into the medical room but while it's doing that he commanded his super suit to turn on. Not wanting to reveal his identity.

Coming to the medical room as this is no normal medical room having just beds and what not, you'll see green tubes with a see through door and when someone goes inside of it, green liquid will fill it up as it has healing properties that can heal critically injured inside and outside their bodies in days like it's magic. And even curing every diseases out there in the world.

First he awaited the injured people, seconds later he sees his robots carrying the four people into the healing tube, the first one who has no hair at all and his Body is covered with an orange, flexible, rock-like hide; No apparent neck; Only four fingers (including the thumb) on each hand and four toes on each foot and made entirely of smooth orange rocks. And has no outer ear structure.

The second one is the youngest one out of all of them being a male with average height for some with his age, who has blonde hair and also is good looking.

The third one is a blond female who looks kind of similar to the blond man but looking older than him, both having blonde hair and blue colored eyes and is very beautiful. But Ben not caring at all how she looks as it doesn't mean anything to him.

The Fourth one is the oldest one here by the white hair on his temples, as his normal hair and eye color is brown, and his body is a bit stretched in a not so normal way.

And we're all wearing matching outfits with a blue and black color schemes and the number 4 as like the actual number imbedded on the suit but unfortunately it's pretty beat up, and by seeing matching outfits he quickly figured out without X identifying them immediately knowing that they're all superheroes, and that's the thing that made him a bit angry, "*sigh, superheroes of course, why didn't I see that coming? Why wouldn't superheroes come falling In Front of my doorstep?."

As he doesn't exactly know who they are, but hearing a couple of fans wanting them to join the MCU is just enough to recognize them by their personal outfits.

After complaining he heard the Omnitrix make a beep sound, lifting his left wrist In Front of him, the Omnitrix started to talk to him, "Genetic damage detected, should we attempt to repair?." asking its user in the same voice as X. But sounding more alive than X.

Surprising him as he forgot the Omnitrix could do that, meaning they got their powers by something going horribly wrong, but if he can get rid of their powers he can safely heal them without having a loose end, it's a win-win situation.

But it wasn't sitting right with him at all, feeling like he's stealing that's not his, sure he stole from someone on the first day he came to this universe but that's something that can be returned later on as he returned the money back even if the man he stole from has plenty to spare, as he's not a low level thug on the streets who has no honor.

"No, I don't think I want to." telling the Omnitrix, as the Omnitrix beeped and went back to normal.

"Hey X, how long will it take to get them healed and to regain their consciousness?."

"Usually sir, it'll take a day or two at most but they have some kind of ability that lets them heal faster than normal, so by my calculations it'll take a few hours to get them healed and will regain their consciousness shortly after." replying to him Immediately.

Sighing in defeat but started complaining shortly after to himself wanting to vent out his feelings, after doing that he ordered X to get them something to wear after they healed.

Change Pov

Waking up from being passed out, feeling first of being comfortable and the warmth on whatever she's laying on.

Opening up his/her eyes slowly as she has blurry vision, slowly becoming clearer but the light blinded her a little. Trying to Remember what they were doing previously.

Remembering that they were fighting against a villain calling himself Mole Man, they were fighting against him underground, eventually defeating and ruining his evil plan of wanting to get revenge on the people who wronged him in the past.

But he had one last trick up his sleeve, he then made a swift exit, and that's all she remembered before getting knocked out.

Then becoming worried for the others, she sat up from her laying position by how worried she was, adjusting her eyes to the light, looking around the room and finding the other's laying on beds. Resting, not wearing what they normally wear rather wearing casual but comfortable looking clothes.

Relieved she released her breath she didn't know she was keeping in, then continued to look around the room. Noticing there's no other person here but them, wanting to know where they are, she found a massive door that can easily fit one of their larger teammates, she stood up from her bed and walked towards the door.

Opening it, surprised that it's not as heavy as it looked, going inside to see a dimly lit room, inside of the room being tubes that they were in to get them healed, then seeing a person sitting there, not knowing if it's a male or female cause it's wearing a futuristic suit that's covering all of his/her body.

Deciding to build some courage to speak to the person, "Excuse me, are you the person who saved us from dying?."

Change Pov

Turning his back to the one who spoke, seeing the blonde haired injured woman back into a healthy condition, "Yes, that would be me." he replied back then went back to work. Wanting to have as little interaction as he could.

But not catching the hint she continued onward and looking around the place, "You have a Nice place, Mr?...".

"Omni." saying it plainly.

Continuing on she said, "Omni, very futuristic place you have, but could you tell me where we are currently?." asking him sweetly.

Making him a bit annoyed that she's still here, "we are thousands of miles underground." saying as little as possible.

Surprising her greatly, "Really?!, we're still underground?, with all this high tech here I thought we were in some fancy secret hideout." asking in disbelief and trying to figure out how's that possible.

Noticing that the girl won't leave until he answers her he replied, "You are in some fancy secret hideout, it's called my headquarters." saying it while still being annoyed, but doing well by hiding it.

"So if this place is your headquarters, it's not very impressive, I mean don't get me wrong everything here looks way more advanced but there doesn't seem to have any much space, sorry If I offended you, cause I didn't mean it. Promise." regretting what she said to her savior immediately.

"I don't mind, you only seen a small portion of the level, as my headquarters having Four Levels ." not really caring what she said because he doesn't care about anyone's opinion, and saying that he only has four instead of five, trying to hide it.

Making her mouth drop by what he said, "So you have multiple floors?!,

He just shrugged his shoulders, once again returning back to his work. And she was only staring wide eyed, thinking that her family will enjoy inspecting the place.

While she was thinking that, someone came from behind her, "Hey sue, you'll already up?.", a large figure coming up from behind her, turns out to be the one who's made from orange rocks, came yawning like he wasn't at death's door just a few hours ago.

Then coming to a stop after realizing that he's not in their home, "Woah, where are we?, everything looks so much advanced, did Reed make an upgrade?."

Continuing to inspect the place without noticing that there's somebody else in the room, sue getting annoyed with him for not greeting him, she elbowed him in the stomach making him look at her, "Hey, what was that for?." confused as to why she hit him

With saying anything she pointed with her head to the one who saved them from dying. making Ben(The Thing) notice him.

"Huh?, who's that guy?, and why is he in our home." completely missing the point, making sue face palm. So she had to spell it out for him, "*sigh* No Ben(The Thing) we're not in our home, we're in his home and his name is Omni."

Being confused as to why they're not in their home, started to concentrate on why. He remembered his fight against the villain and then everyone got knocked out except for him, carrying all of them thanks to his strength and almost getting out of there but unfortunately the ground underneath him for ribbed apart, making him fall down while still holding his friends. Seeing that he's falling in fast speed, quickly reaching the ground, thinking fast as to how he'll protect them, he used his body to absorb the impact, then everything went Black.

Finally understanding that this person saved him and his family from dying, so he tried to be a bit more respectful to him, "Oh, sorry for not noticing you, I thank you for helping us in the time of our need."

He said a bit embarrassed, but getting a nod from him. Then he sat up from his chair, "I'm going to eat, if you guys want anything just ask my AI , and it'll assist you."

Once again piece of the ground up from under him, making him go upwards towards the ceiling, and the ceiling opened letting him through.

All the while they were confused as to how that happened, both of them thinking, "(WOW, This place is very advanced.)"

With sue first to come out of daze, "Ben, I think we should stay with our family until they wake, to know what we're going to do next." calling his name to also wake him up from his daze.

"Huh?, uh yeah sure thing sue." still being in a bit of a daze.

Both of them went back to the previous room, waiting for the others to wake up...

The End.

Please comment and review my story as it helps me to want and continue my story.

Hopefully you guys do what I asked and this is the last chapter I'll upload in a long time.

Don't worry I'll continue my story but I don't know when I can make the next chapter.

So I'll see you guys later, Bye.

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