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57.14% In Marvel With The Omnitrix / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Finding The Way

Capítulo 4: Chapter 4: Finding The Way


"Ok now let's hide my tracks, so it won't look like there was a hulk here," he said jokingly.

After he hidden his presence in the area, by using his laser beams to melt the ground he accidentally destroyed, making as even as the other, then using his wind breath to cool it, after a little bit of time making the area look like nothing happened here.

Inspecting his work, feeling a bit proud of himself, "Now that's what I call covering up your tracks, now i need to get out of here before anyone can come here, so let's use Ghostfreak, but how can i transform into him now, from what i remember, press the Omnitrix while thinking of the alien i want?, i think."

Thinking of the alien he wants to transform into while pressing the Omnitrix, doing that enveloping the area with a green flash again, instead of the humanoid octopus, there was a phantom/ghost-like alien with a gaseous appearance and claw-like hands, his skin is a greenish-white shading with black lines running all over him. His skin is removable with black and white striped tentacles underneath it.

Wearing green chains all over his front side which lead to his neck, waist, and center/chest, giving him the appearance of being contained in a straightjacket, but with his arms out freely. The spikes on his elbows.

The Omnitrix symbol is located at one of the tentacles inside of his upper skin connecting with his chains.

And once again instantly knowing his powers and abilities:



•Body Possession


•Telekinetic Abilities

•Energy Beams

•Space Survivability

•Night Vision

•Sharp Claws


•Protective and Removable Skin

•Dark Empowerment

•Shape Change

•Mobile eye

•Ectonurite Transforming

Using his ability to go invisible then flying out of here to find the nearest city, and know what was happening and what happened, also find himself a place to stay for a little bit.

While also stealing a phone or laptop to steal a little bit of money to invest on NFT and online poker, then create a business like a hospital or something, he'll figure it out on the way.

As he flies upwards toward the sky to look at the area around him, trying to know where he is currently at, while still being invisible.

Stopping at the right position, getting a bird's eye view of the area, trying to find something that will help him, unfortunately he doesn't see anyone or anything nearby, but all he sees is a singular road going as far as the eye can see, "alright, I found a road, at least that's something, so if follow this road it may lead me to a city." sounding optimistic.

Trying to look at the bright side of the situation, not wanting to complain as he got the freaking Omnitrix.

"But before any of that, it's not like everyday that you have the ability to fly, so I wanna enjoy it when I can.", sounding excited.

Then he started to fly around in multiple directions, feeling as light as a feather plus feeling great, suddenly having an idea, he decided to stop the ability to fly, falling towards the ground, but instead of hitting the ground, he went through it.

Then a couple of seconds later he came through it yet again, without a scratch, "intangibility, a useful ability to have if I say so, plus I can't think of anyone except two people who have this ability, and one of them can't fly."

So after he had his fun he went on his merry way.

After Unknown Amount Of Time

So he started to follow the road at an insane speed, impossible to see with naked eye even if he was visible, after an unknown amount of time he finally sees a city, inspecting it and finding out it's...

"New York city?!, of freaking course that paradox would put me here, I'm heading where all the main heroes do their stupid, useless and pointless heroin." annoyed at where he's going, as he was currently heading to a city, also known as a superhero hub for the most famous heros in the comics.

Then he noticed a couple of green dumpster trucks driving his way, instantly knowing that the people who're driving the truck are the first people he found in this universe, although he can't currently see them because they're driving the truck which is heading to the garbage area, where he was previously.

But he ignored them as he doesn't like to meet other people, as he doesn't trust anyone with anything anymore, so he flew past them, and kept heading towards the city.

Going inside the city, wanting to find a tech shop, so he can steal a laptop or something, wanting to know the answers about his questions that were on his mind.

New York, seeing all the different citizens and then seeing a crashed car with two men arguing with each other, but he didn't care about them in the least, continuing to find the place he's looking for.

Finally finding an tech shop after some time, going inside it, he sees people with matching outfits working, but he wasn't interested in them either, wanting to find a laptop, going to where laptop section, finding it but he sees that all of them are old models, specifically (2008-2010), thinking someone put this here by mistake, as he wanted to steal a better laptop so inspected the whole shop, but not finding anything newer, much to his disappointment.

Deciding to take one, as he doesn't have another option he took it without batting an eye, grabbing it with his hand, turning it invisible and intangible, then flying away with it, going through the wall exiting the shop, with the laptop in his hand.

Making it his first time stealing something, with him not knowing how to feel about it, should he feel bad, great or nothing at all, deciding to sort out his feelings for later, as there's more important things right now.

Then he decided to go to a back alley or an abandoned building of the city, so he can transform back to human, so he started to fly upwards, looking for a place to change back.

Looking around for some time now, he find an abandoned warehouse, it looks like a typical abandoned warehouse, but the walls are full of graffiti and some of the windows are broken,

"Found an abandoned warehouse, though I have to admit that it's a bit tacky, but it will do for now.", wanting to do it over and done with.

Going inside it by phasing through the wall while still invisible the whole time when he went into New York City, not wanting to risk being caught and all, after phasing through the wall, he sees nothing inside it at all, only the typical stuff that comes with something abandoned.

Then he inspected the area around the warehouse and inside it, looking for any person, camera close by or anything at all that will reveal his Identity, after looking around and concluded that there's nobody around here, so he went back inside of the warehouse.

"Alright, it seems to be safe around here, that means I can detransform here, even though I don't want to." firstly he let go of the laptop, dropping down onto the ground, then he put his hand on the Omnitrix, creating a green flash, it faded out transforming back into his human self,

"(Ok, now let's open the box.)", he started to open the package eagerly, carrying only the laptop as that's the only useful thing there, then he turned it on, doing the necessities so he could use it.

He firstly checked the date, going to the calendar app, opening it by double clicking it, he saw that it's January 1st 2008, going wide-eyed as he went to another multiverse AND went back in time, but wanting to know more he continued.

So doing just that, he exited the app, to open something similar to google, for he didn't believe google existed in this universe, but to his surprise he saw the google icon, "hm?, it seems that google exists in this universe also." surprised that it's here too, but he didn't want to show it on his face.

Then he opened google, he firstly typed 'Tony Stark' then he pressed enter on the keyboard, but nothing showed up...

"What?!, why didn't something show at all?, Does Tony Stark even exist in this universe?." feeling confused as to why nothing got shown.

Then he typed Captain America as he's the only reason why Hydra didn't conquer the world back in World War II.

But yet again, nothing shows up at all, not knowing what to do, Then he realized the reason...

He didn't have Wi-Fi, he got embarrassed, putting his hand on his face, trying to hide it, even if no one's here,

And yes this is the guy who paradox entrusted wielding the Omnitrix which let me remind you is the most POWERFUL piece of technology in this universe and who is destined to SAVE the earth from annihilation.

"How can I forget that I don't have the internet?, it must be all that happened to me today, yeah, YEAH, it must be."

Trying to make an excuse so he can hide his embarrassment and stupidity, after he did that he tried to figure out a way so he could get the internet, then an idea came to him.

He put his fingers on the Omnitrix, releasing a holographic circle, showing all the different alien icons, and the Icon he chose which looked like a big nose and ears, and it wears a cap with goggles.

Choosing this icon, making the faceplate to slide back which reveals the Omnitrix core, then pressing it, unleashing a green blinding light.

Fading out showing a small, red, gremlin-like alien with a long nose and ears. He wears a black and white cap with dark green goggles.

He wears a green, black, and white bodysuit with two black and green gauntlets as well as a backpack.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his right gauntlet.

immediately knowing what he can do with this transformation:

• Omnifabrification

• Enhanced Strength

• Enhanced Jumping

• Enhanced Speed

• Enhanced Agility

• Enhanced Durability

• Technological Expertise

• Technological Modification

Then after he transformed, he started to have a near uncontrollable thirst for wanting to break machinery and assembling machines.

"AHAHAHA, Jurryrigg Dissemble AHAHAHA."

Dissembling the laptop in less of a second.

"Jurryrigg reassemble, Fix Fix Fix." assembling it yet again in a less of a second, then after he was done, he transformed back into normal.

"Man, what the hell happened?, it was so hard to control that transformation, I definitely need to train with it, but that can wait, now I have an unlimited amount of internet in any place of the world with other adjustments to it like a longer battery life, better internal security and so on, but that's not really important right now."

Also thinking that the kids back in his universe would be very jealous with this, he knows he would be pretty jealous, continuing on he went back to google, searching 'Tony Stark' again, but this time it worked.

Showing that he's the owner of stark industries, yadda yadda yadda, he also has not as of yet to get kidnapped by the terrorist group called the ten rings.

Then continued to research the other heros, the only thing to come up is Captain America with his history, Bruce Banner saying he's a brilliant scientist in gamma radiation, and Reed Richards saying as well a brilliant scientist, but that's it, not going as in-depth as he liked.

So with no other option he had on his mind even though there's a billion of other solutions, he decided to hack into S.H.I.E.L.D ...

"Nothing happened yet, that's great, that means if S.H.I.E.L.D hypothetically found me, they don't have enough firepower to get me, speaking of S.H.I.E.L.D let's see if I can hack them without being caught, I need to know what they know, so I can prepare."

He knows this is risky as he has only a laptop and if he gets caught the whole of S.H.I.E.L.D and maybe Hydra if they infiltrated them or not, depending on his luck on that matter, will go after him.

But he doesn't care, as they don't have him in their history, or anything for that matter, as he isn't in this universe to begin with, and If they did (As they don't) they can't stop him.

Then he yet again transformed into a light orange crab-like appearance with pincers for hands. He can open his skull plates at will to reveal his huge brain, which is pink in color.

Has a black loincloth with a green stripe in the center of it on the bottom of his body. He also has a black stripe in the center of his head with a green stripe running across it.

He has four legs, and each leg has a single joint instead of two, with a black stripe on each one.

The hair-like spikes on Brainstorm's face and forehead are now longer, and his eyes connect to a large black strip that extends around his forehead. He also has two spikes on each elbow, and he wears the Omnitrix symbol on a white and green neck brace.

His abilities being:

• High Intellect

• Accelerated Calculations

• Electrokinesis

Electromagnetic Levitation

Electric Telekinesis

Force-Field Generation

• Underwater and Land Survivability

• Sharp Pincers

• Wall Scaling

• Mind Reading/Manipulation

"Brainstorm, With my superior intellect, hacking into S.H.I.E.L.D software without being caught, will be as easy as stealing candy from an infant, and the name I must say it's presumptuous." speaking in a British voice, and sounding arrogant.

Typing in a very fast manner, then after a couple of minutes, he hacked S.H.I.E.L.D servers without being noticed in the least.

"Done, I've successfully hacked them and without alerting them, meaning they don't know I'm even here and I did all of this with just an antiquated piece of machinery."

He said with a sense of superiority, and you can hear his voice oozing with arrogance.

Then he transformed back, laying down on the ground, trying to get comfortable with the laptop Infront of him, "ok let's see what S.H.I.E.L.D have in their lockers."

Saying it with pride, as he hacked maybe the most secure software on the planet without them noticing anything in the least.

Looking at what they have, not really interested in anything, because all he's seeing is politics, spy work, etc.

Then he stumbled upon something that made interested, it's all the super villains who they've imprisoned and the most notorious villain in their captivity is the current leader of Hydra 'Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker'.

Remember the name, it's the name of the guy who the avengers beat in Age Of Ultron, then he got murdered by Ultron himself, but in this one he looks older and lost his right arm.

"It seems on this earth, they've already neutralized the boss of Hydra years ago, but that will not stop them from continuing on, as the saying goes 'cut off one head, two more shall take it's place', or they will break him of prison, you never know."

Then he found called A.I.M, hearing that name from from somewhere, being interested in it he wanted to know about them, so he did, he discovered that it was organized during World War II as the scientific research division of the subversive military organization Hydra,

But then they seceded from Hydra because of political differences and began independent operations.

"Ah, I remember now, it's the name of that villain group that fought Tony in the third Iron man movie, man who would've thought in this universe they're hydra?, not me, and to be totally honest, I've completely forgotten about them after I've finished watching the movie."

And he remembered all of that, because his new, Tennyson's is very smart, you can even say he has a photographic memory, and the reason as to how he remembered everything.

Continuing to research about them, he found out that hydra has gone into hiding, planning their next move, but they'll never anticipate a group of heroes who will team up, and their plan of world domination.

But yet again it's not his business, he's not a hero, like Captain America or any other hero, they can do whatever they want, except try to kill him of course.

Getting enough information for now, he transformed into brainstorm for a second time so he can sort himself out, by stealing a couple of money online from very rich people then covering it up his tracks, like they haven't lost a single dime.

"Ok, With this amount of money, with brainstorm intellect, I can make a business selling phones or cars, but it'll take time to do it, and I don't know how much I've got." saying in a serious tone.

He started to think about what's going to do.

"I've made a decision, what I'm about to do



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