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20% Demon King of Tyranny Anos Voldigoad in The Eminence in Shadow / Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - Cid Kagenou Execution

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6 - Cid Kagenou Execution


After Anos suddenly materialized in his room at the Kagenō household, he couldn't help muttering to himself about how he can't get used to his brother's strange behavior.

"I can't get used to that."

Anos muttered with a blank face as he sighed uncharacteristically. No matter how much time has passed, he just can't get used to his brother's antics.

Don't get him wrong.

As the Demon King of Tyranny. Anos had encountered countless strange and unusual beings in his previous life and had seen many things that were beyond the realm of imagination for the residents of this world. So much so in fact, that now he even struggled to connect emotionally with others, as his untold experiences had dulled his own emotions.

However, despite all of that. In the end, all of those things shared one thing in common.

It was a 'cause'.

Everything in existence is ruled by the concept of causality. It was the only absolute law in existence.

Everything, be it Gods, Relationships, Death, or Destruction. He himself is also subject to it.

Because of his exceptional intelligence, Anos could easily guess the cause of any phenomenon or action that happened so far in his life. No matter how bizarre it seemed at first glance, for Anos, he always immediately finds a cause or two for it.

However, for all of his enormous experiences and inhuman intelligence. Anos just couldn't find any cause for the odd actions of his human brother Cid.


No matter how hard and deeply he thought about it, Anos simply couldn't find any cause for his brother Cid's odd behavior. This was a first for Anos.

While he could have used magic to read Cid's mind and quickly solve the mystery. If it was anyone else, Anos would have done just that long ago and be done with it efficiently. But Cid is his brother, and Anos couldn't bring himself to invade his brother's privacy.

Moreover. His pride, stemming from his position as the Demon King of Tyranny, was also hindering him. If he were to employ magic in this instance, it would signify surrendering to this mental obstacle.

The Demon King of Tyranny is known for never shying away from challenges.

No matter how trivial they are. Anos Voldigoad will always win.

He will definitely solve the mystery revolving around Cid.


"Isn't it strange?!"

"That's strange alright."

"That's so strange."

Lunchtime the next day, I am having lunch with my mob friends while going over how yesterday went down. Consequently, all three of us are of the same opinion, that it was strange.

"To be honest, you simply don't have the specs to go out with Princess Alexia. Even I would be barely at the acceptable level, you know?"

So says Hyoro. He is the second son of the Baron Gali family. His appearance is tall and thin, and it might seem like he is kind of fashionable and puts some effort into his appearance, but he has terrible sense. From afar, he could perhaps somehow pass off as handsome. Or not, scratch that last part, I can't see it at all.

Of course, this Hyoro Gali does not have the specs to go out with Princess Alexia. Why? Because he is someone that I've acknowledged as a mob friend.

"If even Cid-kun could pull it off, then even I could have succeeded. Ah~, I should have done the confession myself."

And this is Jaga. Second son of the Baron Imo family. His appearance is small and bony, like that extra guy in every baseball club. He is outstandingly talented in that even when looking from afar, no matter the angle, he wouldn't even have the atmosphere of being a handsome guy.

Naturally, he is also a mere mob character who would never be a good match with Princess Alexia after even a thousand years.

Oh, and by the way, my name is Cid. Cid Kagenou. When I go by this name, I am your average, everyday mob character.

"Seriously, this is not as good as it sounds. It freaks me out that there are probably some deeper circumstances here, and in the first place the worlds we live in are too far apart."

"You got that right. After all, your caliber is even less than mine. I bet the longest this would last would be a week."

"I say three days max. Take a look around."

At Jaga's words, Hyoro and I glance around. Almost everybody in the cafeteria is looking my way and whispering furiously to their respective companions.

"Look, he's the one..."

"No way! His looks are so average..."

"Is there some misunderstanding here..."

"Damn, then even I could have..."


Et cetera, et cetera.

"I heard that he discovered a secret of hers and is blackmailing her... from that guy called Hyoro Gali."

"Are you serious?! I'm gonna kill that bastard..."

"Act like it was an accident..."

"How could we call ourselves men if we don't stand up here..."

Et cetera, et cetera.

I have good ears, so I can pick up pretty much all of it. But for starters, I glare at Hyoro Gali.

"Nn, what's the matter?"

"... Nothing."

Such is the friendship between mob characters.

"But seriously, what am I to do? It would be super suspicious if I turn around and dump her the very next day after confessing."

In the first place, it is not mob-like to break up with a princess. But then again, I was forced out of being mob-like the moment she said 'yes.'

"Why not just go along with it? Who knows, maybe you can even get a good memory or two out of it."

So says Hyoro with a smirk.

"I agree. Even if it was a mistake, you are currently officially going out with a princess. It would be such a waste to chicken out due to a few minor obstacles."

"I can't actually do that, now can I?"

The longer this state of affairs lasts, the farther that rumors about me would spread, and the further I would be from a mediocre mob-like life.

"But now that things have developed to this level, we absolutely cannot let slip that it was just a penalty game."

So says Jaga.

"Agreed. The moment it becomes leaked, things will descend into absolute chaos. So I'm begging you guys, alright? Especially you, Hyoro."

"Me? Pfft, no one would be able to make me talk."

"Of course, I would also never tell."

"I'm seriously begging you guys, alright?"

I sigh, then reach for my 980 Zeny Daily-Set-Meal-for-dirt-poor-nobles.

"By the way, Cid-kun. When did you get that gratin? I'm sure it wasn't on the cafeteria menu."

Jaga said as he looked at the mushroom gratin beside my meal.

"My brother gave it to me."

"What? You… since when have you had a brother?"

As Jaga looked at me suspiciously, Hyoro laughed haughtily and answered him instead.

"Jaga, dear Jaga. Don't tell me that you didn't know."

"Huh? What?"

"This guy's younger brother, he made quite the fuss in the nobility world. You know him, right? The one who refused to inherit his family name.."

"What?! That Anos Voldigoad?!"

When he heard the name, Jaga slammed the table with both hands and looked at me with bulging eyes. He was being too close for his own good so I pushed his face away from me.

"Close. So, what about it? Why do you even care..."

"Why do I even care?! Do you even know the gravity of what your brother did?! That guy is done for! He will never get to marry a noble lady in his life!"

As Jaga was saying that while waving his finger like he was teaching me something. Hyoro nodded his head wisely in agreement and continued after him.

"Yeah. After losing his inheritance rights. He became no different than a commoner. Poor guy, not a single noble house will accept him now. His aristocratic life is over."

"Heeeh. I didn't know that."

I said uninterested as I began to eat.

Let's eat quickly and then leave this extremely uncomfortable cafeteria.

But I was too late.

A 100,000 Zeny Daily-Set-Meal-for-filthy-rich-nobles is set down right across from my seat. By a maid, with oh-so graceful skill.


"This seat, is it free?"

Princess Alexia enters the scene.

Fuck, I knew it. That's why I wanted to eat quickly.

"O-o-o-o-of course!"

"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-if it pleases you, please!"

I can almost see Hyoro and Jaga visibly shrinking into themselves.

And these are the people who were bragging mere moments ago that even they could have gone out with her. As expected of the mob friends my mob character had fully acknowledged as true mobs.

Now I just want to cry, for various reasons.

"Sit if you want."

Alexia was waiting for my answer, so I answered.

"Well then."

And with that, she sits down.

"Nice weather, isn't it?"

For starters, I try to fill the gap by bringing up the weather.

"I suppose."

Thus continued our bland and banal conversation.

With elegant motions, she puts her hands on her extravagant lunch.

As expected of a princess, she has wonderful manners. Low-ranking nobles are pretty much just commoners slapped with a title.

"That super expensive meal sure is a lot."

"It is, isn't it? I always end up unable to finish it all."

"What a waste."

"To be honest, I would rather choose a lower rank course, but when I do, then everyone else finds it hard to order this."

"Ahh, 'k. If you can't eat it all, then may I grab some?"

"I don't mind, but..."

"If you're worried about the manners and all that, don't be. This is the lower nobles' seating area, after all."

I plunder the meat main dish from the bewildered-looking Alexia and stuff my cheeks with it before she can utter a complaint.

Yep, delish.


"I'll help myself to the fish too, then."

"Wait a..."

Damn, I feel lucky.

Thanks to you, my stomach is now in seventh heaven.

In sharp contrast to yesterday, my attitude towards Alexia is now super meh.

The reason?

It's because I'm currently in the middle of carrying out the 'make her dump me' strategy.

"Sighs... oh well."

"Thanks for the food. 'K, seeya."

"Wait for a second!"

I was hoping to just eat whatever I could and then leave like it's nobody's business, but no dice. Grudgingly, I sit back down.

"Your practical studies after lunch is Royal Capital Bushin Style, is it not?"

"Yeah, sure."

This school's curriculum is separated into theoretical studies before lunch and practical studies after lunch.

Theoretical studies are separated by years, but practical years are all elective-based, and students from all years are mixed together. The point is to pick the fighting style that fits you best from among all the ones that they offer.

"I also take Royal Capital Bushin Style, so how about we go together?"

"Uh, that's not happening. I mean, you're in Group 1, and I'm in Group 9."

Bushin Style is a pretty popular course. With 50 students in a Group, there are a total of 9 Groups, with Group 1 being the most proficient and Group 9 being the worst. Having joined the academy only 2 months ago, I am still in Group 9. My plan is to eventually settle down in Group 5, by the way.

"With my recommendation, a spot was freed up in Group 1, so don't worry about it."

"Isn't that, like, abuse of power or something?"

"Do you want me to come to Group 9, then?"

"Oh god please don't, you'd destroy my standing."

"These are the only options available. Choose one."


"It is an order, by my authority as a princess."

"Group 1, here I come!"

"Good. Also, since you ate everything in my launch. Can I take this gratin for myself?"

"Eh? Ah. Sure."

Alexia took the mushroom gratin into her plate and began slowly eating it. Even though it was cold and was made yesterday, she actually liked it.

"Whoa! What is this?! This is delicious!"

"Wait! Leave some for… my… sister…"

The mushroom gratin was devoured instantly.

"You said something?"

Alexia glared at me. It seems this was her retaliation for me eating her lunch.

"No, it's nothing."

And so ended my lunch.

I apologize, sister. Your mushroom gratin had to be sacrificed for my benefit.

Hyoro and Jaga remained as ornamental decorations to the very end.


"So wide..."

I could not help but say that out loud the moment I stepped into Royal Capital Bushin Style Group 1's classroom.

Within the area of a gigantic stadium, aside from the changing rooms, there are also baths, a bar, and several other amenities. Even the doors are automatic (maid powered).

Incidentally, the classroom of Group 9 is outdoors, be it rain or shine. No doors, thus no need for maids.

In order to not get tangled with them, I change at super speed, then stayed in a corner to wait for Alexia.

After a short while.

"Let's loosen up a bit first, shall we?"

Alexia in a dougi enters the scene.

The one for girls is a long dress with a deep slit, very much like an unadorned China dress. The color of hers is black. Bushin Style uses color to show proficiency. Black is for the best, white is for beginners.

Mine is of course white. I am the only white in this whole classroom. I stick out like a sore thumb.

Ignoring the stares composed of 70% hostility and 30% inquisitiveness, I start doing some light stretches.


Says Alexia while copying what I'm doing.

In this world, the idea of loosening up before exercising is well known, but the way to do so has not been established, so everyone kinda just does it their own way.

Those who do sports but underestimate the importance of stretching would definitely destroy their body. In this world, magic can perhaps somehow take care of such injuries, but there would still be an effect on performance.

I'm sure my little brother thinks the same. Even though I never once saw him do it before. I'm sure he secretly stretches his body somewhere when no one is looking, he has to maintain his last-boss status after all. Last-boss characters never stretch before exercising in public.

"Today onwards, a new friend will be joining us."

Was the way that the teacher in charge introduced me.

"My name is Cid Kagenou. I will be in everyone's care."

Then came the barrage of stares from people who absolutely are not thinking of me as a friend.

Aah, as expected of Group 1. Just by taking a quick glance around, I see super important people here and there. That ikemen over there is the second son of a Duke's family, that beauty is the daughter of the current leader of the Magic Swordsman Knight Order, and even the class instructor is our country's Swordsmanship Instructor. He is even a blond ikemen and merely 28 years of age.

"Everyone, get along well."

After which then began practice.

Starting from magic control through meditation, all the way to basic training like practice swings.

Good, this is good. The basics are important. In Group 9, we only did a short time of practice swings before everyone started just banging their swords against each other. Guess the truly strong really do understand what's what.

Everyone here seems high-level, so this is honestly a really good environment. It's perfect for my little brother when he finally came to school next month. His last-boss status will thrive just like a palm tree flourishing in fertile land.

Above all else, this Royal Capital Bushin Style is one that makes a lot of sense. It's wonderful that every ounce of effort poured into it would never go to waste.

"Do you like the Royal Capital Bushin Style?"

So asks the blond ikemen while approaching me. If I remember correctly, his name is Zenon Griphi.

"Do I look like I do?"

"Oh yes, you look like you enjoy it very much."

In response to my answer, Zenon-sensei gives a refreshing laugh.

"As you probably already know, Royal Capital Bushin Style is a new branch off of Bushin Style. Traditional Bushin Style was originally already the most popular style in our country, so the reformed Royal Capital Bushin Style had a strong start. Then with the patronage of Princess Iris, it became the second most popular style in this country, behind only the traditional Bushin style."

"I've heard that Sensei is also quite an influential proponent of the style."

"What I've done is insignificant in comparison to what the princess has done. But even so, I feel like I was a part of nurturing Royal Capital Bushin Style to where it is today. That's why when I see someone else liking this style, I get so happy that I can't help myself. I'm also looking forward to meeting your younger brother Anos, I heard a rumor that he was quite the genius in the way of the sword. Anyway, sorry for interrupting your practice."

With that, Zenon-sensei goes off to watch the other students. I, too, fully understand how he feels. I like seeing Alpha and the girls swinging my sword. My sword is something that I had built up myself, so the feeling of being recognized when seeing someone else use it is an exceptional kind of happiness.

"What were you two talking about?"

So asks Alexia.

"About Royal Capital Bushin Style."

"Fuun. Anyways, it's mass next, so let's pair up."

'Mass' refers to the light practice of actual fighting forms.

The point is to confirm the feeling of using certain techniques and parries, all without actually touching your opponent.

"Isn't our mastery too far apart?"

"Won't be a problem."

So we take a stance across from each other with our wooden swords.

I make a move, which Alexia parries.

Then she makes a move, which I parry.

The attacks don't land, and our movements are slow.

Neither are we using any magic.

Around us are several pairs fully utilizing magic and whamming each other fiercely, but to my surprise, Alexia is matching along with me.

No, rather than matching along with me… This might be what she normally does. Mass is ultimately the confirmation of techniques, so there is absolutely no need for speed or strength. She has a firm eye on the true intended purpose of this training.

This can be seen just by looking at her sword.

Her older sister, Princess Iris, is praised for her strength to heaven and back by absolutely everyone in this country. Genius, wizard, every single person has a different word to praise her with. At the moment, she is even said to be the strongest in the entire country. Ahem! Anos- Ahem.

My younger brother seems to have the ideal rival to fight in his journey to polish his daylight last-boss status. I look forward to their inevitable clash. When that happens, I might even pay him a visit as the last boss in the eminence in shadow.

By chance, the two opposing final bosses cross paths while gazing down arrogantly upon the masses from the pinnacle of the world. The fated encounter that will shake the whole world.

Ah. That event will be legendary.

On the other hand, the reputation of Alexia is not so good. She has magic, and her sword is honest, but she simply pales in comparison to her sister. This is the valuation of Alexia shared by the general populace.

But now that I'm here standing opposite her, I realize that her sword is a pretty good sword in and of itself.

Faithful to the basics, firm foundation, and plain.

Yes, it's plain. But that plainness is the crystallization of her effort. After everything useless is removed, then the rest is just her continuously building upon her foundation, step by step.

Delta, take a good look at this.

I couldn't help but mentally call out to that beast person girl who swings a sword that I find hard to acknowledge.

"Nice sword."

So says Alexia.


"But I don't like it."

So she's the type to bring you up before dropping you.

"It's like I'm looking at myself. Let's stop."

So saying, she begins to wrap up. Seems like class is almost over anyways.

Against general expectations, I was able to safely get through the class without anything untoward happening. Let's quickly clean up, get changed, then dash back at full speed…..

"Wait a second."

Or not.

Alexia grabs me by the scruff of my neck and drags me somewhere.

"So this is your answer?"

For some reason, we have come to Zenon-sensei.

"Indeed. I've decided to go out with him instead."

"You can't keep running away like this indefinitely. You know that, right?"

So asks Zenon-sensei with severe eyes.

"Us children don't understand the circumstances of adults."

Says Alexia with a 'hohoho' laugh.

Based on this conversation, I've finally understood most of what's going on. The reason why I was brought here, and the reason why she decided to go out with me.

While praying earnestly that I won't be dragged in, I turn myself into air and merely watch these two protagonists having their event.


"In other words, Alexia and Zenon-sensei are engaged, and I'm the stalking horse?"

I'm currently facing off against Alexia behind the school building after school.

"We're not engaged. He's just a fiancé candidate."

So returns Alexia with a composed face.

"Whatever, same thing."

"No, it's not the same. It's not even been confirmed yet, but he's already trying to forcefully move the talks along. I'm quite troubled by it."

"Ok, seriously, whatever. Sorry, but I have no intention to be swept up in the circumstances between you two."

"Oh dear, what a heartless thing for my boyfriend to say to me."

"Boyfriend? You just wanted a convenient stalking horse, didn't you?"

"That is true. But the same goes for you, no?"

An unpleasant smile appears on Alexia's face.

"Same? What are you talking about?"

"Oh, you plan to feign ignorance? Oh, Cid Kagenou-kun who lost in a penalty game?"

Her smile deepens even more.

Ok, wait for a second here. Let's calm down.

"How cruel, to play with an innocent girl's emotions like that."

So says Alexia while crying crocodile tears without even a shred of innocence coming from her.

No problem, I am calm.

"I have no idea what you are talking about though. What, do you have evidence or something?"

Yep, evidence.

Regardless of how much suspicion she might have, as long as those two don't betray me...

"Is his name Jaga-kun? As soon as I talked to him, his face became all red and he began telling me things that I didn't even ask about. You have such a good friend."

I mentally beat Jaga up in my Shadow mode together with my last-boss brother Anos as we smashed him thoroughly into micro-sized mashed potatoes to maintain my own mental health.

"Are you alright? Your face is convulsing like crazy."

"Not a problem. My character is twisted so my mouth is twisted too."

"Ahhh, I see."

"Still better than you, though."

"Nn, did you just say something?"

"Uh, no. So what is it that you want anyways?"

I admit defeat. The reason for my loss is my choice of friends.

"Let me see…"

Alexia crosses her arms and leans against the school building.

"For now, continue pretending to be my lover. Time duration is until that man gives up."

"My status is but that of a mere Baron family. To be honest, I don't even have the strength to be of much use as a stalking horse."

"I am fully aware. As long as we can buy time, then that'll be enough. The rest I'll handle by myself."

"Furthermore, I don't want to be put in any danger. The other party is the country's Swordsmanship Instructor. If anything happens, I wouldn't be able to deal with it."

"Blah, blah, blah, you sure are noisy."

So saying, Alexia takes out gold coins from her chest pocket and scatters them over the ground.

"Pick them up."

A single gold coin is worth 100,000 Zeny. And there are at least 10 pieces there.

"Heeh~, do I look like a guy who would wag his tail for money?"

So I say while crawling on the ground and carefully picking up the gold coins piece by piece.

"Yes, you do."

"You've got a good eye."

11th piece, 12th piece, 13th piece... ah, there's one more!

Right as I'm about to reach for that last piece of gold coin, Alexia steps onto it.

I look up at Alexia. Alexia's red eyes look down at me. I can see the inside of her pleated skirt.

"You will move exactly as I tell you to, yes?"

Confirms Alexia with a smile revealing every last bit of her terrible personality.

"Of course, of course."

Answers me with a full-faced smile.

"Good boy, Pochi."

Alexia pats my head like I'm a dog or a child, then leaves with a flutter of her short skirt.

I carefully wipe the gold coin that had her shoe print on it before pocketing it.


Two weeks after that, I am somehow making do as Alexia's boyfriend. Every once in a while I get harassed by other students, but everything so far is still within tolerable levels.

More than anything else, Zenon-sensei has not come to beat me up or seek to 'solve' things with any direct approaches that involve violence, so at least that's a relief.

As for the man in question, he continues to give Alexia and me appropriate and thoughtful guidance during classes. He no longer comes over for casual talks, but clearly is an adult capable of keeping public and private separate.

In comparison to that.

"That man truly irritates me. Looking like he's all that just because he is a little good at the sword."

When we're before people, of course, she's got her act on and all, but when we are alone, her words become like a tornado of vilification.

"Yep, yep, that's right."

I am pretty much just a yes-robot. I learned early on that any and all rebuttal would only be a waste of time.

"Pochi, you also saw that absolutely shady smile of his, did you not?"

"Yep, yep, I did."

It has become our routine to return to the dorms after school via a longer path through the woods that few other students use.

During that time, I simply continue to agree with whatever Alexia said. Not even 10% of it actually enters my brain.

We continue walking slowly down the path as the sun sets above. Whereas walking normally would get us through to the other side in 10 minutes, we easily take longer than 30 minutes. Some days, I can already see the stars by the time we get through, but patience. Some days I feel like yelling at her to just find a random wall to talk to instead, but patience. I can bear it.

Patience, patience, and more patience.

But even I have one thing that I really need to say.

"Ahh, can I ask you something?"

"What, Pochi?"

Alexia sits down on her favorite tree stump and crosses her legs.

Why the hell are you sitting down, get the fuck up and continue walking – is what I really want to say but I know I have no choice but to also sit down next to her.

"In the end, what is it about Zenon-sensei that you dislike so much? Objectively speaking, as a marriage partner he seems like a pretty good catch to me though."

"You... were you even listening to what I was saying?"

Alexia looks slightly displeased.

"Everything, alright? I dislike his very existence, and everything about it."

"He is handsome, is the country's Swordsmanship Instructor, has a high social status, has money, and is able to clearly demarcate between public and private. Everything about him seems good. In actual fact, he is quite popular among the female students, I hear."

My words are only met with a scornful laugh.

"That's all just his outward appearance. Appearances can be fabricated and kept up as much as wanted. As a prime example, me."

"I see, damn that's a convincing example."

Speaking of which, Alexia is also highly popular. Since she's putting on so deep an act that it makes me want to puke sometimes when I see it.

"That is why I do not evaluate people based on appearances."

"Then how do you evaluate people?"

"By their flaws."

So says Alexia with a self-satisfied look.

"A truly negative judgment method. Fits you to a tee."

"Why, thank you. Incidentally, the fact that you are only composed of flaws and that you possess absolutely no virtues whatsoever scores you relatively high in my book."

"Thank you, it's my first time receiving such a compliment that does not make me happy at all!"

Alexia smiles wryly.

"It's good that you are an easily identifiable piece of trash. And that is why I dislike that man."

"Since we're on the topic, tell me some of Zenon-sensei's flaws, then."

"From what I can see, he has none."

"Then isn't he just perfect?"

"There isn't a single human alive who is perfect. If there truly is, then that person is either a big, fat liar, there are screws loose in their head or they are not even human in the first place."

I wonder if that applies to my younger brother Anos too. After all, he pretty much is perfect human material. I didn't see any flaws so far in his last-boss character. Though, the same can be said for my Shadow persona too.

"I see, I see. Thank you for that totally jaded and prejudiced reply. I truly learned something today."

"You are very welcome, oh Pochi of the endless list of flaws. Go fetch~!"

With that, Alexia takes out a single gold coin and throws it. I dash out at full speed to catch it.

Damn straight, just done earned me 100,000 Zeny.

My allowances from my parents aren't nearly enough to fund my Eminence in Shadow operations! I can't afford to let this chance slip by!

I also have to gather some for my younger brother too. It is my responsibility as the big brother to help him achieve his dream. Especially, when we share a similar one. I put the gold coin into my pocket, then return to Alexia, who is clapping her hands in delight.

"Good boy, good boy."

She is patting my head. Patience. Cid. It's for your younger brother, Patience.

"You're hating this, you're hating this so much~"

While being patted, once more I think to myself that she is a terrible human being.

"It's showing in your face, you know?"

"I'm letting it show in my face."

With a 'fufu' laugh, Alexia stands back up.

"Well then, about time to get back."

"Yes, yes."

"Pochi, tomorrow I'm going to smash that annoying face of his with a wooden sword, so make sure you watch carefully."

Upon hearing Alexia say so, I couldn't help but ask.

"That thing… are you seriously going to do it?"

"What are you implying?"

Alexia turns around and glares at me.

I really shouldn't have asked that. But it is something that I truly cannot turn a blind eye to.

"Zenon-sensei is indeed stronger than you. But from what I can see, the difference between you two is not so great that you'd be single-sided done in."

I like Alexia's sword. Because it is a sword built up from days and days of accumulation, one step at a time. But when it comes to the real thing, actual combat, there is one unnecessary element mixed in. And I really cannot stand seeing a sword that I had recognized being tainted by that one element.

"Easy for you to say. What do you know, white robe?"

"Sure, it's nonsense of a white robe. There is no need for you to pay any mind to it."

"Fine, I'll tell you. Things are not as simple as you think."

"Is that so?"

"I have no talent. I was born with a large magic capacity, and I'd like to think that I've also put in a fair share of effort. I think myself relatively strong. But even with all that, I can never win against a real genius."

"You sure?"

"I've always been compared to Iris nee-sama. There were expectations from the people all around, but even more than that, I myself also greatly respected Iris nee-sama and wanted to catch up to her. But I could not do things the way Iris nee-sama could. What each one of us had from the very start was too different. So I decided to find my own way to become stronger. But as a result, do you know what people call my sword?"

When the sisters' swords are raised in comparison, there is a certain phrase that comes up with almost guaranteed certainty.

"The commoner's sword."

"Yes, that. Oh, and by the way, yours is also the commoner's sword. Too bad, eh?"

Alexia laughs in self-derision.

"I don't think it a bad thing at all. I like your sword, after all."

Upon hearing my words, Alexia's breath stops for a brief moment, then she scowls at me.

"Previously, someone else had also said those words to me. It was Iris nee-sama, on the stage of the Festival of the God of War, after my unsightly defeat at her hands."

" 'I really do like your sword, Alexia.' "

With curled lip, Alexia attempts to imitate Princess Iris's voice.

"I'm sure that person didn't understand even a fraction of my feelings. How wretched I felt at that moment. Even since that day, I've hated my own sword so much."

Then Alexia laughs. I don't know what is contained in that laugh, but at the very least it is not a happy laugh.

I have something that I really must say. If I don't say it, then it would be akin to denying my very self.

"I am an extremely facetious person. If something happens and a million people suddenly die, I wouldn't really care. If you go mad and become a serial killer going around indiscriminately slashing people left and right. I wouldn't really care either."

"If I go mad, the first person I cut would be you. I've just decided."

"Even if you are secretly a terrible Demon King and are just waiting patiently for the perfect day to destroy humanity. To be honest, I wouldn't mind either way."

"If I'm suddenly a Demon, then I will make sure to destroy you first before the rest of humanity. I've just decided that too."

"But there is one thing that I would never compromise on. Even if it is worth absolutely nothing to other people, to me it is the most important thing in my life. And the way I live my life is to protect only that single thing that is important to me. Which is why, what I will say next, I fully mean with all of my heart."

Just one sentence.

"I like Alexia's sword."

After a short period of silence, Alexia replies.

"What meaning is there in those words?"

"None. But if I really had to say, it's because I got angry hearing something that I like being denied. That's all there is to it."

"Is that so."

Alexia turns around.

"Today, I will go back alone."

…And then she walks off.


The next day.

"How long has it been since we last had a meal with just the three of us like this?"

So says Jaga the Traitor.

"Since this guy eats with the princess for literally every single meal."

And that was Hyoro.

"What choice do I have?"


For the first time in quite a while, we three are eating together in the cafeteria. Alexia is, for a surprising change of pace, not present.

"Cid-kun, can you forgive me already?"

"Here, here. Men don't hold grudges over insignificant things!"

"I even treated you to a 980 Zeny Daily-Set-Meal-for-dirt-poor-nobles, didn't I?"

"Here, here. He already treated you, so just let bygones be bygones!"

"Gah, alright already."

I heave a huge sigh.

"Thank you, Cid-kun."

"Yea, yea."

"So, how far have you actually gone?"

So asks Hyoro in a subdued voice.

"Gone where?"

"Duh, I'm talking about 'that' and Princess Alexia. You two have already gone out for 2 weeks so you've been getting some of 'that,' haven't you?"

Seriously, stop saying 'that.' Oh my god, what a retarded conversation this is.

"Nothing has happened, and nothing will happen."

"Kah, what a useless wimp. If it was me, I'd have reached the last base already."

"Agreed. I would have at least gotten to the kissing stage."

"As I keep saying, we're not like that."

I half-heartedly fend them off while continuing to eat my lunch. But then all of a sudden…

"May I sit here?"

The blond-haired ikemen Zenon-sensei enters the scene.

"Yes of course!"

"All yours!"

With that, the two true mobs once again turn into ornamental decorations.

"What business do you have with me?"

I am slightly on my guard. Just in case he's aiming for me now that Alexia is not present.

"I'm sure you've already heard, but Princess Alexia has not returned to the dorms since yesterday."

Naturally, this is my first time hearing such news.

But I'm sure she's merely gone off on a trip of self-discovery or something. That's what teenagers do, right?

"During our search this morning, we found this."

What he takes out is a single loafer. It's Alexia's.

"There were signs of a struggle nearby. The Knight Order is considering it to be a kidnapping case, and investigations are underway."

"What, how could this be...!"

Is what I shout out loud in a grieving voice, but inside I'm shouting "Hell yea, serves you right!!" while making a guts pose.

"When we were narrowing down the list of suspects, the last person confirmed to have been seen with her came up."

So saying, Zenon-sensei looks at me.

"The Knight Order would like to ask you a few questions."

Standing at the entrance of the cafeteria are members of the Knight Order wearing their full equipment and projecting bloodthirst toward me.

"You will cooperate with us, yes?"

Oh, I can see where this is going.

Fuck me.


A few days later.

Anos calmly rose from his bed, as he did every morning, and then exited his room.

He walked down the hallway of the Kagenō household, passing by the various rooms occupied by the Kagenō's servants and civil staff. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about his brother's behavior some weeks ago once again.

While his brother was still living here two months ago, Anos noticed that Cid had been acting strangely for quite some time now. He would often disappear for hours on end, leaving no clue as to where he had gone or what he had been doing. And when he did return, he would act as if nothing had happened, as if he had never left in the first place.

Anos had tried to talk to him about it, but Cid always brushed off his concerns, saying that he was just busy with training to enter the Academy or that he needed some time to himself. But Anos knew that there was more to it than that.

As he approached the living room, Anos heard a strange noise coming from inside. It sounded like a mix of screaming and crying, and it was coming from his parents.

Anos pushed the door open and saw his mother sitting on the couch with a hand covering her face, with his father kneeling on the ground and tears streaming down his face as he cried pitifully. Anos felt a twinge of concern as he walked over to his parents.

"Mother, Father, what's going on? Are you okay?" Anos asked, trying to keep his voice calm.

His bald father looked up at him, his eyes are red and swollen from crying. "I'm fine, Anos. I'm just... I'm just going through some stuff right now," he said, his voice shaking.

Anos crouched down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "You can talk to me, Father. Whatever it is, we can work through it together. There is nothing in this world that I cannot do."

His bald father looked at him, his expression softening. "Thanks, Anos. I appreciate it. I've just been feeling... lost, I guess. Like I don't know what my purpose is in life."

Anos nodded in understanding. "I see. But remember, Father, your purpose is what you make of it. You don't have to conform to anyone else's expectations or ideals. You just have to find what makes you happy and fulfilled, and pursue that with all your heart."

His father smiled weakly, wiping away his tears. "Thank you, Anos. I'll try to remember that."

As Anos stood up, he noticed a piece of paper lying on the table near his anxious mother. It was crumpled and torn as if it had been thrown down in frustration. Anos picked it up and unfolded it, his eyes scanning the words.

"Your son Cid Kagenou has been taken into custody for interrogation. He is the main suspect in the kidnapping accident of the second princess of the Midgar Kingdom…"

Anos's heart skipped a beat as he read the words on the paper. Cid, his own brother, had been taken into custody for kidnapping the princess of the Midgar Kingdom? This was beyond anything he had expected.

Just what in the Infernal Realm did you do? Cid.

Anos felt a mixture of emotions swirling within him. Anger at his brother for committing such a stupid act, confusion as to why he would do it, and a sense of failure as a brother for not being able to prevent it.

He took a deep breath and looked calmly at his parents, who were still shaken by the news. "Mother, Father, I need to go. I have to find out what's going on with Cid."

His father nodded, his eyes filled with worry. "Please be careful, Anos. I know you are strong... More so than what even this old bag of bones can imagine."


"But… Please, we don't want to lose you too."

Anos gave him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Father. I'll be back soon, and I'll make sure to bring Cid home safely."

With that, Anos turned and left the Kagenō household, his mind racing with thoughts about his brother and the kidnapping. He knew that he needed to find out the truth behind this incident, no matter what it took.

As the Demon King of Tyranny, he was prepared to use all the resources at his disposal to uncover the truth and bring his brother back home.


After Anos walked a bit into the forest. He went behind a tree.

"Gatom." *Tsu*

The next moment, his view changed as he teleported just outside the gate of the Academy in the capital city.

Anos looked around and saw the commotion in the city, with people whispering about the kidnapping of the princess. He could sense the fear and anxiety in the air, and it only fueled his determination to get to the bottom of this.

He walked through the crowded streets, ignoring the curious stares of passersby, and made his way to the visible Royal Palace in the distance. As he approached the palace gates, he could see the guards standing at attention, their eyes scanning the crowd for any suspicious activity.

Anos walked up to the guards casually and presented his identification. "I need to speak with your King immediately. It's a matter of utmost urgency."

The guards blinked for a moment, but then one of them drew his sword and pointed it at Anos.

"Presumptuous! Get out of my face, right now!"

Anos didn't flinch but simply stared at the guard with a steady gaze. "I understand your concern, but I assure you that I am not a threat. I only want to speak with your human King."


When he saw that Anos was not backing down, the other guard also drew his sword and glared at him.

Anos narrowed his eyes a bit as he considered what he should do. He could easily neutralize these humans and then enter forcefully if he want. But he knew that such actions would only create more chaos and complications. He took a deep breath and decided to take a different approach.

"Listen to me, I am not your enemy," Anos said calmly, raising his hands in a gesture of peace. "I am the younger brother of Cid Kagenou, the main suspect behind the kidnapping of the princess and I have come here to help. Your princess has been kidnapped, and I believe I can assist in her recovery. Let me speak with your King."

The guards hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. But when they noticed that Anos is weaponless, they exchanged a glance and then lowered their swords. "Very well," one of them said. "Follow us."

Anos nodded and followed the guards as they led him through the palace gates and into the main hall. The hall was filled with humans, all of them looking worried and anxious about the kidnapping. Anos could sense the tension in the air and knew that he needed to act fast.

As he walked confidently towards the throne, he heard whispers and murmurs of surprise and curiosity from the humans around him. They were all curious about the daring young man that they'd never seen before.

Finally, Anos arrived at the throne and stood before the red-haired King.

"Your Majesty," he said with a polite bow. "I am here to offer my assistance in the recovery of your princess. I believe I can find her and bring her back safely."

The King looked down from his throne, his face lined with a bit of worry and exhaustion. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice firm and authoritative.

"I am Anos Voldigoad, the younger brother of the main suspect behind the kidnapping," Anos replied, his voice also firm and confident.

When he heard Anos's introduction, the king's eyes glinted in realization as an arrogant smirk crept into his face.

"So it is you. The brat who dared to embarrass this king a few months ago... I see that you are doing 'fine', how was the Academy 'life' so far?"

As the king said that with an amused tone, all the noble humans around him snickered and looked at Anos with ridicule in their eyes.

However, contrary to their expectations. Anos actually smiled and bowed respectfully toward the King.

"It was superb. I thank you for your generosity, your majesty. This one is thankful for the 3 months' holiday that I got to spend with my dear mother and father in our territory."


The king's eyes twitched as he grimaced at the jab that Anos gave him.

The high-ranking nobles around him also became silent as they looked at Anos with wide eyes. How dare this brat talk back to the king of the Midgar Kingdom like that?! Isn't he just the youngest son of a mere baron?!

But Anos continued, his smile widening as he looked directly at the king.

"Your majesty, I hope you didn't think that I forgot about the little incident that happened a few months ago. I merely wanted to take the time to sharpen my skills so that I may serve you better."

The king narrowed his eyes, clearly displeased with Anos' response.

"Is that so? Well, we shall see about that," he said, his voice laced with venom. "I have a task for you, Anos. A task that, if you complete it successfully, might earn you back some of the respect you lost in front of me and the rest of the kingdom."

Anos raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What kind of task, your majesty?"

The king leaned forward, a wicked grin on his face. He said, his voice low and dangerous.

"I want you to find and rescue my daughter. Alone. But here's the catch: if you fail, your brother will pay the price with his life."

The nobles gasped in shock at the king's words.

Anos nodded, not caring about the gravity of the situation. "I see. I do have a question though. Why do you want me to do this alone?"

The king leaned back on his throne, his eyes glinting with amusement. But Anos could see a hidden desire in his eyes.

"Because, Anos, I want to see if you truly have what it takes to be… a hero. You see, there are those who doubt your family's loyalty to the kingdom, given your… reputation."

Anos clenched his jaw, feeling anger boil within him. He knew that his actions and unusual powers would eventually complicate his human family's situation with the kingdom, so he had always tried his best to limit his powers and distance himself from their name. That was the main reason he refused to inherit the Kagenō name. It was unfair that they were being judged based on his actions. And he can't do anything about it without drastic consequences.

Without hesitation, Anos replied, "I accept your task, your majesty. I will find and rescue your daughter."

The red-haired king's smirk then disappeared as he leaned back on his throne. "Very well, Anos. You have three days to complete this task. I expect results or your brother will face his execution."

The king then threw an insignia toward him. Anos caught it without even looking.

"Take this with you. It may prove useful on your mission."

When the nobles saw the golden item in Anos's hand, their eyes bulged and they immediately made a commotion.


"Y-Your majesty?!"

"G-Giving that to such a low–"


The king shouted with an authoritative voice as all the high-ranking nobles flinched and reluctantly returned back to their positions.

"Anos. I give you full permission to search for the princess, but you must keep us informed of your progress and report back to us as soon as possible."

Anos bowed politely once more before turning to leave the throne room. As he made his way through the palace, he could feel the stares of the nobles following him, some of them no doubt hoping for his failure.

Anos disregarded the nobles' reactions as he believed that the fate of their human kingdom also hinged on his mission. He never once considered Cid's life to be at risk since the moment he was reincarnated into this world. For Anos, destroying an entire human nation would be a small price to pay if it meant protecting his family.



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