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Alex the rich second-generation heir of the most prestigious Ambrose family has finally completed his seven-year-long poverty training program. He is now a millionaire again. Will Alex finally find happiness and love now that he is rich again? Is all that glitters truly gold?

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  1. Darck_Darc
    Darck_Darc Contribuido 126
  2. S_Abhinav
    S_Abhinav Contribuido 121
  3. Charles_P_4472
    Charles_P_4472 Contribuido 100

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  • Desarrollo de la Historia
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  • Antecedentes del mundo

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interesting novel its more like i can explain at all it's just i love the novel ok!

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About episode 750 the storyline goes garbage. It's completely a different story. There's no mention of any previous characters except for Alex and the some things actually was changed

Ver 7 respuestas

Overall... The story is very food. I just have one very irritating problem... Alex is way too passive and a pushover. At first it comes off as very kind and humble, then it became pretty stupid, to annoying then very irritating. He has all that money and connections but can't even protect is girlfriend. He literally promised to her dying mother that he would do everything to protect her daughter. It would have been ok if all those tragedy only happens to him but no, debbie suffers the worst. Actually I was kinda relieved that Debbie escaped this sorry excuse of a man, then she would probably can live peacefully. I mean if he really loved Debbie he should have announced to the whole world the she is the future Mrs. Ambrose that way no one would dare to put their hand on her. I get that he would prefer not to be seduced by a bunch of gold diggers, and like to lay low, but if he truly loves Debbie he would endures those things for her... Just want to get my thoughts out of my head and find someone to rant. And for the Author...I know it is written like this for the sake of the further part of the story, but its just too much. Who would endure something like this if they have the ability to prevents those events from happening, especially seeing his significant other being tormented. At least put some little satisfying moments every now and then. And please just kill Cathy...

Ver 9 respuestas

Good story, but not worth read after chapter 40 because they keep that very one thinks he poor and lying thing Going when he have be shown and seen spending large amounts of money. And we still know nothing about the family or his place in the family so, we know nothing about why he's even has to go through all this mess. Reviewed at chapter 42

Ver 13 respuestas

I mean it's OK and all but I can't take how the character acts. he is just so stupid and he basically has no balls and just does whatever a woman wants him to do

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This story started out great but after the first 40 chapters it becomes an IQ reducing waste of time. The protagonist is the weakest and most indecisive character in the book! He makes all the wrong decisions and falls for the same trick more than three times. He doesn't think rationally and the only time he takes action is the go on rampage AFTER his girlfriend has already been hurt.

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Do not get started. Story is pretty interesting but characters and setting are uneven. It is set in an alternative United States, NY where Businesses, Mafia, Government, and Karate people rule. Writing is often uneven. Events change sometimes, numbers change sometimes between chapters. Have to just let changes to characters or events not get to you. Alex is smart and dumb depending. He usually makes bad choices. He purposely lets situations get out of hand or goads people to hate/berate him. Gets a bit tedious at points as important part of living in society is publicly berating 'poor' people or people who dress normally, over and over and over. The story abruptly ends at 748 'golden eggs' and becomes new story at 749 'underground' with just Alex and cosmic karma magic realms with continuous tedious fights and new cardboard characters that you won't care about. It then ends up with Alex being an infinite-universes/multiverses timeline watcher/Fate and Alex messes around with different timelines for a while. He gets bored along with the reader, then literally jumps into a new timeline/universe where he forgets everything except what the new-timeline Alex knows. Its a different story starting at 886 'back to earth' with womanizing Alex with dramatic Debbie and (Yvonne since when?). Everyone is sleeping around and no one is really the same - liked the horse though - only character with real character. If you start the series at all, Stop reading/listening at 749. Gets tedious and story gets even more unsequenced and unbalanced after that.

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it's a pretty poor story overall. it has many very lame anime cliches and there's basically no story development. it's a shame because it has so much potential.

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An interesting story ,,but there is need to develop the character of the protagonist ,as Alex being a second gen hier of Ambrose family -the family which influences the whole world so I think u need to develop the Alex character more ,, AND A HUGE REQUEST PLZZ MAKE ALEX MEET DEBBIE SOON

Ver 11 respuestas

I am enjoying to read more. Alex is sweet and smart to not friend with his bullies who talked about Alex, "poorest loser". I didn't like his bullies but I love to see they will open their mouth on a ground when they will see Alex is a millionaire now.

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The book started good and everything but then it just turned into trash idk if they switched writers or something but it got really stupid couldn’t read it no more I wouldn’t recommend anyone to read this 👎🏽

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it was a good story but it got worse and worse midway.. then after about 800 chapters i stopped reading... I can't take it anymore.. from a normal person to superman like.. then to a godlike... the whole story change... GARBAGE! don't read this.. you'll just be disappointed!

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The name of the book/story leads you to believe this story would be about money, wealth and power. It sounded like a love story for Debbie, but then the story just went crazy and I totally hated the whole concept of the ending! No Debbie, Maryann or lizzy! I simply hated the whole spell, wizards & Gods! Awful ending!

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Good story content and everything. But story became very dramatic and some parts are very useless girls are like prostitutes who just go for money

Revelar spoiler
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Was good and made sense until about chapter 750 then it changed drastically to a different story. Imagine a Kdrama story about a rich doctor guy who can fight focused on his lover for 750 episodes… then you stop it part way and turn on Dragon Ball Z from the middle of the Freiza arc and call Goku Alex. A person named King Kai told Alex how to use a new power when he was in the other dimension - and this would be the first time the story ever mentions King Kai and powers and another dimension as if it was something we knew about all along… and the lover who was in school (along with almost all other characters for the past 750 chapters) is never mentioned again in the story.

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I love the story but the updating stability is poor

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LV 15 Badge

The story has a incoherent and diverging story line. The plot started out pretty good. The mc started with a good base but diverged from the starting point. After being betrayed by his ex girlfriend, he’s disgusted with ppl that are only looking for rich boyfriend. He finally finds a girlfriend that’s nice and loyal. But then why does it seem like he’s on the verge of falling for any pretty girl he sees. And how many times do you need to pretend to be another girl’s boyfriend even tho you are in a relationship. And why are you hang around the girl that you know is trying to break you guys up. Just cause you can’t say no and can’t be bother to pay attention? Is that suppose to be a cool rich guy response? Then you feel guilty for getting kissed by another girl by surprise? But you liked the kissed but felt guilt for your girlfriend. Then felt guily for sharing a plate with another girl when your girlfriend isn’t around. Just a doormat guy pretending to loyal and nice. The world background is convoluted. Everyone is chasing rich ppl and looking down on the poor. Herd mentality. Not very many likable character. I dropped it after he found out his girlfriend was schemed against and missing and he’s was drunk at the time. Then he let the girl who caused it all go just cause she tricked him into believing he slept with her.

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does anyone remember the Black Orchid cult? they could have put us out of this neverending misery. i skipped to ch 1014 and was disappointed that there was not a conclusion. a good story ends. a great story is worth rereading.

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this is so irritating with what he writes about

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Ok I'm confused. Which story should I listen to because one story just changes to anime in the middle of the whole thing. It went from Debbie to some girl name Mya and mutliverves.

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