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Capítulo 231: Treat


Nino threw away the wooden block in her hand and held her little brother's wrist guiltily.

"Just a small wound." Akira pretended to endure the pain.

In fact, the cannons or missiles didn't do him much damage. Let alone a punch from a weak girl.

"Я чуть не поранился, не играй в такие опасные игры на публике! (I almost got hurt, don't play such dangerous games in public!)"

After coming back to his senses, the Caucasian man who was almost hit became furious.

Nino didn't understand what the other party was saying, she just said 'sorry' repeatedly.

"Приносим свои извинения за нашу небрежность, нам очень жаль. (I apologize for our negligence, we are very sorry.)"

Hearing the language used by the Caucasian man, Akira apologized for using Russian.

"Ты говоришь по-русски? Было здорово! Ладно, так как я не пострадал, я прощаю вас, ребята. Ты лучше позаботься о своих руках. (You speak Russian? That's great! Alright, since I'm not hurt, I forgive you guys. You better treat your hands.)

The Caucasian man's anger disappeared when he saw that the young man in front of him could speak Russian fluently.

"Большое спасибо, сэр. Если это так, извините нас. (Thank you very much, sir. Excuse us then.)"

Saying goodbye, Akira and Nino walked over to Ichika and the others who were waiting for them.

"Akira, are you okay?"

Itsuki who didn't know Akira's strength, and Yotsuba who forgot, approached her and both of them had worried expressions.

"It's fine, after resting for a while, it will be fine." Akira said casually.

"No, we have to go to the clinic to check on you. What if a vein bursts?" Nino bit her lower lip and blamed herself.

"No need. Let's continue playing." Akira said.

"What Nino said is true, you should be checked." Itsuki added.

"In that case, I will return the mat and umbrella."

Yotsuba started rolling off the mat.

"I will help." Miku offers to help. Seeing Ichika standing watching, she complained: "Don't just stand there, Ichika also helps."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming."

Reluctantly, Ichika helped tidy up the things.

After everything was settled, Yotsuba returned the leased item to the owner.

Fortunately, on the beach, there is a health clinic in case a tourist has an incident. For example, being stung by a jellyfish, electrocuted by an electric eel, bitten by a sea snake, eaten by a shark, etc.

Health workers were stunned to see the quintuplets walk into the clinic, but they quickly calmed down and acted professionally.

Because only Akira could speak Indonesian, the quintuplets just watched from the side without understanding what the doctor was talking about.

Seeing their little brother receiving treatment, Nino, Yotsuba, and Itsuki felt relieved.

Ichika and Miku were always calm from start to finish.

(Akira-chan's acting is too good, he looks like he's really hurt. I pity Nino who feels guilty.)

Glancing at Nino who was patting her chest, Ichika nodded at her little brother's acting skills.

(Akira's physique is very tough, there's no way that wooden block could hurt him. He must be pretending to be injured. So only I and Ichika know his secret....)

Miku remembers the scene of Akira defending the ocean due to the shockwave of his punch when they were kids. The scene was still vivid in her mind, and she probably couldn't forget it.

After the treatment was over, they left the clinic. Now they were headed to the dressing room.

They are not Westerners who can go around public places wearing only swimsuits.

"This is too much, I don't need it." Akira complained because he was wearing bandages on his hands and felt his Chuunibyou soul was starting to wake up.

Even though he was in his 20s in his previous life, after hanging out with children into his teens, his soul was that of an ordinary teenager.

"I'm sorry, because of me, you got hurt."

Nino may be aggressive towards outsiders, but she is very protective of her family.

"It's not entirely Nino's fault, if only we had directed you right at the time, none of this would have happened."

Itsuki's responsible nature doesn't let Nino suffer alone.

"Itsuki is right, we were too engrossed to forget we weren't in Japan." Yotsuba wasn't smiling like she usually did.

Only psychopaths smile when they see their family members get hurt.


"Alright, Akira-chan isn't seriously injured. We're on vacation, don't make the mood gloomy."

Ichika clapped her hands to get their attention.

"Yes. The most important thing is that Akira is fine, that's enough."

Even at the beach, Miku didn't take off the blue headphones hanging around her neck.

While talking, they arrived at the girls changing room.

"Akira-chan wants to come in together?" Ichika smiled seductively.

"What are you saying, Ichika! This is the girls locker room!" Itsuki said with a blush on her cheeks.

"Don't be so serious, Itsuki. Ichika was just kidding." Miku spoke in a low voice.

"Can you put your clothes on? Otherwise, wait here for a while, I'll help you get dressed."

Yotsuba was worried that her little brother had trouble getting dressed because his dominant hand was injured.

"Thanks for Yotsuba-Nee's concern, but I can do it. It's not like I can't move my right hand. Well, we met at the previous place."

Akira didn't want to 'coincidentally' meet Sona and Rias, so he rushed to the men's locker room.

"Why the rush? It was as if he was running away from something."

Nino has a high EQ, she feels something is off.

"Maybe to the toilet?" Yotsuba guessed with an innocent expression.

Then the quintuplets came into the locker room and started getting dressed.


Akira and the quintuplets were strolling by the road. They were looking for a place to have lunch.

"This is the first time I've seen many overseas people from various countries."

Yotsuba looked around her who was influenced by blonde haired westerners.

"After all, Bali is one of the world's famous tourist destinations, and the vacation prices are cheap. So this place is always crowded." Akira answered her doubts.

"Akira knows a lot, even though this is your first time coming here." Itsuki was amazed by her little brother's knowledge.

"Hahahaha... Not worth mentioning." Akira laughed dryly.

"What are we going to eat?" Ichika asked, looking at her little brother

"Is it okay to eat food sold on the side of the road?" Akira asked carefully.

"Of course, don't think we underestimate street food."

Nino is not happy with Akira's behavior he thinks they are arrogant women.

"I can eat anything."

Making a V shape with her fingers, Yotsuba smiled broadly.

"I do not mind. This is a new experience of tasting local food." Itsuki rubbed her stomach.

"There's a lot of food, Akira. What do you want to eat?"

Miku saw a row of food carts selling food on the side of the road.

"Meatball!" Akira answered with a smile.

Then he took the quintuplets to a meatball seller.

Takamiya_Shin Takamiya_Shin

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