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33.33% To love a sword / Chapter 8: Chapter 8: Meeting Part 1

Capítulo 8: Chapter 8: Meeting Part 1

Beta read by Paragon of Awesomeness and Shigiya





On a normal day, Emiya usually cherished these simple moments quite a bit. Walking to school with his brother for half an hour while enjoying the scenery of Sainan. 

The city itself wasn't that different from Fuyuki, even having certain streets and areas which almost looked like an exact copy. But what differed vastly were the people here, being far more exuberant and friendly than what his foggy memories could recall of the city's inhabitants. Rin herself was never one to interact with strangers and hang around outside for long, so his most recent memories of the locals in Fuyuki weren't that valid or reliable. 

Still, the most mundane of activities, and more specifically the lack thereof, was something he'd found himself desiring every day. Just sitting down by the lake for hours while enjoying the Sakura trees blooming. Rito did call him an old man many times for his interest, and the boy wasn't wrong.  

But now, this small aspect of his life has been ruined by a large limousine blocking his path as a kendo-loving girl tried her best to look friendly but instead was wearing an expression that would make any child cry out of fear and run for their mother for protection. 

"Get in." She insisted, still frowning from the comment he made about her being a comedian. Which to be fair, was quite valid given that the way she was currently acting did make him want to laugh. 

"You couldn't have chosen another time and place for such a thing? At school would have been a good idea, wouldn't have caused such a scene and now people are going to start spreading rumors." There was already somewhat of a crowd gathered at the other side of the road, mostly girls from Sainan High School curious to see what was going on here. 

"Again, we just happened to pass by and my mistress saw fit to engage in a random act of kindness by offering you a ride." 

She kept insisting with 'Mistress' whenever talking about Saki and adding the '-sama' at the end when she decided to use the heiress' name. He knew how close she was to that blonde; Emiya had seen them together since the beginning of school. Word traveled around that Rin was her official bodyguard from a long line of protectors of the Tenjōin family. Others speculated that her ancestors must have been ninjas or a house of samurai who swore loyalty to Saki's ancestors generations ago. 

Possibly valid claims, but irrelevant to him.

"I highly doubt you just happened to drive by here of all places; I know you never take this route to school — the roads here are far from ideal for a car that big." 

"Wanted to try out a new route."

"How convenient." He said, waving at Rito and Haruna to continue on without him. His brother hesitated a bit, not wanting to just leave him behind like that but Emiya gave him a look to indicate that everything would be alright. 

"Silence, now get in."

"Could at least buy me a drink first."

"I'm not in the mood for more of your jokes, Yuuki Shirou."

"Could've fooled me given the joke of a performance you're putting on as we speak." 

"You're wasting time."

"You've just realized this? Congratulations." 

This would normally be their everyday routine at school. Rin, for all her reputation about being a quiet and scary girl, was completely out of her element whenever people started seeing her talk with him like this and thinking it was some kind of lovers spat. He found out much later that she considered their talks as duels in their own right and that backing out was tantamount to defeat. 

As he continued to converse with Rin while trying to have her snap without success as she stubbornly maintained that blank expression of hers — he completely forgot about Lala.

"Hi there!" The pink haired Princess excitedly came in between the two and greeted Rin. "You two act very close, you must be best friends." 

"Absolutely not."

"He's my greatest rival."

Both voiced their objection at the same time, Emiya rubbed the back of his neck before looking at the time. They were going to be late at this rate, not that the principal would do anything if that happened as the man preferred to chase around skirts at every opportunity he got. No, the one that he didn't want to deal with if he was late was Yui; the girl had a good heart and just wanted the best for her classmates but god could she get annoying at times. 

"Who's this?" Rin asked, finally noticing Lala by his side, the latter waved at her in a cheery disposition.

"I'm Lala Satalin Deviluke!" She exclaimed proudly, not noticing Rin's scrutinizing glare.

"What is your relationship with Yuuki Shirou?" 

He had a bad feeling about this. To his surprise though, Lala didn't immediately answer and instead pondered for a bit. "Hmm… it's a bit hard to explain. But Shirou is someone very important to me and he's also my hero!" The girl clung to his arm, making some of the people around giggle and gasp at her rather intimate action. His eyebrows twitched with her use of the word hero, but he ignored it for now. 

"She's a friend who I'm helping out for a bit." He quickly answered, not wanting Lala to suddenly say something outrageous. "Just a small family issue, Lala is blowing things out of proportion." 

"A friend you say…" her eyes traveled from his to Lala, clearly she was very skeptical of his claim. 

'Ah heck, I've wasted enough time already.' This couldn't go on for any longer, so Emiya just decided to take her offer on one condition.

"Alright, back on topic, you won't move unless I agree to get in, right?" 

Rin gave him a firm nod.

"Fine, I'll get in on the condition Lala comes with me as well." He wanted to invite Rito too, but the boy was already gone by now with Sairenji. Hopefully he won't try to confess now of all times; he didn't want his little brother's bad luck to summon another spaceship or a literal meteor that would probably cause even more problems. 

To his surprise, Rin didn't deny his request immediately, "One second." She rolled up the car's window, obviously to talk to "someone else" before pulling it down a minute later. "I'm afraid there isn't enough space inside for your… friend."

"You're inside a limo… Looks like we're going to be late at school after all." 

Seeing the redhead pinch his nose in exasperation, Lala decided to take matters into her own hands "Peke, is it recharged?" 

A chill ran up Emiya's spine when he heard that.

"Affirmative! While the battery is at 47%, there is enough power for one jump!" The robot answered, making Lala beam with joy. Unfortunately, Emiya was having the completely opposite reaction, especially when he saw the girl pressing random buttons on that teleportation bracelet. 

"Hmm, is this the school? I'm locking onto Smutts and Maul's spaceship signature and found its remnants traced there. So buckle up Shirou, Pyon Pyon Warp-kun is going to activate in a few seconds!"  She made sure to not let go of her hold on Emiya's arm, the latter getting further agitated with how strong her grip was! 

"Stop! We can ju—what!" 

Bright light started to shine from Lala's bracelet, creeping around her body before surrounding him as well. The sensation was weird, as if thousands of ants were crawling over his skin while also feeling slightly ticklish. Something that differed very much from being called by Tohsaka Rin with the Command Seals a few times in different timelines. 

"What is going on here?" On the other side, the door opened with a blonde girl with a drill hairstyle emerging from the car. She was too shy to show her face after seeing her savior once again, letting Rin do all the talking while she eagerly waited for him to get inside. Her heart was beating like a drum that she would finally face the person who saved her life years ago and show him her gratitude! But that was ruined when Rin asked if he could bring inside another girl, a request she vehemently denied. Not long after, Saki heard Emiya exclaim in shock and got out to see what was happening. 

The last thing she saw was a pink haired girl hugging Emiya whilst surrounded by a bright light.

Shielding her eyes from the intensity, a loud bang sound came from where both of them stood before everything went quiet. Opening her eyes back up, she discovered both people having disappeared somehow and most shocking of all…

"Are… are those clothes on the ground?" Aya spoke, popping her head next to hers while adjusting her glasses.

Meanwhile, Saki couldn't believe that for the first time she tried to personally confront him, and he disappeared with some random harlot! A red haze filled her vision before the heiress of the Tenjōin family shouted with fury.






A good distance away, near the entrance of the school, Rito's head snapped upwards. He could have sworn he heard his brother's voice from the sky. But there was nothing to see but a bright blue sky with the sun shining down on his face.

"Was that…?" 

Honestly, back when Shirou asked him to continue on to school without him, he was very hesitant to do so. For one thing, he felt bad about leaving him behind to deal with those people in the limo on his own, but also because he was going to be alone with Sairenji, something he was not ready for!

What was he supposed to talk about with her!?

That incident with the meteorite had happened only yesterday and it was far too awkward to now walk next to her like nothing happened!

"Yuuki-kun, are you alright?" 

"Y-Yes!" He flinched from hearing her voice, his voice stuttering as he tried his best to regain his composure. "I-I just thought I heard N-Nii-san's voice." 

Just standing near the blue haired girl while she looked at him with those purple eyes of hers took his breath away; Sairenji's eyes were so enchanting and alluring that he would always get lost in them whenever watching her from afar. Even her smooth voice made his senses go haywire whenever he listened to it. How could his brother talk so normally with Sairenji!? Was he that unaffected by her beauty that he could literally smack her head with a book as a joke? Most likely, Shirou had always been the most mature one in the family. 

"Fufufu, you care a lot about him, don't you?" She asked, smiling at him.

The garden incident flashed in his mind. 

"...Yes, he is my big brother after all, adopted or not. Not to mention he only has a bad reputation because of me." Even though the incident happened long ago, people never forgot about it and kept bringing it up every so often. It should have been him who was supposed to take the brunt, not his brother. "I'm… I don't want something like that to ever happen again." And he wanted to look out for Shirou just as much as his brother did for both him and Mikan.

"That wasn't your fault, neither was it Emiya-san's." Haruna said sternly. "I know that neither of you wouldn't ever do such a thing and we did discover that the cause of the mess was a dog."

"Yeah, but by then people already had a bad image of him. He took their attention from me and made sure that everyone hated him more instead while forgetting about me." 

She made an uncomfortable face, "Ah, I remember that day. He was very… direct with Hanako-san." 

"He made her cry and chewed out the entire class for believing her by calling them all incompetent idiots amongst other things" Rito said dryly, recalling how he tried to stop him from doing such a foolish thing. But Shirou never stopped and just smirked all the way to the end. Even the teacher was not spared by his brother, yet in the end, the teacher also ended up crying! 

Wanting to change the subject of his brother making grown adults cry, Haruna clapped her hands as she remembered something she's wanted to ask since the beginning.

"Say, Yuuki-kun, do you perhaps know who that girl with Emiya-san was? I didn't get much of an opportunity to ask him anything." 


"A-Ah, her name is Lala. Sh-She is Nii-san's friend or something, who is having some issues with her family. I don't know much about her myself given she appeared this morning along with her brother." That man named Zastin… Rito could say for certain he'd never seen someone so tall and with such an enormous appetite in his life. 

"Really, this morning? Huh… I never saw him hanging out with her and Emiya-san doesn't look like he has a lot of friends outside school." She whispered, her eyes half closed while deep in thought.


What was with that suspicious tone of hers? Rito couldn't help but get some wild ideas inside his head which he immediately shook away. Sairenji was a friend of his brother, the latter said as much. It was natural she would be curious about his affairs and so on.

'Okay, come on me, try to continue the conversation!' he told himself, trying to think of a good topic but he had nothing! The longer the silence lasted the more he was sweating. Why was talking to a girl so hard!? 

Unfortunately for Rito, nothing came out and both continued to walk in silence till they got inside the school. He sighed while changing his shoes, this was a disaster. Shirou gave him an opportunity and he wasted it because he was too scared and nervous to even speak to her.  

Haruna was already surrounded by her friends, he didn't even get the chance to  say goodbye before she was dragged away, leaving him all alone to mope over his failure. 

"I even forgot to thank her for helping in finding out the real culprit and helping my brother in clearing my name back then." If it wasn't for her efforts, then things wouldn't have been even worse for his brother and him than they were now. "Nii-san would have probably been labeled as a delinquent or something…" That was funny to imagine, sure Shirou had an intimidating pair of eyes that made him nervous on many occasions, but that didn't change the fact that he was by far the most helpful person around. 

He tried to comfort himself by reminding himself that nothing embarrassing happened during their walk. He didn't trip and made sure to pay attention to each of his steps and specifically looked around for any passing cars or people. If his siblings were here, they would have applauded his effort just as a way to tease him. 

"Bro, you walked to school with Sairenji? That's wild." From the back, Saruyama came by and rested one of his arms around Rito's neck. "I want to believe that you finally got the balls to confess but given what happened last time, I bet you just walked all the way here in silence." 

His friend's comments only made him draw circles on the ground with heavy clouds of depression loomed over his head as his friends words struck his self-esteem. He wasn't THAT bad, he tried his best to make it less awkward the entire time.

"...We did talk a bit." Rito whispered. "We talked about a few things and I think she even enjoyed it."

This prompted the boy next to him to laugh loudly.

"Hahaha! Now you're just being delusional, buddy." His friend sat by his side while keeping his eyes peeled at the girls walking up the stairs in the distance. "You can barely walk straight by just being near her. Are you implying that your brain was capable of not only keeping you from doing something embarrassing, but even talking with her at the same time?"

"Are you here to purposefully make my day worse or something?" 

"Naw, I'm just messing with you dude! You'll get her, sooner or later… Pft!" He nearly lost control at the end. "By the way, where is that disgusting ikemen brother of yours?"

"He should be here by now, but why do you care?" 

"It's my duty as a loyal member of the Anti-Emiya Alliance to always keep an eye on him!" Saruyama proclaimed loudly. "Our enigmatic leader has chosen me to carry this honor. I will not let my brothers down and will always have visuals on the number one enemy of guys everywhere!" 

That made Rito faceplant on the floor. 

"Anti-Emiya Alliance? Since when and why has that been a thing!?" He demanded, every day it felt like some new club revolving around his brother came out of nowhere!

Saruyama gave him a deadpan stare, as if he was having a hard time understanding how Rito could even ask just a question.

"You're serious? Do you even know how many gorgeous girls hang around him every single day? Our alliance's sacred duty is to stop that handsome bastard from claiming every hot girl in the school and leaving none for us!" He shouted with tears in his eyes, the sight creeping out some of the passing students, though several boys actually nodded in agreement. Rito quickly shook his head, signaling that he had no connection to their weird person next to him. "I swear that I will do my utmost to keep him away from any new girls and quarantine that bastard until we get some of that action ourselves!"

"You do realize that Nii-san doesn't have a girlfriend or even expressed any particular interest in having a relationship, right?" 

"You're kidding, right? First he got Haruna, then Yui, Rin, Risa and Mio! We are running out of hot babes to pursue here! There are only a few hundred left at this point and even with the disproportionate student-gender ratio, with the way he attracts girls there won't be enough left for every boy to form a harem!" 


Rito was speechless, wondering how or why he was friends with this person "Oi, my brother isn't some kind of gigolo seducing every girl he meets." He won't lie and say that an urge to punch his friend in the face didn't arise in his heart for bad mouthing his brother. Sure he and his sister teased Shirou last night about the number of girls around him, but that was more lighthearted and just them taking advantage of a rare opportunity to mess with him for a change.

"Humph!" Saruyama scoffed before giving him a smug face. "You're in denial just as I expected, my poor naive friend. It's not that I'm worried about your brother going out of his way to seduce all the best girls, it's rather that fucking face and attitude of his is making them all fall for him! Did you know the members of his fan club doubled in a matter of just a single freaking week? Every test he takes turns out to be a nearly perfect score, he aces every sport he tries his hand at, and yet throughout all of this he just keeps acting like he doesn't care! And just to top off his badass carefree attitude, he refuses to join any school clubs and sleeps through every class! GAH! He's so damn cool just thinking about it makes me want to puke! The point is, that kind of standard is way too high for us to reach, man, and he's making the rest of us normal dudes look like a bunch of pathetic losers by comparison! We know that we can't beat him, but we just need to make sure he's out of sight and out of mind long enough for the girls to notice the rest of us, and by banding together we can do that. You get what I mean? Reduce their ridiculously high expectations that only exist because of him down to something more manageable and attainable for us." His nose flared, enlarging quite a bit and making him look like a monkey for a split second.

…The way he said it, it sounded like an assassination plot more than anything. Maybe his brother was right about this school being the ideal place for soon-to-be criminals and perverted creeps to bond over. He began to worry how Mikan would deal with these people if he and Shirou weren't around to constantly watch over her. 

'Should I call the cops on him? Is it wrong to think that someone who I call a friend should be behind bars? If anything, Saruyama just convinced me that he and anyone else in this 'alliance' needs to be committed to a psych ward. Else they're all gonna end up as registered sex offenders if not worse before they even leave school.'

…Actually that raised the question of how the principal in particular wasn't already on some kind of list, as there was no way such a guy should be allowed to even work in, let alone be in charge of a school.

"You're the one being delusional, Saruyama. He and Sairenji are only friends, and the same applies with the other girls." He said, pushing down that traitorous voice inside his head claiming otherwise. Shirou knew about his crush for Sairenji, and there was no way he would pursue her romantically. He didn't even think his brother even found the girl attractive to begin with, they always bonded like regular friends… at least he hoped so.

'Stop it, I'm overthinking things.' he shook his head again, wanting to get these weird thoughts out of his head.

"Come on, let's go to class, it's almost time." 

Rito got up from the ground, determined to try talking to Sairenji once again after school.


Both boys' heads turned outside where the familiar limousine from this morning came speeding inside the school grounds. Since most of the students were already inside, no one was in any particular danger.

"Ah, that must be him." Rito said, wondering how his brother handled the conversation. Shirou was clear from the beginning that he didn't want to have the other side know about his identity from the incident years ago. But it seemed like he was still able to get recognised in the end.

Though he didn't expect to see an angered Tenjoin Saki rush out of the car holding… a male uniform? She looked around furiously before her glare landed on him. 

"You! Emiya's little brother!" She shouted, pointing her finger at the confused Rito. Saki marched towards him. He tried to walk away but found his path blocked by a wooden kendo blade aimed at his throat. 

"Don't move a muscle and don't get any funny ideas about touching Saki-sama with your perverted hands, or else I'll break your bones," Rin warned, making him gulp in fear. 


Saki threw some clothes she was carrying at his face which he managed to catch. "Give these back to your brother and tell him he can't escape from me forever!" Rito was even more confused now. Why did she have his brother's clothes and where did his brother disappear to?


Saruyama smashed his head against the ground, sobbing. "Damn it! He got another one! And it's the Queen of Sainan herself! IT'S NOT FAIR! What does he have that we don't?!" 


That was something he wasn't going to answer.



Emiya did not know where he was, the space around him flashed with multiple colors whilst he traveled through space at untold velocity. The teleportation wasn't ripping his body apart or anything like that; there was no discernible strain nor pain at all throughout the experience. But the absurdity of it all shook his senses when he wasn't ready for such a thing! 

"Weeeee!" At least Lala enjoyed the journey, having done this multiple times in the past. He made sure to hold onto the girl, as she held the teleportation device, so if he were to let go and accidentally drift off somewhere else… he didn't want to imagine the consequence of such a thing.



The tapestry of color disappeared as he was now facing the sky with a frightened crow almost hitting him in the face. 

'This feels… a bit too familiar for my liking.' 

The freezing wind brushing against his skin, the cloud that drifted so closely to him and the sudden force of gravity pulling strongly against his body as he started to feel a large amount of wind resistance on his back… He recognized this.

They were falling from the sky!

"Ah, it got the coordinates wrong, it locked onto the signal of the spaceship when it was still in the air." Lala said embarrassingly, "Muu! Stupid Pyon Pyon Warp-kun, can't even do its work right!" 

"There are more pressing matters to worry about!" He shouted, turning his head around and seeing the fast-approaching rooftop of the school! Reinforcement of not, having a human body meant that such an impact would definitely kill him and probably Lala as well. 

"Don't worry Shirou, I got this." That didn't instill much confidence in her ability with what she'd shown so far. "Peke, do the thing!" 


She waited for something to happen, maybe another transformation of light tendrils surrounding her body and somehow turning into an outfit with a ridiculous talking hat and twirled wings 

But unfortunately for them, nothing of the sort happened and Peke did not give any answer as he wasn't even there to begin with.

"Ah, he's gone?" Lala said out loud, her face marred with confusion and she began pondering on what could have happened while ignoring the fast-approaching rooftop beneath her. "I-I'm sorry Shirou, we'll need to find another solution." Her tone was laced with embarrassment, she wanted to impress him with her amazing inventions but ended up messing up on both counts.

"I'm starting to really not like your inventions!" Emiya turned around, and moved his hands in front of him. He focused, forced to use his Tracing by bringing out the only thing that would help them survive this fall. Light particles formed in front of his hand before expanding into a large gray shield as tall as his body. Magical Energy poured all throughout his body, having his limbs, especially his back, Reinforcing him as much as possible.

"Wow!" Lala was impressed, "You can make shields too?" 

He didn't answer her, preparing for the rough landing that was about to take place. The shield was another nameless Noble Phantasm which he remembered seeing it from Gilgamesh's vault in one of the many realities he'd been in. Its only effect being to dampen the force that it made contact with and nothing else. 


They both hit the rooftop, the shield taking the brunt of the impact whilst its weight and momentum still made the cement break and sent rumbles throughout the building with Emiya and Lala falling inside one of the rooms. 

He coughed, not feeling any fractures or internal injuries from the fall. Dust and debris surrounded them, thankfully with no sharp shards of glass or rebar cutting their skin. 

He wanted to make sure the girl was alright, but before he could say anything, his words got stuck in his throat. Why? Because Lala was sitting on his waist… completely naked…

"Where are your clothes?" 

"Eh, Did you forget? Pyon Pyon Warp-kun can only transport living matter." As soon as those words came out of her mouth, realization dawned on her why Peke was missing. "... I'll need to find a way to upgrade this device."

"I'd rather you just throw it in the trash or destroy it." Emiya remarked, not bothering to get the girl off of him.

Wait, he was transported as well. Looking down, Emiya realized that he was equally naked. It hadn't even been an entire day since he met Lala, yet the chaos she brought with her already got out of hand. He was once again reminded that there was still much to do today, possibly dealing with her father if Zastin kept his word. 

But first, they needed to get dressed and move out from wherever they landed. 

"Shirou, who's this person?" Lala said while pointing to the right. With the dust clearing up, Emiya saw their surroundings more clearly. Large room with multiple pictures of the student school photos throughout the years year hanging on the wall, a glass cupboard filled with a few old trophy cups and a large black sofa next to them. 


He recognised the place, a den of vice he visited once in the past concerning matters of his adoption status and paperwork for his enrolment into the school. A room that belonged to the most heinous and perverted man in existence who he was beginning to suspect was a phantasm of lust fused with durability of a chimera given how frequently he kept bashing in that thing's face almost every day, yet the man kept coming back just as strong and persistent as ever. 

Emiya instantly moved out of protective instinct over Lala; what he feared most was that a naked beautiful girl was now present in that lecherous creep's office! He Projected a large, thick black blanket, uncaring if that fat bastard saw it or not and covered Lala's body in a split second.

"Hoo," he heard its voice, both intrigued and amused coming from behind him. The redhead slowly turned his head to find a short bulbous man sitting on his desk with a far-too innocent smile on his face. With eyes hidden behind a pair of dark glasses without any handles, and a short mustache. 


Thousands of swords came to his mind, each deadly enough to kill entire armies and the most powerful of monsters. Some even capable of easily erasing the school itself with a single swing, all of these weapons now were a split second away from being Traced and unleashed against this dangerous being whose name somehow remained a mystery to everyone in the school.

"Emiya-kun, it goes against our school rules to wander around naked." He spoke calmly, his voice sounding quite pleasant for those clueless of his true nature. "I will let you off with a warning this time given how you brought in a cute guest, but if something like this happens again you'll be severely punished."

"Duly noted." He said, always making sure to stand squarely between the principal and Lala. 

Surprisingly, the perverted bastard didn't jump from his chair whilst taking off all clothes like he usually did with other girls around the school grounds — especially the swimming club girls. Those round glasses shined under the light as he gazed seriously at the pink haired princess. Conveniently ignoring the hole in the roof of his office and the naked boy menacingly glaring at the man. 

"What's your name, young miss?" He asked politely, throwing Emiya off by his weird change in behavior.

"I'm Lala Satalin Deviluke!" 

The principal nodded, proceeding to retrieve some papers from his drawer, filling it out so fast that his hands became a blur before he stamped it. 

"There you go my dear, you're now registered as a Sainan High School student!" 




"Wait what!?" 



A few floors below inside a changing room, two girls were in the middle of taking off their clothes for their tennis club practice. The first one was an attractive girl with dirty blond colored hair and dark brown eyes. She had a curvaceous figure which was often accentuated with her preferred choice of tight fitting clothes. 

Momioka Risa, current member of the tennis club and self proclaimed connoisseur of the female body. Infamous for her bad habit of groping every girl she could get her hands on as a way to greet them, and shamelessly using her good looks to tease her friends. 

Next to her was a more modest girl, Sawada Mio, a bespectacled girl with dark brown hair fashioned into two pigtails and light brown eyes.

They both got distracted by the sudden shaking of the building, wondering if another earthquake had hit the city this morning. 

"Was that an earthquake just now, or is your stomach getting a bit too empty?" 

Taking the opportunity given, Mio didn't hesitate to start joking around.

Risa laughed, "Hehehe, probably, Emiya promised to make me my favorite today." 

"He probably forgot, though I think he was most likely just joking around."

"No, Emiya is not one to forget his promises. And don't you worry Mio, he's a total softie; I'm sure he brought something for us both." Risa said with a shrug, "He always says that he'll stop bringing food but never does. And even if he did so, I'm sure my looks can convince him otherwise." She exclaimed with a cheeky smirk while emphasizing her boobs. "No man can resist this!" 

"Booo, why are you always trying to make him your sugar daddy? What am I supposed to do if you end up hogging him all to yourself?" 

"Hey! A woman's gotta eat, especially someone with a figure like mine! And don't try to act so noble, tell me one other way we're supposed to get food like that without spending our entire month's allowance in a fancy restaurant!"

Mio pouted, unable to refute her friend's words. She was just as guilty at mooching off some of Emiya's food whenever she got the chance. Not like she didn't bring any change or her own bento to school — but it was just so hard to deny his cooking. It made everything she made taste so bland!

"Then let's hope someone doesn't steal your place."

Risa shrugged, a single thought going through her mind.

'Not like it will happen anytime soon, since no one else tried to approach him back then, unlike me.'


The next 5 chapters of Snafu, Harry Potter and my 3 other Fate fics (Fate Coiling Sword with 3 chapters, A Fake Familiar Reborn with 3 chapters and To love a sword having 4 chapters) are already available on my P@treon. With 4 more Broly chapters at /NimtheWriter. Also, I post monthly commissioned arts on each story, already posted a few on an Archer's Promise, Broly and Snafu.

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