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Capítulo 15: Ravenclaw

[]Bonus Chapter[]

(A/N: Some of you may think in this chapter that I gave the mc a 'big nerf' but it's not. Every wish/command that Moses can make has the possibility to cause some serious consequences that are impossible to avoid or ignore. He's just cautious towards his own command. Oh, my gad, I'm sure so many will be angered but I swear to all of you that this will be just a little set back in the mc's life. I have a reason why I gave the mc dyscalculia but that will be answered much later in the story.)

[Hogwarts, Ravenclaw Tower, September 1st, 1991]

"Ravenclaw! Right this way!" The Prefect spoke as she guided the other students toward another hall.

While walking along the hallways and moving stairs of the castle, she introduced herself as Penelope Clearwater. A girl with long, curly blonde hair—she looked quite fine too to, be honest, and looked really smart too.

'Do I in fancy her...? Maybe I had a thing with someone a little older than me, that's interesting.' I pondered while looking at her up and down.

We continued our walk until we arrived at a door with a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle.

"Our common room does not have any fixed password, the only way to enter it is if you answer a riddle that this knocker gave you. If you're wrong, then you have to wait for someone to answer it correctly." Penelope explained while pointing at the eagle knocker.

"Who wants to try?"

"Me!" Wednesday and I simultaneously shouted.

"Hmm, how about the both of you? A little competition can't hurt anybody," Penelope said with a shrug as she gestured for me and Wednesday to come up front.

"You have no idea," I muttered nervously while looking at Wednesday who was looking at me too with her eyes saying murder.

"Knock three times."

Tock* Tock* Tock*

"And the riddle will be given."

[I am always near, but never far. I am always around but never seen. what am I?]

"Death.", "Future."

The both of us uttered at the same time my answer was 'Future'. can probably guess who answered 'death.'


With those two words, the door opened automatically.

"Death?" Penelope asked.

"Death is like a wind, it's always by your side or in front of you, but you can never truly see it."

"....I see. Well, at least you both opened the door, looks like we had good first years this year." Penelope uttered with glee as she entered the passage to the Ravenclaw common room.

As the others entered the common room, I didn't move a single bit.

"Aren't you coming?" Wednesday asked,

"You can go first, I just need to see this knocker, it looks interesting," I said to her with a confident smile.

"Suit yourself." She muttered without looking back at me as she entered.

{I can see magic and know every languages.} I commanded. I winced a little due to the amount of magic that was sucked from me due to my command. This is another weakness of my power.

Squeezing in another command into what is supposed to be one command is two times more taxing than commanding it apart. It's kind of hard to explain, to be honest because it revolves around math, you know.


'Based on my research, there are two possible causes for dyscalculia. One is genes, and the last one is heredity.'

My powers can't target specific genes or molecular material yet. Although it looks like I'm omnipotent because with a simple whisper I can control reality, it's not all easy. In terms of knowledge and precise and perfect control of my powers, I still can't target a specific molecule yet.

Yes, I can change the whole molecule and atom of things like turning rock into gold, but that's because it's easier to target a bigger object than a small one.

Due to these reasons, I can't just change all of the genes in my body responsible for dyscalculia because of the possible serious complications that I may create in the process of blindly 'healing' myself.

These hypotheses that I've made are all possible based on my studies. I have a big interest in anything about science and life, and my studies of them are quite advanced. That's why I thought that meddling with my body foolishly is an absolutely absurd decision.


Moses's another weakness, in layman's terms. One command must only have one purpose, if another was given, instead of taking only 1 point of energy, the command will take 4 points, 2 points for each purpose. If there was 3 purpose in 1 command, then the command will take 9 points, 3 points for each purpose.

Meaning Moses can't cheat his way in adding more purpose in his command due to his limited magical reserves, he's op and not op at the same time, everything has a price, unfortunately. Such is the way of life.


"Let's see..." Moses muttered while looking at the bronze eagle knocker.

"Mana recognition, riddle automation, security wards, anti-tweaking wards, repelling wards... wow." I uttered, wide-eyed on the enhancements of this thing.

"Whoever made this are both smart and extremely paranoid...looks like just answering the riddle won't make do to enter the Ravenclaw common room." I said this while looking at my robes for any sign of magic that was connected to the knocker.

While looking at it, I noticed that the Ravenclaw patch had a concentrated magical print/signature on it, which just confirmed my deduction and analysis.

"So the Mana recognition is for this, huh..." I said while touching my patch.

"Mana... is that what they call the magical energy here?" I said to myself while making a confused look.

'Anyways, I'm sure I'll know it later, I heard from others that the Ravenclaw had its own library in its common room, looks like I'll be busy.' I thought to myself as I placed both my hands behind my head and entered the common room too.

'First day at Hogwarts and I'm already entertained...interesting.' I thought while whistling and walking without a care for the world around me, after all, I'm the honoured one...Just kidding.


[Hogwarts, Ravenclaw Common Room, Moses's Room, September 2nd, 1991]




In a single bed room with blue colored wall, and a ceiling painted with the night sky a boy with golden blonde hair was sleeping with a sloppy sleeping position. When suddenly a sound of a mechanical alarm resounded in the room causing the boy to wake up, disgruntled.

Tring!~ Tring!~ Tring!~

Clank!* He pushed the button of the alarm causing it to stop.

"Ugh..." He groaned as he sat on his bed while stretching his hands.

He stood up, took his toothbrush, towels, hygiene stuff and went to the shower. After finishing his morning routine he went back to where he put his robes and found it lying on the ground.



With those orders, the robe levitated and washed off its dust and dirt as Moses took it and wore it. Thinking that everything was already ready, he took his leave from his dorm and started his second day at Hogwarts.


"Let's see...Breakfast, Charms, Herbology, DADA, Lunch, Transfiguration..." I uttered while looking at the time table that the goblin professor named Filius Flitwick.

"I'm very much delighted to see our first years for today up and ready!" He exclaimed in delight.

"I'm just here to say good morning to everyone before your first official classes at Hogwarts! I'm sure you will have your most memorable fun starting this year! And Remember..." He finished as he look at the older students at the side seemingly waiting for them to finish his speech.

"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure." The all simultaneously said with Professor Flitwick.

"Off you go, remember, your first class is Charms which is my class, don't be late, everyone~!" He exclaimed in glee as he took his leave.

"Yeah...he's different." I thought while looking at Professor Flitwick's back as he leave.

"Who's different?" An emotionless voice appeared behind me. The moment I heard those lifeless voice, I already knew who was talking behind me.

"Nothing..." I said without looking back, I turned around and faced her.

"How about we both have breakfast and travel around a bit, the castle's quite big, it's easy to get lost, you know?" I suggested to her with a smile.

She thought for a few seconds before replying,

"Sure...I will also need to visit someone while we're at it."

"Someone? Who?" I asked,

'Did she made a friend?' I pondered while looking at her curiously.

"A tree." She replied with her back in front of me as she walking towards the common room's exit.

"A tree...? Hey, wait!"


After having a quick breakfast of toasted bread with butter, eggs, and bacon on the Great Hall, Wednesday said that the tree she wanted to visit was on the Hogwarts ground, so, I followed her there.

"So that's the tree that you want to visit..." I uttered while looking at the leafless willow tree that was moving like it had a mind of its own.

"Yes...I name her Whompy."

"And you named her..."

"Of course..." She uttered as she walked near the tree. The tree violently shook its branches to the approaching the goth girl making me a little worried at Wednesday.

"Hey, I don't think it's smart to go in there."

"Quiet, if you hear me screaming bloody murder, there's a good chance that I'm just enjoying myse-" She said to me without looking back but her words were cut down when one of the branches of the willow tree grabbed her leg and swung her around the air dangerously.

"Wednesday!!" I shouted, shocked at what just happened.

I was already on my way to stop the tree when suddenly I heard a shout.

"Bloody murder!!!!"

"...ok." I muttered to no one as I backed off and waited for her.

After a few minutes, the tree suddenly calmed down. I saw Wednesday on top of it sitting on one of its branches, she was stroking the tree gently.

"I didn't think there was even a term called tree tamer, but I guess life is wider than I thought." I muttered while looking up at Wednesday.

"If you're finished at your affairs, then we'd better go to our class now. Our House head will be our Professor our first professor you know?" I said in an obvious tone.

"You can go first," She replied,

"Sure! Don't be late!" I shouted as I wave my hand goodbye to her.

After entering the entrance of the of the Great Hall I felt a sudden discomfort within me. I looked at the mechanical wristwatch that Father Orsi gave me and checked the time.

'So I still have 30 minutes before the Charms...' I pondered as I picked up my pace

"I need to poop." I whispered as I went to the nearest bathroom in haste,

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