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40% The Hot Nerd / Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Capítulo 12: Chapter 12

(Warning: Below is rated 18 and if you're not up to that please skip and if you're uncomfortable with r@p€ scenes please skip.. and this is not a fantasy ok, so please don't get the wrong idea but the message being passed across.. Thanks.)


Floxy POV


... Screams!..

.... Ear piercing screams..


Blood stains...

Dis virgined


Another heartbreaking scream...



"Please I can't... It hurts!




"Bend over!.."


Tears.... Screams... Pleas..

Heavy breathing...

"No one will hear you here... It's sound proof, now shut up!"

My head forced into the sink and he forcefully thrusted into me and didn't stop despite how much I cried, begged, pleaded, but he kept ponding into me until I almost lost consiousness .

I cried everyday to sleep. I was only 16 and had no one to talk to. Mum and dad were never around and the maids won't believe me cos they thought I was joking. No one ever heard my screams as my restroom was sound proof while I was assulted day and night. I was a rich innocent kid loved by all and never caused problems. I had a pretty perfect life untill dad and mum got too busy for me and left me in the hands of the maids and servants in the house to take care of me.

Then one night, one of the servants, Mr Grey who was married with kids, a boy and a girl snuck into my room and raped me...

Sometimes I had a pillow pressed to my face to stop me from screaming, other times a drugged handkerchief, even different drugs were introduced to my system. One time I was severely ill, but he never let me off but pounded on me mercilessly till I lost consiousness. I woke up to see him still abusing me with his fingers. I felt horrible!

This went on for days untill he got bolder and started assulting me even in the day and no one ever suspected anything as I was always in my room and rarely come downstairs. He was seen as a saint by everyone so no one would ever believe me...

So this went on for a year....

A year later...

I was ruthless! I became a terror to everyone at home... I didn't hesitate to fire anyone who annoyed me and everyone was scared out of there wits. I used my wealth to the fullest! I began to feel better for the fact that my parents were not at home, so I was practically the owner of the house.

I got into drugs and alcohol! I used all kinds of drugs and drank all kinds of alcohol. At first it was to get rid of the pain but now it was a habit. Yes... I can't do without it....

And sex...

I was raped continuously for two years and now I can't do without it...

With time I started craving for it.. yearning for it...

One day he didn't come to my room at night as I had purposely left my door unlocked but no one came.

I waited and waited and waited but no one came. I was going crazy with desire and so horny that I picked up my drugs. I drank, I smoked but nothing was working, rather I was high and horny as hell! I got worst when I picked up my phone to replay a video I secretly recorded when he raped me. I lost it completely as I marched downstairs with my phone to find Grey. I went to the servants quarters, it was midnight and no soul was walking around, the hallway was practically empty as I located his room which was at the far end of the hallway, a bit separate from the rest as the head of this quarter. I half ran half walked till I got to his room. Luckily it was unlocked as I walked in and locked the door behind me.

He was startled when he saw me up close in his room.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to find you"


"To f**k!" He was shocked but quickly dismissed it.

"Go back, am not in the mood and don't ever come back here with such request. I get to determine when".

"Please, I need you" I begged almost screaming cos I was going crazy.

"Get out... Am not feeling so fine and am on medications, the doctor said I should not get involved with strenuous activities else it would worsen. Now go!"

My mood changed immediately.

"No.. I get to say when we f**k and when we don't. If you don't want to be fired and your life ruined you'll do just as I say".

He was shocked and I smirked while I played the video of his deed. Shock and fear creapt into him and I was unusually happy. The look of fear in him gave me an air of dominance and control and I felt the urge to fan the flames and that I did.

"This video will be sent to my parents and am sure you can guess what will happen cos not only will you not come out of jail, but you will rot in there with every torture possible... Not forgetting your dignity and your wife and children..." I said with a smirk as I saw him shudder, he looked weak and older than he usually was. He looked at me with fear as he hugged his blanket. It was a cold night and the rain gradually started pouring till it became very heavy.

He sneezed and held the blanket closer to his body, he looked sick but I didn't care as I took a long drag from my cigarette. It was cold but I felt so freaking hot as I glared at him.

" Am really sick now, can we do it tomorrow, please".

"This is not negotiable so no."

"I fell from a stool and broke my hips so I won't be any good" he pleaded still with trembling hands he tried so hard to hide but I saw it and was indeed very happy.

"Let me be the judge of that. Now strip! Else in the next 5seconds.. this video would be uploaded.."

That got him as he quickly undressed and covered himself with a blanket.

5mins later..

The blanket was on the floor..

A man's PJ was on the floor...

Heavy breathing could be heard..

Groans of pain...

Light moans of pleasure..

Fast movements...

Silent hallway...

And it was raining heavily...

"Take it easy... I broke my hips earlier today..."

I was so into my workout that I didn't notice the person in pain beneath me as I only cared about the part serving me and how I can get even better service.

I wasn't there yet and I felt him threatening to sit up. I glared at him as I pinned him down by his shoulders.

"I am no where near to getting satisfied and come to think of it, you're not yet done by now so stay still!" I rode him into the night to satisfy the burning hunger in me without holding back nor caring about his broken hips.

I wanted more and the desire to torture him was running wild in me as I picked up the pillow beside him and pressed it to his face. I felt him struggling to break out but I had my own plans as I held on to it as a support and very slowly I was grinding him into me really hard

.... muffled groans due to a pillow to the face...

.... Satisfied moans...


That was the time when I was done with him but still went in for a quickee before leaving the exaughsted figure and heading to my room with a triumphant smile and a satisfied mind.

I've never felt so alive... The feeling of control was all I could think of and I felt so good about it. With that I went to sleep with a smile on my face with the mindset that I was satisfied... But little did I know that my urges grew with that activity and was going to get out of control...

The next day...

I saw everyone running around in a panic. What was happening? I asked a maid and I was informed that Mr. Grey was found unconscious in his room with a very high fever.

He was actually loved by people here... If only they knew the type of person he was...

I saw the doctor coming out of his room with Mr. Grey's wife.

"Good morning doctor"

"Good morning, how is he?"

"He's down with a fever and broken hips. And I think he over worked himself yesterday. He should refrain from such activities, he eyed Mr Grey's wife and she had a light blush on her cheeks.

"I'll be admitting him to the hospital..."

"You can have him treated from home" I chipped in.


"I insist!"

"Well... In that case, I'll leave a nurse behind".

"Ok. Bring him up to the guest beside mine, so that he'd be more comfortable". I said to the servants to which the doctor and his wife thanked me.

We went to deliver the "good news" to him to which he rejected bluntly on the ground that he wanted to be admitted in the hospital. Well I also knew how to play the game with him, so I brought out my phone and approached his wife and I didn't miss the look of horror on his face.

"I changed my mind, I'll like to stay".

"And I'll take care of him"

"Oh.. thank you so much. I have to work all night today and I need to go pick up the kids from school. You don't know how much it means to me"

"I'll personally take good care of him" I said with a smile as I looked towards my prey.


I walked into the room after convincing the nurse to rest and let me look after the patient. I waited till she went to sleep before going in and locked the door behind me. Slowly I made my way into the dimly lit room with a lamp stand by the head of the patient. A drip was attached to his right hand and he was fast asleep.

I set my timer for one hour and fifteen minutes and placed it by the bedside which was an arms length away.

I bought out my drugged handkerchief as I got into the bed, saddling him. Slowly I got rid of the barrier between us as I gently woke him up. He woke with a start and I took him in.

He tried to ring for the nurse but the handkerchief was already pressed to his nose as he struggled to free himself but the drug had already taken effect as his movements slowed down and he tried to keep his eyes from dropping as he looked at me with unbelief.

"Am ill.." he said in a weak voice. This made me laugh as I reminded him of the time I was also ill and did exactly what he did to me and with the intention of punishing him for what he tried to do this morning I made sure that he felt little to no pleasure. So with my eyes closed I jumped down more than I rode on him, making sure to drop my weight on his hips. That should teach him to never rape anyone when ill.

That was the best day of my life as I poured out my pain on the person responsible for them. Let's see how you'll recover in time from this.

Back to present..

I had a smile on my face but it didn't do much to my broken heart... All that couldn't change who I was now..

(This maybe too much for some readers, so if you're not able to stand abusive scenes please skip)

Mr. Grey POV

I was screaming at the top of my lungs from intense pain in between two people who seemed immune to my screams and we're laughing while using me as a work out tool.

They were done taking turns and now they attacked me at once. One was behind me and the other in front...

Yeah... It was a threesome... Only in this case the one behind me was a man! A huge man.. who had his huge "thing" forced into my butthole!

The pain was indiscribable!

With each thrust I screamed in pain as I struggled to free myself but my hands were chained upwards with a long chain to the celling and my legs bound together. The huge gay who was behind me moaned in pleasure as he thrusted in and out of me while the lady in front of me who was no other than Floxy had me buried deep inside her with her hands around my neck and her legs wrapped around us both, practically binding us three together. He had his hands on my waist which he used to push me into Floxy who was moaning in pleasure and back to him. In all my life.. I've never felt so used... I felt less than a human... I begged, pleaded, yelled, screamed for help, but nothing happened. Instead I heard..


And just like that I was being rode like a horse while standing as I felt my insides and skin been torn apart.

One was pouring out pain in me and the other was sapping my strength till I was exhausted and couldn't scream again and only cry till I passed out.

I woke up to the side of my face constantly hitting a surface. I was in a new environment but that was the least of my problems as my memory all came back and that was when I realized that I was in a new position, matter of fact, I was bent over in a kneeling position on the solfa and the pain was starting to shoot in from behind as someone was casually pounding me from behind. I tried to move but my head was pushed down and I had handcuffs on my hands.

"Mind if I join you?" The movement in my body stopped and he got his thing out of me. I collapsed on the bed tired and with a sore body but thankful for the break. But before I could say Jack! I was picked up again and put in a lying position only that this time I landed on a body and something went through my butthole with such force that the dizziness went off my eyes as I realized what just happened. I was held in place by the man twice my size in every aspect behind me.

I thought it was all until I saw her with blood red eyes like someone possessed but she was high on drugs. She took off her robe and made her way towards me.

Please no... No... No...

Not another threesome!

But my pleas fell on deaf ears as she got ontop of me who was on top of the big guy who still had his shaft in me. Tears slowly flowed from my eyes.. I really became a sex toy..

She was taking it slow as she controlled the both of us under her with her eyes closed like she was getting used to it until gradually she increased her pace together with the guy behind me.

"This is for all the times you forced yourself on me. For two years I was raped continuously without break. You made me like this so am simply showing my apprecation".

...too fast...

They were moving in sync....

.... Too fast...

.... I was being jumped on....

The only description for the one above me was a monster....

.. a ruthless, insatiable monster..

Her fast pace was just unbelievable and showed no signs of slowing down, still with her eyes closed... I was being f**ked from the front and back and every hole on my body was used as I went in and out of consciousness.....

I woke up with a start... Sweat dripping from my body as I got up and removed my shirt to dry. I was visibly shaken. I've been having the same nightmare for a year now even though it also happened a year ago.

I remembered...

After the rape video was released, I fell from Grace to grass... I lost my job, my family left me and I had a restraining order to stay away from kids.

My life was literally a mess as it took a 360 turn.

I was in a dark room for three days and have been tortured with different kinds of equipment. But mostly I've been wiped and had a lot of scars on my body, especially my back.

It was still a mystery as to how I got there, I only remember been thrown into a car and that was it . I was made to understand that I was there, courtesy of Floxy the one lady I've come to fear and wish I NEVER met!

She made my life a living hell and always showed up in my dreams to torture me and each time seemed so real that I'd feel the pain again.

Currently I was in a jail, life imprisonment! I now had phobia for sex.. Nothing scared me like that word... I was now so scared of lying on my back when sleeping cos it brought back memories.

I stayed very far away from ladies, they scared me and always reminded me of Floxy. Men were no exceptions especially the huge ones. I was always on my own and had no friends in here.

I couldn't sleep again.. that was certain, I didn't want to have any other nightmare. It was already midnight.

Suddenly.. I felt hands on me and I tried to get up but was pushed down and threatened.

"You make a sound you'll regret it" it was a female's voice that spat out venom.

"And you're already here for life so no one cares" and with that a bright touch light was shone on my face making me shut my eyes while something cold was placed at the side of my head and I immediately went silent and lay like a log of wood cos I realized what it was.

"Good boy" it sounded like two older woman and I recognized them as the two police officers in charge of my cell. They were both older than I was,they were in there 40's. One was married the other was divorced. What exactly did they want???

I heard the sound of a zipper and that was when it hit me..

Sexual abuse...

My heart dropped as I prepared for the worse. I was already shaking like a leaf before this woman who was almost twice my size, not fat but big.

My nightmare was coming to reality as I felt hands on me yanking my pants off.

I felt a tongue on me as I was being sucked... With a torch to my face.

Sound of another zipper...

As soon as I was out of her mouth, I was forced into another hole at a go to which I shook violently as memories came rushing in and suddenly it was Floxy's voice that was echoing in my head as I was reminded of the pain...

I was being pounded on as my left leg was wrapped around her waist as she held my right leg in place and with the other hand held me down as she continued pounding on me in fast movements..

Any one seeing this scene would think that she was the man and I was the woman.

I had my hands on my mouth to keep me from screaming as the gun was still held to my head by the other person. I didn't know when tears flowed out as I shut my eyes trying not to faint cos I knew it won't do me any good.

"What does he think he is?

He can't satisfy me and he won't let me do it myself... Ha!

I'll show him...

And why are you crying? Wasn't it what you did to a 16 year old girl? You never tried older women right, don't worry, I'll show you...

I want to see this look on my husband's face, begging me to stop and go slower!" She had that wicked smile on her face..

Suddenly she let go of my leg and sat fully on me as she took me all in while pounding on me violently and starring into space with a small smile on her face.

"It's my turn, you've been going for 30mins now"

"Already?" And with that she slowly got up and switched with the other lady while I was trying to catch my breath, my whole body was covered in sweat.

"Yes!... Gosh yes!.. mmmhhh! It's been so long!!!"

Right now I was been ridden like an animal by a Savage beast on the floor cos the bed was making so much squeaky sounds. She was so wild as she dragged me by the neck and kissed me without pity while still riding on me.

They took turns using me to satisfy themselves. While one was riding on me the other one was either kissing me or f**king my mouth. I lost count.. till they were done using me and I lay down like a log of wood, traumatized.

It was like karma, fate made me into a sex toy cos where ever I was I was being used ...

Just then, the cell opened and a male warder came in with his pants down....

No..... No..... No!!!!!

(End of Floxy's life).

Kathy POV

"Hey, Skylar.. can I talk to you for a minute?"


And now you see that what goes around comes around. Whatever you do to a person has it's payment weather good or bad.

They both became victims..

One a prey, the other a predator

One a sex addict the other scared to death about sex to the point of being traumatized.

So please be very careful with what you do in this life, avoid abuse and say no to it in order to save lives.

What do you think would be Grey's fate? Comment below.

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