Gabbrielle was not normally one for crude language, but her mothers' absurd revelation had done just that.
Typically, the most amount of supreme divinities that a god can have is only two.
Even at the height of her power, she only held the supreme divinities of infinity and balance.
The fact that they had been given three instead had to be some kind of mistake, right?!
But as she looked at her mothers' straight forward faces, she knew better than to believe they had made a simple error.
Audrina: "Oh? Judging by your face it seems we're quite special."
Seras: "Are you going to praise your mommies, dearie?"
Gabbrielle quickly wiped away the surprise from her face and made an expression befitting the most serious member of the family.
I cannot stop thinking about that broncos and dolphins game. how do you let them boys put 70 POINTS on your heads like that?!
I woulda turned all my stuff in the next day and quit.