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36.8% DxD: ReKiba / Chapter 42: Senjutsu

Capítulo 42: Senjutsu

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 2350


~Next Day. Satan Meeting

"Well it's been a few days since Kiba left. And things have calmed down somewhat" Serafall rubbed her temples

"Sirzechs how did the Elder Council respond" Falbium yawned.

" They complained all day and bitched about how we could just let him go. And why wasn't Kiba put in his place. One of the newer younger members of the Council mouthed off about how I'm a failure as the Satan of Domestic Policies. Well, he won't be around anymore. The others quickly went quiet after seeing that" Sirzechs said grimly

"They will just use the fact that you killed someone to discredit you later. Damn it all. Why did Kiba have to leave? Do you know that practically every faction called me? Mostly about that Sword that can 'EAT' Magic. I tried to give them some of the little information we had so we don't turn out a laughing stock.

Right now the world thinks Isaiah is still a part of our faction but as a contractor. (Merc)

That was the best that I could do" Serafall dropped her head on the table


"Such a pity he left. If I knew he could make such interesting swords I would have studied his Sacred Gear. That is definitely not just Sword Birth anymore" Ajuka sighed. Sad about the potential research that slipped away.

"How is Rias taking it?" Serafall asked Sirzechs

"Rias and Akeno are feeling mostly betrayed. Issei wasn't that close to him to begin with but he is feeling angry that Rias is sad. Koneko took a big hit and has been feeling gloomy. Rias's Bishop Gasper had the biggest change. Kiba's departure seems to have made him reevaluate himself.

He has left his room and no longer wears girly clothes. I hear he has decided to start training to become a 'strong man' like Kiba, and some other person named Dio.

When I asked who Dio was. Gasper replied the strongest Vampire to exist is Dio Brando. But I never heard of him"

(A/N *Cough* Alucard *Cough*)

Serafall looked at him with her mouth dropped and then started to laugh like crazy "Hahahahahahah! Dio he says. HAHAHAHAHAH! Dio Brando. Oh my sides! Hahaha! I can't breathe!"

Serafall's face was red from all the laughing. She had to use a spell to calm herself down.

"Haaa. Dio Brando is an anime character. He was this blond buff Vampire that could stop time. Now that I think about it he is basically the masculine version of Gasper. A new character for my show perhaps? I could make something similar" Serafall had a thoughtful look on her face

"Well as much fun as this has been. I need to get back to my research." Ajuka gave the very obvious signal to end the meeting

"Yes. Let's end this meeting." Sirzechs noded





Gasper was doing pushups with his thin body. He has changed a lot. He had cut his shoulder-length bob hair cut. Now he had an undercut and some bangs covering his eyes a bit. The rest of his hair was also near eye level.

He also had a simple earing in his left ear

(A/N He looks like Chifuyu Matsuno now. We have a badass Gasper )


*Huff Huff Huff*

At moments like these Kiba's words echoed in his head

~"Drink the blood of the Red Dragon Emperor. It will help you reach the next stage"~

"Kiba-senpai said so. But do I really have to drink the blood of the pervert? Talk about leaving a bad taste in your mouth" Gasper grimaced as his muscles ached

Ding Ding*

'An emergency message?'

Rias: [Everyone we have a Stray Devil to hunt]

'Hmm. Might be interesting'

~ Gasper Pov

Or not. After we caught the Rouge Devil. We found his lab. He was making something. Koneko looked around and found a Demonic Plant.

The plant was a chimera that sucks out a tiny amount of lifeforce from big-breasted girls. The Chimera tree then makes a fruit that increases the bust size of any girl.

"Tiny breasts are a crime. Tiny breasts are cruelty. Tits and Peace' end quote "Explained Grafiya with a straight face

The pervert got excited

"Tits and Peace. Even betraying your master to follow your dream. Stray Devil. I ADMIRE YOU!"

He stood in front of the monster as Koneko got angry

"Bucho. For all the men. NO for all the WOMEN! Please let this monster live"

He started to beg Rias-senpai

"Issei~ Ahhh~. If you defeat that monster. I'll let you do whatever you want with mine and Akeno's breasts" Rias-senpai moaned out

"Buchou's and Akeno's boobs" He muttered it over and over

Koneko gets angry and smashes that thing with a tree.



But a fruit falls on her head

"Buchou! I decided! I'll destroy the monster"

"How stupid" My voice echoed. I noticed it was manlier than normal. That proves that Kiba senpai was right. Train hard and it will show.

"Shadow Spikes"

After Senpai left, I started to train. Then I noticed I could manipulate shadows. I don't know where it came from. But as long as it makes me stronger. I don't really care.

My shadow expanded. When it reached the Chimera Plant. Big shadow spikes appeared and skewered the monster. Making it let go of Akeno-senpai and Rias-senpai.

Both of them got free and blasted the monster apart.

"Ah.. Do I still get my reward?" the pervert scratched his head

"No. You didn't help with destroying it so no reward for you" Rias senpai stuck out her tongue


"Ara Ara. Koneko-chan has one of the fruits" Akeno-senpai fixed her clothes and walked near Koneko

"Hmm. It fell on my head" Koneko held the fruit to give it to Akeno

"How about you try it Koneko? You were always self-conscious about your breast size. Grayfia said the fruit should work without any side-effects" Akeno-senpai pushed the fruit back in Koneko's hands.

She looked at the fruit and then her chest again.

"It's your decision Koneko" Rias-senpai said in a supportive tone



Koneko bit into the fruit. She started to glow, especially around her chest


She let out a weird moan as her chest grew. About two cup sizes. I think? I don't know about these things very much.

Kiba senpai said I should know the basics for the future. Whatever that means.

"OUUUHHOOOOO!!!" The pervert yelled out

"Koneko grew from an A-cup to a C-cup! How Marvelous! DAMN IT! Why did we destroy the Tree!? Koneko let me check if there are some side effects" Issei smiled lecherously only for Koneko to wind up her fist


*BANG!*She punched him in the gut. Sending him flying


Hmmm. Now I'm in the mood for some fighting games. Oh well. Let's go back home. I'll pull up the old Street Fighter Games.



Me, Dino and Veldora were at a big clearing away from the rest of the group

"Well big guy are you ready? You have been Peak High Class for a while. You just need the final push. Me and Dino will be fighting you, forcing you well past your limits. Even if we lose limbs or take serious injuries Valerie and Asia will patch us up so go all out"

Veldora was tapping the ground and twitching. He was like a kid. His excitement was over the roof. "Yes. Yes. Can we start already? I really want to fight."

Well not like I don't understand. Velodra was the only one who wasn't Ultimate Class among the guys. He could probably fight some of the weaker Low Ultimate class. As a dragon, he is tougher and stronger than most species.

"Let's do this. I wanna sleep" Dino dragged his feet.


8 Wings burst out from his back. He let his power flow. Showing his strenght as a Low-Ultimate Fighter.

I let my power loose. I am early High-Ultimate class. But I want to help Veldora. Not suffocate him with my aura. I drop it down to about the same level as Dino. Both of us will attack him at once. Forcing him to operate in overdrive.

"Prepare Yourself" I make two Dragon Slaying Swords and throw one to Dino.

Veldora grinned and started to grow. He shifted into his full Dragon Form. "ROAARRRRRRRR"

Storm clouds started to form above us.

Me and Dino looked at each other and nodded.


The ground beneath us exploded as we launched ourselves at Veldora



Our swords cut into Veldora's scales making him roar out in pain. Then the lightning started to from around his body. The storm above us got worse.

Veldora aimed above " RAAAAAAAAA" The lightning attack was absorbed into the storm clouds.

"Not good" Dino mumbled


Lightning started to rain down on us. Each time it hit Velora it helped him charge up another attack.

This is going to take a while.

~ 2 days later

*Huff. Huff. Huff* x2

Me and Dino were lying on our backs.

Veldora was unconscious and bleeding on the ground. But we did it. He broke through to Low-Ultimate. A low-ultimate Dragon is no joke. Our group just got stronger.

"Good night. I'm sleeping for a week" Dino fell asleep immediately. Not caring about the wounds on his body

I make a magic circle. A communication spell.

"Asia. Valerie, you can come now. Veldora is badly injured and Dino is pretty banged up."

"We are on our way" Asia responded before she shut off the circle. Ending the 'call'

Man I'm hungry


"Hehehe. You look like shit" Kurmra smirked at me

"Shut it. Continue with the Senjustu session" I was still a bit banged up from the fight with Veldora. It would have been a lot easier if I used my power. But I wanted to use the opportunity to train. So i upped my Gravity and Resistance Swords along with the others

"Chakra, Ki, Chi. Lifeforce. They are all described the same. Life Energy. I was taught with Ki so I'm explaining it like that.

First of all. Basic Senjustu is manipulating your KI and the KI of others. Whether it be people or nature."

I nodded. I understood this much.

"When you start studying Senjustu you will first learn to manipulate your own KI and cover yourself with it. This is called Touki. People can discover it even without knowing Senjustu just by crazy amounts of physical training. Like you did"

I nod and cover myself with Touki

"Good. It's still unrefined and the volume is little. But you are so powerful Mana-wise that Touki is just a small boost to you. If you want it to be more. You need to train your KI"

He unleashed his own Touki. Showing how bright and dense it was. It still had corruption on it but it was better. My swords are keeping him calm and helping control the Evil KI.

"The way it's done is that you must absorb a little. And I mean very little Nature Ki and purify it. Doing it like this also slowly increases your own reserves. As your own power is constantly keeping the Nature KI in check. Theoretically, you could gather and purify Nature KI to be equal in amount with your own KI.

But I wouldn't recommend it. If you slip up even a little things could get ugly. And by ugly I mean going from petrified into stone to plants growing inside your body and ripping you apart."

I did not need that image in my mind

"Good practitioners will absorb a lot of Nature KI and purify it. Then they use the purified Nature KI to fight. But that's a very advanced level. Most only use their own KI to fight. Using it for Senjutsu techniques"

"But you are different." Isaiah pointed out

Kurama nodded solemnly

"Yes. I was very weak. Even at the age of 10, I had less than a child's KI reserves, the same with Mana. So no magic or Senjutsu for me. All there was left for me was to wait. Either to starve or for someone or something to kill me. So I decided to do something suicidal.

I merged My own KI and Raw Nature KI."

That's.. well it really is suicidal.

"Judging by your expression you realize how stupid that is. First of all even Purified Nature KI can be dangerous if you take more than you can handle. Your own power will be fighting against it in order to protect you.

I absorbed Raw Nature KI and fused it with my own. I should have died the moment that happened. But I didn't. Best guess is my body mutation that allowed me to survive.

Ironic isn't it? The thing that screwed me over is also the one that saved me" Kurama chuckled at his own misfortune.

No kidding. How he has lived this long is a miracle.

"I kept living life on the edge. I tried to purify it once in a while. But it just took the edge off the insanity. People kept attacking me. So I was forced to absorb more and more Nature KI until I got to the point I am.

It's better to purify KI. It gives you some benefits.

But I have too much Evil KI in me. Purifying it all will take centuries. I'd rather let go of it, and purify the new Nature KI I will absorb. Keeping me at he top of my game. All the Evil Ki has seeped into this mountain. Something interesting will be born here in a few decades or centuries."

Yeah, something like Chutulu's son.

"Close your eyes and focus on Nature Ki. I will guide you through the purification process. After that you will just repeat it. Training your Ki and getting used to Nature KI.

We will train Senjutsu Techniques after you have grasped the basics"

Once again. Getting a team of talented people was such a good idea.



Well the Ski-Resort was a bust. Like 1/3 of the trip and we found out there was an accident on the main road near the Ski-Resort And the road was blocked off. I was like 'I'm not waiting for hours just so I can go play in the snow. Turn back or go someplace else.'

So we went someplace else. Across the Chech Border (Well technically there aren't any physical borders). Literally, just after the 'Border' there was a huge Asian Market. They sold tons of shit there.

But mostly Clothes. Purses. Knives. More Knives. Swords. Watches. More Knives. Even some dildos and flashlights. ( I don't know why they made me laugh so much. Mostly because of how stupid and surreal it is. There were kids there)

I didn't by shit. Nothing caught my eye. Like what am I going to do with a butterfly knife? I would cut myself. That's what xD

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

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