/ Book&Literature / Percy Jackson : Rewind Time

Percy Jackson : Rewind Time Original

Percy Jackson : Rewind Time

Book&Literature 142 Capítulos 1.4M Visitas
Autor: Moonhorse

4.7 (20 valoraciones)

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After Achieving everything you have ever want...

The same time realizing that life was full of mistakes and regrets...

" I am not afraid of making mistakes. But some mistakes were those that I could afford But there are some that I couldn't "

Percy is granted one wish by Chaos herself.

His only wish is to have his friends back. There's only one way Chaos can full-fill his wish and that is by sending him back in time to do everything again.


I don't own Percy Jackson or anything related to him. All I own are the plotlines and the Original Characters.

Enjoy reading!


  1. CosmicLalo777
    CosmicLalo777 Contribuido 225
  2. Moonhorse
    Moonhorse Contribuido 221
  3. Infamous_Puppet
    Infamous_Puppet Contribuido 85

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  • Calidad de escritura
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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The story so far is looking good, if your interested in a story in which Percy goes back in time to save everyone including Kronos and Gaia. My issues are the with the little issue the author seems to have with past, present, and future tenses, as well as plurals. However, I understand this is the author’s first book, so I have high hopes for this books future.

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Shameless author giving a five star review for his story :) but in my defense it's a pretty good story ,) .................................

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Great fic really entertaining only wish I got more.

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good story more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more more

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I'm rather new to this platform, but, from what I've noticed, this story is the better one compared to some of the more... normal ones here. However, I have some... misgivings. I'm not an experienced reviewer or something, but bear with me. First, I'd like to talk about the concept and premise. It's one of the more unique ones, but, unfortunately, it's mired with... a case of too much too soon, shall we say. I know there must have been an overarching storyline, but the trip there is a little messy so far. I can barely keep up with everything that is happening. It could be better if it's a little bit slower on the pacing. If you want to keep doing this, I suggest exploring the effect of one pantheon's apocalypse interfering with another pantheon's own apocalypse. The godly worlds are supposed to be separate, but Percy's actions for each pantheons should have a more far-reaching consequences on inter-pantheon relationship. On that point of pacing, the second misgiving I have is the book arcs. I know the point of fanfiction is to bring something new to an already great story for personal enjoyment, but I think the way you portray the story could be improved. So far, I can only see this story as all of the separate Riordan pantheon arcs starting at the very same time due to the time travel and Percy having to deal with all of it either by accident or on purpose. You try to mesh it well enough, and in some parts it works, but in another it clashes and disturb the pacing. Case in point, I noticed that the Magnus arc is longer than the rest with quite a few of the scenes being focused with Magnus. At the same time, you have the opportunity to do the same with the Kane arc but chose not to, breaking some of the immersion in the middle. Third, the structure is somewhat worse down the line. It's not quite noticeable, but I'm having a difficult time reading the Magnus arc due to a few of the dialogues having an uncertain speaker and the often-skipped sign language due to my eyes being trained on that quotation marks to note a dialogue (which are missing).Fourth, which I think I am not qualified to comment but shall do anyway, is the characterization of Percy and his interaction with the world. I am not touching the 'free from Fate' thing because, frankly, I think you have a purpose for including that but continues with the prophecies (interference from an outer god maybe?). To be honest, I just can't connect with this Percy. That's my opinion. This Percy is... too all over the place especially in the newer chapters. Sometimes he's cocky, arrogant, and powerful. Sometimes he's meek, reactive, and unsure. That's all well and good, but only in the right moment. A good example is the Despina arc, despite it being overshadowed by Artemis' rescue mission. I love the start of that book until the end of the Artemis rescue because it fits with Percy's characterization well (Love that punch at Demeter and the subsequent curse replacing Ares' martial curse). It would be better to just focus that whole book at Despina and not the Artemis rescue, because it also goes well with the very first chapter where Percy wanted to save people and Chaos wanted to mend the bond of family (so far, except for the first book, I rarely see the development of that Chaos mission). After that, the Percy in the Magnus arc feels a little bit scatter-brained and all over the place. It feels like you're trying to showcase Percy's power in a way that almost always detracts other characters' struggle and skills (which I notice is a theme from the beginning but felt stronger after the Despina arc). It doesn't feel it fits well with the arc and characters.Still, overall, it is a lovely story compared to all other stories of the same fandom in this platform (ones that are not a copy from other platforms). It is unique in and on itself. Still, I take my leave here after the Magnus arc. I have enjoyed the story very much, but I cannot see this story in my future. Thank you very much for your hard work. Keep up the good work. Good luck.

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Its pretty good but there are some minor grammar mistakes. Overall its a very good story that might not be a fit for you due to some changes in the story but its still pretty good.

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it's good that's it just read it and see

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The story is very good, I hope the Author can finish it, it would be nice to see percy ending with Nix or Chaos,I didn't notice if it would be a harem, For those who like a strong Percy and who can prevent many tragedies this is the right story

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LV 4 Badge

It's a very good fanfic and I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far. My major complaint however, is the Primordials keep talking in between the story. It's bot ones or twice they talk/give information and leave, but they keep talking in between dialogues, which throws the story off. I wish they talked in one section, and left the rest of the story to Percy..

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Keep making more chapters you are great at this

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is the best Percy Jackson fanfic I've read, the writing style makes me feel like I'm reading an official Percy Jackson book.

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Não sei o que dizer foi a melhor coisa que eu le dos últimos dias👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😕😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍😃😍

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the story is really good, I just hope you don't drop it🙏🏻 ................................................................................

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This is everything good about Rick Riodian books dialled up to 11. Seriously... I've never read something so good. .. this book covers the dark and comedy aspects perfectly while combining different characters together. Nothing really seems forced, and the author manages to keep all the different moving parts - believe me, there's a lot - relatively grounded to the story. Percy isn't too op. he never breezes through his challenges, he has to use his wits and his awesome abilities cleverly most of the time . This book never got boring !

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Great story. It is not just a simple fanfic, you can feel that the author thought about the plot a lot. The chapters could be a bit longer or there could be a better update schedule.

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BEST BOOK EVER I love how he made Percy OP. It is a bit annoying how all the secrets arnt told and everyone is not on the same page but I hope to see an Avengers endgame-type battle with all of Percy's friends and lovers fighting with him in one big battle against an elder god like Cthulhu maybe but overall good

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Volumen 5 : Defying Fate

  1. 47
    Chapter 44: The most fashionable rescue mission 1 years ago
  2. 48
    Chapter 45: And people say I am OP, well look at her 1 years ago
  3. 49
    Chapter 46: Nico's interrogation 1 years ago
  4. 50
    Chapter 47: Nico is going to become a psychopath 1 years ago
  5. 51
    Chapter 48: Apollo says Nyx is a psychopath 1 years ago
  6. 52
    Chapter 49: Chiron needs my help for serious matters 1 years ago
  7. 53
    Chapter 50: The Oracle knows how to kill the mood 1 years ago
  8. 54
    Chapter 51: My new friend has a point 1 years ago
  9. 55
    Chapter 52: I watch my big sister's birth 1 years ago
  10. 56
    Chapter 53: I burn down a fire engine 1 years ago
  11. 57
    Chapter 54: Thou shall feed thy cat fish 1 years ago
  12. 58
    Chapter 55: Ghost Night 1 years ago
  13. 59
    Chapter 56: My cat conspires against me 1 years ago
  14. 60
    Chapter 57: We bring Chaos to Washington 1 years ago
  15. 61
    Chapter 58: How to steal a car for Dummies 1 years ago
  16. 62
    Chapter 59: I binge watch my dreams 1 years ago
  17. 63
    Chapter 60: Kill em with Kindness 1 years ago
  18. 64
    Chapter 61: My cat is better with the ladies then me 1 years ago
  19. 65
    Chapter 62: We take out the trash 1 years ago
  20. 66
    Chapter 63: Zoë doesn't understand the dam joke 1 years ago
  21. 67
    Chapter 64: Houston, we have a dam problem 1 years ago
  22. 68
    Chapter 65: As expected, nothing goes as it should 1 years ago
  23. 69
    Chapter 66: Kids, don't try this at home 1 years ago
  24. 70
    Chapter 67: I practice my own dead scene 1 years ago
  25. 71
    Chapter 68: Despina puts Atlas in his place 1 years ago
  26. 72
    Chapter 69: Atlas starts singing 1 years ago
  27. 73
    Chapter 70: Percy is acting strange 1 years ago
  28. 74
    Chapter 71: The party goes wrong, very wrong 1 years ago
  29. 75
    Chapter 72: Talos's little brother shows up 1 years ago
  30. 76
    Chapter 73: I finish what I started 1 years ago
  31. 77
    Chapter 74: A terrible election 1 years ago

Volumen 6 : Still Alive

  1. 78
    Chapter 75: Knowledge got me killed 1 years ago
  2. 79
    Chapter 76: I recycle myself 1 years ago
  3. 80
    Chapter 77: I have poop in my head 1 years ago
  4. 81
    Chapter 78: With the Runes out, its less dangerous! 1 years ago
  5. 82
    Chapter 79: My first day in my eternal afterlive 1 years ago
  6. 83
    Chapter 80: Don't hate Percy, hate the Arena 1 years ago
  7. 84
    Chapter 81: Want to commit a crime? Let me help you! 1 years ago
  8. 85
    Chapter 82: Wait, what just happened? 1 years ago
  9. 86
    Chapter 83: My friends fall out of a tree 1 years ago
  10. 87
    Chapter 84: We meet the squirtle, I mean Squirrel 1 years ago
  11. 88
    Chapter 85: My funeral sucks! 1 years ago
  12. 89
    Chapter 86: Annabeth! This is a meeting for the dead 1 years ago
  13. 90
    Chapter 87: One sword to rule them all 1 years ago
  14. 91
    Chapter 88: We meet the head of the operation 1 years ago
  15. 92
    Chapter 89: Back on shore 1 years ago
  16. 93
    Chapter 90: What the Hel? 1 years ago
  17. 94
    Chapter 91: I take a walk in the park 1 years ago
  18. 95
    Chapter 92: I'm a tree hugger 1 years ago
  19. 96
    Chapter 93: Die! Just kidding 1 years ago
  20. 97
    Chapter 94: A pun, you miss the joke 1 years ago
  21. 98
    Chapter 95: The floor has a name 1 years ago
  22. 99
    Chapter 96: Welcome by Idols, for dwarves 1 years ago
  23. 100
    Chapter 97: Percy biggest oopsie 1 years ago
  24. 101
    Chapter 98: When Duct Tape fails 1 years ago
  25. 102
    Chapter 99: I don't discover a new planet 1 years ago
  26. 103
    Chapter 100: Murder at midnight 1 years ago
  27. 104
    Chapter 101: Gur shgher? 1 years ago
  28. 105
    Chapter 102: I love trees 1 years ago
  29. 106
    Chapter 103: Back into the action! 1 years ago
  30. 107
    Chapter 104: So, what have you been doing? 1 years ago
  31. 108
    Chapter 105: Damit, stop crying! 1 years ago
  32. 109
    Chapter 106: Of course there is a horse named Stanley 1 years ago
  33. 110
    Chapter 107: I play Plants vs (Giant)Zombie(S) 1 years ago
  34. 111
    Chapter 108: Magnus passed out more than Jason Grace 1 years ago
  35. 112
    Chapter 109: The Gods have horrible timing 1 years ago
  36. 113
    Chapter 110: Magnus did an Oopsie 1 years ago
  37. 114
    Chapter 111: Ragnarok sucks! 1 years ago
  38. 115
    Chapter 112: What movie do you want to watch? 1 years ago
  39. 116
    Chapter 113: The Lion king it is 1 years ago
  40. 117
    Chapter 114: Rise of the villians 12 months ago

Autor Moonhorse