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26.78% DxD: King of Salt / Chapter 14: Chapter 13

Capítulo 14: Chapter 13

"Azazel go to the west, Shemhazai to the east! Baraqiel protect the angel's in your group! Penemue and Asbeel switch places! Remiel and Sariel combine your powers and create a big explosion and knock them to your right! Armaros make sure to keep the Titans from advancing in your area!" Zadkiel shouted into the communication circles as he kept on giving orders.

His eyes moved from left to right as he scanned the battlefield. He would make the appropriate plans according to the movements of the enemy army and it has served his side well. None of the angels from his side have been killed as due to their size compared to the Titans they are able to dodge their attacks.

Even if an angel is injured they would be rescued by the others before they could be killed and brought to the healers as they would be healed and joins the battle shortly. While the angels had managed to kill a good amount of Titans. Many of the archangels killed Titans on their own while the lower angels killed them by fighting in group's.

The war has been going for 2 weeks now but they are at an advantage. Well, were at an advantage is more correct, with Kronos bringing more of the Titans and his brother's along with his nephews the war has become quite hard. Except for Oceanus and the women, the other elders Titans have gathered and was now participating in the war. The younger Titans which includes Eos, Hecate, Helios, Selene, Nike to name a few.

(A/N: The younger Titans to my knowledge are those Titans who are the children of the Twelve Titan children of Ouranos.)

This has caused more trouble for them but they have been able to hold them back very well which was by this time starting to irritate Kronos.

'I wonder what is going in heaven. Due to the war I haven't been able to contact them.' Zadkiel thought to himself before he gave another string of orders to the angels.

*In Heaven*

"Move move move!" An angel shouted panicked.

He and the angels around him shot from their spot and in less than half a second a body passed them and crashed into a building, destroying it. After a few seconds a figure came out of the rubble of what had been the building. The figure was revealed to be Adam as he walked out of the rubble.

"That sure was a nice kick. I guess I shouldn't expect anything less." Adam said to himself as he looked ahead.

He saw as a figure jumped in the air and landed a few metres away from him creating a crater in response. The figure was revealed to be Lilith as she looked at him. The angels around them were looking at the two primordial humans with fear as they made sure to keep their distance.

"Stand down Adam." Lilith said to him.

"You know I can't do that Lilith. Especially if you are aiding Helel." Adam said to her as he readied himself.

"You even stopped calling him big brother. Don't you realise that he is doing it for us." Lilith said to him with a glare.

"And what is he doing? Going to war with our Father and trying to usurp his position. That does not seem like a good thing." Adam said to her.

"He cares about big brother Zadkiel. He told me that he has been sent to war and that Father hasn't sent any reinforcements for him." Lilith said angrily.

"Oh, is that why you are aiding him. I'm actually not that surprised he was able to gain your trust." Adam said as he looked at her.

"Yes, he told me about what was happening." Lilith said to him.

*Flashback 6 days ago*

"What!? Big brother Zadkiel has gone to war with the Titans and Father isn't sending any reinforcements!!" Lilith shouted with an alarmed tone as she gripped the bars of her cage.

"Yes, it is as you've heard dear sister." Helel said with a sad look.

The guard that was supposed to look after Lilith was knocked out and was splayed on the ground near the cage as the two talked.

"Yes, and I have gotten information that the Titan Kronos has called his brother and younger Titans to the fray. I fear for my little brothers' life." Helel said to her.

"W-What do we do? There must be someway we can help big brother Zadkiel." Lilith said desparately.

Helel gained a small smirk on his face which went unnoticed by Lilith.

"Yes but it is a risky one, are you sure you want to hear this?" Helel asked him.

"Yes." Lilith said firmly.

"Very well. I am going to rebel against Father." Helel said to her.

This caused her to gain a shocked look. Not even in her wildest dreams did she think that she would hear something like this.

"I can see from your face that you're shocked. But this is the only way I see that we would be able to help Zadkiel. Father won't change his decision and this is the only way for us to ensure that Zadkiel survives." Helel said to her.

Lilith thought to herself as she pondered the idea inside her head. The thought about rebelling against God was a terrifying thought but wanting to ensure Zadkiel's life and his safety ultimately won as she looked at Helel with a determined look.

"I'll do it. If it means I will be able to help big brother Zadkiel then I will help you." Lilith said with a determined gaze which caused Helel to smirk in response.

*Flashback End*

"Well, then I guess it's my duty to stop you." Adam said as he got into his stance.

"I guess there's no choice." Lilith said as she got in her stance as well.

The two stayed like that for 2 seconds and then vanished before reappearing in the middle. Adam threw a punch and Lilith kicked. Both attacks met eachother and caused a shockwave which sent the nearby angel's flying a bit backwards. Then the two started to dish out attack after attack which kept on making shockwaves which caused the angels around them to move away from their area.

"My God, they're so powerful." An angel said as she looked at the fight.

But before anyone could reply Lilith was sent flying by Adam at their direction. The angels moved immediately as she passed by them and Adam followed behind. Then the two started to fight in the air, using magic to stand and run in the air as they fought with eachother.

They met again on the ground as they were in a lock. The two then parted and gave out punch after punch. When it seemed like they wouldn't be getting anywhere they covered their fists in different elements and started to punch eachother and then kicks also started to be used.

Their punches started to increase in speed until they blurred and massive winds were being generated from it. They kept on punching until Adam landed a fist onto her cheek and turn her around. But Lilith used the momentum to give a punch to his face. But Adam didn't let up and sent another punch. But he then realised that it was going for her stomach.

He then redirected it upwards and it met her chin sending her into the air from it. But she recovered in the air and then gave an axe kick to Adam which he blocked with his arms as a crater formed in response to the power used. Lilith then used his arms as a springboard to get a distance between themselves as she landed on the ground and got ready to fight with Adam also taking a stance.

'This is taking time. The only way she will stop is if big brother himself would tell her to stop.' Adam thought to himself as he dashed to Lilith with her doing the same.

Owing to the reason as to why the two primordial humans were fighting Heaven was in chaos at this moment due to the rebellion started by Helel. With his charisma he managed to get many of the angels in heaven to side with him. It also helped that many angels looked upto him which has worked in his favour.

The rebellion started 5 days ago and Heaven has been greatly damaged due to it. Helel was currently fighting against Michael. Yophiel and Asmodai were also fighting Uriel and Raphael respectively. Michael was having a bit of a hard time fighting with Helel since the first angel was wielding the Flaming Sword, a sword infused with Primordial Fire, the strongest type of fire.

"Stop it brother!" Michael urged him.

"Hah, as if I would listen to you! All of heaven will bow to me!" Helel said haughtily as he slashed his sword.

Not too long to the side Gabriel was also fighting against Azazil and Azariel. The two angels having to team up to fight against the Seraph.

"Why are you doing this!? Zadkiel would be sad if he were to see this!" Gabriel said to her little sisters.

"We don't want to fight you as well Big sister Gabriel, but this is the only way we have to help big brother Zadkiel. Father won't sent anyone to help him despite the fact that Kronos and his brothers have come to war." Azazil said to her as she held her flaming sword.

"I'm sorry sister, but we have to defeat you." Azariel said to her as water surrounded her.

Gabriel looked at the two with a sad face before she created another light spear and put more holy energy in it to give it more power as she got ready to fight against them.

*In the Throne room of Seventh Heaven*

"Are you sure they do not need our help? Helel possesses the Flaming Sword which has the ability to use Primordial Fire." Raziel said to God.

"It's alright, I have faith in my children. But, this war is taking too long and if any of the Gods from other factions were to know of this there is a chance they might try to invade. Raziel, I want you to go to the border and give my message to Zadkiel." God said to his son.

"As you wish Father. What is the message?" Raziel asked him.

God gave the message to the scribe and the angel was surprised and shocked at it but complied and went through a portal.

*At the border*

Zadkiel gave another string of commands before using magic to deflect another attack by the Titaness Hecate. Due to her being the Titaness of Magic she is able to use magic much more easily and proficiently compared to the rest. She has been trying to attack him for a long time.

She wasn't the only one as many Titans tried to attack him as they had realised that he is the strategist coming with the strategies. He gave another string of order when a familiar magic circle appeared a few metres behind him.

Zadkiel felt the magic circle and was surprised before it morphed into happiness when he saw Raziel coming out of it. He was happy to see him but his happiness went down the drain when he heard about the war in Heaven.

'So he used the time me and the other archangel's are out fighting this war to launch his own war. Clever.' Zadkiel thought to himself as he looked at his brother.

"I also have the message Father has said to give you." Raziel said to him.

"What is it?" Zadkiel asked him.

Raziel hesitated a bit before deciding to answer him.

"He has ordered every angel present in the border to return and give their assistance in Heaven. All the angels, except you." Raziel said the last part slowly.

This caused Zadkiel to look at him surprised.

"All except me?" Zadkiel repeated him.

"Yes." Raziel confirmed.

Zadkiel looked at the scribe for a few moments before a smile graced his face which honestly surprised the archangel.

"So that is Father's order. Alright then, I will relay the order to everyone." Zadkiel said as he turned to his communication circle.

"To all the angels, this is an order from Father. Every angel must return to Heaven at once. The archangel Helel has rebelled against God and is int need of your assistance right now. This is a direct order." Zadkiel said through the comms.

"What?!" All the angels said in unison.

Those near the Titans made distance between them and then turned and looked at Zadkiel. He had a serious expression on his face and Raziel beside him was proof of the fact that it was indeed God's order.

"But who will fight them?" Asbeel asked him.

"I will. I will stay here and protect the border. You shall all go and protect heaven." Zadkiel said through the circle.

"WHAT!!?" All the angel's shouted in unison.

The Titans were confused by the behaviour of the angel's that they stopped attacking to look at them confused.

"We have no time for debate! Go now!" Zadkiel ordered into the comms as he spread all twelve of his wings.

The archangels wanted to protest but the look they saw on his face made them realise that he won't budge. And because it was an order from God they couldn't just disobey it. So they teleported to the area around him.

"Are you sure about this?" Azazel asked him.

"Very." Zadkiel said seriously.

Azazel looked at his face and sighed.

"Okay, we will try to end the battle as fast as we can and come to help you." Azazel said before he teleported away.

"Be careful." Penemue said to him before she teleported away as well.

After that the other archangel's teleported away one by one with the lesser angels following them. After all of them had teleported away Zadkiel was the only one left as he looked at the army of Titans.

At the Titans side, Kronos was confused as the rest of the Titans at the behaviour of the angels and were more surprised when they saw the angels teleporting away with only their strategist left. Kronos had a wide smile on his face when he saw that.

"It seems that those angels have run away in fear of our might. Advance and claim heaven as our own!" Kronos shouted to his army as he pointed towards Heaven with his scythe.

The Titan army shouted cheerfully and marched forward. The elder Titans and their children's also marched with the army as they made their way to Heaven. Hecate was at the back while Helios, Selene, Astraeus and Nike were a bit behind the front as they marched with the army.

Zadkiel saw the approaching army and sighed to himself.

'I was hoping to make them give up and not cause too much death but it seems it's unavoidable now.' Zadkiel thought to himself.

He flew towards the battlefield with his wings as his Halo glowed brightly as the Titans saw him. Kronos and the elder Titans merely smirked at it while the younger Titans were confused at seeing one lone angel coming their way. Zadkiel then stopped a few hundred metres away from the meeting place of the two borders.

He raised his hand and a spear made of salt appeared on his right hand as he swung it a few times as he held the spear and looked at the approaching army. The Titan army stopped when they saw him floating on the air with a spear make of salt.

"Is that angel seriously using a spear made of salt? Is he that incompetent that he is unable to create any weapons using light like the other angel's." A Titan at the front said before laughing.

The other Titans around him also started to laugh. The elder Titans also laughed at this along with some of the male younger Titans. But among them one Titan was looking at the lone angel and he was shaking as his body was trembling. The Titan beside him noticed him and looked at him.

"Oi, why are you afraid? There are lots of us, and we are armed. He has come alone." The Titan said to him drawing the attention of the other Titans.

The elder and younger Titans along with the others also looked at the Titan. The Titan that was trembling turned and looked at the Titan beside him.

"There are lots of us and we are all armed! And YET he has come alone! So why can't I be afraid!?" The Titan asked back as he looked at him.

This question also caused some of the Titans to become afraid as his logic was sound as the Titan that asked him was also afraid by it.

Zadkiel meanwhile was looking at their behaviour before he closed his eyes.

"Time for judgement." Zadkiel said as his eyes glowed.

In his vision, after his eyes began glowing many of the Titans in the army started to be coloured red while some were coloured green.

"All sinners before me..." Zadkiel said as he raised his left hand and hovered it over his right chest.

This action caught the attention of the Titans as they looked at him.

"...shall turn into pillars of Salt!" Zadkiel announced as he waved his arm.

The next moment a giant wave of salt, which was two times higher than the Titans in the army rose before him as it towered over the Titans. This action caused panic in the Titans while Kronos and the elder and younger Titans were shocked.

"It's just Salt! Do not panic!" Hyperion said to his men.

The younger Titans immediately moved away from the front at the sight of the wave. The wave of salt crashed down and engulfed a good amount of Titans in it. The wave of Salt spread on the ground as the Titans looked at the place it fell. The sight that greeted them was something that they would remember for the rest of their lives.

In front of them, 4 rows of Titans were now turned to salt. A handful of them were unscathed but when they saw the Titans which had been turned to salt they fainted in terror. Their weapons were also turned to Salt. The newly formed salt statues then fell on the ground as the salt mixed with the one spread on the ground.

The elder Titans watched it with wide eyes while many in the army were terrified.The younger Titans had horrified expressions on their faces when they saw it.

Nike who was flying with the help of her wings looked at the scene in horror. She was appalled to see this many Titans of the army turned to salt in mere moments. She looked at Zadkiel as she felt one emotion she had felt only for Kronos up until this moment. Fear. (A/N: She looks like Nike from Athena Complex. I'll put the image here.)

Hecate and the other younger Titans also had this emotion as they stared at the angel terrified.

"He's a monster." Hecate said terrified as her magical energy started to fluctuate.

All of the Titans in the army looked at Zadkiel as he looked at them.

"Now, the time to punish the sinners has come." Zadkiel said as his eyes glowed a menacing green.

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