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93.63% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 206: CHAPTER {312-314}

Capítulo 206: CHAPTER {312-314}


Instead of opening a Portal, Harry decided to Apparate straight to Nigel. Moments later, Harry found himself standing inside an alley near the Magical part of Edinburg. "Harry!" Nigel exclaimed in surprise as he wasn't expecting Harry to arrive right away unannounced.

"So, where is this someone?" Harry asked curiously even though he could see a slimy-looking man standing in front of him and the man was being accompanied by two guards. The man reminded him of Lucius Malfoy, which was not a good thing in his books.

"That someone would be me" The slimy-looking man spoke up while pointing at himself. "Hello, I am Emanuel Barone and I am here on behalf of the ICW" The man introduced himself before extending his hand toward Harry. Yes, he even spoke like Lucius Malfoy. Harry didn't know what the ICW was playing at, but if it displeased him, he could always kill the Lucius Malfoy look-alike.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr Barone" Harry shook the man's hand. His personal feelings aside, he decided to play along for the time being, after all, he at least needed to know what the ICW was really playing at. "Now, what did you want?" Harry asked, looking completely bored.

"Shall we move to a more fitting location? I don't have anything prepared since I wasn't expecting to meet you so soon, but we can at least change the venue" Emanuel suggested and Harry didn't mind either way, so he agreed. While he was busy, he did have some time to spare.

"Nigel, you may leave. You did good" Harry turned a bit and addressed Nigel. The said man looked a bit reluctant as he didn't want to leave Harry alone with these suspicious-looking men, but after thinking for a bit, he remembered that Harry was not a normal kid. He could take care of himself if it became necessary.

With Nigel out of his hair, Harry turned back toward Emanuel. "This way please" The man requested and the man started to lead him through the Magical side of Edinburgh. Since Harry wasn't using a disguise, everyone was giving him a wide berth. "Looks like you have made quite a name for yourself" Emanuel commented off-handedly.

"There are only two ways people would look at someone like me. They will either look at me in awe and adoration, or they will look at me in fear" Harry answered with a shrug.

"That makes sense" Emanuel nodded his head in understanding after thinking for a bit, even though his guards looked quite displeased. Thankfully, they knew how to keep their mouths closed. Soon, the group arrived in front of a nice-looking hotel. "Why don't you go call our friends from over France?" Emanuel looked over at one of his guards and requested.

"What about the Bulgarians?" The guard asked, but Emanuel quickly shook his head before he glanced toward Harry.

"No, don't tell them anything" Emanuel ordered and the guard disappeared inside the hotel. "There is quite a nice bar in the underground. Nobody is going to disturb us there. What do you say?" Emanuel asked Harry.

"I am fine with it" Harry agreed without much care. "By the way, are the Bulgarians here?" Harry asked and Emanuel seemed to curse himself inside his mind. This was something he wanted to avoid. He decided that he was going to have a word with his guard after the meeting was over.

"Yes, they are" Emanuel answered honestly since it would be useless to lie at this point. "Please don't attack them. The ICW plans to clear the air before there could be any more bloodbath" Emanuel almost pleaded. His directives were clear… One of his jobs was to prevent the Bulgarians from attacking Potter and vice versa.

"I never said that I would" Harry pointed out with an innocent smile. "However, remind them the ransom is increasing with each day" Harry added with a thoughtful look on his face. After all, he was letting them stay under a roof and he was feeding them too, so he needed to reclaim that gold.

"I will" Emanuel acknowledged. He could always convince the Bulgarians if he managed to cut a deal with Potter. The trio soon arrived in the underground bar and Harry had to admit, it was a nice bar. The bar was practically empty except for a few workers milling around.

A nervous-looking woman from behind the bar spoke up. "Look, we want no trouble. Please leave" The woman blurted out in a fearful tone.

"We are not here to cause any trouble, so please remain calm" Emanuel tried to de-escalate the situation before he turned toward Harry. "We aren't here to cause trouble are we?" The man asked and the air around Harry changed, scaring everyone inside the room.

"I have been going along with this shit because I was curious. Don't push your luck and as for causing trouble, it depends on you" Harry explained in a cold tone before he turned toward the woman standing behind the bar. The woman flinched back in fear when he leveled her a glare. "You should have closed the bar if you didn't want any trouble" Harry explained blandly.

"Now shut the fuck up or bugger off to wherever you feel safe" Harry waved his hand in the air dismissively. Then he moved toward one of the private booths and nobody dared to stop him. Emanuel gave the employees an apologetic look before heading toward the private booth too. He didn't want to cause any scene, but it seemed to have backfired on him.

"Alright, start speaking. I have other things to do" Harry said as soon as Emanuel sat down. His guard decided to stand outside, but before Emanuel could say anything, the curtains opened and a couple of people stepped inside. Harry decided to pay them no mind since they were weak as fuck.

"This is the Head of French DMLE, Andre Dupont, and this is Jean-Paul Delacour, the Head of Foreign Affairs. His daughter is also the Beauxbatons Champion" Emanuel quickly introduced the new arrivals and gestured them to sit down. Harry was already annoyed with him, he didn't want to try his luck.

"...The thing is, the ICW wants to make a deal with you" Emanuel finally began to speak. He enjoyed playing around with Amelia, but he didn't want to do the same with Potter. Harry simply gestured him to go on. "As you know, politics in Wizarding Communities is a delicate matter even in times of peace" Emanuel paused for a bit.

He took a deep breath before he started to speak again. "In the Muggle world, a single person can never bring down the Government, but it is different for us. It is way more difficult for us to keep everything under control, but that is not always possible. You are a prime example" Emanuel finished.

"Can you get to the point?" Harry asked, getting impatient.

Andre growled, but he quickly regained his composure and began to speak. "The point is, you are destabilizing Wizarding Britain. If the Government falls then there will be anarchy. It might not seem much in the greater schemes, but there aren't many of us in the world" Andre finished tiredly.

"Just like he said, Wizarding Britain might seem small compared to the Muggle side, but when we only consider the Wizarding Community, then Britain is a significant part. Wizarding Britain consists of about 10% of our whole population. If Britain falls then it is going to hit us hard" Emmanuel finished.

"What he means to say is that the rest of the Wizarding population is going to be fucked if that happens. Wizarding Britain is an integral cog in the International Community" Andre added in a frustrated tone.

"So, you want me to leave? Is that right?" Harry asked. To be honest, he never considered the consequences of his actions, not that he was planning to consider them now.

"Yes, that is in fact correct" Jean-Paul Delacour spoke up for the first time.

"Well, I don't plan to leave" Harry answered with a shrug. "So, now what? Attack me with your forces?" Harry asked in a mocking tone. He wasn't trying to rile them up or anything, but they were the ones who started first. If they thought that they could make him leave, then they had another thing coming for them.

"No, that is not even an option for us" Emanuel denied while shaking his head. "I will be honest with you here. We, and by 'we' I mean the ICW, are not confident that we can even beat you and if we somehow manage to win, then our losses are going to be catastrophic. The Wizarding Community will never recover from that. It would be the end of us" Emanuel finished solemnly.

"However, you are misunderstanding something" Emanuel quickly shook his head and regained his bearings. "I never said that we are asking you to do this for free. The ICW wants to make a deal with you" Emanuel repeated his initial words, and Harry simply hummed thoughtfully at the man's words.

To be honest, he didn't want the Wizarding World to collapse and he wasn't intending to stay in Britain after he killed Voldemort, so he could at least listen to what they had to say before making a decision. It might turn out quite beneficial for him, after all, the ICW seemed to be quite desperate. If nothing else, he might be able to twist their arm into supporting him against the Goblin Nation from behind the scenes.

"Ohh… I am listening" Harry perked up childishly as he placed his hands on the table and leaned forward, looking all chirpy and excited.

Emanuel licked his lips in trepidation before he finally started to speak again.

"...We have managed to learn that there had been some unpleasantries between your forces and the Guild and recently, the Guild has started offering bounties for you and Grindelwald. Nobody has been foolish enough to accept the bounties yet, but I believe it would be annoying for you if you had to deal with the bounty hunters regularly" Emanuel finished.

"Eventually they are going to offer enough gold to blind the bounty hunters with stupidity and greed. While I don't like bounty hunters or mercenaries, they are a necessary evil" Andre explained reluctantly.

"Then there is the Guild… For the last few years, they have started overstepping some lines we don't want them to" Emanuel stopped, hoping to see any kind of reaction from Harry.

"Hmm… I am intrigued, but not intrigued enough. If you simply want my organization to replace the Guild, then I have to disappoint you. While I have no problems accepting contracts from the ICW, I refuse to work under their regulations" Harry pointed out calmly. "The Lost Garden is going to be an independent organization just like the Guild, but unlike them, we are going to accept the contracts ourselves" Harry added firmly.

"We know" Emanuel admitted. "That is why the ICW had no intention of forcing you to work under them. That is just a recipe for disaster. We simply want you to give the information, so you can get rid of them and then build something to fill the power vacuum. Their impertinence aside, they are useful" Emanuel finished with a slimy grin on his face.

Instead of saying anything right away, Harry simply hummed thoughtfully. "Do you know where all of their bases are?" Harry asked, but Emanuel shook his head with a reluctant look on his face.

"No, we don't, but we know where their Headquarters are. We know for certain that they have bases in Russia and China, but the ICW is not on good terms with them" Emanuel shook his head. The Russians withdrew from the ICW after the defeat of Grindelwald since Dumbledore tried to ban Dark Magic and while the ICW didn't agree with him completely, they agreed with him to some extent.

The Russians refused to accept the ban and decided to withdraw from the ICW… and as for China, they were part of the Asian Federation, which collapsed during the Wizarding World War, but China refused to join the ICW and built their own secluded Magical Community known as Shangrila. However, Shangrila was a much bigger threat than Russia since Shangrila was openly working with the Muggles.

"Hmm… Tempting, but still not enough" Harry waved his head in the air. Emanuel, Andre, and Jean-Paul looked dispirited, but they decided to accept the choice he made. "However, there is something that the ICW can do to make me accept the deal" Harry pointed out with a grin on his face even though they didn't like his smile, they decided to accept the olive branch Harry offered them.

After all, what other choice did they have?

"Tell me. I will try my best to convince the ICW" Emanuel spoke up righteously.

"Not yet" Harry denied. He wanted to twist their arm into supporting his crusade. He didn't want to reveal anything before attacking the San Luis branch of Gringotts. It wouldn't do if the Goblins managed to learn of his intention before he could attack them. "Let's meet tomorrow, here at the same time so that we can discuss my condition in more detail" Harry added with a soft smile on his face.

Once again, the others could only agree with them even though they didn't like it…



~~Ministry of Magic~~

\When are you planning to attack the Gringotts?\ Amelia sent a message. The Ministry vaults were now empty and she would be able to hide the fact for probably a couple of days before the grim revelation would eventually sink the Ministry and that would also kick-start the collapse of Wizarding Britain.

\Tonight\ Amelia received the briefest answer possible, but the answer managed to dismiss a lot of her concerns.

She could have asked the ICW for some help, but that would have made Wizarding Britain indebted to the ICW. While Britain was a part of the ICW, they were mostly autonomous and the ICW could only intervene in a handful of cases. The ICW was poking their nose where it didn't belong and she didn't want to give them any more ammo.

\By the way, the ICW is here along with French and Bulgarian delegations\ Amelia provided even though it reminded her of the fact that now she was working for a Dark Lord. He wasn't a monster like Voldemort, but sometimes, she couldn't help but compare the two of them.

\I know. I met them\ She received another message and even though this message was longer than the last one, it left her with more than one question.

\Are they still alive?\ Amelia asked while rubbing her temples. She started to wonder what kind of crimes she might have committed in her past life for her life to be so painful. She might have wished for their demise when they initially met, but she was not a bloodthirsty monster. She didn't want them to die for real.

Well, Emanuel Barone could go and die in a ditch for all she cared, but not the others…

\Yes, they are\ Amelia received another short message, leaving her with many questions, but she still sighed in relief. Thankfully, they were still alive. \However, they proposed a most interesting deal\ She received another message from him and now her curiosity was piqued. However, she couldn't help but feel wary about the whole situation.

'Ah… That must be why they are still alive' Amelia said to herself.

\So, what did the deal pertain to?\ Amelia asked almost warily. It must have been quite a tempting deal for Harry to accept it.

\What do you know about the Guild?\ Harry asked in return.

Amelia seemed to frown at his question. She was aware of the fact that Harry and the Guild were not on good terms. Harry, Jacklyn, and Grindelwald had destroyed the New York branch of the Guild and in retaliation, the Guild had started offering bounties for Grindelwald and Harry.

\Nothing besides what I have managed to glean from the Lost Garden\ Amelia answered honestly. While she was the Head of the DMLE, she knew about the Guild, but nothing more than mentions. She had no idea how they operated or how big of an organization the Guild truly was.

\Well, it seems like they might have crossed more than a few lines and stepped on too many toes they shouldn't have\ Harry answered and Amelia could feel his amusement just from the message. \The ICW was quite happy to sell them to me, but I didn't accept the deal\ Harry answered.

'Well… That's a thing' Amelia mused speechlessly as she licked her lips.

\You didn't?\ Amelia asked in surprise. To be honest, Amelia was really surprised to learn how the ICW planned to deal with Harry and she had to admit, it was quite smart. She was expecting them to threaten him or something like that, but instead, they were trying to make a deal with him.

\No, I intend to twist their arm into supporting me in the upcoming war\ Harry answered and once again, Amelia was left completely speechless.

\Are you sure they are going to agree?\ Amelia asked after a moment.

\It's not like I will be giving them a choice\ Harry answered dismissively.

'I should have expected that' Amelia admitted to herself. Harry really loved using that tactic.

\Well, I gotta go now. You will receive the gold by sunrise, so be ready\ Amelia received another message. She had more questions, but she guessed that he had answered enough for the time being, especially when he was rarely so forthcoming. A part of her started to wonder if something was amiss.

'Fuck it! It's not like I can stop him' Amelia said to herself as she kicked back and decided to relax. Her paperwork was done and nowadays, she rarely got a chance to kick back and simply relax…

However, only a couple of minutes later, someone knocked on the door and Amelia groaned. 'More paperwork' Amelia cursed inside her mind and decided to get it out of the way. "Come in" Amelia called out, expecting her secretary to walk in, but instead, it was Alastor who entered the room, looking all grim and serious.

Her heart started to pound inside her chest… Amelia wasn't afraid or anything, but she knew that she would hate the look of disappointment in his eyes. She was only a trainee when she met him for the first time and then after graduating from the Auror Academy, she was assigned with him. That particular arrangement lasted till the end of the War and after that, she started to rise through the ranks.

Later, the two of them became friends… She wouldn't say that they were really close, but there was a certain level of respect between the two of them…

"Alastor, is there anything you need?" Amelia asked, trying to look busy. While she was panicking on the inside, she refused to show it on her face.

"Yes" Alastor answered gruffly. "You can start by telling me why you decided to join Potter" It wasn't a question, it was a statement. For a moment, Amelia wondered if she should play innocent, but she quickly dismissed that thought. From the looks of it, Alastor was certain that she was a member of Lost Garden, so it would be useless to lie at this point.

"It is not like he gave me a choice. It was either I joined him or get swept away by someone else working under him. This way, I can at least lead my country to a better future" Amelia slowly explained.

"So, you are just a puppet?" Alastor asked, trying to connect the dots.

"No" Amelia immediately shook her head in denial. "He never told me to do anything for him as the Minister. In fact, he rarely contacts me. If he is to be believed then he only wanted me to become the Minister to prevent a manhunt for him" Amelia explained and much to her surprise, Alastor nodded his head in understanding.

"Then you probably made the right choice" Alastor agreed grimly. "We have already lost so many good people during the Hogwarts incident and we lost some more during the Diagon Alley attack and we are probably going to lose more by the time the whole shite is blown over. We can't afford to lose a better part of our forces for some foolish sense of revenge" Alastor explained.

Amelia almost smiled at his words… She was glad that he could understand her…

"However, what the fuck were you thinking when you decided to follow Potter into someone's house to kill them?" Alastor growled and her smile froze. Amelia almost flinched back at the look he was giving her, but she remained strong. "Was Malcolm Avery one of them?" Alastor asked, but this time his voice was much softer.

"Yes, he was" Amelia admitted. Once again, there was no reason to lie. "I thought I could kill him. It was one of the biggest reasons why I joined him in the first place. I wanted revenge. It seems that I might have overestimated myself" Amelia said while mocking herself. It was obvious that her resolve was weak or she wouldn't have balked.

Alastor stared at her for a few moments, judging her before finally nodding his head in appreciation. "Then I am glad you didn't. You wanted revenge, it is only natural. They deserve whatever Potter is doing to them, but you are not like him. He killed his relatives when he was only eleven. You are not like him, you are not a cold-blooded killer" Alastor pointed out almost proudly.

"I would have been disappointed if you were" Alastor admitted sombrely and Amelia barely held herself from beaming at the man. However, a small smile graced her lips.

"Then I am glad that I made the right choice" Amelia mumbled, feeling much better now. She might have wanted revenge, but she was not a cold-blooded killer like Harry. If Avery was on a battlefield then he would have been a fair game, but not like this. Never like this. That was not who she was…

'I think my brother and sister-in-law would understand' Amelia thought to herself. Only last night she was kicking herself for being weak, but the truth was that she wasn't. She was strong enough to reject the temptation and in the process turning into someone she wasn't…

"Thanks for that, Alastor. I needed someone to talk some sense into me" Amelia thanked the man, looking really grateful while Alastor looked somewhat uncomfortable. He had never been good with stuff like this. "So, are the Averys trying to get me charged?" Amelia asked. The charge wasn't going to stick, but she wanted to be prepared.

"No" Alastor immediately shook his head. "They are not fools and they want to bury the hatchet as they say. Whatever Potter did to them, it made them terrified of him" Alastor explained and Amelia nodded her head in understanding. She was right there… She knew what Potter did to them and they should be terrified of him.

If she was in their place then she would have been terrified too…

"When was the case filed?" Amelia asked after a moment.

"In the morning, but we aren't done yet" Alastor revealed and Amelia simply furrowed her brow in question. "Do you think Avery was the only one he killed last night?" Alastor asked while chuckling mirthlessly when he noticed the look she was giving him and from the surprise on her face it was clear that she knew nothing about the other murders.

"Who else?" Amelia asked, feeling another headache starting to ail her.

"Crabbe Snr, Goyle Snr, and most probably Mulciber too. His house was burned down by Fiendfyre, so we can't confirm anything, but how many people do you know who can control Fiendfyre?" Alastor asked and Amelia already knew the answer. Grindelwald and Harry were the only ones she knew who could probably control Fiendfyre.

Voldemort was on that short list too, but he probably wasn't the one who killed Mulciber…

"I see…" Amelia mumbled as she steepled her fingers with a thoughtful look on her face. "Bring me the report as soon as you can so that we can wash our hands with it" Amelia ordered, and Alastor frowned.

'Is she planning to drop the case?' Alastor wondered, but he could accuse her of anything, she noticed the look on his face and started to speak again.

"The ICW has finally decided to get off their laurels. From now on, they are going to be dealing with Potter, Grindelwald, and Voldemort. It is out of our hands now" Amelia revealed with a smile on her face.

"...You don't look disappointed. In fact, you look happy" Alastor pointed out after a few moments of silence.

"I am the Minister of Wizarding Britain, and I don't want my people to foolishly lose their lives by going after someone like Potter, Grindelwald, or Voldemort" Amelia answered without missing a beat. She had seen what the three of them could do and she wanted her men nowhere near that meat grinder.

Alastor simply stared at her for a few moments before nodding his head appreciatively. "You are going to be a really good Minister" Alastor admitted. While the Auror inside him was unhappy with this development, the rest of him was glad that any more of his colleagues weren't going to die useless and unnecessary deaths…



~~San Luis, Argentina~~

"So, how are we doing this?" Jacklyn asked from beside Harry. It had only been a few minutes since they arrived in San Luis, but the members of Lost Garden weren't unfamiliar with combat, so they quickly gathered in front of Gringotts and pulled out their Wands. The Goblin guards stationed outside the building looked alarmed and pulled out their weapons.

Their weapons gleamed under the moonlight, scaring the civilians milling around the bank…

"The loud way" Harry answered with a smile before he stepped forward to address the goblins. "Call the branch manager. There is no reason for a fight if we can reach an understanding!!" Harry announced loudly and the goblins simply stared at him before one of them finally stepped back and decided to head inside.

A couple of minutes later, a few more goblins arrived. All of them were completely armored just like the guards stationed outside the building except for two goblins. However, by that time, the Argentinian Aurors were already here. Wixen dressed in red robes stepped out of the crowd.

"Harry Potter" The lead Auror called out loudly. "Cease this foolishness this instant" The same Auror announced gruffly. "I do not know what your intentions are, but you and your have wrongfully entered our country. We won't detain you or seek further trouble with you if you decide to leave" The Auror continued to speak.

The man was quite fluent in English and Harry couldn't help but wonder if the man was using some sort of Spell. "It is the same with me. I have no quarrels with Argentina, but I do have some business with the Goblins, but if the Argentinian Government interferes then we are going to have some trouble" Harry spoke in a chirpy tone.

The lead Auror wasn't happy, but he was aware just how dangerous Harry Potter was… The ICW was trying its best to steer him away from any of the Wizarding Communities, but at the same time, he wanted to prevent any altercation between Harry Potter and the Goblin Nation. The Goblins weren't going to take the slight lying down and there would be another Goblin Rebellion on their hands.

That was something he had to avoid… After all, they were the ones who were going to be affected the most. If the Goblins decided to barricade their banks then the people of Argentina would be out of gold…

"...I cannot do that" The lead Auror revealed hesitantly.

"Pity" Harry mumbled before he turned toward the Goblins. "Goblin, a significant amount of gold was stolen from the Ministry of Wizarding Britain and that gold is currently sitting inside one of your vaults. I have proof to support my claims. The British Ministry of Magic wants the gold returned, so if the gold is returned then we will leave, without any bloodshed, but if you refuse then…" Harry decided to leave the statement hanging.

The important-looking Goblin bared his teeth and sneered at Harry. "The Goblin Nation refuses the request. Gold is gold. The Goblin Nation doesn't care if it's stolen. If you want to take the gold then bring the owners, if not then they go dormant" The goblin announced with a sneer.

"I see…" Harry mumbled before a grin appeared on his face. "Such a pity" Harry blurted out gleefully and the important-looking goblin was mounted just above the entrance of the bank with a spear stuck in his chest. That was the signal everyone was waiting for… The members of Lost Garden started to move and even though the Aurors tried to fight them, they were quickly overwhelmed by them.

Compared to Magical Britain, Magical Argentina was really small, so they weren't equipped to deal with a force like the Lost Garden by any means whereas, the Goblins were holding out much better against them. Their armor was impervious to weak Spells while their swords could easily deflect even the strongest Spells.

Harry had to admit, the Goblins were better equipped than anything he was expecting them to be.

|They must have been improving their armors and weapons behind the scenes| Harry mused inside his mind.

|You shouldn't have expected anything less. If I ever managed to learn anything from Binns then it is the fact that Goblins are greedy bastards. They always want more and more. They must have been preparing for a rebellion for quite some time| Lily pointed out and Harry simply hummed thoughtfully.

It seemed like his mother was right, but he wasn't worried since it wasn't going to matter in the next few seconds…

His beliefs were proven true when Jacklyn stepped forward and split one of the armored goblins from the middle and pulverized another armored goblin with a simple jab of her Wand. The Elder Wand sang in her hands as she felt the power coursing through her body. The fighting around her stopped…

The rest of the Goblins stared at her fearfully while her fellow members simply grinned smugly...

Harry had told her that this was her night… Once again, he had agreed to let her lead a team, but this time, she had no intentions of disappointing him…

"I am glad that you little shits decided to fight" Jacklyn declared before she flicked her Wand towards one of the Goblins and the Goblin was skewered by an earthen spike. She barely stopped herself from cackling when she punched a hole through another Goblin and just like that, all the Goblins outside the bank were dead.

"Report" She heard Harry's voice and snapped out of the trance.

"We haven't lost anyone, but a couple were injured thanks to the dutiful Aurors. They were taken to the back" Jacklyn quickly answered.

Harry gave her a nod before he looked away. The Aurors were gone, along with all the civilians. The street was completely empty, except for them and the corpses. Some Auror died, but it was kind of hard to feel bad for them since they were the ones who attacked first. Harry gave them the chance to leave, but they had to be heroes.

"Good. Let's head in. Jacklyn, you are going to take the lead while I will be in the back. Keep in mind that I will only intervene if necessary" Harry explained their next course of action and everyone started to move.

There was a reason why Harry wanted to stay in the back. He knew that the Goblins would collapse the mine if they realized that they couldn't win and Harry needed to stop the cave from caving in. He could keep the cave aloft for quite some time without any issues and as for the Goblins and their security measures, he was sure that the others could deal with it.

At least, it would be a nice test for them…

"Don't worry, I won't disappoint you this time" Jacklyn announced loudly and decided to head inside…


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