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85.45% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 188: CHAPTER {258-260}

Capítulo 188: CHAPTER {258-260}


~~Unknown Warehouse~~ (Present time)

Peggy signaled one of her snipers to take a shot and watched the scene unfold with grim satisfaction as one of Potter's followers, dropped dead when the high-caliber bullet split opened his skull. Usually, Peggy wasn't a person who would order a hit like that, but after watching the vile boy dismembering a woman, she wasn't able to stop herself from taking a bit of revenge.

While she wasn't able to deliver the pain the girl experienced before she finally breathed her last, she was satisfied that she was able to return even a fraction of that pain. "A life for a life" Peggy said coldly, expecting him to scream or threaten her in anger, but much to her disappointment, the boy remained completely silent, but she felt darkly satisfied when she heard the voices in the background.

"Hmm…" Harry Potter hummed thoughtfully from the other side and she held her breath. She wanted to get her men out of the shitshow at any cost and that wasn't all, there were several other risks involved if she allowed Potter to take them. "How about no?" After a few seconds of silence, Harry finally suggested in a casual tone, and even if Peggy was surprised, she didn't show it on her face.

Theodore Tonks was not related to him in any form and people like Harry Potter never cared about the well-being of their followers, but his refusal was not the end of the world. She could still twist his arm… "Is that so? Are you sure?" Peggy asked coldly.

"Yeah" Harry answered casually.

"Just so you know, this call is being recorded… I wonder what would happen if the recording finds its way to Nymphadora Tonks? I wonder how she will react if she learns that you allowed her father to die. Maybe, I should send this over to Sirius Black and Andromeda Tonks too…" Peggy wondered in a thoughtful tone. "I hope you are willing to kill everyone close to you" Peggy added.

To be honest, she hated being this cruel to the boy… The whole thing felt completely wrong to her, but at the end of the day, there wasn't anything she wouldn't do to keep the world safe after everything she did to keep the world safe. After everything, Steve sacrificed to make this world a better place… Everything considered, Potter wasn't much different from Johann Schmidt.

However, she was taken by surprise when Harry started to chuckle mirthfully…

"I would like to see you try" Harry said in an amused tone after he finally stopped chuckling. Peggy frowned, wondering why the boy was so confident, but she noticed Agent Caulson giving her a pointed look from the corner of her eyes, so she pressed the mute button and turned toward him. She raised her brows at him, urging the man to speak.

The man cleared his throat… "Ma'am, the Delta team has lost Theodore Tonks. They don't know what happened, but he simply disappeared from the car before they could do anything" The man answered in a grim tone.

"Ffffuuuucccckkkk!!" Rachel cursed loudly as she slammed her fist on the tabletop, making a small dent. "He must have made something like the Dark Mark" The woman elaborated and started to curse like a sailor. They had lost their only leverage and Peggy could only grimace at the revelation. The existence of something like the Dark Mark might seem useful, but it wasn't worth the steep price they had to pay.

Now, she was certain that Potter wasn't going to let her men go… It was a massive loss for them…

Now, there were only two paths in front of Peggy. She could either admit their defeat, or she could try to threaten him. Admitting defeat was not an option, at least not at this stage when he could simply sic the ICW on SHIELD or the Royal Mages. If the existence of SHIELD or the Royal Mages were to be revealed then there was a huge chance that a War might break out.

A War they had been trying to avoid for centuries…

If the ICW came to learn that Muggles knew the existence of Magic, they would be out for blood and then there was the MACUSA… If there was anything the ICW ever cared about, it was the Statute and they would do anything to protect it. If that meant they would have to destroy countries and assassinate world leaders, then they would happily do so, which meant, there was only one option in front of her.

Then again, admitting defeat would simply make her and her agency look weak, which would give Harry Potter the carte blanche to act with impunity… That was not something she was going to allow, not something she could allow…

"Hello~, are you there~?" Harry asked in a sing-song voice and after taking a deep breath, Peggy finally unmuted the microphone.

"I am not sure how you did it, but even for a moment, don't think you have won" Peggy said while gritting her teeth. It was simply impossible to explain how frustrated she was feeling at the moment. "Currently, you have four snipers aimed at you-" Peggy paused and at her signal four of the snipers pointed their lasers inside the room, finding one target each.

"-one word. I only need to say one word and they are going to shoot you down and all of your associates inside the room, so you better listen to-" Peggy wasn't able to finish her threat before Harry cut her off with a click of his tongue.

"Ah~, Ah~, Ah~... That is not how the game is played. You had your shot, but now it's my turn" Harry started to speak in a mirthful tone, and from his voice, it was clear that he wasn't worried in the slightest. "What were you saying? A word… With just a word you could end our lives, right? Why don't you give that a try?" Harry goaded her in a mocking tone, but Peggy wasn't willing to let him play ball.

So, the woman simply signaled one of her snipers to take down Katerina Kabal. The sniper pulled the trigger, but much to her shock the bullet stopped right outside the window pane before falling down… Everyone inside the control room could only stare at the screen slack-jawed. Even the sniper who took the shot started to mumble in a disbelieving tone.

"Now that it is clear that you have nothing on me, let's get this over with" For the first time, Harry lost his amused tone and sneered at her. "I don't know who you are. I don't know who you work for, but I promise you, when I am done with you, you will be cursing your parents for ever giving birth to you" Harry stated coldly, and everyone inside the room felt chills run down their spines.

"I am going to kill you, then I am going to kill the people you work with, then I am going to kill the people you work for, then I am going to kill your and their neighbors along with their pets and then finally, I am going to kill every single person you ever talked with" Harry finished and the line went dead before Harry and everyone inside the room disappeared…



~~Malfoy Manor~~

Harry returned to the Malfoy Manor along with his associates and the people they had captured and ordered Alef to take the Muggles to the Dungeons while he decided to deal with the Wixen before anything else. He needed to know who he was dealing with. He didn't believe that they were mercenaries; they looked way too organized.

"You were so hot a few moments ago" Katerina purred as she glided toward Harry, making him give her weird looks.

Jacklyn groaned in disgust as she rolled her eyes at the older woman. She also found him hot when, but she wasn't going to admit that, at least not in front of third parties. "Can it, hag! He already has a girlfriend" Jacklyn snarked, making Katerina freeze before she shrugged her shoulders like it wasn't a big deal before slinging her arm around Harry's shoulder.

Meanwhile, Harry glanced toward Gellert, expecting the man to give him a hand, but the man simply smirked before he started to speak. "You are the one who invited her, you deal with her" Gellert said with a shrug. Harry gave him a stink-eye when he noticed the amused look on his face before he decided to deal with Katerina.

"You know, I lied about my second threat" Harry revealed, making the woman frown. His Mom and Tonks might have given him carte blanche to pursue other women, but that didn't mean he was planning to start a relationship with anyone around him.

"What?" Himera asked dumbly before Katerina could voice her own question.

"It's true… I was simply saying stuff to drown her in despair. Nothing more" Harry confirmed with a nod of his head. It might sound ridiculous, but Harry didn't like killing, especially meaningless killing. True, he didn't have any qualms about killing, but that didn't mean he was going to kill random people.

He considered people to be resources and simply killing them without any reason would be a waste. Yes, if someone came to kill him, then he would most likely kill them, but there was a chance that he might spare them, just like he spared Himera… Yes, there were other reasons why he spared Himera, but that was beside the point.

"Really? You are going to spare the person on the fone?" Katerina asked, slightly mispronouncing the word phone.

"For the record, it is phone, not fone, and no, I am not going to spare that bitch. I am simply saying that I am not planning to carry out my second threat" Harry elaborated, making both Katerina and Himera nod their heads in understanding.

"I see… So? Still hot" Katerina insisted with a nod of her head and with that said, Harry decided to drop the matter, since he had other matters to deal with, like the Wixen he had captured who were silently glaring at him right now. He could always worry about hungry cougars at a later time. "Do you want me to interrogate them?" Katerina asked in a hopeful tone when she noticed his gaze.

Harry seemed to ponder his options for a moment. He could use Legilimency on them to get his answers, but he could also let Katerina have a go at them… "Alright. You can start with him" Harry pointed at the boy in the bathrobe.

"Can I join? I have some unfinished business with him" Himera asked while glaring at the boy in the bathrobe. She wanted to pay him back for seducing her and then capturing her. To be honest, she was usually more paranoid, but she was just so desperate to get hooked up that she never suspected a trap or anything like that. It was a mistake on her part, a mistake she wasn't planning to repeat.

From the next time, she decided to visit Sirius every time she needed to scratch that itch…

"Sure, but you might want to get dressed before anything else, or maybe not, if you are into that kind of stuff" Harry suggested, looking amused, making the older woman groan while Katerina burst out laughing. "Oh… Here is your Wand" Harry said and pulled out her Wand before handing it to her. Then before Harry could say anything else, Norton appeared with a soft pop.

"Master Hadrian, Mistress Clumsy be looking for you, she says it is urgent" The elf revealed.

"Ohhh… Looks like the lover boy is going to be busy…" Jacklyn cooed, earning a stink-eye from Harry.

"Kate, you have a night. See if you can learn anything from them, but if you can't then at least leave one of them intact. I will take care of it myself" Harry said in a firm tone before signaling Norton to leave. He reached out to Tonks through his Mark and found her at Sirius' mansion. Then he finally turned toward Gellert. "How long will it take to compile the reports?" Harry asked.

"Can't say until everyone returns" Gellert answered without wasting any time.

"Alright. Inform me as soon as you are done. Alright. That's all for the time being" Harry said before opening a Portal leading to Sirius' manor. There was a reason why he handed over the Wixen to Katerina and Himera. He knew he could cause pain, but he was not an experienced torturer like Katerina and he was expecting the Wixen to be bound by Oaths from divulging any information.

If he was wrong then he would get to learn their secrets without getting his hands dirty and if it turned out that he was right, then Katerina and Himera would get to enjoy themselves… Then he could extract the information from the Muggles he captured. With them not having Magic and all that, it would be like taking candies from children.

Now that he was done, he simply stepped through the portal and arrived inside Sirius' manor. After that, it only took him a couple of seconds to find Sirius and Tonks, but the two of them weren't alone. There was a Muggle woman bound to the chair and for whatever reason, the woman was in her underwear and Harry was forced to admit, the woman was pretty daring.

"Before you say anything, she tried to stab me with this" Sirius decided to defend himself when he noticed Harry's judging gaze inspecting him.

"...And you were able to catch her after she took off her dress?" Harry asked, looking puzzled. He knew his Godfather was a manwhore who stopped thinking with his head if a woman bared herself. So he was surprised that he was able to notice the syringe. Tonks burst out laughing when she realized what he was trying to say.

Sirius gave his Godson a dismayed look, but he didn't try to defend himself. "Look, I needed to be sure that she wasn't hiding anything else" Once again, Sirius decided to defend his lecherous actions.

"...Then you missed two spots" Harry revealed after a moment and a look of realization dawned on Sirius' face, and cursed himself at the missed oppurtunity…



Tonks simply opened and closed her mouth, unable to form any words. She never imagined that her boyfriend would be such a deviant, but the problem was that she couldn't refute his claims. While she wasn't as paranoid as Madeye, she was still paranoid enough. Madeye had managed to hammer quite a bit of paranoia into her.

"Well…better late than never…" Sirius trailed off with a straight face, but the lecherous glint in his eyes betrayed his true feelings.

Tonks threw him a disgusted look. "My mom was right, you are just a dog in heat" Tonks glared at him balefully, but he seemed to ignore her, but before he could follow through with his words, Harry decided to pour cold water on his dreams, much to Tonks' glee.

"You had your chance, Sirius. Maybe, you should remember that the next time some woman tries to kidnap you" Harry stopped his Godfather with a smirk on his face. The older man went to protest, but his shoulders dropped in defeat before he finally decided to admit his defeat at the missed opportunity.

"By the way, Tonks, there was an incident" Harry revealed, making the woman frown. "Your dad was attacked by the same people, but you don't have anything to worry about. He is currently in the infirmary" Harry revealed, and Tonks seemed to pale at his words.

"WHAT?! HOW?!" Tonks screamed, looking really outraged, angry, worried and relieved at the same time. Her eyes and her hair started to cycle through various colors due to her raging emotions.

"I believe he was attacked in his office or outside his office and for the time being I don't know anything else. Maybe, I will be able to learn more when he wakes up, but we do have someone who we can interrogate" Harry finished and he glanced toward the woman tied in the chair.

"He isn't hurt, is he?" Sirius asked, looking concerned and angry.

"No, he wasn't as far as I know. They simply managed to knock him out with some sort of drugs before I whisked him away" Harry decided to lie a bit as neither Sirius nor Tonks needed to know the full truth.

Tonks stood still for the next few seconds, digesting everything Harry revealed before she finally started to fume, but she managed to reign in her anger. "Does my mum know?" Tonks asked.

"I believe that Healers must have informed her" Harry answered, making the woman nod her head in understanding before she glared at the woman strapped in the chair. Even for a moment, she didn't blame Harry for the attack, instead, she decided to place the whole blame on the people who attacked her Dad.

"You are saying that she works for the same people who attacked my Dad?" Tonks asked with a restrained growl, earning a slow nod from Harry. "Then I want to stay while you interrogate her" Tonks said with a determined look on her face.

"...Alright" Harry agreed after a few moments of silence. To be honest, Harry wanted to get rid of Tonks since he didn't want her to see his cruel and vicious side, but since she wanted to stay, she was in for a treat. Harry decided in for a knut, in for a Galleon. After all, he was dating Tonks, so she was eventually going to see all of his sides.

So, without wasting any more time, Harry decided to wake the woman. The woman woke up with a jerk, and her state of undress didn't seem to bother her. She immediately started to struggle, but she froze dead in her tracks when her gaze landed on Harry. It was obvious that she knew who he was.

"Hello, miss… Brooks" Harry greeted the woman and the woman seemed to pale as she tried to slink away from him. "Did that surprise you? Learning your name wasn't that hard. After all, conversing without names makes the interaction weird, for me at least" Harry started to babble with a smile on his face before Conjuring a chair for himself.

"You seem to already know who I am, but I didn't know who you were" Harry said before he sat down. Then he turned around and gestured Tonks and Sirius to take a seat, but both of them shook their heads, opting to keep standing, so Harry simply shrugged before turning back toward the woman strapped in the chair.

"You see, there is a rare piece of Magic called Legilimency, you can think of it as mind reading" Harry revealed and the woman seemed to pale even more. "Now, Legilimency does come with its own downsides. Like it is very painful for the victim and if the user is not careful, then they could turn the victim's mind into mush" Harry continued to explain with a soft smile on his face.

"Fortunately, you don't have to worry about anything like that. I am quite good at it, so your brain won't be turned into a mush but it is going to be painful. I can simply take a look inside that noggin of yours and we will be done, but where is the fun in that? You people attacked my family, there will be no easy way out" Harry's smile turned vicious as he finished.

"You won't win" The woman spat, her voice dripping with venom.

Instead of getting angry, Harry simply smiled before grabbing her hand. Then he Conjured a big plastic mat right under himself and the woman. "You are beautiful… You have very beautiful hands" Harry commented gently. "Now, let's start with something easy. What is inside this syringe?" Harry asked as the syringe started to float in the air.

The way the woman was trembling, Harry was certain that the woman was afraid, but it didn't look like she was going to answer his question. "Fuck you!" The woman spat while hatefully glaring at Harry, and the next moment, Harry tore off her pinky from her hand with a strong yank.

"Aaarrrggghhh!" The woman screamed as she started to struggle in her chair. The woman continued to struggle and seeth before the wound on her hand closed. It took a few seconds, but the woman finally calmed down.

Harry dropped the finger on the plastic mat before grabbing her ring finger. "Are you in a mood to talk?" Harry asked but only received a baleful glare from the woman. So, with a sigh, he tore off her ring finger making her scream again…


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