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84.54% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 186: CHAPTER {252-254}

Capítulo 186: CHAPTER {252-254}


~~Hyatt Regency, London~~

The boy slowly rose up and the girl also did the same following the example. The lights were off, the room was a complete mess. Clothes could be seen lying around all over the room and it wasn't going to take a genius to realize that they had been tossed around without looking in the heat of the moment.

Himera was lying between the two of them, fully asleep, and she was completely naked just like the boy and the girl. The boy signaled the girl to check Himera. After inspecting Himera for a bit, the girl gave him a nod and the two of them started to slowly climb off the bed. Neither of them wanted to alert Himera.

The girl grabbed her bag and fished out her cellphone…

'The girl is out like a light' The girl quickly typed a text message before sending it to an unknown number.

'Good. Prep her. We are on the way' Only a few seconds later, she received a reply. The girl gave him the signal and the boy pulled out a package wrapped in a cloth from under the bed. He gently unwrapped the package to reveal a futuristic-looking syringe and a small vial. He unsealed the vial as gently as he could, not wanting to make a noise, and started to cork it on top of the syringe.

When he was finally done, he gave the girl a nod, making her nod in return… The girl placed the cell phone on the table and started to approach the bed along with the boy. The two of them started to climb over the bed as slowly as they could, but they froze when Himera huffed and rolled over in her sleep. The boy and the girl looked over at each other before they finally climbed over the bed.

The girl went over to Himera, but she didn't grab the woman… She simply settled on hovering over the woman for the time being. However, her job was to hold down Himera in case she woke up… The boy slowly crept over with the syringe in his hand and placed it on Himera's neck and without wasting any time, he pulled the trigger, injecting the contents of the vial into Himera.

Himera's eyes immediately snapped open, but her eyes were extremely dilated, thanks to all the drugs she had ingested only an hour ago. The boy and girl had also taken the same drugs, but it was a special drug. There was an antidote for the drug and they had taken the antidote before visiting the Tipsy Pixie, so the drugs hadn't affected them, to begin with.

The two of them were still not in complete control thanks to all the alcohol and the weed they had used, but this wasn't their first rodeo, so they could still function without falling over…

"What-What?..." Himera slurred as she tried to sit up, but the girl immediately pressed her down. Himera struggled for a bit before her eyes rolled over and she passed out.

"I will grab the Potions, you make the call" The boy ordered and jumped out of the bed and rushed toward the closet. The girl also jumped out of the bed and grabbed the cell phone from the table. She dialed the same unknown number and moments later, someone picked up the call.

'Talk to me' The voice from the other side ordered. It was a female voice.

'Ma'am, we have drugged her and she is out cold' The girl answered and meanwhile, the boy pulled out two Potion vials from one of their luggage bags and chugged down one of them.

'Good. I am sending over the Ward Team' The voice from the other side said and the call was cut. The boy handed over the other Potion vial to the girl and she downed it one go.

"You grab her, I am getting the chair" The boy said and started to rummage through another one of their luggage bags. The girl gave him a nod before she went over to Himera and picked her up. The girl did have some troubles, but she managed to pick up the woman. The boy pulled out a sick-looking contraption from the bag and placed it on the floor, but then all of a sudden, the girl screamed before she keeled over.

"Fuck! Fuck! She is up! The bitch is biting me!" The girl screamed and the boy rushed forward even though he was surprised. He grabbed Himera's legs and pulled her off from the girl. Her right shoulder was riddled with teeth marks and she was bleeding profusely from there. Her right boob was already drenched in blood.

Himera started to struggle, but the boy rolled her over and punched her right in the face and kept punching her until her face turned bloody… "Gah!" The boy grunted and punched her for the final time before dragging her toward the contraption he pulled out from his bag.

"Fucking bitch!!" The girl snarled as she inspected her wound.

"She might have nicked a vein or artery" The boy pointed out as he placed Himera in the contraption. Metal straps snapped around Himera's throat, wrists, mid-section and ankles, holding her in place, and by that time, the girl was already working on her wound. She was using Episkey to heal the wound as she didn't know anything more advanced than that.

"The shot was supposed to keep her out for at least an hour" The boy growled with a scowl.

"I know right" The girl snarked back as she continued to work on her wound, but then someone knocked on the door and the boy decided to check it. He grabbed his Wand from the flowerpot and went to unlock the door. He unlocked the door, only to find the Ward team standing there. The team rushed inside ignoring the nakedness of the occupants and started to work.

The girl stared at her wound and nodded her head in satisfaction… It was no longer bleeding, she could work with that. Rolling her shoulder, she walked up to the wardrobe and pulled out two bathrobes. She handed one of them to the boy before putting on a bathrobe. "How are you feeling?" The boy asked, pointing at her shoulder.

"I will live" The girl sniffed before glaring at Himera. "The bitch is already healed" The girl hissed.

"Good thing she didn't try to leave or the whole mission would have been a waste" The boy said, nodding grimly. "I wonder how she is doing that… Maybe a rune or something?" The boy guessed.

"If it is then it will be extremely valuable for us" The girl gushed out, looking hopeful.

"The Wards are up" One of the members of the Ward Team called out and both of them felt a pressure wash over them, but it was a pleasant pressure. Now that all of their tasks were over, they simply decided to wait for their superior to arrive, so that they could finally wake up Himera and start interrogating her, but Himera soon woke up on her own.

Himera tried to move but found herself unable to do so… She tried to move her head, but something hard was preventing her from moving her neck. So, she simply looked down… She was still naked as the day she was born, but she didn't care about that. After all, this wasn't the first time she was naked in a room full of people who were planning to do horrible things to her.

So she simply sneered and tried to send off a message to Harry, but she was unable to do so… Her eyes widened slightly in fear, but she quickly shrugged it off. There was nothing these people could do that Hydra hadn't done to her… She tried to Apparate, but this time she realized that she couldn't access her Magic. Well, it wasn't a big deal… She was already expecting something like that, but she had to try.

So, she simply settled on glaring at the people and wait… None of these looked like they were in charge. Soon someone knocked on the door and the boy went to open the door. Moments later, he returned to the room with a high-strung bitch in a suit behind him, and even though she wasn't alone, Himera decided to pay attention to the bitch in the suit. She was someone who looked like they were in charge.

**Trigger Warning**

"The drugs seem ineffective" The woman pointed out drily and Himera simply gave the woman a smug look. "So, Himera Kuznetsov, we can do this in two ways, the easy way and the hard way" The woman spoke, but Himera simply spat at the woman, but the woman was quite far away, so the spit didn't reach her. "The hard way it is…" The woman deadpanned and signaled one of her men.

The man stepped forward and pulled out a knife… "Where is Harry Potter?" The woman asked and Himera simply sneered instead of answering. The man glanced toward the woman, only to receive a nod from her. The man turned toward Himera and painfully grabbed one of her nipples before cutting it off with the knife.

Blood gushed out of her tit, but Himera didn't even flinch… The pain was nothing compared to everything she had gone through. "She is a regenerator… That is a good thing. We will be able to keep cutting you without worrying about killing you by accident" The woman in the suit said, trying to scare Himera, but she simply grinned viciously.

"Good luck" Himera wished with a grin on her face and her grin didn't even falter in the slightest when the man stabbed her in the thigh and started to twist it…



~~Hall of Prophecies~~

"Is everything alright?" Saul asked in a concerned tone when he noticed the irritated frown on Harry's face.

"Do you have a working Ritual Room?" Harry asked without looking at him.

"Uh, yeah, we do. Is there a Ritual you want to perform?" Saul asked in a careful tone.

"Yes. There is a person I want to find with their blood" Harry answered as he finally turned around to look at Saul even though he couldn't see the man's face.

"Well, we can do that, but if the person is hiding under a Fidelius, then no dice" Saul answered with a hum.

"I don't believe they are hiding under Fidelius, so I don't think we are going to have any hitches" Harry answered and Saul simply nodded his head in understanding.

"Alright. Follow me then" Saul said before turning around on his heel and Harry simply followed the man out of the Hall of Prophecies. After moving across a couple of departments, they finally arrived inside one of the Ritual Rooms. "This is my personal Ritual Room" Saul explained.

Harry, who was looking around the room, froze for a moment and nodded his head in understanding. He was wondering why the room was so well stacked…well, now he knew.

So, without wasting any time, Harry opened a small Portal and he put the two Prophecy orbs inside the Portal before closing it. Then he opened another similar-sized Portal and pulled out a small vial filled with blood.

"Will this do?" Harry asked and Saul inspected the vial after he took it from Harry.

"Yes, this will do. By the way, who are you trying to find?" Saul asked curiously as he turned back toward Harry.

"...I am trying to find Himera" Harry answered after thinking for a bit, making Saul frown.

"She has the Sigil, right?" Saul asked with a frown, getting a nod from Harry.

"Yes, she does, but for whatever reason it is not working. I can't get an exact read of her location…" Harry answered with a hint of displeasure in his voice. This was the first time the Sigil of the Lost wasn't working.

|Do you think the ones who attacked Amelia are responsible for this?| Lily asked in a thoughtful tone.

|It is very likely, but at the same time, it can be another group| Harry answered without thinking much. It was now clear to him that it was possible to block the Sigil, which meant he needed to improve it if he didn't want a repeat of this incident.

Meanwhile, he should ask for a small sample of blood from all of his followers since it would take time to improve the Sigil and he wouldn't be able to fix it until he learned how the Sigil was being blocked in the first place.

"I see… Do you want me to perform the Ritual…" Saul began to speak, but Harry cut him off before the man could finish.

"No. This is your Ritual Room, so you do the honors" Harry decided to place the responsibility on top of Saul's shoulders since he didn't want to mess around another person's Ritual Room. Saul simply gave him a nod before he started to prepare the Ritual.

While Saul started to work on the Ritual, Harry decided to contact his followers…

'Kate, what are you doing?' Harry sent the message, and he didn't have to wait long to get a reply.

'Nothing special. Is something up?' Kate asked in an excited tone, hoping for a job or something.

'Yes. Grab a few people who like yourself, and wait for me' Harry answered, getting another message in return.

'We will be ready, boss…' The message trailed off with a cackle.

Harry shook his head as he started to wonder if he should contact Gellert and Jacklyn… Gellert was probably busy with the task he gave the man, but he still decided to contact the man and as for Jacklyn, he decided to take her with him if she was free.

Yes, she fucked up on her first mission, but it could have happened with the best of them…

'Gellert, are you free?' Harry asked through the Mark.

'...Not at this moment, is there something you want?' Gellert asked after a few moments of silence.

'Yes, Himera was taken and I can't seem to find her through the Sigil' Harry revealed and the line went silent for the next few seconds.

'...Is there a chance that she was beheaded?' Gellert asked after some time.

'No. I am certain that she is alive. Her Sigil went completely dark when that happened the last time' Harry answered with a shake of his head. 'Her Sigil is strobing, but I can't get a lock on' Harry added.

'I see… So, What do you want me to do?' Gellert asked.

'Grab some men and get ready. I will be there pretty soon' Harry answered.

'Ok' Gellert said and the line went dark. After that, Harry finally decided to contact Jacklyn, wondering what the girl was doing. It has been some time since he had spent some time with her, he would need to do it soon. Then there was Tonks…

'Jacky, Himera was kidnapped, probably' Harry sent a message to Jacklyn.

'What?! How?' Jacky asked. '...Do you think it is Hydra?' Jacky asked after a small pause.

Harry had to admit, he didn't think of that. 'No idea. Just get ready, I will be there soon to grab you' Harry answered and after getting a message equivalent of a nod, he disconnected the connection.

|I am glad that I had her blood| Harry mused as Saul finally invoked the Ritual.

"I can't seem to get an exact location of her, but she is somewhere in Portman Square, which is north of Marble Arch" Saul answered with a parchment in his hand.

"Thank you, that will be enough" Harry answered as he started to open a portal.

"Do you need any help?" The man asked hurriedly before Harry could step into the portal.

"No, it won't be necessary and thanks for the help. I will deal with it myself" Harry said with a wave of his hand before he finally stepped through…



~~Portman Square, Marble Arch~~

"Harry, how the hell are we supposed to find her in a place like this? It would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack!" Jacklyn exclaimed in worry, looking around. Harry looked around and realized that Jacklyn wasn't the only one who was thinking along the same lines, after all, Portman Square wasn't small, but he was prepared to scour the whole area even if he had to do it with bare hands.

Thankfully, he had a better idea… Himera was being kept under extremely strong Wards. Wards strong enough to block his Sigil… It was simply impossible to hide such heavy Wards no matter how much they tried. "Leave it to me" Harry waved his hand dismissively as he stepped forward and started to release his Magic. He closed his eyes and started to spread his senses, but at the same time, he was trying to hold his power back, not wanting to alert the people who kidnapped Himera.

A few seconds later, he finally opened his eyes and a grin formed on his face… "I have her location" Harry revealed. He had to admit, the Wards were strong, really Wards. This was probably the first time he came across Wards like this. They weren't as strong as the Wards around Hogwarts or the Bones Manor, but the Wards he found were structured differently… Well, he could always inspect them after dealing with the nuisances and saving the damsel.

"Where is she?" Gellert asked as he inclined his head.

"Hyatt Regency" Harry answered as he turned his head toward the massive building.

"So, how are we doing this?" Katerina asked, looking excited.

"First, we rise Wards around the building so none of the fuckers could escape" Harry answered firmly with a nod of his head…

<Line Break>

"She is a tough bitch" One of the men mumbled in a low tone. Himera was completely drenched in her blood even though she didn't have any wounds on her body. Whenever a cut was made or something was removed from her body, she would heal within a matter of seconds. To be honest, it was fascinating to watch her heal like that, but at the same time, it was disconcerting. The woman was clearly not unfamiliar with pain.

"What? Did you get tired?" Himera snarked while staring at the man torturing her for the past hour with a mocking look on her face.

The woman in the suit simply glared at her, but didn't take the bait… She signaled the man who had been torturing Himera for the past half an hour and walked away from the room. Two of her men decided to stay along with Himera to guard her, but the rest followed her out of the room. Even the Ward team followed her out of the room. The woman in the suit pulled out a cigarette and lit it up before taking a long drag.

The woman signaled one of the members of the Ward team to cast Privacy Charms and when he was finally done, she started to speak again. "What do you guys, think?" The woman asked with a frown.

"I don't think she is going to speak" The man who had been torturing her said while wiping his knife clean. "But I think that with given time, I can break her mind" The man revealed after a small pause.

"Alright… What are you going to need?" The woman asked.

"Time" The man answered simply, but one of the members of the Ward team spoke up.

"Before we take her anywhere, we would need to inspect her body" The man spoke and the woman nodded her head in understanding. She didn't understand all this Magic mambo-jumbo, but she knew that Himera could be tracked with Magic, and she wasn't foolish enough to lead her enemies back to their base.

"How long can we stay here?" The woman asked after taking another drag from her cigarette.

"A couple of hours, maybe…" The man from the Ward team answered. "Even if someone uses her blood to track her, they wouldn't be able to pinpoint her location. At best, it would lead them to Portman Square and Portman Square isn't small" The man explained after a moment.

"I see…" The woman muttered before she turned back toward the boy and girl responsible for seducing Himera. "The two of you get cleaned and get dressed. We will be leaving soon" The woman ordered, but then all of a sudden, all the members of the Ward team along with the boy and the girl flinched. "What happened?" The woman asked hurriedly as she didn't miss their reaction, which came out of the blue.

"We have been found" One of the Ward team revealed, sounding really bewildered.

"How?! You just said that we would be safe for at least the next couple of hours!" The woman snapped.

"I don't know" The man answered before rushing to the room where Himera was being held. They were members of the Royal Guard and their existence needed to stay hidden. If someone had the means to look past the Wards they have used to hide Himera, they needed to know it, so that could Ward against such means. "How were they able to locate you?" The man asked Himera without wasting any time.

The two men guarding Himera looked at each other since the Ward team wasn't supposed to be asking questions, but when the woman in suit signaled them to stand down, they did so…

"Hahaha! Do you really think I am going to answer that?" Himera asked, looking at the man like he was the biggest fool. "All of you are fucked, but you don't know that!" Himera exclaimed and started to cackle. Harry was finally here, and they were going to learn the error of their ways.

"Crucio!" The man snarled pointing his Wand at Himera. A red beam struck her and for the first time in the night, she started to scream. This was the first time she was experiencing the Cruciatus Curse and the pain was completely unbearable. After a couple of seconds, the man finally dropped the Curse and Himera slumped down in her seat, panting heavily… There was some blood around her lips, but that was it.

"You are going to tell me how they did it, or…" The man began to threaten Himera, trying to look as intimidating as he could, but before he could finish the threat, someone cut him off.

"Or what?" A cold voice asked…


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