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29.85% ASOIAF: Dimensional Chat Group / Chapter 19: Negotiations

Capítulo 19: Negotiations

Border of the Riverlands and the Crownlands

The Isle of Faces

306 AC

The appearance of the Isle of Faces over the horizon fills Aemon with equal parts dread as it does excitement. It is an island located at the center of God's Eye, an immense lake on the south-eastern edge of the Riverlands and the north-western edge of the Crownlands. The castle of Harrenhal lies on the coast of the lake to the north of the island. It is as close to neutral grounds that could be found between The Kingdoms of Winter and Daenerys Targaryen. It is where Aemon will accomplish his final objective in Westeros, The Kingdoms of Winter's official independence from the Iron Throne and the rest of Westeros.

One more objective and he would be gone from here, no longer needing to deal with simpering lords, ungrateful lords, and lords who can't even tell the difference between their arse and their mouth. One more objective and the Multiverse Chat Group would be open to him. One more objective and this adventure would officially begin. Aemon thinks to himself with a slight smile before the sound of a blade unsheathing brings him back to reality.

Looking towards the sound, Aemon finds Arya flicking her wrist in and out, unsheathing and sheathing the hidden blade in her bracers, his gift to his brothers and sisters.

Basing the design from the hidden blades in Assassin's Creed, Aemon had made use of Dane Whitman's assimilated knowledge and his experience as a blacksmith to replicate it; giving one pair to every member of House Stark and training them in its use.

The thought of his brothers and sisters sours Aemon's mood, for he would soon be leaving them to return to Paradis. They will have to navigate through uncharted waters now as founders of a nation. Though he has left them everything he can in terms of knowledge in dozens of books while also guiding them where he can, he knows that hasn't accounted for every single possible problem that they may face. They will be on their own once he leaves.

Being with them for these past years has left him satisfied and he would not trade it for anything in the world.

"You're brooding again." says Arya by his side as she continues to play with her hidden blade.

Rather than answer, Aemon brings attention to her hidden blades "You will lose a finger like that." he says.

"Don't change the subject." replies Arya as she continues to sheath and unsheath her hidden blades. "Why are you brooding?" she asks.

"It's not brooding." says Jon as he comes to stand on Arya's left, placing her in the middle. "It's contemplating." Jon explains, causing Arya to regard him with a raised eyebrow.

"Jon has the right of it." Aemon says with a smile on his lips as Arya slaps them both on the shoulder, drawing a laugh from them.

It is a running jape between them, to be caught while brooding only to have the other come to their defense.

"Seriously, why were you brooding?" asks Arya as their laughter comes to an end.

"I will be leaving after this." says Aemon, and like pouring cold water on a person, his words sober Arya.

"We know." she says sullenly.

Looking at his little sister's expression, Aemon can't help but feel somewhat guilty for saying it.

Arya does not process negative emotions well. She would rather stab her sadness away than have to experience it. Unfortunately the cause of her sadness is him and she can no more stab him than she can her sadness. Until the time of his departure arrives she will refuse to speak on it and close up like a clam whenever the topic is brought up.

The rest of the sail is spent in silence as Arya continues to play with her hidden blades to brighten her mood. By her side Jon broods silently while mindlessly caressing his direwolf's fur, looking every inch the prince he is in his new armor, Stark cloak, and silver circlet around his dark hair.

After having gone through a similar ritual as his siblings and experiencing the war against the White Walkers, Jon has gained enough confidence in himself that Aemon feels comfortable that he will comport himself as a prince should when meeting a foreign Queen. Especially since he will be acting as Aemon's younger twin brother before Daenerys' court.

As far as Daenerys' court will be concerned, Aemon is Jon's elder twin brother raised away from the public eye in Greywater Watch due to looking too much like a Targaryen.

Feeling the ship jostle as they anchor, Aemon leads his companions, Jon, Arya, and a squad of Wolf Pack soldiers, to the island where Tyrion, Missandei, and a group of Unsullied and Dothraki await to receive them.

"The Bastard of Winterfell, you look prettier than I remember." says Tyrion in jest.

"The Dwarf of Casterly Rock. Picked up some scars along the road." replies Jon.

"It's been a long road, but we're both still here." Tyrion replies somberly.

Scoffing, Aemon brings the group's attention to him. "Like a couple of cockroaches. How the two of you are even alive is beyond me."

"My apologies, but you have me at a loss. You are?" asks Tyrion.

"Come now, my Lord, we met at the brothel in King's Landing where I vividly remember mocking you for your height." replies Aemon as he brings his hand halfway up his chest while ignoring the questioning look that Jon regards him with.

Seeing Tyrion still struggle to remember, Aemon gives him the answer. "I know that the glamor made me look like my brother, but I assure you, my lord, it was me under that cloak. The Stark Bastard." Aemon says with a flourish of his hands as if he were making a presentation.

For a moment Tyrion seems to be at a loss as he constantly looks between Aemon and Jon, looking for the resemblance. It does not take him long to find it, for despite not looking quite as beautiful as Aemon, Jon has come close after the ritual.

"I see." Tyrion mutters before turning towards Missandei.

"Missandei is the Queen's most trusted advisor." says Tyrion as Missandei nods.

"Welcome to the Isle of Faces. Our Queen knows this is a long journey, she appreciates the effort made on her behalf." she says before looking at the swords sheathed at their waists. "If you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons." she says.

Daenerys' early arrival to the island and sending her most trusted advisor to receive is no doubt her attempt to assert dominance early on for the negotiations to come, Aemon thinks to himself; and judging by Jon and Arya's expressions he hazards that they too have come to the same conclusion as them.

"I'm sorry, my Lady, but we do in fact mind." says Jon as their direwolves join them, causing the Unsullied and Dothraki to tightly grip their weapons.

Aemon cannot begrudge them their reaction for the wolves have grown bigger than most warhorses.

"Come now, Jon, we're not Freys." says Tyrion as he senses the tension between the two groups.

"No, you're a Lannister. Which is arguably worse." sneers Arya as she tightly grips Needle with one hand and strokes Nymeria's fur with the other, her hackles raised along with her direwolf.

"Arya Stark, I'm pleased to see you reunited with your family." says Tyrion as he makes a show of finally noticing her.

"Don't waste your breath." warns Arya with narrowed eyes before Aemon gently taps her on the shoulder.

"We are willing to compromise." says Aemon as he unties his sword belt from his waist. "Arya, Jon, and I will relinquish our swords, but our escorts shall keep theirs." he says as Arya and Jon wordlessly follow his example. This may seem like a compromise to Tyrion and Missandei, but Aemon knows for a fact that Arya, Jon, and he could easily massacre Daenerys' entire party with minimal effort.

"That is acceptable." Tyrion quickly says before Missandei can answer.

As a Dothroki approaches Arya to take her sword, she fixes the man with a baleful glare "If anything happens to my sword I will unman you with a rusted knife." she warns.

Unable to understand the common tongue, the Dothroki thinks nothing of her words.

"The girl says that if anything happens to her sword she will unman you with a rusted knife." Aemon roughly translates to him, shocking everyone.

"Since when did you speak Dothraki?" asks Arya.

"They made up much of our forces during my Long Night. I picked up a thing or two." Aemon says in the Old Tongue, ignoring the questioning look on Tyrion's face.

"Teach me?" Arya asks.

"Aye." he replies while ruffling her hair.

"If I may ask, what language was that?" asks Missandei as she begins to lead them towards the center of the island.

"The Old Tongue, it is the language of the North." says Jon

"I don't recall it being spoken anymore." remarks Tyrion.

"Oh, it's still spoken if you know where to look." Aemon tells him.

As they reach a camp of many tents, Tyrion looks back at their ship.

"The flag over the Stark banner, I have never seen it before." says Tyrion as the banner of The Kingdoms of Winter, a snowy field under a dawning sky, flaps in the wind.

"I would be surprised if you had. The design was made last year and is only being flown for the first time now." replies Aemon.

"And what exactly does it represent?" asks Tyrion.

"They say that you are quick witted, figure it out." Aemon says with a smirk.

Chuckling to himself, Tyrion turns to Jon.

"How is Sansa? I hope she is well now in Winterfell." he says

Before Jon can respond, Arya buts in.

"Are you tired of living?" she asks.

"I quite like living actually." Tyrion responds

"Then stop asking about our sister." Arya warns.

"You don't seem to like me very much." Tyrion observes.

"You're a Lannister." Arya responds as if that answers his question.

With Arya's response all avenues of conversation are shut down. Aemon has no interest in speaking with the dwarf, even if he is not vile like the Tyrion of his world, and Jon spends his time appreciating the nature of the Isle of Faces and observing the Unsullied and Dothraki soldiers around the island.

The rest of the walk through the encampment is spent in tense silence until a dragon's roar shatters it.

Intrigued, the northmen look on as a black dragon flies overhead, passing mere feet above them and sending many a tent flying.

"You don't seem phased." observes Tyrion, causing Aemon to scoff.

"Waging war against White Walkers tends to desensitize one to anything magical." Sihtric says before turning to the soldiers of the Wolf Pack, "Is that right men?" he asks.

"Aye!" they declare proudly and loudly, drawing the attention of the Dothraki.

They are all veterans of the War for Dawn and most members of this particular group have borne witness to the death of a White Walker and the carnage of Caraxes' flames. In comparison, a dragon flying overhead and roaring is nothing.

"He's bigger than Caraxes." Arya remarks in the Old Tongue as they continue on their way.

"Size isn't everything. Vhagar learned that the hard way." Aemon responds.

As if answering to his name being called, Caraxes' bone-chilling shriek shakes the camp as he dives before Drogon, sending the black dragon careening to the side in his attempt to avoid a collision with the Blood Wyrm.

Through their bond Aemon can sense his dragon's disdain for Drogon.

"Look at this poor excuse of a dragon. Such a disgrace to allow himself to be marked by lesser beings.'' The Blood Wyrm tells Aemon as he regards Drogon's scars with a disappointed glare before flying off, an enraged Drogon not far behind him.

"So the rumors were true." remarks Tyrion were a frown on his already ugly features.

"Aye, they were." Aemon says with a chuckle.

There is a time and place for secrecy and subterfuge; this is not such a time. Not this late in the game. Now is the time to put most of the cards on the table and make Daenerys realize that a war against The Kingdoms of Winter would be counterproductive to her goal of breaking the wheel. It is time to come into the open and shock Daenerys and her council into peacefully accepting their independence.

Aemon has nothing against Daenerys and in fact quite likes her, however he has fought too hard for the North and the Riverlands' independence to just let them assimilate with the Seven Kingdoms under the Iron Throne. As such, shock and awe.

Unlike the rest of the unremarkable tents in the camp, Daenerys' tent is big enough to house dozens of people and filled with luxuries and liveries of her house and allies in the form of tapestries, paintings, and flags.

Within the tent Daenrys can be found sitting on a makeshift throne surrounded by her most trusted advisers and Small Council. The most notable members include Varys, Oberyn Martell, Asha Greyjoy, and Yohn Royce.

"What can you tell me of the envoys from the North?" Daenerys asks as she turns to Varys.

"They seem to have sent Princess Arya Stark, Prince Jon Stark, and an unknown man." Varys says.

"Stark? Is he not a bastard?" asks Daenerys.

"He was your grace, but his sister, Sansa Stark, had him legitimized with her power as Regent to King Rickon." explains Varys.

"Regent to a false King." says Daenerys before asking about their character.

"Princess Arya is said to be quite wilful, more at home with a sword in hand as opposed to a needle. There are rumors that claim that she was personally trained by her brother and is a formidable warrior in her own right." Varys says.

"And her brother?" replies Daenerys.

"Dangerous." says Oberyn, drawing the court's attention to him. "I met him once, The Stark Bastard. He is the most dangerous man in the realm."

"I'm no mere man." retorts Daenerys as she stares into Oberyn's eyes.

"No, you certainly are not, and yet I stand by my words. That man is by far more dangerous than anything or anyone you have ever faced." warns Oberyn, the dark look in his eyes making Daenerys pleasantly shiver.

"He is the one responsible for the South's instability. It was his retaliation for his brother's murder at the Red Wedding that has placed the Kingdoms in such a dire situation. A war against him is best avoided at all cost." Varys adds.

Noticing that Asha has been uncharacteristically silent, Daenerys turns to her.

"What do you make of this man?" she asks the older woman as they hear Drogon's roar overhead.

Before Asha can answer, Drogon's roar is followed by bone-chilling shriek that turns into a shrill death scream.

"I don't recall any of your dragons ever releasing such a roar." Oberyn says.

"That's because none of them do." responds Daenerys with a frown as she hears Drogon roar in rage.

Before any of them can decide to investigate, the tent flaps open and Missandei and Tyrion walk in followed by the three most beautiful people any of them have ever seen.

The first to enter is a young man just shy of six feet tall. As he silently steps into the tent, the temperature within seems to dramatically rise, and yet he doesn't seem to notice. He favors observing the interior and the people with his bright purple eyes while they uncomfortably fidget in their seats to avoid their clothes from sticking to them with sweat.

Satisfied with his observations, the man gracefully glides inside. His shoulder-length black and platinum hair barely moves with the draft from his movement, while his furred, black-as-night cloak flutters behind him, allowing them to see the scarlet coloring on the inside. He wears a form-fitting black doublet and breeches that do nothing to hide his slim yet well-muscled body and on his head, almost hidden by his hair, is a silver circlet.

Following closely behind the man is a young woman with a wild beauty about her. Her brown hair frames her long, yet beautiful, face, while making the glare of her gray eyes more pronounced. Gleaming behind her brown hair is a silver circlet matching that of the young man's.

She wears a furred, brown cloak of the same make as the man. Unlike the man, her cloak clings to her, hiding much save for the dark colors of her clothes and her black booths.

As the young woman silently stops a step behind the young man, the last of their party enters.

Like his companions, the second young man is dark of hair. Unlike the first two, his dark hair is tied back from his face, allowing them all to see his ethereal beauty and Stark gray eyes so dark they almost seem black.

On his head is a matching silver circlet, while a black, furred cloak of the same make as the other two. His black cloak and armor almost blend into one but do nothing to hide his graceful and lean build.

With the three standing there in unison, the gravity in the tent seems to center around them and even the light seems drawn to their presence.

As the final young man takes his place on the right of their leader, a trance seems to have been broken as the members of Daenerys' court quickly inhale and exhale before looking at one another, wondering whether they were the only ones to have such an experience.

Clearing her throat, Missandei brings the court to order, "You stand before Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men and the Rhoynar, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons."

When the Missandei speaks the last word of the introduction, Sihtric steps forth, startling the court for they had not noticed his entrance.

"I present to you Prince Aemon Stark, Princess Arya Stark, and Prince Jon Stark, Princes and Princess of Winter, and official envoys Princess Sansa Stark, Regent of King Rickon Stark, The Winter King of The Kingdoms of Winter." introduces Sihtric.

Sihtric's introduction raises a few eyebrows from the court and an amused chuckle from Prince Oberyn who only acquiesces when Daenerys sends him a glare.

"Thank you for traveling so far, my lords and lady, I hope the roads were kind." Daenerys says from her makeshift throne.

"Apologies, it seems that living in the North has muddied up my accent." Sihtric says, bringing a small smile to Arya's face.

"I present to you Prince Aemon Stark, Princess Arya Stark, and Prince Jon Stark, Princes and Princess of Winter, and official envoys Princess Sansa Stark, Regent of King Rickon Stark, The Winter King of The Kingdoms of Winter." Sihtric says in the common tongue before proceeding to reiterate it in High Valyrian and in Dothraki.

"That will be enough, Sihtric." says Aemon before he can say the introduction in the many versions of Low Valyrian.

"Apologies, my prince." Sihtric says with a salute before retreating.

"Forgive me." says Daenerys with a frown. "I've never received a formal education, but I could have sworn that the last King in the North was Torrhen Stark who bent the knee to my ancestor, Aegon Targaryen. In exchange for his life, and the lives of the northmen, Torrhen Stark swore fealty to House Targaryen in perpetuity. Or do I have my facts wrong?" she asks

"The pitfalls of an informal education, being ignorant to the events of the past two decades." Arya comments.

"Are you saying that I am wrong?" Daenerys asks.

"No, she is saying that the actions of your father and the actions of Robb Stark, the last King in the North, make that oath null and void." says Aemon, bringing the court's attention to him.

"Forgive me, my lord, I have at least heard of Arya Stark and Jon Snow, but I have never heard of an Aemon Stark. Why would a Stark use a Targaryen name?" Daenerys asks.

"The same reason why a Stark bastard would lay claim to a dragon." Aemon says nonchalantly as a shriek of victory resonates throughout the camp before being followed by a low mournful roar.

Without hesitating Daenerys springs from her makeshift throne and runs from the tent, her court not far behind her.

Quickly arriving at the edge of the camp, they find the Dothraki and Unsullied watching with eyes wide and jaws slack as Drogon recoils from Caraxes, the membranes of his wings singed and smoking.

The black dragon roars warningly at the Blood Wyrm who responds with a disdainful snort before lunging at Drogon with his snakelike neck and a shrill death scream, stopping only when his snout is mere inches from Drogon's. The two dragons stare into each other's eyes with threatening snarls on their lips before Caraxes releases a plume of smoke on Drogon's face with a snort.

In retaliation Drogon spews flames at Caraxes' face, barely missing when Caraxes slithers around him and steps on his face with his hind legs before ascending to the sky, leaving Drogon with a deep scratch from his claws just below his eyes.

As the Blood Wyrm slithers into the sky Daenerys regards Aemon with a baleful glare.

"A dragon is not a slave, you grace." Aemon tells her with a smirk.

"Prince Aemon's views on negotiation can be summed into this one sentence: "Never enter the negotiating table from a position of weakness."

It is a piece of advice that The Kingdoms of Winter have strived to follow since its inception. The first recorded negotiations of The Kingdoms of Winter took place during the sixth year of the third century after Aegon's Conquest. Queen Daenerys Targaryen had overthrown House Lannister and claimed the Iron Throne, causing all Kingdoms to swear fealty to her either by default or through negotiations. All save for The Riverlands and The North had sworn to her and the Queen sought to rectify that.

The initial negotiations took place through ravens to decide the time and place of the official negotiations, for neither Queen Daenerys nor King Regent Sansa Stark would accept going to the other's domain due to the possible danger.

Eventually, it was decided that the negotiations would take place at the Isle of Faces, which was the closest thing to neutral ground they could find in Westeros. The decision was made to hold the negotiations the following year, as it was almost the one-year anniversary of the founding of The Kingdoms of Winter, and they would be celebrating The Founding Feast.

When the time for the negotiations drew near, Queen Daenerys Targaryen would move most of her court to the Isle of Faces, arriving earlier than the envoys of The Kingdoms to choose the grounds of the negotiations.

When the Stark flag was seen approaching, she sent her most trusted advisor, Lady Missandei, her Master of Coin, Lord Tyrion Lannister, and a squad of Unsullied and Dothraki to receive the envoys. When she attempted to have them all relieved of their weapons Prince Jon refused and her advisors were forced to accept a compromise. Only the Princes and the Princess would relinquish their weapons, leaving their guards, who were veterans of the War for Dawn, armed.

Unfortunately for Queen Daenerys, her many preparations were pointless, for Prince Aemon had a simple demonstration for her and her court that would make her lords refuse to war with The Kingdoms of Winter regardless of the consequences.

One must understand that at the time of these negotiations Prince Aemon, commonly confused with his younger twin, Jon Stark, had a fearsome reputation that even overshadowed Tywin Lannister's. In retaliation for his cousin's murder at the Red Wedding, Prince Aemon bankrupted House Lannister, raided and burned the Westerlands for all of their worth, raided the Reach of most of their crops and foodstuffs, and snuck into the Red Keep to murder Joffrey Waters and abduct Tywin Lannister along with The Mountain. All without a single eyewitness.

You could see Tywin Lannister coming from a distance away, but you would never even know that you had drawn The Hunter's ire until you were drowning in your own blood. Prince Aemon Stark and his Wild Hunt would suck you dry of all your worth before silently disposing of your corpse. It is known.

As such, it came as no surprise to his soldiers and siblings that when the negotiations had not even begun and Queen Daenerys was proving to be needlessly difficult that Caraxes, Prince Aemon's dragon named for its similar appearance as the Rogue Prince's, would make an example of the Queen's favorite dragon, Drogon.

It is commonly accepted that a bigger dragon would almost always defeat a smaller dragon. However, there are exceptions. Say what you will about Daemon Targaryen's duel with Aemond Targaryen, but one cannot deny that the first Caraxes proved that size was not everything; and years later a second Caraxes would prove the same at the very same location.

At the time of these events, Prince Aemon's dragon had spent his years as a hatchling under constant attack from soldiers of the Westerlands for burning their keeps and lands. With weak scales susceptible to arrows, the prince's dragon quickly learned to make itself at home in the air in ways Drogon never did or would.

As such when the two dragons faced off, riderless, Prince Aemon's party was not surprised to see Caraxes easily outmaneuver Drogon before grounding him. The confrontation would leave Drogon with two ugly scars under his eyes as well as a deep well of fear for the Blood Wyrm. From henceforth, the Black Dread Reborn would avoid any land flying the flag of The Kingdoms of Winter.

As a result of Prince Aemon's demonstration, as well as his fearsome reputation outside of The Kingdoms of Winter, Queen Daenerys' advisors would persuade the Queen to accept the independence of The Kingdoms of Winter for a few concessions."

~ An excerpt from Negotiations by Maester Duram.




Author's Note: Here it is, the last chapter in Westeros. Next chapter the Dimensional Chat Group will officially open. Should the invitations be themed or not? If yes, the invitations will be themed except for two or three outliers who won't fit the theme.

Example: Chosen One Theme: anyone who's a chosen one or has a prophecy about them can be invited (i.e. Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Naruto, Anakin Skywalker, etc…)

Classical Hero Theme: anyone who's a classical hero can be invited (i.e. Gilgamesh, Hercules, Achilles, Cu Cuchlainn, etc…)

I have a lot of ideas for where the story can go, this will just narrow it down to what you guys would be interested in.

Vote: Yes, themed

Voter: No, not themed

Servant_Ambrosius Servant_Ambrosius

Have some idea about my story? Comment it to let me know, and don't forget to review.

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