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40% The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer / Chapter 6: Emperor of Flames

Capítulo 6: Emperor of Flames

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, Atrius, Hermes, Priapus, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain and TheDonFluffles

The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer

Chapter 06: The Emperor of Flames

"Kaito, I can't take a student who hasn't even started at U.A. to a Kaiju fight, I wouldn't even take our best third years," Nemuri says immediately, making me shake my head.

"I'm not stupid, or arrogant, enough to think I'm ready to fight a Kaiju, but that doesn't mean I can't help. I can send Blue and Primeape, even if they die they'll just reform as long as I'm alive, and I can try and use my instinctive understanding of monsters to try and analyse the Kaiju," I argue, making her pause. "I promise I won't try and fight it myself, I won't even go anywhere near it."

I mean it as well, growing up around my mother's monsters has driven home the point that there are plenty of beasts I'm nowhere near ready to fight. I can see her waver, but before she can refuse again, someone interrupts us.

"You realise that even if you try and stay away, your life will be in danger," Nezu says, making me nod seriously.

"I know but I still want to try. I'll get close enough to try and study it, if that doesn't work I'll retreat," I say, making him pause as he rubs his chin.

"Principal, we can't-" Nemuri starts, and while I appreciate her concern, I don't agree with her caution so I cut in.

"This is exactly why you want me in U.A. If I can get even the slightest information about the Kaiju, it'll be more evidence to the theory that my power works on them," I argue, keeping my tone even as I use logic instead of emotion. I want them to know that I fully understand the danger and that I still want to try.

"Indeed, I assume you'll take your new… friend with you?" Nezu asks, looking at Shaymin.

"It's better than leaving a Legendary rank monster unattended, even one that seems pacifistic by nature." I agree, was he listening to me explaining that Shaymin has been here for a week already?

"Very well, but you'll take an earpiece and you will obey any orders given, there is no place for recklessness in this kind of attack," Nezu says seriously, making me nod immediately.

"Principal!" Nemuri says, her eyes widening.

"I understand this is an unusual decision, but any information Kaito can gather could save lives. The new Kaiju has appeared in the middle of a city, with no time for evacuation. Plus many of our regular Kaiju fighters are still recovering from fighting Gameciel, we need all the help we can get," Nezu says sternly, making Nemuri pause before she sighs and nods. "Kaito, go and retrieve Blue and Primeape, I can delay the transport but not for long."

"Understood, I'll be right back," I say, turning and running towards the new building.

My first Kaiju fight, even if I won't be fighting it myself this time, as much as it stings my pride. I need to survive so I can get strong enough to fight Kaijus later, that's just common sense.

Only a true idiot would want to fight something that's overwhelmingly stronger than them, suicide by Kaiju doesn't sound like a good plan at all.

— Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko) —

"The fuck? Why is a brat coming to a Kaiju fight?" Rumi asked, looking at Kaito with a frown, even as her nose twitched.

She'd been in the area so she'd hitched a ride with the U.A. transport, seeing several of the teachers preparing for the upcoming fight.

"I volunteered and Nezu decided to allow it, my power gives me an instinctive understanding of what monsters can do, so I'm basically on support, I won't be fighting it myself," Kaito answered, making her pause before she nodded in understanding.

Nezu would probably get torn apart by the press for sending a student into a Kaiju fight, but if Kaito could learn what this new fucker could do it could save a lot of lives.

"Fair enough, just stay out of the fighting," Rumi finally said, looking away as she cursed her enhanced senses.

She didn't know why, but Kaito smelt extremely good. Even just sitting across from him, she could feel a certain dampness between her thighs as she breathed in his musky scent.

She'd had to run away before because her senses were just screaming at her to jump him, and she wasn't sure she could resist. Maybe it was something to do with how he tamed monsters, but it drove her wild.

She shouldn't be getting turned on before a fucking Kaiju fight, but here she was. On the bright side, nobody seemed to notice, as they were all too focused on their preparations.

"We have some information from the fight. The monster this time looks like the unholy mix of a lion and a dragon, with incredibly tough scales and the ability to ignite the air around it. The temperature around the creature is hot enough to cause third-degree burns so keep your distance as much as possible," Nezu reported over the speaker.

Ah, fuck. Another one that she was a poor match for. Its toughness would probably resist most of her physical attacks and she needed to get close to fight it.

"We are arriving in two minutes, Endeavour has already engaged, as the Kaiju seems to have targeted his agency, but his flames are seemingly ineffective," Nezu continued, making her wince.

Endeavour didn't take defeat particularly well, and having a Kaiju that was immune to his attacks show up in his city, attacking his agency? If he survived, he'd be a pain to deal with for a good long while.

He was already infuriated that he lost his Number 2 position to Terrible Tornado, then the Number 3 position to Silverfang when the old man came out of retirement.

The public was ruthless, they wouldn't care that this was just a bad matchup, they'd see Endeavour fail to protect his city and rip him apart. For someone like her, who didn't particularly care about her rank and popularity, it wouldn't matter, but for the guy who has spent his entire career trying to become the Number One hero?

Well, she didn't envy him, but as they arrived she shook her head and focused, watching the transport open up to a burning city, pillars of smoke rising to the sky as buildings burnt.

She didn't need to ask where the monster was, a roar drawing all their attention towards the tallest building, which she knew was Endeavour's agency building.

Wasting no time, she charged towards the source of the noise, not even hesitating as she spotted the massive four-legged monster, black wings extended as it turned to face the newest arrivals, swinging its long thick tail into Endeavour's side at the same time, sending the already heavily-wounded hero flying.

— Enji Todoroki (Endeavour) —

Being smashing into his own building, he grunted in pain as he glared at the monster that had made such short work of his sidekicks, who had basically ignored everything he'd tried to throw at it.

He was immune to regular flames, and most Quirk-made flames, but even he had several burns across his body from the sheer heat of the beast's flames, and the rapidly increasing temperature had made him overheat quickly.

This was the worst possible matchup for him, but he couldn't back down when it was his city burning around him.

His agency had been a point of pride for the people of this city, a symbol to show that they were safe, now it was a burning monument to the Kaiju's power.

The communicator he'd been passed activated in his ear, making him pause as he watched Mirko deliver a devastating kick to the bastard's chin, knocking it back a step.

"Teostra heals by absorbing fire, and it gets stronger the hotter the surrounding area," a voice he didn't recognise said, making his eyes narrow. He sounded young, too young to be at a fight like this.

"Understood, Kaito. Everyone who uses fire to attack should fall back, anyone with water or ice-based attacks should focus on putting out the flames first," Nezu ordered, making him grit his teeth. He hadn't been doing nothing, he'd been healing the Kaiju.

That was why it never tried to take him out, it was keeping him around as its own personal support. Never before had his pride been so badly hurt, not when that irritating brat Tornado took his place as the Number Two hero and politely told him to 'go back to U.A and start over again', not when Silverfang came out of retirement due to the increasing amount of monsters and immediately skyrocketed past him in ranks, they paled in comparison to the realisation that the Kaiju had turned him into its pocket healer.

Kaito, that was the alleged monster trainer who would be in his daughter's year at U.A. They brought a student to this fight? No, they brought a future student to this fight, who hadn't even started at U.A. yet.

His questions were interrupted by a bizarre sight, a small pig-faced monkey charging towards the Kaiju with a water bottle in hand.

Yes, water would help but they'd need more than just a bottl–

Tossing the bottle towards the Kaiju, the cap came off and a strange blue liquid came flying out of it and started to grow, fast.

Teostra let out an angry roar when the slime landed on it, growing larger and larger, trying to encompass the Kaiju even as the slime started to bubble and steam, being melted by Teostra's heat.

He could see the Kaiju's scales starting to melt through the translucent blue slime, but it was a very slow process and the slime was clearly taking some serious damage from the battle, not that it seemed to care as it engulfed Teostra's head, attempting to suffocate the Kaiju.

The monkey however had a different plan, grabbing Teostra's tail and spinning the much larger monster around in a circle before letting go and tossing the beast into a wall.

Teostra didn't take this lightly, flapping its wings as it took to the air, much to the anger of the monkey who climbed one of the buildings and leapt from it to land on Teostra's back, seemingly uncaring of the burns it was getting from its relentless attacks.

Teostra opened its mouth, and with a blast of fire managed to blow the slime from its face, sending the blue jelly down to the ground, splattering around before the slime started to reform as all the slime around it was slowly pulled into a central point. With the slime removed, he could see the purple mist that was surrounding Teostra's face, was that poison?

As the slime formed, it was noticeably smaller now, having had a lot of its mass burnt away, 'staring' up at the flying monster as it jiggled.

He wanted to join back in, but he knew he couldn't join the fight himself as he'd only help the Kaiju, so with a growl he headed away from the battle and towards the gathering point.

— Kaito —

I don't think Primeape has noticed that he's on fire, clinging to Teostra as he punches anything he can reach, and with a mental order I can barely see him turn his attention to Teostra's wings.

He can't do any significant damage, but it's hard to flap your wings when there's a lunatic on your back trying to rip them off, and Teostra's flight becomes jerky and less controlled.

Teostra is obviously trying to throw Primeape off, but monkeys are good at holding onto things and even its spins don't dislodge my very angry monkey.

At my command, Blue starts to devour one of the burning buildings, he lost almost half of his mass from being boiled but he didn't seem to care either, Slimes don't actually feel pain.

If there are any people in, he'll stop before he gets to them and he's working from the top down, so it shouldn't collapse on anyone either.

Growing angrier at Primeape, Teostra starts smashing its body into the building that is apparently Endeavour's agency, which is actually successful in dislodging Primeape, sending him flying through the air before he manages to grab some wreckage, hanging from the building as he watched Teostra fly back down with a glare.

…Primeape, I can feel how badly hurt you are, don't-

Watching Primeape leap from the building, I sigh to myself. Damnit, Primeape. Wait, is he holding something?

— Fubuki (Hellish Blizzard) —

She didn't want to think about how many members of her group she'd lost today, they'd been too close when Teostra demonstrated that he could explode, and she couldn't stop to think about whether they'd survived just yet.

Having heard 'Kaito's' words over the communicator (whoever Kaito was), she immediately got to work.

She didn't have a water-based attack but that didn't mean she couldn't help put out the flames that were empowering the Kaiju.

Finding a large water tank, she used her psychokinesis to tear it from the rooftop, struggling slightly with its weight as she flew it back towards the fight, ripping the lid off and directing the water down towards the flames closest to Teostra.

She immediately found some issues as any water that got too close to Teostra would evaporate instantly, but she could still start to put out the fires around it.

Her concentration was broken ever so briefly when she noticed that extremely angry-looking monkey leap from almost halfway up Endeavour's building with a bellow, making Teostra look up in what seemed like annoyance.

That proved to be a mistake, as the monkey came crashing down, a piece of what looked like broken pipe in its hand as it stabbed down at Teostra, piercing into the Kaiju's eye.

Teostra barely seemed to notice anything so far, uncaring of the damage it took, but for the first time, it was clearly hurt, letting out a roar of pain and anger as it exploded again, the blast even larger this time as the monkey was sent flying back, it's fur scorched black.

Hitting a wall, the monkey finally stopped its assault, slumping to the ground as she closed her eyes and mourned the loss of such a determined hero. She was surprised she hadn't heard of such a fierce hero, or perhaps he was a villain? She'd certainly have tried to recruit him if she had.

To her surprise, the monkey faded away, leaving no trace, making her blink in confusion.

"Kaito, has Primeape died?" Nezu asked over the communicator.

"He has, but he'll be fine. He's lost a lot of energy but he'll recover and I'll be able to summon him again in around a day," Kaito answered, making something in the back of her mind click.

U.A. allegedly had someone who could tame monsters. The monkey hadn't been a hero or villain with a mutant-type quirk, it was a monster.

Kaito, she'd remember that name when all this was over.

But for now, they had to focus because Teostra was pissed, one eye completely ruined by the lead pipe Primeape had stabbed into it.

— Kaito —

I'm not good at being idle, and with Blue restoring his mass and Primeape 'dead', I don't have much more reason to watch the fight so I decided to make myself useful.

A squeak makes me nod, following Shaymin's direction towards the next trapped person, Shaymin seems to be able to sense living people (which explains why she never got seen before, if she could sense the heroes in the dungeons), and with her guidance, I've been able to recover quite a few civilians who found themselves stuck.

I'm probably too close to the battle myself, but I can't just leave when there's still work to be done.

Digging through the rubble, I spot the trapped woman, a hero, not a civilian, judging by her appearance, wearing a formerly white dress that barely reaches her mid-thighs (her incredibly thicc thighs) with slits at either side. The unconscious girl has yellow-green hair that seems to be on fire, almost burning me as I extract her from the rubble.

Fortunately, I have some resistance to it and can get her out of the mess.

[Fire Resistance - Rank D]

You have a resistance to fire and heat-based damage.

I got that from just being near Teostra and the burning buildings, I don't want to try and test it by going too close to the bastard himself.

I wince as I finally extract her, seeing a nasty bleeding wound on her side, three massive claws having clearly clipped her to great effect.

She probably barely managed to dodge, because if it was a direct hit, I'd be holding a bisected corpse instead.

Shaymin hops off my shoulder and down onto her stomach, glowing with a soft white light as the wound closes up.

Yeah, Shaymin can heal, which shouldn't have surprised me as she happily scurries back up my arm and retakes her perch.

The woman starts to stir, opening a pair of reddish-orange eyes as she looks around in confusion.


"Don't move too much, you almost died. Shaymin healed your wound but you lost a lot of blood," I say, somewhat gently. I don't exactly have the best bedside manner but I'm doing what I can. "Can you make it to the gathering point by yourself?"

"I- yeah, I can. What happened while I was out, is Endeavour-" she starts, touching her side where her mini-dress has three massive cuts in it.

"That's the dude with the fire beard, right? He's fine, he had to leave the battle because his flames were healing Teostra, same with you since I'm guessing you use fire as well, don't try and fight, you'll just help the bastard," I say, making her eyes widen as she nods seriously.

"Got it, I- thank you, who are you?" she asks, making me smile.

"I'm Kaito, this little guy is Shaymin, and you're welcome," I say, feeling something come from the woman to Shaymin.

Shaymin is the Gratitude Pokémon, I thought that was an odd name but she's definitely getting energy from the gratitude of those we save.

Shaymin squeaks again, a firmness to it as I nod to her.

"We've gotta run, take care of yourself. I don't want to have to pull you out of more rubble later," I say with a grin, running in the direction Shaymin is looking before she can respond.

The fun part is that I'm still technically watching the fight due to my new tamed 'monster'.

[Japanese Skylark - Rank F]

It's just a bird, what are you expecting?

I need to keep an eye on Teostra, so I'm sharing its vision with one eye while I work with Shaymin. It was hard to get used to but it's a useful talent.

— Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko) —

She wouldn't say things were easy, but Primeape's final suicidal attack had done some good work in weakening Teostra, creating a massive blindspot on its left side.

It didn't make it any less ferocious, but it certainly made dodging its increasingly enraged attacks far more manageable, especially for one as agile as her.

Plus the effort to put out the fires had clearly had an effect, as Teostra's flames and the scalding aura around him seemed to be growing weaker as the fires were quenched. Hell, she could be near it without feeling like she was outright melting now.

The Water Hose duo must have thought it was destiny that they ended up at this fight, being perfect for the task of putting out the flames, they both stopped attacking Teostra and focused on the surroundings instead. Normally, at Kaiju attacks you didn't worry about collateral damage or the surroundings until the fight was over, but Kaito's warning had changed that.

Teostra was getting desperate, and it seemed determined to get to the gathering point for some reason. Did it know their more support-focused heroes were there?

Either way, those still in the fight weren't going to just let the bastard do what it wanted, and with another kick to its face (coming from its new blindspot), she sent it back again.

It was annoying. She could send people and even monsters flying back, but with Teostra, the bastard barely moved a few feet back at best when she landed a good hit.

The sound of someone running behind her didn't get her attention at first, there were dozens of people fighting at the moment, but as a very familiar blonde man in a blue, red and white bodysuit ran past her, even she felt a moment of joy.


She had no idea where he had been or where he came from since he wasn't in the transport with them, but right now she didn't care either as All Might punched the Kaiju directly in its big dumb face, the shockwave putting out all the fires behind Teostra as the lion-dragon went flying back into one of the remaining buildings (that the slime hadn't eaten).

Teostra was clearly injured from that, one of its horns broken off and blood coating its face as it glared at them. They could do this.

"I am here!" All Might said, posing for a moment as he glared at the Kaiju, watching it rise up and release a snarl, shaking as some strange black dust left its body.

"Stay away from the scale dust, it's explosive and Teostra can use it as a conduit to make its explosions larger and more powerful," Kaito said. She didn't know where he was, because she hadn't seen him at all, but he would occasionally chip in with more information, and he hadn't been wrong yet, so as Teostra shook harder, sending the scale dust everywhere, she immediately turned and retreated, All Might doing the same as everyone fell back.

Not everyone had a communicator, but they could certainly take the hint, seeing so many people falling back away from the dust.

Teostra was bloodied, but not beaten, and with a roar, it ignited the scale dust, a blast beyond anything they'd seen yet being unleashed.

Even with how far she'd moved, her Quirk making her very fast, she couldn't escape the blast and felt the heat strike her back as she went flying, tumbling across the ground as she gritted her teeth in pain, the back of her costume practically shredded as she struggled to rise.

If she hadn't fallen back…

It was a bloody scene, she was probably the fastest runner and she hadn't been able to fall back far enough, many heroes and villains alike were on the ground, some unmoving. Even All Might had been affected, clutching his side as he stood back up, the first person to get back on their feet as Teostra glared at them before it took to the skies and flew over them, ignoring them as it made a bee-line towards the gathering point.

As it did, she both panicked and tried to rise to her feet, and also paused as she spotted something suspiciously blue clinging to Teostra's tail.

— Nezu —

"Oh dear," Nezu said simply, sipping his tea as he watched the map, the large red icon heading directly towards them at worrying speeds.

The only fighters they had here were the ones they'd pulled back, like Endeavour. Annoyingly, lots of his sidekicks also had fire-based attacks, so they were put on search and rescue instead of being part of the fight.

Like Kaito had apparently decided he was doing, given the report of him and Shaymin that Burnin had given when she arrived, healed from a wound that was likely going to be fatal before she could be rescued.

Before he could say anything else, they watched as Teostra flew directly above them… no, directly above Endeavour and curled up onto a ball, glowing brighter and brighter with energy as it charged up for something, scale dust floating down to them.

His genius mind raced, but he had no way to get out of here and if it was anywhere near as big as the last blast he knew he was going to die.

At least he knew that before Blue made his appearance, rapidly expanding and taking advantage of Teostra curling up to engulf the entire Kaiju, holding Teostra within its body as they both started to fall, Teostra exploding within the slime, the damage completely contained as Blue was blown on every direction, slime coating the floor and walls (and even the people), harmlessly siding down to the floor down as it started to reform.

Teostra seemed tired, having unleashed so much energy at once, but it also seemed furious as it looked between Endeavour and the slowly reforming Blue, who was now much smaller as much of his mass had been destroyed, now just inert sticky liquid.

He could see something behind Teostra's eyes and knew the beast had just made a decision as it barrelled towards Blue, ignoring Endeavour to attack the slime.

Why was it so focused on Endeavour in the first place? It hadn't started trying to come to the evac point until they'd made Endeavour come back here

But now it was too angry to care about Endeavour, rage in its movements as it opened its mouth and prepared to try and melt Blue, but the slime wasn't as inactive as it seemed.

The moment Teostra opened its mouth, Blue shot forwards with surprising speed for a usually languid monster, jumping into Teostra's open maw.

Teostra's eyes widened in shock, and perhaps even fear as Blue forced his way into its mouth and down its throat, thrashing around desperately as he realised what the Slime was doing.

Monster or not, Teostra clearly needed to breathe, it's desperate thrashing only increased as Blue vanished from sight. They should have tried to do something but instead, they just watched, shocked as Tesotra struggled, trying to breathe fire to dislodge the slime that was now within its body, but before long its struggles grew weaker, and to the shock of everyone, it collapsed to the ground.

The body moved, making them tense up, but as the mouth opened again, Blue calmly slid out of its maw, pausing before it started to engulf Teostra again.

Now too small to fully engulf him, Blue settled for its upper body as the slime happily feasted on the fallen Kaiju, now successfully dissolving its body within Blue's growing body, jiggling excitedly as it calmly consumed the entire Kaiju.

The momentary shocked silence was broken by a cheer, followed by many more as they realised they'd survived, that Blue had stopped Teostra's final attack and saved them all, but Blue just jiggled calmly, it was hard to tell if it just didn't know or didn't care how big a difference it had made.

Some people might have wanted to study the body, but monster corpses vanished almost immediately once removed from a dungeon, so there was no harm in Blue snacking on his prey. To the victor go the spoils after all.

People had died of course, but this could be the Kaiju attack with the fewest casualties on record, and he'd almost refused to allow Kaito to join them.

The bigger problem would be that people would want Kaito at every Kaiju attack now.

As the communicator went wild, he frowned and tried to work out what they were talking about, the fight was over after all.

— Kaito —

"I don't think you can help that one, buddy," I say gently, watching Shaymin glow brighter as she tries to heal the corpse she's stood next to.

The blast was pretty devastating, and while Shaymin healed some of them… almost two dozen heroes/villains were too close to Teostra, inside the dust when it ignited.

Shaymin glows brighter before she stops and lets out a despondent noise, thenpauses and stares up at me with a strange look.

"What's up, Bud-" I start, freezing as I feel Shaymin connect with me.

Shaymin has tamed itself

Before I can question how she did that, Shaymin climbs on my shoulder again and squeaks in determination, directing me to the centre of the blast, and guiding me as I feel our minds connected.

Knowing what she wants, I pick her up and hold her aloft, making the fighters who managed to escape the blast look at me in confusion as Shaymin starts to glow brighter and brighter, before she lets out an explosion of soft, golden light that washes over the area and just keeps going, spreading further and further until it goes out of view.

My eyes widen as I spot Mirko's wounds rapidly healing, burnt flesh smoothing over and cuts closing up, even All Might's eyes widen as he touches his side with shock and awe, but I can't look at them for long as some movement distracts me and makes me gasp, uncharacteristically dumbstruck.

After all, who could maintain their cool when the guy who just confirmed was dead gets back up, his grievous wounds and fourth-degree burns healing in seconds as he gasps.

My attention turns back to Shaymin, who suddenly seems much heavier as her eyes droop, I can feel her internal energy and it's almost entirely empty, having used everything she had in that move, and as she closes her eyes and fades into golden sparkles I can feel her in the back of my mind, sleeping.

She knew that move would kill her, she heard me say Primeape would be back despite dying himself, you clever little hedgehog.

Monster Taming has ranked up to Rank C

Full Transformation has ranked up to Rank C

Tamers Might Skill added

[Shaymin - Healing Wish]

With the favour of the Gratitude Pokemon, you have gained the ability to heal at the cost of your own stamina. Once per day, you can cleanse someone, fully healing them no matter how injured they are and returning them to their prime. However, this will make you exhausted. If used on a corpse, it will return the target to life but this will place Healing Wish on a much longer cool-down depending on how long they have been dead.

[Shaymin - Plant Control]

Through your bond with the Gratitude Pokémon, you have gained the ability to control plants around you, allowing you to manipulate them. This also allows you to rapidly increase the natural growth of plants.

Kaiju Defeated!

[Pocket Biosphere]

Allows you to create a pocket universe with a tamed monster in mind, this Pocket Universe will be the perfect habitat for that monster and will be where they go when they are 'slain'.

[Tamer's Call]

Allows you to summon any of your tamed monsters to your side.

Huh, Melissa is gonna be surprised when I just start making pocket dimensions for my monsters instead of her designing them, also these dimensions sound a lot like smaller dungeons…

That's gonna be awkward, and holy shit Shaymin. I mean, she's a legendary monster so I'm not surprised but still… just a casual resurrection skill? Even if it's one that exhausts me to use.

I immediately use my new pocket biosphere power to make a home for Primeape and Shaymin, instead of just leaving them in whatever void they are in.

Blue has evolved to a [Emperor Blue Slime, Rank A]

Wait, what did Blue do? Why did I just feel his internal energy skyrocket?

[Emperor Blue Slime, Rank A]

Evolved from a King Blue Slime, Rank B

This slime has a complete immunity to physical damage and incredibly regenerative capabilities. Nigh-unkillable, it can completely reform if even a drop of its slime remains. Its acid is one of the most corrosive substances in the monster kingdom, able to even dissolve ancient dragons.

Switching to Blue's 'vision', I sigh as I watch my glutton of a monster calmly devour the corpse of Teostra.

Yeah, that makes sense. I saw Tesotra die through my bird's eyes, and I guess Blue did land the finishing blow so he gets first rights to the loot but this was a group effort, you're not supposed to just take all the corpse for yourself…

Clearly, I need to teach him the rules of being in a hunting party.

But for now, I think I have bigger problems given the sheer shock of seeing people come back from the dead has worn off and everyone has questions that they expect me to answer.

Somehow, I doubt 'Shaymin did it' is going to be enough.

— Later —

Back at U.A., I walk towards my room with a sigh, Nezu thankfully extracted me away from the public because for all my skills, public relations isn't one of them and I have no idea how to deal with the press.

I've explained things to him and some of the other teachers. Shaymin blew all her energy doing that, and I can feel it coming back in a trickle (though the growing gratitude from those who are learning what she did is speeding up the process), and I doubt she'll be able to do it on that scale again.

I think Shaymin has basically been hoarding energy for years, ready for this perfect moment when she decided the time was right.

I've also told him in private about my ability to duplicate Shaymin's healing on a much smaller and more limited scale, and create tiny dungeons for my monsters (with a lot of questions about whether monsters will spawn in them or whether they could cause a dungeon break).

I learnt that I can make a fixed point for the opening, so we've made plans to put the openings in the new building. Everything is going to go the same, but now I'll make the habitats and the researchers will handle the feeding and monitoring (assuming we can successfully put cameras in the dimensions, since Dungeons destroy outside tech, but I don't think that'll be a problem.)

It won't be.

Huh, good to know for sure.

More importantly, once I put down the portals I could enter and make sure Shaymin and Primeape were okay, and they are.

Shaymin is sleeping. She briefly woke up to lick my face but then went back to sleep since she was obviously incredibly tired.

Primeape was angry, very very angry, and didn't even acknowledge me while he rampaged through his base, but when I told him that Teostra was dead he stopped to bellow in victory, before going back to smashing trees (that seemed to come back when he wasn't looking, which naturally only pissed him off more).

Melissa seemed to enjoy seeing the new 'habitats' but I get the feeling she's a hard girl to surprise, she definitely liked Shaymin's habitat since it was just a massive field of flowers (she took some as samples).

As for me, I'm tired, not physically, but socially. I had to talk to way too many people wanting answers about Shaymin, and that's not going to go away.

Walking through the halls, I pause as I see someone who I haven't met, but looks familiar, walking the other way, pausing as she spots me.

"The hero of the hour, Kaito, right?" The woman with long blonde hair and purple eyes asks, making me narrow my eyes before they widen.

I didn't recognise her because of how different she looks now, just wearing slacks and a large white t-shirt instead of a purple and tan bodysuit, but I definitely know her.

"Mt Lady, right? The hero of the last Kaiju attack," I say, making her smile proudly.

"Nice to know I made a name for myself, but you can call me Yu out of costume," Yu says with a light laugh, before wincing in pain as one of her hands clutches her side. Right, I heard she was at U.A. to be looked after by Recovery Girl; apparently, Gameciel really fucked her up.

"You did more than that, you feeling okay?" I ask, glancing down at where she clutched, making her smile.

"Gameciel has spikes, and really didn't appreciate me picking him up, frankly I'm lucky he missed most of my organs, it's why I couldn't join you against this one, though it sounds like I wasn't needed, but yeah, I'll be fine," Yu says, making me pause.

Fuck it, I'm going to bed now anyway, so time to blow my daily Healing Wish.

"Want me to heal that up?" I ask, making her pause.

"You can do that?" Yu asks, making me nod.

"A gift from Shaymin, I can do a mega-heal once a day," I explain, unsure if she has any idea who Shaymin is but also not particularly caring. She'll either accept or she won't, doesn't make a difference to me.

"Why offer it to me then?" Yu asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Because I'm about to go to bed, call it a favour from one Kaiju-fighting badass to another," I say with a grin, even though I think hers was a lot more impressive. I just ran around rescuing civilians while other people fought, she wrestled a giant angry turtle monster while it tried to melt her with its superheated steam.

She grins when I call her a badass, and she seemed happy when I recognised her, I guess she's pretty prideful (so missing a fight must have stung like a bitch), before she laughs.

"Go for it, let's see those magic hands at work," Yu teases, watching me extend my hand towards her as it starts to glow, a golden light engulfing her as she gasps, it fades quickly and I'm not sure if it worked before she touches her side, her eyes widening.

I wasn't physically exhausted before, but I certainly am now as I almost stumble and fall, catching myself as a wave of tiredness comes over me, making me struggle to keep my eyes open.

I'm glad I managed, because as Yu's eyes widen she pulls up her t-shirt to look at her stomach, seeing perfect unmarred skin which makes her smile grow massively, seemingly uncaring that she pulled her top up enough for me to get an eyeful thanks to her lack of a bra, some very healthy underboob on display.

"Than-" Yu starts, looking back at me before her eyes widen. "Are you okay?" Yu asks, making me nod.

"Just tired, that takes a lot more out of me than I expected, but I'm gonna go collapse anyway," I say with a tired grin, clearly struggling to stay awake. "Nice meeting you, Yu."

Taking one step forwards, I fall forwards with her easily catching me before I hit the ground, realising that I probably should have taken the warning more seriously since this is probably the skill that killed Shaymin.

I feel my consciousness fade, but before I do I feel Yu easily pick me up, leaving me to fall asleep safely.

— Yu Takeyama (Mt Lady) —

She knew she was a vain person, but she'd always taken pride in her beauty, she was incredibly hot and she knew it.

Then she risked everything to fight Gameciel, made one hell of a name for herself in the hero community and permanently marred her beauty in the process, possibly even crippled herself as the wounds from Gameciel ramming into her with its spiked shell refused to heal properly, leaving her basically an invalid who could barely walk without constant pain.

Her body was littered with hideous scars that Recovery Girl couldn't fix, though the ancient heroine was the only reason she was alive, so she couldn't blame her for failing to fix her completely. That was the price for fighting a Kaiju, scars were the least you should expect.

She hated her scars, and Kaito just got rid of them all in an instant, the pain vanishing along with them as he returned her body to its beautiful, flawless state.

She'd seen him tiredly staring as she accidentally flashed him, and the interest in his exhausted eyes made her grin, he was a little young, but frankly, she might just have to go through with her joking promise she made on SHO to become his harem girl if he could beat Gameciel.

He was a beefcake after all, give it a few years and he'd be breaking hearts and beds alike, but now she had an important question.

Where the fuck was she supposed to take him? She didn't know where his room was.

— Bonus Scene — Toshinori Yagi

Sitting in the examination bed, he breathed in and felt no small amount of awe at just how easy it was, with no pain or sudden need to spit blood.

"I'm fixed then?" Toshinori asked, still in his 'All Might' form and feeling no need to turn back. It would be more correct to say that this was his true form now, not that withered dying skeleton.

"Fixed? You're more than fixed, I have no idea how that little hedgehog did it but if I didn't know any better I'd say you were never injured to begin with. You're in perfect health, literally perfect, I can't find a single thing wrong with you," Recovery Girl said, throwing up her hands in disbelief.

"Such is the power of a legendary monster I suppose," Nezu said, smiling over his teacup.

"Will this wear off?" Toshinori asked, still staring at his body in awe and disbelief. Years of struggling and searching for a way to heal himself and Shaymin cured him seemingly by accident. He just happened to be in the wave of healing energy Shaymin expelled to bring back the dead.

For the first time since the emergence, they had an almost zero-death Kaiju attack, many had died before Kaito and Shaymin arrived, but they'd almost all been brought back.

Those that had died were either too badly damaged to be restored or were unfortunately in a perilous place when the wave hit them, such as buried alive where they would be crushed or suffocate immediately.

A tragedy, but this was still the biggest win they'd ever had in the history of Kaiju attacks, Teostra was slain, and unlike the only other Kaiju to fall, they barely lost 5% of the fighters and the civilian death toll was in the low double digits, hilariously low compared to any other attack.

The attack with the second lowest casualties was in the low three digits, over five times as many, and they lost around 20% of the fighters in that attack.

This was a win, a win they desperately needed to show that the monsters could be beaten, that humanity wasn't doomed to fall under ever-increasing waves of monsters as many had started to believe.

"It already has. Some of the support staff at the scene took readings and there was an unknown energy in the air after Shaymin's Healing Wish as Kaito called it, that energy was on every person who was in the area, and now it's gone. That doesn't mean your wounds are going to return, and I see no reason to believe they will," Recovery Girl explained, filling his chest with a hope he thought he'd lost.

He still intended Young Midoriya to be his successor, but now he could take his time and properly train her without his fading strength to worry about.

"Kaito claims Shaymin expended all its energy to perform its miraculous act, and while Shaymin will return eventually it's likely it won't be able to repeat that move any time soon, certainly not to that extent, we should not count on Shaymin being able to perform it at every Kaiju attack," Nezu said, making him nod. "Kaito can perform a more targeted version himself thanks to his ability to gain powers from the stronger monsters he tames, but that apparently has a cool-down."

"How bad is it?" Toshinori asked, Nezu immediately catching onto what he meant.

"There have been thousands of requests of Shaymin to resurrect someone already, several governments are demanding Kaito and Shaymin drop out of U.A and instead attend every Kaiju attack, the press are going mad trying to get in and speak to the hero of the hour," Nezu explained, making him sigh.

He couldn't blame them, but it would certainly be problematic. His own thoughts went to Nana, he could only imagine the thousands of people who had lost loved ones feeling the spark of hope that Kaito held the key to seeing them again.

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

Author’s Note: Another Tamer since I left it on a cliffhanger, you’re welcome. Shaymin OP, plz don’t nerf.

Probably gonna do a .5 PHO chapter showing the larger public reactions.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: Pat reon . com/TheDarkWolfShiro

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