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Capítulo 31: Too far?

"To think this is the best part of my day." A stoic red head said as she wiped the saliva off her lips. "Being a nymphomanic for a man who's favorite past time is pounding girls until they pass out."

"Can't say your wrong." I smirked smugly before I pushed the girl by her shoulders, slamming her to the bed and towering over her.

"Ready?" I asked rhetorically, the girls drooling pussy already signal enough that she was in fact more than ready. "Stop teasing me you brute, NGGHH~."

Before the girl, Tsukasa, could finish, I plunged deep inside her. Her eyes rolled back and her tight folds wrapped around me. Her inner folds had long since taken my shape, ready to take my dick at any part of the day.

"Must you be so rough~." She choked out even as she herself threw her ample ass back into me.

Not needing to humor her nonsense I pushed her down by her neck forcing her back to arch even further. Unintelligible moans were muffled by the bedsheets and a combination of both our fluids escaped us and added extra lubrication.

Her plump ass started to become even redder than her hair after my rapid abuse. The sounds of our debauchary surely reached even beyond the room.

Seeing the gradual increase of her own movements I suddenly pulled my dick out before she could reach her climax.

"WHY?!" She yelled as I turned her over on the bed. The frontal view of her drolling pussy turning me on even more.

"I'd rather watch as you cum all over my cock." I said before realigning my member and pushing it straight in.

Tsukasa grit her teeth and scrunched her eyebrows as she tried her hardest to resist playing into my hands. Ultimately though, within another minute the girl's expression had lost all hints of clarity as her eyes rolled back and she smiled.

Her C-cups swayed in every direction until I grabbed them, playing with them while I simultaneously used them as support.

"YOGIRI~!" For the first time her voice came out articulate as her legs wrapped around my waist and even as I continued to pound her she with a display of incredible abdominal strength bent herself at the waist and lifted herself completely off the bed.

Her arms wrapped around me, and she with a passionate look in her eyes attacked my lips with her own.

Having to move my arms to the bed to support her, I allowed her to do as she pleased. Our tongues danced in each others mouths and our chest rubbed against eachother. The girl had clearly already reached her peak and I was soon to follow.

My pace increased, my only thought now being to get myself off. With a final jolt, I pushed past what was probably safe for most girls, entering deep in her womb and depositing a continious stream of cum.

Our mouths detached and she lost all strength in her limbs, letting me go and falling down to the bed.

Unfortunately, that caused my dick to also dislodge from her. Cum continued to spray down on her coating her legs and pubic mound in it's white color.

When it finally stopped, Tsukasa looked barely conscious, her eyes were dim and mouth agape.

Just as that was happening the doors to the room opened and three figures entered.

"Yogiriiiiiii, haven't we taken a long enough break? I wanna break something!" A blue haired rabbit walked in, adorned in full battle armor. Behind her Tsubaki and Darkness followed.

The former wearing nothing but wrap around her incredibly large breast and very tight yoga shorts. She as always had an enture bottle of alcohol at the ready.

As for darkness, the girl had seemed to just come out the bath as she had a singular towel wrapped around her frame. A towel that infact looked extremely close to falling off thanks to the watermelons she had for a chest.

"You brute, is there anything you do besides inulging in your sinful lust." Darkness blushed even as her exposed legs rubbed together.

"Kyaa!" Her scream resonated as I grabbed her with pyschokenisis, pulling her over and causing the towel to fall to the floor.

Her vagina was very much so ready and willing if the wet spot left on the floor was any indication.

"You bastard." She groaned even as she fell to her knees in front of me and without any acrion on my part slurpped up my cock with passion.

"I was thinking the same, let's move out again tomorrow." I said to the distracted Shea. The girl in question nodding. She was unusually susceptible to my hormones so it was surprising she wasn't jumping out of her clothes right now.

"Um, I'll be training then." She walked out the room leaving just the occupied Darkness and Tsubaki.

Turning to her I signaled for her to say what she came to. "I was actually just looking for her." Tsubaki pointed at Tsukasa who was starting to regain conciousness.

"Yeah.. sorry", the red head said as she began to sit up right. My jizz had already began to dry on her. "I got a little distracted." She finished, pointing at the destroyed bed.

"I see…" Tsubaki's eyes fell on me, and I was not oblivious to the protruding points on the wrap covering her breast.

"Sorry, do you mind if I bathe first, it's not very comfortable walking around like this." Tsukasa said reaching down below and catching some of my semen that was falling from her crotch.

"I'll join you", I said pushing away Darkness who was groaned even as she followed me out of the room and down to the bath.

For some reason Tsubaki decided she'd like to tag along as well.

Tsukasa seeming intent on not engaging in anything else sat off to the side with her eyes closed.

Darkness, being the grade A slut she was bounced insitently on my lap even as she swore I was forcing her.

Tsubaki, on the other had sat oddly close as well, really only a foot of distance away from where I sat. The girl had never been one to have reservations about her body, yet today she seemed slightly more so, trying to hide her shapely breast and hardened nipples below the water, though it didn't work very well.

Deciding to mess around a bit, I moved my right hand just a tad, enough that it barely touched the girls leg. It could be mistaken for an accident though, and Tsubaki seemingly took it that way.

I was sure that sentiment began to die down soon though, as slowly my finger trailed up her long legs.

When I reached her inner thigh, she twitched a bit but otherwise remained calm, though I could see from the corner of my eyes her face gain a slight blush and her nipples harden even further.

For a while longer I played along the inside of her thigh, paying attention to ever reaction, and her lack of disproval.

Our game continued as I tried to get her to react and she tried to keep her compsure.

Eventually, I reached a the familar texture of light pubic hair and further down that of her clit. I rubbed lightly, and this time the girl opened her eyes, taking a glance at me before she closed them again and took another sip of sake.

'Not good enough', I thought to myself, as I used my sexual experience to stimulate her. Eventually, I had two finger inbetween her lower lips and I could feel her feintly rocking her hips.

It wasn't my imagination when she had scooted a few inches closer and loosened her body a bit more.

At this point our thighs were already touching and it was childsplay to reach any part of her I wanted.

Darkness none the wiser confinued to ride me like an expert cow girl, even as my attention was more on Tsubaki then her in that moment.

I had to give it to the girl, Tsubaki had very good control over her expressions. Even as I simultaneously thrusted two fingers into her and stimulated her clit she reamined at lesst outwardly composed. Unfortunately, when it came time for her orgasm, she couldn't help the feint "hmm" that escaped her as well as the twitching of her lower half.

Satisfied with my victory, I forced Darkness to hold her breath as she sucked me off down below all the while I wrapped an arm around Tsubaki and played with her ginormous breast. I would enjoy sucking on them later as I pounded her into oblivion.

(3rd person POV)

The liberators were probably rolling in their graves the way Yogiri and co brute forced their way into all of the labyrinths.

For example, the Sunken Ruins of Melusone, initially only available when you used the pendant from the volcano, was forcefully breeched via brute force.

Yogiri was joined by nearly the entire party, only devoid of Ringo.

The main theme of this labyrinth were illusions. There was an attempt to break them down by showing them the horrors of the world. Unfortunately, all they were met with was indifference, human and demon alike were slaughtered as soon they recognized it was an illusion.

"I'm dissatisfied…" Shea muttered as she leaned on her giant hammer off to the side. Yue, Nemesis, and Tsukasa we're similarly respectively lounging off in the distance, waiting for everyone else to receive restoration magic from the magic circle.

"I must agree." Darkness said as she herself walked off the magic circle and stretched out her limbs. "This level of mind torture is too lackluster for my taste." She muttered with a sigh.

"Right you are my comrade, right you are." Tio nodded. "Even a light scolding from Master has done more to get me going."

"You're a worthless cum slut." Yogiri deadpanned, rolling his eyes as Tio lit up.

"See! Thank you Master o' mine." A borderline preadtory smile graced her lips.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that." A new voice spoke as Tsubaki held her head and crouched to the floor.

"Well then that's everyone right?" Shea sounding irritated picked up her hammer and walked to Yogiri. "Can we move on now, preferably to something a little harder."

She sounded pained from the lack of an actual challenge.

Before Yogiri could say anything though, his attention was suddenly drawn upward.

"I think… you'll get exactly what you want." Tsukasa too peered upwards, the area around her eyes buldging with veins.

"I sense my kind, my Lord." Noint spoke up from the side of Nemesis.

With a flick of her wrist, Nemesis threw down a ring, opening a portal outside the labyrinth.

"The traitor has been located." A cold voice boomed through the air. "Lord Ehit expressed his dissatisfaction, you will atone via your erratication."

Atop the recently cleared labyrinth, thousands of white winged girls adorned in silver amor hovered in the air.

Standing in front of them all was one who though looking exactly the same radiated a power far greater than the rest.

"Additionally, it has been commanded that the heretics be shown their place." She turned from Noint to look at us.

"It seems I have been replaced already." Noint spoke, a feint trace of contempt etching through.

"Indeed, the name the Lord has blessed me with is Neu, I was created after Lord Ehit observed the clear flaw in the old generations design." The new apostle who was quite the chatterbox rattled on as she raised her arms.

"Listen and listen well, by the decree of the One and True God, you shall be annih-."

A loud boom interrupted her spiel as a hammer came flying down at her at a speed that broke the sound barrier.

Impressively enough, though caught off guard Neu managed to dodge out of the way fast enough to avoid contact, though the force of it blew her and a few hundred of her sisters down to the water below.

"Enough talking Damn it!" Shea raged, her anger at not being able to have an actual fight reaching a boiling point.

"I will eliminate her Master." Noint began to fly but before she could get far a telekinetic force stopped her and dragged her back.

"Your time will be better spent doing other things." Yogiri said as he fondled her chest when she was close enough.

"Let the girl take her frustration out for a bit, we'll intervene if she proves unable to handle it." Yogiri said before he began falling to the water below.

Almost as if to catch him, the surface of the water broke apart. Rock and other pieces of land rose to the surface clumping together and binding until a mini island was built atop the water.

Almost as soon as he landed with Noint at his hip a black blur descended.

"I feel that one is a bit stronger, the rabbit may be in trouble." Nemesis said as she looked into they sky at Shea who was rapidly dealing with the hundreds of apostles trying to dogpile her.

"Keep an eye out, it's fine as long as she doesn't die." Yogiri shrugged, his eyes narrowing when one of said apostles came crashing down into the water and sent a large wave straight at them from the force.

After it passed the three were left soaked with their clothes clinging to their bodies.

"Great.." Yogiri pulled the droplets of water out of his clothes.

Nemesis on the other hand just took off the skimpy black dress leaving her naked body exposed to the elemenets.

Tsukasa remained close by Shea, she was adorned in her balance breaker ready to boost at any moment if it looked like the girl was in trouble.

As much as she'd like to avoid being her training partener everytime Yue refused, she'd rather the bunny-girl not get killed.

Everyone else after a while went off to escape the flying bodies that kept hurdling towards them.

Tsubaki retreated down back to the labyrinth, looking to scavenge whatever artifacts she could.

Yue, Tio, and Darkness came down to the makeshift island.

Nemesis was in her adult form overlooking the group effort of Cattleya and Noint slobbering all over Yogiri's cock.

Yogiri played with her chest as the girl fingered herself.

"Such depravity." Darkness said feigning irritation.

"Indeed. Master, surely we can satisfy you more than these harlots." Tio followed up.

"Hmm." Yue's pouts didn't go unnoticed as a telekinetic force grabbed her. Her pout turned into a smile as she felt herself getting pulled closer.

"Move." Yue commanded as she kicked the two ferverant servants away leaving more room on his lap for her to claim.

"Impatient aren't you." Nemesis giggled. Her teasing fell in deaf ears though as Yue, already transformed into her adult form, was straddling Yogiri and locking lips with him.

Nemesis being the vouyer she was, was all happy to watch from the side using Noint as a vibrator.

Yogiri took a handful of Yue's plump ass and pushed it deeper into him. Their kiss deepened and Yue moved her hips in a circular fashion across Yogiri's cock. Starting with her white button down, one by one her clothes were stripped until she was left in nothing but her black lingere.

Breaking the kiss, Yue backed away just enough that she could fully see Yogiri's face. Her natural seduction leaked to her face and she licked her lips. While continuing to rock her fleshy ass against his bulge she reached behind her and undid the hook of her bra.

Her tits spilled out free from their restraints. Yogiri watched it in slow motion from their first release to the bounce moments after.

He couldn't resist and burried his face in those flesh mounds, taking a deep breath before he took one of the pink buds in his mouth.

"Nnn~ Naughty." Yue gasped, pulling him deeper into her chest and grinding even more fervently.

With his cock already free and lubed from the service of the two cock servants before, Yue positioned it between her butt and sensually slid herself up and down it.

Eventually, she grew to impatient, reaching behind her yet again, this time to move the fabric blocking her flooded cunt.

"Fuck me, Master." Yue whispered into his ear as she aligned herself, her tendancy to being a switch shining through.

His hands still firmly planted on her ass, it was easy to force himself into her abnormally tight cunt.

The combined stimulation of both feeling the girls walls wrap around him and seeing the ever-debaturace Nemesis spread eagled on the ground and masterbating intensly was too much for Yogiri to resist.

"You're so rough~." Yue moaned through her smiling expression, slowly working her way up and down my pole.

Her every twitch sent waves of pleasure straight to both their brains. Yogiri switched his grip grabbing the soft flesh in her front. Her nipples were hard and her entire body shuddered when he gave them a lick.

"More. Do that more~." She moaned in his hear as he then wrapped his mouth around the bud.

Yue's pace increased after that. Her hips moved in circles and forced his cock to scrape against every part of her walls.

"Their all watching Yogiri." The girl couldn't help but to whisper, her voice sounding so aroused. "Their all getting aroused watching us."

"Then we should give them a proper show shouldn't we." Yogiri smirked suddenly increasing the pace just a bit as he took control of the thrust.

Yue lost her balance immediately and was forced to grab onto his neck as to not fly away.

"Thats too good!" Yue howled, her legs wrapping around his back as she had no control over her own pleasure.

His every thrust threatend to penetrate her womb as his pace increased rapidly.

"I'm gonna explode!~" The girl's eyes rolled back. Her arms and legs tightened around Yogiri. Her back straightened and with a force that nearly shot her off Yogiri's cock she came.

"Ooo, that was good!" Nemesis off to the side shouted.

"It's not over yet." Yogiri shouted, his dick popping out with a pop before he hoisted the girl in the air with telekenesis.

He put her in position so she was bent at the waist over the chair. "You ready my slut!" He smacked her thick ass getting a groan in return.

It rippled and left a red mark. He spread her cheeks getting a full view of her dripping wet and freshly pounded cunt. It almost looked like it was breathing and made an audible sound when Yogiri re entered her.

Well he almost did, unfortunately he was throw off track when 2 of the previously fighting puppets came crashing down, damn near clashing into Yue before she managed to snap out of her orgasm and dodge last second.

"SHEA!!" Yue frustratededly yelled, watching as in the far distance the girl was using one of the puppets to hit the rest all over the place.

Regrettably Yue flew into the sky forgetting to clothe herself and deciding the bunny had rampaged long enough.

"Ah Master!" A dark haired dragoness spoke as she appeared within Yogiri's field of vision. "This one couldn't help but notice your companion in such debaucharus acts has left you. Though I may not be as deserving as Lady Yue, if you so wished it, I wouldn't mind accompanying you." Tio's wordy request lost all form of sincerity when one looked paid attention to the rubbing of her legs and the biting of her lips.

"Why would I want to fuck an old hag?" Yogiri scoffed, sitting back in his chair.

"A hag?!" Tio huffed more aroused then she was angry. "Surely you jest, Even Lady Tsukasa has lived double the age I have and you have no problem bending her over!"

"Yeah but, she doesn't look the part. You on the other hand.."

"N-no way, I am still so young, to be called aged in such a manor..". Tio seemed to freak out, casting and using a clear shard of ice to see her reflection.

"Interesting, you actually made her react like a proper person." Nemesis noted, standing up and walking over to the frantic dragon girl.

"But let's be honest." She pulled Tio in front of her facing Yogiri. Her hands went between her partly exposed breast, pulling at where the kimono folded on top of itself. The fabric already struggling to contain her massive tits gave out, releasing her pink buds to the fresh air. "You'd never get tired of fucking this body."

Nemesis grabbed a handful of both her breast causing the girl to squirm around. Her kimono opened up a bit more revealing her toned stomach. Yogiri allowed his eyes to trail down past her belly button to her hairless crotch. The girl didn't wear underwear, very typical of her.

"Look at how hard you are." Nemesis pointed out before she slowly but surely edged the girl to walk closer.

"Go serve your lord, show him how you've been molded to his every desire." The ultimate wingman and honestly Yogiri's bests friend spoke as she coxed the girl forward.

"If you'd excuse me Master!" Tio was all but happy to comply, falling to her knees as she was used to doing and with an all too familiar dexterity, she opened her mouth and took him to the base.

She got really into the action, her eyes dimming and her face turning fervernt.

"Mmm, I'm going to need you to myself later, this is turning me on so much." Nemesis came from his side still very much in the nude and flaunting her sexy body. She watched the girl retract her head before moving in again at a slow pace.

Yogiri occasionally would occasionally close his eyes and sigh or look up into the sky or grunt. Nemesis savored each and every reaction.

She placed one of her legs between his legs, careful not to interupt Tio's work. She lifted herself against his slightly bent thigh in a way mounting his leg.

She left a trail or her juices everytime she rubbed herself on him. Her breast brushed against his arm and Yogiri felt pleasure feeling her nipples against his skin.

He had a hard time picking a person to pay attention to.

Helping Nemesis out, he reached his hand that was until then between her fleshy tits and reached behind her, grabbing her tanned and equally as lucious ass.

"Hmmmmmm~." The girl's hums soon turned to a slight giggle. "I love when you do that~." She whispered in her ear, breathing into his neck and kissing him.

Yogiri's pinky was brushing against her labia and with it he could feel the slimy sensation of her arousal.

"I don't know if I can wait til later anymore." Yogiri turned to see the girl's face was reddening rapidly. "Hurry up and pound her, make her explode on your cock. Then do the same to me. Then do it to everyone, let me watch you break us all and transform us into thoughtless cock sluts." Her breathing was getting faster and faster and with it Yogiri seemed to achieve a new level of arousal.

His grip around her ass tightened and Nemesis couldn't stop her moan. "Yes! I can feel it~, this is why you're so perfect. No one can satisfy me the way you do, now let me watch-." The girl was cut off as Yogiri forcefully took her lips. His tongue invaded her mouth and danced with hers.

His arousal was reaching a point he hadn't ever reached before. A muffled scream came from below as Tio with her cheeks bulging from the cum spewing into her mouth pulled away.

Like a firehose the cum sprayed on Tio's face not stopping until her entire front was covered in cum. Even then Yogiri was too occupied mouth fucking the other girl with his tongue.

Nemesis was losing power in her legs and even as she slumped down Yogiri kept at it.

When he finally had enough he dragged the dazed girl over to the chair and threw her down. His attention immediately turned to Tio who was sat soread eagle on the ground trying to regain her breath.

She wasn't given much of a break as without warning the white fluid on her face suddenly flew away allowing her to regain her vision just in time to see a thick veiny rod gouge into her cunt.

No words could leave her as her mouth formed an O and her tongue fell out. It penetrated her womb and twisted it's way inside her. She couldn't fully comprehend the level of pleasure her body was receiving. It spasmed at every thrust, she couldn't feel any other part of her body not even her back that was pushed against the hard rock below her.

She lost all her other senses but touch, only able to feel the area around her crotch. It was insanity. How could she expect to go on living without this man.

She couldn't see anything, hear anything, taste anything, or smell anything. Just a never ending pleasure.

On the outside, her thighs and ass jiggled as he rammed into her, her reddish pink clit was swollen and her pussy utterly beaten.

Her creamy tits did circles almost looking like they might fly away from the force. Yogiri's hands dug into her waist as he handled her without mercy.

When it was clear Tio was utterly gone, he pulled out emptying a large load onto her and painting her white. Internally, for what would feel like a whole month Tio in her mind was still getting fucked good and hard.

Yogiri staggered over to where Nemesis was looking like a mad beast. Cum still dripped from his tip.

Nemesis who had been lost in the intense sex with Tio had gasped when she finally realized his advance.

"This is what you wanted right?" Yogiri grunted as he kept approaching. "MY GOD YES!" She jumped onto him before he could fully make it.

She wrapped her arms loosly around his neck and perfectly alligned her pussy with his raging dick.

The two in a standing lotus position forced their hips into the other. Nemesis was just as active as Yogiri. Their rythm met in perfect sync.

Eventually they determined they couldn't pleasure eachother enough in that position. Nemesis fell to the floor and bent herself over the chair. She spread as much as she could revealing every detail of her vagina and the small wrinkly hole above it.

Yogiri couldn't hold back the loud grunt as he re entered into the girl, he grabbed her by her neck and forced her back to arch even as she gripped the chair with a strength that nearly broke it.

"This body will forever be mine. I'll make it a point to fuck you beyond unciousness, every single day of the rest of your life." He pronounced every syllable and matched it with a thrust.

He couldn't see it but Nemesis' face made an expresion beyond joy.

"I LOVE YOU~! THANK YOU!" Nemesis loved her new life. More than anyone in the groupchat and more than even Yogiri. She absolutely fucking addored every waking second she lived. She couldn't express just how much she yearned for the debauched and free life she lived now.

She'd never liked to admit it, but she was beyond lonely in her own world. Isolation would do that to people. Yogiri's presence was god send, no, it was far more than that. A being who was so alike her, who matched her in ways she couldn't even really comprehend.

It did things to her. It made her crave things she would have never even thought of before. It almost made her want to marry him, just so she could guarentee that this life remained forever.

But FUCK that, Yogiri was free, he didn't do that cringey sentimental shit. His presence made Lust worth more than Love. He didn't treat her gently, he didn't want only her. He was beyond that, beyond her who admittedly couldn't live anymore without him. Was it love, or was it something much deeper, she didn't know.

It didn't matter, as long as she knew this life was far from fading she'd be happy. Happy as she watched him fuck an entire universe of women, and happy as he reminded her everyday like he promised exactly what she lived for. Just like he was doing now.

Nemesis had fallen, even when Yogiri pulled out of her she felt like he was still there, pounding away at her tight little cunt and her bouncy ass.

She made sure to say concious. She watched as one by one the girls were dragged over and forced to come to the same conclusion she had.

First it was Darkness, the girl not even able to insult the man as she begged and begged for more.

Then he forced down Shea and Yue who had concluded the fight. The rabbit in particular was on a high from the fight and was more than happy to have her blue locs pulled as the boy fucked every hole in her body.

Yue having been interrupted prior was fucked on top of Shea's unconscious body. She screamed his name to the high heavens.

Tsukasa couldn't escape. She was dragged back up along with Tsubaki. The girl was forced to watch as her red haired friend form unintelligent words and begged to be impregnated.

Tsubaki practically begged after that. The inner pervert in her having been awakened as she bounced her thick ass all over his cock. In her head she imagined a certain red haired goddess by her side, taking it to the stomach just like she was.

The maids followed after. If both hadn't been devoted before they surely were now. They had absolutely no reservation. They begged, cursed their former God, all for Yogiri to reward them.

Nemesis had almost wondered if he'd go after the two girls remaining back at the base. Instead of that though he walked back over to her.

She could see his bulging cock even through her stomach as she was yet again filled. Who knew how many times the sun had risen and set before the boy was done.

Nemesis had climaxed the most, the number reaching a number beyond what should be possible in even a year.

Darkness followed after, her stamina allowed for more sessions and she always came back for seconds.

After that was Yue, then Tio, Shea, Tsubaki, Tsukasa, and finally the maids. The last two were forced to take a break as they completely ignored their health and nearly died in the throes of pleasure.

(In a different location)

Something was wrong. His presence was being treated as something that was irrelevant.

Those who didn't worship him would atleast do the opposite and despise him. One way or the other everything always revolved around him. His army had been utterly destroyed without much of a thought, which was strange considering he actually put time into their creation.

He then in the end had his newest and strongest apostle sneak an artifact on Noint, one that would regain him control over her. The moment he activated the artifact though he was kicked off, her mind being completely closed off to him. It was almost like she wasn't even thinking.

Something was wrong. His fun was being ruined and even more than that nothing he schemed came to prosper.

He needed them dead.. they needed to die. It was God's law, and his law was absolute.

(Back with Yogiri)

The non stop sex lasted for days leaving all the girls in a coma. Nemesis had it the worse, the girl hadn't been able to form a thought since the first day.

In the end Yogiri had to carry all the girls back to the base himself. He found it funny seeing the shock on Miledi's and Ringo's faces when the naked and cum dripping girls were sprawled out all over the floor.

He put them all on a bed after cleaning them and forcing food into their stomachs before he jumped in the center using Yue and Nemesis as hig hug pillows. Both girls had taken the brunt of his arousal, well besides Darkness, but that was trivial.

A week passed and finally someone began to stir.

The forever young, immortal red head sat up slowly. Her eyes gazed around the room in absolute confusion before they landed on Yogiri. Her expression was blank before her memory began coming back to her.

"I.. I can still feel it." She said absolutely dazed. Even with her immortality she could still feel the soreness in her legs. Her twat shivered just from the touch of the sheets and she recoiled.

"Yogiri what did you do." She moaned and groaned at every little twitch of her legs or ass that caused her beyond sensitive pussy to react.

"Yeah… Sorry, if anything blame Nemesis." He scratched his head, turning to the girl who had perpetuated the whole thing.

"It's kind of hard to do that." Tsukasa said also turning to Nemesis. She sighed at the fact that similar to her the girls nipples were as hard as diamonds and her face was morphed in uncomfortable pleasure.

The red head tried to stand up to her credit managing a few steps before she fell to the ground with a cry. "Seriously! What did you do?!" Yogiri had never seen the girl so at a loss.

Tsukasa was rendered helpless, Yogiri had to act as her personal butler, moving her around via pyschokenesis.

Thankfully, probably because she recieved the least abuse, her sensitivity began to lessen to a bearable amount.

Shea was the next to awaken, just two days later. The girl who once jumped at every opportunity to get filled with cum recoiled when she had even looked down at his crotch. Similar to Tsukasa she was completely immobile and needed to be taken care of.

Tio and Darkness woke up around the same time. Darkness had thrown countless insults at him while Tio writhed around from the constant stimulation.

This time Yogiri made the girls fend for themselves.

A whole month after they had been rendered comatose, the maids woke up. It was funny watching them fufill their duties. They could barely stand up straight let alone walk.

Yue woke up next.

"Bad boy." That was as much of a reprimand she gave before she drained him of a few pints of blood.

Unlike the rest she seemed intent on remianing glued to the bed not moving even a little bit.

"Ive been reborn.." Tsubaki declared, her eyes shooting open before her crotch shot up and her eyes rolled back. She had unfortunately brushed her hips past the blankets and the pleasure nearly sent her back into a coma.

She had impressive endurance considering she was weaker than everyone else.

A whole two months passed and all the girls slowly recovered. Even Yue had managed to get out of bed eventually. Despite that, no one seemed eager to risk another coma.

Yogiri remained taking care of Nemesis, feeling a little bad that it was taking so long for her to recover.

It was getting close to the three month mark.

The girls were starting to get impatient again, ready to take on the next labyrinth and even the next after that.

It was getting to the point where soon enough, they'd leave this world behind and go onto the next.

Presently, Yogiri was half way across the world from Miledi's labyrinth, getting materials for Ringo in some abandoned mineshaft.

Due to his actions it had been a while since he had gotten to stick his dick in some nice ass. The felatios he got from the rest of the girls were nice, but it left something to be desired.

Thankfully, he always had a bootly call at his beck and call. And just like that, a beyond beautiful pale blue haired goddess rode him on the floor of that mineshaft, happily moaning as her tits swayed every which way.

"Yogiri!" She called his name as she clenched around him cumming hard around his cock and taking his load into her snatch.

"Hah." She stood up spreading her labia and letting him see the cum dripping from it. "I'd love to keep this going, unfortunately, you have company." She said before she suddenly disappeared and with it all traces of their sex.

The now clothed Yogiri turned seeing a portal appear in the distance. From it a black blur exited and rushed in his direction.

"Nemi-hmm." He tried to speak her name but before he could he was suddenly on the ground with a soft sensation eveloping his lips.

He opened his eyes to see familar long black hair. The girl was feral, invading his mouth with her tongue and forcing it nearly down his throat.

It was a long time until she finally backed away, wiping away the saliva from her lips and allowing Yogiri to see her.

It was definitely Nemesis. He had fucked the girl too many times to not know every inch if her body.

There was something different though, and that was the fact that she had literal hearts in her eyes.

"Um, you're up." Yogiri spoke, as the girl leaned closer as she straddled him and pecked his lips again.

"Yep." She nodded happily. "And if I thought I could last more than one thrust from your godly bitch breaking cock, I'd ask you to put me into another one." She said rubbing his member from atop his pants.

"I'm sorry, I went too far." He said before she shook her head as fast as possible.

"NO!" She looked more passionate than Yogiri had ever seen before. "Three measly months of lost time is nothing, please please please please please, I want you to do it again and again and again and again." The girl was feral.

"I don't think you'd be very functional if that happened." He replied in a daze.

"Than I just need to last longer, and the best way to do that is to keep doing it." She smiled wickedly before she leaned back.

"Your worse than the maids." Yogiri chuckled not expecting his words to spark inspiration within the girl.

"Tattooing your name above my pussy while you pound me into dust.. that, that's so hot." She replied seeming ready to do that exact thing.

"Alright, let's calm down." Yogiri sat up forcing Nemesis to fall backwards.

"'Cock slut of Yogiri the Bitch Breaker', I can see it now, I'm definitely gonna get you to do it." She seemed lost in her own delusions.

"You're insane." Yogiri deadpanned though he did bookmark the idea in the back of his head.

"Didn't you say you'd fuck me everyday of my life?!" Nemesis said her eyes widening.

"I couldn't exactly do that when you were unconscious."

"Oh who cares, I'm sure I would've woken up." She rolled her eyes. "And anyway I'm awake now you big dick beast, SO POUND YOUR SLUT GOOD AND HARD!"

She spasmed uncontrollably trying to spread her labia, the after effects of three months prior having impacted this girl the most.

He deadpanned questioning how he'd exactly do that when she couldn't even handle her own touch.

Regardless he slipped down his pants and began walking towards the tanned nude girl. "Well, show me how much you want it first." He said pushing his hardened member against her cheek.

"Don't mind if I do." Nemesis replied happily licking his tip before enveloping it with her lips. She sexilly looked up at Yogiri, making a perfect vaccum as she got him off.

Yogiri was right, the moment he even got near her cave she would spasm uncontrollably. Eventually though, he ended up sticking his bitch breaker in the girl's asshole filling her with his jizz all while mantaining her sanity.

"Yogiri! gone." The moment Yogiri walked in the living room Shea confronted the man only to calm down as she saw the naked girl in question hanging from the mans neck licking over the dozens of hickeys she had given him.

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